Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Hi all,

Just thought I would drop back in to let you know that my Green Card turned up in the post yesterday - stoked to have it in-hand.

We were lucky in that the process has been relatively smooth sailing for us and hope that you all have easy journeys too. The web system kept us updated and I received email alerts as each stage of the process.

Good luck to all.


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-09-28 00:34:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Hi all,

Just thought I would touch base to let you know that I went and had my biometrics taken a couple of days ago. All went well. Now just waiting for my Work Authorization to come through and for the AOS process to roll on.

Hope all your journeys are going along fine.


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-07-18 16:14:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Hi all,

Just thought I would write a note to say I am in the US now.

No problems at POE - came through LAX and it was quite quick. Lined up with Jo in the non US citizen line and the immigration officer dealt with the whole thing there and then - didn't have to go to another room or anything. He just checked through all my documents that were in the envelope. The only thing he asked for was some photos of us, as at the interview the CO gave me all the photos back and said they didn't need to stay in the file. We'll the immigration officer at the border asked for the photos - I had them all in my carry-on anyway so just handed them over to him. Did the fingerprints and photo, asked when we planned to get married and then just said to make sure we get married within 90 days and to file AOS afterwards. Was a friendly officer and didn't make it any harder than he needed too.

Have bought a car, finishing touches on planning the wedding and getting organised for moving down to South Carolina in early August. Our wedding is on June 28th.

KimandRuss - you asked a question about scheduling the medical. I rang up and got an appointment before I had Packet 3 - the doctors just said to make sure I bring in my passport, the photos and all documents I needed. They didn't ask for any numbers or anything. That was in Christchurch.

So now we will be onto the next stages of things and AOS soon.

Hope all of your journeys are going well. Best of luck.


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-06-03 10:47:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Hi again everyone,

Just thought I would let you know that my passport, along with my visa arrived in the mail yesterday. Is great to have it finally.

Yes Joanne (my SO) is over here with me - we head back to the US on 28 May and are getting married on 28 June. Is really relieving to have the visa all sorted.

So, here is a review of Auckland:

The people at the Auckland consulate are excellent - they are really helpful, answer any questions you have and just really try to make it as easy as they can for you (apart from the Security Guard).

I turned up at the consulate about 30 minutes before the scheduled interview. Jo was going to come in with me, but the security guard said she couldn't - he asked who was applying for the visa, and I said I was and that Jo is my fiancee, but he said she couldn't come in (The Consular Officer told me that she could have and that she would have another word to the security guard about it).

After entering the consulate I went directly to a window where a lady went through my documents and visa application part by part to make sure everything was there and that it was all OK. She told me that my Police Record hadn't arrived yet, but that they were expecting it to turn up any day. She asked me if I had been arrested at any stage and said that if I hadn't it should all be OK. She then took finger prints of both hands.

She also checked through the affidavit of support - I was getting Joanne's dad to co-sponsor as Jo is heading back to Grad School. But after looking at Jo's she asked if I had any saving and if I bought the bank statements with me - I had and showed that I had savings of around NZD13,000, and she said it would be find with just Jo's affidavit and my savings - we didn't need a co-sponsor. She said she wanted to make it as easy as possible for us to down it on our own.

After everything was checked she said to go and sit my another window and that the Consular Officer will call me soon.

After waiting about 8 minutes I was called to the window. The Consular Officer was very friendly and took my finger prints again. Then she asked where I met my fiancee - I said at university in the US when I was over there at grad school - she asked what school, and when I replied said that was the same school her father went to and that her brother just graduated from. That was it for the questioning.

She then quickly flicked through all my documents, said it was all Ok, asked me to raise my hand and swear under oath that everything in my application and associated docs is true. I then signed the form and she said I could go.

My Visa and Passport then arrived in the mail four days later (the Police Report must have arrived soon after my interview).

