IMBRA Special TopicsK-1's Treated as Criminals While Illegals Live and Love
That pisses me off with this country.Why are people who legally come over treated like shite while illegals get what they want. How would these politicans like it if they were forced to live on one wage for 6 months, their whole lives been scrutinsed. Mr bush has alot to answer for but does he care.Hell no as long as the iraqi war is going on.Well bring on 2008 when we will hopefully see a new U.S.A
Donal78MaleIreland2006-06-15 13:04:00
IMBRA Special Topics(embra) missing again

So uscis sent me an e mail saying the have my embra form delivered back to them. I called they said they would mail it again. That was on July 18, and now for the second time i have not recieved it :( i am concerned if they recieve it again, i'm wondering if they will cancel my petition. The problem is within my post office. I just dont understand! And uscis has my address, because i recived my (noa 1) really strange. I have now lost a month. What to do? :help: :help:

Go to your post office and make sure your name is added to your postbox. Also make sure your name is inside the postbox as well when it is opened.
Donal78MaleIreland2006-07-27 06:41:00
USCIS Service CentersMSC sent me a rfe but havent received it yet
My rfe for more info was sent on the 23rd.I checked the post again today and still no rfe.Surely post from MSC doesnt take this long. I send stuff to ireland all the time and it takes 4 days. Yetr something less than half the distance takes this long. I have high blood pressure thanks to USCIS. I chcked in brooks yesterday so THANK YOU. Hope they are happy.
Donal78MaleIreland2006-06-29 13:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Hey everyone,

Good to hear that the little one is doing well, glad that things have worked out back in Ireland. I havent been on visajourney in so long myself. My wife is expecting our first child in 7 weeks and counting.

I am in two minds about moving back. Some days i want to and other days i dont. I suppose the main stress in our lives is the small fact is that we are paying two mortgages and have been since Feburary of this year. We have our house in Ireland for sale, no bites so we are going to drop the price. I know " STUPID AND CRAZY" spring to mind but when we originally bought the house in Ireland 2 years it was considered a good investment. Now the housing market has fallen through and prices are decreasing so over the next few years is a good time to buy.
Donal78MaleIreland2007-08-08 10:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US

Hi everyone, I haven't been on here in ages, but seems everyone is doing great. Our daughter Sinéad is 3 and 1/2 months now and we think she's the best thing since sliced bread!! I would highly recommend parenthood, the 1st 5 weeks are a bit of a blur as we hadn't a clue what we were doing, but after that it all fell into place. She's been sleeping the night since she she was 5/6 weeks old, so we're really lucky!

Posted Image

:rolleyes: Bump!...

Anyone heading back home for a visit this year? The wife and I intend to move back near the end of the year. We're going to get a look at a few places to live, jobs and stuff like that in May. Any and all advice would be welcome! :P

Lots of advice for ya! Are ye moving back to the North or South? Check out house prices in the area you're thinking of, as we didn't and are still gobsmacked at the price of houses over here. We're renting a 3 bed semi, which if it went up for sale would go for about E360,000!!! The mortgage interest rates are constantly going up too, which makes re-payments higher. It's not all doom and gloom, but the price of everything in Ireland these days is a real deterrant...we've been thinking of moving BACK to Ohio if you can believe that. There's 2 great websites for Irish houses. One is DAFT and the other is My Home.

If ye really do want to settle in Irealnd, do things your own way and don't listen to the negative comments that some Irish are known for. Make it your own and to hell with everyone else! What else...we used a company called UPakWeShip and it worked out the cheapest for us. We packed everything into boxes and made sure we had the minimum size requirement so it wouldn't cost too much. We were able to get all of our books etc over as it went by volume and not weight Thank God! Here's the website: UPakWeShip

Oh...move back in the summer if ye can, it makes the adjustment easier...not as much rain, it doesn't get dark till 10:30pm, people are in better moods etc :)

We wont be heading back for another 12 months at least as my wife is pregnant. She is due in October. Best of luck in moving back.

