Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWifes 21 yo son coming here?
Since your wife's son is 21, your wife will have to file a petition for him. If she is an LPR expect a very long wait before her son can join you, or wait for her to become a US citizen and then the wait will be considerably shorter. Either way expect at least a 4 year wait.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2010-10-19 14:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHey yall

Anyone from Russia or Ukraine living in or around Kansas City Missouri? Thanks...

Not exactly. Up in Omaha but my Family is in KC (Kansas side).
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2010-11-10 09:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian (RUB) Mother in laws
My MIL is one the most caring women I've had the chance to meet. My wife is always in trouble with Mama because she does not let me rest and always has me running all over town on my day's off. :)
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2010-11-10 09:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI am superstar from Ukraine

I just showed this to Viktoriya. We laughed hysterically while comparing it to our overnight train to Lviv two years back. The heat, the food, everything. She is sending it to her mom this morning.

I've never experienced the train, but my daughter showed this to us the other night and after hearing all the wonderful tales about the train, I had to post this.

As for my train experience, I am hoping/dreading that my first will be sometime this summer. Kiev to Zaporizhzhya and then a bus to Berdyansk. So much for sleep I guess.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2010-11-08 16:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI am superstar from Ukraine
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2010-11-07 15:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAlan-and-Ira

Terrible thing. Any news yet?

I just finished talking with Ira. She has just returned home. The doctors were able to remove all of the tumor and they will be starting her on Chemo on Tuesday. Ira and Alan are putting the Visa on hold until she is done with all of this.


Edited by Dave-n-Oksana, 31 October 2010 - 10:24 AM.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2010-10-31 10:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAlan-and-Ira

Any updates? How is she doing?

Nothing as of yet. If Ira's mother is online tomorrow, Oksana will ask her how things are.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2010-10-24 18:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAlan-and-Ira

I have learned that Ira of Alan-and-Ira had to cancel their interview because of an medical emergency. Ira had been suffering severe headaches and nausea and was unable to go to Kiev.

She went to the hospital where they found an tumor on her brain that required emergency surgery. Please keep both Alan and Ira in your prayers.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2010-10-21 08:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus1st Anniversary
Well Saturday was our 1st anniversary and for the occasion we went to Minneapolis for the weekend. While we enjoyed the time as their Winter Carnival had just started, the most memorable event was that on Saturday we went to the Mall of America and they were having a "Your Government" event, which included the Naturalization of about 15 people.

What a 1st Anniversary present. Being able to show Oksana what she has to look forward too in 2 1/2 years.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-02-01 13:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow difficult for Widowed MIL get Tourist Visa

I think you did mean to start a war! :P

Drat I've been found out. My nefarious plot to get RUBers to start talking about how sexy our wives are and get another thread locked has been foiled. Anyone for pie and guns?? :D
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-02-22 20:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow difficult for Widowed MIL get Tourist Visa
Wow!! Didn't mean to start a war, but then again this is the RUB forum :D . I want to thank every for their responses, and since we do have a while before this is going to happen, we will start building the evidence of her ties.

Ona, Oksana's sister and niece are also planning on coming with their mother, but her sister has stronger proof of ties to Ukraine. I was just worried about the difficulties a pensioner would face.

Now back to "Ukraine, not The Ukraine" channel. :)


p.s. Oksana and my stepdaughter both say The Ukraine.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-02-22 09:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow difficult for Widowed MIL get Tourist Visa
The question came up this week about bringing Oksana's 60+ year old mother to the States to visit after we buy our home and it got me thinking about if it will be possible. My Mother-in-law is a Pentioner and a widow, but owns her flat and has a daughter and granddaughter near her, plus many friends near her.

Any thoughts on the possibility?

