US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed some Advice...
Last week, my fiancee received the letter from the Manila embassy just days after I received a letter from NVC. So I contacted the call center to schedule her interview; but as of this moment, she has yet to receive the email confirmation of the interview. I called three times and gave them two email addresses and still nothing arrived. I then tried to contact the embassy via their email link; but, the link is not working. As I understand it, she will need the interview confirmation in order to proceed with the medical exam.

My questions are: Is there another email address to the embassy to make such inquiries? Will the letter she already received from the embassy be enough to be able to have the medical exam?

Much Appreciated for any assistance.
ttevollaMalePhilippines2008-08-15 11:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionForm Expiration
I had to reschedule the embassy interview to October. Merly noted that the DS 157 form expires 30 Sept 2008. Does anybody know if a newer form will be issued? unsure.gif Will this current form be considered an accepted previous edition? blink.gif

Much Appreciated for your assistance.
ttevollaMalePhilippines2008-08-29 10:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmbassy payment fees
Sorry to bother,
A friend of my fiancee Merly was asking about which window to go to for the fees that are paid at the Manila Embassy. Merly did not know anything about such fees and asked me. I am also clueless about it. I am leaning to the thought that the friend is hearing rumor and gossip.

Am I correct that there are no embassy fees?
ttevollaMalePhilippines2008-09-07 14:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionImmigration Day
Further proof that "Immigration Day" is not inteneded for legitimate/legal immigration:
On May Day 2008, National Immigrant Solidarity Network is calling for a multi-ethnic, decentralized, multi-topic and multi-tactic national day of mobilization to support immigrant workers rights.

1. No to anti-immigrant legislation, and the criminalization of the immigrant communities.
2. No to militarization of the border.
3. No to the immigrant detention and deportation.
4. No to the guest worker program.
5. No to employer sanction and “no match” letters.
6. Yes to a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
7. Yes to speedy family reunification.
8. Yes to civil rights and humane immigration law.
9. Yes to labor rights and living wages for all workers.
10. Yes to the education and LGBT immigrant legislation.

We acknowledges that there’ll be multiple call to actions from across the country to organize May Day 2008, and each coalition will present their sets of demands. We should respects each other organizing and encourage and supports everyone’s issues:

1) Multi-ethnic, Decentralized and Multi-topic mobilization: while everyone will pledge to support immigrant workers rights at May Day 2007, local groups can choose to includes any other topics for their mobilizations: civil rights, anti-war, Katrina, labor rights, health care…., etc.

2) Decentralized Multi-Tactic May Day organizing: We will encourage everyone to organize their actions at May Day, but will let local groups to decide what they want to do at the day: march, boycott, strike, lunch action, vigil, community event, conference or congressional lobby day, etc.Understanding the connections between our individual conditions of life and the lives of people everywhere in the word allows us to come together and organize across all borders. WE NEED to link the connections between: wars in Africa, south America, Asia, Iraq, Palestine & Korea with sweatshops in Asia as well as in Los Angeles, New York; international arm sales and WTO, FTAA, NAFTA & CAFTA with AIDS, hunger, child labors and child solider; multinational corporations and economic exploitation with racism and poverty at home–then we can win the struggle.Let’s all come together, on May Day 2008, to build a new immigrant rights and civil rights movements!
in Seattle:

May Day rallies are expected to draw thousands of protestors Thursday, and on the Seattle waterfront, longshoremen may join in.

KING 5 got late word Wednesday that longshoremen up and down the West Coast may not show up for work Thursday to protest the Iraq War.

So far, the local longshoremen’s union has declined to comment about a possible walkout. In fact, a union arbitrator has warned them that such a walkout violates union contract and is illegal, but Thursday is May Day when workers traditionally celebrate the labor movement.

Three separate marches are scheduled for Thursday which could cause major traffic delays – two during the noon hour, and the biggest one is expected to shut down traffic in downtown Seattle for almost 2 hours during the evening commute.

Starting at 4 p.m., it runs from Judkins Park on the north side of I-90 and makes its way down 4th Avenue to the Seattle Center, ending at about 6:30 p.m. Metro warned bus riders to prepare for a major disruption.

An arbitrator has ordered the union that represents dockworkers at West Coast ports to tell members they must report to work on Thursday and not take the day off to protest U.S. military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. A wide enough walkout could cause a slowdown at the West Coast ports - the nation’s major gateway for cargo from the Far East.

Arbitrator John Kagel issued his decision Wednesday after holding a hearing by phone with the employers’ group, the Pacific Maritime Association, and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, according to a document outlining the ruling. The union previously asked employers to clear the way for members to skip out on the day shift to protest the war, but employers refused the request and were backed by the arbitrator last week. Despite that decision, word continued to spread on the Internet of a May 1 walkout by longshore workers and details of protests, including a march in San Francisco.
Title: Rouge Forum School Walkouts
START DATE: 2008-05-01 17:00:00
Location Details:
Throughout the US and Canada: Walkout out of school testing and test prep and join the Mayday protests.

