Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Ja, das ist die Genehmigung die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft behalten zu können.
Im Allgemeinen gibt es kein Patentrezept für diese Anträge und vielleicht ist da ja für Österreich auch anders. Dem deutschen Bundesverwaltungsamt muss man glaubhaft machen können, dass man fortbestehende Bindungen an Deutschland hat (z.B. durch Familie, Kontoauszüge einer deutschen Bank, Grundbesitz oder sonstiges) und man ausserdem Gründe hat die amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft anzunehmen (z.B. berufliche Benachteiligung, Mann im Miliär, etc). Es gibt dazu auch eine yahoo group (zweipaesse oder so ähnlich?).

Hi Thea,
danke fuer die Info. Ich werde um die Genehmigung beim Amt der Landesregierung St. Poelten ansuchen (dort bin ich geboren). Habe einen Link gefunden bei der Website ueber Dual Citizenship USA/Austria. Ich hoffe, es klappt.
Have a Happy New Year! star_smile.gif

imzadiFemaleAustria2008-12-28 10:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
QUOTE (thea @ Dec 23 2008, 12:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
kicking.gif Ich habs endlich geschafft während der Öffnungszeiten bei der deutschen Botschaft in DC vorbeizufahren und meine Beibehaltungsurkunde abzuholen. Wow war da ein Betrieb! Ich glaube jeder, der irgendwie zu Weihnachten Urlaub hat versucht seine Botschaftsangelegenheiten in den paar Tagen zu erledigen wacko.gif Aber was solls... ich hab meine Papiere zusammen und jetzt fehlt nur noch das Interview für die US citizenship star_smile.gif

Hi Thea,
meinst Du mit der Beibehaltungsurkunde die Genehmigung, die deutsche Staatsbuergerschaft behalten zu koennen, wenn Du die US Citizenship erlangt hast?
Ich moechte naemlich auch naechstes Jahr um diese Genehmigung ansuchen. Ich bin eligible for US Citizenship im Februar 2009.
Sorry, falls meine Frage schon in einem vorherigen Post von Dir beantwortet wurde - der Thread "German people ..." ist so lang; hatte keine Lust,
alle 300+ Seiten zu lesen.
Welche Papiere muss man da vorbereiten, um die Beibehaltungsgenehmigung zu erhalten? Ich nehme mal an, fuer Deutschland und Oesterreich sind die Regelungen aehnlich/identisch ...
Fuer Informationen/Anregungen waere ich Dir sehr dankbar smile.gif
Have a Merry Christmas star_smile.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2008-12-24 09:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGerman "Umlaut" in name
I don't think you'll have any problems - interviewers have seen names with "umlaut" before, I'm pretty sure.
My mother's maiden name had an umlaut, too and I also simply wrote "ue" instead of "u with dots".
Had no issues about that.
Good luck with your naturalization! smile.gif

imzadiFemaleAustria2009-02-10 20:13:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDoes spouse needs to be with me at interview?
It certainly wouldn't hurt to have your spouse come with you to the interview, even if he/she isnt' allowed to come into the interview room, but at least for moral support ... star_smile.gif
If your interview date coincides with the vacation, you can ask for a rescheduling of the interview or your husband/wife can do his/her trip at another time.
I wish you the best for the rest of your immigration journey! smile.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-05-03 09:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWe lived seperated for 3 years
I'm sorry to hear your marriage didn't work out the way you wanted it.
As for the N-400 application - you better wait until you meet the 5 year requirements. Lying about your residence (that you both lived together) is definitely not a good idea! If found out you'll lose your status als LPR.
You won't lose anything if you wait for 2 more years before applying for citizenship.
Best wishes for your future! star_smile.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-06-04 18:28:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Experience
Congratulations! star_smile.gif Sounds like your interview was a piece of cake! kicking.gif
Hope mine goes that well, too.
Good luck to us all! smile.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-06-10 12:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 test old or new!
QUOTE (ariel_2005 @ Jun 21 2009, 01:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi everyone...i would like to know which test is easier ? the old test or new one? please share any comments about each smile.gif... thank you...

