US Citizenship General DiscussionArrest documents

I would send a copy with your application, certainly doesn't hurt.

I'm a little worried about this letter from your wife. What exactly does it say? I'd be wary to use a letter from your wife because it looks like you bullied her into writing a letter for you. Given your arrest for domestic violence you want to avoid anything that could be seen like you are exerting pressure on your wife. If the letter is simply an outline of events "this is what happened. I got angry and called the police. We are seeing a counselor together/ourselves", rather than "it was all my fault. He is totally innocent etc etc" then it'd be fine. But still, I wouldn't include any letter from her personally.

I agree with you. The letter has we had an arguement due to my jealousy which made me angry and ended calling the police, there was no act of violence going on. I think I will use your suggestion, it's more appealing. I appreciate all the response and suggestions.
soundedguyMale02013-02-19 00:30:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrest documents

These documents are sufficient. You didn't have charges pressed against you, therefore no court record. The letter from the DA is clear that you were not charged.

How the interview goes depends on your file. You will no doubt be asked about it so be prepared to explain what happened. Try not to get too heated about it.

I appreciate your response. It's easy being told to be calm but hard to actually be. I will try to be very confident during my interview. I'm adding enough good moral character evidences as I'm enrolled in college studying computer science and would be graduating in december, grades are very good and i'm including my grades, letter from my church that me and wife both attend church since 2009, me and wife every year paid over $10k in taxes and a letter from my wife taking blame and responsibility of the incident. I'm hoping that these would be able to convince them of my good moral character.

I will be including a copy of the police report with the certified letter from DA and court with my application. My question again is do IO's go through the application before the interview or they do it only on the interview day?I have been told that including those documents with my application would save me alot of time. How true is that?
soundedguyMale02013-02-18 20:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrest documents
There was no judge whatsoever. I didn't appear in court nor before judge. The district attorney declined to file for charges.
soundedguyMale02013-02-18 13:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrest documents
Yes I understand that expungement don't work for immigration. There was no charge filed against me less any guilty plea or so. Only thing until expungement was my arrest record. I'm worried
soundedguyMale02013-02-18 12:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrest documents
Yes, I was arrested for domestic violence battery after my wife falsely accused me of pulling her hair. The DA didn't press no charges and I didn't go to court. I have just expunged the arrest off my record.
The letter I attached were official letter from the DA saying no charges were filed against me and certified disposition from the court showing arrest only.
Thanks you guys for responding.
soundedguyMale02013-02-18 12:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrest documents

The attachments are too blurry to give you advice
And what advice are you looking for
or what questions do you want answered?

I would like to hear from experience about what to expect during my interview, how to prepare, possibility of a denial among other. I don't know how to fix the blurry part, it's very clear from my end.
Thanks for responding.
soundedguyMale02013-02-18 12:11:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrest documents
It kinda bothers when one post questions hoping for alot of responses and experiences thoughts and don't get them. I'm getting prepared in mailing off my documents and want people with experience and thoughts to give me advice.
This is the letter I got from the DA and court and have them certified. I need useful advices, thoughts, experiences please guys.
soundedguyMale02013-02-18 11:56:00
US Citizenship General Discussioninterview today

when they arrest me .. i went to the comissioner and they charged me 2800$ i paid it to the bailbond.if i paid to this money to the detention centre or court then they will give me back my almost 2500 back.. but bail bond lied to me he got my all money crime is not a huge .. no injured somebody or no damage to the any public area.. just my licance was suspended thats it . and i got ticket i thought i pad but i fotgot to pay thats why i did not go tot the court. i m people you know and i can forget things sometimes which are very important for me

I think all you could do now is just wait and see what happens. I believe you would be approved.
soundedguyMale02013-03-25 15:42:00
US Citizenship General Discussioninterview today

yes i did declare to them my original court documents when we submitted at the application time.and also when i went to interview i brought again original certifed copy..i think it was charged because when i arrested i stayed one night in a detention center.after that day i mean tomorrow my friend paid money to the bailbond and he let me out from is almost 2800.00$ i went to the commissioner..after that i just went to the court about my traffic tickets.and they were dismissed by the judge..on my original court certified show that nolle prosequi...when i got traffic ticket i thought i paid but i forgot to pay it. thats why i did not go to court.i think they suspended my driver licance. my driver licance issed by pennysilvannya (i live in philadelphia) but i was working in maryland at that the police officer said me that you driving car with suspended driver licance in out of state ...