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-02-21 14:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOdd translation request

My wifes father is a drunk,and was abusive. Maybe that's why she's twenty years younger than me and calls me "papa"... :unsure:

Oksana calls me 'Papa" as a response to me calling her "Mama" when we first together. When we would start to go out, she would start fussing about what I was wearing and would re-arrange my clothes. After one to many times, I snapped at her and told her I was not a Malchik that needed a mother. She apologized and said she would not do it again.

Then the next day she started it again and in my most sarcastic voice I said "Da Mama". Lera, Oksana's daughter, burst out laughing and I was afraid she was going to hurt herself by falling down the five flights of stairs. Since then that is how we have always called each other.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-03-03 14:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLearning English

I hope she isn't buying credits to write to these girls. :rofl: Now THAT would just be too weird even for me and I a bit left of center already. Honestly I'm not sure how I would handle that.

I have it pretty good though. She takes care of my every need and I don't put the neck swivel on when we're out together. I am free to notice and when I'm on my own, well I notice a little more. But still its babes on parade everywhere you go over there anyway, who needs the swivel?

She's a little jealous of my ex who I'm still on speaking terms with, but then I'm 8128 km from my Baby and she worries. But that whole distance thing is going to zero in less than a month. YeeHaw! credits being spent. Especially after I explained to her how much they cost. This is just something that goes with our strange sense of humor. The information we put in the profile is not to be taken seriously and shouldn't be by any woman's profile that is honestly looking for love. It is setup specifically to bring out the scammers. And it sorta fulfills that male fantasy ;)

NO EFFIN WAY this is happening in our house! :rofl: Alla knows where the extra .45 is kept and I predict a violent end to my computer's life if she found that! Alla has a friend looking for an American guy but expects me to just hook her upo with some of my friends. No takers yet...dumb@sses!

I used to ride the bus to work just for the fashion show every morning. Yowzaaaaaaaaaa!

Hey, this was her idea not mine so no risk of bodily harm to me.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2010-11-19 10:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLearning English

My wife has never...not even once...had a jealous moment! Having dated quite a few American girls who were all bat-$hit-crazy jealous (one of them actually used to walk out on me in a restaurant if I looked at the waitress while ordering lol), it is sooooooo refreshing. She's darn near perfect on every front to be honest. I consider myself just as lucky as the other guys on RUB!!! :D

I think you are just lucky.

Not being jealous is not, in my experience, a Russian woman's nature. My wife is mostly jealous of my ex wife because we remain on friendly terms. It's funny because my Russian wife has never met my ex, but she goes a little "combat mode" after I talk with my wife on the phone. This has gotten worse over time. I should add my ex and I talk mainly regarding our son or if there's some problem. I have made it clear to my wife that my ex wife and my son are still a family and I won't change that...but I won't overdo it either to be sensitive to my wife's struggle with this situation. I guess this kind of relationship with an ex spouse would be unheard of in Russia.

I guess I got one like LL. My wife is trying to help her friend find a good man so she signed her up on Anastasia. Then my wife created an account under my name there so she could see what her friend's profiled looked like to the men on the site. Next thing I know I have this calendar that pop's up everyday with a different Anastasia model and my wife keeps bringing them to my attention. She also makes it a point to tell me how many messages I receive each day from the women on the site and then we look at the profiles together.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2010-11-18 17:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusJust a warning

I've had daily reminders for the last few weeks.

Same here...From all of them. Even my 14 year Old Daughter She has been corrupted.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-03-04 12:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Base Lovers Remix

I must admit, I skimmed through the first viewing but after reading your reply I had to watch it again. Those were "token" Russian girls... who probably weren't even Russian girls at all.