I don't think the new test is more difficult than the old one - I compared the test questions of both old and new version. Some questions remained the same, some have been replaced with others and the wording is different in a couple of them. But I don't consider them more difficult.
But either way, if you are applying now, then you'll have to take the new test.
If you study them well, you'll be fine.
Good luck! star_smile.gif

imzadiFemaleAustria2009-06-21 09:04:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTraveling
QUOTE (jess1 @ Jun 25 2009, 12:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks both of smile.gif

I sent out my package on June 9 and bio is on July 13...and I am planning the trip between August 1 till Aug 30. local office is detroit and i see that people dont get their IL too soon. may be anyone from detroit can help ...


Well, I'm not from Detroit but our timelines are pretty close - I filed on June 5 and my bios are July 1st. Based on that I'd think you'll receive the
interview letter sometime in August when you're gone; so it might be good if someone watches your mail and gets ahold of you in case your interview collides with your vacation and you have to come home prematurely.
I'll travel abroad, too in August, but my trip will only last from the 5th to the 16th.
You'll also have to tell about your intl. trip at the interview.
Enjoy your vacation and good luck for the rest of your journey! star_smile.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-06-25 12:59:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMy Oath Ceremony rant, Who schedules something like this on 4th
I'd be happy and honored too if I had the chance to take the oath on July 4th - I couldn't wish for a better day!! star_smile.gif
It just ain't possible in my case since I filed for citizenship just a few weeks ago. I guess I won't even make it 'til Labor Day (also a popular Oath Ceremony Date ...) wink.gif
If I were in the position that my Oath Ceremony collides with a vacation etc. I'd rather reschedule the vacation than the ceremony. It's too important!
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-06-25 12:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCivics Test
QUOTE (queendlee @ Jun 29 2009, 01:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My only other issue is the number of answers for questions that the number of responses was not stated. For instance a questions where three responses are given and the question ask state the reason for x. Do you give all three or do you give one of their responses.
Its obvious for the questions that the answers are just worded in different ways like "what is the emancipation proclamination?" the answers are just different wording of the same answer, but for a questions like "why did the colonist fight the british?" or"what is the rule of law?" - several answers are given, do you answer all three or just one?

I thought about this, too. But using common sense one might think that one of the suggested answers will suffice.
Since the test doesn't look too difficult anyway I'd suggest to study all the answers so you can present "alternatives" in case the IO ins't satisfied.

imzadiFemaleAustria2009-06-29 13:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCivics Test
QUOTE (NickD @ Jun 25 2009, 07:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When we say good luck at your interview, that means not running into a traffic jam and getting a reasonable IO, those factors you have no control over and that requires good luck.

I couldn't agree more - the traffic is crazy in Atlanta and I really have to keep my fingers crossed that there will be no jam on my interview day.
And as for the reasonable IO: we all hope for getting one.
About the test questions - I also think one should give only the number of answers requested; no more, no less.

imzadiFemaleAustria2009-06-25 09:45:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhat All I need to Attach while Sending I400
QUOTE (Plano @ Jul 2 2009, 03:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have to send My papers and Just wondering should i send all the supporting documents Now it self or required Only during Interview when filing for citizenship based on Marriage to USC.

I got this confusion as friend of Mine said Dont send anything Now, get everthing ready Only for Interview.

Another question I have is I am living in My in lawas 2nd House and I have No utility bill in my name except i pay the bills directly. Should I nned to Change to My Name or it is OK?

Thanks and Your help is Appreciated!


Hi Plano,
if your application is based on marriage you should submit documents (copies thereof) that prove a bonafide marriage, i.e. joint bank account statements, car insurance information, health/life insurance, will etc., wherever both your names show up. Photos of both of you are good, too, letters written to both of you, documentation of trips you took together ... You can also enclose an affidavit of support from your in-laws that tells you live in their house, you have a legit marriage.
When you go to your interview, bring the originals of all the copies you submitted. You never know what the IO may want to see.
Good luck for your journey! star_smile.gif

imzadiFemaleAustria2009-07-03 09:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMy Interview Experience.....
Congratulations for your successful interview! star_smile.gif
Have a happy 4th of July and a neat celebration! kicking.gif dancin5hr.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-07-02 14:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCan YOU pass the latest citizen test?
QUOTE (AntandD @ Jul 5 2009, 12:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
By the way, did they give you any problems when you asked for such material during your biometrics appointment?

