US Citizenship General DiscussionDestroyed Passport
QUOTE (NatHug @ Jun 8 2008, 03:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Everyone..

I have a question that maybe someone has experience with.. My wife has filled the N-400 Application and we expect an interview date in the near future. Our situation is this.. In May of 2005 after my wife arriving from Ukraine in August 2004, we had a fire that destroyed our home and all our belongings which included her passport and other documents. She did receive her green card in August 2005 and at the interview they did not ask for her passport. We did send copies of the passport when we filed and of course the I-94. We had the fire report and other proof at the interview but were not asked for it.

We tried to get a new passport throught the Ukraine embasy in Washington DC a couple of years ago but were told that she would have to travel to Ukaine to apply. We did not want to travel back to Ukraine with no assurance that she could get a new International Passport and return to the USA so we decided to just wait for US Citizenship before traveling out the the country. I did file for and receive a I-131 Travel Document (passport looking) that we used to take a cruise with.

Anyway, now I see where you are to bring your passport with you to the Citizenship interview. We have copies of the destroyed passport, the I-94 card, and the fire report showing we lost our home and possessions in a fire.

Has anyone had this problem or have an opinion?

I would also take a copy of the fire department report with me to assist in explaining why the passport is not available. If you suceed and receive citizenship apply for a US passport after taking the oath.


OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-06-09 13:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOKC office naturalization dates
OKC naturalization ceremonies are held at the federal courthouse @ 4th and Harvey in downtown OKC. Future dates for the oath and ceremony:
November-none scheduled
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-06-26 07:26:00
US Citizenship General Discussiontsc/okc timeline
filed 4/30 received 5/5 interview letter 6/5 interview 7/15 approved! quickest for USCIS I have ever seen after waiting for AOS for 1 yr. 1 month. Now waiting for oath letter.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-07-15 14:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOath Ceremony, Oklahoma City
Thanks for the info! Have printed and taking to my wife who will be doing the same in OKC on the 20th of August.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-07-27 14:06:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow do you prepare for the test?
QUOTE (Lyuba @ Aug 4 2008, 10:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just want to know how people prepare for the test.

Are those sample questions in the Naturalization guide enough? Or is there some book I need to study?

Privert Lyuba! My wife is Russian studied the night before and missed one question, the easiest! Asked to read a simple question and write a simple sentence. With your baby and good test results you should pass with flying colors. My wife only used the material provided her by USCIS and some VJ items I downoladed, i.e. the 20 hardest questions possible on the exam. Best of luck!
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-08-06 12:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow long between interview and oath
QUOTE (Tess79 @ Jul 21 2008, 08:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
On average, how much time is there between the interview and the oath? What is the longest it could take?

