USCIS Service CentersFeb 22 Filing Date

Thank you for replying to me. I've spoken with a tier 2 rep twice now. The first time they told me case status should be available to view in 5-7 days. I waited about 3 weeks and still nothing. I called again and got to tier 2 and gentleman told me that I wasn't supposed to be have told I could view my case status in 7 days, I was told incorrectly. He then told me that they'll forward my inquiry to Washington DC to their IT dept because of the error. I also before then called and they made a service request for me to find out. In all I've spoken with tier 2 specialists twice and had a service request done so they can research my case. Overall I've been told nothing hard based. Just that it's still in process. It's a little frustrating going over the same stuff over and over again every time I call. I'm aware of it not being 5 months yet, and I just hit 4 months on the 22nd. I really hope something comes in the mail soon with this petition. I'm starting to lose faith in all of this. I've had friends who have done this whole thing last year and spend 2.5 months at this point. Did exactly what I did. I know every case is different. Just hoping for some action with my petition.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-06-25 09:26:00
USCIS Service CentersFeb 22 Filing Date

I filed my I-130 to get my husband here on Feb 22, 2013 (receipt date). I since then haven't been able to view my case status online and have called the USCIS service center who also don't have any case status to give me. My paperwork is in Missouri at the National Benefits Center. Is anyone else having any better luck or know if things have just slowed down?


I'm getting frustrated also because every time I call, they don't have any documentation of me calling before or know what's going on, they say the same stuff over and over again.


If anyone filed around that date, PLEASE let me know if you're having any better luck.


All I've gotten in the mail was my NOA1 receipt number and notification that we're in processing.


Please help, if anyone can give me any insight.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-06-24 16:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

http://travel.state.... - Sarajevo.pdf


Edit: je nedavno pretrpio velike dizajnerske promjene i nazalost linkovi koji su stavljeni vas vrte u krug. Prije je bilo da se moze naci tacna informacija za svaku zemlju koji dokument (naziv na lokalnom jeziku) se trazi i gdje se ide po njega - ministarstvo, lokalni sud... kao i informacija o dostupnosti dokumenta.


Stavicu update za par dana - moram istraziti ovo. 

Milimelo, hvala ti puno za sad. Link radi ok za mene. Ja opet mislim da mu ne treba jer nije sluzio u nikakvoj vojsci...a bio malan kad je bio rat. Opet, ako nadjes nesto slobodno postavi. Pogledat cu, a mozda jos nekom moze pomoci.


Hvala ti puno jos jednom.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2014-02-11 21:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Jedno pitanje za vas..muz ima razgovor u Sarajevu Marta 5-og, za ovu potvrdu na nije sluzio u vojsci....on je imao godinu dana kad je rat poceo. Da li je uopste potrebno to vadidit. I ako jeste, gdje se to vadi od prilike i da li to kosta ista da izvadis tu potvrdu. Ja nisam nista od toga slala a vidim svi pisu o tome. Naravno nema sanse da je sluzio u vojsci jer je bio malan a da za svaki slucaj upitam. Molim vas da neko odgovori na moje pitanje.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2014-02-11 21:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mino jos jedna stvar smile.png


Trebam da prevedem ova ovjerenje od suda, i policije. Jesi li ti to radila, i koliko kosta od prilike ?

Jel moze to kod notara, ima ovde jedna nasa koja radi taxe itd...ili mora biti bas neko ko je kvalifikovan, ali ona je odlican poznavaoc engleskog i naseg jezika pa me zanima bas jel moze takva osoba da to prevede ili...?

eh napisat cu ti kako sam ja uradila...njima je bitno da je prevod tacan...i da od nekog ko razumije engleski i bosanski jezik...ja sam sve sama ko radila...jedna drugarica mi poslala kako je ona prevela...i fino usla u Microsoft Word i duplikovala formu a samo na sam i ja...i na doljnom djelu papira sam napisala da je moj otac prevodio to..da razumije citat i pisat obadva jezika i da je to tacan prevod...i dole se on potpisao, stavljena je i adresa...i odnjeo je notaru da trebas dzabe davat pare za to...dosta ti je jos briga..ako imas nekog prijatelja..ili clana porodice da ti moze se potpisat sto ne uradis tako...



ako hoces da mi posaljes privatnu poruku mogu ti dat svoju email adresu pa da ti posaljem example...

