K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 Hardcopy received but not through Email
Hi VJer's

Have any of you guys received your NOA1 hard copy through mail but not by email? My Fiance already received his NOA1 Hard copy earlier this day, but we haven't received it through his E-mail though.... Just wonderin'.. but we're both happy that our journey is already starting :)
steffbryMalePhilippines2011-10-26 01:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTraveling from the Philippines to the USA

Hi VJ's

Been here in Texas for 2 days now and would like to share my travel experience. Well, traveling fro the Philippines to the US is a mix feeling between being sad we are leaving our family and friends behind ( we need to be strong and look at the positive side of life ones we leave..I told myself its not a forever goodbyes to people I love ) , happy coz we will be with the person we long to spend the rest of our life with, nervous ( especially if it's our first time traveling ), and excitement about the upcoming new adventures in our life...and more so nice anticipations of our new phase in life.

When traveling from the Philippines, always be prepared from small things to big ones. I don't just mean material belongings :D I mean, be prepared if you travel alone to not forget to write contact numbers. be prepared with your mobile phone and have it in an international roaming a week before departure ( tho mine was a piece of never did work :( ) Check your itinerary and be familiar with what is there. know your stop over. It will help you big time if lay over is about 3 hours or more. Gives you a chance not to be rushed or in panic mode if and when your connecting flights are delayed. Be sure to keep the passport, itinerary, and boarding pass in one bag together with the yellow packet and be attentive of it. That's your life when traveling. keep it in handy and close to you. It should easily be pulled out if and when you go through gates and more so the immigration. It helps when you organize it properly knowing that being nervous makes our mind sometimes not function right..hahhaha.

As to my suitcase, I placed a distinguishing mark I know that's unique so that I would know when my suitcase s coming. Please read the baggage guidelines, what you can and can't bring. you don't want to be more stressed because of that. Don't put locks on your suitcase, the security officers may break it if they feel there's a need to do so.Be sure to ask the staff of the airlines who will give you your boarding pass if your bags are booked all the way through the final destination and if there are fees to be paid or not. Even if you may think you know, its not a bad idea to verify it. Be prepared to keep a good amount of pocket money. it might help if you got quarters too :D

Ok, enough for those tips - Lets talk about how my travel went.

1. woke up 3 am and prepared to be at the airport 2 hours before my domestic flight from my province to Manila. Arrive terminal 3 through Cebu pacific and my aunt was there waiting for me. But I was prepared if and when no one was there, I could take the shuttle to transfer me to terminal 1. My flight to Taipei was bound to leave at 12:45. Arriving at Manila 7:05 am, at first I though it was a long and boring wait, but its not. I was able to get me a nice breakfast, spend the time with my aunt, have my bags checked in 2 hours before my departure and no hurries done and less stress.

2. At around 12 noon we should had been able to board the plane, but Eva Airlines was delayed. The plane left 1:15 instead of 12:45. that was a 2 hrs and 55 mins flight to Taipei. As I was in Taipei, I made friends with Filipinos/as in that same plane..and it was nice to spend the time traveling and not be time conscious..chit chat helped :D my layover in Taipei was like 3 hours..was supposedly close to 4 hours but the plane was late, but still 3 hours was a good one. When in Taipei, one thing I did was to know the gate I am supposed to board. After that, I checked if they stick to the gates as stated in the itinerary or boarding pass. You need to do this coz sometimes they change gate :D At Taipei airport, you have to use their own denomination to use that vending machine. there is no money exchange there, we were told to buy something to get coins :D The guy we asked was a n ice one, he works at the airport, even if he speaks a little English and asked apology for it, I told him its no big deal, I can speak little Chinese too. At airports like that..don't hesitate to ask if you want to know or go somewhere. Be conscious of the time too if you want to roam around :D the plane again left an hour late :( - So by then I was counting like -1 for my stop over at LAX. it was still good coz my layover there was close to 5 hours :)

