CanadaCalgary Medical: complete in 13 days
Calgary Medical experience
Journey begins at 11am, Mar21, 2007
Journey ends at 2:55pm, Apr03, 2007

But, first: because the woman that I spoke to initially to book an appointment didn't know that German Measles was the same thing as Rubella, I looked up the info on the 'net, copied, pasted and printed it to take with me. The medical is $260 which must be cash.

I leave my apartment in downtown Calgary (near the Palliser Hotel and the Tower, for those who would like a reference point) and walk up 1st Street to 6th Ave SW to catch the number 2 bus (Mt Pleasant / Killarney route). There is a stop just past the Sirocco Drive turn. It takes about 35 minutes to get there by bus after walking to 1st and 6th.

Some VJers who have been there have told me that the place is called Hummingbird Medical Centre. The woman on the telephone when I booked the appointment said it was called Hummingbird Spa. Well, it is and it isn't these things. It's called Hummingbird Medical, Cosmetic and Aesthetic Institute. However, it's not worth worrying about what it's called because knowing its name will not help you to find it.

The woman on the 'phone said that Hummingbird is near the Sunterra Market. Well, again, yes and no. That particular Sunterra Market is in a horseshoe-shaped plaza. It is the first plaza on the left that you encounter after walking back from the bus stop to Sirocco Drive and crossing over 17th Ave to walk down Sirocco Drive. (There is a road that goes up from the intersection at 17th Ave, but its name is Costello Blvd.) You have to keep walking past this plaza with Sunterra Market in it to the next plaza by crossing over a little stump end of the road called Signature Way (Signature Way dead-ends just this side of the other little plaza).

As you approach the second little plaza, on the backside of the one end closest to you there will be a small sign that says, Hummingbird Medical, Cosmetic and Aesthetic Institute. When you finally reach the front of the building the sign in the window says Dr Jane Iredale. I was looking for Dr Adriaan Viljoen. There are pictures of hummingbirds all the way down the other windows, but nothing like that on the entry door. The blue awning over the entrance says, FURNISHINGS · ACCESSORIES. You actually want that entrance says furnishings and Dr Jane Iredale on the door.

The place is oozing with an artificial and purchased calm. (Quote from the doctor in a newspaper article: "Our products and body treatments centre on total wellness for the mind, body and spirit." ) My skin begins to crawl. However, I approach the reception desk and ask if this is the Hummingbird place that looks after immigration medicals. It is. The receptionist asks for my name to confirm that I have an appointment. I tell her that I am extremely early as I did not know how long it would take to find the place as I seldom leave downtown. She asked if I had brought reading material. I confirmed that I had and she told me to sit in the tiny, artificially comfortable waiting room. The time was 12:05 or so and my appointment was booked for 1pm.

At 12:30pm, Kirsten calls me and takes me to "the first room." In this room, I give Kirsten various information that she enters on a computer. The first room is very small and does not look like it is used for anything but information gathering and eye exams. This is the place where you will present your immunisation cards. Kirsten is a medical assistant---the only one in the place and she is often interupted and called away during the information gathering. As such, she already knew the old names for my shots and agreed that all that I needed was the tetanus (from which I am still in the midst of the "punched in the arm" sensation). After ascertaining that I am not a likely victim of hereditary psychosis or a carrier of malaria, she asks me to read the eye chart.

I am nervous about having my eyes checked because I do not habitually go to have them done. I only go if my glasses cease to work. Turns out that I am just fine with my current glasses (20/25 in the left eye and 20/20 in the right). Then she takes my blood pressure and asks me my height and weight (no measurements, just your own opinion). From there, I was asked to go back to the waiting room because "the second room" was still occupied. At about 1pm I was called to come to that second room.

This room is equipped with an examination table, a sink and again, a computer terminal. In this room, I strip off all my clothes except for my socks. I ask Kirsten if it is okay to leave them on because, given the temperature of the room, I know that I will get cramps in my feet. No problem.

The exam is the usual: thumping on my chest and abdomen to make sure the corresponding noises are the correct ones; listening to my heart; listening to me breathe. As I am female, the doctor also performed a breast exam. He called it a brief breast exam---it is. The examination of the reproductive area is even more brief---like a second in duration. He's only looking to make sure that there are no genital warts. Next is the tetanus shot. The shot itself does not hurt---in fact, it is unnoticeable. However, give it 2 or 3 hours and you will feel like you have been punched in the arm. I use that expression because that is what the doctor said that it would feel like---and it does feel like that. Apparently, the "punched-in-the-arm" sensation lasts from 5 days to a week.

Then, I get dressed and take the x-ray request form and blood-sucking request form and the map to both of these places to the door. I ask Kirsten to call a cab for me. She tells me that it'll be about 20 minutes. Twenty-five minutes later, I ask Kirsten to call them again. She doesn't. But, while she is bumbling around, the cab shows up. Turns out the cabbie couldn't find the place---remember---it says FURNISHINGS·ACCESSORIES over the door.

I chose to have the blood-sucking done first as I know that an x-ray takes no time and is painless. The cabbie drops me off at the Glen-something place and tells me to use the direct line inside to call for another cab when I am finished. They close at 6pm.

There is no one in the place. They tell me to get a number. I do: 189. I don't sit. The receptionist calls, "189" and I go up to her. She asks for the requisition, my health card (even though the number is already on it because Kirsten inputted it to the Hummingbird system so that the request would be "personalised"), my 'phone number and my address. I ask her if she would like to see my Driver's Licence (called an "Operator's Licence" in this province) and she said, no. (whatever) At this point, she gives me a form to fill and sign saying that I have said that I agree to have my blood tested for HIV. Duh. Oh, well, such are the formalities.

