Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCouple questions involving sending I-129 F and other documents
Fiancee visas are only issued by the US Embassy in Moscow, so you should put Moscow in your I-129F. Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok consulates only issue non-immigrant visas for work and travel, tourists etc. Unfortunately :(
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-04-26 22:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDo you truly love your fiancé???
Gary, really, I did not mean you personally, when I asked if someone was brave enough to change his life completely and go start it all over in a foreign country. :no: It's just that the question that in general required a 'yes' or 'no' answer and a personal opinion on why yes or why no, has somehow developed into a pointless and furious political battle. Me and my USC fiancé both enjoy reading your posts immensely :thumbs: and never questioned your sincerity. visa veteran got you too wound up on this thread I guess :yes: ...Relax... breathe... (F)

Edited by Terry&Tigger, 27 April 2010 - 03:16 AM.

Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-04-27 03:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDo you truly love your fiancé???
[quote name='Gary and Alla' date='17 April 2010 - 12:20 PM' timestamp='1271470859' post='3877442']

Yes I am brave enough for that, I did it. I lived in Ukraine as Ukrainians do, shopped the same markets, rode the same busses and trolleys, worked a full time job in Ukraine, lived in an apartment in Ukraine full of Ukrainians (imagine that!), ate the food, and generally lived exactly like Ukrainians in the same neighborhood I lived in. Did I live like a poor Ukrainian farmer in a tiny village? NO!!! I don't do that here, wouldn't do it there and such a lifestyle is not acceptbale to me or my wife who did not live that way before she met me (you thought she was looking to degrade her lifestyle, perhaps?)quote]
Gary, really, I did not mean you personally, when I asked if someone was brave enough to change his life completely and go start it all over in a foreign country. :no: It's just that the question that in general required a 'yes' or 'no' answer and a personal opinion oh why yes or no, has been developed into a pointless and furious political battle. Me and my USC fiance both enjoy reading your posts immensely :thumbs: and never questioned your sincerity. visa veteran got you too wound up on this thread I guess :yes: ...Relax... breathe... (F)
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-04-27 03:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDo you truly love your fiancé???
Guys, some of you really sound as if there actually is heaven on Earth somewhere, you just can't reach an agreement as to where it is. There are survival tips for both FSU countries and the USA, there are personal preferences and political views, the question is, do you love each other enough to try to adjust to a totally different environment, to forget your way of thinking and everything you got used to. Stop comparing the uncomparable, start anew and just accept things the way they are in a given country. Are you brave enough for that? And, frankly, how long do you estimate your marriage would last without your comfortable 'safety airbag' of American income?
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-04-14 04:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoving personal possessions?

Opps! Sorry, Make that "him."

:) I meant I am the Russian female component of our couple :)Will think about selling some of the stuff here, thanks.
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-05-11 20:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoving personal possessions?

I agree with Slim...if it gets too big and heavy and not of great sentimental value, have her sell it in Russia and buy new items over here.

Ummm... have her sell it? I actually AM her :blush: :yes: Thank you for your input anyway, though (F)
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-05-11 18:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoving personal possessions?

My wife brought her stuff with her on the plane. (One small bag with clothes, the other HUGE bag with books, shoes and cosmetics.) She's since ordered more books from a buddy over there and every few months we'll get a package mailed through the post office.

Post takes several months and isn't 100% reliable but it is fairly cheap. To be quite honest, it's going to cost you more than it's worth to get all that stuff over here. You could buy new toys and even books for the cost you could ship them. If they're "special" things and you need them, of course you can ship them. But, for a book collection or other heavy things - better to buy here.

I sure can buy my Garrison Keillor and J.D. Salinger and other English-language stuff over there... am not so sure about books in Russian.... especially Russian books for kids, with ADEQUATE pictures, and my books on translation\interpretation.

So, the luggage option being out of question due to perspective of traveling with a 3-year-old to Michigan in fall (lots of clothes for both of us need to be pushed into those suitcases), and post being not totally reliable, and DHL being kind of expensive... am still trying to find out about other ways to bring my books over to the US.

Thanks to everyone for sharing... keep talking :) :thumbs:
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-05-11 18:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoving personal possessions?
Hello everyone!

