United KingdomFile I-130 now at lockbox or wait 6 months and DCF at London?

I had seen that some people were getting expedited without requesting it at the chicago lockbox. I thought this would just be for people in the countries where DCF is no longer an option. Does anyone know of any UK filers who have been expedited under this process?

We sent our petition to the Chicago lockbox and got approved in 10 days. I am living in the UK under a Tier 2 work visa (ie not indefinite leave to remain) so the embassy told me that I wasn't eligible for DCF. That might not have been accurate info from them, but regardless it seems our petition was 'auto-expedited' anyway. It's up to you, but in my opinion you might be fastest to apply through the lockbox once your wife lives in the UK but make sure she lists her UK address on everything. That's the only way you'll be put into the auto-expedite queue. Good luck!
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-04-22 16:12:00
United KingdomAnother UK medical question
Brilliant, thanks for your help guys!
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-07-17 10:15:00
United KingdomAnother UK medical question
Hi guys,

My husband and I were going through his medical record that he obtained from his GP, which includes his immunization history. We were trying to compare it with the list of required shots and we started getting a bit confused. Honestly, the names of these shots are like alphabet soup! There are so many variations of Td, Dtap, some with big P's some with little P's... blah blah blah.

So without getting too technical or nitty-gritty my question is, if the nurse at Knightsbridge thinks he is missing one or more of the required immunizations, does he have to get it then and there or can he go back and get it at his GP in Scotland and then they can forward the details to the folks at Knightsbridge with enough time for them to send his medical results to the embassy? There will be approx 3.5 weeks between his medical and his interview.

As a total side note - does anyone else think it's a bit silly that there is only one medical practice in the whole of the UK that is approved by the US embassy? I know there are at least 3 that are approved by the Canadian embassy, one of which is in Glasgow which would have been MUCH more handy for us! Ok, sorry, rant over...
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-07-17 07:08:00
United KingdomDCF London eligibility - they won't give me a straight answer...

Thanks for the help everyone!

I was reading this post . hjones applied earlier this year
- had been here 5 years and on a temporary work visa - and the London embassy told them they weren't eligible.

Interesting to hear that it had been changed from ILR to LLR at one point, so that's probably good news. I'm going to send in my application this week and try for DCF. I've decided to take the embassies webpage at face value (they really should make it clearer) and post back when I find out what happens.

Good luck on yours Holly!

Hi, just thought I would point out that I spoke with two different people at the London embassy, and neither one of them sounded like they really knew whether I could apply via DCF. I think they just decided to be on the safe side and tell me that I wasn't eligible so that it wouldn't come back and bite them!

Having gone through the process and learned so much about it, I imagine I could have done DCF. However, I think our process was actually quicker by filing at the Chicago Lockbox and being expedited through the I-130 process. We even took our time at the NVC stage a bit. But since this 'auto-expedite' queue for petitioners living abroad hasn't really been confirmed, it's probably just as well filing DCF.

Anyway, good luck with your application! I hope this makes sense and I haven't added to any confusion here!!
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-07-18 07:36:00
United KingdomThe embassy has changed our interview date!
Thanks guys. I guess we'll just have to chalk this up to a bit of bad luck, it seems. We tried to plead our case with the airline, but it's easyjet so they're not overly helpful. Maybe the hotel will be more understanding!
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-09-06 09:37:00
United KingdomThe embassy has changed our interview date!
Hi all!

My husband got a phone call from the embassy saying that due to unforseen circumstances, they are unable to carry out visa interviews on the scheduled date and they have to reschedule it for the next day, 25 September. The problem is that we live in Glasgow and he has already made arrangements with his work and paid for flights and hotel accom, both of which are non-refundable. When he explained this to the embassy person, they said sorry but they cannot do the interview on the 24th and they can't reimburse him for any associated costs.

