US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 help
Will I need to get a Bond If I dont have property / IRA? I am also in the process of the I-134 will I need to secure a Bond? If so how much and what kind of Bond? Thanks Jason
jaybirdMaleChina2008-04-29 10:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdjusted Gross Income
QUOTE (jaybird @ Apr 29 2008, 11:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Re Reading the I-134 will I need to secure a Bond? What sort of Bond is it? Is it Easy to get a Bond?
Thank You

ANYONE out there? Do I need to Secure a Bond?
jaybirdMaleChina2008-06-23 21:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdjusted Gross Income
Re Reading the I-134 will I need to secure a Bond? What sort of Bond is it? Is it Easy to get a Bond?
Thank You
jaybirdMaleChina2008-04-29 10:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdjusted Gross Income
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Apr 22 2008, 02:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jaybird @ Apr 21 2008, 11:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Our lawyer emailed and said they look at adjusted Gross Income. sad.gif I had more tax write offs this year like my huge moving expense across the country in August 2007 as well as medical insurance for 2007 as I was Self Employed. One of the main Reasons I sold my share of the Business and left Michigan and came to California was to be able to provide a better future for Shuyan and I know California has more potential for me and Shuyan.
Thanks for all who have responded I am going to complete all the forms and see what happens. I can only hope I can bring my Shuyan here and start our lives together!

Lawyer schmawyer, look at schmook at.

When you fill out an I-134 or I-864 you certainly can declare your gross income as your income. Somebody may or may not look at your tax return and if they do, they may or may not key on gross or adjusted gross. On many returns there's little if any difference between the two numbers anyway.

Well I decided to just move forward and complete the I-134 and keep my fingers crossed! I hope it is enough to show my new income and annualize what I have made thus far since Sept 2007. I am in Sales, I sell commercial trucks here in Silcon Valley San Jose Ca. I can show that I have bank accounts from my Business I left in Michigan. I can also show the deposits from the business and personal accounts. Thanks for the response and your support It helps.
jaybirdMaleChina2008-04-22 09:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdjusted Gross Income
Our lawyer emailed and said they look at adjusted Gross Income. sad.gif I had more tax write offs this year like my huge moving expense across the country in August 2007 as well as medical insurance for 2007 as I was Self Employed. One of the main Reasons I sold my share of the Business and left Michigan and came to California was to be able to provide a better future for Shuyan and I know California has more potential for me and Shuyan.
Thanks for all who have responded I am going to complete all the forms and see what happens. I can only hope I can bring my Shuyan here and start our lives together!
jaybirdMaleChina2008-04-22 01:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdjusted Gross Income
Quick question I have an adjusted gross income of $17528 for 2007 is this amount too low for the I-134 evidence of support?
I was in a business in Michigan and sold my Half now Im in Califronia and my YTD income is already $13,500 as of April will the US consulate consider the present income as well as last years taxes? I am very worried I wont show sufficient income?
jaybirdMaleChina2008-04-18 10:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 Applicant - Packet 4
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Jun 30 2008, 01:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jaybird @ Jun 30 2008, 10:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi, My name is Shuyan. I am in China and I am applying for the K1 Visa.

On the one of the forms I got in the packet 4, it asks me a question "How Long Do You Intend To Stay in The U.S.?" Can anyone help to advise me what is the proper answer for this question based on my situation.

And on the FAMILY COMPOSITION SHEET, it asks me to list all my relatives, and there's a item for Spouse or fiance(e). It requires to give the Pinyin Name and Chinese Name. So I guess it's not applicable to put my fiance(e), who is a US citizen, on that. Pls help.

Thank you very much. crying.gif


You intend to stay permanently. I would write "K1 permanently".

Only Chinese names need Chinese characters and Pinyin. Non-Chinese names are written with normal Roman characters or "in English" if you will.

You do write your fiance's name in English. If he has any children, brothers or sisters, list them where asked.

Shuyan my Sweet Lao Poh
The I-134 is sent Fed Ex I know they wont overnight due to customs but its on its way...Hopefully someone can answer is the I-134 needed for the medical exam? I know its a little late but I wanted it to be perfect...Please remember I love you so much Shuyan this is going to work, this is real we came so far.....They can see its a real relationship I included all kinds of extra evidence of support in the packet I-134.
Thanks to everyones support on VJ a huge help.....Talk to you tonight on Skype Shuyan..xoxoxoxo Jason
jaybirdMaleChina2008-07-02 08:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 Applicant - Packet 4
Hi, My name is Shuyan. I am in China and I am applying for the K1 Visa.

