Canadau.s. divorce certificate
thank you so much now i can appologise to him . poor man, I'll give him extra special loving when he's here at christmas
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-11-22 12:23:00
Canadau.s. divorce certificate
Hi everyone just a quick question from anyone in the u.s. who has been divorced.
I know they ask for marriage and divorce certificates from previous marriages for packet 3. now what my husband has is his divorce settlement its about 10 pages long detailing the divorce and its signed by the judge will they accept this. He says they don't have an actual certificate in idaho? like the kind you can frame and put on your wall. We had a hard time convincing people in canada to issue us marriage license but they did accept it any reply would be great terry and george
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-11-22 11:50:00
CanadaWinnipeg Medical Experience & a question
hi thanks for the info i'm using him also, i called both doctors for info and his office was the most helpful and very friendly on the phone. hes the cheapest also. i have 2 kids to pay for also.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-11-25 22:54:00
Canadachildren and interview for k3/k4
thank you both so very much thats exactly what i needed to know. cheaper too now only 1 plane ticket, and i can go anytime they say.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-11-28 13:17:00
Canadachildren and interview for k3/k4
hi all.

i posted this question in k3 forum with no replies . so here it is . in guides it gives list of interview questions it includes 3 questions for k4 children, nowhere can i find the age at which they question kids. i don't want to drag kids across country if i don't have to. they are 8 and 9. are there any k3's with kids going to interview?
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-11-27 23:17:00
that was just too funny :lol: as we say here welcome to WINterpeg MAN its cold out CAN you stand it . the snow i love its the windchills i hate. At least it still snows in Idaho.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-12-02 01:44:00
CanadaWhich province are ya from?
hey eli meet you for coffee between the wheat fields and the potaoe plants lol . I'll be on the wash idaho border near spokane
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-11-21 22:51:00
CanadaWhich province are ya from?
hi its teryy i was born and raised in winnipeg, but have lived in saskatoon and northern ontario, and will be moving to coeur d' alene idaho. hopefully soon
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-11-14 08:37:00
Canadahow do i find out if my petition has been transfered

are u taking about from nvc ?

yes to nvc then to vancouver
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-12-08 08:06:00
Canadahow do i find out if my petition has been transfered
how do i trace the petition after its been approved? everyone seems to be able to track this, and the transfer to vancouver. I'm waiting for packet 3
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-12-07 22:22:00
CanadaWho's going home to Canada for Christmas this year?
hubbys coming up to winnipeg from idaho on amtrak. lots of "firsts" this year, christmas in canada, xmas together, xmas without his kids is the hardest though. We wish everyone safe journeys during theholiday season terry george and familys
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-11-28 13:38:00
Canadapacket 3 info what am i missing?
Hi fellow canadians.
I have a quick question or two. I received packet 3 just after christmasit contains the checklist and a few instructions i filled in the ds-230 PART 1 and i faxed that back i got all the checklist done and i did the DS-156 online. i'll fax the list back with the appointment date i prefer. Now what else do i need i can't seem to find the I-134 form anywhere and i need to find the of67?
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-01-24 20:42:00
CanadaInterview in Vancouver!!!!!!
Hi all i just booked our medical for feb 7th and i'm faxing back asking for march 2nd also. hope it works out for me also. terry
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-01-24 20:30:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
this is making me hungry lol, no decent soy sauce i can't live without my china lily
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-10-26 20:12:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
wow i saw quite a few things i forgot about my list is getting bigger, think i'll have to toss some furniture to make room for the food.

as i'm sitting here i remembered one more item good ukranian perogies. since flour is an issue they may turn out as hockey pucks.

