CanadaPolice Check while not in Canada

Does anyone know if I can obtain my police check without being at the police station in person? Is there any way I can get a family member or friend to get it on my behalf?

I was able to get a police check while I was in the U.S. from Canada. I sent a letter to my father giving him authorization to inquire for and obtain a copy of my police check. Along with a letter I had to send a notarized copy of 2 pieces of i.d.
Call the nearest police division to confirm the process. They will be able to give youfull details. Hope this helped!
srs1978Not TellingCanada2007-05-02 11:59:00
CanadaRescheduling Interview

I got a phone call from my attorney today. He let me know he received my interview date in Montreal. The date happens to be tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. Obviously i am not going to make it. i am currently visiting my husband in GA.
Does anyone know about rescheduling an interview? Is this frowned upon? Will I have to start the process all over. How do I contact them?
Any info on this is very much appreciated. I'm a total mess right now! This process has taken 3+ years and now this!
Please help.

SANDRA :crying: :crying:

Yet another update. You guys are going to laugh when you here this!
This whole time I was thinking my lawyer had made up a louzy excuse for not getting to me about the interview today. Well it turns out that I just got notification of the interview which was supposed to take place today. The letter arrived in my Canada address today! I think that they gave me an interview so quickly because the knew the mistake they had made!
srs1978Not TellingCanada2007-05-02 18:14:00
CanadaRescheduling Interview

I got a phone call from my attorney today. He let me know he received my interview date in Montreal. The date happens to be tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. Obviously i am not going to make it. i am currently visiting my husband in GA.
Does anyone know about rescheduling an interview? Is this frowned upon? Will I have to start the process all over. How do I contact them?
Any info on this is very much appreciated. I'm a total mess right now! This process has taken 3+ years and now this!
Please help.

SANDRA :crying: :crying:

Another update:
The agent I was supposed to interview with today called me at the Toronto number and left a message saying that I was rescheduled for May 31st. Yay... not that long of a wait!!!!

Wow im really happy for you that everything got solved :thumbs:

Now though Im really wondering why it took 5 months+ for this other girl to be rescheduled....specially sinced she has the baby that might want to see his dad :angry:

I'm on my 3rd year of this process. We know have 3 children!
srs1978Not TellingCanada2007-05-02 18:11:00
CanadaRescheduling Interview

I have a question for you. Did they send your packet 3 to your attorney too? I have a lawyer, but he's here in the states. I'm assuming they send packet 3 to my fiance in Canada, not the lawyer in the US. That worries me!

They sent the packet to my lawyer. You can call and request they send it to you or your fiance because if you get your appt in short notice you will need the packet.
srs1978Not TellingCanada2007-05-02 14:13:00
CanadaRescheduling Interview

I got a phone call from my attorney today. He let me know he received my interview date in Montreal. The date happens to be tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. Obviously i am not going to make it. i am currently visiting my husband in GA.
Does anyone know about rescheduling an interview? Is this frowned upon? Will I have to start the process all over. How do I contact them?
Any info on this is very much appreciated. I'm a total mess right now! This process has taken 3+ years and now this!
Please help.

SANDRA :crying: :crying:

Another update:
The agent I was supposed to interview with today called me at the Toronto number and left a message saying that I was rescheduled for May 31st. Yay... not that long of a wait!!!!
srs1978Not TellingCanada2007-05-02 11:56:00
CanadaRescheduling Interview

I got a phone call from my attorney today. He let me know he received my interview date in Montreal. The date happens to be tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. Obviously i am not going to make it. i am currently visiting my husband in GA.
Does anyone know about rescheduling an interview? Is this frowned upon? Will I have to start the process all over. How do I contact them?
Any info on this is very much appreciated. I'm a total mess right now! This process has taken 3+ years and now this!
Please help.

SANDRA :crying: :crying:

Thank you for your responses. Here's an update......
After a sleepless nite, I called the embassy this morning. I got a receptionist who told me she would give an agent my telephone number and explain the situation. After hanging up I realized that i had given her the wrong phone number so I called back. Coincidently she had just talked to the agent and he said that I should have shown up anyway. Regardless, I have to reschedule. i have to call today between 2-4:30.

I'll keep you posted on how long this torture is going to prolong!
srs1978Not TellingCanada2007-05-02 08:17:00
CanadaRescheduling Interview

Yeah, the INS is very pathetic with re-schedualing anything all along the process. The golden rule as you know is never miss an interview. If you know you have an interview in the making or waiting for one to come, you should just stay put until you get it to avoid situations like this.

The INS uses a very complex system to reschedual all interviews. It consists of a 2 year calendar spread across a wall, and a dart which is thrown by a blindfolded agent. When the dart hits a date, that will be your new interview date. This could be a long process...

No i think you are mistaken my dear......
The process is that they start at the end of the 2 year period and do eeny meeny miney mo after they've thrown the darts by a blindfolded agent!
srs1978Not TellingCanada2007-05-02 08:10:00
CanadaRescheduling Interview

I got a phone call from my attorney today. He let me know he received my interview date in Montreal. The date happens to be tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. Obviously i am not going to make it. i am currently visiting my husband in GA.
Does anyone know about rescheduling an interview? Is this frowned upon? Will I have to start the process all over. How do I contact them?
Any info on this is very much appreciated. I'm a total mess right now! This process has taken 3+ years and now this!
Please help.