We are also thinking of maybe moving back in early 2008 to start a business. Then we can bide our time between here and ireland. You wont loose your greeencard as long as your not away continuesly for over 6 months.

Congrats on the pregnancy!!! Having a baby really does change things, but it's all for the better!! Brilliant news!

Thank you, your baby is so cute. We are very exciting and cant wait to be parents. On moving back yes i know its expensive but as aidan said everything is a rush rush here. Even where we live now in MA we dont have time or energy to any of the things we did back in ireland. Everything has to be pre planned. But in saying that we both love the states but want our child to have the best future possible. Between ireland and the states you cant go wrong plus i have a large family back home.

If anyone is looking for a house we are selling ours in Oranmore. Its a 3 bedroom semi detached. Hopefully the house will sell over the next few months. When or if we move back we want to be closer to my family.

Its depends where you want to move back too. Galway has a slower pace to life and thats what we both like. I lived in dublin for 5 years but wouldnt move back in a heartbeat. Galway is the only place we would move back too. Yes ireland can be expensive but theres no place like home.
Donal78MaleIreland2007-03-15 08:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US

:rolleyes: Bump!...

Anyone heading back home for a visit this year? The wife and I intend to move back near the end of the year. We're going to get a look at a few places to live, jobs and stuff like that in May. Any and all advice would be welcome! :P

We wont be heading back for another 12 months at least as my wife is pregnant. She is due in October. Best of luck in moving back.

We are also thinking of maybe moving back in early 2008 to start a business. Then we can bide our time between here and ireland. You wont loose your greeencard as long as your not away continuesly for over 6 months.
Donal78MaleIreland2007-03-14 07:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
The news is *** I start a new job in jan 2nd in a law firm here in boston. The job is alot more hands-on and challanging than my current job***

Hope everyone has a great christmas.
Donal78MaleIreland2006-12-15 12:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Big congrats mandy. Your baby is very cute. Ye will make great parents.

Things are all well here, just a week to go until we fligh home to ireland for xmas. First time in almost 9 months that we will be seeing my family. I have other exciting news but all will be revealed next Wednesday/Thursday.

Colleen congrats on gavin coming over. Tip file as soon as you get married. It saves alot of time and effort and most importantly money.
Donal78MaleIreland2006-12-08 18:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US

Counting down the days now Collen for our little bundle to make an appearance! Nervous and excited, but probably more excited to be honest!!

Gavin got there yesterday didn't he? I can only imagine that you're either off work or completely useless to them today ;) Say HI to the new Irish man in the U.S. and hopefully AOS goes smoothly for ye....but concentrate on each other for now and forget all the paperwork malarky for a bit :)

Hey there,

Not long left now. Very exciting!!!! You and your hubby will make great parents. I cant wait myself until myself and my wife have kids.
Donal78MaleIreland2006-11-06 15:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
We are moving to a new condo in newburyport,ma next month, will be nice after 7 months of living with the parents in law.
Donal78MaleIreland2006-10-24 11:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
How is everyone doing lately? This thread has been a bit quite lately. I myself havent been on VJ much since i started work 3 weeks ago.
Donal78MaleIreland2006-10-23 11:27:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US

That's great news Donal, you must be thrilled to finally have it!!

All's going well here, only another 9 weeks to go till the baby is due, so we're all excited and enjoying our weekend lie-ins while we can!! The weather has really been great since we came back, a couple days of rain but really nothing too bad. Mayo and Kerry are playing in the All Ireland football this Sunday, so it should be a good match if Mayo don't fall apart like they usually do! I'm not a big fan of gaelic, but we watched the semi's with Mayo v Dublin and it was a brilliant game.

No major news here at all to be honest, Tesco and Dunnes are in the middle of a "price war" so I'll be heading to either one to do the groceries...see what you're missing Ha! Ha!

Well, good luck job hunting and hope you get word on the AOS too :thumbs:

Colleen, any date on Gavin coming over?