On the one of the forms I got in the packet 4, it asks me a question "How Long Do You Intend To Stay in The U.S.?" Can anyone help to advise me what is the proper answer for this question based on my situation.

And on the FAMILY COMPOSITION SHEET, it asks me to list all my relatives, and there's a item for Spouse or fiance(e). It requires to give the Pinyin Name and Chinese Name. So I guess it's not applicable to put my fiance(e), who is a US citizen, on that. Pls help.

Thank you very much. crying.gif

jaybirdMaleChina2008-06-30 12:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs the I-134 needed for the Medical?
I Sent the huge packet of I-134 and all supporting documentation to Shuyan Fed Ex on July 2nd I am worried...She said she need sit to take to her medical appointment? I know I was finishing this under alot of presure I sent it sort of late but I wanted to have it perfect the cover letter and all the supporting evidence. I know Fed Ex takes a few days due to customs but I did not think she needed this for the medical exam? Anyways its all off now and sent signed notarized and ready ....Wish Us Luck!!!!
Thanks Jay
jaybirdMaleChina2008-07-02 08:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPink and Blue slips!
gathering the Info and completing the statements now...Anyone else going through this? Im so sad I wanted this to happen this summer to have Shuyan here and finally be together.
jaybirdMaleChina2008-07-22 00:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPink and Blue slips!
So you say for good or bad Maybe this case was Flagged for Potential Fraud before the Interview? So sometime between last June when I filed the original paperwork and now. After moving across the country Im scamming somehow? Also after I paid an immigration lawyer for assistance, after going to China to spend time with Shuyan in Feb 2007 and meet her family, ask her to Marry me? I have 2 1/2 years invested in this relationship, maybe flag the ones w/ 6 months? Why would they have a reason to think its fraud is there some really big advantage of this responsibility I am willing to take on? I want to provide Shuyan the emotional, physical and financial support as my Wife because we have a real connection. One I have never had before. I really cant believe there would be any reason to think this case is a fraudulent relationship, how absurd. I am so disappointed at this mismanaged Big Brother Government. Maybe I should just move to China?
jaybirdMaleChina2008-07-17 23:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPink and Blue slips!
I wonder what the chances are for Shuyan and I to finally be together? After I send these requested forms and documents? I am so sad about this setback, but I guess its better then a straight DENIAL?
I still have not seen these Pink and Blue forms as Shuyan is in GZ until monday the plane tickets are not refundable.
Her Mother has been w/ her for the trip to GZ it was so sad to hear both of them so upset on Skype. I wanted to just cry when I heard that....I am thinking maybe I should contact some government official here in California? Explain my situation and complete everything maybe he /she can help me? Congressman or Senator? US representative? I dont know maybe they would tell me go fly a kite?
I am going to be very polite in my letter and just state the facts and dates of what when where etc. although I would like to really tell them how I truly feel...I am going to hold it back,,,thats what these forums are so good for...My god if it was not for VJ I would have gone Postal by now. Thank you again & Shuyanm and I Wish all of you good luck!!!
jaybirdMaleChina2008-07-17 22:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPink and Blue slips!
After speaking with Shuyan, Shanghai is not in a Province of China Shanghai is just a city.
My Family both parents were born in the USA her parents are both from Shanghai and have never came to US.
I still am very frustrated as I supplied all of these extra documents with my I 134 and 2007 taxes? I supplied the evidence of my Residency on Letters from IRS and USCIS and NVC the DOJ and State of California. I also gave a cover letter explaining how I moved last year and I am working full time in a permanent position. I included Health insurance and car insurance statements as further proof and emails and letter's and card's to and from Shuyan from the last 2 1/2 years! Funny how they would not even see them when she asked the CO if he wanted to see the additional evidence of our relationship? I guess its a game they play to try and see who is going to be discouraged enough to just give up?
It seems that the policies and procedures they have in place are poorly executed.
Any and all of your help/support is very appreciated please accept my thanks in advance.