Does anyone know if this happens often and whether there is anything we can do to recover the costs of rearranging his travel? Thanks!
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-09-06 07:53:00
United KingdomTime between 221(g) reponse and receipt of visa
Yes I think you both are right - I'm sure our situation is fairly unique and despite lots of research on my part and extra diligence from my dad when filling out his I-864, it seems it wasn't quite clear enough for the CO to be sure. I don't want to frighten everyone into thinking that an I-864A is an automatic requirement for London!
Anyway thanks again for your help. Hopefully we will have the visa in hand soon enough!
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-10-23 15:47:00
United KingdomTime between 221(g) reponse and receipt of visa
Hi guys, thanks so much for your responses.

Nich-Nick - I should have been more specific. My parents are both retired and thus don't receive a paycheck per se. Their income comes from retirement funds/stock portfolios, etc. So I'm assuming the embassy wanted a bit more information because it wasn't obvious that the income quoted in my Dad's tax information was strictly his, which is why they needed the agreement I-864A form from my mom. He left item 24b blank on his original I-864 form but perhaps it wasn't obvious to the CO what was really going on with the information we supplied to them.

I wonder why this wasn't flagged up during processing at the NVC? Perhaps they don't look that closely at it or it was simply a difference of opinion between the NVC and the embassy.

However, the thing that I find most frustrating is that the embassy doesn't inform you before your interview of any further information they require so that you could bring it with you on the day and clear things up then and there! I just get frustrated with inefficiencies!! Nevermind, we'll get there in the end!!

Thanks again for your responses!
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-10-23 12:05:00
United KingdomTime between 221(g) reponse and receipt of visa
Hi all!

To make a long story short, my husband received a 221(g) refusal at his interview. My dad is the joint-sponsor and the embassy requires an I-864A from my mom because they file their taxes jointly (even though he makes enough money himself to act as joint sponsor). The CO said it is a minor technicality but regardless, they can't approve his visa until they receive the I-864A form.
Unfortunately it took ages to get everything together and posted but it eventually arrived at the embassy today.
Both of our jobs have a 3 month notice period, so we had to hand in our notices a while ago and are finishing on the 23rd of November. We were hoping to fly out on the 4th of December but I'm nervous to book any travel until we have the visa in hand. Anyone have any similar experince that would suggest we would be okay to book travel for the 4th?

hjonesFemaleScotland2012-10-23 09:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012
Seems today has been a good day all round! I just got off the phone with NVC, talked with the nicest lady there (her name might have been Riley, or something like that? Sounded like she had a cold so I didn't quite understand her) and we got our case number and IIN! Woo hoo! She also gave me a Beneficiary ID number - what is it and will we ever need it?

Congrats to everyone else who received good news as well!!
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-05-03 16:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

I'm the one that adds people ;) And you've now been added Posted Image

Hope you get your case number assigned soon. Since you're early April, you should be getting it within the next week or so. I'd suggest you start calling once a day now!

Oh haha, cheers! I will be subjected to even more ridicule for calling once a day, but it will be worth it! :P Thanks again!
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-05-02 10:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012
Hi all!

Just wanted to add myself to this thread as well and say a massive thank you to Saylin and everyone else on here who have unknowingly helped me through this process! Even just reading other people's frustrations/problems has helped me relax!

I'm trying to stay patient through this backlog at NVC. My husband makes fun of me for calling them at least two or three times a week asking for a case number. Nothing yet!

Saylin, how do I add myself to your spreadsheet?
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-05-02 09:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012
Hi everyone!

We received the hard copy of our NOA2 the other day (woohoo!) so now we are starting to gather everything for the NVC process. No case number from NVC yet (I phoned them today but was basically told to buzz off and wait for the magic 15 business days from our NOA2 date to phone back) Anyway, I have a number of dumb questions.... hopefully this is the right place to put them

1. I (petitioner) live with my husband in the UK. For the DS3032 form - can my husband still put me as the agent or does it have to be someone in the US? My Dad will be our joint sponsor and he has also said he can pay the various fees from his checking account (as I don't have a checking account in the US). So should we make my dad the agent on the DS3032?