My advice would, be prepared for your interview with everything that you need, present it well so it is easy for them at the Consulate and you shoudl be fine. They are not there to make it hard for you - they want to help you as much as they can.

Good luck to you all with the rest of your journeys. I will keep in touch as we progress through the next stages.


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-05-03 17:33:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Apr 29 2008, 12:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi guys,

Just thought i'd let you know that Mark has his interview tomorrow in Auckland!

Good luck MarkJo!

Hi all,

Sorry for the lack of contact - have been at home for the last two weeks and been enjoying getting outside and spending a minimum amount of time inside.

So had my interview in Auckland this morning - went good as gold. Really helpful staff and not a problem. They are just waiting on getting my Police Cert back, but as soon as that arrives they are going to get the visa in my passport and post it down to me at home. I will update the Consultae info page too and will write you a full report of the interview in a couple fo days (in an internet cafe at the mo and just about run out fo time).

Hope you are all well and good luck with your journeys.


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-04-28 17:54:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Hi all,

Just got off the phone with NVC and they forwarded our petition to the Auckland Consulate - is great that things are moving along good now and it feels like we are getting closer to the end of the tunnel.

Hope you are all well.


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-03-20 08:12:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Mar 7 2008, 03:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning/evening friends!

I was going to wait for Mark to come in and share but in case he doesn't... they were finally approved yesterday! biggrin.gif
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Funny how excited I get for another NZ couple! Cracks me up! laughing.gif How wonderful for them! I hope they keep us posted.

Kel, how sweet that your son wants a ceremony for you. smile.gif

Well the countdown for us is 5 weeks and 5 days! Hopefully the approval will take less than a month and the Auckland interview even less! So here by early June? laughing.gif Think that's too much to ask for? wink.gif

Hi there,

Cheers for the congratulations. Have been off VJ for a few days after being on it too much in the lead up to the approval. Now just waiting for the petition to get through VSC and to NZ.

In Scotland at the moment - due back in NZ early April so the timing will be about perfect.

Hope you are all well.


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-03-08 15:14:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Hi all,

Just touching in as a kiwi/US couple in the process of waiting. Looks like things have been moving a bit quicker lately so he's hoping something happens this week for us.

Hope you are all well and your journeys in this process are going well.


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-03-02 07:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNews Article - Legal immigrants' wait to get even longer
Take a look at this news article .....

Legal immigrants' wait to get even longer

Guess it explains a bit, but think it is crazy that people should have to wait that long - If the fees represent the true cost of processing the petitions they should just hire more people and get them processed and out the door quicker. Surely, if this holdup is going to last through to 2010 it is worthwhiel hiring more staff...

ANyway, that is my rant for the day.

Hope you are all well.


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-01-18 07:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow to Shake Your NOA2 Loose from the CSC
QUOTE (estadia @ Feb 20 2008, 10:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
this is going to sound really stupid to u but did u enter the alphabet letters also only in digit form?

Yeah we treied both with only enetring the numbers and entering the letters as digits and the numbers. What worked for you - just the digits or the letters and digits?


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-02-20 06:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow to Shake Your NOA2 Loose from the CSC
QUOTE (TBoneTX @ Feb 20 2008, 07:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
*** IGNORE POST ABOVE -- it was a pretty good draft that got posted and wouldn't allow editing in favor of this much more complete post here ***

QUOTE (mox @ Feb 19 2008, 06:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think the problem we're facing is a front line customer support team that's been instructed to blockade at all costs. I think TB was lucky enough to run into a pretty straight shooter, but I don't know how many of those exist. My experience has been nothing short of a complete stonewall.

Aha! Maybe this is the part that I assumed that everyone knew, but which was in truth unclear. Let's clarify:

The parties involved are:
1. Us (the callers)
2. The front-line contracted screeners
3. The Immigration Officers assigned to help USCIS
4. The floor workers who actually handle our files.