A nurse comes out from the back and calls, "190." There isn't a 190. She asks if I have been served yet. I say that I am number 189. "Oh," she says. "Well, why don't you just follow me back right now and we'll get on with it." I do and I remove upper clothing to reveal two arms. She asks to have a look at both of them. I tell her that I have just recently had a tetanus in one of them. She looks my inner elbows. She asks which arm I got the tetanus. "Oh," she says. "That's the arm with your best vein. However, all your veins look very good." (yay) The two required vials are drawn and she puts a cotton ball and a piece of tape over the hole. She tells me not to lift anything heavy with that arm for 24 hours. I give her a look. She says that she must say that to everyone because some people who are on blood thinners, for instance, will spring a serious leak. Oh.

There is no direct line in the blood sucking clinic. I ask for a 'phone book to look up a taxi number. I find one and borrow a pen to write it down. I use the 'phone in the corner to call. The usual dial 9 to get an outside line is penned over to indicate that you have to dial 99. Oh. So I do. Busy. I put my outdoor clothes back on and wander down the plaza to a largish looking business that may not mind dialling a cab for me. I went in to the store called Home Outfitters (which looks like a subsidiary of the Bay---I cut through the Bay every day coming home from work). They are very quiet business-wise. So I ask if the nearest cashier can call a cab for me. No problem. She does. Hand the 'phone to me. I get through. It'll be 15 minutes.

The cab takes me to the x-ray place in or near the Westbrook Mall. I have never been to the Westbrook Mall before. The building for which I am looking is called Westbrook Professional Building. The cabbie lets me out and I pay him. He drives away. I wander down the plaza looking for something called Radiologists Consulting. I get almost all the way down to the one end to a medical clinic. The address is 57. I am looking for 200. I put my hand on the door to go in to ask them where 200 might be and at that point notice a note taped to the door that says that the x-ray place is down 4 doors and upstairs. Okay, so that was where the cab had let me out.

I go back there and upstairs. I tried to take the steps instead of the elevator, but when I had gone up to what must have been level with a 3rd non-existing floor without finding any doors to get out, I went back downstairs and took the elevator to the 2nd floor. The x-ray place takes up the whole second floor of the plaza. It's massive! The receptionist asked for my passport and the x-ray requisition. After giving me back my passport, she tells me to sit and wait with the others. It's only a matter of about maybe 20 minutes before I was called.

The girl who called my name led me to a very tiny cubicle and gave me a very large, blue paper vest to wear. The slit, as always with these blue clothes, goes to the back. There is also a strip of plastic that you stretch and tie it around belt-fashion to hold the blue vest shut. She also gave me "beebees." The beebees get taped to the very tip of one's nipples. It's to indicate that these dots on the x-ray are supposed to be there and are not a source of concern. A few minutes after I was ready, the radiologist called me in to the x-ray room. Put chin near the chin rest, but not on it. Roll shoulders forward until they touch the upright part of the picture framing aparatus. She leaves the room. She calls back,"This is for immigration, right?" Yes, I call back. "Okay, you're free to go."

I left and the circus began.

I had been told to call the Hummingbird on the following Wed (Mar28) to pick up my sealed brown envelope. I did. It wasn't ready. Please call back on Friday. I did. It wasn't ready. They only had the results of the syphilis blood test. Told to call back Monday. Called back Monday morning: told to call back Monday afternoon---just in case they actually had the results somewhere, but couldn't find them right now. Understandable in that I was speaking to the doctor rather than a receptionist who would have had a better idea about where the files/results might be. I call back in the afternoon and am told that someone will call me at home as they are open on Mondays until 8pm (not what it says on the website, I know). I wait around until 7:30 is and then call back. The person who was going to call me back has already left for the day. Fabulous! The woman that I *do* speak to offers the number of the Lab. Both the doctor in the morning and she in the evening tell me that sometimes the Lab does not send the results to the doctor's office and that the person whose blood was drawn will have to go to the lab to pick up the results themselves. (Bring 2 pieces of photo ID and they will ask to see one of them.)

Tuesday (Apr3), just after 7am, I 'phone the Lab---number not in service. I call the number listed on the bottom of the map: from that person I get the current number for the Lab. The Lab is located just west of the Brentwood C-Train stop. Okay. So I get ready and go there. I get to the Lab about 9am. I speak to the security person on the first floor and she 'phones up to wherever and then tells me that the person I need to speak to will be right down. Well, she isn't and I wait.

I take my HIV results to the doctor's at Hummingbird (C-Train back downtown, wait for #2 bus, walk to Hummingbird from there). I wait to speak to Kirsten. Many minutes later (about 30), I speak to Kirsten and she takes the envelope with the results from me. I wait. She calls me into a room and tells me that they don't have the x-ray either and that I have 2 choices: go there and pick it up myself and bring it back to Hummingbird or they will have it by tomorrow and I can come back. I go get the stodgy thing myself. Walked to the Westbrook Professional Building, picked up large envelope with x-ray in it, walked back to Hummingbird clinic and passed it in to Kirsten. Later, I am given my large, brown, sealed envelope to take to the interview. (As has been mentioned elsewhere, the results envelope is stapled to the x-ray envelope essentially making them the same item. I suspect that if I removed the results envelope on my own that the CO at the consulate might question what used to be attached and that might cause problems---and I don't want problems.) Pack up and go wait for bus #2 again to take me back downtown (where I live).