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-12-10 15:45:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Odlicno, puno mi je sad ovo jasnije. Bas ti hvala Mino smile.png


Znaci mogu i ja tu formu (DS-261) ispuniti za nju i poslati. A ima li gdje da se potpise osoba, tj ona na toj elektronskoj formi ?


Posto sam pokusao da pogledam istu, bas ono u detalje al' je ne mogu nigdje naci. Ako nema nigdje da se treba potpisati, onda mogu i ja to uraditi za nju pretpostavljam.


Hvala jos jednom smile.png

Da bi "potpisao" tu formu samo kliknes kutijicu ko " I confirm" i onda utipkas ona slova ko na dosta stranica...captcha ili nesto tako se to zove...ono kad provjeravaju da si human...samo kliknes tu kutijicu...i ko "potpisao" si...nista drugo..i odmah im dodje da je to gotovo...nista ne treba rucno napisat..da je potpis njen...sad ti kazem...ja sam to za muza uradila...login ko petitioner i uradila ja sama..

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-12-10 15:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Luk, neznam ako sam skroz te zbunila sada...posto znam ja previse pricat hahaha....ako uradis kako sam ti rekla...da navozes par puta NVC da vidis dal su dobili...i kad kazu da jesu..reci im da hoces da imaju i njenu email adresu...nakom par dana dobit ce te prve papire emailom..i za nju ce pisat da prvo mora uradit taj agent form..ja sam to za muza uradila isti dan..(on se nije smjeo bavit s tim da ne pogrijesi)....its very simple al nista ne moze ona ispuniti sada nit ti dok ne dodje do tamo i ne stave u ti moze kako ti kazes poslati neke papire postom ako nemas te svoje dokumente.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-12-10 13:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hvala Mina smile.png


Evo objasnila si u vezi rodnog lista smile.png


Sad me zanima ova forma DS-261, jer ja cu slati sve papire za zenu odavde. Znaci ona meni, ja za NVC. Jos nisam dobio ''hard copy'' za NOA2, i nisam zvao NVC. A razumijem da je ovo elektronska forma (DS-261), i zanima me kad moja zena moze da ispuni istu i posalje u NVC. Jel kad oni dobiju nasu peticiju ili ona to moze odmah sad poslati.


Taj Choice of Address and agent.... jer ona kao treba u toj formi da mene ovlasti da dostavljam potrebnu dokumentaciju u NVC itd.



tek si dobio approval of I-130...tek poslije mjesec dana su bili oni u NVC-u spremni za mene da im dam informaciju..ja sam par puta zvala..i nekako potrefila da dodje do toga da su loadovali sve u kompjuter...i dadnem im email adresu i od muza (oni su samo imali moju)..preporucila bi ti da ih nazoves par puta i da im dadnes i njenu email adresu..(you will cut off so much time)...i oni vole komunicirat s tobom emailom...oni su onda odmah iz pocetka slali nama obadvoma emailove...i pise za njega da treba taj agent form..


kazu mi ljudi da nisam im dala email adresu negovu, da bi mu mozda slali sve postom u Bosnu, i onda bi jos duze kasnili...a taj agent form je prvi sto se treba ispuniti cim dodje do toga da je NBC preuzeo tvoju peticiju i da su stavili sve u njihov sistem...od prilike meni je to trajalo mjesec dana tog cekanja...i kad je to sve doslo taj agent form je isao prvi, pa affadavit of support (prvo platis pa saljes papire), i onda platis application fee, i posaljes te dokumente i application.


uglavnom..nece ona rucno trebati nista da ispuni ili da je online sada..