Under the usual "calling" approach, we dial the 800 number and wait 30+ minutes on hold only to reach a front-line know-nothing contracted screener who will not care, may read a script, will tell us nothing that we don't already know, and will refuse to connect us with an Immigration Officer even when we tell them that they're required to (which they ARE required to, but they will resent it and make sure that we know it).

In happy contrast, when we try my approach and are first connected to a live person, the live person IS AN IMMIGRATION OFFICER -- NOT the blockader blockheads. My first time, I was stunned that this was so, but it happened each subsequent time. (If you are dubious, ask the person whom you reach: "Are you REALLY an Immigration Officer? You ARE? Wowwwww -- thank heaven that I've reached you! I know that you can help me." Then, proceed with the recommended questions.)

The ImmigOffs are the ones -- the ONLY ones -- who actually have inside knowledge of our cases (learned by computer look-up as we talk with them), and THEY are the ones who can send the gently prompting e-mails to the workers on the floor who are actually handling our files.

The stonewalling, know-nothing front-line call-screeners are contract workers who are there to take some load off the ImmigOffs (and to unhelpfully irritate the devil out of us). In pleasant contrast, the ImmigOffs are there to take the load off the floor workers, who (according to one ImmigOff who told me) were previously taking so many direct phone calls that they couldn't process files. Under this tiered screening arrangement, the floor people KNOW that when an ImmigOff sends an e-mail to the floor, it's meaningful and substantive, and not a pestering distraction. THIS is why my application finally got the dust shaken off of it.

Mox must have reached a bummer ImmigOff, which of course would discourage anyone. The person to whom Mox spoke is the exception among ImmigOffs, not the rule. We are probably all so jaded from having dealt purely with the front-line screeners that the previous sentence is hard to believe. Read Estadia's positive testimonial of earlier in this thread -- I am 100% certain that she reached an actual ImmigOff.

My recommended approach is THE WAY to BYPASS the know-nothing screeners and to reach someone DIRECTLY who can actually help. When we speak with an ImmigOff, the difference in attitude, supportiveness, sympathy level, and amount of useful information is as different as day is from night, or heaven from hell, or Sears from Roebuck, or Haldeman from Ehrlichman. Had Mox told me of his negative experience when it happened, I would have (without hesitation) bet him $100 that he could call back and reach someone helpful. Si, man!

The Engineering Process: On the basis of the way that the USCIS screening system is set up, we must make sure that the procession is Us ---> ImmigOff ---> Floor Worker, and not Us ---> Screener ---> nowhere.

In Practice:

Usual calling system
Dial 800 number; wait on hold for 30+ minutes; 99.44% probability of reaching clueless, rude screener; receive no new information; hang up frustrated and ready to scream or throttle someone.

Recommended calling system
Dial 800 number & all prompts, almost immediate connection with Immigration Officer; 99.44% probability of helpful information, supportiveness, and (if we handle it as suggested) an e-mail sent to the floor that will cause our file to move from a pile to a station, or from one station to the next, or from a station to the Supervisor for approval signature; hang up feeling better and more hopeful.

Mox, buddy, I recommend that you try again. Eli, does this settle the doubts that you expressed in your post of just earlier?

Hi all,

We tried this method last night - there was one issue with it though in that the system wouldn't accept our receipt number, as it was saying we had not entered enough digits - our receipt number is in the format WAC-07-274-52*** (where the *'s represent the last three numbers). We tried three or four times (entering the digits without the dashes) and no luck, so she chose the option to use if you had lost your receipt number.

My SO ended up talking to someone (sounds like they were the contract screeners) - they said they couldn't send an email to the floor or find out exactly where our case was. They aslo said that they are only processing July petitions at the moment - informed them that we know people who filed after us are getting approved - they said they couldn't provide us with any further information.

My question is - has anyone had the same problem with their reciept number not working? Does the format of our receipt number match that of others?

Good luck to all and here's hoping that we all get through soon.