2. My dad is retired, but he doesn't have a traditional pension with a regular monthly payment - his retirement fund is all in stocks that pay dividends. The annual income he receives from these is more than enough to be the joint sponsor, but does anyone think there will be an issue with this as it's not a traditional or regular source of income?

3. Lastly, the income my dad gets is enough to support himself, my mom and my husband. Therefore, does my mom still need to complete the I-864a because they file their taxes jointly?

Sorry for all these questions, and I hope they make sense... I tried to look through the thread here for answers, but my brain started to fry...
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-04-12 09:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2012
Hi everyone!
We sent off our I864 and DS230 a couple of weeks ago (phew!) but today we received the dreaded checklist!! Two things they are asking for...

1. My husband came to the US a couple of times on a J1 visa, the most recent time being in 2006. They are requesting proof that he has fulfilled any applicable 2-year home residency requirements. Firstly, his J1s didn't have any HRR requirement but we can't find the documents that prove that. But doesn't the fact that he has been living in the UK since 2006 obviously fulfill any such requirement anyway??

2. My husband listed that he lived in the Czech Republic for 9 months in 2004, which was just the time he spent studying abroad there during college. They are requesting that he obtain a police certificate from Czech Republic. We thought that you only needed a police certificate from countries that you lived in for more than 12 months? And since he was just studying there, we're not sure whether there will be any record of him living there anyway? Any thoughts?

Any chance the NVC would lift these requirements/checklist if we contact them and explain the above? Thanks so much for your help folks!!
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-06-18 15:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 assembly question
Hi everyone, quick question... I am a USC getting living in the UK and getting ready to submit the I-130 for my husband. Since we are living abroad, we have to submit it to the Chicago Lockbox, as I'm not eligible for DCF here. There seems to be contradictory information regarding how to assemble the I-130 when sending it to Chicago lockbox. Some places say you need to use an acco fastener, other places (like the guide here on VJ) says not to use acco fasteners when sending anything to Chicago but to use paperclips instead.

I know this is a totally pedantic question, but does anyone know the correct assembly instructions for sending the I-130 to Chicago? Does it really matter? I would just be so frustrated if our petition was rejected for such a silly reason as the fastening of it! But with my luck, this would be my stumbling block...

Thanks for your help! I'm totally new at this, but this website has been a saving grace for us already!
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-02-10 15:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSENDING ORIGINAL DOCS TO NVC
Sorry for the dumb question, I'm new at this... Just want to make sure that we will send all original documents/certified copies to the NVC, then once the application is processed they will send those originals to the consulate (in our case - London) and when my husband goes for his interview he will get them back? Does he have to specifically ask for them during the interview?
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-02-09 08:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support - submitting tax returns, lived abroad
Hi guys,
Unfortunately I can't offer any help with this either as I am also in the same position. My dad has been filing my taxes for me from home while I've been living and working in the UK over the past 5 years, but we never included my foreign income as we never thought it would be an issue. I have my dad on the case trying to see what he can dig up (he's retired and loves spending his time reading info on the IRS website :)...) and I'll let you know if he/we find out anything! Keep in touch if you guys come across anything as well.

Cheers, Hilary
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-02-20 17:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTaxes for foreign residents
My Dad has been taking care of filing my taxes while I have been living in the UK over the past 5 years, but he said that he hasn't included my foreign income and foreign taxes over that time. My parents have agreed to be co-sponsors when we get to the AOS stage, but do you think this oversight on my taxes will matter when they look at my tax returns?
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-02-15 16:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 Question 22
Seemingly silly question... I (USC) live and work in the UK and will not have a job in the US lined up before submitting my I-864 form. So for question number 22 regarding my current employment, should I answer that I am currently employed as a civil engineer, even though my salary from that employment will not count towards the sponsorship requirement? If so, should I still put $0 for my current income (question 23)? My dad will be our joint sponsor, if that makes any difference.

hjonesFemaleScotland2012-05-02 14:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC: Waiting for Case Number

Hello All,

I am new here and this is my 1st post, please I need your help.