Filed N-400 on 3/30 Interview on 7/15 received oath letter 7/25 oath to be held 8/22 fastest we have ever seen USCIS move. Must want these new voters to participate in the upcoming election.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-07-26 07:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOklahoma City citizenship oath procedure
My wife received her citizenship today @ the USCIS office here no courthouse, although the security guard advised that they do one once a month at the federal courthouse in downtown OKC also. The procedure took a little lesst han 2 hours, the oath was administered by an ajudication officer. Played the Bush tape did the pledge of allegience etc. They have thre ceremonies scheduled today. good luck to everyone else going through OKC for citizenship, one last hassle then blessed citizenship papers are given to you as part of the ceremony. No wait! No mail!
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-08-20 12:18:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwhat should i do about my snotty lawyer?
Attorneys are regulated by a state bar association. If you feel that your atty. has treated you unfairly, taken advantage of you, ignores your attempts to communicate with him/her, then file a bar complaint with the state bar association in the state you either live in or your attorney practices in. Bar complaints are taken very seriously and in many instances the filing of a bar compliant causes a magical change in attorney attitude.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-08-22 06:05:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGetting read to file...
According to the latest poop from USCIS it looks like you still file in Neb. but all N-400s are processed centrally in Missouri. Maybe some of my old hillbilly friends saw my name and expedited ours. Who knows. But the refreshing news is that from the posts above the processing times are mucho short. Sorry for the moskirova on the service centers.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-08-28 16:52:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGetting read to file...
AK, now looked at your post and saw Nebraska, not a pleasant name here in Okie land. Research and see if the submision for your N-400 doesn't go somewhere else. I have heard they have switched things up after we filed, so just a word of caution.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-08-28 16:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGetting read to file...
Tired of the Russian forum eh? Well we filed N-400 on March 30th and wife had oath ceremony on 8/20, so if you were where we are less than 5 months. Don't know why, but for us this was the shortest process of all. Depending on the service center(sorry didn't look at your post to determine your service center but I would guess you are California) I would suspect a minimum of 5 months to a maximum of 14 months. Can't say on California or others can't beleive they would send you all the way across country to Vermont, but would watch the posts from other folks from your service center and use that as a rough measure. Also, a lot depends on your local office where the interview takes place and how stacked up they are. When my wife took the oath there were probably 70-80 people there, and two more ceremonies to perform as well as one later in the month at the courthouse. As everything else, it depends on the service center and I would hesitate to use our experience as a guide and foster false expectations. Upon performing the oath, I would sure head down to the USPS and get my wife's passport application in the soonest. Good luck this is the easy part, and you should have the routine down pat. Biometrics, interview, then oath letter. It is a snap compared to everything else.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-08-28 16:31:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 May 2008 Filers
QUOTE (smartie @ May 30 2008, 10:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my checks were cashed today! yay

ANyone else is still waiting for I751?

Have a nice weekend everyone.

I hesitate to say this considering your I-751 experience, but I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly the ducks get lined up on the N-400. My wife went through biometrics on 5/28( I think we filed on 3/30) so you should be getting you receipt letter shortly, and biometrics appointment real soon after that. We now wait for the interview.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-05-30 10:59:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2008 filers
We sent our N-400 in on 4/30/08. Now the waiting begins once more.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-05-02 14:47:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDWI and applying to Remove Conditions
QUOTE (brito @ Feb 21 2008, 08:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for the lecture. I am well aware of how serious a DWI is--I've lived for most of my life in this country.

Despite the severe consequences, I think that getting a DWI was probably the best thing that could have happened to my husband, since he seemed determined to learn things the hard way. Sometimes there is a huge responsibility on the shoulders of the US citizen married to a foreigner--I can tell him something a million times, but he won't believe me unless he experiences it (or knows someone who has).

Now he knows, and has changed his behavior--hopefully permanently.

I would suggest you go to the USCIS home page look up laws and regulations go to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 8 and look at 8 CFR 245a.3 and you will find language for denying an adjustment of status for the following:

An alien who has been convicted of a felony, or three or more misdemeanors.

Where I live a DWI is a misdemeanor unless someone was injured or killed, in that case, based upon the District Attorney's recommendation, a DWI can be elevated to felony status. From what your spouse is going through sounds to me like it is a misdemeanor, and based upon the laws of your state may be expunged at a later date based upon good behavior and no further violations, Good luck!
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-02-21 19:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI don't know where I would send my I-751 form
QUOTE (kansasphi @ Mar 5 2008, 08:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am residing in Kansas and I'm ready to send my I-751 forms and other documents to homeland security for removal of conditions. However, I don't know where should I send it to. I check the website and there is no specific add for Kansas. I dont want to make any mistake and lose our time. Please, whoever knows where I could send it please reply. Thanks so much

I think you go to Nebraska, but check the website referenced by the first poster, if so, watch this forum for other folks going through the Nebraska experience.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-03-05 20:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCan anyone suggest a good immigration lawyer?
QUOTE (Gulskjegg @ Mar 22 2008, 06:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We are officially outside the 12 month "normal processing" window for I-751, Nebraska of course. We are giving consideration to filing for naturalization as well, as she will be eligible in about 2 months.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I would not trust my passport to the mail system. If you don't want to make the drive, I would fed ex it with a prepaid fed ex return envelope to give some assurance that the passport will return. You do not want to lose the passport on top of everything else.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-03-23 06:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhat a GIGANTIC waste of time!!!
QUOTE (Canuck78 @ Mar 21 2008, 10:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So today, we went to our interview and this is how our day went.