$2800 is alot of money for any traffic related incident. Again, the way your lawyer presented the whole thing could be the problem here. All you can do now is just wait and then appeal if they deny you which I highly doubt they would. USCIS are looking into your good moral character. I'm optimistic you would be approved.
soundedguyMale02013-03-25 14:24:00
US Citizenship General Discussioninterview today

if i get denied so my whole case will be over i mean aos roc and n400?? my whole paperwork was on the table front of the IO i saw them..i m just worried about that ..i searched my case status but still samething.. it says thatOn February 20, 2013, your N400, APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION was scheduled for interview. You will receive a notice with a time and place for your interview. If you have not received the notice within 30 days of the date the notice is mailed, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283 for further assistance. If you move, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address

i will wait 15 or 20 days.. if i can not get any respond... so i m thinking to get info pass apointmen.. is it gonna work ??

From what I can understand, I don't think there is much to be worried of. Did you declare your arrest? was you charged? what did the court disposition on the arrest says?
soundedguyMale02013-03-25 11:06:00
US Citizenship General Discussioninterview today

after interview passed to the civic test but desicion can not be made now because of some reason( mine is arrest ) the question is how many days or month should we have to wait to get a new from uscis??

Delay isn't denial. Meanwhile, only unless you update your timeline, disclose details about your arrest, outcome of arrest and time of arrest could you get accurate responses.
soundedguyMale02013-03-22 21:34:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionI GOT AN APPROVED TO MY APPLICATION

dear my all best friends.. a few minutes ago i got good news from immigration.. they approved my application and my new status is oath scheduled.. finally i came at the end of my journey.. thanks for your all best dishes and best advicess and helping to me..

I am happy for you and now you can finally relax and get you some good rest. Congratulations.
soundedguyMale02013-03-25 19:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Interview - some issues and I need insights

Hi guys, quick recap of what happened during the interview and the outcome.

I got back to the US on February 7 and decided to stay here until May, mainly to appear for the citizenship interview.


I wasn't nervous going to the interview. All week and all night prior to my interview, I had a clear visual imagery of a nice immigration officer, and indeed I got assigned to someone who never failed to smile and was really nice to me all throughout.

If you've read my previous posts, you know that I have the following issues in my application: I've been arrested for domestic violence last year but no charge has been filed; I have overdue taxes for 3 years amounting to $80,000++ both state and IRS; and I have traveled for 557 days out of 3.8 years that I've been a resident (they only allow 548 days).

I aced the oral and written exam (very easy since they give you some materials to study); I also answered all questions correctly. He said, "Great job! You answered all the questions correctly!"

ARREST ISSUE - During the interview, the IO said, "I know you have some court documents for me... I will look at them later." Then when he was ready, he looked at the following documents: 1. Original copy of the police clearance that I got from SF Police Department; 2. Original copy of my arrest record showing the date of the arrest and the outcome that I got from SF Police Department as well); 3. Original copy of the court disposition of my arrest that I got from the SF Court)

The IO asked me what happened during the day I was arrested and I gave a VAGUE account of it (TIP: Never give a very detailed account of the incident leading to the arrest, and NEVER mention details that would incriminate yourself.) He was sympathetic and told me not to worry about it coz my case has been discharged. He also said that arrests happen all the time but a discharged outcome does not affect the application. He said, "Your arrest is OK, don't worry about this."