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-02-20 04:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust and September Filers - NOA2 to NVC
Hi all,

Just called NVC and they said the petition left there a couple of days ago and is now on its way to Auckland - yay!

Feels like we are reallt getting somewhere now.

Hope everyone is doing well.


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-03-20 08:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
APPROVED - checked online and it says that the petition has been approved and that NOA2 has been sent to us!!!

Dood luck to all those still waiting - you will get there!


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-03-06 04:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
Just a quick not to say congratulations to all those that have received their NOA2's in the last week - good stuff.

Here is hoping that we get our good news with an approval this week - fingers crossed.
markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-02-10 08:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!

I had my interview in Auckland on Tuesday - went very smoothly, they were just waiting on my Police Report. My Police Report arrived to them on Wednesday and I got my passport back yesterday with the visa in it!

We are flying back to the US on 28 May so are going to enjoy our last few weeks here in NZ.

Good luck to you all with the rest of your journeys.


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-05-03 17:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
Hi all,

Just thought I would drop in after a long absence.

I am back in NZ at the moment and have my interview up in Auckland this coming Tuesday, 29 April - looking forward to getting up there and getting through it and getting the visa in my passport. Jo is at home with me at the moment too, so wel will both go up for the interview.

Hope you are all going well and are making progress.


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-04-22 02:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
APPROVED - logged on on-line this morning and we were sent a NOA2 yesterday - good on ya CSC!

Hang in there any remaining September filers - here's hoping they get you out the door soon.

Best wishes guys and see ya at the other end!
markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-03-06 05:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
Hi fellow September filers,

How you all going?

We are still hanging in there playing the waiting game.

Hopefully CSC gets stuck into it again this week and fires out a heap of NOA2's, incluing ours and fellow September filers.


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-03-04 08:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
Hi there all,

We are still hanging in there - had a couple of touches last week (due to RFE trick), but no approval through yet.

The person Jo talked to when she used the RFE trick said our petition was with an adjudicator and we should hear something within the next three weeks. Here's hoping it happens quick.


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-02-26 08:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
Hey everyone,

Just touching base as another September filer still playing the waiting game. Have been touced (the petition, not me!!!) two days in a row so maybe our petition is making progress.

Congrats to all those approved so far. To other September filers waiting, hang in there, it will be our turn soon.

Have a good weekend everyone.


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2008-02-22 16:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
QUOTE (mox @ Dec 15 2007, 01:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The contestants so far:

Jan 7 mox
Jan 10 EricC
Jan 11 Daly
Jan 13 TheATeam
Jan 17 Brian & Kathy
Jan 18 Bobalouie
Jan 23 kennyandhandan
Jan 28 Norman and Dijani
Jan 31 chuck_n_rose

Did I miss anyone?

geostefan, Brian & Kathy already have the 17th.
TracyOz, your day is filled too. Try again!

Which brings us to another situation, what if there are more than 31 players? I guess if that happens then we'll open up duplicate days. You won't have to share the cookie, we'll make more. smile.gif

We'll take Jan 15 ........ but wouldn't be complaining if it was earlier!
markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2007-12-17 10:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember Filers!
Good stuff to see some progress being made.

Just thought I would jump in on this thread - we filed around teh 20th September and our NOA! notice date is September 26.

Here's hoping things keep moving along at a decent pace.
markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2007-11-29 07:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStarting K1 Process - some specific questions
Thanks for your response - now onto getting all the supporting material together.
markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2007-05-25 19:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStarting K1 Process - some specific questions
Hi everyone,

My fiance Jo (US citizen) and I (New Zealand citizen) are going to be starting the K1 process soon, with Jo filing the I-129f.

I have spent a heap of time on visajourney - it is a great resource and has really helped me get my head around things........but there are a few specific questions that I would like to ask - would be great if any of you could help out.