We drove 3 hours to OKC to be told upon arrival that all interviews had been cancelled for the day! WHAT??? So the security guard says "well I see you are coming from pretty far away, let me see what I can do". So he comes back and says he gave the interview letter to a supervisor and to go sit down and wait. We wait for about 15 minutes and a lady comes out to talk to us.

She told us that they didn't have anyone to conduct the interview today and that even if they did, the Service Center has not forwarded my file to them so they have nothing to look at! WHAT???? She said we were the fourth couple to get turned around that day, but at least the other 3 were given new interview dates. As for me, there was no new interview date scheduled for me when they checked in the system so I had to go home and wait!

She also said she was a little confused because my file was transfered to CSC in October, but TSC is the center that scheduled an interview for me. WHAT??? They are not even the ones working on my case but they schedule me for an interview?? That makes absolutely no sense. So basically, it seems TSC scheduled the interview for some unknown reason, but CSC was not advised of this so they never forwarded the file!!! I am so frustrated right now I could just scream!

Just goes to show you the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. If you came up from Lawton then you had the turnpike fares on top of it, and again no one there to refund your gas, turnpike, and most importantly, time. The good news is you got transferred to CSC who have been processing transfers at light speed. We were transferred to VSC and after initial touches, nothing. Now approaching one year. Ho hum. My wife is resigned to the process, but I wait with faint and dimming hope. Although you didn't get the service you wanted, I have found that OKC is a good area office, and the interviewers are pretty straight forward. Best of luckand watch the video I am sure it was filmed at the texas service center (notice i didn't capitalize them they don't deserve it)!
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-03-22 08:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionaffidavits?
QUOTE (almaty @ Apr 22 2008, 10:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
questions in this area...

One, is it essential to have 2 of these?

also, did you get them notarized?

and the basis content of such affidavits?

We had each side neighbor sign an affidavit we prepared for them. I believe it had their name address, date and place of birth. Don't remember if it was notarized or not. USCIS asks for them so I definitely would provide them. If you are a regular church attender have your priest or minister fill one out, I believe such an affidavit carries a lot of weight.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-04-22 10:05:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNebraska Service Center - change of address?
QUOTE (Becky @ Jun 2 2008, 12:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi there. I am in the process of applying to remove the conditions on my permanent residence. As my husband and I live in Iowa, I mailed my completed package to the Nebraska Service Center, using the address listed on the I-751 instruction form (revision 07/30/07, expiring on 10/31/09). I sent the package on Friday May 25th using certified mail, and have been checking the progress online. On May 29th, the online tracking indicated that my package had been forwarded to a different address and states “This was because of forwarding instructions or because the address or ZIP Code on the label was incorrect.”

Well I have double and triple checked the address and I know I had that correct (USCIS Nebraska Service Center, PO Box 87751, Lincoln, NE 68501-7751), so I am hoping that Nebraska has just re-routed their I-751 applications. I’m getting a little nervous as the online tracking hasn’t changed since the 29th (I now remember how dealing with the USCIS seems to sap any kind of patience we once had…).

Has anyone else going through Nebraska had their application forwarded to a different address?
Thanks. smile.gif

I beleive that I-751s from Iowa are now being processed at the CSC. Whether this is being forwarded by NSC or the postal service I do not know. That could be part of the problem. You might check the CSC to see if they have you receipted yet.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-06-02 12:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCover Letter - need advice, large age difference?
QUOTE (wannabe_texan @ Jun 9 2008, 02:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jsouthwick @ Jun 9 2008, 01:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (wannabe_texan @ Jun 9 2008, 12:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (fwaguy @ Jun 9 2008, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Define large age difference?

I would not call attention to this... I would only deal with it if the AO made an issue....

Ok - that was my first inclination also. I worried about it before our AOS interview, but it didn't even come up then. I think that's because when people see us as a couple its not so obvious.

25 years difference.