Edited by Mina09, 10 December 2013 - 01:13 PM.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-12-10 13:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Luk, slobodno me upitaj ako ti sta zatreba...ja sam tek prosle sedmice zadnju turu papira poslala u NVC i sada cekam za case complete i da nam zakazu termin za razgovor...mogu ti nesto objasniti u vezi dokumenta ako te zanima...samo javi...

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-12-10 12:58:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Spremam se za NVC, pa me zanima nesto u vezi ovog rodnog lista.


Bio sam u domovini nedavno, i izvadio sve potrebne dokumente za NVC. Imam rodni list od supruge koji je ''medjunarodni'', ali cujem da ima neka  ''long form'' rodni list, pa me zanima jel to ima i kod nas u BiH ?


To sam citao ovde...


mportant Notice: All Immigrant Visa applicants must submit a long form original birth certificate. Short form birth certificates will not be accepted.

prvo da ti cestitam na odobrenje I-130 u USCIS....


Taj medjunarodni ti treba....bitno je da ima Engleski prevod, i to je na poslednjoj strani i da imaju imena obada roditelja...ja sam isti slala tek prosle sedmice.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-12-10 12:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Jutros citam da je peticija poslana u lokali ured USCIS. Nije mi jasno jel ovo dobro ili lose, jer obicno ako ih salju to su neki drugi veci centri koliko sam primjetio. Nisam bas vidio da ih je puno imalo transfere u lokalne urede.


Imali li ko odgovor na ovo, jel sve jos uvijek normala ili postoji neki drugi razlog sto su to dostavili u lokalni ured ?


On December 3, 2013, we transferred your I130, IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN, to your local USCIS Office for further processing. The new office has jurisdiction over your case and will send you a decision as soon as processing is complete or you will be notified if further information or action is needed.

Meni je se isto desilo nakon 7 mjeseci...napravila sam infopass appt i otisla u svoj lokalni USCIS ofis..i da fino upitam sta se desava.....tamo su mi rekli da su prebacili 400 peticija sa mojim..i upitala sam gdje su sad sa processing...i rekli su mi na kojem su mjesecu i tako...medjutim dobila sam NOA2 nakon 4 dana...jer su bili blizu mog datuma ionako...preporucila bi ti da odes i da uradis isto...nista ti ne kosta..i moglo bi ti pomoc..ali ako je na lokalnom mjestu...znaj da to je do tog mjesta do velikog service center ili NBC...nadam se da ti ovo malo pomaze...

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-12-03 22:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

tako je...od Februara...izgleda da se sad ceka oko 8 niko ne zna...u pravu si...trebamo se samo strpiti...ako bog da da smo i mi sa svojim voljenim :)

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-10-06 12:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Pozdrav svima, tesko ovo cekanje protest6wz.gif

Kao sto vidite novi sam, moja zena je u BiH. Ja sam na Floridi, i vec od 24og aprila cekamo na odobrenje peticije. Nacitao sam se u vezi ovog procesa, al izgleda nikad dosta. Tako da ce mi sigurno trebati neke informacije kad dodjemo do NVC.


Evo vec imam jedno pitanje. U BiH izdavaju ''medjunarodni'' vjencani list. Ja sam isti poslao u USCIS, da li je iko isto uradio i jesu li to prihvatili, ili mozda traze samo na engleski jezik, jer ono moze da bude zbunjujuce, a posebno za amere. Dobro, i ja sam amer, al samo na papiru. smile.png





Luk, pozdrav iz Iowe :)....ja isto cekam od Februaru da se ovo odobri vec jednom i da ode na drugi stepen u NVC....ja sam poslala im kopiju medjunarodnog vjencanog lista...nisam im htjela poslati orginal jer sam mjenjala pasos i druge dokumenta pa mi je trebao...uglavnom mislim da medjunarodni je taj koji im treba

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-10-06 12:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

to je najbolja odluka, jer ja nemam iskustva na tom dijelu, izvini...nema na cemu :)

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-07-18 19:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

ja sam slala I-130 na CR-1 visa...nisam nista stavljala na te linije gdje pise to za Roman Letters....ali ne znam za K-1 visa i kako idu ti paketi, sorry oops8rh.gif

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-07-18 18:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

to ti je latinica...samo napises kako ti pise na dokumentima tvojim...(pasos, vozacka, etc)...ja sam samo pisala onako kako pise po dokumentima imena nasa...


Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-07-18 18:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ako se niko ovdje od nasi ne javi u naredni par dana, to cu onda i uraditi.

Alko, jesi li vec poslao papire prve za I-130 petition ili ne?


Ja sam se vjencala u februaru i isto tako poslala tada i dobila sam NOA1 ali nisam jos drugi dobila, ali mogu ti pomoci malo s onim stvarima sto sam vec poslala...ako te interesuje...javi mi



Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-07-18 17:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNational Benefits Center - Anybody from 2013 approved yet?

I'm a February filer also, haven't been able to see case status online ever...and still waiting. Who knows what we're looking for approvals, they are telling people many different things...wait for October...processing in 13 months...who knows what's true anymore :(...all I know is that they don't care and we have to wait anyway...losing hope here :(

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-09-27 10:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsit has been 6 months since we filed

Hi Mina,


I just got a letter at home, mama mi rekla, but I am at work so I don't know if he has been approved or just more information needs to be sent. This whole process is amazingly confusing and scary in the sense that I don't want to mess something up and make it even longer. 


find me on fb smile.png Almina Brkic...or I'll find you if you can't find me....we can console each other hahaha....


odakle si inace? this is crazinesss..boga mi jest...dodje mi da izcupam kosu iz glave vec...cekam 8 mjeseci and no end in sight...i tried looking for you on fb but not sure because there are a lot of Almina Brkic's....look for me Armina Mrkaljevic Alibegovic....ja sam iz Doboja inace.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-10-10 18:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsit has been 6 months since we filed

I am in the same boat as everyone else...I did try calling USCIS today and level 1 told me that the call back option isn't being used anymore, and that  I should call back in half an hour to talk with Tier 2 because they have closed their lines for us to speak with them...I've waited 6 long months since filing, and the worst part is not knowing when to expect anything. I did contact my senator's office who had his staff forward me the letter she received saying that they are processing Standalone I-130 petitions in about 12 who knows if this is true, or if this is what they are telling us to stop calling and so they don't get in trouble...I agree with everyone that they are rude, and it's a rarity to find a person who is nice and/or shows interest. They don't seem to realize that this is in regards to our spouses and loved ones who we have to live without and that we would appreciate some knowledge on our cases. I've stopped really pursuing everything so heavily because I can't waste my energy anymore on careless people who are so quick to get us off of the phone. I'm going to try calling again because my "30 minutes" is up. My guess is that I'll be waiting, until past 6 and then they will leave to go home, while they still have people waiting on hold...we shall see......SMH  crying.gif

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-08-20 16:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsform i 130 processing time

I was also married in February, and also applied at the end of February for my I-130 and still haven't received an approval. I'm at the NBC in Missouri. We wait I guess.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-07-03 13:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - December 2013

Saylin...I was reading the questions on the front page. I paid my $88 AOS fee and sent the documents they received them yesterday. I paid the $230 IV bill and it's cleared my bank but still shows In Process on CEAC....It's not allowing me to fill out the DS260 this normal? I guess I won't be able to fill it out until it shows paid??

Edited by Mina09, 03 December 2013 - 10:24 PM.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-12-03 22:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - November 2013

You can go online and fill it out for him. But your going to have to mail in all form i.e AOS and IV packets, you cannot do electronic processing. Once you do the online DS261, then NVC will all messages through the email along with the link to paid your AOS and IV fee.