Though we have just started our visa journey, my mind is already about six months ahead of time, deciding on the color of bedroom curtains and making arrangements that will be necessary for our relocation to the USA. :blush:
So, hence the questions: what did your fiancees use to ship their stuff from Russia - regular postal service :unsure: ? DHL? Private carriers? Which ones? How much? How long? etc
We (me and my little daughter) would like to bring over a WHOLE lot of books, plus contents of a small toy shop, along with some clothing...
Any input is appreciated a lot,

Thanks for sharing in advance (F)
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-05-10 18:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSt. Petersburg Consulate
Nope, US Embassy in Moscow is the only route to any Immigrant visa, including Fiancee Visa.
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-05-12 06:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Visa Overstay
When my fiance (USC) visited me in Russia in February, he somehow overlooked the fact that his visa was valid till Feb,23 and bought a return ticket for Feb 24th. When he was leaving Moscow, the customs officers were so nice as to charge him $20 and glue a one-day extension or however it is called visa sticker into his passport.

So, here comes the question - will this unintentional overstay result in his ineligibility for further visas to Russia? I mean, he was not deported... Will he have to go to an interview in a Russian Consulate in person to explain the situation?

If anyone has experienced this kind of problem before, please share. :help:
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-05-25 06:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine - USA School Equivalency

Doesn't your stepson go to the best engineering school in Moscow or something? From what I've seen, Sergey's experience differs greatly from the normal Russian university experience. Actually going to class? Actually studying for exams? What? Like many other things in Russia, a university "education" can just be bought. Didn't have time to study? Pay the instructor xxxx roubles and receive the grade of your choice. I have a friend who teaches English at a university here, and the hardest part of the job is explaining to students that yes, if you only show up for the last class you WILL NOT receive a passing grade.

Disagree. I'd say, the university your friend teaches at is more likely an exception. Yes, you can buy a passing grade, as easily as you can buy a final thesis written for you by someone else or even the 'diploma' at SOME schools here. Yes, that happens but that happening does not mean it is a general rule.
For some reason that happens more often at 'posh' schools for the so called 'golden youths' - where the education is very expensive - and for certain people 'expensive' automatically means 'good' - and most students are kids of extremely well-off parents. The type of kids who get a Porsche for their 18th birthday and trips to Milan twice a year to shop for 'haute couture' clothes :)The type of kids who were taught that money can buy anything.
Luckily, there are few of those.

Am very proud to say that university education is very intense here. Some may feel it is too deep and intense, but, imho, at least they teach things to you. You wanna learn - you go learn, the teachers and classes are there for you. Get as much knowledge as you can.

:ot: : my step-son-to-be (USC) is 16 now, and he was NEVER taught physics at his high school. Public school. Three more years of classes to go. No physics on schedule either. :o :angry:
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-05-28 05:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine - USA School Equivalency
American public high school programs are very much weaker than Ukranian or Russian ones. So, enroll your son into grade 9 and be ready for a possible 'upgrade' after he gets his English improved.
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-05-27 00:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Medical Exams - 2010
hello there,

Filatov's clinic is mainly for those with kids, and in general it has had better reviews.
If Olga is interested, she can read the Russian-girls-analogue of VJ

But overall, she has nothing to worry about, much as I have read on medicals in Russia, NO ONE has been denied a visa due to medical reasons...or no one posted on such experience :whistle: .

Good luck to you and Olga.
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-05-10 01:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian-English, English -Russian Translations
Thanks for the head-up :) I haven't read any of his books yet, they must be fun
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-06-15 22:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian-English, English -Russian Translations
Thanks a lot, I'll keep that in mind :)

as for the 'Tigger', it's from Winnie-the-Pooh books, :blush: Terry says I am as springy and jumpy and energetic and , there we go... not a huge story :unsure: :blush:
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-05-28 00:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian-English, English -Russian Translations

Thanks for the offer!

And hey, are you Terry or are you Tigger?

Am Tigger! B-)
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-05-27 21:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian-English, English -Russian Translations
Hi everyone,

feel free to contact me if you need any K-1-related papers translated from Russian into English or vice versa - FREE :yes: I am a certified translator and would love something to keep me busy while waiting for my own I-129F petition well as to help people who are in the same situation.

Have a smooth and fast visa journey.
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-05-26 04:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusKatla close to blowing...
Just for your information, the train trip from Moscow to Beijing will take about one week. Week, like seven or eight days. :blink:

As slim said, she can get by train to any Russian city with an airport open at the moment, then fly to either Khabarovsk or Vladivostok.
There are flights from KHB and VVO to Seoul (Incheon), Kharbin and Beijing - see Vladivostok Air company site for the cheapest fares both to Vladivostok and from VVO to Seoul or Beijing. She can get virtually anywhere from Seoul - LA, Seattle, Chicago... Check Korean Air and Delta sites for details.