I am a USC, my husband is a Nigerian, but resides in Malaysia, so we are going through the Kuala Lumpur Consulate.

I am now at the NVC stage. I called NVC several times and finally got a positive response on the 30th April 2012, I was told NVC has received my Case from the California Service Center CSC, But they do not have a Case number for me yet. It hasn't been keyed into their system.

How long does it take to get a Case number?

How long will it take me to get the fee bills ans submit my documents?

Mailed I-130 Package - 10th Nov. 2011
USCIS Received Package and my Priority Date is - 14th Nov. 2011
Notice Date: 16th Nov. 2011
NOA2 - 14th April 2012 (exactly 5months)
NVC received case - April 30th 2012

I just got off the phone with the NVC and we just got our case number. I had phoned them yesterday looking for it, so they must have assigned it late yesterday/today. They had received our case on 04/20. Hopefully that gives you a bit of insight, but just keep calling them every day to see if yours has been assigned!
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-05-03 16:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReceived a checklist from NVC...questions about how to respond.

Hi everyone, I have been away for awhile, but I finally sent in the papers to the NVC and now have a received a checklist :-( :crying:

Now I am hoping for some of your help!

It says that I am missing the following:

[x] It appears that there is no proof of current employment (a recently dated job letter or pay stub), or
self-employment status (a recently dated letter on business letterhead or a business license).
[x] The listed income tax documents/IRS statements for the years marked below are missing/incomplete
(if you have lost any of the requested tax information, contact your local IRS office to obtain a copy)
(Only Federal returns (not state or local) are acceptable unless the sponsor's income was earned in Puerto
• W-2 forms are missing/incomplete for the year(s):
[x] 2011 [ ] 2010 [ ] 2009 [ ] 2008.

I KNOW I did not send proof of current employment, but that's because I didn't think I needed to (I'm not even remotely close to making the minimum income so it doesn't matter how much my income is, and there is a joint sponsor for that purpose). So...was I still supposed to send it?

Secondly, I did not send my W2 form because I do not have W2 forms. I work for a company here in Chile, but for that I don't get W2s...only the 2555 form, for Foreign Income Exemption. I had sent in all my Schedules and the 2555 form to show my tax info for 2011. So what do I do? I am thinking of getting my tax transcripts for 2011 and sending that in with an explanation letter about how people that live/work abroad don't get W2s.

Lastly, the instructions say: The checklist below indicates missing or incomplete documents. In order to make corrections you will need to download a new form at You will need to complete and submit a new form with the changes noted below. Please provide all requested documents.

Does this mean I need to redo my entire I-864 and resend all my other documents? I called the NVC and the lady (very mean lady) told me that I don't need to redo the form, but I am confused because of the above instructions.

Thanks so much!

Hmmm I don't know about your checklist, but I am in a similar situation (living abroad, using co-sponsor to meet income requirements). I didn't include any W2s with my AOS package either, but maybe I have a similar checklist coming my way soon! :hehe: Did you list your salary that you receive in Chile on your form? Maybe that is causing some confusion? Just trying to think of possible causes. I listed zero income since my current income in the the UK will not continue once my husband and I move to the US.