So, Calgary medical recipients BEWARE: you may have to collect most of the test results yourself. I think that part of the problem with the blood test results is that the syphilis test is done by one Lab and the HIV is done by another. Where the blood is drawn is not where it is tested.

Edited by Knobby_Wheezer, 04 April 2007 - 06:09 AM.

Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-04-04 06:08:00
CanadaThey mailed my visa yesterday at 16h38
It's so wonderful that you made it! Congratulations!

(Now . . . where are the kleenex?)

Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-04-08 21:45:00
CanadaMade it safely to the US
'Phoned the border.

It's always been 6 bucks. I didn't know about it because it was included in my Landing Fees. Oh.

Never mind.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-04-17 21:17:00
CanadaMade it safely to the US
Um . . . how come you had to pay 6 bucks for the I-94?

I have had 2 of them previously and the border "attendees" insisted that I take each of them at the time but---they were free.

My 2 I-94s were at the Calgary Airport. Is it land crossings that cost for I-94s? We are hoping that my crossing will take place in Sweetgrass/Coutts in southern AB (if there is a "yes" at the interview next month). Has anyone heard whether the I-94 costs addtional money for the Sweetgrass/Coutts crossing?
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-04-17 20:55:00
CanadaAttention Canadian folks...question about Moving and crossing the border
What if I don't know the value of my stuff? Is it in terms of Commercial Value (like what I have to write on the customs form for parcels to US)? As far as I know, all my stuff together could probably be replaced for about $1,000 CDN except for the stuff that is irreplaceable---and then, there is no monetary value that I could place on that either.

Like, the CPU was $560 last year in January when it was new. Now? Dunno. Other than the CBP website, is there anywhere else that I could/should look? I have already downloaded the pamphlet from the CBP and the USDA for foods that I am allowed to bring.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-03-30 21:19:00
CanadaArea for medical and interview
The Calgary panel physician requires 2 passport photos.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-04-08 19:58:00
CanadaCoffee Crisp coming to US

Oh by the way, if anyone is driving across the border and are looking for Tim Hortons, you'll find one if you drive through New York State (we have lots of those Timmy's places around here). And who knows, maybe they can be found in other States too (I have yet to see one in another State though)....

Saw them in Providence, Rhode Island when I was there in April for Terrastock 6.

Timmy's-Shmimmy's . . . I prefer Starbuck's cold green tea or Stinker's gas station regular flavour instant capaccino from a machine. Then again, I've worked at many Timmy's so maybe that contributes to the lack of admiration for them. I used to go for the kick-a** iced cap but, again, Starbuck's cold green tea with cream is just miles and miles better to me.

I also prefer US version Smarties (what we call Rockets). Rockets are (traditionally, anyway) only available at Hallowe'en. Heh-heh-heh . . . Hallowe'en is Everyday! at the dollar store in Pocatello, Idaho.

Okay, sorry. I'll stop now.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-02-10 01:34:00
CanadaCoffee Crisp coming to US
I clicked on the link. I noticed that Idaho was not on the list of places that have them. Copied and pasted the request form into an email for my BF and asked him if he was game to have Coffee Crisps at Fred Meyer (most shopped at by his household).

I noticed that Utah wasn't there either (the closest state to where I will be living (crosses fingers, toes and nose hairs)). We usually have to go to Utah to get most anything that isn't run of the mill oh-din-ry.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-02-06 20:50:00
CanadaThings You Wish You'd Thought of Before You Crossed the Border
---and dentist
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-04-04 07:42:00
CanadaIncorrect postal code
Guess what? The postal code is the hold up for pkt3. I called Canada Post and asked. While I was on hold with them, I checked my email and VAN had emailed me back---with Packet3 attached as an MSWord document!

So, my next question is (but, it's rhetorical): if they can email a document instead of snailing it, why don't they request email addresses on the I129f? And, thinking further on it, perhaps this is the long term goal: to only email documents back and forth---except for those requiring signatures, I suppose.

Hmmm . . . .
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-03-09 20:28:00
CanadaIncorrect postal code
I have just found out from my fiancé (via an email with all the back-and-forth between him and the VAN consulate today) that they have my postal code ending with QA3 instead of 0A3.

Will VAN look at the documents that *I* wrote to find the mailing address?

Will the PO send it back or do you think that they will realise that it has to be a zero and not a Q?
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-03-08 22:56:00
CanadaWedding Photos
Thanks for sharing! Makes me all teary-eyed. smile.gif
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-12-20 03:16:00
CanadaOh Christmas Tree
We don't do xmas.


My mother in Canada does.

She sent us what will probably be an xmas care-package type thing.

So, we put my 2 decorations on our tallest plant and put all her packages underneath.

The 2 decorations were made for me by a woman who granted me a number of hours of interview time towards a paper I was doing for school at the time. I keep them for no other reason than to remember her kindness and patience toward me.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-12-17 23:45:00
CanadaWhere to send my Canadian tax package for 2007?
Correct address is:

2204 Walkley Road
Ottawa ON K1A 1A8

I was informed by the ITSO-CRA this morning that they occupy the whole building because they no longer share the building with the physio-therapists. Therefore, a suite number is unnecessary.

Obviously, though, if you have included a suite number, they'll still get it.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2008-03-27 15:55:00
CanadaCanadian filing of Income Taxes
I, too, resorted to calling the International CRA.