Hi Ant,
no, I didn't even have to ask for the booklet - the man at the counter handed it over to me when he saw I was a naturalization applicant.
I noticed that routine already last year when I did the fingerprinting for the I-751 process. I saw some people reading something but first I couldn't tell what it was (purses, cell phones etc. aren't allowed to bring into the building; just the appt. letter and wallet with ID). I asked someone and was told that this is study material and it's handed out to citizenship applicants only.
About the Flash Cards - they look neat and interesting but I'm not sure if I'm gonna get them. I don't feel very much like using up that much ink cartridge by printing them out nor do I want to spend any more money on the N-400 process than I already did.
Good luck to you and for the birth of your baby! smile.gif

Edited by imzadi, 05 July 2009 - 12:57 PM.

imzadiFemaleAustria2009-07-05 12:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCan YOU pass the latest citizen test?
Hi Ant,
you'll receive the study booklet (+ an audio CD) at your biometrics appt. It has all the 100 questions + answers and some extra information in it - though you'll not be tested on these extra lessons.
But you can find and download the questions also from the USCIS website - there is a link to the study material.
You did very well with a 75% quota - at the interview there is a 60% score required. good.gif
You'll still have plenty of time to study and the test isn't difficult at all.
Good luck for the rest of your journey! star_smile.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-07-05 09:41:00
US Citizenship General Discussion2 weeks till interview, but no "yellow letter"
QUOTE (ninthorange @ Jul 17 2009, 11:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I got a yellow letter, telling me to bring a state id to my interview, but i havent gotten my interview appointment. Which comes first? Should i worry about my interview notice being lost in the mail?



No, I don't think it got lost. I've read somewhere that some people get first the yellow letter, then the IL or the other way around; the letters are mailed from different places. Some don't even receive yellow letters at all.
My feeling is you'll get the IL pretty soon. The presence of a yellow letter means somebody is working on your file.
So I guess it's a good sign. Good luck for the rest of your journey! star_smile.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-07-17 12:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuestions at the Oath?
QUOTE (jsnearline @ Jul 22 2009, 04:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Has anyone ever been quizzed again on the civics questions at their Oath Ceremony? I was talking to a friend who naturalized a number of years back and he said the judge called on a few people and asked them some civics and history questions.

I can't imagine that. As far as I know the oath ceremony is an event to relax and enjoy - not to be quizzed again. unsure.gif
At least I haven't read from anyone here having had an experience like that at the ceremony.
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-07-22 16:22:00
US Citizenship General Discussion1st Time Passport Application issue: What Would You Do? (POLL)
Hi KromiX,
I'm not from Miami, but basically I would want to be on the safe side and not panicking/speculating if the passport makes it in time.
Just go ahead and apply for passport right away after the oath ceremony.
That's what I would do. Good luck! star_smile.gif

imzadiFemaleAustria2009-07-22 07:38:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhat happens if....
QUOTE (mamaSue @ Aug 2 2009, 10:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know I've got a few months to study.... but.... I get nervous and my mind goes blank in stressful situations.... so...
If I were to fail the citizenship questions... (Yes I WILL study hard beforehand... that's not the issue!!)......
Can I take the test again...
Will I have to do the whole citizenship application again...
Anyone ever failed...... what happens???

Hi mamaSue,
if you study the citizenship questions well, it's very unlikely you'll fail. I'm studying right now and the questions are really easy plus I keep reading from members who already took the test that it was a piece of cake.
You have to answer 6 out of 10 questions correctly - a 60% quota is very generous.
But even if (worst case scenario) you fail the test, the IO will give you another appointment in 60-90 days and you won't have to pay the fee again.
No reason to be nervous - you've got plenty of time .. star_smile.gif
Prepare yourself the best you can and you'll be fine! good.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-08-02 13:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 in National Benefits Center
QUOTE (Redneck-NOVA @ Aug 4 2009, 04:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got my NOA yesterday and it has an NBC-number (I assume it's National Benefits Center). My understanding was that NBC doesnt do N-400s and those are all done in local offices. Is that true or I got something wrong? Anyone else had their application go to NBC?

