United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

I've just got case completed at NVC, so will be booking my medical soon.

I haven't been to the doctor in about three years at least - am I'm still registered with a GP in the city I lived in three years ago, not a GP in the place I live now. I have NO idea where my NHS records/vaccination history will be as I've moved around the country a fair bit. Is this going to be an issue - or can I rock up to Knightsbridge and get the relevant vaccinations?

this is the link to info about the medical... theres a selection on the right that will show you all the fees for the different vaccinations if you have them at Knightsbridge! Maybe it would be cheaper for you to contact the GP you used as a child and ask if they have a copy of your vaccinations from childhood? May be worth a shot if it saves you money!

Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-15 16:26:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
I booked my medical today for the 19th of March... reading these posts have really helped!!! Im quite nervous about it even though i havent got any particular health issues?! Other than i do smoke... :whistle:
Reading the tip of taking a hair band is good to know too! :D any other tips for females welcome....
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-23 16:58:00
United KingdomThe ol' 'Should I tell work about it' debate...
Yeh if your fixed term its always a bit more risky isn't it! Im fixed term but found out few weeks ago that weve been given another year so im secure until march 2013 which is why im a bit more vocal about the visa stuff and my plans to leave now.

My colleagues are sooo excited for me they ask for the latest news all the time, im lucky my boss is a little clueless when it comes to visas etc so she has no idea what timeframe its likely to be. But i have to say theyve been good to me lately, my partners in the american army and deployed , they only told him yesterday his dates for his r and r and they have let me have two weeks annual leave short notice because id kept them in the loop about the circumstances!

I think you have to do whats right for you, its not selfish to be looking after your own interests and finances! :thumbs:
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-21 08:30:00
United KingdomThe ol' 'Should I tell work about it' debate...
I'm kind of in the same situation... i've told them i've started 'the whole visa thing' but always followed that up with 'it can take aaaaaages to happen though' oops! :whistle:
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-20 20:03:00
United Kingdomproof of ties to home...visiting whilst the visa is in process...

thanks for updating us with that heartwarming story, i hope you had a wonderful visit with your man.. it's nice to be reminded of the humanity behind this whole daunting process - everyone is not out to get everyone else, we're all just playing our parts!

p.s it sucks that nothing rhymes with katie, right?! that was my nickname too ;)

I know right! Katie Watie must have taken my family oh erm all of 5 minutes to think up! lol :wacko:

And im glad i shared... very proud of my soldier! :D

Beautiful story. Thanks for sharing. (L)

If you need any personalized help on your London process, feel free to PM me. My way of thanking your soldier.

You may regret saying i can pm already creating my list of questions... lol... only joking theres one... or two :P ! But thanks! :D
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-23 13:05:00
United Kingdomproof of ties to home...visiting whilst the visa is in process...

I visited during the K1 process, brought a ton of 'evidence', wasn't asked a single question.
Honestly, they know that UK citizens have friends/family/relationships in the US, they aren't THAT paranoid.
You'll be fine!

Your right I wasn't asked for a thing!!! So the panic was for nothing i suppose!
But im glad i was prepared 'just in case'. The lady on the desk asked me what was the purpose of my visit, i said to visit my fiance who is on r and r from the army, she asked how long it had been since we'd seen each other and i explained he'd been deployed for 7 months... her response was to stand up shake my hand and ask me to pass that on to my fiance and thank him for fighting for his country!!! I nearly welled up infront of her, and so did his Mom when i told them the story! :) One very proud fiancee (L) !
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-20 18:24:00
United Kingdomproof of ties to home...visiting whilst the visa is in process...

Yep my police certificate arrived last week, i wont have time to get my injections before i fly out but i can when i get back from my holiday. Ive already told him hes got forms to sign and evidence to collect whilst we're together :D he cant relax until its done! lol

This website is the best thing i stumbled across during this visa process!!!
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-21 09:59:00
United Kingdomproof of ties to home...visiting whilst the visa is in process...
Aaaaargh i just read that link to someone getting refused and now i'm more worried!!!! lol!!! although it does sound like they weren't particularly prepared?! :blink:

The NOA2 hasnt arrived at his address in america yet but hopefully it will before i fly at the start of Feb, so i can ask his Mom to scan it and email me a copy to print and take with me.

I can ask him whether the army have given him his leave orders yet and ask for him to email me a copy, i suppose that's good evidence that hes only there for the two weeks also.

Another quick question... do i just complete the ESTA tourist visa as normal to go over in Feb???

I have always hated going through immigration because i get nervous and tongue tied and then start to panic that i look guilty of something even though i know i've not done ANYTHING wrong, have never broken a law in my life and am telling the absolute truth!!! so god knows what ill be like this time!!! :wacko:
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-21 04:11:00
United Kingdomproof of ties to home...visiting whilst the visa is in process...
Hi everyone

I have read something on this topic before but i cant find it anywhere now!