my hubby found perogies in a store but i bet they aren't the same. cranbrooks 99 miles away. so i can buy some things there.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-10-12 20:10:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada

the cheese whiz down here tastes more like nacho dip... at least what I have found around here.... :(

yes i agree with that cheeze whiz is considered a food group on its own with my kids, I think i solely support the workersat kraft
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-10-04 15:43:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
hi! just thought i'd start a list of favorite items not available in the u.s. .Maybe someones done this one before?. I will miss huge jars of cheese whiz and ketchup chips. I am bringing a few cases of each.Good thing i booked a 17ft uhaul. :thumbs:
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-10-04 15:21:00
CanadaVancouver Experience/Review
CONGRATULATIONS both of you. Glad everything went well hope mine goes that well. Vancouvers fax machine is finally fixed so now i can send in checklist finally. my medical is on the 31st in winnipeg. now i realized i need my immunization records. I'm completely burned out from all this I'll be glad when interview is done and i can panic about other things like selling my house etc. I need another glass of wine now. Good Luck to all the interviews this week Terry and George
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-01-29 23:41:00
Canadavancouver fax number problems

They may have ran out of paper in the fax machine too. Happens a lot with any government agency. If not, call them tomorrow between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Vancouver time. Press 0 and ask for the K Visa Department.