The LATEST DATE of residency requirement refers to only the tax year. So, since I did not receive my Green Card in 2007, my date of departure is the LATEST DATE.


I fill out the usual form, put in my date of departure, and attach a note to Schedule 1 that states that more than 90% of my income for 2007 was in Canadian funds. I have yet to earn income in the US, therefore, 100% of my income is in Canadian funds. Also in the note I state that, because of the 90% rule, I am claiming a Full Non-Refundable Tax Credit.

Everything else remains the same as if I were still in Canada and doing my taxes. Fill out all the Federal stuff applicable and all the Provincial / Territorial stuff that is applicable.

The woman on the 'phone said to go to this page at the CRA for info and pamphlets:
Select language
(at this point I can only tell you what to click if you choose English---sorry)
In the Search box type "T4056" (with or without quotations)
The page that comes up has all the info as clickable links.
She suggested saving it as a Favourite / Bookmark.
I did.

I hope that this may help someone else besides myself.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2008-03-27 13:56:00
CanadaCanadian filing of Income Taxes
Okay, this is my understanding of it and I still need assistance (and, of course, it's after 9p Eastern by an hour and 10 minutes).

1) On the front of the Return there is a place to say when I left Canada (2007-06-20)
I have the Return entitled T1 General:
Income Tax and Benefit Return for Non-Residents and Deem Residents of Canada
It has "Other" already filled in for province or territory as of 2007-12-31
It then has a blank next to: "Your country of residence on 2007-12-31"
(Then the self-employed blah-blah-blah entry)

Based on a response by Emancipation to a post originated by Mephys:

"I phoned CRA tonite about this very issue, and they said for SURE to put the date you became a Green Card holder. They said that it will help you get a bigger return, because you are given a bigger personal deduction as a result (your personal deduction is lowered if you only were in the country a small amout of the year.) SO . . . that's the 411 on that one!! smile.gif It made a difference of about $600.00 on my return putting May 15 as my date f permanent residency as opposed to Feb 5!!"

2) As I do not have a Green Card and seem unlikely to achieve that state any time before August or September of 2008, do I go ahead with the "Deemed Resident" situation?

3) If so, do I mail my Return to the Walkley Road address?---some place in Calgary?

4) If I really am a Deemed Resident of Canada, do I say, "Yes, gimme GST refunds" and others similar?

5) Will the refund (and / or GST) go to the bank account that I have registered to receive electronic funds from the Canadian Government or will they send paper here and I have to endorse and send back to Canada to have my sister deposit it?

6) Will 2008's Income Tax Return look like that which Emancipation has said?

7) Should I just wait on pins and needles until the 800 number is functioning again in the Eastern time zone?

Cheez. It took soooo loooong to just get my T4 sent to the correct address and now I'm stuck.
Yes, I know---no NR73. No problem there.

Any help would be appreciated---including links to appropriate posts that did not show up in any of my searches.

Toodles and thanks in advance!

Edited by Knobby_Wheezer, 26 March 2008 - 09:34 PM.

Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2008-03-26 21:29:00
CanadaDoes anyone know if Neo Citron is available in the USA.
I have the Extra Strength Neo Citran and the ingredients are:

Pheniramine maleate 20 mg
Phenylephrine hydrochloride 10 mg
Acetaminophen 650 mg

I have the Theraflu Nighttime Severe Cold and the ingredients are:

Pheniramine maleate 20 mg
Phenylephrine hydrochloride 10 mg
Acetaminophen 650 mg


I have the Life Brand Hot Lemon Relief Colds & Coughs DM and the ingredients are:

Pheniramine maleate 20 mg
Phenylephrine hydrochloride 10 mg
Dextromethorphan hydrobromide 30 mg (the "DM" part of it)

I like the taste of Theraflu better than Neo Citran of any flavour. My husband brought the Neo Citran over when I first emmigrated in 2007. I brought the Life Brand copy. I don't like the taste of it either, but it does taste slightly better than Neo Citran. However, now that I've discovered Theraflu . . . .
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2009-05-30 05:17:00
CanadaCanadian Taxes Refund Timeline
Refund in the bank via Direct Deposit on May 20. It was the whole refund that I was expecting, but they also required that I pay back the GST refunds that were also deposited when I was no longer in the country.

June 2 I got the snail assessment explaining what I owed. Not even a hundred bux. Considering that for my entire adult life I have always received refunds (a fringe benefit of being poor), it really doesn't bother me at all to pay back something that I truly owe. I left June 20 and so the July, October and January GST refunds were not really mine to keep. However, I did make a teensy bit of interest on them in the account before I had to give them back.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2008-06-12 22:04:00
CanadaCanadian Taxes Refund Timeline
16 to 20 weeks be a long time, n'est-ce pas?

112 to 140 days
16 to 20 weeks
4 to 5 months

I think months is easier to track than weeks.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2008-05-05 18:16:00
CanadaWeird Things Americans Have Said To/Asked Me
I grew up with the pronunciation "toook" = stocking cap to husband

There's a Timmy's in Rhode Island somewhere . . . we went. It's not the same.

grocery store = supermarket (doubt I'll ever call them that)

I still say Zed, thank you very much

Please don't make fun of people who live in Idaho or I'll punch your lights out wink.gif

Not only can you not say buggy when speaking of a shopping cart . . . you should see the look when I refer to my bundle buggy.