Event Type: Protest
Contact Name Rich Gibson
Email Address
Phone Number
The Rouge Forum ( is calling for school walkouts on Mayday throughout the US and Canada--protests against education cuts and the drill and kill routine of school test prep which does nothing but serve as a pipeline to war.

These are small examples of what I could find. Groups encouraging students to skip class to march and protest or Longshoremen refusing to work or other groups with non specific grieviences to the specific issue does not seem to me very interested in our legitimate/legal immigration experience.
ttevollaMalePhilippines2008-05-01 09:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionImmigration Day
As I understand it, the purpose of "Immigration Day" is not for the legitimate and legal immigration that all of us are experiencing now. We all have paid our fees, counted days, had moments of frustrations to get our loved ones here with us. The people of "Immigration Day" want illegals immediate citizenship for bypassing the laws all of us are following. They want an open borders policy that essenially erases all national sovereignty.
ttevollaMalePhilippines2008-05-01 08:45:00
Philippinesmailing anything to Manila ?
I have been fortunate to have an LBC office locally. I have used them consistently and the service has proven reliable thoughout the process. It also helps that my fiancee knows the LBC crew in her hometown. yes.gif
ttevollaMalePhilippines2008-07-01 19:25:00
Philippines2 Questions
QUOTE (john & jean @ Nov 1 2008, 11:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
1. We are flying JAL.
2. There is no tax collected at airports in the U.S.!

Maraming Salamat! yes.gif
ttevollaMalePhilippines2008-11-01 14:27:00
Philippines2 Questions
Good Hello Everybody:D

My first question is: Which Airline have you selected to fly from Manila to the US? Im getting various price quotes and methods to get the plane ticket for a San Francisco destination; and this is just from Hawaiian Air...

My second question needs an "immigration myth buster" cool.gif
Is there a tax/fee to be paid at the POE? I have never heard of such action; but, Merlywinda is deluged with all sorts of rumors and 3rd hand information.

Much Appreciated for your assistance wink.gif
ttevollaMalePhilippines2008-11-01 13:37:00
PhilippinesPOE Honalulu
Good Hello everybody,

Merly was asking me what the procedure will be for her POE Hawaii; length of processing, transfers for final destination Sacramento, Ca. , luggage checks etc...

Much Appreciated for any assistance!
ttevollaMalePhilippines2008-11-07 17:37:00
PhilippinesVaccinations after arrival
Good Hello Everybody! yes.gif

I have a question...
Merly was instructed by the doctor at St.Lukes during her medical exam that she should have her final injections when she arrives. Does anybody have more information regarding when and where this should take place? What documents she would need?
Much Appreciated for any assistance

ttevollaMalePhilippines2008-12-31 18:51:00
PhilippinesWhat's behind your display name?
Mine is simple: It is my first and surname spelled backwards to make a single online name. Loosely based on The Matrix trilogy IE Neo, Morpheus, Tinity, etc... Just like the characters, I "jack in to the internet" and I can go anywhere and do anything!
ttevollaMalePhilippines2008-10-11 14:43:00
PhilippinesNeed Prayers...
I wanted to let everybody know that posted and read this thread that Merly and I are doing alright. We had a series of heartfelt and serious talks and prayed as husband and wife. I truly appreciate her and just can not accept the mindset to quit so soon into the marriage. As of this posting, She has found work and will be starting in the morning. It is a start for her and I am confident Merly will be a fantabulous and loyal employee.

Maraming salamat sa prayers!!!
ttevollaMalePhilippines2009-10-27 22:32:00
PhilippinesNeed Prayers...
In the beginning, I ignored the subtle warning signs such as extreme homesickness and blurted comments of wanting to go home because of some percieved misunderstanding. Actually she had said on three different occasions of wanting to go home. Once before the marriage and twice since marriage. Two weeks ago she went thermonuclear on me because of so called hurt feelings.
I honestly tried to be calm and not fuel the conflict by screaming back. This time she again talked about going home. She also said in her fury, if she had known her life would be as it is then she wuold not have married me. I asked her about the wedding vows and she immediately screamed she lied.
As I reflect on the past 11 months, I can see she really did not try to acclimate to the family or life in the US. It was I who compromised nearly everything in effort to make her welcome.

I do not want to give up; but, I am both emotionally and physically tired of walking on eggshells to keep her from exploding again.

ttevollaMalePhilippines2009-10-11 17:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2 APPROVED
I first checked the USCIS site to see if I received a third touch; but, nothing. Next I checked my email and saw the notice for approval. They sent the snail mail on 11 July 08. Going back for my fourth reread!

HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY dancin5hr.gif kicking.gif
ttevollaMalePhilippines2008-07-15 14:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary filers at CSC
Remember as kids, we all played the game TAG and avoided getting touched? yes.gif
Now as adults, we are aching and praying to be touched in this particular game of life....