Maybe try calling the NVC again? I had to call them yesterday about a checklist we received in relation to my husband's DS-230 and spoke to a very nice and helpful lady, so it's just a ####### shoot as to who you get on the phone! Good luck!
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-06-19 14:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarrying in UK on student visa, then bringing husband to US?
Just to throw another spanner into the works... think about filing your I-130 application from the UK before you return to the US as some people applying from abroad have experienced an 'expedited' process during this step. See the topic here if you haven't already looked through it: http://www.visajourn...-living-abroad/
I think some people were living abroad on student visas as well and were still 'expedited' though none of this has ever been confirmed by USCIS so it's still somewhat heresay.
Anyway, it worked for us and it might be something you can do to speed up your process and limit any necessary time away from your hubby! Good luck and congrats on the engagement!
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-06-26 07:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUS citizen to marry a UK citizen in UK but now what? Please help

We have talked and we are just going to have him come here and get married and then him leave again and apply for the CR1. So there is nothing else we have to do in order for us to get married here? No fancy process? No k1 no anything? He just shows up, we have a wedding, he leaves we process?

Yep, that's what we did! We came to America and had documents showing that we were returning to the UK (return ticket being the most obvious one!) but my husband wasn't even asked a single question about it and his entry to the US was no different than any other time. Still, better to be prepared and have evidence of ties to the UK. Just check with your home state, or where ever you decide to get married, about any requirements before applying for a marriage license. We got married in Vermont and applied for the license the day before the wedding, but I'm not sure all states are the same. Good luck! And have fun!
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-02-27 15:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

I tried emailing them about whether or not I can DCF , they just copy pasted me a webpage....
I'm here on a "leave to remain spouse visa" good for two years (it expires in 4 months), I was about to send my I-130 away this weekend for DCF with London. Now I'm not so sure. Do you think I would be eligible for DCF or should I just go straight for filing in the US?

I am not 100% certain if you are eligible for DCF (I find the embassy website to be a bit vague in this regard) but I think I have seen other people on here who had 'leave to remain' visas and successfully filed DCF in London. There is a UK DCF forum on here that you may want to check out.

I don't know much about DCF processes, but I have found our journey to be fairly quick with this 'auto-expedite' queue for USC living abroad. The only tricky bit has been proving my domicile in the US, but I had credit card statements which are still mailed to my parent's house, bank account statments from my account back home, state tax returns and voting records. That seemed to be enough for me. I don't know whether you have to go through a similar proceedure of proving intent to re-establish domicile when you file DCF.

Regardless, I don't think our process has taken any longer by filing in the US than it would have been had we filed DCF. Although, we intentionally slowed down the process a bit during the NVC stage because we aren't going to be ready to move until Oct/Nov anyway.

It's up to you how you want to file (ie DCF or Chicago Lockbox) but I would guess that you'll have a similar processing time either way. Good luck!
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-07-13 04:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

Hi, it's my understanding from reading this topic that filling from abroad to the chicago lockbox without a contact address in the U.S. should get us in the fast line. Does it still work if we're including a US address but only for the place where we'll live once we move? (USC's parent's home.)

From what I can gather, you only get into this 'fast queue' if you list the petitioner's foreign address on everything. We only gave my parents address in the US for question 18 (address where we intend to live) but other than that I only listed my foreign address.
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-07-02 14:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

So here is my problem. Even though we signed up for email notifications, we have only got one and have yet to receive an NOA2 or any paper copy of anything. I called the call center, which of course brought more questions than answers and so now my question is what to do, It would seem that it has been forwarded to the NVC but there is no way to know and the paper pusher on the phone told me there was only a fax... she also said they would not send anything abroad. hopefully
someone on here will know what is really going on, or what we should do next.

We never got an NOA2 email, even though we received an email for the NOA1. We did receive a hard copy of the NOA2 at our UK address approximately 2 weeks after our approval. Have you called the NVC to confirm whether they have received your case yet? You can call them with your USCIS receipt number and they can tell you if and when the case was received.
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-04-29 04:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

Sometimes the email doesn't get sent. You should receive the NOA2 hard copy soon, that's gonna be the ultimate proof that your case was approved. You could also probably give USCIS a phone call to confirm the approval.

It's interesting, cause it would mean that the fast queue is also available to filers who reside in countries where DCF still exists.