MY OVERDUE TAXES FOR 3 YEARS - I showed him 3 documents: 1. Installment agreement with the California Tax Board that shows a monthly installment plan instead of a one-off plan 2. An appeal letter to the IRS in 2010 and the IRS response saying it's OK to halt tax payments for two years until I am ready to pay (I was experiencing hardship at that time coz we lost everything in stock market options); 3. The new installment agreement with IRS to shows an installment payment plan to slowly pay-off my taxes, commencing on January this year.

He reviewed all the documents and said..."It seems like you earned a lot in the past and it's good that you have these agreements with the IRS and tax board. I understand you want to pay these all off. Good thing you were able to ask for an installment agreement with the CA Tax board and the IRS." I told him that I am slowly recovering and will be paying everything off in no time.

MY TRAVELS OUTSIDE OF THE US - He said that I am only allowed to travel for 548 days out of 3 years immediately before I filed my application.

He checked my travels and my passports and said, "I have not interviewed anyone who traveled as much as you did in the last 3 years." He asked me a lot of questions and I gave him honest answers. The main reason I had to travel was I had to set-up a cost center in Manila to augment our business in the U.S.; and that I have been declaring my worldwide income as US income and paid my taxes every year. Also, it was impossible for me to continue doing business if I couldn't keep my operations expenses low. I also stated that I had to set-up a cost office, hire staff, and train them and that required considerable amount of time on my part.

He said they're very strict with the travel requirements and if I only exceed 1 day, he will deny my application; but he also said, "But you can always reapply but the next time you reapply, you have to count the days and be careful with the number of days spent outside of the U.S." He said he has to count every single day that I spent outside of the US in the last 3 years. At the end of the interview, he handed me a document that says, "Unable to make a decision right now."

When I got home, I counted the days that I traveled out of the U.S. I got a total of 557. That's an excess of 9 days! So, I got sad and was almost certain I wouldn't be approved; however, I was also hoping that they'd approve me because before I left the immigration office, I wrote down a detailed explanation of my travels. I also told the officer to please look at all my documents and all the reasons I had to travel -- that it was out of necessity so I could earn a living. He said, don't worry I will look at everything.

Before I left, I told him. "You're so nice. I wish my future IOs would be as nice as you are." He said, "Thank you for saying that."

Two days after my interview, I got calls from an anonymous number. When I called, it says it's a private number. I thought it was a solicitation call so I ignored it. I got a total of 12 calls that I ignored.

Today (Monday, March 25), I got 2 calls from the same number and I ignored it as well. Then i got a voicemail. When I listened to it, it was the IO officer, asking me to call him back through his direct number because he said he has a question for me.

I called him, and he said, "Thanks for finally getting back to me, I had been calling you! I am not supposed to leave my personal information but I was worried you won't get my message." And then he told me that he cannot eliminate my middle name for my new name and wanted to inform me that they have to retain it as my middle name. He also said, "By the way, your application has no problems so I approved you."

I was almost speechless and semi-shocked coz I thought I'd be denied. I thanked him over and over again and he said, "Congratulations, please wait for your oath notice in the mail." We chatted further and he asked me if I have other questions. I said none anymore and then thanked him again.

Some lessons that I learned:

1. Do not worry - worry won't add another day to your life.

2. Don't be afraid to face your fears. I have read some posts in the forums about some people who refuse to travel because of an arrest record despite the discharged outcome of the arrest. Not all immigration officers are ruthless. I always imagine / pray for kind immigration officers and I always get assigned to the nice ones at the airport or even this IO who interviewed me. I discovered that many IOs won't discriminate as long as you can show proof that your arrest has been discharged. After my arrest in Aug 2012, I went out of the country twice for a total of 5 months and entered the U.S. twice and got questioned twice at the immigration office. I never felt discriminated against nor harassed.

3. Be thorough in submitting all your documents especially if you have issues like I did.

4. Do not be nervous during the interview. Nervousness has no basis. Be calm and collected. During the interview, try to assert yourself and make sure you give some written or oral explanations of each of the issues involved. This is what I did -- i was very thorough in explaining and made sure the IO understood where I was coming from.