Thats great. Its about time dunnes and tesco got involved in a pricing war. The more competition the better. Ouch about the electricity hike from january.20% increase.

Mayo will fall apart on sunday but it would be a nice suprise if they manage the beat the mighty kerry team. Best of luck with the pregnancy,you both will make great parents and there is no better place to bring up a child than ireland.

I have an interview next week with an IT recruiter in boston.Hopefully i can get a job out if it.The only problem i may have is we have already booked our tickets back to ireland to spend xmas as it will have been 9 months since We were last back. Hopefully that wont stop companies from hiring my services.

I think gavin is coming in october if i remember correctly what colleen said before.
Donal78MaleIreland2006-09-13 08:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US

Bartek, they're really great pics!

Hey amanda,

how are you keeping? I finally got my EAD on saturday.
Donal78MaleIreland2006-09-13 08:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Are you based in ireland or the states?

If in ireland how long have you been away from the states. Do you have a 10 year greencard?
Donal78MaleIreland2006-09-13 08:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
We booked our trip back to ireland for the christimas holidays. There were cheaper deals outhtere but my wife feels comfortable with aer lingus. Going on the 16th till the 27th and we cannot wait. Havent told my family yet and we wont until i get my EAD in a few weeks.
Donal78MaleIreland2006-08-25 09:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Thats great news,hopefully he wll get the interview soon. The interview in dublin is a breeze. Just make sure you have all the correct information.

Oct 27th is my birthday :P

I know how you feel-I swore that my man would have had this visa MONTHS ago-boy was I wrong :wacko:

You guys should be ok-once they get the info-they move quickly. The best thing you can do, is have all the paperwork ready to send back in when you get packet #3. Once we did that-it moved pretty quickly(well we had a few bumps along the way, but our case was a little complicated). They are sound at the embassy, you could always ask to get in as soon as possible-once they have your paperwork, they may be able to get you in straight away(explain about your wedding-it certainly can't hurt).

Let me know when they get your paperwork.

It's really good to see so many Irish on here lately (F)

Take care


My fiancee got a letter saying that they sent the package to the embassy on the 21st, which was really quick, considering they recieved it on the 15th. I already have my paperwork ready as I recieved packet #3 a while ago when the embassy had my petition the first time (thank you IMBRA), so maybe this will be a quick enough process....

Thanks for your help!

Donal78MaleIreland2006-08-25 08:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US

Hope you have an awesome time in cork. Here is a link to some things to do in cork. http://www.watersedg...ttractions.html

If you have time take a trip to Galway or county clare and see the cliffs of moher if you havent seen them already. They are breat-taking this time of the year. You have bunratty castle and a whole host of things to see in county clare.

Sherry, great news! Congrats!

We do have a big day coming up immigration-wise, the AOS interview is tomorrow! But I'm actually posting because I am going to Ireland soon and soooooo excited about it. :dance: We never applied for AP, so the hubby's not coming, I'm staying with his family for some of the trip, traveling with friends for the rest. I can't wait to eat some Hoggy's chips cheese and garlic and buy some Moro bars!!

Those of you from around the Cork area (or anyone else really) what daytrips can you suggest?? (My friends are going to Belfast for a few days, I've already been and want to spend more time with the in-laws, but they work during the day, so I want to go out and do something touristy on my own.) I've already been to Kinsale and Blarney several times, visited Cobh, Youghal and many other towns... I need someplace bus accessible as I don't want to burden the in-laws with providing lifts. One place I've been considering is a haunted castle a couple hours north of Cork, I'll have to ask hubby for the name of it again, but other then that I can't decide where to go. Any suggestions?? thanks!

Donal78MaleIreland2006-07-23 20:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US

Hi everyone, Just wanted to give an update, I got an email from USCIS today that said our I-130 was approved. I am sooo happy I cant stand it. Rang my hubby and he is so excited. We are nervous about what is to come as we dont know very much about the rest of the process. I do however want to thank everyone for all the help we recieved here on VJ. Oh YEAHHHH I am bouncing off the walls right now.LOL Good luck to the rest of ye and we will keep saying our prayers!