The age difference is no big deal. Mine was 20 years, and it was never an issue although my wife looks much younger than her years, it does turn heads though. Don't do USCIS work for them, no cover letter, and about the DWI is your hubby the one seeking permanent resident status? If so you should include so that you appear to be honest beyond a fault. If you don't divulge and it becomes an issue, may raise red flags. If he is the USC no problem.

Thanks NoOne and JSouthwick for sharing your situations - glad to hear about other couples with similar difference.

Hubby is the USC with the DWI - so do you think I should include it or not?

This came out of another post on the N-400 application for citizenship, hope it will be instructive. The person who wrote this was in an interview with a USCIS officer and the questions are directed to the applicant for citizenship, not the USC.
"She told me that as long as the tickets weren't for DUI or reckless driving, it didn't really matter and she wrote something across the three tickets I had filled in on the form (probably to that affect). She explained to her trainee that some people put tickets because the question asks if they ever were cited and that since a ticket is a citation they put it. She said some people didn't put tickets down and that was find too (if it wasn't for DUI or reckless driving)." From this recollection of the conversation between the applicant and the USCIS interviewer, it seems that the DWI, tickets, criminal behavior etc. is directed to the applicant not their USC spouse. I would not include it if I was the applicant and it wasn't me who received the ticket.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-06-09 16:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCover Letter - need advice, large age difference?
QUOTE (wannabe_texan @ Jun 9 2008, 12:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (fwaguy @ Jun 9 2008, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Define large age difference?

I would not call attention to this... I would only deal with it if the AO made an issue....

Ok - that was my first inclination also. I worried about it before our AOS interview, but it didn't even come up then. I think that's because when people see us as a couple its not so obvious.

25 years difference.

The age difference is no big deal. Mine was 20 years, and it was never an issue although my wife looks much younger than her years, it does turn heads though. Don't do USCIS work for them, no cover letter, and about the DWI is your hubby the one seeking permanent resident status? If so you should include so that you appear to be honest beyond a fault. If you don't divulge and it becomes an issue, may raise red flags. If he is the USC no problem.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-06-09 13:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSworn Affidavits...
QUOTE (James @ Jun 9 2008, 05:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The OP does not list one of the key pieces of evidence specifically mentioned by CIS, i.e., a mortgage/deed/lease. True, the couple has a child together -- a golden piece of evidence -- but I would not be telling someone lacking deed/lease evidence that they do not need other evidence that is also specifically mentioned by CIS because I hadn't sent in such evidence (particularly where I had yet to be approved!). In the absence of mortgage/deed/lease evidence, I would certainly obtain an affidavit from the person who is providing living arrangements, even if it is a family member. And it certainly would not hurt to buttress it with another affidavit from another family member.
I agree with James. A deed shows ownership of property in the USA, most office supply stores have bland deeds, just follow the format in the existing dded and simply change the names of the grantee to both names, you will have to pay a filing fee, but cheap for the evidentiary value. I would also include copies of bank statements with both names, and copies of checks written by the non-US spouse. We did affidavits.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-06-09 06:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionState tax returns for I-751
QUOTE (dan flarry @ Jun 30 2008, 11:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We have everything almost completely ready to send in, but I never bothered to get a copy of my state return. I just file them on the website and they dont' send me a hard copy or anything. If we have our federal returns for the last 2 years, how important do you think these really are? I just want to get everything sent off ASAP and not have to wait for more stuff in the mail. We have every other kind of proof you can imagine. What do you think?? Thanks!

We sent copies of tax returns only on everything no questions no problems, citizenship oath in 2 weeks, never used transcripts.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-08-08 07:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (maunzebaer @ Jun 10 2008, 11:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I haven't been online a lot the last 8 days because I am in Germany right now.
Congratulations to everybody who has been approved.

I have good news to share as well. I got my approval email today. I guess not checking my emails for almost a week was the right thing to do. laughing.gif

Congrats and tilt a stein for us. Deustchland uber alles!