Hopefully, she won't have to use any of our advice :)
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-05-28 05:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

I apologize if Terry or Tigger or anyone felt that someone was being personally attacked, threatened, or silenced. I honestly haven't read the whole thread, but I didn't read any sort of attacks. An opinion was expressed and other people expressed a disagreeing opinion. As far as I saw the discussion was structured, civil, and respectful. Unfortunately, the internet can be impersonal and misunderstandings can arise. I don't think any offense was intended.

In the spirit of civil and respectful disagreement, I disagree with your invocation and interpretation of the first amendment. The first amendment is not a carte blanche that says you can say whatever you want and people have to agree with you. That would be both ridiculous and impossible. In the modern world, the greatest threat to free speech is the disbarring of speech that someone deems offensive. The first amendment inherently grants others the right to disagree with you. If not for that, it would cease to exist.

Brad, I am sorry you disagree with the First Amendment as it is written. I never said, nor intended to say, you nor anyone else here were compelled to agree with any point of view. Please understand this, I support the Constitution and will defend it with my dying breath. This is a free country and like everyone else here you have the Right to be wrong any time you may so choose. You also have the Right to misunderstand my meaning; to twist whatever I may say; take things out of context; make assumptions; and to generally make an @$$ of yourself based entirely upon your understanding, or lack thereof. The choice is yours. Life is full of choices and we are all free to make those choices and accept the consequences of decisions made. :thumbs:

I was simply stating, I find it very disappointing, instead of asking for understanding and clarification on a contrary belief, comment or statement EVERYONE seemed to jump to the defensive. Instead of providing facts on ALL sides in support, it all got carried into splinters and tangents in heated emotion. Here was an opportunity for EVERYONE to keep their composure, discuss the topic intelligently and to LEARN from each other. My question is simply this; is it asking too much of "reasonable and prudent men" to request clarificaton and/or further explanation on another person's position or stance on a topic before actually responding? We all have the Right to make ASSUMPTIONS. Wouldn't a truly wise man remove all doubts? In a question of ignorance, even a fool will open his mouth and remove all doubt.

Before I go shoving a loaded gun in my waist band, I'm going to make double damn sure its not loaded, so it doesn't take off my nads because an engineer made a "mistake" in designing the safety. :oops: Might be just my youth, but I'd really prefer to keep my equipment in good working order.:rofl:

Now, if I have offended anyone by sharing these thoughts.... perhaps they should ask questions for clarification before running off "half-cocked" ;) ..... of course the ASSUMPTIONS are entertaining as well. :pop:
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-06-09 12:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!
Gee guys.... thanks for all your help and input in defending my guns....

I do find it rather odd in your haste to defend the Second Amendment your eagerness to trample the First Amendment. Even though I may not agree with Tigger's thoughts on firearms, I do believe she has the right to her own opinions and to express those opinions in an intelligent manner. Many men gave their lives in defense of the Constitution in its entirety..... not just one or two Amendments. Did her comments really warrant the level attacks? Did you honestly (sitting there with your pistols cocked and locked) feel threatened? Really nice way to make someone feel welcome to a new and strange place.

Thanks a million!!

Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-06-09 01:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

Ok people die of vodka, but vodka is the same as whiskey or brandy in spirit contents. We sell vodka without psychological check-up, you sell whiskey AND guns without psychological check-up. :D

thank you America for the guns during WWII. I am sorry your history schoolbooks tell you America won it, though, because it is BS I am not even going to further comment on.

thanks for an interesting conversation, anyway :thumbs:
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-06-07 21:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

WOW :blush: And to think I was just saying I was going to Odessa to se ma girl :bonk: :rofl:

I love this place

:rofl: :rofl: :thumbs:
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-06-07 21:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

I honestly believe my wife loves me because I'm an excellent marksman. There is no other reason. I'm unemployed, fat, bald and don't do much to give her physical pleasure. It must be because I can shoot. That's about all I've got left!

America didn't have an invader in WWII. Yes, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor (which was not yet "America") but when they were considering invading our west coast, they stopped short because "behind every blade of grass there was a man with a rifle."

Don't think an armed populace deters foreign invaders?