Hi Redneck-NOVA,
yes, that's normal. The applications are first sent to the NBC and later on they are forwarded to your local DO.
According to your timeline you'll get your Biometrics letter pretty soon.
Good luck for the rest of your journey! star_smile.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-08-04 16:12:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAlmost completed citzenship, need to travel. What to do?
QUOTE (warlord @ Jul 15 2009, 08:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Reschedule the trip is the most common response for a reason. Delaying the oath ceremony puts you back into the INS system which in some cases could take a long time. People need to figure out which is more important to them a trip or citizenship.

Agree on that. Rescheduling the oath ceremony causes a big delay and therefore a hassle with paperwork again.
I don't know which airline you are using for travel; I can only speak about Delta - they charge between $100 and $150 for rescheduling a flight date. This is not that big a deal. Easier to do that than messing around with the oath ceremony.
Do the oath and postpone your trip in a manner so you know for sure you have your US passport in your hand right in time and not worry about re-entry.
Just my 2 cents. wink.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-07-15 08:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 February 2009 Filers
Congratulations for your successful interview and same day oath!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

imzadiFemaleAustria2009-06-23 10:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAtlanta N-400 filers
QUOTE (PRK73 @ Aug 23 2009, 04:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A guy with receipt date of May 6, 2009 got his interview letter just yesterday 8/22/2009, interview date is sept 30, 2009 for Atlanta DO. So I think Atlanta DO is finally moving. I think svrao and nayani09 should be getting the letters soon. Good luck!!!

Recently I'm reading people getting an e-mail from CRIS that announces their case has been sent for an interview. This must be new.
Well, if the Atlanta DO is really moving, we should receive such an e-mail pretty soon, too - followed by the physical interview letter.
Good luck for all of us and to a speedy/smooth process! star_smile.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-08-23 15:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGetting a "yellow letter" Case File Rewiew Notice
QUOTE (hchhon @ Sep 10 2009, 10:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

My wife received a "yellow letter" Case File Review Notice stating that she needs to bring a document of her shoplifting arrest to the interview. And by the way she haven't receive the interview letter yet. I heard that they will send the interview letter a few weeks later. Is that true?
Here is what I am worry about. I am worry that she will be denied for a citizenship due to her arrest for shoplifting (less than $200 of stolen goods). She have the all court document that her case is dismiss.
Do you know anybody who was denied for a citizenship because of shoplifting?


Hi hchhon,
The yellow letter is quite a common thing - some people receive it, some don't. And the interview letter does indeed arrive a few weeks after the yellow letter, so everything is normal - no need to worry.
I can't imagine your wife is going to be denied for a shoplifting arrest. She should bring all the paperwork about the incident to the interview in case the officer wants to see them. But she should be fine.
Good luck for the rest of your journey! star_smile.gif

imzadiFemaleAustria2009-09-10 14:40:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - March 2009 Applicants
Congrats ttsully66 for such a smooth interview and approval! kicking.gif
Good luck for your interview tomorrow, Tini27! star_smile.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-07-22 10:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - March 2009 Applicants
QUOTE (queendlee @ Jul 16 2009, 11:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just took my OATH!!! So excited. It was a great experience! I am now a USC!!! I will apply for my passport soon, change my SS card and etuff soon. Doc asked me to rest for a few days after my surgery yesterday, so I will do it all when I feel a bit better!

Congrats, Queendlee! kicking.gif Must be a great feeling! good.gif
Have a good recovery from the surgery! star_smile.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-07-16 11:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - March 2009 Applicants
QUOTE (queendlee @ Jul 9 2009, 11:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got my oath letter - date July 16th Yeah! Unfortunately I am having surgery the day before, but it's out patient, so I will be able to go as long as my husband drives me!

Congrats to your oath letter! star_smile.gif
I'm sorry to hear you have surgery the day before - hopefully you feel well enough to enjoy the ceremony on the big day! good.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-07-09 14:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - March 2009 Applicants
QUOTE (MEKONG @ Jul 7 2009, 11:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all.