I called them monday fax was still down they had a problem with the number but its all fixed and i got to fax
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-01-31 22:37:00
Canadavancouver fax number problems
Hi all I just wanted to see if anyone else has had trouble getting faxes to vancouver. It will be my 3rd day trying today all i get is busy/no response. even on a saturday. HMMMM. i had no trouble on first stuff i faxed . this is checklist i'm faxing now.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-01-28 11:24:00
Boy I wish i would have read this earlier it answered all my questions and would have saved a lot of typing. I,m doing the exact same thing.This way I can also collect EI and lay on the beach and stare at the mountains of Idaho. I'm taking my mom with me to interview asked her to come do lunch in Vancouver with me Promised to have her home by midnight.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-01-31 22:24:00
Canadai got my interview date
hi everyone i emailed vancouver and boy they are fast on replies. i got my date its march 8th at 10 am. how long does it take to get to consulate from airport? I'm planning on flying in same day and flying home that evening. anyone else got that date?
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-02-05 17:46:00
CanadaConfirming what Immunization Records I need.
hi I just had the medical yesterday in winnipeg , both kids and I. i was missing one report that i had the MMR so i had that shot and was given the tetnus.No hep or the others were needed other then what we were given as kids here in canada. children only need the same for their age. there were no questions about chicken pox, no hep b given either.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-02-08 08:25:00
CanadaK3-CR1 Debate
Hi Stacey and all others in the same boat,I'm doing the same thing going to get to the U>S> and figure it out then the cr-1 letter stares at me on the desk. Once k3 is done I'll start figuring it all out with help from here good luck
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-02-08 08:36:00
CanadaThat "Word" EVERYONE Thinks we all Say! ARGH!!!!!!!
well being a proud canadian i prefer EH over HUH any day . using HUH just makes people sound stupid. My husband uses huh alot and it gets on my nerves. He still thinks its cute if i occasionly type EH in a conversation.Guess we all have to make adjustments.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-02-14 14:03:00
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY everyone.I had chocolate for breakfast today,its the only thing that tastes good right now.This is one valentines day i'm glad we are apart i got hit with the flu on monday and am still recovering. I have never been this sick in my entire life and i had my flu shot, no wonder people die from the flu the pain is un real.Hubby said wouldn't a candlelit dinner be nice, I said yes until i sneezed and cracked my head on the table it would be nice. Next year we'll celebrate hopefully flu free . Ok i need to go back to bed HAVE A GREAT DAY EVERYONE
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-02-14 14:15:00
CanadaVancouver Waiting Room...
hi i got march 8th interview date. I think the expiry date on petition may have something to do with scheduling. i asked for march 7th my petition expires march 14th.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-02-14 13:50:00
CanadaVancouver Waiting Room...
keep a seat warm for me just got approval now waiting for packet 3. now the big decision fly with the kids or drive from winnipeg. i'll be watching for seat sales. though if i drive i can get our visas then zip down to idaho and surprise hubby.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2006-11-16 19:23:00
Canadaso overwhelming
WOW I thought the journey was rough. I just sold my home yesterday so now life is in kaos yet again. I have interview on march 8th and have to be out of my house by april 10th. I won"t be moving till july 2nd there abouts. so moving in with my parents which is more stress. Think fighting for computer time is the worse. Plus dad is having knee surgery april 11th and eye surgery the week before that. OMG will i survive i was hoping to travel to the U.S. for march end to see hubby. I'm just destressing here i'm sure most of us have similar stories Please add them to this so i'll know i'm not alone . Take care all.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-02-24 11:46:00
CanadaLatest line of crap from Montreal
hi all after reading about montreal i'm so thankful i went k3 route in vancouverI'd suggest anyone who has a chance to transfer their cases to do so. flights are cheap if you use west jet or tango.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-03-03 22:17:00
Canadaadding married name to passport
if you go in person to passport office and tell them you need it for immigration ASAP you'll get it quicker i had my passports in 2 weeks
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-03-05 21:27:00
CanadaK-2 Visa Non-Custodial Parent's Notification / Consent
OMG I hope i'm not in trouble with this also my divorce states i have sole custody of the children and that he has reasonable access to them as we may agree, so there is no set visitation, plus my big problem is he no longer lives in winnipeg i have no address or telephone number for him, he hasn't seen or talked to the kids in over 2 years, am i going to be refused our visas my interview is on weds
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-03-05 21:50:00
just a quick note to you I'm off to catch the plane to vancouver for tomorrows interview . I will post the results friday evening when I'm back. Have a great day all. terry
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-03-07 11:20:00
Canadapassport not valid for a year! freaking out!
If you go to passport office tell them why you need it fast they will do it for immigration i applied and had mine in 2 weeks costs 10.00 extra per passport
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-03-09 23:25:00
CanadaAlmost got the visa
Hi About the finger printing even though you get a clear check from canada this check is the U.S. one and is like canada also it will print out any name similar to yours including birth year so if you have a common name like Smith you will get lots of hits and if birth date is close enough they will do finger printing to clear you against other person.Its full set of prints too.So now my fingers are worth $8.50 each lol.As for the divorce paper I think some states do it different Idaho just stamps it.Hubby got another copy of it don't know what else to do he mailed it to me today.I'll email Vancouver and explain it to them again so hopefully they will accept it.If not I'm not sure what next step will be.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-03-09 23:17:00
CanadaAlmost got the visa
Hi everyone vancouver consulate was everything you said it would be to the point of deja vu.Every thing was going fine till we got to my husbands divorce papers they want something with a raised seal on it so hubby is going back to the courthouse for this and fedexing it to me, then my next road block was the name check,apparently mine came up as a match to some felon? So to the bank 85.00 more to be fingerprinted,i have no worries as i have never been arrested,so all they ask is for me to send back passports and divorce papers and then they'll send me my visa's.there was no problems with child custody, I don't feel bad though a k1 didn't have his I134 so he has to do the same. Yes it was raining but my mom and i had a great time. I'll keep everyone posted as to the end of this.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-03-09 13:33:00
CanadaWish me luck on Monday
Misa you will do great, they are so friendly there. Hold your white envelope out for guard to see you'll betaken right in.I can't wait to hear about it tuesday.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-03-18 07:04:00
Canadavisa update
Hi everyone just got the email saying our visas have been approved and were mailed to me today,I guess mondays aren't so bad Right misa thank you for all your kinds words of encouragement, now on to EAD.
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-03-19 20:47:00
CanadaGot the visa!
thats wonderful news good luck packing i'm doing the same
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-03-19 20:42:00
Canadaflight to montreal
hi since you are just checking i did also go to air canada jazz or westjet under 200.00 one way calgary to montreal 2 of us flew round trip winnipeg to vancouver for under 700.00 great trip and no problems
TRKCKL11Not TellingCanada2007-03-19 21:15:00