Ask your comrades who went to Afghanistan. Ask ours who are there now. Consider why we never did more to aid Somalia. Why haven't we tried to help Darfur by sending troops instead of having kids on MTV buy bracelets?

Men on the ground with rifles is the single most effective deterent to tyranny and/or invasion. That's why we have guns in America. Not to go duck hunting.

And there is no instinct for women to fear guns. The only way to develop an aversion to a man-made inanimate metal object is to be taught to fear it. That does not make it an instinct, that makes it a learned behavior. Some women may have a reason why they do not like guns but it's not a good reason. Nor is it an instinct. It's ignorance, actually.

It's not the inanimate metal objects that are evil. The evil lies inside of human beings who make conscious choices. Reality is inanimate metal objects still can't make choices. Never could. Probably never will.

So let me get this straight.... you're saying a country that's allowed it's citizens to privately own firearms since 1776 and has since had ONE foreign invader attack in a short-lived conflict is playing games yet all those countries in Europe - most of which have been either at war in one form or another or invaded by a foreign army at huge cost to human life - are taking it more seriously?

By your argument, shouldn't Europe and FSU be more secure than America? I mean, if the government can protect it's people and the citizens have no guns, shouldn't they be more safe than all those crazy Americans with their 15 guns in their homes?

I believe you just shot yourself in the foot.

No, I don't believe that America has had only one attempted invasion because all of you guys have guns. It has to do with the oceans separating you from the places where the invaders were historically from.

I do agree that evil lies in the human beings who make choices, but, to my mind, the governments are MEANT to regulate that, and giving a gun to any human being who likes to own one, does not seem a responsible thing to do. Any psychological check-up done before that?

Afganistan? Are you considering Afganistan NORMAL? Are you asking me to ask around the guys who were there for a REGULAR attitude to guns? They are half-crazy, waking up in the middle of the night because they hear the sound of chopper over their heads, is that what people should feel to REALLY appreciate the power of guns?

And yes, I admit, that at my shooting skills test at high school I got only 7-6-3 out of 10-10-10. But no, my feet are ok.

And oh! Sorry to disappoint you, slim, but imho, your wife loves you IN SPITE of the fact you are fat, bald, unemployed and ugly. Not BECAUSE you are an excellent marksman. YOU might love yourself because you are an excellent marksman. She just loves YOU.

Thank you guys for making it easier for me to understand the only issue me and my US fiance have been arguing about. Without indirectly calling me ignorant and close-minded just because I am a woman and my point of view does not coincide with yours.
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-06-07 03:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

I do think it's still true many American women are anti-gun for whatever reasons. My ex wife was very unhappy when I first took my son shooting. I'm not sure about Russian women and guns. My wife has encouraged me to take her shooting and she knows I own a number of firearms and has no issues with it. I know a number of RUB forum men have mentioned they take their wives shooting.

There is one good reason why some women do not like guns.
Women GIVE lives and guns TAKE lives. It's an instinct.
I understand the desire to learn to shoot, though - it's kind of overcoming yourself, feeling in charge of even the sub-conscious part of yourself.
What makes me angry is the bandwagon effect (correct me if I misused this word), when guns are generally available and the whole nation is raised for generations with a gun on a pedestal inside of their minds.
In my observations, here is no such thing in the countries who had REAL wars within their territories. Europe and FSU countries are a lot more careful with weapons because we still have that memory of WWII, somewhere deep inside. Looks like America is still playing games.
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-06-06 19:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

A little development is in order I suppose. Have you ever seen a man that is confident with handling firearms? I can liken them to a man that is very proficient at marshall arts. They really have nothing to fear from pretty much anything, and they are not skeered of the gun because they have mastered it. Slim makes some good descriptions. A man confident in the use of firearms, really good and comfortable with things that can kill you in milliseconds....well that guy is pretty much in control of things around him. Who do you think sets the time I go to meetings for my job? Someone else? You think I wake up early to be somewhere at someone else's beck and call? :rofl:

How upset do you think I get at daily things? The guy who has a .45 cocked and locked and is comfortable with that tucked into his waistband...well he isn't getting all to upset over the electric bill, solving a problem with immigration, or fixing a broken water line, figuring out how to pay this years tuition for the son in college, etc.

Alla likes a calm personality and a man that is in charge. She likes a "quiet life" and not worrying about things she would rather not worry about, because her man can do that, her man will do that and her man doesn't get all too upset when she does her "stupid girl things".