Apparently, I do say aboot, but not very often? wacko.gif

I refer to "freeways" as "highways" and probably always will.

I talk about the way of getting there as the route (prononcez "root")

And, on that, they pronounce root like the oo in book.

On the topic of where Toronto is, there are 2 of them. Toronto ON and Toronto OH. So, it is possible that you may have to specify that you mean the one in Canada. Granted, probably no one in the US has heard of Toronto Ohio as it is very tiny.

You wanna see cowboys in the streets? Don't go to Texas---come to Pocatello Idaho. It's comical.

I say washroom at first and if that meets with blank stare I say Public Washroom. But, most of the time I just ask where the women's can is. Putting the sex in front of whatever comes after seems to clarify one's question.

I miss Crappy Tire. Ace Hardware comes sort of close . . . but, I'm sure that they won't take my Canadian Tire money.

And, yes, I, too, am the recipient of everybody's Canadian money. I accept. I think I have about $30.00 now not including the special loonies and toonies.

I had to explain elastics as well. I asked if my co-worker needed any elastics. What are they? You know, elastic bands to hold all the papers together. Ooooooohhhhhhh, you mean rubber bands. Yes, of course that is what I mean.

My parents came to Canada from Scotland and so I have other phrases, names and pronunciations that have very little to do with Canada---and cause just as much head shaking. Plus, my dad was in the 2nd world war and picked up some phrases from being out "in the desert with Rummel." We learned them and I still use them. My husband is learning what they mean . . . slowly.

Oh, yes. Southeast Idaho is a desert. Potatoes grow here as well as several varieties of wheat, grapes, tomatoes, carrots, plums, apples, onions, beans, peas, apricots, chard, lettuce, cabbage, squash, melons, gourds. So, Houston may not have cowboys or desert, but we have both. It's technically known as "high desert" because of the altitude (4400 above sea level).

I call underwear "gotchies." Husband calls them "unders."

Okay . . . I'm done for today.

Oh! Forgot a precious one! I say glove box when referring to the lidded compartment on the passenger's side of the car front seat (not that anybody in living memory has ever kept gloves in it). They call it a jockey box here.

Edited by Knobby_Wheezer, 18 October 2009 - 02:11 AM.

Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2009-10-18 02:08:00
CanadaEI Report card question
. . . sneaking in . . .
[side note: Canada is EI. US still calls it UI. So if you are eligible for EI, it must come from Canada]
[side note: since you've not work in the US yet, you would not be eligible for UI]

. . . sneakin' away . . .
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-02-05 23:39:00
CanadaLooking to be with my boyfriend but not ready for marriage...


My boyfriend and I have been together a year and a half. He's an American citizen and I am Canadian and I plan to move to the US once I'm done school. I'm reading through all of this information, some of it is making more sense than others, but there seems to be no clear path for me to take. I don't want to commit to marriage without first living together and going through all of the natural steps other couples go through but the TN Visa has a very specific restriction about not intending to stay in the US, though realistically of course I'm not exactly sure what I intend at this point. I graduate from my program in April but I figure with the time this could take, I should get started now.

Any advice you could offer would be great. I think I'm gonna go cross-eyed from all the reading I've been doing before the weekend ends...

Absolutely no way that you will be allowed to live together first if you intend on living in the US. We were going to do that, but I was turned back at the border (there was a bunch of stuff in the car that indicated that I might be staying awhile). As a Canadian, I was not eligible for a visitor's visa (2005 rules---may have changed since) and so not eligible to have said visitor's visa extended for 6 months either.

In a way, it is probably a good thing that you are not in the same country as each other. If you are not ready to commit to a marriage, you are probably not ready to commit to living together---since that constitutes Common Law Marriage in Canada anyway. That's just my old-fogey opinion having been on both sides of that coin.

The guy who was my boyfriend (and to whom I am now married) suggested that after I graduated that I see what my degree could offer in the way of work before even thinking about giving that up to live in a tiny city in the US. And that is what I did. Then, we decided that we were suited to marry anyway.

I dunno. I think you should see what Canada has to offer you first . . . and then there may be room for another---as in, *he* moves to Canada instead. Just a thought. We wanted to do that, but Del's circumstances changed drastically in 2003 and it became impossible.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2011-10-22 22:20:00
CanadaRed Flagged at Border, anyone else? What are my chances...

I dunno.  The rules must have changed since the time that I was flagged.  I was told that I could not visit the USA after my fiancé had applied for the K-1 and before any visa had been secured.  He, of course, could visit me---and he did.


I got flagged because I didn't know the rules either.  Was held at Coutts/Sweetgrass for more than 3 hours and had the car devanned twice.  I, too, was not able to prove ties at that time.  However, even if I was able to prove the ties, we had not applied for any visas---furthest thing from our minds at that early time.  I was told that if he had applied for a visa---and it hadn't come yet/been approved (which was over a 6-month process when we did it), that I would be turned back at the border.  The reason given was that we might be trying to circumvent the immigration laws by having me sneak in and stay instead of waiting for the visa.


I didn't try to cross again until a year later and it was via the airport in Calgary.  I was required to use a special paper that they provided in addition to my passport.  It only allowed visits for not longer than 2 weeks and if I crossed back into Canada later than what was on the special paper I would be banned for 10 years.  My fiancé wanted me to go to a 3-day concert series with him before he started the visa process---because I would not be allowed to cross during that.  But, like I said, that portion of the requirements may have changed.