Edited by jaybird, 17 July 2008 - 09:06 PM.

jaybirdMaleChina2008-07-17 21:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPink and Blue slips!
QUOTE (jaybird @ Jul 17 2008, 01:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Jul 17 2008, 09:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jaybird @ Jul 17 2008, 06:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had a entire packet filled w/ this info they never asked her to provide it? Plane tickets cc bills all kinds of stuff boarding pass etc etc they never even asked for it? They want detailed testimony of how where why when we meet and when I come ot visit places dates people in pictures. I provided this! I guess I need to again!
So frustrating I could not sleep all night sad and so disappointed, 2007 was a hard year I made less and moved across the country to be able to have a nice place for Shuyan when she arrived! S.F. Bay area is rich w/ Chinese & Asian Culture.
I was there in FEB 2007 I came home and filed the i 129? It takes a year to get the interview!
It really is BS we had provided so much info they never asked to see it!! Still I can provide all of this stuff then they can say well you only came one time to visit?

I understand the frustration. When you've finished venting, please provide the exact wording of the blue slip request and any other pertinent information. In which province does Shuyan live?

Please also do the best you can to report the questions asked and answers given during her interview. Now is a time for action. We need information in order to assist you.

When you've got everything together in response to my questions you may also want to post the same at where they deal with Guangzhou blue slips frequently.

I received fax copies from Shuyan the Blue and Pink forms did not come out clearly I will have her Scan and Email when she gets back to Shanghai. So far I have this.

1 Statements: Provide detailed statement written by petiotioner describing the evolution of your relationship. be sure to at the very least explain how you met, when you started dating , and how, when and why you became engaged.
2 Statement written by petitioner , listing every trip to China to visit you and how you spent your time together. Include dates and locations. Explain who arranged the trip to China, purchased the ticket and who accompanied him/her.
1 Submit the plane tickets your petitioner used to visit you. As applicable submit 1 airline ticket purchase receipts
Travel agency documents. Who paid for the tickets? Show evidence of this Credit card statements. with relevant withdrawls made.
1 The consulate has insufficient information about residency for the following people marked with an X. Petitioner.
Provide evidence to Verify Residency for a significant length of time and as close to the current date as possible. Include all pages with names, dates and addresses of the requested parties. Provide all possible evidence such as
Lease / mortgage Utility Bills Bank and Credit Card Statements / Hosehold registry
Describe in detail when and how the petitioner and his/her immediate family members immigated to the US
Describe how they gained lawful permanent residence status.
2 List all locations and specific dates of Resiudency where the petiotioner has lived for the last 5 years. Provide evidence.
3 List all locations, company names, and specific dates of empoyment where the petitioner has been working for the last 5 years. Provide evidence
1 Photographs taken of you and your petitioner together since yopu first met. Describe as much relevasnt information as possible for each submission, such as all individuals in photos, dates, locations and photographer. Lable photo albums with your case Number and name.

Detailed Interview Questions
CO: Have you ever been to ther US before? A: No
CO: Did you apply for a US visa? A: Yes in August 2005, would you like to see old passport CO: NO
CO: Who is your petitioner? A: My Fiance, Jason Christopher Williamson
CO: How did you meet your Fiance? A: On the Internet Yahoo games playing Backgammon
CO: When did you mmet your Fiance? A: December 9 2005
CO: When Did you meet your fiance in Person A: February 18th 2007
CO: Where did you learn English A: In China, Education in School
CO: What does your Fiance do for a living? A: He is a full time employee of AK Data service Commercial Truck salesperson in California, He is also a 50% owner of a Deferred Presentment Business in Michigan, would you like to see his letter of employment?
CO: NO. (Shakes his head) what I need to see is the form I134 and Tax return A: Would you like to see his bank statements
CO: NO (shakes his head) Has He moved latley? A: Yes
CO: Where is he Now? A: California, he was living in Michigan befor ehe moved.
CO: How many times has he been to China to Visit you? A: One Time
CO: For how long? A: One Week
CO: Can I see the pictures of you together?
CO: OK I still have some questions for your fiance. hands ove rthe pink and blue piece of paper