3. Arriving at LAX from Taipei, my POE experience was really great and a fun one. The immigration officer was nice. I hand him my passport and so as my yellow packet. He knew I was prepared. I wasn't nervous at all tho. He asked me my name and what I was there for. So I said I am under the k1 visa. Then he looked at my passport and opened the yellow envelope. Then he made joke and asked me if I had asked my fiance to do the pamamanhikan. I joke at him back and other immigration officers were joining out conversation. It was nice tho coz it made me like not an alien but was a signal I was welcome at this foreign land. He asked me when we will get married and told me we have 90 days to get married. I asked him where was the I-94..thos I know that the paper i filled up while at th e plane was the I-94, but Iw anna be sure he hand it to me back :D so he showed me where he clipped it in my passport and told me I am admitted and welcome to the USA At the ramp at LAX, a friend of my fiance was there who offered to met me up and help me out till I was safe in transferring to another terminal. I was glad that God heard my prayers, sending me angels amidst the grueling travel. We were supposed to have more than an hour time to go out and grab something to eat but since the plane arrive an hour late, 30 minutes was enough but I did appreciate his help and would never forget it in my entire life. He welcomed me and it made me feel safe in a place I was a stranger to begin with :D

4. LAX still, knowing that our boarding time was supposedly 7. Our friend dropped me back LAX terminal B till I was at the security line and made sure I go through it safe, that was when he told me to have a safe flight then he left. Feeling confident everything goes well, Iw aited at the waiting area for American Airlines. At first, they change the boarding time, from 7 - 7:15 then to 7:30 - 8:00 then until 8:15..then being attentive to whats going on, we were advised to change gates then again it was like a hide and seek game, the gates changed again :(

5 8:15 pm - the unexpected event happened. Flight got cancelled. my body froze and If elt cold - feeling afraid coz I don't know the place. I told myself, panicking wont help. If there's is someone who can help me in situation like that. It was my presence of mind. So I went ahead at their customer service, ask if I can call-up my fiance. But guess what, even if the phone number was a local number, the lady told me she can't make the call :( I didn't gave up, they may not like me asking but I was doing what I am supposed to do, so I asked where to find a phone to call. she told me there are pay phone. So I went there and the next dilemma how to use the phone when I got no quarters. I asked and asked the people around, mostly those working at LAX, I got those cold answers at some point which made me feel like an alien at a certain place, but it never stopped me, I prayed for God's guidance and prayed for wisdom and the right path to go. One American came close to me and told me he will help me out do the re-booking. he was the man I was talking with at the waiting area. It felt nice that someone did cared. So he let brought me at the customer service where to do the re booking but I told him I was ok and I can manage, he was supposed to have a connecting flight and will be running late so I told him to just go and not worry about me, he told me to have a safe flight and i did the same. I was still thinking of calling my fiance first and letting him know. so I left then look for a place where to change my dollar bill to a quarter. I arrive at a money exchange counter, but the lady didn't allow me to change my dollar bill to more than 4 quarter. So, instead of trying to argue, I said ok. My concern is calling my fiance, 4 quarter can make me do 2 calls. So I went ahead and called him up. He told me to go at the customer service and have him talk to them. But the customer service delinced to do the favor. they just hand me a new boarding pass, a hotel voucher and meals and told me to claim my bags and re-check it to my flight tomorrow. I asked them why do they not just check it in, besides it was their fault why the flight was cancelled and they are responsible for that rather than for us to go through more stress with the bags and go somewhere I even don't know where to go. She just told me they cant assure the security of the bags if I dont claim it. I asked how to get to the hotel, but all she told me was to go out of the terminal and across the street I can see a sigh saying Hotel. But the truth none of that was there.

As I was about to claim my bags, it dawned on me to go at the baggage service center and ask if I really have to claim it. So I did what my mind told me. And lucky me, I found out that I don't have to claim it and they will check it in my next flight. so I went out, next thing is to find where the shuttle. There was a security officer outside and I asked him where I can find the shuttle, he was the one who gave me the direction and just intime the shuttle was there. I stayed at a nice hotel. Wasn't able to sleep and asked when does the shuttle leave the earliest time next day. the said at 5. My boarding time was 7 btu I though it was best to leave at 5 just incase I need to run through another emergency.

At the hotel, I was asked if I have credit card, It old the front desk I don't have. That I just arrive from the Philippines, then they asked me for a 25usd deposit. Good thin I have enough pocket money so I hand them 25usd for the deposit, they said that's for the incremental. I was too tired to ask more so I just paid anyways they said they will return it to me when I check out. As I arrive my hotel room, I called my fiance to tell him I was safe. I know he was too worried. I made like 3 calls to him until I said goodnight.

