IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTax Returns versus pay stubs
Does anyone know why they need tax returns?

If your current job meets or exceeds they 125% poverty guidelines, then what is the purpose of reviewing past tax returns?

If my past tax returns reflects my income as below the 125% but my current job exceeeds the 125%, will my past income negatively affect me?

The reason I ask is because I've been living in China for the past 5 years, primarily as an English teacher. My income reflected on my tax returns as a result, has been far below the US poverty guidlines.

Thank you
mrathellMaleRussia2009-04-28 20:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion on G-325A
Thank you Wowshift.

Another question blush.gif

On the G-325A, the section that says: Apllicant's last address outside the United States of more than a year.

Well, I'm currently still residing in Beijing but the section has to FROM and TO field. Of course I put the date I moved into the apartment in the FROM field but what should I put in the TO field if I am currently still living at the address? It doesnt give a 'PRESENT' option.
mrathellMaleRussia2009-05-03 22:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion on G-325A
Thank you everyone.

How about the 'Place of Marriage', regarding previous marriage. Do the want the city, state or country? (no room for it all)
mrathellMaleRussia2009-05-03 21:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion on G-325A
Does anyone know what to do in the 'File Number' field on the G-325A form?

They highlight the field as though they want us to fill it in but I wouldn't have a file number yet because I haven't filed an I-130 yet.

Thank you in advance.

mrathellMaleRussia2009-05-03 21:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdivorce papers. original vs copies
I am suppose to go the US embassy in Beijing tomorrow to file my I-130.

Today the Fed Ex arrived from my mom with what was supoose to be a cerified copy of my divorce papers but it is only a copy of the certified copy.

Am I screwed?
mrathellMaleRussia2009-05-04 04:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPatronymic - whoever filed for a Russian spouse, help
Here's the deal - I am from Russia and tomorrow my husband is filing the I-130 for me.

I have a patronymic name, and it is a formal name and all, and it is on my passport bio page,
however, it is on none of my English-language documents and paperwork.

So, technically, I have never used it outside Russia...

Do we have to fill it in on "Other Names Used"? What would happen if we don't? Are any explanations needed next to the name, or should we just write it as is?

Might not seem like too big of a deal, but who knows...

Thanks in advance for sharing

mrathellMaleRussia2009-05-04 10:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Record Validity for Russia
Would any of you guys know of a good link that shows how the I-130 and G325A should be filled out for a Russian wife?

I'm American and she's Russian, we are curently filling out those two forms but the examples on this forum and other forums don't touch upon specific issues like 'patronymic names'.
mrathellMaleRussia2009-05-05 17:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp on I-130
All assistance would be appreciated wacko.gif

first let me give you our background: I'm American and she is Russian. We have been legally living and working in Beijing, china for the past 5 years. We recently married this past April here in Beijing. Both of us are still here in Beijing and we will be submitting the I-130 to the US consulate soon here in Beijing.

Any of the fields that I used 'NONE', in the DATE field, should I write N/A or leave them blank?


Section C - Information About Your Alien Relative: My name (the petitioner) goes in the firsr field, but
do I leave the fields for addional family member blank
or do I write in 'NONE' for name(s) and 'N/A' for the
other fields?

This is a tricky one because she is Russian with a Chinese address. I understand that her name should be in Russian, but should the Chinese address be in Chinese or Russian?

Should I write N/A in this field (based of of the first senence (in bold) for #22?
Or should I write in Beijing for 'City' and China for 'Country'?
wacko.gif Or should Guangzhou be written in the 'City' field since Guangzhou will be the embassy that actually handles the case even though we will submit the paperwork by DCF to the Beijing office?

Thanks a million bunchs for taking the time to assist me. good.gif
mrathellMaleRussia2009-05-05 18:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with Patronymic names
I just wanted to say thank you very much to Hopeful_1 who sent me a PM with very specific and detailed answers to my situation.
dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

Most of us on this forum are new at this and are afraid about every step we make, so please be kind and understanding when we ask the same question multiple times and/or choose to get the opinion of several different people.

As a result of my persistance, I found Hopeful_1 who answered most of my questions and reduced my blood pressure.

