Africa: Sub-SaharanGhana Consulate K-1 Interview Review

Quite a few people have posted about the Accra Embassy's in the past few months, check under 'Consulate Reviews' section here in the Ghana country portal page... I believe if you're a Ghana country member you should be getting emails when each member adds a review. I know i do, and as soon as I get that email I log in and read, and re-read and re-read the reviews... Good Luck, and I hope that you will post you and your fiance's review once he goes through the process. I plan to attend my fiance's interview when the time comes, even if it breaks the bank, the most important thing to me is getting him here, even if we sacrifice for the wedding and the honeymoon!! 

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-08-06 17:33:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanGhana Embassy Possible Alert????
The Embassy's statement was that things would function as normal, they just advised USCs in Ghana to avoid political stations.. I think you will be fine, as jahk has said, Ghana is a peaceful country with a history of non-violence, unity and cooperation. Do not be worried, the media will try to make things worse than they really are bc well that's what the media does :(
reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-08-22 15:40:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAdvice for K1 Interview in Ghana

A quick synopsis on my specific case. I applied for K1 for fiancé and he went to the interview and was asked to come back with more evidence which I flew down to Ghana to attend with him but we were denied and told by the CO that she does not believe we have a "romantic relationship."


UPDATE -- I requested a congressional inquiry and got the letter yesterday and their reasoning was that we did not provide ANY evidence when we came back the second time. This are some of the items we brought with us to the second interview: Proof of 5 visits to see him in the last 2 years, email correspondence, more photos, Fb conversations, a site plan for our new home we are building in Ghana with both names, a copy of a tattoo of his name on my wrist and the date he proposed and MYSELF.


So why did they say we did not bring anything? Because we held on to everything until we got to the window where I was asked to have a seat while they spoke to my fiancé (now husband) and then I was called to the window and given the determination and CO already had the sheet in front of her and was not even interested in anything I had to say by then.

The moral of the story is to try and give all your evidence to whomever collects your interview letter once you get into the building because by the time you make it to Window it might be too late. Just my two cents and thanks to P.A@2013 for also pointing out this fact to me.

 Best Wishes and Good Luck to those who are in the process!

Thanks for the info ToshLove, you're the second person out of Accra recently (read another in the Embassy Review section) that has said to give ALL evidence at the first window upon arrival and they give the evidence 'approval' stamp on the documents before given to the CO... kind of like a happy precursor to the actual interview.

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-10-08 22:33:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)30 day mark! NVC has not receive our case! what is going on??????

CSC is taking quite a long time to send out approved petitions... So calm down, relax and don't worry-- It will happen!! I was told 'wait 8 weeks' every time I called NVC or State Dept. I called 1-2 times per week until my file moved. It was 43 days before they transferred it. They are just having issues because of fast approvals out of CSC... plus the shutdown may have added extra time in there :( ... so have patience, it will all pay off in the end! 

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-10-22 23:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionreceived letter from embassy today to come for my packets

Congratulations! Thank you for keeping everyone updated, I look forward to seeing what your date is, I hope it is soon for you and Accra will treat you right :)

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-08-25 11:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWife would like to attend interview

Hi Im the USC and Im praying that my husband gets an interview this year and I would like to attend. Im hearing all kinds of negative things about the wife attending the interview. I hear that they could interview us seperately and thts my main concern. Although we know and love each other very much, I hear that the Interviewer could ask twisted ir tricky questions to make it seem as though we dont know each other very well. I dont want to ruin my it for my husband and I. Im afraid that I will get nervous although im normally confident. Im so confused. I need and want to see my husband regardless this year because I miss him so much. Any opinions?

Even if you were interviewed separately (which is unlikely in Accra from what I have heard), it still will be a very good thing that you are there. If they have any doubts that you are not a real person, or you do not care to travel 5-8,000 miles to be with him for the interview, you just being there will show them otherwise. My fiance (in Accra) has met two Ghanaians in the past month who have had their fiances come from the US for the interview- one was allowed with him at the window and they were interviewed together by the CO and the officer actually asked the USC more questions than the Ghanaian. The other USC was not allowed with him at the window but was within eyeshot of the CO, and the USC had the bright idea of giving her fiance her passport and a quick note written saying that she was here in Ghana to support her husband and to answer any questions the CO might have for her. Both interviews were successful and the men got their visas! 