5. Have faith in mankind. Not all IOs mean to make your life difficult.

Thanks all, and hope you got something out of my posts here.

I want to officially congratulate you for your journey. I have learned that anybody could be a victim of arrest. For a very careful and law abiding resident like me to be arrested. The law on domestic violence is so harsh that even an arguement can get you arrested.
I am happy for you. Congratulations.
soundedguyMale02013-03-25 15:40:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Interview - some issues and I need insights
Sorry for the confusion about your gender and really do appreciate you sharing all these useful informations.You have alot of courage and a very strong lady. The past is the past and shouldn't be duelled on. I'm optimistic you would be approved of your citizenship and please let me know how everything went. It's easy for an IO to say they get domestic violence cases often like it's not a big deal for them but yet it's a deportable offence for we non-citizens. I have expunged my arrest from my record but was able to get a court certified letter and letter from the DA showing no charges were filed which I will be taking with me during my interview.
I'm wishing you luck and will be praying everything goes well for you. I would get a letter from your husband about the incident that he was to blame to take to the interview. Good luck once again.
soundedguyMale02013-02-14 19:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Interview - some issues and I need insights

I am back to the US finally and had my biometrics done yesterday. I was supposed to have it on Jan 8 but I was still abroad and ended up moving the date twice. THe 3rd biometrics date that they gave me is Feb 11, 2013. I'm done with that already

I did receive a yellow letter from the USCIS asking me to bring 4 documents: payment agreement with the IRS, my CA ID or Drivers License (I have neither yet), my old and new passports and my travel permit, and my court documents and original arrest records. These are so many issues and I wonder if these will have negative effects in my application. I'm quite nervous already.

ciaobella80, I'm in the boat with you. I was involved in an arguement with my wife and she called and accused me I pulled her hair which got me arrested. The DA didn't press no charge and I did obtain a certified letter from the DA saying no charges were filed and a certified letter from the court showing my arrest. You were very brave to travel overseas. I'm dying every single minute of the day regretting even arguing and what my interview would be like when I file for N400. I refuse to travel overseas until I naturalize. I realized you said you slapped your wife or something. That alone is enough for the DA to put you on probation and you need to quit saying that. If you admit that during your interview, you might have problem. You need to come up a way to explain the incident incase they ask you that's why it won't be a bad investment hiring an attorney. Also make sure those documents are certified. During your return back to the country, did they fingerprint you? Did they send you for a secondary inspection? Did they ask you questions concerning the arrest? To be honest, go consult with an immigration attorney even if you don't hire them and have them advice you. No mistake is worth it this last stage of the immigration process.
soundedguyMale02013-02-13 18:59:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Interview - some issues and I need insights

Hi soundedguy, thanks for the reply.

Regarding my arrest, I was detained overnight, posted bail the next day (DV is a felony in CA) so I got released. I hired some lawyers, they talked to the DA, and then after a few days the lawyers called me that I do not need to appear in court because the DA had decided not to press charges against me. It was actually clear in the arrest records that the reason I slapped my husband was he confessed he cheated on me multiple times with different women while I was away on vacation.

This means I was not even charged with anything, nor did I plead guilty to anything. I did not even appear in court.

Here's the thing: I think my lawyers knew that this was a very easy case and they knew right off the bat that I won't be charged with anything, but kept on delaying telling me the news until the day I was supposed to appear in court. I waited and waited and then one of the lawyers called to deliver the good news and he specifically told me that I didn't have to do anything -- so basically I was free to go. I thought this was a tactic that they used so I'd be impressed by their negotiation skills. Of course, at that time, I just wanted them to resolve the problem for me.

Your lawyer definitely got you a good deal and that's a good thing. The next step would be preparing yourself on how you would defend yourself during the interview. I believe USCIS could access the police record and see what we give as statement. If you told the officer you slapped him then that's something you should prepare very well to defend during interview. If you didn't admit to the slap before the officer and tell the IO you didn't slap him then no cause for alarm. I also have no idea if an IO would deny your application for admitting slapping. Hopefully some VJ family member can help us on this.
soundedguyMale02012-12-29 12:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Interview - some issues and I need insights

@Wilera059: Thank you for your very thorough and informative reply. It is exactly what I needed today as I am increasingly getting more anxious by the day.