QUOTE (Cassie @ Jun 10 2008, 10:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jsouthwick @ Jun 10 2008, 10:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats fellow Okie! I only missed it a week which of course I attribute to the influx of all I-751 applications coming in from the other service centers. Now N-400 or not?

hehe you were pretty close, I will give you that! good.gif

Yeah, I will be applying for citizenship, probably by the end of the summer or sooner. We want to move to Canada in the next 5-10 years so I want dual. I'll get my card in hand first and then start saving up for N-400 fees!

the sooner the better, it seems they move on them pretty quickly. We filed 4/30 and my wife has already had biometrics, expect interview in 60 days.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-06-10 12:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (Cassie @ Jun 10 2008, 09:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am approved as of yesterday (June 9), the email came in at 4:15am this morning.

James, will you please do me the honours on our lists? smile.gif

Thank you all for your support!! I can't say that enough.

Hold on, imailin and BBAN! It looks like us 2/26'ers are starting to move!!!! good.gif

Congrats fellow Okie! I only missed it a week which of course I attribute to the influx of all I-751 applications coming in from the other service centers. Now N-400 or not?
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-06-10 10:22:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (mvn910 @ May 28 2008, 11:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (abcl2003 @ May 28 2008, 03:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can any of you let me know the address of the senator in texas and the format of the letter to send to them for there help regarding the case.

Filed - I 751 --------TSC ------Feb 2007
Transfer to VSC ------Feb 2008

Nothing after that ..................

I guess we are just on unlucky batch of VSC. They almost done with all the case that got last touch on Feb 25. Now, properly it is our turn. Hopefully we are gonna get approved soon. I tell you this because you are not alone. Still many people in the same boat like yours. As far as i know, there were few people in "your boat" just got approved few days ago.

Well, I am certainly disappointed that VSC didn't come through on Karnak's predictions, but we have no way of gauging the number of applications that were sent to VSC as the regional service center, and if you look some pages back about James's calculations on volume, you would be surprised, so be patient, truthfully isn't that all we have? A little humor for all who still wait and those of us that have moved on to another plane of waiting yes the infamous N-400.

And The Number 1 Thought For 2008 :

We know exactly where one cow with Mad-cow-disease is located among millions
and millions of cows in America but we haven't
got a clue as to where millions of illegal immigrants and terrorists are
located. Maybe we should put the Department of Agriculture in charge of

Aggies in charge of immigration? Well we know they would pay close attention to our hoof and mouth disease, lepto, antharax, blackleg, and give our ears a through examination for screw worm infestation. And make sure your shots are up to date, or the aggies might give you a rabies shot instead of your pet, or even worse, put you in quarantine for thirty days. Good luck TSC Losers and those who suffer through the intermnable wait, God Bless and my best wishes for good news today!
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-05-30 05:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (smartie @ May 27 2008, 08:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jsouthwick @ May 16 2008, 10:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (James @ May 16 2008, 10:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks, all. Yes, jsouthwick, Karnak did call it -- kind of, heh heh. At this point, it's not the fact of approval that's important but getting the freakin' card since travel plans are set for about three weeks from now. Oh, well, at least we have the stamp. I hope that's not a problem when Claudia reenters the country with just the stamp and they look up in the computer and ask her where the green card she was issued is. Probably not, but who knows . . . .

Karnak predicts Smartie around the 26th of May, BBrudi and Cassie June 3rd, BBan 6/26 & Imailin Juy 1.

Past even that date! Can I get a new one? Karnak predicted me a holiday. wacko.gif

Congrates James on receiving the card. It made before your wife's trip!

Tong Yan, congrats on your approval.

Sorry Smartie, Karnak did not take into account Memorial day holiday which obviously slowed things down. Keep your fingers crossed for today, because Tuesday is the day we received our notice if memory serves me correctly. Best of luck!
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-05-27 09:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (James @ May 16 2008, 10:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jsouthwick @ May 16 2008, 11:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (James @ May 16 2008, 10:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks, all. Yes, jsouthwick, Karnak did call it -- kind of, heh heh. At this point, it's not the fact of approval that's important but getting the freakin' card since travel plans are set for about three weeks from now. Oh, well, at least we have the stamp. I hope that's not a problem when Claudia reenters the country with just the stamp and they look up in the computer and ask her where the green card she was issued is. Probably not, but who knows . . . .