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-09-08 13:39:00

Renee our consulate is Ghana, myt have made a mistake when I was creating the account. I got my packet today, just keep emailing them, they will eventually send u the letter, and u cnt just go to the embassy, u will be sent back ryt at the gate, I witnessed some ppl being sent back cos they had no letter. So keep emailing them

haha Ok, I was thinking it was just an accident you put Armenia... I emailed them this morning and got a response like 30 mins later!!! They told me if the letter did not come in the coming week that I could forward my fiance the email and he could print it out and take that with him to get into the consular section!!! SO HAPPY Thank you for telling me to just keep on it... I was going to wait a few days to email but with you and KayG telling me to keep bugging them it worked-- THANKS AGAIN!! Congrats on getting your packets :) When will your interview be?? I am VERY curious... since ours will likely be around the same time frame.

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-10-23 20:32:00

Renee i think you should keep emailing them or have your man call them to ask,  the embassy can some times be unreliable..... let me know if you need me to go with him to the embassy or something...




 I just emailed them again requesting an electronic version of the call-in letter if possible. And thanks, we appreciate that. Will let you know! 

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-10-23 10:56:00

Maybe this link will help too? I'm thinking it can't hurt, if you have the time, just to visit the embassy and see if you can pick up the packet?  




Steve&Hazel, on 20 Oct 2013 - 11:01 PM, said:snapback.png


The only problem with him just going to the embassy is that he needs the call in letter OR the email version of the call in letter stating that he has been authorized to come pick it up... an identification of sorts. But honestly, if we don't get the letter in the mail by Friday or a legitimate response to my email inquiries I will probably just send him there next Wednesday anyways, it can't hurt anything. Sigh... I thought this part would be slightly easier and faster but boy was I wrong! 

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-10-22 23:38:00

aw lovely! but your consulate is Armenia? I guess I thought it was Ghana because of your post... 

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-10-22 19:42:00

Keep emailing them like every other day, it took me over two weeks for them to give email us with good response. The govt shutdown here made things slower in Ghana. But now,  i'm sure everything is back to normal. Don't purchase your ticket till he has his packets. Just keep emailing like every other day or every two days. 

thank you for your info, it is much appreciated.. I will keep emailing then!! Also, you should fill in your timeline so we can see the timeframe of the process for you :) especially if it was recent.

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-10-22 12:11:00

Hello VJ! I really need your help--- especially those of you who are filing at US embassy Ghana or have an embassy that operates similarly to ours--- with the call-in letter for the interview. 


I have been told and have read in the Ghana posts here to NOT WAIT for the call-in letter to go pick up the packet at the embassy... that the letter will never come. Rather, the USC must email the embassy until they say the fiance can go pick up the packet. Well, I have emailed the embassy 3 times in the past week asking if my fiance is able to come pick up the packet and in every response they have stated he will be mailed a call in letter and can come in with the letter to pick up the packet. So what should I do?? Keep trying? Keep emailing? I'm very frustrated and am going with him for the interview so would like to get my plane ticket asap, and also just have piece of mind with this final step in our journey. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you all so much for your help

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-10-21 13:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRequest for More Evidence - K1 Visa Accra


AM VERY SORRY for your situation. I believe all isnt lost yet. If i were to be the CO, i would have denied you the visa cos your evidence submitted was below par. From 2009 up to date has been that long for you to have evdence in abundance.


Neverhteless,the age difference isnt a red flag at all. My fiancee is 15 years old than me and that didnt feature in my interview. What i can tell is a sure bet for a red flag is the B2 visa denial twice in a year. The implication here is that since the B2 didnt work, you want to try other alternatives.


 I would suggest that, whilst your fiance is around with you for the time being until your next interview, you should try and take more pictures. Pictures with only both of you is not advisable; take pics with friends and family members at different times and places. Moreover, if you have letters between the two of you add them and the envelopes with the stamps on them. Dont forget to add any cards sent to each other. Make sure to check your phone number on his phone records. Try and also go to your telecom network operator here in GH for your phone records for only your fiance's number.


As for the CO talking to someone behind the pillar in the course of your interview is normal> They do that all the time when they arent sure about something. When i had my interview, a CO from another window came to my CO interviewing me to show her some pics and letters and ask her some few things.