I submitted my application first week of December and I have the biometrics appointment already on Jan. 8.

I only included in my application the certified true copy of the police clearance showing that I have not been charged with anything under my name. For the additional documentation that you mentioned, can I just bring the certified copy of the police or court dismissal along with the police report / arrest complaint during the interview?

Another question: Since I have a reentry permit, after my biometrics, can I go on a trip abroad and come back on a short notice for my interview? It is my understanding that trips abroad during the naturalization application process are totally fine.

Regarding the lawyer, I think I am OK handling this on my own. You are correct: I will just have to present all the documents, and I have all of them with me.

@Wilera059: Thank you for your very thorough and informative reply. It is exactly what I needed today as I am increasingly getting more anxious by the day.

I submitted my application first week of December and I have the biometrics appointment already on Jan. 8.

I only included in my application the certified true copy of the police clearance showing that I have not been charged with anything under my name. For the additional documentation that you mentioned, can I just bring the certified copy of the police or court dismissal along with the police report / arrest complaint during the interview?

Another question: Since I have a reentry permit, after my biometrics, can I go on a trip abroad and come back on a short notice for my interview? It is my understanding that trips abroad during the naturalization application process are totally fine, plus I have a travel document with me.

Regarding the lawyer, I think I am OK handling this on my own. You are correct: I will just have to present all the documents, and I have all of them with me.

I am almost in the same situation as you on the arrest and have got a lot of advice, suggestions, done reading from VJ's users and online. On the dismissal, you said you have not being charged, does it mean the charge is pending? Dismissal also would depends on how the arrest was dismissed. Mine was pretrial diversion and it was dismissed without me admitting to the accusations. If they made you do some community service and put you on a probation, then the arrest becomes something to be worried about. Thus, I would recommend a lawyer if that was the case. Generally, your arrest was a battery even if a charge was filed since there was no intent to harm and wouldn't fall under the CIMT. Give us details on your arrest and dismissal. Your trips and especially tax questions are more complicate for me to comment.
soundedguyMale02012-12-29 12:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN400 interview 07/22/2013


Thank you. Have you received any letter about your oath?

soundedguyMale02013-07-23 23:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN400 interview 07/22/2013

I mailed out my N400 in April 2013 and was very active on visajourney. I was arrested last october for domestic battery which charges were not filed. 2 weeks for my biometrics, my apartment called the police on me that me and wife were trespassing. All because we were late on rent and I was arrested and charges with trespassing. OMG. I felt like an underdog and had to move out of the city to a more diversed city. Received advice to reschedule my biometrics to avoid the USCIS knowing of the new arrest until I know the outcome. Strongly believing that I was innocent, I proceeded with the biometrics while the charges were pending. The apartment manager couldn't prove they banned us or asked us to move so charges were dropped.

I had abandoned visajourney to know my faith and didn't come back until the charges were dropped.

I had my interview yesterday and the IO only asked what the arrests were and the outcome, I told her domestic battery and trespassing and outcome are no charges filed and charges dropped and gave her the certified dispositions and she moved on.

Asked 6 questions which I passed. I might have the wording wrong

If the president and vice president can't perform no more, who takes over? The speaker of the house

What does the president cabinet do? Advices the president

Capital of the United States? Washington

What stops the government from becoming too powerful? Checks and balances

One branch of the government? Congress

Independence date? July 4, 1776

She marked the congratuations, you are recommended for approval box.

I couldn't believe it, I was expecting a decision cannot be made but it was an approval.

I am hoping everyone gets approved, we really have come a long way. Thank you all for your support and advice.

God bless.



soundedguyMale02013-07-23 20:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionLPR Holder in hot water

hey update VJers.

apparently the wife did end up calling an Immigration attorney. He told her that she MUST disclose the arrest on her N400 (obvious) and come with full disclosures to her appointment.