For a "real" look at Russian girls, check out Sasha Dith's "Russian Girls." -

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-03-31 13:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian stores in America

Sounds like your step-daughter has found herself in a very lucrative position if she plays her cards right. Good for her! :)

For most people I would agree, but it's not her plan for the future. She is working towards a medical degree and starting to find it difficult to balance between school and work. To be honest the owner of the company is expanding his stores so fast he doesn't have the people to man them. I am seeing that this company will not be around for too much longer. If it fails, I might just step in and purchase the Russian store from him and open shop.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-05-02 23:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian stores in America
We have only one real Russian market here. It is a sub-section of a convenience store and the prices made it too expensive for us and not there wasn't much of a selection either. My step-daughter is working at the store and the person who was running that section got let go for having sticky fingers with the stinky fish, so she got the job dropped on her. She told us the person who was running it before was marking up items at 200 to 300 percent and only ordering things they liked.

Now with my daughter in charge, the prices are coming down to a normal markup and there is a lot more variety available. Also the clientele is starting to pick up. I would not be surprised to see it become a separate store in the future.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-05-02 13:40:00

moneygram? in indonesia its cheaper then western union

I agree. Moneygram was always cheaper than WU and you still have the same paper trail for establishing bonafides.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-05-03 09:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus5 Days Post-POE - GREAT!

Wow, where are you guys finding these women that have never seen a dishwasher? You see them even in "the village" these days. :blink:

Oksana knows what a dishwasher is, she just does not see the need to use it. She keeps telling we have 2 already...Our Daughters :D

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-07-21 13:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAlla Graduates, Finally!

I thought I was the only one getting the man purse vibe...

Sadly not. I had tried (and successfully) avoided the man purse for 1 1/2 years, then my daughter returns from Ukraine with one for me. I guess the look on my face said it all, because next thing I know my daughter's eyes are starting to tear up, and I am getting "The Look" from my wife. So I caved and turned in my "Man" card.

It is hard to defend against a beautiful Ukrainian woman's tears and an beautiful, angry Ukrainian wife. I never stood a chance.

Congrats to Alla!!

Edited by Dave-n-Oksana, 04 August 2011 - 12:30 PM.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-08-04 12:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusinterview language?

Hi.....was wondering if anybody can tell me if interview at embassy can be done in ukrainian or does it have to be done in english language? Anna speaks really good english (more than she gives herself credit for) but is worried that she will be nervouse and mite not understand person at interview. Thanks for any replies.

She will have the choice of Ukrainian, Russian, or English. So she can relax about that. As long as everything appears kosher to the IO, it should be a piece of cake.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-10-04 13:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy Lady Has Been Approved
Congrats. As stated earlier, the fun is about to begin.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-10-26 08:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHere we go!

I somehow skipped Slim's reply.. And read it just now.

This is a big mistake.. If I were that chick and heard "whatever, he wants me to go", I would send her jump off Everest. Why the hell she needs a visa to the U.S..?? I would not issue people visas with 'ah, whatever' attitude.

She does need to show her interest. - YES, I want to know more about my boyfriend's parents. - YES, YES, I want to go and see how they live.

Dasha has already tons of evidences to return back (Sergey's leave is her main evidence) The only thing she needs is to make them open a file w/ the evidences by:
- having a positive attitude
- having a face like 'can't keep my eyes off'
- having a voice like "can't stop listening to"
- demonstrating an interest to Sergey's family!!
- providing concrete and clear answers - NOOOO 1000+1 fables

..and the visa will be in her pocket!

This would be good advice for a Fiance or IR/CR Visa, but not for a Visitor's visa. Remember that the all non-immigrant visa petioners are viewed as wanting to immigrate. It is up to petioner to prove otherwise.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-10-31 15:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHere we go!
Definately hoping for the best for Dasha. Also will be watching how this unfolds.

I understand that we are talking about different embassies but we are hoping to get my MIL a visitor visa for next fall. She has her international passport and plans on trips to the Czech Republic as well as to Turkey. She owns her flat and needs to help take care of our 5 yr old niece.

So the more information, the better.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-10-31 10:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAn American's adventures in Ukraine
He is definitely a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Being a Green party candidate should have been the first clue. :whistle: I'm sure that in his current situation he will have no problem finding a Ukraine bride.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-11-17 09:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Interview in 3 days

Wow! thank you so much! my wife's Visa was approved yay!!!