Hope this helps. In case i remember something else, i will keep you posted. GOOD LUCK

Thank you for this info jahk... I was very nervous myself about my fiance having trouble with being denied once in January for the b2. He of course, as many are, denied because of insufficient 'binding ties' and monetary support in Ghana. We did the b2 so he could see and experience America before sending him back to Ghana to start on the longer and more arduous process of the k1. Little did we know (weren't members of this site yet) those always get denied. He will answer this truthfully and hopefully it will work out for us... 

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-11-02 20:30:00

Yeah Curry... Relax and wait, don't email the embassy until your packet gets there or they will have no idea what you're talking about. You only email the embassy when your packet is there and they begin to process your case. USCIS and NVC/DS are the people to email and call while your package is still in the US. Like Aybee said, it's taking up to 8 weeks now just to transfer from USCIS (esp CSC) to NVC. Ours were around 43 days... so keep calling NVC to check the status, or call the DS, much faster!! Good Luck!

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-11-27 23:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscost of my fiance visa.

Fiancé petition $340
Our medicals were ?1400 ($1800)
Certified copies of birthcerts and old marriage cert ?246 ($320) 
Swiss police cert CHF40 ($40)
photographs ?35 ($45)
Translation of documents from German ?220 ($290) 
interview ?960 ($1260)
Travel to and from Dublin 3 times ?120 ($155)
stamps for the interview ?62.50 ($80)
one way tickets to the USA ?2899 ($3800) 
Boxes to be sent to the USA ?1500 ($1970)
and my fiance flew in for the interview on short notice for $950 

so $11,010 

Obviously my fiance didnt have to fly in (it was my choice to have him there) but yea I have spent quite a few pennies since this whole thing started, but there are 5 of us moving over. 

My wedding budget is like NOTHING right now sleep.png court house and a party with friends looks to be on the cards biggrin.png


That is mind-boggling. I'm with ya on the courthouse party combo... :)

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-06-25 22:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscost of my fiance visa.

I am getting a K1 and FOUR k2s and so far I have spent (including flights that are just booked) just over $11,000 and AOS will cost me another $3,600. 


OH MY GOSH!!!! This stopped my heart! I cannot believe the costs are so much for a family!! They have to get us for every penny...

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-06-22 15:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscost of my fiance visa.

I went with my fiance last week to the embassy-approved clinic to begin the process of getting him the shots and it was 350 cedis (about 175 dollars) and he will need to get 4 more additional shots as a follow up that will be 150 cedis (75 dollars). If she hasn't had any at all, or no record at all, this is what you would pay for the shots. 


I asked the nice lady at the clinic what the cost of the medical exam was and she said it is 260 cedis (130 dollars).


My fiance had a friend that went to Europe last year and needed a police check, online and what they told him in the police services office was that it is 20 cedis (10 dollars). But they know and expect a bribe when you are travelling because it NEEDS to get done for you to leave the country so they sat on it for about 4 months. Eventually my friend went to the police services office with 100 cedi bribe (50 dollars) to get it done-- and they did it that day. 


I-129f 340 dollars , and visa fee is 240 dollars.


The good thing about all of this is that it's spread out!! So keep that in mind, you will not be paying everything all at once :) 

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-06-17 18:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy God is Awesome!!!

Congratulations!! Can you write a bit about how the embassy treated your fiance? (If you haven't already in the consulate reviews section..)

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-06-25 22:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsYour Case Status: Post Decision Activity

Sounds like you were approved.. Congrats!! 

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-06-25 21:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshello everybody i am new here please i really need your help Post Decision Activity

Oh my goodness!!! Super Congratulations! Felicitations!! That is incredibly fast :) Lucky you! 

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-08-06 17:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsConsulate hasn't gotten our case file yet?

Did you try going to and enter the tracking number or if you didn't get a tracking number, check on the packages that went to Accra the past month and see if/when yours might have been in there? I'm sorry I can't be more specific, search through the threads on here, I am going by what I have read and learned on VJ and it seems people find out information on their packages by tracking through dhl, either online or by calling a representative.. Good Luck!! 

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-08-13 15:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsConsulate sent me a call-in letter today to come for my packets

You are getting very close... from looking on the statistics here on VJ it seems the Accra interview wait time is 60-70 days. So may be a little past September, but not by much! 

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-08-15 12:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview date September 30th!

Ah!! Congratulations! That is awesome :) I hope you'll post how it goes for you guys... Ours will be soon to follow! 