My interview was at 9:30. I arrived there at 8:45 . After pass security door , I asked the police where i can apply the letter. He told me : Window 9. I walked to the window and saw the lady was there. I thought she is a receiptionist and handed her my letterand looked for seat. But she came out from the other door and called my name.
Shed went over my applicatiion just few questions>
- Do you want to change your name?
- When was you born and where?
- Where do you live and my SS ?
- Have u ever dranker , drug or....pros....?
- What is your phone number?

The people elect Congress.


Who elect the Congress?

Civic question:

- Who wrote the Declaration of independence?
- Name 3 original states?
- State border to Mexico?
- What is potilical party of president now?
- Who is commander in chief of themilitary?.
- Two political party in The United States?

The she asked me which oath i want to take ? This week or next week.

This week. I replied.

All took me 10 minutes and wait for 20 to receive the oath letter .

The only thing i could say that i was lucky , I did not wait too long

Best wishes for the rest. and many thanks for VJ.


Please update my oath will be 7/10. I do not want to mess up. Thanks

Congrats, Mekong to a smooth and short interview! kicking.gif
Hope I'll have a similar experience! star_smile.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-07-07 13:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - March 2009 Applicants
QUOTE (nabbas @ Jun 28 2009, 01:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

We cant find my wife's green card. She is not sure if the officer took the green card or not. She does have the approval letter that says oath will be scheduled but the green card is no where to be found.

Did the officer keep the card or is it lost? If lost, this will be a real set back since getting a replacement takes 3.5 months! We are real bummed.

I'm sorry to hear your wife has lost her green card. It's not customary that the IO takes it at the interview since you have to turn it in at the Oath Ceremony. Plus you would need it if you travel abroad between interview and oath.
You'll most likely have to reschedule the ceremony. Explain the situation in the rescheduling letter; that you have to wait for the replacement GC.
But maybe you will still find the card after all. There is always hope.
Congratulations to a successful interview! star_smile.gif

imzadiFemaleAustria2009-06-28 13:06:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - March 2009 Applicants
QUOTE (pure8heart @ Jun 16 2009, 10:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
[font="Courier New"]I had my interview yesterday, same IO who did my interview at the removal of conditions interview. Passed the interview and took the oath today, I am done with my journey with USCIS and now I am home free. Thanks God for that. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

What a coincidence you had the same officer again to interview you! Did he remember you? whistling.gif wink.gif
Congrats to a smooth processing and to your citizenship!! kicking.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-06-17 17:28:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 ... April 2009 Applicants, Post your dates here!
QUOTE (jeangab75 @ Aug 5 2009, 09:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you want a reason to get the citizenship i was just grilled by the Border officer at Logan Airport on my way back from France. He asked me all kinds of questions :where at work, name of my position, how long i was working for my company, where do I keep my green card etc etc
I don't know what was his problem but he made me feel uncomfortable. It was really the first time that I had such a hard time at a US border. Normally they are very nice.

I can't wait to be a citizen not to have to worry about what these guys are thinking about me anymore.

Hi jeangab75,
your experience sounds very similar to the one I had when I returned from Austria the last time.
First the officer had a problem with my middle name - my middle name is printed on the Green Card but not in my passport; apparently because Austrians don't care very much about middle names, then he asked me too what my profession is ... huh.gif He made me feel uneasy, too - and I haven't even done anything wrong.
I never had any problems before at my return from an international trip. Normally it's a breeze.
I hope I have a more pleasant experience this time when I return - I fly to Austria this afternoon and will come back on Aug. 16. star_smile.gif
Certainly I can't wait to become a citizen either - my interview letter should arrive pretty soon. The next trip abroad I'm going to make will be with a US passport! good.gif

imzadiFemaleAustria2009-08-05 09:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 ... April 2009 Applicants, Post your dates here!
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Jul 6 2009, 04:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
At last - received my interview letter today - interview is at 1:05 - don't know if it will be in time for same day oath ceremony or not ...

Congrats, Kathryn - that's good news! star_smile.gif
I've read somewhere that the interview has to be successfully completed by 1:30 p.m. to qualify for a same day oath ceremony (but I'm not sure if my memory is correct ... unsure.gif). If you have your turn punctually you might just scrape through. Let's hope for it.