Thanks again Hopeful_1 kicking.gif kicking.gif

Edited by mrathell, 06 May 2009 - 03:58 AM.

mrathellMaleRussia2009-05-06 03:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with Patronymic names
I seemed to have upset you Boby_Umit.

Unfortunately your answer or any of the cases you mentioned are not the answers my questions.

Those repsonses were either general responses, vague and/or guesses. As we all know here on this forum, the I-130 may be rejected if something isn't written exactly how they want it. So my persistance to get my question answered shouldn't be taken negatively by you, it's only me wanting direct, correct answers just like everyone else and I would assume you were in this position yourself in the past. So please remember how it was to be filing the I-130 for the first time.

First of all I have never heard of a Russian and an American couple filing from China, so I need specific information for this situation.

I posted my question again with a different title with hopes of weeding out the 'general' responses and assumptions. Although I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to respond to my questions, I still can only use the correct answers.

To be clear: no one has been able to give an answer on how to handle the fact that the Russian passport has the Russian name in English and Russian on the same page but the English name only has the first and last name, while the Russian side has the first, last and patronymic. When filling out the G325A do I follow the English or Russian format of her passport? Do I need to specify that its a patronymic name?

If I don't use the Patronymic name, wont it cause a red flag when they look at her passport copy?

If I do use the Patronymic name, which parts of the G325A for should I write it and which parts should I leave it off?

The past posts only show guesses and assumptions. I'm only guilty of trying to get a response from someone who has first hand knowledge of the 90 - 100% correct way to do it.

mrathellMaleRussia2009-05-05 20:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with Patronymic names
Thank you Cornbread and Bobby_Umit for your help in my previous posts.

Unfortunately I need concrete answers on how to handle patronymic names on the forms.

How did you answer these parts of the G325A?

On the G325A:

ALL OTHER NAMES USED: Should this field include her paronymic name or should it be left blank?
If it should include her paronymic name, should we specify in the field
that it is a patronymic name?
Also if you are suppose to list the patronymic name, should we type in
the entire name or just the patronymic name?

Shoud we write her full name including her patronymic in this field or without her patronymic?

Thank you
mrathellMaleRussia2009-05-05 19:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp on G-325A
Thank you for that information Bobby_Umit.

My next question is; What if you don't know who your father is? He's not listed on your birth certificate, you never met him, nor do you know his name. Is it ok to put 'None' in that field for Father's name on the G325A?

Thanks in advance everyone.
mrathellMaleRussia2009-05-06 04:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp on G-325A
All assistance would be appreciated wacko.gif

first let me give you our background: I'm American and she is Russian. We have been legally living and working in Beijing, china for the past 5 years. We recently married this past April here in Beijing. Both of us are still here in Beijing and we will be submitting the I-130 to the US consulate soon here in Beijing.

Her Russian passport is both in Russian and English (on the same page), but her name in Russian reflects her first, last and patronymic name. Directly below her Russian name is her name in English but it only reflects her first and last name.

ALL OTHER NAMES USED: Should this field include her paronymic name or should it be left blank?
If it should include her paronymic name, should we specify in the field that it
is a patronymic name?
Also if you are suppose to list the patronymic name, should we type in the
entire name or just the patronymic name?

FORMER HUSBAND AND WIVES: After writing NONE in the first field, should we leave all of the other fields
blank or write in 'N/A'?

APPLICANTS EMPLOYMENT LAST FIVE YEARS: She was unemployed for 6 months, nor was she a student
during those same 6 months. So if we write 'Unemployed'
should we write in the 'OCCUPATION' field?

SHOW LAST OCCUPATION ABROAD IF NOT SHOWN ABOVE: Should we leave this field blank if we did include
it in the 'Applicants employement last five years'?
Or should we write in 'N/A'?


Shoud we write her full name including her patronymic in this field or without her patronymic?

Thanks a million bunchs for taking the time to assist me. good.gif
mrathellMaleRussia2009-05-05 18:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of a Bonifide Marriage
We are doing the DCF from China, and proof of bona fide marriage was mentioned in the instructions that were sent along with the I-130 application, affidavits were mentioned in the instructions, photos were not, that prompted our last question regarding photos. Not sure if it's different from filing from the US.

Any advice and shared experience would be appreciated.