Anyway, here is the situation. Jo and I got engaged last Christmas, when I came to the US to visit her - we met three years ago when we were both at university in Illinois, her doing her undergrad and me a MS degree, and continued dating since then. She has spent a year in NZ and I have spent some decent time in the US. I am in the US at the moment for a few weeks and in early June we are both heading off together travelling for a year - we have both been able to get working visas for a year in the UK and Ireland so are heading over there to see things and save some $$$ (and of course be together).

Here are the questions:
1. We intend on having Jo submit the I-129f in about November this year, at which time we will be in Ireland. We will send the I-129f and all accompanying info direct from Ireland to the Nebraska Service Center, but will use her home (parents') address in the US as the contact address. Is this OK by the rules?
2. Re form G-325A, residence for the last 5 years: We will have some issues in that in our time travelling we will be going from backpackers to backpackers for a couple of months - how do we deal with that - do we put no fixed abode? Or should we use our fixed residence (parent's home) in each of our countries? During the rest of the time travelling we will probabable rent a room in a flat/aprtment.

Any help/advice would be great.


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2007-05-25 15:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f Q18 - met and seen in last two years
Thanks for your help!

.....and yes I will fill in our profile soon.
markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2007-05-29 21:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f Q18 - met and seen in last two years
Hi all,

Just a quick question regarding Q 18 on the I-129f. I met my fiance over three years ago and have seen her in person regularly since then. But, if you read the Q18 one way it sounds like you must have initialy met your fiance within the last two years........that isn't the case right?

Is it Ok that we initially met more than two years ago and have seen each other regularly since then?


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2007-05-29 11:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A - Applicant?


Just filling in the G-325A forms and suddenly wondered if I was doing it right.

On the G-325A filled in by the USC, when it asks for Applicant's residences and employemnt for the last 5 years is the USC the applicant or the person they are petitioning to get a visa for the applicant? Pretty sure it is for the USC whose name is at the top, but thought I should check in case I am missing something.


It is for the applicant, whoever that may be.


Thanks but still foggy on the answer.

On the USC's G-325A, is the applicant the USC or the person they are petitioning to bring in?
markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2007-05-29 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A - Applicant?

Just filling in the G-325A forms and suddenly wondered if I was doing it right.

On the G-325A filled in by the USC, when it asks for Applicant's residences and employemnt for the last 5 years is the USC the applicant or the person they are petitioning to get a visa for the applicant? Pretty sure it is for the USC whose name is at the top, but thought I should check in case I am missing something.

markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2007-05-29 21:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhoning USCIS from Overseas?
QUOTE (Dan + Gemvita @ Oct 8 2007, 12:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (markjo @ Oct 7 2007, 06:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We have received our NOA1, but there is a spelling mistake in the address (they have types a s instead of an n), but we can't phone them on the 1800 number.

My fiance and I are currently overseas (in Scotland for 6 mths working and travelling), but the 1800 number does'nt work from here - does anyone know if there is another number we can contact them?


.....and I will be updating our timeline soon.

Use skype. You can call toll free numbers free with it from anywhere in the world.

That is an awesome idea - hadn't even considered it even though I use skype sometimes. Thanks!
markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2007-10-07 18:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhoning USCIS from Overseas?
We have received our NOA1, but there is a spelling mistake in the address (they have types a s instead of an n), but we can't phone them on the 1800 number.

My fiance and I are currently overseas (in Scotland for 6 mths working and travelling), but the 1800 number does'nt work from here - does anyone know if there is another number we can contact them?


.....and I will be updating our timeline soon.
markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2007-10-07 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffadavit of Support: I-134 or I-864 when have a co-sponsor?
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Dec 11 2007, 10:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I-134 is for NON-Immigrant visas like the K-Visas.

I-864 is only for Green-card ether through an IMMIGRANT visa like IR-1 or CR-1, or is used when adjusting status in the USA from a NON-Immigrant visa to immigrant status, (I-485)

Co- sponsor provides an I-134 in addition to US Citizen Fiancee's I-134.