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-08-26 14:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDelays in CSCIS uploads to NVC

We received our NOA2 on August 1st, but since then CSCIS appears to have not uploaded many cases to NVC.


I've called NVC everyday since the 8th day and also sent an email with the attached NOA2 to as their reply email asked to do if the wait has been more than two weeks. (It's almost a month now)


Question is, does CSCIS usually hold up the process and then flood NVC with weeks worth of files at once? It just appears an odd delay to what was a fast process for us.


It seems that the other centers are processing to NVC a little more regularly.


Not complaining. I know others have waited much longer. 



I was approved/received NOA2 last week (in 58 days!!) from the CSC and I gave it a week and called last night, was on hold for about 25 mins and when the lady answered (sounded miserable and tired..) she said the wait time for August approvals is 8+ weeks. So much for both of us getting NOA2 approval so fast... sad.png In the long run it appears everything will even out! 

Edited by reneegh724, 30 August 2013 - 11:27 AM.

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-08-30 11:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInking forms DS-156, DS-156k, DS-230

Is it wrong to fill the above forms with ink instead of typing and printing? Will such forms be rejected at the embassy? Reading the instructions carefully in the packet, there is no such thing where one is obliged to type and print all forms. Am i wrong?

This week the State Dept listed the new DS 260 as a replacement of the DS 230, just so you know, before you start filling them out. It's completely online too... I saw on vj a few weeks ago it was only supposed to be certain embassies but now it appears to be all embassies.



reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-09-04 20:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 after 58 days!!!!!!!
Thanks everybody! I am glad others also went through alongside us as well :) Our case is CSC and I am not a previous filer..
reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-08-22 15:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 after 58 days!!!!!!!
USCIS has just sent me a text saying to log into my case, that it has been updated........... We are APPROVED!!!!!!! After only 58 days!!!!!!!! This is unbelievable!!! I'm not sure why it was so fast, but I am so grateful!! I hope l
reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-08-21 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshow long after NOA2 till NVC csae #????

I thought not everyone always receives notice that it was transferred to NVC?  Ugh wish they would hurry up.  Our NOA2 was Aug 20 and I am already getting impatient.  Trying to wait until Friday to call again... not expecting anything though.  I want to get this process moving so we can get married.  

I was approved the 21st and am trying to call NVC in one week intervals... after the lady last week (week 1 call) said it would be 8 weeks before they would get our case. Good Luck to you, let's hope it works out for the both of us very soon! 

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-09-04 20:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsanyone w/ NOA2 approved aug 12 onwards. help pls...

I called and the lady told me they won't have it for 8 weeks... Seems kind of ridiculous, and judging from timelines not the reality... but maybe they have to say that!

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-09-01 10:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPray for NVC

Still waiting on my USCIS-NVC transfer... from Aug 21... :( Hurry up NVC!!!!

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-09-09 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGOT INTERVIEW DATE TODAY

Congratulations!! Good Luck :) So happy for you!!

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-08-29 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNoa2 Aug will this be the week for case #????

I hope so!! I actually forgot to call yesterday and (politely and nicely) harass the NVC people. It has been my weekly routine for 4 weeks now :) Here's to hoping that all of us approved in the past month or so will get transferred and actually get a case number!!

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-09-14 13:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports129-f approved in 58 days!!!

Yay! Congrats to you both!! We were also approved in 58 days from csc but as the other vj-ers have mentioned-- there is a huge backlog and cases are taking a lonnnnnngggggggg time to get to the NVC :( hopefully they'll get their act together soon.. like you I am also hoping/praying/wishing for December :)

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-09-14 22:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFinally after 7 weeks NVC has received it!

Congrats!! You give all of us hope... :) Thanks!

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-09-21 14:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2 approved NVC still hasnt received my case

noa2 for us was Aug 21 and I have called twice since then (every 7 days). Both NVC people said give it 8 weeks.. :( Sorry, just keep patience!!

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-09-08 10:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports39 days since NOA2, still no further process

So our I-129F got approved on August 16th. My fiance called the NVC yesterday and they said they haven't even received our case yet. Is that normal?? Are there any people who also have to wait that long?