Sheery thats wondeful news. Just ask the VJ guru yodrak for info about the i-130. Congrats again.
Donal78MaleIreland2006-07-20 09:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US

Hi everyone, hope yer all well! Just a friendly hello and a quick update. We recieved our RFE for the whole IMBRA deal. I filled it out and sent it back in asap. Hopefully things will start moving a little faster. Mand, glad to know your doing well(bump as well) and happy. I would give anything to be in Cork right now, and permanently. Anyways, time to clean house. Good luck and best wishes to all of ya.


Congrats sherry. Hopefully my rfe will come soon.
Donal78MaleIreland2006-07-11 09:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
Can you add me

Donal .... .Galway ........ Kristina......NH

We are moving overselves on the 7th of march and we are really excited. Did ye guys and gals have problems finding a job when ye moved over. Im in the IT sector and we will be moving on the outskirts of boston after the wedding.

Congratulations! :D I know what you mean about the dream... it is a great feeling, almost surreal, but wonderful, to be back together again. I know I am getting used to the idea that we don't have to worry about a return flight coming up too soon ever again.Hope you had fun at your massages!

Donal78MaleIreland2006-02-12 23:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHoneymoon
Does anyone know if peurto rico is allowed without AD.Our original destination was Hawaii but my gf isnt too keen on flying on such a long flight from logan airport.
Donal78MaleIreland2006-02-13 20:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)We are off to Dublin!

I rang NVC this morning to check on our K-3 and the nice lady told me that they were sending our case off to the embassy today!! I am sooooo happy! Bouncing off the walls doesnt quiet cover the feeling at the moment! LOL Good luck to all those going thru the process, lots of prayers still being said every night for all! Lets get some more approvals for the K visas this week and speedy NVC traffic!!!!

Sherry (F)

Sherry that is great news,niall must be so excited. Congrats again
Donal78MaleIreland2006-08-14 10:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDublin Embassy-bad news again
Thats good news colleen.It wont be long till gavin is here in the states with you and you can start your new lives together. :dance: :dance:
Donal78MaleIreland2006-06-16 10:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGoing to my Interview tomorrow
Dont be worrying.You will be fine.
Donal78MaleIreland2006-06-26 11:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDublin Interview tomorrow!!!!!
Colleen that is great. So will we see gavin in any american movies now. Our own VJ celebrities.

Dont worry about tomorrow.I am sure he will get the visa and then you can start another chapter in your lives.
Donal78MaleIreland2006-08-03 18:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHe got it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok I am an emotional wreck-I am crying about Immigration, but for the first time they are happy tears!

Gavin got the visa today....................he said they asked a bunch of questions about his overstay, the b-2 denial, and about us getting married, but placed that lovely visa in his passport.

I am over the moon-I want to thank everyone who helped us get this visa. If it weren't for most of you-well I don't think I would be typing this message right now. I can't believe it..............almost 8 months to the day I sent out the petition.

time to celebrate :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

WOHOO. CONGRATS you must be delighted. Well done again.
Donal78MaleIreland2006-08-04 10:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGalway, Ireland Police Certificate

I got my police certificate from the Mills street Gardai Station in Galway...
I think it took me like a month or a little more.
Go to the police station with your passport and an envelope with your address.
Make them know it s for immigration.

Good luck


Thanks for the advice y'all. My fiance is currently in the US on a holiday visa, is it possible to request the police certificate through the post? Do not know if anyone has tried that. Also, does anyone know how long it takes from the receipt of Packet 3 until interview date at the Irish Embassy. We have so many questions... This is hard on our family as I moved back to the states in December (lived in Ireland for four years) and our family is seperated for the first time (we have three children). We are trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel...