I requested for a wake up call an hour before 5 to be ready. and they did. they called then a security officer of the hotel knocked at my door to be
sure I was awake..but the truth I never slept. My fiance also called the front desk and asked if they woke me up. so at 4:45 I went down and checked out and found out I need to pay around 18 Usd for the call. darn 25 + 15 usd just for the local call..but my main concern is heading towards the airport so I just checked out w/o arguing. I arrived the airport 5:30 and there were people at the security line already. Oh- just a suggestion, it will help if you dont wear belts and just keep it in the bag if and when you will be going through security line. check your pockets too just incase you have coins. I normally place everything inside the bag including cellphone earrings and every metals so i wont have a hard time going through the security line. I didn't mind the TSA. I know they do it to ensure safety of the passengers.

Before going to the waiting area, I decided to check the monitor to see if the gate in my boarding pass is the same, lucky for me to do that coz the gate changed from 48A to 40. So, I went ahead to gate 40 and waited for our boarding time. So, far that time everything went smooth. I had a chit chat with one american lady. She was nice and we talked until it was time to go on board. As I passed by her seat, she called my attention and told me to have a safe flight. That was again such a nice feeling.

I arrive DFW close to lunch time, I did have confusion on where to claim the bags but I was able to figure it out. My fiance met me up there and it was such a nice feeling being able to hug him after being away from each other for like 16 months.

GOOD LUCK to the rest of the VJ's here

Hi Dean_De you've really been very helpful to all the VJer's who are still clueless on what's gonna happen after all these petition and once visa was approved. I really appreciate you posting your experiences from the time you had your interview at US embassy in Manila and your experience while traveling to the US to be with your loved one. We're still on the process of waiting for our NOA2 but as early as now, i want to be prepared both physically and mentally.. and stating every detail on what you have gone through really made me realize how hard it is going through all of this just to be with our loved ones in US. i guess all those effort and hard work was really WORTH IT. Based on your story, i can say that there are a lot of hospitable and helpful persons that you can rely on especially those times when you're totally bummed and mad on delayed flights, no quarters.. hard time contacting your fiance. Well, i guess you're totally right that we should always be on our PRESENCE OF MIND. may it be on the interview or on the time of our departure in the airport. Thank you sooooooooo much! I've been saving some of your posts with helpful tips esp your interview experience at the Embassy :) I'm so happy for you and your loved one that you we're reunited again after 16months(such a long were really patient) Good luck on your journey and i wish you all the best especially on your relationship :) Take care :)
steffbryMalePhilippines2011-11-08 03:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThank God 4 Technology

Get instant messengers on your phones then you can text for free, instantly! :) My fiance has an htc phone and I have a Blackberry so we use Google Talk and message all day, all you have to do is both pay for a data plan. Which will work out cheaper than international texting.

Thank you. yeah, will start doing that this week :) they also have unlimited International Calls in the Philippines through US it will be a great help for our petition as well :)
steffbryMalePhilippines2011-11-08 03:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThank God 4 Technology

What a joy it is to have times like today where I can enjoy seeing my fiancé, friends and future in-laws via cam. Whether it be Skype, Yahoo Messenger, IPhone. Just a wonderful thing to wake up to when missing our loved ones abroad. Again thank God for technology, where would we be without it?

God is Good. "when life gets too hard to stand... Kneel"

I TOTALLY AGREE. even though we don't get to talk on skype a lot (since i'm busy with work) i still am able to contact my fiance through text. International Unlimited texting is expensive for me, but it's totally worth it. :)
steffbryMalePhilippines2011-11-06 11:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2

Hey,if i didn't took two short courses Culinary & English Proficiency and done with it already i will do what exactly u advice :) that helps while my fiance is still on deployment It was when he was deployed afganistan.I went back Philippines cause my fiance took vacation here last summer with me but I started working already abroad its my choice to be back and decide that he is all that matters to me.When i got back is not easy to find a job specially Philippines.We Skype and have MSN chat almost everyday when his on shore specially now,but there's frustration i can't really explain it stress me so i guess that's the reason my Fiance don't really wanna talk bout the Visa process all the time.

Thank you and Good luck to us!