Once you get the official e-mail notice, then you should have the card in your hot little hands within a week, some folks have received their cards in as little as 4 days, but count on a week to 10 days. Best wishes, and sorry we won't be seeing you on the N-400 toteboard.

A few of the NSC Losers were verbally told they were approved but did not receive the email (let alone the card) until 2-3 weeks after the date they had been told they were approved. So I can believe that the IO at the InfoPass was correct in telling us we had been approved, but was only guessing when he said we should receive the email in a couple of days. We'll see!

Edit: I meant to add, we'll probably pop up on the N400 board at some point. I just don't know when.

Yeah, and even though you and your family are probably sick of the whole process, I would respectfully suggest that once you get the carta verde you file the N-400 as they are not any faster getting that out than our previous experiences with USCIS. My wife was hesitant at first but appreciates the ease of travel on an American passport.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-05-16 11:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (James @ May 16 2008, 10:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks, all. Yes, jsouthwick, Karnak did call it -- kind of, heh heh. At this point, it's not the fact of approval that's important but getting the freakin' card since travel plans are set for about three weeks from now. Oh, well, at least we have the stamp. I hope that's not a problem when Claudia reenters the country with just the stamp and they look up in the computer and ask her where the green card she was issued is. Probably not, but who knows . . . .

Once you get the official e-mail notice, then you should have the card in your hot little hands within a week, some folks have received their cards in as little as 4 days, but count on a week to 10 days. Best wishes, and sorry we won't be seeing you on the N-400 toteboard.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-05-16 10:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (James @ May 16 2008, 10:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks, all. Yes, jsouthwick, Karnak did call it -- kind of, heh heh. At this point, it's not the fact of approval that's important but getting the freakin' card since travel plans are set for about three weeks from now. Oh, well, at least we have the stamp. I hope that's not a problem when Claudia reenters the country with just the stamp and they look up in the computer and ask her where the green card she was issued is. Probably not, but who knows . . . .

Karnak predicts Smartie around the 26th of May, BBrudi and Cassie June 3rd, BBan 6/26 & Imailin Juy 1.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-05-16 10:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (James @ May 15 2008, 11:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yay! Claudia just called me after her InfoPass -- the officer told her that according to the computer, we were approved yesterday and should be getting the approval email in a couple of days and the card a week after that.

FINALLY! I won't believe it (or update us in the list), though, until I see the email.

Too bad we couldn't find this out before the InfoPass. InfoPass appointments in Miami are "appointments" only in the most generic, loosely used form of the word. She arrived about ten minutes before her appointed time of 10:00 a.m. They didn't see her until 11:30. Plus, even though the office is six miles north of downtown, she STILL had to pay $10 for parking in the lot for the place! She did get a 12-month stamp for her trouble, though, just in case . . . .

Karnac said the 15th, and lo and behold you found out on the 15th, and no James I am NOT your ajudication officer, had I been you would have been approved a long time ago and all the brickbats would have turned into boquets. Best wishes on your quas-nearly official approval, and I fully understand your wanting to be doubting Thomas on this latest wrinkle.

Now for you other anxious TSC-VSC transferees for a small fee you too could receive a prediction from Karnac, although I suspect too many of you were not born when Johnny Carson was the host of the tonight show.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-05-15 15:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (James @ May 7 2008, 10:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cdn_in_Texas @ May 7 2008, 11:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (James @ May 7 2008, 07:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cdn_in_Texas @ May 7 2008, 08:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Let's see some approval emails today!!

Heh, you would be the King of the TSC-VSC Losers® but I think there's a 3 or maybe even 6 month VJ residency requirement . . . .

Well, I would be the Queen actually. =O) And, I have been on VJ for 6 years (read lost old user account info somewhere between K1 and AOS), but most things have gone smoothly *said with a grain of salt* until the I-751. But, I abdicate the throne to you James.

I renounce any claim! I don't even want to be a pretender to the throne.

Funny how I thought you were male. It's not the first time. For quite some time, I used to think Kezzie, may she rest in peace, was a guy.