I called Shuyan and all I heard was crying and I was so sad....I moved last year from Michigan I make more money here in California. I am still 50% owner in the Business in Michigan, its a Pay Day advance Business. In 2005 laws and regulations had been passed that limited the revenue my Business was producing. My Business Partner is now operating it full time I moved to California in Agust 2007 my mother is here my Brother and Sister all live in California. I have a great job here in the San Francisco bay area. It is a much better place to have Shuyan live lots of Asian people and Chinese culture here. I hope when I submit these documents we will finally get and approval.
Funny thing is I supplied this huge cover letter with all of my supporting evidence. Bank Statements and NVC correspondence USCIS letters and correspondence. US department of Homeland Security and Califonia Department of Justice. California DL and California Vehicle Salespersons License. Passport Pictures. Alot of the things they are asking for Shuyan had with her the Conuslate Officer would not see them? all my bank statements have my California address everything I provided I sent so much info to supoport the i 134 taxes and self employment taxes form 1065 my K1 guaranteed payments for my Business in Michigan. Is the problem that I only went to China one time?
2007 was a rough year for me, my long distance relationship, I moved across the country to start a new job which has worked out great...I want to visit Shuyan but I have also been working and saving money to support her if and when She makes it here.. It seems like they have a policy of discouraging people. I cant up and leave for 10 days to go to China I am in a new Job here? I have already exceeded my 2007 income as of 6/31/2008. I am going to complete these requested items and give more evidence again...I hope this works out, please help us with anything you can. You kind people on VJ have been a huge help I wish everyone here so much luck. I thought we finished, the stack was so high like 4 inches of Papers and Documents and evidence, they did not even look at it? Thanks again to everyone. I am sad and heartbroken, I just want to be with Shuyan I want to support her and make her happy. I understand the process is long but it seems to be so unorganized. I sent these things in the first time to the USCIS and the NVC? Dont they communicate? The same Government that taxes the DOG SH!T out of me! I am an American from birth.l I work, I live, I spend money! I moved to California! I pay all my taxes, I am not a felon. This relationship is real we do love eachother..Sorry for venting so Much I am just so disappointed with the system.

Has anyone ever had this happen to them? I am so frustrated and discouraged. I feel so cheated!
Is all of this becasue we only meet eachother 1 time in person?
jaybirdMaleChina2008-07-17 15:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPink and Blue slips!
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Jul 17 2008, 09:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jaybird @ Jul 17 2008, 06:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had a entire packet filled w/ this info they never asked her to provide it? Plane tickets cc bills all kinds of stuff boarding pass etc etc they never even asked for it? They want detailed testimony of how where why when we meet and when I come ot visit places dates people in pictures. I provided this! I guess I need to again!
So frustrating I could not sleep all night sad and so disappointed, 2007 was a hard year I made less and moved across the country to be able to have a nice place for Shuyan when she arrived! S.F. Bay area is rich w/ Chinese & Asian Culture.
I was there in FEB 2007 I came home and filed the i 129? It takes a year to get the interview!
It really is BS we had provided so much info they never asked to see it!! Still I can provide all of this stuff then they can say well you only came one time to visit?

I understand the frustration. When you've finished venting, please provide the exact wording of the blue slip request and any other pertinent information. In which province does Shuyan live?

Please also do the best you can to report the questions asked and answers given during her interview. Now is a time for action. We need information in order to assist you.

When you've got everything together in response to my questions you may also want to post the same at where they deal with Guangzhou blue slips frequently.

I received fax copies from Shuyan the Blue and Pink forms did not come out clearly I will have her Scan and Email when she gets back to Shanghai. So far I have this.

1 Statements: Provide detailed statement written by petiotioner describing the evolution of your relationship. be sure to at the very least explain how you met, when you started dating , and how, when and why you became engaged.
2 Statement written by petitioner , listing every trip to China to visit you and how you spent your time together. Include dates and locations. Explain who arranged the trip to China, purchased the ticket and who accompanied him/her.
1 Submit the plane tickets your petitioner used to visit you. As applicable submit 1 airline ticket purchase receipts
Travel agency documents. Who paid for the tickets? Show evidence of this Credit card statements. with relevant withdrawls made.
1 The consulate has insufficient information about residency for the following people marked with an X. Petitioner.
Provide evidence to Verify Residency for a significant length of time and as close to the current date as possible. Include all pages with names, dates and addresses of the requested parties. Provide all possible evidence such as
Lease / mortgage Utility Bills Bank and Credit Card Statements / Hosehold registry
Describe in detail when and how the petitioner and his/her immediate family members immigated to the US
Describe how they gained lawful permanent residence status.
2 List all locations and specific dates of Resiudency where the petiotioner has lived for the last 5 years. Provide evidence.
3 List all locations, company names, and specific dates of empoyment where the petitioner has been working for the last 5 years. Provide evidence
1 Photographs taken of you and your petitioner together since yopu first met. Describe as much relevasnt information as possible for each submission, such as all individuals in photos, dates, locations and photographer. Lable photo albums with your case Number and name.