Yeah i agree with you.. we also don't talk much regarding the visa since it will just add to the frustration.. we will just talk about it once NOA2 was approved :) I know how hard it is to wait, and all other VJer's also feels the same... just pray.. blessing will just come your way on it's right time :)
steffbryMalePhilippines2011-11-10 09:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2

I hope so, Thanks! I try to talk to him about it but i don't know if he's stress more than I am. We can't have a day just talk about everything preparing for paperwork so it gets me more sad and frustrated.

if i were u try to look for ways to keep u busy so that you won't frustrate yourself waiting for NOA2 :) i took up a short design course while our k1 was on the process.. also currently waiting for our noa2.. why not take a vacation w/friends or somewhere else.. then you'll realize how time flies fast while keeping yourself busy :) and i don't stress too much on the long wait since me and my fiance text everyday.. it seems like he's just here :) Goodluck! :D
steffbryMalePhilippines2011-11-10 08:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa received after 14 weeks of AP and interesting AP news

We FINALLY received our visa today after 14 full weeks of AP hell.

One interesting thing my fiance noted is that the visa was actually approved on 10/21/11, it just took this long for them to print it, put in the passport and notify us. One would think that when I was yelling at the DOS employees every week, that they would have told me to relax, it was approved, it's just processing through the physical printing and what not. I guess not.

hey, look at the bright side... VISA APPROVED! the long wait was definitely worth it! Good luck on your journey! :)
steffbryMalePhilippines2011-11-10 08:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSomething to wait besides NOA2 :)

Hi my fiance too is coming here in the Philippines this coming February. Over 4 months now waiting for our NOA2. Hope to receive it in a few weeks time. :dance: I am so excited to see my honey :dance: :dance:

Have a Blessed Sunday everyone! :)

You will be with him real soon! Good luck to the both of us:)

Thank u guys! I'm just looking forward to be with my fiance soon:)
steffbryMalePhilippines2011-11-20 21:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSomething to wait besides NOA2 :)
My fiance already book his flight to the Philippines this coming February, and looking forward to be in his arms again:) We were both hoping that he would receive the NOA2 once he flies back to US so it'll be such a good news for the both of us after his short vacation here. I'm not worrying much about the long NOA2 wait.. since i am positive that things will turn out well since prayers are stronger than impatiently waiting when NOA2 will arrive. What's important in every relationship is how you stood strong as a couple, and no matter how far the distance is.. the love you both have is much closer to your hearts (L) GOOD LUCK guys! Let's always remain positive B-)
steffbryMalePhilippines2011-11-20 12:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswell guys it's are turn

Thuy & I will have are interview on Nov 22 I think we are all ready.
Mr. Ellis & Mr. Nam have done a extant job so far with are case are file
Is very organized & looks to prepared very well. I will be flying back
To Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam on the 16th any last departing words? or advice
Thuy & I have been together over six years. I can't wait for her to be here.
I just wanted to say thanks guys I don't post much but sure appreciate
The advice & reading . Thanks again :thumbs:

GOODLUCK on your interview. just be yourself and don't be nervous:)
steffbryMalePhilippines2011-11-06 12:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStill on the process..
Congrats to u guys! and Thanks! Hope it also happens same to us:) Yeah, we have a lot of evidence as well esp. to the fact that we went to the same school during college, the same way on how I met my fiance. :)

Edited by steffbry, 05 January 2012 - 11:29 AM.

steffbryMalePhilippines2012-01-05 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStill on the process..
It has been more than 2 months already since we last received our NOA1 and didn't realize how fast time flies. We're not desperately waiting for our NOA2 on when it's going to be approved, because we both know that we're going to receive it on its right time. Not now, but SOON:) what we're expecting right now is for us to be together again. I'll be flying back to the Philippines early next month and my Fiance already booked her ticket to fetch me at the Airport (since the city she lives in doesn't have International flights bound to their place)... plus she booked us two tickets to Boracay which is one of the best islands in the Philippines. I'm really happy and excited to be w/her again soon. Well at least, we could add additional evidence when her interview comes that our relationship is ongoing and genuine.

Just want to share this to you guys who are still on the process of waiting for their NOA2 to be approved. Let's all hope for the better and of course, always keep our relationship stronger as time goes by. GOODLUCK VJ'ers! Let's help each other out :D

steffbryMalePhilippines2012-01-05 10:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresstill on the long wait!

Our's is 3 months and 4 days(NOA1 Oct.19,2011),so wait. We are waiting too,but very exciting and stressful.