We're going to call the Guangzhou consular offices tomorrow to inquire in detail what paperwork needs notarization, we'll post on here when we have more info from them.
mrathellMaleRussia2009-04-28 02:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of a Bonifide Marriage
Question: would it do any good if we attached a photo with the person giving the affidavit and us as a couple together to the affidavit? We have quite a documented history and it seems like such a shame not to be able to prove ourselves that way too.

On the same note, are photoes even considered any type of proof of an ongoing bona fide relationship, affidavit or not?
mrathellMaleRussia2009-04-27 18:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of a Bonifide Marriage
Hello everyone, regarding the I-130 Evidence of a Bonifide Marriage, is there a specific format for the 'sworn affidavits', standard form or official form that we should use?:

#5 Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by third parties having personal knowledge of the bona fides of the marital relationship (Each affidavit must contain the full name and address, date and place of birth of the person making the affidavit, his or her relationship to the petitioner of beneficiary, if any, and complete information and details explaining how the person acquired his or herknowledge of your marriage); or

Does it need to be notorized?

Does it matter what country they are from?
mrathellMaleRussia2009-04-27 08:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresemployment question
Very cool. kicking.gif

Thank you guys for your help....always appreciated.
mrathellMaleRussia2009-05-18 08:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresemployment question
I have been living and working in China over the past 5 years for Chinese companies. Although I filed my IRS taxes every year, my income has been foreign earned and all of it paid in pay stubs.

We submitted our I-130 on May 7th.

I will be arriving back into America at the end of the month to prepare for my wifes arrival.

The problem is, I will have a new job waiting for me when I return and the wages will be above the 125% poverty line but I most likely will only be able to accumulate 1 paystub before the Affidavit of Support is need to be submitted. I do not have someone who can be a co-sponsor.

So will there be an issue with me only being able to provide one paystub?
mrathellMaleRussia2009-05-18 07:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat happens after receiving the I-130 approval letter?
I called the Embassy in Beijing today and they informed me that our I-130 had been approved on May 21st and they mailed some paperwork to us by next day EMS.

I informed him that we never received anything and asked what address and phone number did they use. He wasn't able to provide that information but said he could fax over copies of the paperwork but he will need to call me back after he finds copies of our paperwork

Later the Beijing embassy faxed over a copy of the approval letter. There wasn't a case number on the letter and the embassy told us there wasn't suppose to be a case number. They said that the Guangzhou embassy would be contacting us soon.

what is the next step after the I-130 is approved?

Should there of been a case number?

Would this be consider NOA1 or NOA2?

Thanks everyone in advance.
mrathellMaleRussia2009-06-03 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm America, she's Russian and we want to marry in China
QUOTE (payxibka @ Apr 14 2009, 08:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There are two spousal visa types... the required I-130 is petition for immigrant (CR/IR) visa and the follow on optional filing of the I-129F (K-3)

Answers will depend on which visa you ultimately get... you can pursue both up to a point in time then you decide

K-3 interviews are in country of marriage

Immigrant visas are in country of residence... so if she returns to Russia it could be Moscow.... Avoid Guangzhou if you can because it is notoriously SLOW

So if we are married in Beijing and only file for the CR/IR, she can have her interview in her country of residence (Moscow)?

It seems as though the CR/IR will give her the option of having the interview in her home country (Russia) or in the country where we will be married (China). Is this true?

Will the information we provide on the application for the CR/IR tell them which location (Russia or China) to schedule the interview?

It seems as though the CR/IR is much better than the K3, why would a couple choose the K3? I'm looking for the advantages.

Thanks again for being so patient and detailed in your responses. good.gif

Edited by mrathell, 14 April 2009 - 06:23 PM.

mrathellMaleRussia2009-04-14 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm America, she's Russian and we want to marry in China
Thank you Gary and Alla for such detailed and invaluable information. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions in such detail.

I do have some other questions innocent.gif

Because we plan to get married here in China, does she has to stay in China to have her interview in the country where we were married?

I read some where that even though she is Russian and I am America, she must have her interview at the emabssy in Country where we were married in, so if we are married in China, then the interview must be in China. Is this true?

If it is true, can she leave and go to Russia and return to China for the interview?

When they inform you of the date for the interview, is it usually a 1, 2, 3 week advance notice or what?

Do you believe that it would be easier, less complicated and much faster to do the K1 fiancee?