Thank you! We've filled it out online and it shows its been received. I figured I'd have to mail the other documents. I've also made the AOS payment and am waiting for that to be processed.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-11-25 18:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - November 2013

The agent of support form is where I'm having the most trouble with. They (NVC) sent my husband a letter stating that his first step is to fill out the agent form DS-261 online otherwise nothing can be done yet, but Bosnia isn't a country on the list that does electronic processing. Is it just that the agent form is online now for everyone? I was copied in on the email and it states numerous times that he should go online and do it....can someone please advise.??

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-11-25 18:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2014

Hi Mina, sorry I had a quick question for u not related to this post. My husband is in Bosnia as well and our case just got approved and sent to NVC were you able to submit documents by electronic process or did u need to have them mailed in? Thanks??

Nope, you will have to mail the civil documents and the affadavit of support application and paperwork that goes along with it. Bosnia isn't a country that does electronic processing yet. You will have to fill out some paperwork online, but the rest of it will have to be physically mailed. Hope that helps. :)

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2014-01-25 15:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2014

I called NVC today, and I was told they gave us a case complete on 1/22/14, but didn't receive any email notification. She stated its in line to get an interview set up. Anyone know how quickly I should expect an interview date for Bosnia?

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2014-01-24 17:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2014

That sux to wait all over again.. I am worried about getting a checklist on the AOS also.. I did the EZ and all looked good but I didn't submit pay stub or employment letter because it said optional.. Hopefully they just say bring to interview..

Yeah all i can say is that I hope this stuff gets looked at soon. It's been way too long since I've seen my husband.

Edited by Mina09, 07 January 2014 - 06:29 PM.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2014-01-07 18:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2014

What was your checklist? I'm waiting on mine

It was for my affidavit of support, I guess I didn't fill out something correct on my 1-864a for my dad's info. I got a checklist today that I believe its a false one, because it states that they need me to reply to the other checklist which i did and i've received. So i'm confused whether or not they'll actually look at it sooner or they'll make me wait the 20 BD

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2014-01-07 18:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2014
Does anyone know how long it takes for NVC to respond to a checklist? I received a checklist on 12/26/13 and responded to it the next day. They received it on 1/2/14. And they gave me the standard 30 business day response. Anyone know of having them look at those any sooner??
Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2014-01-07 17:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers


I think i need to send in more information.  But I'm not sure where to send it.  I do not have a notice of my file being tranfered from MSC.  So please tell me how you sent them more information.  I'm concerened it will just get lost.  I have been looking for someone to ask, your the first ones I have noticed that did. 

Thank you

Since I did an infopass appt at my local field office, the woman I spoke to there told me to send it to that office, which is here in town for me in Des Moines, IA.


Did anyone tell you it's been transferred, but no paperwork? Becuase that's what happened to me.


I set up the appt, and met with one of the immigration officers/adjucators there.

I don't think that if this was still at NBC..that anyone would have told me this.


I went home after my infopass appt, and started going through my paperwork to show that we have a relationship because she told me the 2 affadavits I had would probably not be enough and if she was looking at it that she would give me an RFE...


I rushed home, gathered as much as I could to prove our stated in my last post. I provided a copy of my initial receipt notice I received in February and I wrote a letter that included our names and receipt number and signed it. The letter stated to route all of the paperwork to my file. They received it on Friday, and we were approved on Monday.


I also didn't receive a notice it was transferred. I called USCIS myself and that's what I was told. My initial question for them at the Infopass appt was to confirm whether or not they had my file..or if I was lied to by a tier 2

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-10-23 19:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