SANDRA :crying: :crying:

WOW. From what I've read on here, rescheduling can take a long time and you DON'T want to reschedule if you don't absolutely have to. You don't have to start the process all over from what I understand ... but you do risk waiting another 6+ months. Tough decision but if I had the money I'd be on a flight to Montreal. Unfortunately I don't think I'd have the money for a last minute flight :S :S so I hope this kinda thing doesn't happen to me.

How did you not find out about the interview date until the day before? If the lawyer knew all this time and didn't tell me til the last minute, I'd be pretty upset with him! I mean it's not like most of us LIVE in Vancouver or Montreal. We have to travel all the way to either place so it's necessary to know in advance! I'm sorry this has happened to you and your husband but I hope it can work out that you can get your interview and approved and maybe some kind of at least partial refund from your lawyer if he KNEW the date all this time!

I'm too depressed to be mad at the attorney at this point. This process has gone on for over 3 years now. If I have to wait a few more months....oh well. Financially I was not able to make the flight to Montreal. It was $800 per person. We are currently visiting my husband in GA. We have 3 children together so I couldn't just pick up and go. Time and money wouldn't permit it.
I'm sure I'll have a delayed reaction with regards to my lawyer once this is cleared up.

I have called the embassy today and told them the situation. She did tell me that I should've shown up anyway. But they will reschedule the interview. I have to call today between 2-4:30 to get that date. Please keep your fingers crossed for me!

srs1978Not TellingCanada2007-05-02 08:06:00
CanadaRescheduling Interview

lets say one does find out they have an interview in the next day or two, BUT they do not have their medical(or whatever else, ie police check)! What to you do? You GOTO THE INTERVIEW!!! What they msot likley will do is approve the visa, BUT wont issue it until you get the medical (or whatever paperwork) completed!! This might be a different situation (so dont be alarmed) but our own dear Neiks has been waiting like 6 months for another interview appt (I belive she had to put off becuase of pregnancy) So in short if you can make the interview that was handed out on short notice GO, and once you get the medical (or whatever) completed, they most likely wil then issue you the visa! Hope it works out for u!!

Thanks for the reply! I couldn't pick up and go. We have 3 small children and I am currently visiting him in Georgia. I found out close to 6 in the evening.
I have called the embassy today and told them the situation. She did tell me that I should've shown up anyway. But they will reschedule the interview. I have to call today between 2-4:30 to get that date. Please keep your fingers crossed for me!


well if she doesnt go it's too bad someone else couldnt get the slot.....someone in Montreal who's fiance is about to snap.....necrotica's rejean maybe :unsure:

That would only be too wonderful of them!

You can call US embassy in motreal to reschedule ur interview. Tell them your st#pid lawyer did not inform you earlier.

Thanks for the reply! I couldn't pick up and go. We have 3 small children and I am currently visiting him in Georgia. I found out close to 6 in the evening.
I have called the embassy today and told them the situation. She did tell me that I should've shown up anyway. But they will reschedule the interview. I have to call today between 2-4:30 to get that date. Please keep your fingers crossed for me!


Get a flight booked NOW. Deal with the medical later. If you reschedule, you may not get another interview date for another 6+ months. There's someone who had to reschedule due to having a baby and they are still waiting for a new date... 5 months later.

Why did the lawyer get this information only to you today?

He claims to have been out of the office for a week. the letter was dated April 23. makes since. I'm too depressed to be pissed right now.
srs1978Not TellingCanada2007-05-02 08:00:00
CanadaRescheduling Interview

if it was me I would be on a flight to Montreal.....


it would make no sense to me because I haven't gotten my medical yet.
srs1978Not TellingCanada2007-05-01 18:34:00
CanadaRescheduling Interview
I got a phone call from my attorney today. He let me know he received my interview date in Montreal. The date happens to be tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. Obviously i am not going to make it. i am currently visiting my husband in GA.
Does anyone know about rescheduling an interview? Is this frowned upon? Will I have to start the process all over. How do I contact them?
Any info on this is very much appreciated. I'm a total mess right now! This process has taken 3+ years and now this!
Please help.

SANDRA :crying: :crying:
srs1978Not TellingCanada2007-05-01 18:22:00
Canadacanada post

the envelope with my passport TO montreal says it was received and signed for on the 23rd. if montreal sent it the next day, it would've appeared on the tracking online, eh? when they asked for my passport they said it would be sent out the next day, so i'm just curious. did anyone have an interview around that time- did they send yours? i'm not complaining at this point about the waiting by any means, we've waited a couple years, haha, we both would just feel better once it's finally in the mail. just curious. and antsy :whistle: i know USPS didn't update right away but was behind.

When did you have your interview? I had my interview on May 31st. My passport arrived in Mississauga, Ontario today June 4th along with the Top Secret yellow envelope that I have to take to the border.
srs1978Not TellingCanada2007-06-04 16:36:00