Thank you again in advance.
mrathellMaleRussia2009-04-14 05:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm America, she's Russian and we want to marry in China
blush.gif Sorry for posting in two forums, I couldn't decide which one it belongs in.

I am an American living in Beijing on a Z visa (work). I have been here in China almost five years.

My fiancee' and I are planning to get married here in Beijing in April or May.

My fiancee' of five years is Russian.

My questions are:

1) Can I apply for the I-130 (k3 visa) for her here in Beijing? (we will be married in Beijing)

2) I plan to go back to America (Wisconsin) in June, so can I begin the process in China and finish it in America?

3) What is the current wait time for doing it in China versus America?

I am trying to determine if it is easier and quicker to:

1) get married first in Beijing and then file the I-130 (K3 spouse)


2) Do not get married in China, go back to America in June and file a I-129F(K1 fiancee visa).

Also, she has never been to the US (although she speaks perfect English), She has never tried to come to America and she doesn't have any kind of criminal records. Both of us are here in Beijing working with valid work permits.

*** Although I file my US taxes every year, my income the past five years has been paid to me in cash (RMB) by my Chinese employer. None of my income has been US earned income.

*** China does not do 'Direct Consular filing'
mrathellMaleRussia2009-04-14 04:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe didn't write on the back of the photos

Thanks alot, nastja. Hopefully it will work :)

Thank you, fingers crossed :)

we never got REF
but now our case been suspened

just take everything that u can get for proof your relationship
in case something happened
coz the paper i got said
after sept 31,2011
only the limited visa will be approved
so becareful
EllewhittenFemaleChina2011-09-08 02:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDid anyone k1 had 2 interview?????????

Better to do it right the first time. Everyone who tries to shortcut the system has issues.

what i mean is
once case been suspended
after u send the proof which what they want
they just give the answer directly or will arrange another interview then give answer?
did you ever heard the same or similar story?
EllewhittenFemaleChina2011-09-12 10:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDid anyone k1 had 2 interview?????????
my case been suspended,ask more proof of relationship
and now im wondering dose it usually have another interview?
did anyone here had same experience???

and once been suspended
how long it takes until got news or result?
EllewhittenFemaleChina2011-09-11 16:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me!!k1 interview the case been suspended!

no, there is no language problem
the one interview me is an american lady ,not french
she understand each word i said
english is just like my chinese,
i can speak it since i was 4
so our case wont be send back to USCIS right?
today i call
finally got someone work in embassy talk to me even not in charge of k1
he told me only the lady interview me can decide my visa is approved or deny
she just said any paper can proof ou relationship is fine
any paper
im almost crashed

a little good news again
before when we call DOS to check our case status
it said in our paper: need more proof
and today after i talk a guy who work at embassy even he is not work on k1 visa
but after we call DOS again today
it said in our paper: pending
so they got everything we send
now they r reviewing
just want the result from that lady who interview me
god, hope she will see i go usa is for my baby and family not immigration thru all the paper we've been sent
thank you guys to be with me during this hard time
and thanks god for bless us like always
even just a little good news
EllewhittenFemaleChina2011-09-12 15:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me!!k1 interview the case been suspended!


this is some 'language problem', I think so.

Relax a bit, read what follows.

The visa processing on your casefile was suspended,
because the IV Unit at the US Embassy in France,
asked for more information.

If you were in China, this would be labelled a 'blue slip' - the ultimate RFE, or Request for Information.

It's not finished, not at all. You've not been denied. Tis a totally different thing, this concept of 'visa processing suspension'.

Relax, you.

You and yer fella provide the IV unit with exactly what they are asking for,


ya wait a bit. figure 2 to 6 weeks more, for waiting, AFTER you've submitted the additional evidence that was asked of you .

Hang in there - patience is a virtue - and you must be virtuous !

Warmest Regards...

no, there is no language problem
the one interview me is an american lady ,not french
she understand each word i said
english is just like my chinese,
i can speak it since i was 4
so our case wont be send back to USCIS right?
today i call
finally got someone work in embassy talk to me even not in charge of k1
he told me only the lady interview me can decide my visa is approved or deny
she just said any paper can proof ou relationship is fine
any paper
im almost crashed
EllewhittenFemaleChina2011-09-12 04:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me!!k1 interview the case been suspended!