GOOD LUCK to us! we're both October filers as well:)
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-01-23 11:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresstill on the long wait!

you are not alone. There are many of us on a similar visa journey. :thumbs:

That's why i really belong here :D

Welcome to !

a place for me! =D
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-01-23 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresstill on the long wait!
it's going to be our 3rd month on the 25th since last NOA1 received. and today is our 57th month as a couple! a lot of trials have passed and it has been almost 10months seen we last saw each other.. i really miss my girl! :(
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-01-23 11:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got an RFE - but did I send enough evidence?

I hope it's not my passport. I can't go back and get stamps from them for a visit I've already made. :(

I guess I am worried about the evidence, because I've sent them all of the primary evidence I have. I could send them more "photos" and such. But I have given them all the ticket stubs and my passport. I've got no more primary evidence to send.

Regardless of the primary evidence, i think there were just some lacking information? But we'll just wait for the hardcopy on our mail, we also don't know what exact evidence they need. or you could call USCIS they provided their number on the Email for further questions regarding the RFE.
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-01-25 23:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got an RFE - but did I send enough evidence?

I got an RFE today. I don't know yet what it will contain. However, I am worried about whether I provided enough evidence of meeting within 2 years. Here is what I sent in... to an outside observer does this provide enough factual evidence?

We met twice within last 2 years.

  • Photocopy of all pages of my passport with EU entry stamps for both trips. Some stamps are not clear, but I can't do anything about it. All of the stamps show entry to the EU and match the boarding ticket stub dates. Unfortunately on every visit I traveled via Germany, and she lives in Hungary. All the stamps are German because that was where I entered the EU. I went on to visit Hungary, but in Hungary I never had my passport stamped because I arrived on a flight from an EU member country!
  • Boarding ticket stubs for both trips showing date and destination (Budapest, Hungary)
  • 3 dated photos from recent meeting and 1 from previous meeting
  • Cell phone bill showing tons of texts and phone calls to her number in Hungary
  • Phone card bill showing lots of international calls to her country
  • Color photocopy of a letter from fiancé to my home address (in the USA) along with copy of the addressed, dated, stamped envelope

I am most worried about the passport issue. I can't go back and fix this if this is the issue of contention. I did visit her twice, and they never stamped my passport in Hungary. :( I did not include my travel itinerary because it is easy to fake.

Thanks for the help!

We're in the same situation, I also got RFE:( though I still don't know what evidence I need.. but I think it also has to do with my passport.
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-01-25 22:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2nd RFE...:( so sad

I just checked USCIS website this morning only to find out we are having another RFE..and this time , we have no idea what it is coz hard copy is not yet receive..i just wonder why would they do it? I mean to send another RFE when they already passed through our papers and saw the first time we lack something, now another waiting period again? It's too depressing that after 2 weeks of waiting for them to decide from the first RFe here comes the second one...anyone here experience the same?

just checked website and also received RFE :(
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-01-25 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE :(

I'm not sure whats going on with my case! Which is why i made that infopass appointment :/ Most people Ive talked to think maybe my evidence got lost. Hopefully yours will be something simple you can send in :) It's hard dealing with this when the wedding is already planned, mine is planned for this summer, so I understand how youre feeling about that too. Very stressful. Anyway, good luck with yours! Keep us updated:)

We also got an RFE last jan23 requiring additional evidence on our ongoing relationshp from the last 2years. we've been together for almost 5 years but most of the evidence they need are from the last 2years before he filed the petition. Quite frustrating, but at least our papers were processed. Good luck to us!
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-01-28 00:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Approved in 2 months

Just wanted to share this with all of you. My friend told me that one of her friends' K1 visa was approved within 2 months. IS IT POSSIBLE? :unsure:

Same goes to my Aunt who is staying in US now, was also approved in 2mos. totally UNBELIEVABLE. but that's what she told me.. that was 4-5 years ago though.
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-01-30 06:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAverage RFE turn around time.

So I still haven’t received the RFE letter. The USCIS website said they mailed me out the RFE letter on February 24th. I called USCIS last Friday and they told me allow 2 weeks for delivery. I am not sure why it is taking this long. Has anyone had to wait this long to receive an RFE letter?