Not sure if this is helpful, but you were looking for people who had experienced the Red Flag. 

Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2013-05-05 23:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionwith regard to Gary & Alla's pin
Many, many thanks for your input. I need info like that. I, too, kept the name on my birth certificate.

Two years ago I applied for my Adjustment of Status and was granted a Conditional Permanent Residence card sans interview. There used to be a post somewhere in the forum back then that had a place to list your name if you weren't interviewed for AoS.

Otto und Karin
I do not know what a "beneficiary" on a medical policy would be. I am covered on his, yes, but I have never heard the term "beneficiary" used for spouse of policy holder.


- and also to everyone else who has chimed in -
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2009-10-18 00:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionwith regard to Gary & Alla's pin
Using the list provided by Gary & Alla, I came up with our short-comings.

Joint bank accounts - we have one. A savings account. I do not work for a wage. Just what would I be adding on our behalf?

joint tax returns - got.

joint ownership of property - mother-in-law owns it. We pay maintenance, utilities and taxes . . . which are in her name.

cars - I drive my mother-in-law's car. I do not own a car. She can't drive it since the knee implantation so she added my name to the car insurance policy. There are 3 names on it: hers, my husband's and mine. He owns 2 cars---neither of which I drive. They are standard transmissions and I don't feel comfortable driving that kind of car anymore. The mother-in-law's car is automatic.

Joint leases - none. We pay cash for everything.

Joint insurance - health and car only. Health cards do not have my name on them---only the policy holder's.

Named as beneficiaries on life insurance - probably, but don't know. Never asked.

named as beneficiaries on medical insurance - ? Qu'est-ce que c'est?

Joint credit cards - don't have. can't get. we pay cash for everything.

Government documents showing common address
Driver's licence - yes, these will match.

Photos are good, kind of expected, but NOT primary evidence - we have these.

- he has a son by a previous marriage. The son is 21 years old.

Utilities - in mother-in-law's name and she's not willing to change it and it would be too late now anyway (apply Jan24, 2010)

cards and letters from relatives - got these.

We are an older couple. We didn't meet until I was in my early 40s and he in his early 50s. We just wouldn't have joint debts. Even if he owned the house we live in---that would be it by now---he would OWN it, as in paid off years ago. He does not like to have debt and, in fact, has no credit rating as a result of always paying cash for stuff. I have no credit rating because I am not from the US (I am the immigrant).

We can also get the affidavits from friends, but apparently they're not worth anything anyway.

So . . . should I get ready to be deported?

Edited by Knobby_Wheezer, 17 October 2009 - 06:34 PM.

Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2009-10-17 18:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRegarding 'no reminder notice' from USCIS
What's "FAM?"
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2010-01-15 14:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRegarding 'no reminder notice' from USCIS
Stating facts.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2010-01-15 14:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRegarding 'no reminder notice' from USCIS
In the Guides at the clickable link that goes here http://www.visajourn...p;page=751guide there is a statement (apparently gotten from USCIS somewhere) that there will be no reminder of having to file an I-751. I have attached a pic (with necessary alterations). These few sentences were on a much larger sheet of paper, but I didn't upload the big blankness that was underneath.

The statement runs:
"At the time you obtain conditional resident status through admission to the United States with an immigrant visa or through adjustment of status, the USCIS will notify you of the conditional basis of your status, the requirements for removal of the conditions and what will happen if you fail to file a petition to remove the conditions.

The USCIS does not send a second reminder to conditional residents to petition for removal of conditions. During the 90 days before the second anniversary of the date you obtained conditional resident status you and your spouse (if still married) must file to remove the condition."

Attached Files

Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2010-01-15 14:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionphotographs
No Target in this town.

We are making 4 copies of everything---just like we have done with every step of this process so far.

1 copy goes to USCIS
3 copies are on file---ready to go when we get the word that they have "lost" everything and we need to send out an identical pack right away.

There was advice on this site in 2006 to make 3 extra copies of everything---ready as is to be dropped in the mail after postage was added. We did this for K-1 application; EAD application; AoS application and are doing it now for Removing Conditions application. USCIS, unless things there have altered radically (and they may have), had a reputation for losing stuff on their desks. If an identical copy was sent in, suddenly the original one would be found under something or in the wrong folder or whatever. The extra copies are a safeguard for peace of mind.

I was going to take everything to a copy centre because I thought that it would be faster. Since I have to use colour copies for all the things that were already in colour for the originals, I might as well print them all here . . . slowly. Black & White prints take a whole lot less time and ink to print which is why I was hopeful.

Consider me chastised.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2010-01-17 03:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionphotographs
That sucks. Colour copies cost more. But, thanks for the comeback.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2010-01-15 21:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionphotographs
We are thinking of making all the copies that we send black and white (because we're poor at this time of year and we're cheap). Can this apply to the copies of the photos, too, or must they be in colour? This is in light of having to make 4 identical copies of what we send in the case that USCIS loses our entire package (NO! You're kidding? USCIS loses evidence?).
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2010-01-15 20:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionConditional GC Approved without Interview
I saved it to Bookmarks last year or the year before so that I could use it when I was ready. I haven't been tooling around in here since AoS.

So, I'll just keep it in my Bookmarks until something else useful comes along.

Simply listing under January Filers doesn't help me much. As we didn't do an interview for AoS, I wanted to know what the trend was for Removing Conditions for people like us.