Im reading all this and realizing maybe she doesnt just mean suspended maybe its in AP until the new evidence is reviewed etc. Because GOD knows... AP IS SUSPENSION... in a way anyhow...

She is giving you an option to get new evidence of your relationship to them... they DID NOT DENY YOU!!!!! IF they were going to deny you they would have simply said denied on the spot... case closed. Your case is still open and waiting for you to proceed with the new evidence. When they receive this it may take a few days to weeks to review so yes your case will be hanging until they decide at that time.. This is actually good news... as you did not get denied... if your love is strong and this is the man you want to be with the rest of your life then I suggest getting back up off the floor and dusting yourself off and knowing you have a valid relationship whether or not the CO sees it or is having a bad day.

Immigration is a tough road and some of us know it better than others. My husband is from pakistan so we know the first hand treatment of all beneficiaries from certain countries are considered fraud... but our job is to prove them wrong... to show them to make them understand in that short hour long moment we have to prove what we have in our hearts for our loved ones. IT's not fair but it's understandable... we had a lot of proof emails, chats, letters cards phone records gift receipts pictures of us together and together with sooooo many other ppl at different functins and our wedding and reception but you know.. they looked at about 10 pictures... they didnt read about us wanting to start a family, they didn't read about how we wanted to put money aside so we can buy him a car, they didnt read about our small disgreements that all married couples have or the ones about how we long to be together and don't care if its here or there just anywhere we can be together... in that small moment of time we have a lot to prove. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it needs more proof.

Think of this as on hold until they can review your new documents. STay strong, stay focused on what you and your fiance want, stay faithful this will work out and you will be able to overcome this. Wishing you best of luck!!!!

thank you
thank all you to stay here and help us

i will be strong, always,not gonna give up

but one question
we've been call embassy for 4 days, no answer at all
do you guys think is becoz of 911???????
EllewhittenFemaleChina2011-09-10 17:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me!!k1 interview the case been suspended!

I guess I don't understand why it was suspended and they didn't simply request more info, I mean she wrote on her application that it was suspected that it was for the sole purpose of immigration. I'm really surprised this happened if she sent in evidence already.

its happened
even right now i still dont wanna believe it
but its happened
it make us cry everyday
EllewhittenFemaleChina2011-09-09 23:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me!!k1 interview the case been suspended!

Look, consular officer can ask for more proof of relationship if she/he deems what they submitted is not enough and doesn't show a true relationship - that's why they got asked for more proof and not denied. It's on the applicant and beneficiary to provide the information and convince the visa officer they have a bonafide relationship.

I see a lot of things thrown out by the OP blaming the co but all I get is she had an attitude with visa officer and the person dug more into the file. Where was the petitioner, why wasn't he there with OP? OP has been a member for close to a year, she never thought to drop by Chinese regional forum and ask hey, what do we need for interview, China consulates are not easy on K-1 visa applicants?

we dont have too much money to make hin come to france for my interview

and we been sent more proof since i finish interview
my baby been call them like 1o times everyday
but no one even call us back

already 4 days
EllewhittenFemaleChina2011-09-09 23:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me!!k1 interview the case been suspended!

Isn't there a way you can file a complaint against this person? Request that someone else interview you? I don't know how these things work but it seems very unfair and I don't see a reason why she would deny you. I believe she was having a bad day; I don't think it's a good idea to give up, even if he is move to where you're at for a while, get married and try again for the CR-1.

if she deny me, thats good
finally i can get an answer
the problem is our case been suspended
not deny, not approved
no answer at all
this is france
no way that im not citizen to sue a embassy officer
they even dont pick up the phone
how can i even talk to someone work in there?
im crushed
feel like im dying
EllewhittenFemaleChina2011-09-09 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me!!k1 interview the case been suspended!

i couldnt agree with u more
that VO really mad at me even just the first met!
i didnt know how much the senator can help
coz i didnt find much positive result after i do the research

for u, remember to bring everything u can get for the interview to proof ur relationship
dont like me get suspended

we've been call the embassy for 4 days
we've been send everything that we could get to proof our relationship
but no answer, nothing
im crashed
i cant and i dont even know how to stop my tears
i try to watching the funny movie
i try to read my bible again and again
but i still crying
maybe is the time to let it go
he should has a wife and kid too
sorry to let u guys know i decide to give up today
its so painful
so hurt
god, help me
EllewhittenFemaleChina2011-09-09 17:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me!!k1 interview the case been suspended!