Hang in there it'll arrive there soon. Also had an RFE last jan23 and just sent out reply 2days ago. Good luck and let's all be patient. Usually takes 2weeks for them to reply.
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-03-05 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE

Please read the OP's responses. She and her fiancé have not met in person in the past two years. That is a key requirement of the petition.

sorry. my bad.. :blush:
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-01 13:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE

Hi everyone, I would just like to ask your opinion on our case. WE received RFE to prove that we have met in the last 2 years. Here's our scenario. We have been in the relationship for almost 12 years now. from year 2000 to 2006 we have been in the same country until he had to move to the US. he finally got his citizenship in 2011. We decided it would be best to file for a fiancee visa instead of Us getting maarried here since most of our families are already living in USA.So we filed. Now with the RFE im a little frustrated because we have not kept track of all evidences of him visiting me here, the last time he went home was in 2009.He has passport stamps of his entry and exit but only of that visit,( he lost his records when he moved to a diff state). They dont accept pictures as primary evidence but can we use old photos of us with date stamps at the bottom,, the one you get with a film camera?and photos of us in places in our country?We also did not keep receipts,resort stubs,airline tickets, since we never thught we would be going to go thru this process. And he does not have hotel receipts since he just stays with family when is here in the country. aIs there other ways we can prove things? like his diploma to prove that we went to the same school.We have letters and post cards but thats and I found out that those are secondary evidences only.

Im sorry if this is quite long.

Hi we likely have the same case. We also received an RFE to prove that we met in the last 2 years. we also dont have enough proof since my fiance (the petitioner) stayed here in the Philippines for a long time and studied college here in which he graduated 2 years ago. We also dont have receipts in hotels or whatsoever and was also not able to keep our airline tickets, boat tickets since we didnt know before that we'll be able to use this. We did provide some hotel receipts but that was just 2 receipts that we had kept. and others are payments we made for a house we purchased here in the Philippines (for business purposes) and both receipts are under our name which was in track since 2008-present. we also gave them photocopies of his passport and receipts he had when he was still here in the philippines. My fiance's Filipino by blood but was born in US which made him a citizen.. his whole family is here and they have a house here as well.. that's why our proof like itineraries/tickets are not enough, we just had them during our vacations or out-of-town travel.. and most are already gone. but we did save a few. you could provide evidence for the past 2years before you filed since that's what they really need. hope you'll be able to gather enough evidence. Good luck! :)
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-01 10:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresservice request mailed from USCIS

guez they weren't convinced with the proof you sent before... let's just wait as of now and keep praying coz there's nothing else we can do but to wait..

WOW you're case is moving up fast. It only took you how many days to get your NOA2 after u sent your RFE. and yeah, we need a lot of patience.
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-06 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresservice request mailed from USCIS

Hi!! what is your RFE all about? :)

They asked for proof of our ongoing relationship since the last 2 years before i filed the petition. copy of my passport (since i wasn't able to provide when i first filed :bonk: ) and letters from at least 2 persons who have witnessed our relationship (which was provided by my mom and her brother). I sent all that is required..and i mean ALL.. and i don't know what else they'll ask if ever they think its not sufficient. :blink: its just that this waiting is killing me. it'll be such a relief if NOA2 gets approved. :yes:
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-05 11:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresservice request mailed from USCIS
Hi VJ friends.

Last week we called USCIS regarding our RFE case, and told us to wait for their decision on or before April 7. Yesterday, I received a mail from USCIS stating our "service request" and told us to just wait patiently since our RFE is well taken care of. I thought it's already going to be their decision, but it's just a reply why it took them too long for their decision on our case. It's just frustrating since it's almost a month already. I hope there's no problem or whatsoever with our RFE case.. we provided them with all the things they need for a proof of our relationship since the last 2years. Just want this long NOA2 wait to be over with. this is taking forever. :unsure:
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-05 01:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresissues about calling your fiance "hubby" on emails.