Are you able to direct me to the thread that has replaced this one?
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2010-01-26 02:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionConditional GC Approved without Interview
Just added mine to the CSC

UserName....Service Center...I-751 Date....NOA Date.....Biometrics....Interview......Approved...Remarks[/font]

Service Centre NEBRASKA

annelizabeth......NSC > CSC..08/15/07......08/17/07......09/28/07......
maguilart.........NSC > CSC..08/29/07......08/30/07......10/26/07........none.........11/30/07
Kitty0657.........NSC > CSC..08/31/07......09/02/07......10/26/07......
FVA...............NSC > CSC..09/10/07......10/03/07......11/01/07........none.........12/03/07
Michaelp..........NSC > CSC..10/09/07......10/11/07......12/05/07......
RaspberrySwirl....NSC > CSC..11/26/07......11/27/07......__/__/__......__/__/__.......__/__/__
Ron's_Wifey.......NSC > CSC..11/28/07......12/30/07......__/__/__......__/__/__.......__/__/__
edandying.........NSC > CSC..12/31/07......01/04/08......01/31/08........none.........04/07/08
kaydee457.........NSC > CSC..02/07/08......02/11/08......03/07/08........none.........05/20/08
Minfay............NSC > CSC..04/01/08......04/03/08......05/02/08......__/__/__.......__/__/__

Service Centre VERMONT


stef and kel..... VSC........05/29/07......06/06/07......07/09/07........none.........12/07/07
Nina C............VSC........09/13/07......10/04/07......11/01/07......__/__/__.......__/__/__
l.j./ 1999........VSC........04/08/08......04/16/08......05/31/08......__/__/__.......__/__/__

Service Center TEXAS

6901..............TSC > CSC..07/09/07......07/24/07......09/12/07........none.........09/20/07

Mahal.............TSC > CSC..07/27/07......07/27/07......09/28/07........none.........11/22/07
Jo1973............TSC > CSC..07/27/07......08/20/07......09/21/07......
Metta.............TSC > CSC..08/04/07......08/30/07......09/28/07........none.........11/28/07
guapitoyguapita77.TSC > CSC..08/14/07......08/30/07......10/12/07......__/__/__.......__/__/__
eau_xplain........TSC > CSC..08/18/07......08/21/07......10/11/07........none.........11/14/07
marksala..........TSC > CSC..08/21/07......08/24/07......09/28/07......
BETTI29...........TSC > CSC..10/05/07......10/06/07......12/15/07......__/__/__.......__/__/__
AlNRosa...........TSC > CSC..10/22/07......__/__/__......12/21/07........none.........05/07/08
RichardS..........TSC > CSC..11/05/07......11/08/07......01/08/08........none.........03/26/08
Kajikit...........TSC > VSC..12/10/07......12/27/07......
xtin..............TSC > VSC..01/08/08......01/26/08......02/22/08......__/__/__.......__/__/__
micius............TSC > VSC..01/15/08......01/18/08......02/23/08........none.........12/02/08
Fu&Laur...........TSC > VSC..02/16/08......__/__/__......03/29/08......__/__/__.......__/__/__
Kathryn41.........TSC > VSC..02/28/08...... none ........04/19/08........none.........02/05/09
Ramc75............TSC > VSC..03/04/08...... None ........04/19/08........none.........02/23/09
Jayde.............TSC > VSC .03/11/08......03/21/08......04/22/08......__/__/__.......__/__/__
honeyblonde.......TSC > VSC..04/09/08......05/13/08......05/07/08......__/__/__.......__/__/__

Service Center CALIFORNIA


a great person....CSC........01/02/08......01/15/08......01/31/08........none.........04/07/08
aussie angel......CSC........03/12/08......03/17/08......04/16/08......__/__/__.......__/__/__
newoption (k2)

Knobby_Wheezer....CSC...2010-01-25....____-__-__ .....___-__-__....___-__-__......____-__-__...

Edited by Knobby_Wheezer, 25 January 2010 - 02:01 PM.

Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2010-01-25 14:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionchecking in before mailing
Well, then maybe we won't get an RFE for stuff we don't have---like 2 year old bank statements. The bank didn't think to check to make sure their system was even sending statements until THIS SUMMER. Or maybe we won't get an RFE for the ORIGINAL affidavits since I only sent copies. 'Twould be nice to have a 6 month wait for a 10-year GC rather than have RFEs for stuff we don't have.

It's water under the bridge anyway. Fat envelope was already sent and received.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2010-01-30 01:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionchecking in before mailing
Well, I got this info TOO LATE.

I guess we'll get an RFE for the affidavit originals...if they require them . . . since affidavits aren't considered necessary. Will see. Will let husband know my mistake (since he didn't actually do anything except sign where I told him to sign). Husband is not member of VJ.

Not sure what is meant by the "overkill" statement.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2010-01-30 00:43:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionchecking in before mailing

Many thanks!
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2010-01-23 16:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionchecking in before mailing
"Dear USCIS examiner:

Enclosed please find a JOINT I-751 petition for removal of conditions of permanent resident status regarding my wife, ___. Please also find a check for $545, the fee for this form plus the biometrics fee of $80. My wife entered the US on a K-1 visa in 2007. We are happily living together and request that this petition be accepted for removal of conditions on the residence of my wife."