Hello VJ friends from February...I just wanted to share my experience for the past month. I also am in the same the beginning of the month I decided to call USCIS and check on my status..(I have not been able to view case status online EVER). I was told that my case was transferred to my local office and that was it. The person working for the Congressman was always a day late, and also confirmed the same thing a day later. I decided to go talk to someone at this local office with an infopass appt which was scheduled for Oct 17th. There I got some disheartening news/ok news. I was told that 400 cases were transferred there along with ours, and they are taking over the processing now. Also, that it could be another 2-3 months. I knew to ask the woman whether they are just taking random files from a pile, or if its going in order..which she told me that they go in order. I then asked her where they were at...month wise...and she stated that she picked on up the other day from late Feb/early March...she told me mine was in a pile ready to be worked, but that it could take 2-3 more months as there were only 3 people working there. She told me to send more info...after discussing with her what I actually initially sent...she told me i'd probably get a RFE..and to go home and send more info. I went home Thursday and sent more info which included pictures, passport stamps, Western Union receipts of money I'd sent, boarding passes, phone bills..and anything else I could find. I got confirmation that it was received Monday. Yesterday at work I decided to go to the USCIS website and try a shot at my receipt number...which I'd memorized how many times it's been put in...and finally something showed up and it was the news I wanted....that they APPROVED our I-130 on Monday the 21st..and that I'll be receiving something in the mail. I didn't know whether I mistakenly typed in the wrong receipt number or I made sure it was...did it again..and same message showed up. Mind you...I have not received a thing in the mail since my initial NOA1 and also no case status online. We were approved 1 day short of 8 full months. My suggestion to those still waiting...schedule an infopass appt at your local office or wherever it's located and go ask...ask them what they are doing. Hope to have more of you guys with approvals. I wanted to share this because i've spend the day seeing that everyone is receiving those notices of transfers and wanted to let u know to possibly try what I did. I'm not sure if my file was that ready to be worked, but the info I sent last Thursday got me out of them sending out an RFE...and we got approved. I hope this helps out...good luck to us all. I'm still waiting to receive my official NOA2 in the mail.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-10-23 18:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

That's not an accurate prediction of anyone's case. It's an estimate based off of VisaJourney members from the same has nothing to do with the USCIS processing your file, just a way to give you something compared to what people have posed on their timelines....sorry to bear bad could be good, but I wouldn't weigh too much on what the estimate says.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-10-09 11:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

Keeping my fingers crossed that we get some approvals soon.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-09-23 07:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers


case "touched", petitioner "touched"...

They do a lot of touching (I hate that word), show us some results for all this touching.

I agree....they need to actually give us updates, be able to view our status online...something to show us some hope or good news...I haven't been able to view my status online on since I filed :(....


Good luck to all of us...

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-08-27 14:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

So I wanted to share an update on my case..I really don't usually do it, since I don't even believe anything coming out of their mouths anymore...I spoke to a Tier 2 officer Friday evening...she told me that my case has been looked at and touched and is being actively processed. She also told me that they are processing I-130s anywhere between 6 to 9 months, not the 12 we are being told to get us off of the phones...she then went on to say that I can expect an answer anywhere between the end of August to November or December. I guess the one plus is that it's the first time I've been told that my file has been touched, but who knows how much of this is true. I am taking the news with a grain of salt, but I did want to write and let others know what the latest info is. Others, if you have any other updates, please let us know.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-08-26 13:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

Interesting article that seems to still give us more waiting time. Hopefully we don't have to wait 12 months....that is ridiculous, I'm with ya there!!

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-08-12 12:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

Hope that the rest of us are quick to follow with NOA2's dancin5hr.gif

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-07-24 13:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

I got both senator and congressman offices involved , senator never did anything. Congressman before I called the guy that handled the immigration issues every week .

He called me and forward me all emails as he received them from uscis until he confirmed my package was at the nvc.

Still today I get emails from him asking how its going. I'm sure at least in my case it made a huge difference.

I've just contacted both of my senators and am going to be trying to contact my congressman later today if I can find a site for them. I hope that this helps my case even a little bit. Keeping my fingers crossed. It'd be nice to have someone actually helping like in your case with the nice guy.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-07-12 11:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

I had been waiting to contact our senator, but I actually just did it. I'm going to see how this goes.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-07-12 10:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

They do provide the best customer service ever existed: confusion, misinformation, panic, misleading and the list can go on forever.

Couldn't agree more. Very frustrating process to deal with at times. I just wish there was some progress at this point.

Mina09FemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2013-07-12 10:29:00