I can't believe the London embassy refused to do a DCF for your though, you've been there for 5 years legally, what else do they want??

I know, I phoned the London embassy twice to see if I got a different answer to whether I could file DCF, but got the same answer both times. Both people I spoke to sounded like they were just reading from a book though. Hardly worth the £1.23/min phone call! But my husband and I decided just to send the I-130 to Chicago lockbox and hope we got into this 'auto expedite' queue. Hopefully it has worked for us, and perhaps it means that the fast queue is applicable to people from countries where DCF still exists. I'll let everyone know if and when the NOA2 hard copy arrives!
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-04-05 14:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad
1. Country USC resides in: UK
2. USCIS field office or DCF?: Yes (though I was told by London embassy that I wasn't eligible for DCF here because I have a 'temporary' work visa, not indefinite leave to remain)
3. When did you file I130: March 2012
4. How long has the USC been living abroad: Over 5 years
5. Do you reside in the country legally: Yes
6. What is the reason for your residence: Work Permit
7. Did you list your overseas address on I130? Yes
8. Did you send the package from abroad? Yes
9. Did you include evidence of your residence abroad in your I130 package? Yes - copy of our lease here, joint bank account, joint insurance info and a copy of my UK Work Permit
10. Did you mention that you reside abroad in your cover letter? Yes
11. Has your case been auto expedited? How long between NOA1 and NOA2? I think so... NOA1 email received on March 23. I haven't received an email NOA2 or hard copy, but the USCIS website says our I-130 was approved on April 2! Should I have received an email though? I'm trying not to get too excited in case there's an evil glitch in their system that shows our case was approved when in fact it hasn't.
12. Which Service Centre? CSC
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-04-05 06:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad
We just sent our I-130 (finally!) last week to Chicago Lockbox from Scotland, so I'm interested to see if we get into a fast queue! I will provide any and all updates here!
hjonesFemaleScotland2012-03-18 16:33:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS 230
Thank you YuAndDan for your fast response. You're a lifesaver ! I might get some sleep tonight and stop fretting about all this !

Thanks again

MooxxxRockFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-18 16:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS 230
Hi Guys,

Apologises for posting this question, i guess it's been posted a million times before, but for some reason i'm so frustrated at not being able to find the information when it's my turn to send the information in.

I've just paid the IV bill, and the I 864 package is being posted today, what i was wondering was do i need to send all the required original or certified copies to the NVC now. I have got a duplicate of my birth & marriage certificates, but only have one police certificate, and feeling a bit aprehensive about sending in the original police certificate i have. I know i can photocopy the police document, but worried i may need the original for the interview stage. Also some people are saying you only need to send in the completed ds230 form alongside the photocopy of your passport depending in which country you live in. I'm just getting completely confused about the whole ordeal.

The NVC have not actually sent me the ds230 form, i've just downloaded it from their website and printed it off, but am unsure if i need my barcode on the ds230 form. Help ! I'm just presuming that since the IV bill has been paid, and i'm able to download the document cover sheet that i should be downloading the ds230 form and getting that sent in now.

All your help and advice will be greatly appreciated



Edited by MooxxxRock, 18 February 2009 - 03:51 PM.

MooxxxRockFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-18 15:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)postal services from the uk to usa
QUOTE (payxibka @ Feb 19 2009, 07:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MooxxxRock @ Feb 19 2009, 12:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi guys,

Has anyone any idea which courier i could use to post my documents to the NVC. I'm living in the uk and rather than send the documents to my husband to save on time, i'm thinking of using a courier so i'm able to track my package.

Thanks for all your help in advance


If the Royal Mail/USPS does not allow tracking, then FEDX. DHL or UPS would be options

Thanks payxibka

Kindest Regards

MooxxxRockFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-19 15:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)postal services from the uk to usa
Hi guys,

Has anyone any idea which courier i could use to post my documents to the NVC. I'm living in the uk and rather than send the documents to my husband to save on time, i'm thinking of using a courier so i'm able to track my package.