Once dublin gets the notice that you are ready for the interview its normally only a few weeks before the interview. Make sure you bring everything. Their policy is the more you have for them the better. He will be granted the visa the same day

I am not sure if richard can apply for a police certificate whilst abroad. i think he would personally have to go the station himself.
Donal78MaleIreland2006-08-29 12:02:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDual irish/american citizenship

I too am an Irish citizen (still waiting AOS approval 2+ years in Orlando, FL), my wife is American. Here's a question, we just had our first baby 2 weeks ago. Now naturally she is a US citizen immediately before me. She is also according to Irish law an Irish citizen automatically by descent because at least one of her parents was asaborn in Ireland, that being me, despite the fact that she was born outside of Ireland itself.
So should I send off for her Irish passport A.S.A.P, so we can travel back to Ireland on vacation, I currently have a I131 travel document or should I send off for her American passport A.S.A.P. She is technically a dual citizen and wouldn't her American birth certificate be enough to prove her right to return home to America.

I would call the irish embassy in washington or the irish immigration center in boston just to make sure what documents you need but i cannot see no reason why you cannot apply for a irish passport for your child. As you said your child is now an irish/american citizen by law.

And big congrats on your first child. Where in ireland are you from then?
Donal78MaleIreland2006-02-26 04:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDual irish/american citizenship

Dont know if this is the right forum to put this in.

Im irish and my fiance is american.We are moving to the states in 2 weeks and getting married in 2 months from tomorrow. Longer term down the road when we have kids and such i suppose i will have to make a decision to denounce my irish heritage which i would hate to do. I would be happy to have irish/american dual citizenship as i have strong ties with both countries. I know when we have kids i want to them to have a strong irish background and such.

The reason why i ask is i have heard that some people have been told by the immigration people to make a choice!!

Currently the US goverment frown apon dual citizenship but there is no law against it either. Is there anyone on here that has dual citizenship?
Donal78MaleIreland2006-02-19 19:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionFake ID's
She will get a ban if you dont act now. Do the right thing.
Donal78MaleIreland2006-07-20 10:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhen to apply for Citizenship
I originally got my temp resident card on 10/31/06. I now have my 10 year card since May. Can i apply in October to be a citizen? How long does the process normally take? My spouse is american and i originally came here on a K1.
Donal78MaleIreland2009-08-03 08:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Application to remove conditions
I finally got everything needed for the application and sent the package by overnight by usps. The package was received on Wednesday but so far the cheque has not been cashed, showed i be worried or is this normal that it takes a few days to cash the cheque. Also my GC expires next friday week, should i schedule an infopass to get a stamp on my password. I dont intend travelling internationally until May of next year.

In the package i included.

* Letter from family advocating our marriage.
* Tax returns for 2006 and 2007.
* Copies of our mortgage statement from both chase and GMAC.
* 4 months of citizens bank statements
* Various other bills with my wifes and my name on them.
* Copy of our babies birth certificate
* Copies of flight itinary when we flew to ireland and texas.
* Numerous photos, 10 in total
* Copy of local properity tax bill from our city.
* Copiy of Greencard and password plus social security card.

I put everything into a plastic binder as to keep it organised.
Donal78MaleIreland2008-10-24 15:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoval of conditions - I751 help
QUOTE (JJBBKK @ Oct 28 2008, 11:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
some pictures would help and i dont see a copy of you marriage cert in your list, it wouldnt hurt to include that as well....

Dame i forgot about the marriage certificate. I sent it to them when i was originally applying for the greencard 2 years ago though. I including 10 pictures with my application though. I hope i dont get a rfe though. I can imagine though with my close to 100 pages of evidence it should be enough.

Good news, the cheque was cashed last night. Wohoo, move on to the next stage. I probably will never be as happy to find a chque clearing as i am with the I751 application. Given that my greencard actually expires on friday.

I sent the following

10+ Pictures of wife and myself.
Copies of tax retures for 2006 and 2007
Property tax bill for 2009 from the city that we live in.
4 months of mortgage statements from Chase
3 months of statements from citizens bank
Email confirmations when travelling abroad to ieland and texas in the last year and a half.
Letter from family member advocating our relationship.
Other bills like verizon bill etc
Our babies birth certificate.