Unfortunately this seems to be the case for a lot of people coming out of CSC, quick approvals causing a sort of backlog, thus creating an 8 week wait for our cases to be moved to the NVC. I was approved a few days after you, the 21st of August and I've called NVC every week since then with every person I've talked to saying 'count 8 weeks from your NOA2 approval date and that's when we should get your case.' And last night the lady also told me that they are behind with processing there too, so it's taking between 10-20 business days to get the file into the system. Ugh. Good Luck to you and to all of us 'patiently' waiting!!

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-09-24 11:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnyone with N02 approval for K1 on 22 August received case number yet?

I don't think I should be too worried for now since we got our NO2 a bit faster but I am just wondering if anyone who got approved around 22nd August has received case number yet, I am a bit curious cuz its almost about 4weeks now and I still don't know anything yet, whether it has left USCIS or with NVC, wondering....ClockWatch2.gifsleepy.gif


I was approved on August 21st and have not received my case number, I've called NVC each week since my approval date and they tell me 8 weeks. There is a backlog at the CSC where both of our files went and were approved very quickly. I guess they were just pumping them out too fast for NVC to catch up. So don't worry, just wait :) Sorry I cannot give better news... hoping things will go faster than 8 weeks but if not, again, don't worry. Looks like our packets will be traveling in the same 'batch' and possibly our interviews will also be close in date ;) 

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-09-17 17:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow long should it take for them to cash the I-129F check?

My I-129F form was received by the Dallas Lock Box on September 27th at 4:40 am in the morning.  They signed for it, as I received the green USPS certified mail confirmation/reception verification in the mail.


I've called the bank every business day following their reception, and they have yet to cash the check.


I understand that the NOA1 should take like 2-3 weeks to receive in the mail, but I would have thought with the enotification form I sent in I'd have at least received a text or email confirming they received it (since the form says they would after 24 hours of accepting).


So, in order to confirm my paranoia is just paranoia (this shutdown isn't helping), and they hopefully didn't lose many days on average did it for others for them to cash your check?


And at what point should I call if they haven't cashed the check by?


Is this something important enough to warrant requesting a Tier 2 supervisor when I do call or just the regular person?


I swear, I can handle the waiting for the NOA2, that won't be an issue...but this lack of them cashing is causing me to go through WAY to many antacids already.

They'll transfer it to a USCIS service center, then when it gets to said service center, your check will be cashed. But because of the shutdown USCIS may be moving a little slower? My file took about 2 weeks (I filed end of June) to go from the lockbox to our home at CSC. Ironically it's still sitting there after our approval because of a severe backlog at that service center. haha so no more antacids.. :) It will be ok! Just wait, I wish I could give you more about how the shutdown affects USCIS but I have only been talking to NVC/State Dept personnel and know they are operating normally as of now. Good Luck!!

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-10-02 10:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA#2 August 6th and now Sept 27 still no NVC

Just showing up at the embassy is a waste of your good time so I wouldn't do that anymore. Like everyone else has said, contact the NVC and don't stop till you get the answers you deserve!! Also, from what I've read and noticed the wait for the actual interview in Ghana could take a while so just be prepared for that. The link posted by Jay-Kay has very good info for you! http://www.visajourn...Ghana&cty=Accra



What have you been and waiting for? My case was READY on 28-August-2013 and i have my interview coming up. Email the Accra Consulate right away like everyone here has She has only been  waiting fruitless efforts going to the embassy to and fro. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!

Mrs/Mr jahk18 here only waited 5 weeks for the interview once the case was ready.. so don't go by the outdated listing here on VJ, it is not 5 months anymore... I hope you hear from them very soon and your fiance is prepared with the medical and the police check! Much luck! 

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-09-28 18:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA#2 August 6th and now Sept 27 still no NVC

You can try contacting the consulate instead of just trying to show up there first. Also, the info here on VJ states it is a long wait till interview > http://www.visajourn...Ghana&cty=Accra



~ Moved from K-1 Process to K-1 Progress Reports- topic is case status/progress ~


I believe this is very outdated, current wait time at Accra is about 4-6 weeks so it is even more important that you guys find out where the heck your packet is and when the interview could be! One girl I talked to almost missed her interview because they waited for the embassy to contact them, so keep at it, keep on calling NVC and email with petitioner and beneficiary first and last name, birthdate and ask when she can come and pick up the packet at the embassy. They may have you forward her the email and print out the response and take it to the embassy...

reneegh724FemaleGhana2013-09-28 13:54:00