Weve started the K1 visa process... infact weve been informed our NOA2 was posted three days ago :D ... my fiancee is in the army and currently deployed in Kuwait. He gets two weeks r and r next month and i am of course flying over from England to be with him and his family for those two weeks. I've read before that i need to take a copy of the petition that went off originally with me, as well as proof of strong ties to home.

Two questions really...
1) is it best i take a copy of the entire petition that went off? do i need the originals of evidence?

2) to prove i intend to come home i have...
- a letter from my employer stating i have a permanent contract of employment and have only been granted two weeks leave
- my mortgage agreement
- credit card bill with an amount i pay off monthly
- possible confirmation from the dog kennels ill be putting my dog into whilst i'm away (although a family member might be having him)

is there anything else i can take to prove i intend to return home? Im quite nervous about flying whilst the visas going through because i dont want them to think i wont come back!!! anything i can take with me or do in preparation to make everything go smoothly i'll do!

Any help or advice from people who have been there would be great! :)
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-20 19:55:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!!!

Nich-nick is amazing for all london applicants :D :D :D

I have my interview a week tomorrow :wacko:
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-16 16:20:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Hi Guys,
I have a question. My petition is at the embassy and I'm awaiting the letter that says they now request the following paperwork.
Form DS-230 Part I and Part II
Form DS-156 (2 copies)
Form DS-157 (2 copies)
Form DS-156-K
I have these filled out and am awaiting my police certificate to book my medical exam.
Can you send these in first and then as soon as you go for the medical exam send in the DS2001?
I'm due to get married July 21st and ideally I would like to be in the States by the end of June.
Thanks in advance :)

Have you received your NOA2 yet?

I did exactly as Nich Nick suggests, got my medical date booked, sent off all of the D forms but not the checklist. Had my medical, gave it three days and then sent the checklist and cover letter off saying i was ready for interview (recorded delivery). Had my interview today and got approved so i would say thats the best order for London :o)
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-24 17:26:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Who signs the MRV fee receipt??? Ausitn called and paid on his card and gave my email address for it to be sent to, it says applicants sIgnature on the bottom but im not sure if i can sign it?

HELP!!!!! :wacko:
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-16 16:27:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

yay good luck :D

Thanks Dan! Congrats to you and Jenni on your wedding!!!!!

Yay!!! Congratsssss

Thankyooooooou :)
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-12 14:29:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!! interview 24th April!!! :thumbs:
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-10 15:24:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Still waiting for my interview appointment letter :(
sent my checklist off on the 22nd march, checked online at post office and its been received and signed for!
How long did everyone else wait for interview letters?
im impaaaaaaatiiiiieeennnttt!!! :dance:
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-03 16:20:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Thankyouuuu :)

Did anyone take a letter with them to the interview with their fiance(e)s intention to marry? similar to the one that went off with the petition? I think ive read somewhere you should take it to the interview but i cant find it again!?
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-13 15:28:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Ive asked this in the specific military thread but havent had a response as yet so thought id ask in the UK thread...

i wanted to double check what documents he needs to send to me as supporting evidence for affidavit for me to take to my interview. We've been advised to order his most recent tax return, which i think hes done.

Hes in the military so Is there anything else he can send? He doesn't earn a lot at the moment but has quite a lot of savings so would it be worth sending proof of this?

And can anyone tell me what the minimum is that someone has to earn in order to be able to support the person coming over on a visa?
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-11 16:20:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

yeah press continue, let it do its thing... it can take a while sometimes, then once it has stuck a barcode on the form you can print it out. like has been mentioned by Nich-Nick... it is probably wise to print off an extra copy of all the forms and take them to the interview just in case the embassy misplace one :)

I don't know what id without you guys and this forum! I HATE FORMS :yes: lol
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-27 14:51:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

yeah it needs the barcode on it. quite a few people have a problem getting the DS-156 to do what it is supposed to do... i kept getting an error message when i clicked continue as it seems to have major issues with Firefox... but using a different browser, trying at different times of the day, or even using a different computer quite often fixes it.

Ok thanks
and once you complete it and press continue does it then give you the option to print it?
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-27 14:41:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
This may be a stupid question but does the DS-156 form have to be completed online because of the barcode thingy??? :wacko:
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-27 14:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f being completed on behalf of petitioner on army deployment??
Thanks for all your replies!

I think we've got to be patient and wait until he has a mailing address again in Kuwait to be able to start the process :(

But at least i've got everything ready my end in preparation :)
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-02 11:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f being completed on behalf of petitioner on army deployment??
Im very new at this so i dont really know some of the terminology just yet... whats a 'jag'?

If he calls the military helpline im hoping they can shine more light on the best way for us to go, his Mother has power of attorney and she asked whether this meant she could sign on his behalf? I just hate that there is going to be more delay the longer we have to wait :(
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-01 08:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f being completed on behalf of petitioner on army deployment??
Thankyou very much for replying!

Penguin: he wont have a postal address now for the next 2months whilst in Iraq, i dont fully understand it but its due to them no longer being in a fixed place as they are closing the base, pulling all services out of the area, shutting the stores etc etc and due to his job he will be one of the last to leave as he is escorting and driving people out of the area. So for the time being he cant be sent any care packages or letters or anything, until he arrives in Kuwait and there is a postal system set up there.