Also, he adivsed her to bring letters from her job (she has no employment) and friends/family endorsing her N400 approval (thats the first time i have heard that)

He said since the arrest was over 10 years ago, if she can show in the last 5 years she has been a person of good moral character she should be fine. Specifically told her to ensure she gets letters frmo the various charities she assists and so on. i advised her husband to go see a few more lawyers...just in case.






Normally, 5years is the time frame which one has to show a good moral character. Have in mind, arrests and convictions are 2 different things. The only arrest that can bar one from any immigration benefits are arrest which involves convictions and/or probation. Arrests by itself does not stop you from any benefit.

soundedguyMale02013-07-30 10:30:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNon moving Violation HELP!!

I think I might add it on the N400, I was charged and it was defective equipment".

If I do list it I am submitting a copy of proof of payment etc.

I just want them to know I am of good moral character.

On the N400 Part 10 I checked yes on number 15 and 17 although I was not charged I guess it was still a crime.

I am so worried of getting denied when they see I checked number 15 and 17.

What do you think????


You need to chill but though I understand the worry. Just include the disposition from the court and you will be approve 100%. You would come out saying you have been worrying yourself about nothing. Only a conviction can stop you or a plea deal but it would have to be a serious and real crime. Go drink a beer.

soundedguyMale02013-09-04 00:04:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow long do I have to wait for a decision after getting 'decision cannot be made' on N-652?

Thank you for the replies, guys.

It helps to hear that things will be alright, especially with an organization that has such a non-transparent working process as this.

I have contacted my congressman and will wait and see what happens.


Thank you!


I can tell me and you both have something in common which is impatient. I would be doing the same thing as you are if I was in your shoes but the truth is that your application is still fresh and too early to involve your congressman. Once a supervisor looks at your documents, all would be completed.

I am 99% confident you would get your oath schedule message/text before the next 2 weeks. 

soundedguyMale02013-09-07 23:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow long do I have to wait for a decision after getting 'decision cannot be made' on N-652?


Hi all,
My citizenship interview was on 7/9/2013. I only brought my current passport and not my old passport, so the officer gave me 'decision cannot be made.'
She checked the box 'Your passport(s) and any travel documents issued by the U.S.C.I.S.,' telling me to copy every page of my old passport, including any blank pages.
Which I did mail via Fedex - their tracking system shows that it was received on 7/16. (At least Fedex does a good job updating their system...)
As of 9/6/13, my case status on USCIS is still 'Testing and Interview.' 
Yeah, I understand that a lot of people have seen slow case status updates.
But is it normal that it takes almost 2 months to just review your passport information?
Btw, I don't have any criminal records. Not even a speeding ticket.
Have been a green card holder for 5+ years, graduated from a 4-year high school and then university within the US, and work full time.
(Meaning that they already did some sort of background/good moral character check and it was fine then, at least...)
There is nothing I could think of that might prolong the process more than it already is.
Also, family members who applied around the same time as me, or even months after me, have already received oath letters and went to oath ceremonies. So I don't think anything related to family legal status or anything like that could prolong the process.
So my question is:
1. How to contact them?
I've heard a lot about making an infopass appointment, but that site tells me "At this time, there are no information appointments available for the office in your area. Please try back again later."
Does calling the National Customer Service Center (1.800.375.5283) help at all?
2. What if my citizenship ends up getting denied?
Can I keep my green card?
I don't see why it would get denied, but if it does, can they go so far as to take AWAY my green card?
(Again, no criminal records. Not even a single tardy for 16 years of school, for heaven's sake...)
Thank you for all your help!