I had packages of valuables and sentimental items lost, stolen and once had one returned to me with everything but two items missing from it. My cards and letters sometimes never arrived and when they did, it would take them at least over a month to get there. He would also send me things by ordering online and have local flower shops or places like Amazon deliver to me. I did send him stuff through Amazon a couple times too, but it took forever and the shipping costs were outrageous. I gripe about the costs because the only way I was able to get a letter there was to pay for overnight shipping, so long as it only had documents in it, it would get there overnight with no problem. However, I was not about to pay that much just to be able to send a letter regularly. It was easy to abandon sending snail mails and only sending gifts on rare occasions. We talked online and the phone every waking moment we could. We used to keep the talk and or webcam program on MSN open 24/7 so when someone got home from work or wherever they were, they could simply talk through the mic and see if the other was there to hear it or be able to see them if they were in range of the webcam. We fell asleep with headphones on more times that I can count. It was a nice way to wake up 'together' too.

We always went out and did things together when I visited. Why wouldn't we or anybody for that matter? You are a couple, and go out on dates like any couple does. I saved my boarding passes, tickets and receipts from our outings as mementos and took tons of pictures. WHY? Because immigration would need them? NO. Just because I WANTED to keep those things, for ME. I cherished them and still do. He kept everything I ever sent to him as well. I had no idea we would be needing all those things because USCIS would want to see them. I did not go visit him because I had to for immigration purposes, and was on a mission to produce and collect evidence. You got that wrong. We had evidence already when we decided to file for the K-1 because we already were a legit couple that did not need to create evidence once we knew we would be filing. We already had plenty, even if it did not include a lot of regular snail mailings or emails, but mostly MSN talk, text and web chats plus tons of phone logs and all the other items I had saved, etc.

Different couples will have different evidence. The evidence that is suggested to show is a list of any of the types you may have. You do not HAVE to show some from each suggested type. It does not mean someone without a lot of emails, or a lot of snail mails is not legit. It means they have a lot of stronger evidence in a different category of the suggested types you can use. Yes, a variety is good, but someone having more of one particular type, such as snail mailings, does not make them more legit.

We were well organized too, and my husband took a lot of evidence with him to his K-1 interview. None of it was even asked for or looked at.

well said :thumbs:
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-09 04:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresissues about calling your fiance "hubby" on emails.

They're going to think you're marrying your parents

steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-08 01:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresissues about calling your fiance "hubby" on emails.

You know what? I wouldn't worry about it because people use pet names a lot and during my interview they never asked for emails or chat logs. I don't know how this pet name issue started but there's your CENOMAR to prove that you are not married as well as background checks :)

my CENOMAR was provided and of course we're not married yet. If they did consider it a RED FLAG they would've stated it otherwise on our RFE. Hope this won't be big of an issue.
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-08 01:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresissues about calling your fiance "hubby" on emails.

We called each other husband and wife in our letters and email and we filed a k1. I wasn't too worried since we presented no marriage certificate in our k1 visa app.

Well, this is a relief :D Hope ours wouldn't be a problem too.
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-07 15:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresissues about calling your fiance "hubby" on emails.

I wouldn't worry about pet names at all. They barely read emails.

Hi, i'm the benificiary and i'm from the Philippines as well. We actually call each other "dad" and "mom" and it never got us into thinking that this would be a problem in our petition. we had an RFE but they never asked us about this and instead they just asked for an ongoing relationship from the last 2 years. I'm just worried since the letters we provided stated "mom" and "dad" in it and we're still waiting for their reply on our case. :wacko: Will this lead to bigger problems? :blink: Although my Fiance mentioned in his statement that it's just our endearment and before we we're in a relationship, we were already teasing each other mom and dad and that's how it lead us to that name calling. Will this cause denial even though my Fiance stated this on his statement? They never mentioned this on our RFE but it just scares me. :(
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-07 15:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpiration Date?
Yeah Checked it out. I guess it goes with the site. Thanks:)
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-09 13:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpiration Date?
I was just wondering I noticed when I opened our case no. at the USCIS site, at the bottom of the page there was an

OBM Control No. ##### and
Expiration Date: 6-30-2012

....What does that mean? :D
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-09 13:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE RESPONSE

Proof of relationship and proof of having met in person within 2 years of filing the petition are 2 different things. As JimVaPhuong said, they are likely not asking for proof of relationship.

You filed in October 2011. You visited in February of this year, correct? But, had you visited during the 2 years immediately preceding your filing in October? If not, you were not eligible to file and your petition will be denied.