Detailed Interview Questions
CO: Have you ever been to ther US before? A: No
CO: Did you apply for a US visa? A: Yes in August 2005, would you like to see old passport CO: NO
CO: Who is your petitioner? A: My Fiance, Jason Christopher Williamson
CO: How did you meet your Fiance? A: On the Internet Yahoo games playing Backgammon
CO: When did you mmet your Fiance? A: December 9 2005
CO: When Did you meet your fiance in Person A: February 18th 2007
CO: Where did you learn English A: In China, Education in School
CO: What does your Fiance do for a living? A: He is a full time employee of AK Data service Commercial Truck salesperson in California, He is also a 50% owner of a Deferred Presentment Business in Michigan, would you like to see his letter of employment?
CO: NO. (Shakes his head) what I need to see is the form I134 and Tax return A: Would you like to see his bank statements
CO: NO (shakes his head) Has He moved latley? A: Yes
CO: Where is he Now? A: California, he was living in Michigan befor ehe moved.
CO: How many times has he been to China to Visit you? A: One Time
CO: For how long? A: One Week
CO: Can I see the pictures of you together?
CO: OK I still have some questions for your fiance. hands ove rthe pink and blue piece of paper

I called Shuyan and all I heard was crying and I was so sad....I moved last year from Michigan I make more money here in California. I am still 50% owner in the Business in Michigan, its a Pay Day advance Business. In 2005 laws and regulations had been passed that limited the revenue my Business was producing. My Business Partner is now operating it full time I moved to California in Agust 2007 my mother is here my Brother and Sister all live in California. I have a great job here in the San Francisco bay area. It is a much better place to have Shuyan live lots of Asian people and Chinese culture here. I hope when I submit these documents we will finally get and approval.
Funny thing is I supplied this huge cover letter with all of my supporting evidence. Bank Statements and NVC correspondence USCIS letters and correspondence. US department of Homeland Security and Califonia Department of Justice. California DL and California Vehicle Salespersons License. Passport Pictures. Alot of the things they are asking for Shuyan had with her the Conuslate Officer would not see them? all my bank statements have my California address everything I provided I sent so much info to supoport the i 134 taxes and self employment taxes form 1065 my K1 guaranteed payments for my Business in Michigan. Is the problem that I only went to China one time?
2007 was a rough year for me, my long distance relationship, I moved across the country to start a new job which has worked out great...I want to visit Shuyan but I have also been working and saving money to support her if and when She makes it here.. It seems like they have a policy of discouraging people. I cant up and leave for 10 days to go to China I am in a new Job here? I have already exceeded my 2007 income as of 6/31/2008. I am going to complete these requested items and give more evidence again...I hope this works out, please help us with anything you can. You kind people on VJ have been a huge help I wish everyone here so much luck. I thought we finished, the stack was so high like 4 inches of Papers and Documents and evidence, they did not even look at it? Thanks again to everyone. I am sad and heartbroken, I just want to be with Shuyan I want to support her and make her happy. I understand the process is long but it seems to be so unorganized. I sent these things in the first time to the USCIS and the NVC? Dont they communicate? The same Government that taxes the DOG SH!T out of me! I am an American from birth.l I work, I live, I spend money! I moved to California! I pay all my taxes, I am not a felon. This relationship is real we do love eachother..Sorry for venting so Much I am just so disappointed with the system.
jaybirdMaleChina2008-07-17 12:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPink and Blue slips!
I had a entire packet filled w/ this info they never asked her to provide it? Plane tickets cc bills all kinds of stuff boarding pass etc etc they never even asked for it? They want detailed testimony of how where why when we meet and when I come ot visit places dates people in pictures. I provided this! I guess I need to again!
So frustrating I could not sleep all night sad and so disappointed, 2007 was a hard year I made less and moved across the country to be able to have a nice place for Shuyan when she arrived! S.F. Bay area is rich w/ Chinese & Asian Culture.
I was there in FEB 2007 I came home and filed the i 129? It takes a year to get the interview!
It really is BS we had provided so much info they never asked to see it!! Still I can provide all of this stuff then they can say well you only came one time to visit?
jaybirdMaleChina2008-07-17 08:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPink and Blue slips!
jaybirdMaleChina2008-07-17 01:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsjuly filers
yes I only received WAC # from my lawyer via e they mail anything to me or is it going to my lawyer?
jaybirdMaleChina2007-07-19 08:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCase forwarded to US Embassy
QUOTE (Jason-Sasha @ Jan 20 2008, 09:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck to you both. Congrats!!