James, remember that my prediction was 5/15/08, unfortunately it seems a if my prediction is holding up. My suspicion is that VSC is blending in the TSC transfers with the regular VSC filers so they do not unduly delay their territorial filers. Right now, anyone's guess about how the process is done is a mystery.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-05-07 16:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (James @ Apr 21 2008, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (imailin @ Apr 21 2008, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (smartie @ Apr 21 2008, 09:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We need to be more understanding. innocent.gif

VSC worked too hard and now they are all exhausted. They will take a little break, get second breath and get back to approving the rest of us. I agree the day is not over yet.

I guess nothing today he???? what happened???

Must be doing the "U"s today (and maybe the "V"s).

Look for tomorrow or Friday and wait until after 2:00 p.m. central time (I think). I suspect they are working the original VSC filers and may do sporadic transfers this week on days we are not accustomed to. Incidentally, my wife got her card in the mail today from St. Albans Vt. Didn't check the postmark but I believe they send it out the same day they flag your application with card production ordered. I think our snail mail notice will get here days after the card does. Keep the faith, the wait is just hours from being over (6 days from card order to delivery).
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-04-21 15:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (licianne @ Apr 18 2008, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (James @ Apr 18 2008, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jsouthwick @ Apr 18 2008, 12:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (yanx @ Apr 18 2008, 11:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Alphabetical order: are we talking first name or last name?

we are an "S" and our approval via e-mail didn't come until 2:00 p.m. good luck and God bless for the anxious losers still awaiting.

Aha. We are a "W." If you buy the alphabetical order theory, that could mean they are doing "T"s today and won't get to me until Monday or even Tuesday. I wonder if licianne, the other 2/25 (aside from the Canadian in Texas newbie dude, I guess), has a last name that begins with something after "S"?

Well, our name starts with "P", so I wonder if we got passed over......we were in the second group that got the email notice of the transfer.

We got a response from our Senator. All it was was a printout of an email from VSC that said: "This case was receipted on 4/5/07. We are currently processing this type of case received 2/2/07.....and a printout of the processing times from the USCIS website.
Big help, thanks a lot!

I am starting to worry that if they are going in alphabetical order that we have been skipped, since kalstravels is a "T". Am considering making an Infopass appointment on the computer this weekend................

Don't worry, my guess and I was dead on on Kal's travels was today, so expect to hear around the 15th of May. My wife's last name starts with a "B" if it matters.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-04-18 17:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (yanx @ Apr 18 2008, 11:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Alphabetical order: are we talking first name or last name?

we are an "S" and our approval via e-mail didn't come until 2:00 p.m. good luck and God bless for the anxious losers still awaiting.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-04-18 11:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (kalstravels @ Apr 17 2008, 03:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope we're next. People before and after us have been approved....NOA date of 03/23/07. Hopefully some good news Friday or Saturday.

Karnak predicts you next on the list, I have no idea why we were approved prior to you.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-04-17 16:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (James @ Apr 15 2008, 12:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
NOBODY today? I suppose this means we'll have to wait until Friday, seeing as VSC hasn't been sending out approvals on Wednesdays or Thursdays.

Card production ordered via e-mail @ 2:00 p.m.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-04-15 15:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (kalstravels @ Mar 31 2008, 03:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Back in January 2008 when our case was still at the TSC, I placed a service request via the phone. At that time, our case had not been transferred and we were outside the TSC window.

Well, guess what? I heard back today. My hearft froze, thinking we had been approved. But alas, just a standard reply.

Here is the e-mail sent at 14:22 today from CRIS:

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Vermont Service Center
75 Lower Welden Street
St. Albans, VT

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Monday, March 31, 2008

Dear XXXm

Our review indicates that this case is actually within our current
processing time. We are currently processing I-751 cases filed on 2/2/2007.
We regret any misunderstanding. If you do not receive a decision or
notice of other action within our current processing time, check our
website for an update or call customer service at the number provided

If you have any further questions, please call the National Customer
Service Center at 1-800-375-5283.