Is it because I am a good shot? Hmmm, which came first the chicken or the egg? I learned a lot from shooting, patience and trigger control for one thing and that you do not shoot a perfect score in skeet by breaking 25 targets, you shoot a perfect score by breaking 25 targets 1 at a time. You do not accomplish anything worthwhile when you are upset and your mind is not in the game. Shooting is far more a mind and mental game than a physical game. If you cannot control your mind, your concentration your thoughts and actions, you simply cannot be a good shot. If you can control all those things well enough to be a good shot, you can also control them well enough to be a good husband, father, boss, worker, etc. There is a lot to be said, and a lot said by, a man that is a good shot.

The code? To ride, shoot straight and speak the truth. You latch on to a guy that is comfortable sitting on an animal that can stomp him to death, handle a tool that can instantly kill him with confidence and look you in the eye when he speaks...and you have found GOLD. The rest follows.

Alla is intelligent enough a woman to appreciate that.

Okay, I see I have definitely misphrased my question... Let me start by talking some about my own attitude to guns.

I HATE weapons. They kill. And I feel that allowing everyone to buy as many guns as they wish and keep tons of them in their homes is the most irresponsible thing a government could do. It's as if they were saying 'Hey guys, we admit we can not protect you, so go ahead try to do it yourselves', it makes people paranoid. It's what in the end leads to school kids shooting at their classmates etc. Wish you taught your kids guns are dangerous and BAD instead of making them available to everyone and teaching them to shoot. It would give the mankind some hope.

I was asking if any woman really appreciated shooting skills, meaning, do you guys believe women appreciate them so much as to put it onto your list of 'She loves me because...."?? I have read a lot of comments here, like, some FSU woman loves some American man BECAUSE he does not drink etc. FSU women do not love you BECAUSE of something, they love you REGARDLESS something. They love you IN SPITE of things, guys, so forget the lists.

I do not agree that being able to shoot determines how good a father, a husband, a boss you can be. That's too much. If it takes shooting skills to teach some people responsibility and develop their personality enough to be all those, oh well... the nation has serious problems.

I do understand that shooting skills, in ADULTS, are cool, if it's something treated as a sport. Being in charge, being focused and calm are cool, all right.
But I fail to understand it when a man keeps 15 pieces of weapon in his house. You wanna protect your family? Keep one. Okay, two, for each hand. WHY fifteen?? What kind of sport is that? It's paranoia.
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-06-06 19:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

PLUS I am a damn good shot, AA in all four guages in skeet and "expert" in Hi-power rifle.

ok now could you please develop that one? Does Alla really appreciate that? Does any woman really appreciate that?
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-06-06 07:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

My opinions, for the record.

Intelligent women are sexy as hell.

:thumbs: Intelligent men are sexy as hell too :thumbs:
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-05-29 00:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

Isn't having both of you inhabit our fantasies a pretty practical thing to do? I mean, come on, you just said we're practical. I would think having both of you in there at once means we're just doing what we're genetically predisposed to do. We can't help it. It's natural!

It sure is practical, but I am not sure many wifes or gfs will approve of that kind of practicality. We like to think we have you all to ourselves, the idea of sharing space in your fantasies with someone else does not attract us. We can't help it. It's natural.
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-05-28 20:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

no problem with me, go ahead and admire the shapes :D
I just meant that some ladies feel that men in general are more ... ummm...practical? When women spot nice shapes they just spot nice shapes. When men spot nice shapes their mind automatically starts flashing pictures of how the shapes would look in some practical situations :blush:
We just don't like to wonder if it's us who inhabit your fantasies or the aforementioned 36EE babe you saw on the beach today.
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-05-28 02:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!
:lol: Even when you're wearing sunglasses, even in the pitch black of the night, even when we seem to be looking in another direction, we can always tell if you have just ogled another woman, there's just no escaping that.

And yes, it's okay if it's us who stare, because when we stare, it's for the sake of esthetics... admiring the regularity of features and shapes. We don't picture that blond 36EE busted babe on top of us. Well, for the most part we don't. :whistle:
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-05-28 00:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Trip Report

Tigger has offered to do this for free :wacko: Though she will find cases where clients wait until three days before their interview, want her to drop everything else and do their Police Certificate translation which they only got 2 days ago because they didn't plan ahead and then Fedex it to them, from Russia....FOR FREE of course, because you SAID FREE! That means FREE (Tigger needs to learn that about say FREE it means FREE...for everything...forever) That means 3 years from now when they need another translation certified for their I-751, they will want you to do it for tomorrow...overnight it to me...for FREE.