Good luck for your interviews tomorrow, Babonsi and macb1980! good.gif
Give us a report, please.

imzadiFemaleAustria2009-07-06 16:19:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 ... April 2009 Applicants, Post your dates here!
QUOTE (Merk @ Jul 1 2009, 08:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Question for all those that have/are planning to do the dual citizen... At the interview or oath do they take your countries passport? Asking because my husband is Turkish, ( falls under countries where dual citizenship is poss) has an interview scheduled for the 22nd and wanting to know if, after his interview and oath(provided he passes of course whistling.gif ) will he still get to keep his Turkish passport, so that he can fly back to Germany or does he have to wait untill his US passport is issued??

I don't think his Turkish passport is taken away at the interview or oath. But if he wants to travel internationally after the oath, he has to wait until he gets his US passport, since he can't reenter the US without US passport while already being a US citizen.
I hope this helps.

imzadiFemaleAustria2009-07-01 09:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 ... April 2009 Applicants, Post your dates here!
QUOTE (GermanInDixie @ Jun 14 2009, 10:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The big day is Tuesday and I'm becoming really nervous. . . Of course, the "good" car is in the shop and we have to take the other vehicle for this long drive. . . I just hope I don't mess up the test and my documents are sufficient (I sent tons of stuff with my application and now will have to go back and take the originals.)

I wish you good luck for your interview on Tuesday, too! star_smile.gif
Maybe you're lucky to have the Oath Ceremony on the same day as well! kicking.gif

imzadiFemaleAustria2009-06-14 10:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAtlanta Interview Experience
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Nov 2 2009, 10:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Unfortunately, no, with an appointment at 1:25 you will not be eligible for a same day oath ceremony in Atlanta. Your appointment needs to be in the morning in order to make the cut-off for the same day ceremony. My appointment was at 1:05 and I was given an oath date 2 weeks later. Another VJ couple had an interview half an hour before me on the same date and they too were scheduled for the ceremony 2 weeks later. While I was waiting for my interview those who were taking the oath that day were arriving for their ceremony. For my ceremony I was told to be there by 1 pm for my ceremony. The service was later but everyone had to be 'processed' prior to the ceremony.

Your interview itself takes time - assuming they are on schedule - and then there is a certain amount of post interview processing that has to take place prior to the oath ceremony. Your interview time is scheduled later than the 'start' of the afternoon oath ceremony processing, and there would not be enough time to do what needs to be done for you to take the oath the same day.

Oops - yes, that's true blush.gif ... Sorry, I didn't look at the clocktime of your interview.
You won't have a same day ceremony after all.
But when you are done with the interview the stressy part is over and you go relaxed to your ceremony and enjoy the day. star_smile.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-11-03 12:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAtlanta Interview Experience
Hi Mom2LiNoah,
the Atlanta DO does same day oath ceremonies pretty frequently; so I'd say your chances look good.
Good luck to your interview! star_smile.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-11-02 19:30:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAtlanta Interview Experience
Congrats svrao! kicking.gif Sure you are happy you finally had your turn - you've waited for quite some time.
I'm already excited about my upcoming interview next Monday. Hope it goes as smooth as yours. star_smile.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-10-13 16:45:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPart 14 of N400
No, you just sign it at the interview, when the officer asks you to do so. With the signature you declare your willingness to take the oath.
Good luck for the rest of your journey! star_smile.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-11-17 19:25:00
US Citizenship General Discussionnaturalization n400
Hi jarl,
based on your timeline (your GC is marriage based) you can apply for naturalization 3 years minus 90 days from the issue date of your GC - which would be end of May 2010.
Good luck for the rest of your journey! star_smile.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-11-21 14:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400: Ant’s Citizenship Interview Passed...OATH SCHEDULED...(Part 2 of 2)
Hi Ant,
Congratulations on your passed interview and to your upcoming oath ceremony! good.gif
It's really great the accomodations you requested were granted. star_smile.gif
Have a nice ceremony and enjoy your day - it's a once-in-a-lifetime event! kicking.gif
imzadiFemaleAustria2009-11-21 14:29:00