One other thing about I-134, the directions included with I-134 are very old, USCIS has no reason to update them since USCIS has no application for that form.

The consulates tend to treat the I-134 like a mini-I-864 as so prefer the same financial evidence as the I-864.

In our case this what the I-134 included.
  • I-134 signed and notarized.
  • SIMPLE Tax transcripts from the IRS for past 3 years, (Redundant for the (1040,W2,1099) but are free from the IRS
  • Photo copy of IRS form 1040, and W2s for past 3 years (Not necessary if you provide the transcripts)
  • Letter from my employer stating annual salary, job responsibility, and that is full time, on company letterhead.
  • Photo copies of past month or so of pay stubs up to a few weeks before the interview.
My income was well above the povertyline so I did not include any asset data (LIKE BANK STATEMENTS or property values).

If your income exceeds 125% of the povertyline when counting yourself, prospective immigrant and any dependents, then don't bother with assets (401K, Bank balance, Stocks etc..), it is just extra un-needed data to provide, the consular officer is most concerned with INCOME.

Thanks for your responses - much appreciated and helpful!
markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2007-12-11 11:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffadavit of Support: I-134 or I-864 when have a co-sponsor?
Hi there,

We are waiting for NOA2 and starting to get organised for the next steps.

My fiance and I will require her father as a co-sponsor as she is just heading to graduate school and thus won't be making a heap.

I have seen various threads with differing advice on what form you need when using a co-sponsor. Some I have seen say you need to use form I-864, some say you just need two copies of I-134 (one filled out by the fiance and one by the co-sponsor).

Can anyone give me the latest on this?

Thanks a heap.

markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2007-12-10 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I Travel To United States While Waiting For K-1?
QUOTE (Mia Clakre @ Dec 15 2007, 03:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone.

I am a British Citizen, have filed the I-129 form and received the 1st NOA. My fiance, who lives in Illinois, and I are currently waiting for the 2nd NOA. I was wondering whether anyone could tell me if I am allowed to travel to the United States, to visit my fiance for three weeks, while we are waiting for the 2nd NOA? Could I be denied entry if Immigration find out that I am waiting for a K-1 visa to be processed? Would it be better not to visit him at all in case it damages my application?

I would really appreciate it if anyone has any advice!


Hi there,

Just thought I would let you know my recent experience coming into the US - we are currently waiting for our NOA2.

I flew into the US last week from the UK (my fiancee and I are living and working over there for a year). We flew into Chicago O'hare airport. I got in no trouble at all.

At immigration the officer asked me the following questions:
1. The reason for my visit: I told him vacation - as that, along with attending a friends' wedding was the reason for our travel to the US.
2. How long I was intending to stay in the US: I told him till the 27th, which is when we fly back to Edinburgh
3. He then asked me if I was travelling with anyone else: I said yes, my fiancee - he then asked where she was and I told him she was in the other line as she is a US citizen.

He then stamped my passport etc and said enjoy your stay!

I had been worried about it and had got prepared with a copy of my employment contract in the UK, lease agreement for our flat etc. I guess our situation was not the norm, with us travelling in and out together, but hopefully this gives you some confidence that you can visit.

Good luck.

markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2007-12-17 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit of Support - Assets question
Hi there,

Just a quick question regarding the use of assets in the affidavit of support. We are using my fiancee's father as a co-sponsor and just want to be up to speed with all the details on what s required before we get into too much detail with him. He has just retired, which pulls his income right back, but has some assets that will assist.

When assets are used to meet help meet the 125% poverty level requirement, what value of assets is required? I have read in some places that 5 times the gap between income and the 125% poverty level, and in other places I have read that it is 3 times the gap between income and the 125% poverty level.

Any help anyone can provide will be much appreciated.


markjoNot TellingNew Zealand2007-12-23 13:24:00