Ameribrit: thanks for your reply, ive had a quick look at the link you gave, im going to ask him to give the military helpline a call. I thought i had reserached quite a lot about the visa process.. until i was dreaming about forms! but i obviously still have a lot to learn as i didnt even know having a petition expedited was an option :(

I would be so grateful for anyones input who have had the military complication!!!
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-01 05:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f being completed on behalf of petitioner on army deployment??

Hope someone can help me!

My fiance is American and i am British and we have decided to start the application for the K1 Visa and the hope is to be living together in the US as soon as possible.

The complication is he is in the US army and currently on deployment in Iraq. We feel confident enough to start the process, i have the majority of the evidence for the petition such as photos etc and i have completed my biogrpahic form, but the issue is he wont have a postal address until the end of the year?! So i cant actually send him the documents to send off with the petition. My question is... can someone complete the petition on his behalf such as a parent? His parents are in America and i am in regular contact with them and they are extremely supportive, could they start the process for him?

Any advice would be great....
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-01 04:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbecause im a thicko...silly question about G-325A form
Thankyou very much for your quick reply :) and to all of my points! I think ive done it now :yes:

one down.........
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-03 07:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbecause im a thicko...silly question about G-325A form
I feel silly for asking this but i feel like i need to know im doing it right... and what better place to ask the question!!! :)

The G-325A forms.... first of all both of us need to complete one don't we?

Secondly is it ok to type the info in to the form and then print it to sign it?

Thirdly (if thats even a word) applicants last address outside the US of more than 1 year... has confused me? im a british citizen and have never lived outside the UK so do i leave this blank? and what about my partner as he is currently deployed in iraq?

And lastly do you tick the 'other' box for why the form is being submitted and then write K1 visa?

I apologize in advance for being so thick... i thought this was going to be the simpler of the forms yet its confused me more!!! :wacko:
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-03 07:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresputting photos in as evidence for petition...
Hi everyone...

I know someone on here will have an answer for me as i haven't been let down yet :) ...

We're putting about 5-6 photos in as evidence of us meeting in person for the petition... but my question is how did everyone put them in the package? I know they ask for them to have who it is and dates written on the back so i thought i better not stick them on a piece of paper, are there are photo display pages you can buy?

or am i really overthinking this and i should just shove them in a plastic wallet? :whistle: i just want it to look like nice and neat lol!

Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-05 16:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOK whats next??
Thats great thankyou!

I wont stress about the proof of ongoing relationship then if its not a priority. Ive got my police certificate form ready to go but im reluctant to send it until the new year as its only valid for 12months isnt it?

Thanks for your help :)
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-17 13:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOK whats next??
Hi everyone

So we've received our NOA1 in October and are now awaiting our NOA2... but i just wanted to know what to expect next? :wacko:

Are there things we could be doing during the wait? Weve been continuing to keep evidence of our ongoing relationship, i have got a police check form ready to complete in the New Year (as i know their only valid for 12 months) and ive been scouring the forums to try and prepare us in advance of whats to come....

Any help you can give would be great as usual :D

Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-11 16:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPutting the I-129F package together
we printed names signed and dated... sorry for not being clearer..... :blink:
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-12 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPutting the I-129F package together
My petitioner didn't sign the copies of birth certificates etc, just the forms where indicated and backs of passport photos... hope that helps :)
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-12 11:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 3 question...
quick check.....
So im ready to send off....
DS-157 X 2
DS-156 X 2

without evidence... is that right? and sending my DS-2001 once im ready for my interview...

how did everyone send theirs? recorded delivery?? does it need a cover letter?
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-29 14:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 3 question...
I have seen a couple of forum questions about packet 3 but if i'm honest i'm still really confused :wacko: so i thought id post a new one and hopefully help others too who read it.

We received our NOA2 about 3-4 weeks ago and i had my letter from the American embassy in London the day before i flew out to visit my fiance for two weeks, and i got back today :( I have already got my police certificate, and will be seeing my GP soon regarding vaccinations and my fiance is sorting the evidence for his affidavit of support etc. But what comes next??

Do i now send the DS-230 part 1, DS-156K x2, DS-156k, DS-157 x2 and checklist DS-2001 off to the embassy as soon as we've completed them??? or am i waiting for them to send me more paperwork?

Do i send the forms then schedule my medical or do i send the forms and wait for them to tell me to schedule my medical? Im so confused about what comes next and feel like the more i read the more im confusing myself and stressing myself out so if someone can put it in plain English for me i would reeeeally appreciate it!

We also have the issue of my fiance is in the army and is on deployment until the end of June, we are worried that if it all goes through as hoped and happens quickly we may not be ready for me to move as he may still be in Kuwait?! If all goes well and you are granted a visa at the interview how long are you given before you have to move over and is that time deducted from your 90 days?

Any help anyone can give i am very grateful for!! :help:
Katie WatieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-20 18:20:00