I may have included more stuff so cant think of anymore right now.
Donal78MaleIreland2008-10-29 09:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoval of conditions - I751 help
QUOTE (Jomo @ Oct 14 2008, 09:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Affidavits are not necessary. They are just added evidence.

You will not have to stop working. As soon as they receive your application, your GC will automatically be extended one year. You will use the NOA as proof IF anyone even asks.

I suggest a few picture is you have any. Other then that, it looks good.

Thank you smile.gif
Donal78MaleIreland2008-10-14 08:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoval of conditions - I751 help
Another question about the affidavitt. Do i just get 2 friends/family members to write / type a letter verifying the relationship. I do not need to send in anything else from the 2 friends/family members? Thank you soo much
Donal78MaleIreland2008-10-14 08:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoval of conditions - I751 help
Due to financial problems i am only getting around to filling in the I751. I will have it ready to mail on thursday. My GC expires at the end of the month. I know i have been stupid and its no excuse to leave it this late to file.

My question is when i file and they cash the cheque, what happens if i dont receive the NOA1 before my GC expires. Will i have to stop working?

I have the following ready to send as support of evidence
2006 and 2007 joint tax returns
A copy of our mortgage, 3 latest bills from our mortgage company.
Copy of utility bills, bank statements.
Emails, letters, copy of our baby's birth certificate.
Copy of greencard front and back.
2 letters of affidavit from family members advocating our relationship.

Would there be anything else i need.

I am just afraid that i will be forced to leave this country as i didnt file in the appropriate time. Again i know i hve been stupid. With everything going on in our private life i kept putting it off.
Donal78MaleIreland2008-10-14 07:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionReceived NOA1 - first name spelt incorrectly
QUOTE (TayRivers @ Oct 31 2008, 09:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Donal78 @ Oct 31 2008, 09:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yesterday i received my NOA1 but they had my first name spelt incorrectly instead of Donal they had Doual. Should i contact them? Would an infopass be better than calling the customer service? This doesnt really bother me now but we are travelling home to ireland next summer for my sisters wedding.

Make an infopass appointment and ask then to check the system and also ask for the I-551 stamp in your passport so that you will not have issues when you travel.

Also when you go for your Biometrics be sure to check they have the correct spelling in the system, We were asked to check all the details on the screen when they had finished taking the prints.

Thanks, the local office here in boston is just a 5 minute walk from my office.
Donal78MaleIreland2008-10-31 09:05:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionReceived NOA1 - first name spelt incorrectly
yesterday i received my NOA1 but they had my first name spelt incorrectly instead of Donal they had Doual. Should i contact them? Would an infopass be better than calling the customer service? This doesnt really bother me now but we are travelling home to ireland next summer for my sisters wedding.
Donal78MaleIreland2008-10-31 08:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionrescheduling a biometrics
QUOTE (pj1959us @ Nov 15 2008, 03:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bio appointments are usually pretty flexible from what I have seen. If there is a phone number on the notice you should be able to call it to reschedule (do note who you talk to/when/etc). I've also heard there's pretty much an "open door" policy if you just show up on another day in some areas but they should be able to tell you that when you call if it isn't listed on the notice itself.

Have a nice visit!

Thanks, all it says is make a copy of the notice and if you want to reschedule sent the notice back to the service center. I knew this would happen as the local office is just a 5 mins walk from work in boston.

Normally i wouldnt reschdule but we have a daughter that my parents havent seen in 8 months .
Donal78MaleIreland2008-11-15 16:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionrescheduling a biometrics
Has anyone ever done that. I just got my biometrics appointment and i will be in new york. Do they frown apon you if you reschedule? This trip has been booked for months. We are going down to meet my parents whom i havent seen in 8 months. They will be in new york for a few days before heading back to ireland. Do i just check the box and sent the biometrics appointment back to uscis in vermont.
Donal78MaleIreland2008-11-15 15:51:00