You don't contact them yet and would wait at least 30 days. before contacting them. There is no way you would be denied, just chill and wait for your oath schedule by next week or RFE. You can't be denied unless you get a new criminal record. Again, just wait for your oath scheduling by next week.

soundedguyMale02013-09-07 16:15:00
US Citizenship General Discussionpetty theft and citizenship


Good day! I am embarassed to say that last January 2013., I was caught shoplifting at Walmart amounting to $40 and was charged. There was no jail time and no  fingerprints taken, It was my first offense ever. The court made me do 10 hours community service and after completion they dropped my case as NOLLE PROSSE. And so being married to a US citizen, I am supposed to apply for citizenship this August 2014. I am very nervous since even though the charge was dropped, it has only been a year since the incident happen. I heard that you have to wait for 3 or 5 years before applying for citizenship to establish good moral character if you were charged... However, since my case is my first offense and case was dropped then  am qualified in the Petty Theft Exception clause. I was even able to fly in and out of the country last year proving I am admissible , thaks to the Petty Exception Clause..My question is IF YOU ARE COVERED UNDER THE PETTY THEFT EXCEPTION CLAUSE, CAN I APPLY FOR CITIZENSHIP WITHOUT WAITING FOR ANOTHER 3 YEARS OR 5 YEARS CONSIDERING THAT I FALL UNDER THE PETTY THEFT EXCEPTION?... thank you all for your time smile.png



It's so unfortunate but only you know what you were thinking to get yourself involved in an act like that. The NOLLE PROSSE means charges were dropped and has no impact on your citizenship. I am hoping all the court documents says are NOLLE PROSSE and without the community service on them. Get certified copies to send in with your paperwork and take to the interview. All they care for is the outcome of the charges and in your case, the charges were dropped. Apply without fear, you will for sure be fine.

Good Luck.

soundedguyMale02014-02-10 03:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPleas advice next step- N400 pending from Apr 2013

Thank you very much for the information.

Have you decided what your next step is?

I will wait and contact either the senator or congressman on Monday.

This situation really sucks. I would sue the USCIS if I was you which would for sure make force them to make a decision. I remember you talked about taking the court documents for your dropped charges to the interview. I had 2 arrests and was recommended for approval on the spot. Waste no more time and sue them. Spending $500 to sue them is not really a money wasted but an investment.

soundedguyMale02014-02-15 17:59:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers


My bio was done in New Orleans but interview was in Jacksonville something to do with having the interview in the state which you live in.


Maybe I will call again because I have some international travel coming up soon and knowing my luck it's going the dates will clash and/or won't have enough time to get US passport.


I wouldn't travel if I was you until after the oath and having your US passport. I travelled after my interview only to have the oath letter in the mail box after a few day. I was rushing calling airlines and had to pay $2000 to change my return date since I didn't want to reschedule. It should come soon, continue to hang in there. I'm sure you are running out of patience.

soundedguyMale02013-08-20 11:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

Congratulations, don't waste your time calling, I've been waiting 2 months for my oath ceremony date and still nothing, a service request was entered on 1 August and still nothing, I've offered to drive to 5 hours to any of the 5 big cities around me (New Orleans, Atlanta, Birmingham, Jacksonville, Tallahassee) but no cigar.


Welshdan, I'm very surprised you aren't done yet with naturalization. You were one of the first to have their interview from April thread. Somebody from the USCIS should be talking to you and let you know something more solid instead of predictions. You could have taken your oath in New Orleans where you had your interview, we had one last week.

soundedguyMale02013-08-20 09:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

Updating my oath ceremony and timeline. Finally a USA citizen.

Thanks to this great website and it's members and wish all of you the best in life.


Edited by soundedguy, 15 August 2013 - 08:40 AM.

soundedguyMale02013-08-15 08:38:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers
I was scheduled for oath today. Just received the text and email. Its been a lil over a week since my interview. So excited.

Edited by soundedguy, 02 August 2013 - 07:59 PM.

soundedguyMale02013-08-02 19:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

I had my interview yesterday and was recommended for approval. Thanks everybody for your support.

soundedguyMale02013-07-23 17:51:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers
I received my NOA dated April 11, 2013. Could someone please update it for me.
Thank you.
soundedguyMale02013-04-19 15:10:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers
My check was cashed today. Could someone please update me?
soundedguyMale02013-04-16 07:11:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

I am in Pensacola, Florida and yes NOLA is the closest USCIS center at about 3 hours drive away.