YES the senators can help with the visa. something is strange about this, i think the officer who interviewed you had a VERY bad day and she was trying to make the people as miserable as she was. dont give up. NEVER give up, there's always hope and if you two fight with all your weapons there's no way you wont succeed. two heads always think better than one

i couldnt agree with u more
that VO really mad at me even just the first met!
i didnt know how much the senator can help
coz i didnt find much positive result after i do the research

for u, remember to bring everything u can get for the interview to proof ur relationship
dont like me get suspended
EllewhittenFemaleChina2011-09-08 18:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me!!k1 interview the case been suspended!

Ellie...i can feel your pain that you are going through soon i will have my interview scheduled too.

i met my faincee online 6 years back and i m worried and bit nervouws after reading your case but i will try my best..coz she has been waiting so badly for me.

and now here is the real thing.if they need more evidence provide as much as you can give them letters from your families and his families as well.

ask your fiance to involve a local congres man, thats all i can advice coz i read VJ blogs almost every day

GOOD BLESS YOU!! and you be goood!! :thumbs:

finally we got a good news
my baby call the senator in AL
and they said they need him to read a letter about he give them the right to check our case and bla bla bla
they will help us!!!!

i dont know too much about that
do you read any case that senator involoved and then got visa????

bring everything u had about your relationship
in case the VO give you problem about the way you met
until right now i still cant find a way to proof that he is not only one i met on myspace
but i dont think u will have same like me
coz the VO i got,i think she already hate chinese,thats why the first sec she met me
i can tell she hates me from her face
u will get a good new
tell me after u finish ur interivew ok
god bless everyone
EllewhittenFemaleChina2011-09-08 00:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me!!k1 interview the case been suspended!

i was thinking we write a letter that we promise we wont divorce
once me or him sign a divore
i give the right to immigration officer to cancle my right to stay in usa
no matter i already got green card or citizenship

what ur guys think about that?
daniel thinks is sounds bad

by the way
we met on myspace
and how can i proof that he is the only one i met??
coz the vo dosent believe i only met him

by the way
my daniel put my name as tattoo on his chest
do u think it could be an evident too??
tatto can never get it off and so pain when u do it
if not in real love, who gonna do that right
EllewhittenFemaleChina2011-09-07 14:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me!!k1 interview the case been suspended!

From the image of the letter, it seems to me that you can appeal.

1. Look at the part right under where it is written, "relationship appears to be for immigration purposes"? It says, "WARNING: IF YOU FAIL TO TAKE THE ACTION REQUESTED WITHIN ONE YEAR FOLLOWING THE VISA DENIAL...REQUIRES THAT YOUR APPLICATION BE CANCELLED."

2. Also at the top, it says, "Your application will be reconsidered when you have provided the evidence required below."

3. Also note, "A WAIVER OF INELIGIBLITY IS/IS NOT AVAILABLE," and neither option is selected.


From what I've read, it sounds like you should include all of the original evidence AGAIN, plus all of the new evidence.

I suggest you ask your fiance to get his family to notarize statements of your relationship.

I had my father and my sister and my fiance's best friend, all sign and have notarized letters with a picture on them, saying "This is a picture of me, the petitioner, and the beneficiary. My relationship to the petitioner is father/sister/best friend since 1996. I did meet the fiance on (date), (date), and (date), at which point they informed me of their decision to marry. I have known of their relationship since it began in (date)." In addition to the smaller printed photo on the letter, I included a full-size, actual photograph of the same image.

The notarization is proof that the person signing the document, provided legal identification at the time.

I think it's probably also a good idea to get your fiance to request assistance from his elected officials.

Good luck to you

i was thinking we write a letter that we promise we wont divorce
once me or him sign a divore
i give the right to immigration officer to cancle my right to stay in usa
no matter i already got green card or citizenship

what ur guys think about that?
daniel thinks is sounds bad

From the image of the letter, it seems to me that you can appeal.