Thanks for all your help in advance

MooxxxRockFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-19 13:07:00
PhilippinesYipeee!!!! Got Our Visas today at 1:50pm
Congratulations kicking.gif star_smile.gif good.gif
MooxxxRockFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-21 09:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPetitioner to visit his wife (while the CR1 is pending)
Hi there,

I think there should be no problem for your husband to visit you, so long as he has proof he will be going back home after the visit. My husband arrived in the uk last week to celebrate our 2nd wedding anniversay, and he had no problems at POE. He advised them that he was visiting due to our anniversary, and that we were in the process of applying for me to live in the USA. They granted him 6mths through the Visa Waiver Programme, but sadly he goes back to the USA tomorrow.

Happy 1st anniversary when it arrives.

MooxxxRockFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-25 10:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC sent email
Thanks, I certainly will do.

I'll give them a call on Monday, as the automated system today is just telling me that they have received my checklist response letter on the 5th of this month.

The stress of it all!

Have a brill day in all you do

MooxxxRockFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-28 13:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC sent email
I think I may know what I've done wrong in sending this information.

I sent along a Subject Access, which has no photograph attached to this. When reading other peoples information, it looks like I need to send in both an ACPO plus a subject access, would this be correct.

Sorry Guys, I'm just confused about the whole thing.

Many Thanks
MooxxxRockFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-28 13:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC sent email
QUOTE (I Miss Her @ Mar 28 2009, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Call NVC and find out. I am sure it is a sytem generated e-mail.

Thank you, I will do. I've just rang them and got the automated line who say my checklist has been received on the 5 th March, but unable to speak to anyone until Monday. I can't believe I've just received this email, and it's Saturday! Roll on Monday is all I say!

Thank you for the quick response though, it's much appreciated.

MooxxxRockFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-28 12:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC sent email
Hi Guys

I sure hope you's can help on this matter. Today I received an email from the NVC stating as follows :

Missing Documents for Naczi Marie

___________ Correspondance Instructions______________

When responding to the national visa centre please include the bar code sheet that came with this letter. Failure to inclue the bar code sheet may cause delay in the processing of your case. The bar code sheet should be placed on top of all documents being submitted for this case and mailed to the address provided.


The NVC has received the requested Affidavit of Support form (I-864) for this case. However, we are still waiting for the Immigrant Visa Application (DS-230). Please submit the form according to the instructions. If you need another form, please visit to download a new form and complete instructions.


Available. Immigrant visa applicants who have resided in the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands) for six months or more since the age of sixteen are required to obtain a statement for the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) Criminal Records Office. Applicants will find further guidance and application forms at the following website: http://www.acpo.poli...ertificates.asp

Applicants are legally entitled to gain access to the information about themselves under Section 7 of the British Data Protection Act, 1998

I'm a bit confused in what they are after as I sent in my DS230 with all my documents plus the cover letter i printed off. I sent in 1 original and 1 copy of all documents to the NVC by DHL delivery. I rang the automated helpdesk, which said they had received my Checklist letter response on the 5th March 2009...........please allow 6-8 weeks for review of this information and then you will be notified.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks to all


Any help would be appreciated
MooxxxRockFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-28 12:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedication and medical exam??? HELP!!!
QUOTE (MooxxxRock @ Jan 21 2009, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah i think thats the best thing to do Dana is get a letter wrote up from your G.P. I sure will get one wrote up from my G.P when i next visit, just to be on the safe side!


I'm not sure on the answer to your question, i'll probably end up having to go through the same process as yourself, but hope that what Dana has said is all we will need to do. I'm sure other VJ members will be able to help us regarding the question. Fingers crossed.

Marie star_smile.gif

Edited by MooxxxRock, 21 January 2009 - 09:59 AM.

MooxxxRockFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-21 09:58:00