Alternatives are Jacksonville 6 hour drive, Orlando 8 hours, Atlanta 5 hours.

As of 2/28/13 they are processing August 29th N-400 applications, so about 6 months behind.
As of 2/28 Orlando are working July 2012 and Atlanta are working August 1st, so we are doing ok I think.

That's gonna be a long drive. I was in Pensacola 2months ago for work. We aren't doing bad, the good thing is that the journey have started so we gotta be patient.
Goodluck to you.
soundedguyMale02013-04-09 10:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

-- N-400: APRIL 2013 APPLICATIONS --

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName..........|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Bio.....|In Line.|Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
KEVIN&LEILEI......|03/28/13|04/04/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Baltimore, MD
TYGRYS............|04/01/13|04/05/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Raleigh, NC
BJZAGS............|04/02/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Philadelphia, PA
CHIEFS341.........|04/02/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Dallas, TX
HARRY123..........|04/02/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Buffalo, NY
SOUTHLAKE.........|04/04/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Washington, DC
WELSHDAN..........|04/04/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|New Orleans, LA
OTTA..............|04/05/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|New York, NY
SOUNDEDGUY........|04/08/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|New Orleans, LA
USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
UserName..........|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Bio.....|In Line.|Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
VANESSA&TONY......|04/03/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Des Moines, IA

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName..........|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Bio.....|In Line.|Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
EXAMPLE...........|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|City, ST


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* Please add yourself to the list in "Sent" order, under the office at which you filed
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Thanks Welshdan and yes we may. What part of LA do you live? I've done alot of reading and have noticed that New Orleans is one of the slowest.
Meanwhile, goodluck to you.
soundedguyMale02013-04-08 17:50:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers
Hello friends, I have just mailed my application and don't know how to update it. Local office is New Orleans, LA and filed at Dallas, TX.
Good luck to all of us.
soundedguyMale02013-04-08 15:19:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers
Thanks for creating the thread. 2 months is right at the corner. By the way, that app was awesome. Cost $1.99 on my Android phone but it's worth it.
soundedguyMale02013-02-03 19:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLetter from landlord

Lease agreement is ok, there are too many haters out there. They might mess your immigration journey up with a bogus call.

Thanks alot for your opinion and yes you are right. Just don't understand why they hate when they don't even know you. Thanks again.

You sound like a 5-year old wishing on a genie. This is a community where users share and contribute... not just show up and make demands as though others are obligated to respond. You'd be surprised how far "please" gets you these days...

Why you hating? Don't comment instead of being rude and ignorant. What's wrong with just asking a question?
soundedguyMale02012-03-29 21:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLetter from landlord
Hello Guys, I will be removing conditions in april. We don't have mortgage but pay rent every month to our landlord. We have the lease contract from our landlord but seen that getting a letter from him might help.
I would like a sample of what the letter to get from our landlord should look like and if he needs to notarize it.
soundedguyMale02012-03-29 20:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 ROC evidence
I have just editted my evidence again. Kindly suggest and tell me what you think about it. Thanks.
soundedguyMale02012-04-01 22:43:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 ROC evidence


Not to be nit picky but here are some issues:

Evidences of Relationship - Evidence (no S)
Copy Chase bank joint account statements for every 4 months. I would detail which months and years you are sending in
Electricity bills in wife's name showing address. - I would say that either she is the green card holder or the petitioner so that they can read it quickly.
the term "showing our address" I would change to "showing our joint address."
Mails (no S)
My car insurance policy and a letter stating that my wife don't have a driver's license and planning on one. - shouldn't this be two different bullet points. Also, wife doesn't and is planning on obtaining one.

Sorry for the nit pickiness, Everything else looks good :) Good Luck!

I do appreciate you replying and giving your view on my evidence. I'm currently reading my evidence again and will make the changes you suggested. Smart suggestions and thanks again.
soundedguyMale02012-04-01 22:28:00