Still patient and calm while waiting for the first touch. whistling.gif
ttevollaMalePhilippines2008-07-09 13:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdelbros
QUOTE (mehere! @ Aug 26 2008, 11:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I paid for my DV Aug.21, 2008 i texted DELBROS & received also this confirmation messages. as of this week i texted them asking for the status of my DV request I even email to their website but, i got no replies... sad.gif

Several days ago, I saw somewhere of an actual contact number and name of a person to speak to. For the life of me, I am unable to remember the website that had this. I am currently checking the DELBROS website if that was where I saw it...
ttevollaMalePhilippines2008-08-28 22:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresService centers slow downs
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Jun 30 2008, 03:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Jon's observation seems to be that these individuals are being placed ahead of American citizens.

Before you stand with someone on their observation, I'd suggest you consider where that observation is coming from.

So how is that observation a complaint?
I read it as an AHA! moment: A realization as to why getting a NOA2 is being perceived as slow arriving.

Suggestion Noted-
I read the original post.
I considered it as observation, not complaint or whining.
I chose to side with Jon.
ttevollaMalePhilippines2008-06-30 17:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresService centers slow downs
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Jun 30 2008, 03:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Shame on you for complaining about USCIS having compassion for victims of the atrocities of war.

What exactly was the complaint? I read it as an observation as to why it is possibly taking so long to get a NOA2. I too as Jon filed in February. I am among the 45% that sference mentioned that have not received NOA2. Well shame on me for standing with Jon on his observation.
ttevollaMalePhilippines2008-06-30 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Process after NOA2
QUOTE (LarryW @ Aug 28 2008, 02:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Having just received our NOA2, I went to the NVC section of the VJ forum for the first time. Now, I am confused?

I see many timelines here that say on a certain date NOA2 received, a few days later NVC received, a few days to weeks later Counsulate Office received and packet 3 sent to fiance ..... and, I thought (and hoped) that this was how it was supposed to go. But, now when I look on the NVC forum, for some reason there it seems that the process through NVC is so much more complicated than that .... with the AOS and the payment of fees, and the I-864 and DS-3032 and DS-230 ... and the suggestions for shortcuts through what sounds like a complicated and long NVC process???

So, now I am confused ... which is it? Is it a straightforward process where my application will go to NVC and be automatically (assuming everything is in order) get forwarded on to Manilla without any further forms or fees required from me ..... OR ..... do I (and/or my finace) need to now be working on filling out all of these other forms and fees for NVC, and having them ready to go to speed up the NVC process??

For the K1, during the NVC, you do nothing. Then it will be FWD'd to the Manila Embassy. She will receive a letter from them indicating they have it and she should begin preparing for both the medical exam and embassy interview. The medical is first come/first serve walk in; but, you will have to call to schedule for the interview. There are more fees and applications. I am going through this particular phase now. The following links from the US embassy Manila helped seemed easy enough...
ttevollaMalePhilippines2008-08-31 15:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAm I forgetting Anything?
I have reviewed the petition at least three times. I feel confident to send it off this weekend.
I'm asking for fresh eyes to see if I had left anything out.
Much Appreciated!

K-1 Fiancée Visa Cover Letter

Al Artola Lovett
Fairfield, Ca

4 February 2008
United States Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
California Service Center
P.O. Box 10130
Laguna Niguel, CA 92607-0130

Nature of the submission: K-1 ORIGINAL SUBMISSION
To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed please find my Application for K-1 Fiancée Visa for
Merlywinda P. Machete, and supporting documents.
Contents include:
*Processing Fee $455 USD
*Blue One Letter of Intent to Marry signed by Al Artola Lovett
*Blue Two Letter of Intent to Marry signed by Merlywinda P. Machete
*Blue Three CENOMAR for Merlywinda P. Machete
*Blue Four Birth Certificate of Al Artola Lovett
*Blue Five Birth Certificate of Merlywinda P Machete
*Blue Six Photocopy of current Passport of Merlywinda P. Machete
*Blue Seven Photocopy of Current Passport of Al Artola Lovett
*Green One Form I-129F
*Green Two Explanation for question #7 on I-129F
*Green Three Detailed Declaration of meeting for question #18 on I-129F
*Green Four Form G-325A & passport photo for Al Artola Lovett
*Green Five Form G-325A & passport photo for Merlywinda P. Machete
*Yellow One Screen capture of Engagement Ring from eBay
*Yellow Two LBC receipts & manifests
*Yellow Three Western Union transaction receipts
*Yellow Four ARYTY online cellphone reloading transaction confirmations
*Yellow Five mail received from Merlywinda P. Machete
*Yellow Six Boarding passes, Customs Declaration, Airport user charge receipt
*Yellow Seven Screen captures of Internet chat session between Al & Merlywinda
*Red One email samples to Al Artola Lovett
*Red Two email samples to Merlywinda P. Machete
43 Dated & Captioned photos from October 2007 visit

The above listed items submitted are exact photocopies of unaltered documents and I understand that I may be required to submit original documents to an Immigration or Consular officer at a later date.
ttevollaMalePhilippines2008-02-20 19:21:00