If you've just read some of my previous replies to other VJ members who made a comment on my post, I did not get it wrong. Me and my girl went to the same school until we graduated. We were PHYSICALLY together from March 2007- March 2011 I filed for a K1 fiance visa October 10 and I went to the Philippines to visit her just 4 months after I filed my petition. This means We've met each other in person for the past 2 years and yeah, we're still in a relationship :bonk:
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-13 14:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE RESPONSE

Proof of relationship and proof of having met in person within 2 years of filing the petition are 2 different things. As JimVaPhuong said, they are likely not asking for proof of relationship.

You filed in October 2011. You visited in February of this year, correct? But, had you visited during the 2 years immediately preceding your filing in October? If not, you were not eligible to file and your petition will be denied.

and from almost 5 years as a couple, we have "physically" been together for 4years. So if having met within 2 years is what they've asked, we know within our hearts that from that 2 years before filing, we have physically,face-to-face been together 1year and 3months within that range.
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-13 13:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE RESPONSE

Proof of relationship and proof of having met in person within 2 years of filing the petition are 2 different things. As JimVaPhuong said, they are likely not asking for proof of relationship.

You filed in October 2011. You visited in February of this year, correct? But, had you visited during the 2 years immediately preceding your filing in October? If not, you were not eligible to file and your petition will be denied.

As I've clearly said. I've been with my Fiance and "physically" been with my Fiance within that 2 year range. Specifically, october2009-march2011 we both are together, physically "face-to-face" w/each other. I grew up in US since I was born there. My whole Family lives in the Philippines, I went to college in the Philippines.. and I overstayed in the Philippines for a long time, although I was able to settle it already and it was already clear so they didn't ask much about that since it was already settled. The evidence I said about my trip back to the Philippines after I filed, was just an addition I included in the package. But most of the evidences I provided was from the last 2 years (oct2009-mar2011) that both of us have of us "having met" and face-to-face.
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-13 12:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE RESPONSE

What precisely did the RFE say, and what precisely did you send in response?

I have a strong suspicion you misinterpreted the RFE to be a request for further proof of a relationship, and USCIS rarely sends RFE's for that. They simply don't care. Your letters of intent are all the proof they need that you intend to marry. Evaluating the bona fides of your relationship is the consulate's job. If they were asking for proof that you'd physically met within the two years prior to filing the petition and you responded with relationship evidence or evidence of a trip you made after you filed the petition then the petition is going to be denied.

They asked for my passport copy (since I wasn't able to provide when I first filed :bonk: ) Asked for letters from at least 2 witnesses of our relationship (my mom and her brother provided) and proof of relationship that we Physically met w/in the last 2years.. and yes, the proof I provided from my trip after I filed was just an addition. I mostly provided evidences from oct2009-oct2011. I've been with my fiance "physically" from oct2009-march2011. And our letters of intent (proof to marry) was already provided when I first filed.
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-13 09:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE RESPONSE

Did you include Passport Copy? So they can see your entry stamps?

Yes I did.
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-13 09:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE RESPONSE

.. which is good. The RFE addresses the "meeting within two years prior to filing" and that would mean evidence dated from your time of filing(October 2011) back until October 2009. ANything older than that proves a relationship but isn't relevant at USCIS stage.

Understandable. Usually, the RFE is sent in the latter part of the process so you're almost done with USCIS for now. :) One more step closer to reuniting, hephey!

Thanks! Last year was the longest so far that I've been away with my Fiancee.. It's going to be our 5th Year as a couple on the 24th and hope we'll receive good news before we get to that date :(
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-13 02:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE RESPONSE

It's fine to send additional evidence but it's important that your primary evidence and the proof USCIS is asking for is there, and is not confusing the adjucating officer.

You can't use the normal processing time/goal on the USCIS webpage when you receive an RFE. Every case/petition is unique from that point on. Depending on what the RFE was for, it can take up to 60 days(sometimes more). When you're out of the stated timeframe then you can contact a congressman/woman. Before then, it's unlikely they'll be able to do anything since you're not outside their processing time.

One more thing; leave the capslock on for when you fill out the forms and off when writing on the forum :) - it's considered shouting.

Sorry for the all Caps. From Oct.2009-March 2011 i've been together with my fiance, so we have provided lots of additional evidence within that time frame. Although we don't have much of itineraries kept, I provided receipts and payments made w/both our names in the Philippines. I just added the ones when I last went here after filing. Thanks, hope it'll be soon enough:) I really miss her so bad.
steffbryMalePhilippines2012-04-13 01:27:00