. . . is the first paragraph of the cover letter. Would it be redundant to mention it again? I had intended to place it in front of the cover letter and the I-751 after the cover letter. Is that wrong?
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2010-01-23 16:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionchecking in before mailing
Following this cover sheet are the documents listed below:
- I-751 application for removing of conditions filed jointly
- copy of the Permanent Resident card of ___
- copy of 4 recent bank statements of our joint savings account
- copy of 4 recent bank statements showing household money I give to ___
- interleaved with these statements are a copy of the cancelled check for each month
- copy of last cancelled check (it is too soon for January statement)
- copy of 2007 and 2008 1040 portion of tax returns filed jointly
- copy of 4 documents related to my ownership of the house in which we live
- copy of letter from Farm Bureau Insurance showing both of us as members
- copy of Medical Insurance cards for use in 2010
- copy of confirmation of ___ as medical beneficiary
- copy of online confirmation of ___ as health savings account beneficiary
- copy of online break-down of medical benefits indicating percentages
- copy of my driver's licence and ___'s showing same address
- copy of cards from friends showing same address
- copy of photographs of us together in various locations and on different dates
- copy of affidavit from +++
- copy of affidavit from ***
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2010-01-23 16:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJAN 2010, FILERS
Reposting to include my information again as it is not in the previous post (don't know why---ask Wes or Shiela).

California Service Center (32 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
ETRIPKE.............01/04/10..........01/05/10.......02/12/10........03/04/10.... (card received 3/11)
ZAHRA...............01/05/10..........01/06/10.......02/03/10........02/16/10.... (early bio 1/26/10)(card received 2/24)
SARATARA............01/07/10..........--/--/10.......02/11/10........03/03/10.... (card received 3/11)
NECROTICA...........01/07/10..........01/11/10.......02/10/10........02/03/10.... (early bio on 1/28/10)
LISA AND PHIL.......01/11/10..........01/12/10.......02/22/10........--/--/10....
BUSYCHARLIE.........01/11/10..........01/12/10.......skipped ........02/03/10....
HAPPILYCONTENT......01/12/10..........01/14/10.......02/25/10........--/--/10.... (early bio on 2/22/10)
JOECANUK............01/12/10..........01/14/10.......02/09/10........03/08/10.... (NOA received 2/23/10)
WES AND SHIELA......01/23/10..........01/25/10.......02/19/10........03/03/10.... (card received 3/13)
KNOBBY_WHEEZER......01/25/10..........02/02/10.......02/19/10........03/05/10.... (card rec'd March 13)
BRENT N JOY.........01/29/10..........--/--/10.......03/03/10........--/--/10....

Vermont Service Center (31 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
DUNNY...............01/04/10.........01/06/10.......02/04/10........--/--/10.... (early bio on 1/28/10)
SAU.................01/04/10.........01/07/10.......02/08/10........02/16/10.... (early bio on 02/05/2010)
GWEN666.............01/05/10.........01/14/10.......02/11/10........--/--/10.... (I-551 stamped 1/29/10)
JAGSHEE.............01/07/10.........--/--/--.......02/12/10........--/--/10.... (Never got NOA1 - what is that?)
LVIVLOVERS..........01/26/10.........02/01/10.......03/02/10........--/--/10.... (early bio on 03/01/10)
MIAMORTURERES.......01/29/10.........02/03/10.......03/10/10........--/--/10.... (ealy bio on 02/24/10)
(I-551 stamp 03/05/10)

* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* Please check that you have not deleted anyones NAME & DATA.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly*
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2010-03-13 20:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJAN 2010, FILERS
Received paper approval in mail today dated from exactly a week ago.

California Service Center (32 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
ETRIPKE.............01/04/10..........01/05/10.......02/12/10........03/04/10.... (card received 3/11)
ZAHRA...............01/05/10..........01/06/10.......02/03/10........02/16/10.... (early bio 1/26/10)(card received 2/24)
SARATARA............01/07/10..........--/--/10.......02/11/10........03/03/10.... (care received 3/11)
NECROTICA...........01/07/10..........01/11/10.......02/10/10........02/03/10.... (early bio on 1/28/10)
LISA AND PHIL.......01/11/10..........01/12/10.......02/22/10........--/--/10....
BUSYCHARLIE.........01/11/10..........01/12/10.......skipped ........02/03/10....
HAPPILYCONTENT......01/12/10..........01/14/10.......02/25/10........--/--/10.... (early bio on 2/22/10)
JOECANUK............01/12/10..........01/14/10.......02/09/10........03/08/10.... (NOA received 2/23/10)
WES AND SHIELA......01/23/10..........01/25/10.......02/19/10........03/03/10.... (early bio on 2/17/10)
BRENT N JOY.........01/29/10..........--/--/10.......03/03/10........--/--/10....

Vermont Service Center (31 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
DUNNY...............01/04/10.........01/06/10.......02/04/10........--/--/10.... (early bio on 1/28/10)
SAU.................01/04/10.........01/07/10.......02/08/10........02/16/10.... (early bio on 02/05/2010)
GWEN666.............01/05/10.........01/14/10.......02/11/10........--/--/10.... (I-551 stamped 1/29/10)
JAGSHEE.............01/07/10.........--/--/--.......02/12/10........--/--/10.... (Never got NOA1 - what is that?)
LVIVLOVERS..........01/26/10.........02/01/10.......03/02/10........--/--/10.... (early bio on 03/01/10)
MIAMORTURERES.......01/29/10.........02/03/10.......03/10/10........--/--/10.... (ealy bio on 02/24/10)
(I-551 stamp 03/05/10)

* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* Please check that you have not deleted anyones NAME & DATA.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly*
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2010-03-12 21:08:00