Tigger is welcome to doing all of them for free that she wants.

Thank you, Gary, dear, it is really nice to have your blessing. I do appreciate your wild imagination about the 'clients', too.
Where you see 'clients', I see people, and if I said I do translations for K-1 for free while waiting on my approval, that means exactly that. Translations. Did I mention shipping?
K-1. Did I mention AOS?
While waiting on my approval. Did I mention forever?

Never thought you'd care so much as to warn me, but thanks, it is not really necessary, the Americans who ask for translations happen to be much more adequate than you have described.

And no, of course you don't advertise Alla's services here.
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-06-16 01:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Trip Report
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-06-14 08:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI134 questions

Did you get your interview date already? It should be coming up soon, right?

Any other questions or anything?

No, I don't have the interview date yet, got the MOS number only so far. Thanks a lot for the support, no other questions :) Will sure ask if any arise along the way. Thanks again.
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-08-15 00:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI134 questions
:ot2: We do NOT notarize I-134, do we? I mean, it is written on the form in plain English that it does NOT have to be notarized, but I have seen someone in this thread saying it has to be notarized ... :bonk:
Emailed the embassy to make sure, got a 'Read FAQ" auto-reply. Hmmm ... there are NO FAQs on the embassy site! :huh: Could anyone post a link to some official source outlining the necessity of notarization for Moscow ? Has anyone's fiancee gone thru the interview with a NON-notarized I-134 lately? Thanks a lot in advance.
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-08-14 07:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSheremtyevo
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-08-14 07:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGot the NOA2... now what?
the bottom line is to get everything compiled asap. And please please do not use USPS. The seventy bucks you spend on UPS delivery are worth it, believe me. You ship via UPS, you get a five-day delivery delivered in five days. You ship via Priority USPS , they promise you it'll be there in 3 business days, you can have it delivered in ... gosh ... a week? two weeks? you never know

The embassy are not supposed to mail anything to you, they will send your fiancee an envelope with forms she will need to fill in for the interview and the date of her interview. However, due to the fact that they send it by snail mail, SOME never receive their envelopes. So, if you have already called NVC and know your MOS number, you might want to email the embassy at some time next week and ask them the date of the interview they scheduled for your fiancee. You should write your name, her name, your EAC number and your MOS number in the email.
As for the medical, there are three places in the whole country where she can get it - two in Moscow, one in Vladivostok. You can easily find the addresses and phone numbers at the embassy website - as well as a lot of other useful information.
She can have her medical anytime, if she lives in Moscow or Vladivostok and you know the MOS number. In case she does not reside in Moscow nor in Vladivostok, she can choose to call the clinic and schedule her medical for a date three days before the date of her interview. It usually takes two days to complete the medical.
Whew... hope it helps.
Good luck.
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-08-17 06:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview scheduled, Moscow hotel?? and getting a SSN

I cannot imagine she can have dollars dispensed from ATM's in Russia, so for getting American dollars she would need to the card to make a withdrawal from an ATM for rubles, then go to the bank to get dollars where she would probably be charged a transaction fee for the exchange.

As for the pics... To me this looks like she will need 4. I'll let her know.

She can get American dollars from SOME ATMs in Russia. We used Western Union, she can receive it in dollars as well.

As for the pics, she will need TWO 5x5 cm (color, non-glossy etc) for the interview AND TWO 3 cm x 4 cm for the medical.

Can you just give her a link to the embassy website? I am sure she can figure it all out on her own, just send her the docs that are listed on the Embassy site.

Edited by Terry&Tigger, 13 September 2010 - 12:29 PM.

Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-09-13 12:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDone
:thumbs: Congrats, slim!
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-09-13 12:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDocuments from Russia

I've read here that the police certificate doesn't need to be translated.

the police certificate does need to be translated, you might want to read instructions at the US embassy website,

May I ask, why would she send any documents by mail? I think spouses bring all the documents with them to the interview, just like fiancees...

Edited by Terry&Tigger, 03 November 2010 - 04:10 PM.

Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-11-03 16:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPlease help! Med exam told my fiancee she could not go to interview because she did not have her adolescent vaccination records!!!!! She never went

I'm kind of jealous about how fast you got your visa!

Oh but we got K-1 and K-2, they are normally faster than CR-1... Good luck with your visa journey!
Terry&TiggerFemaleRussia2010-11-05 17:18:00