SHUYAN is Still waiting on the Packet to arrive!! I dont understand why it takes sooo long? Its been 45 days? Is there a huge back log? Im getting inpatient..Only Because I sent Shuyan a sweet care package with all kinds of Valentines day stuff...So sweet she opened it in front of me on Skype ...I wish it was going faster..Thats all..My heart feels like its being squeezed when I look at her I want her here w/ me Now!!!
jaybirdMaleChina2008-02-14 10:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCase forwarded to US Embassy
thanks for everyones support I am getting new letters tellingn me to have Shuyan to watch out for her instructions and packet....Woohooo
jaybirdMaleChina2008-01-20 19:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCase forwarded to US Embassy
Our case was approved 11/7/2007 it was forwarded to US embassy in Guangzhou China the week of Dec.20th. I see on my approval letter It expires on 3/7/2008? What exactly expires my Petition? What if they are all backed up in Guangzhou and we pass the 3/7/2008 date? What is the next step in the process? My Attorney services are only until We received the US approval, I did not sign up for the Embassy Support portion. Should I wait and see what happens? I told my sweet Shuyan to keep her eyes open for a letter Soon in her mail for an interview date? or a list of things she will need to complete? What is in that pack? Sorry but I dont know what comes next in the Process? Is the US approval a big step or does everyone get US approval and the Embassy is where people get denied? I am thinking of Flying to Guangzhou for the interview that way I am there when she is @ her interview and she can present my Passport as more evidence? Sorry for the long winded Questions...Thank you in Advance

jaybirdMaleChina2008-01-04 22:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCase forwarded to US Consulate?
anyone else have any ideas other then CFL? I need some examples of the amount of time it takes to get the interview packet? I need help w/ China and there way of doing things? I have a letter saying your Fiance will receive something soon? how soon is soon? 90 days?
jaybirdMaleChina2008-03-06 23:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCase forwarded to US Consulate?
Does anyone have any idea how long it takes to receive the packet from the US consulate in China? Shuyan has been waiting and waiting to get something in the mail in her hometown Shanghai China.
Dated December 18th " Your Fiance' will soon receive a packet with instructions from the consular section on how to apply for the K1 visa at that post and what documents will be required."

Can anyone give us any kind of clue as to how long until she gets the packet? It has been 60+ days since I received this letter?

Thanks in advance

jaybirdMaleChina2008-02-27 00:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoney Order to pay the $170?

We used money orders and ...........waited for an NOA! :whistle:

Didn't even look online for an NOA#.

I think it will be a while...I see the CSC is now prosessing December filers..I
think I have a while to go..... :blush:
jaybirdMaleChina2007-06-21 18:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoney Order to pay the $170?

with a money order you can not check to see if its been cashed, you can with a personal check.
as far as tracking your progres,, once you recieve your NOA1, you can go to their site, start an acct and from there track your progress.

what is a NOA? Sorry I am just starting all of this?
jaybirdMaleChina2007-06-20 07:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoney Order to pay the $170?
I was wondering if I use a Postal Service money order to Pay the USCIS fee can I still track my progress? I am just now sending this entire pack today to my Lawyer. The entire package has been completed FINALLY,,, I made a copy of the entire thing. I have a wait ahead of me I know..Thanks Jay
jaybirdMaleChina2007-06-20 07:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange of Address
I got Approval after 135 days... I moved across the country in August my Lawyer advised me to wait until I have US approval before the Address change, So I just go onto USCIS website and change address correct?

Kinda of Excited to see progress ...Finally


Edited by jaybird, 03 December 2007 - 03:02 AM.

jaybirdMaleChina2007-12-03 03:00:00