Please remember: By law, every person who is not a U.S. citizen and
who is over the age of 14 must also notify the Department of Homeland
Security within 10 days from when they move (persons in "A" or "G"
nonimmigrant status are exempt from this requirement). If you have moved,
please complete a Form AR-11 and mail it to the address shown on that form.
If you do not have this form, you can download it from our website or
you can call the National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283
and we can order one for you. If you move, please call us with your new
address information as soon as your move is complete. If you have
already called us and given us this information, you do not need to call

Yowie, the metal plate in my head is throbbing it seems like the aliens are communicating again. They are saying someone is not being truthful to us in re the 2/01/07 date. For example, if you look at the last few VSC approvals they are after March 1 07', and were you in the processing time frame posted by VSC for last month (3/1), one of us was. The aliens have taken some delight in reading the Director's rebuttal to the NY Times article (to see it go to the VJ homepage what a bunch of self-serving garbage, especially to those of us who filed before the onslaught of naturalization applicants who filed before the 7/1/07 deadline) it makes you want to upchuck, especially in the lap of one of those cobweb covered ajudicators! Sorry that you got heart palpitations and increased blood pressure with your recent correspondence from VSC, but I stick to my guns mid-May before we see any movement on our applications. Now at 1 year and 1 day counting is fruitless but for the time being that and the aliens are all I have. Nights and weekend work by USCIS?, that smacks of a thick Tom Clancy novel or romance novel stuck in a desk drawer frequently read on the job.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-03-31 16:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (kalstravels @ Mar 27 2008, 09:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No news out of the USCIS with regards to case processing times at service centers. What is so hard? I mean, its March 27 and they have yet to post dates from March 15th. I think they are too embarrassed and afraid of more bad press after the NY times article. The dates anyway are a lie. But the more lies they tell us, the more accurate a picture we can get (piecing a pattern of lies to get some sort of truth)

And the bad news is, the March 15th processing times for VSC went through the reverse time machine and VSC is now processing cases from 2/1/07. Hmm, sounds like some of the stories posted about the NSC. My best guess and I am not as detail oriented as James, is anyone before 4/1/07 that was transferred will be approved by 5/15/08 with a cryptic sorry folks e-mail and a credit on your 2008 federal taxes for the I-751 filing fee. It seems the space aliens are hearing our muttered musings about USCIS and have taken matters into their own hands, oops, uh, limbs, no that's not right, are using their extremities to ray gun the USCIS with continuous work harder blasts, and finding the ray gun must be turned up to full power to get results. In the past they only beings that were susceptible to such focused blasts were predator and alien creatures. An unfortunate side effect has been the refund of fees to our income tax in future years, and the beams radiating on the metal plate in my head are indicating a debate by the space aliens as to whether to give us a bonus, i.e. unapplied for citizenship for our significant others. Ahh, the plate has stopped throbbing, now it is time for sleep, perhaps the aliens have reached a consensus on the citizenship. More later when my plate starts throbbing again.
OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-03-28 01:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (James @ Mar 21 2008, 09:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (utopiacowboy @ Mar 21 2008, 12:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (baunzerbrudi @ Mar 20 2008, 02:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree. The whole transfer game is nothing but a cheap trick. For some reaosn we are always at the receiving end. First, TSC filers after July got transferred and we had to wait, seeing them get approved. Now we have been transferred but this time it slowed things down and we are put back in the far end of the line. I predict several months of seeing Jan/Feb TSC filers getting approved and VSC filers from late 2007 before we even get touched!!! This is what jokes about bureaucracy are made from!!!

You got that right. Some guy who filed his I-751 with the TSC in OCTOBER, 2007 just got approved and was crowing about it in another thread. Meanwhile we're getting it up the tailpipe without any lube. Your tax dollars at work. NOT!

Let's not even mention the chick who filed in NSC in JANUARY 2008, was transferred to CSC, and was approved the other week. Two, count 'em, two months. Do they have a rubber stamp for transfers at CSC? I wish they would lend it to VSC.

Anyway, so much for the express CIS policy of first come, first served. Another example of government lying to the sheeple to cover up its incompetence.

James, I don't know if you saw this for all of us transfers this video is for you. Approaching 1 year in 8 days with no touches, what a bummer.

OkiebollweevilMaleRussia2008-03-22 08:40:00