1. Look at the part right under where it is written, "relationship appears to be for immigration purposes"? It says, "WARNING: IF YOU FAIL TO TAKE THE ACTION REQUESTED WITHIN ONE YEAR FOLLOWING THE VISA DENIAL...REQUIRES THAT YOUR APPLICATION BE CANCELLED."

2. Also at the top, it says, "Your application will be reconsidered when you have provided the evidence required below."

3. Also note, "A WAIVER OF INELIGIBLITY IS/IS NOT AVAILABLE," and neither option is selected.


From what I've read, it sounds like you should include all of the original evidence AGAIN, plus all of the new evidence.

I suggest you ask your fiance to get his family to notarize statements of your relationship.

I had my father and my sister and my fiance's best friend, all sign and have notarized letters with a picture on them, saying "This is a picture of me, the petitioner, and the beneficiary. My relationship to the petitioner is father/sister/best friend since 1996. I did meet the fiance on (date), (date), and (date), at which point they informed me of their decision to marry. I have known of their relationship since it began in (date)." In addition to the smaller printed photo on the letter, I included a full-size, actual photograph of the same image.

The notarization is proof that the person signing the document, provided legal identification at the time.

I think it's probably also a good idea to get your fiance to request assistance from his elected officials.

Good luck to you

by the way
we met on myspace
and how can i proof that he is the only one i met??
coz the vo dosent believe i only met him
EllewhittenFemaleChina2011-09-07 13:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me!!k1 interview the case been suspended!

From the image of the letter, it seems to me that you can appeal.

1. Look at the part right under where it is written, "relationship appears to be for immigration purposes"? It says, "WARNING: IF YOU FAIL TO TAKE THE ACTION REQUESTED WITHIN ONE YEAR FOLLOWING THE VISA DENIAL...REQUIRES THAT YOUR APPLICATION BE CANCELLED."

2. Also at the top, it says, "Your application will be reconsidered when you have provided the evidence required below."

3. Also note, "A WAIVER OF INELIGIBLITY IS/IS NOT AVAILABLE," and neither option is selected.


From what I've read, it sounds like you should include all of the original evidence AGAIN, plus all of the new evidence.

I suggest you ask your fiance to get his family to notarize statements of your relationship.

I had my father and my sister and my fiance's best friend, all sign and have notarized letters with a picture on them, saying "This is a picture of me, the petitioner, and the beneficiary. My relationship to the petitioner is father/sister/best friend since 1996. I did meet the fiance on (date), (date), and (date), at which point they informed me of their decision to marry. I have known of their relationship since it began in (date)." In addition to the smaller printed photo on the letter, I included a full-size, actual photograph of the same image.

The notarization is proof that the person signing the document, provided legal identification at the time.

I think it's probably also a good idea to get your fiance to request assistance from his elected officials.

Good luck to you

thank you so much to help us
yes she didnt selected any option on that paper, coz for interviw, i bring everything they asked
i think just the evident of our relatioship is not enough for her
hes family didnt actually meet me in face, coz i never been in usa, i tried but i failed
they met me online
watching us talk thru skype ( video)
but all his family will do that for us,
they all know how much we love each other

so what else u think we should send too?
EllewhittenFemaleChina2011-09-07 13:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me!!k1 interview the case been suspended!

Yes it is possible. But if they are still not satisfy then you can get a lawyer to fight it or give up the k-1 and start again with the CR-1.

we sent 502 pages skype chat history
and so many pic about us
and video i made when he play with my dog when he was in france
and all his family will write letter for us to embassy too
what else u think we need to send??
EllewhittenFemaleChina2011-09-07 13:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me!!k1 interview the case been suspended!

If the information you sent still not satisfy the VO then you would need to marry and file CR-1.

how can i stay away from him that long
god, help me
did u every heard a case been suspended, then got visa???
EllewhittenFemaleChina2011-09-07 12:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me!!k1 interview the case been suspended!

Without you giving us the exact information, no one will be able to give you specific advice.

What evidence of your relationship did you send in with the petition? Did you submit any additional evidence at the interview. What exactly (not what you think it says) does the sheet you were given say?

It would be best if you can scan the paper you were given and upload it here for us to see. Be sure to mark out the name and case number.

the pic is too big that i cant upload here
so i upload on facebook
this is the link
too page, back and front
thats what i got from the interview
EllewhittenFemaleChina2011-09-07 12:43:00