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-11-09 13:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruslanguage for documents

I have heard visitor visas are easier for older women. Who knows? If they do not even look at your documents what difference does it make? Good luck

Maybe, but we have all heard the stories of the many attempts to get a Mother and/or Father visa approved. It would be good if there was a different type of visitor visa for immediate family members. Something along the lines of the VWP where they are considered innocent until they break the rules.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-11-23 15:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruslanguage for documents

But anyone that looked at her documents would disagree Slim. She has a paid scholarship to one of the top universities in the world, a decent paying job working as a tutor for the school, she JUST bought a new car, cash, 2 weeks ago and had proof of that AND her boyfriend is going to school there also. Why would she buy a car and then leave the country when she had the cash?

She would have to be a complete fool to run away from that and immigrate illegally at this time. I know they eventaully wish to be married and Sergey will bring her on a K-1 or CR-1 but they have no plans for that until he is a citizen and finishes his PhD. They are being very mature and thoughtful about all this and I wish people, including Alla, would give them more credit. They are not stupid doe-eyed children so much in love they can't STAND IT (like about 2/3 of the posts you see in the k-1 forum, gag me with a spoon!)

And another thing dammit.... I really get tired of hearing the whining from VWP fiancees about how hard it is to be apart when they can visit anytime they want AND our wonderful families are treated like reptiles because they are from R, U, or B. Especially Canadians, Jeezum Crow! I go to Canada for LUNCH to get a smoked meat sandwich! Big Effin' Deal! And they whine that "Oh woe is me, I cannot stand to be away from my love" Then stand up from your @ss and go visit! They don't even stamp the passport!

end of rant. :blush:

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

We are hoping to have Oksana's mother visit us next fall and I fear the dissapointment that Oksana and Lera will have if Babushka is not able to come. I don't think that some of these VWP families appreciate the true difficulties for a non-VWP Family.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-11-23 15:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWife's son is moving out already. I have concerns.

News Update

You may remember I mentioned in an earlier post that I offered my wife a "deal" to go home with some cash, a one-year monthly payment of a few hundred dollars and a plane ticket. In return I get a Russian divorce. She took the offer into consideration but I doubted she'd go for it.


Yesterday she verbally agreed to my terms and, later on, suggested I subtract the cost of her son's ticket from my cash total. By her tone and demeanor, she's serious about this. She even wants to walk away as friendly as we can. I was fighting to shout with joy but realize nothing is done yet. This could change tomorrow...but my guts tell me she's looked at her situation and how best to serve her son, and decided she'll go out the easy way. I also think my mention of "visa fraud" might have been a motivation as well. In any event, I stand in this moment hopeful that I could be free and single in months, not years.

I know she will go home and stay with her mother. This will be a hardship as her mother still lives in a village house with a wood stove and outhouse. Her flat in the city is rented so that is why she must go to her mother's. I imagine she will be there long enough to get the divorce and then return to the US and stay with her son. She may turn to me for occasional help in various ways. But, I can choose what ways I will help as a free and single I'm OK with that situation.

When I divorced my first wife, who was American, we did our own divorce and it cost $250 to accomplish. We are still friendly to this day...partly because of our son and partly because we never battled each other. We had about as friendly a divorce as you can hope for. I hope this second (and last) divorce might have a similar outcome. I will hold some resentment but a lot of this was my not following my instincts and overlooking warning signs. So, I am willing, should this "deal" come to pass, to be a friend to her with certain limits and boundaries.

Hopeful today and grateful. I'll keep you posted.

I am of two minds here. I am sorry that it did not work out, but happy for you that you will be a free man soon with minimal impact to your future (Look out FSU women). You have always been a stand-up kind of guy and I only wish the best for you and your future.

Edited by Dave-n-Oksana, 18 November 2011 - 10:16 AM.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-11-18 10:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWife's son is moving out already. I have concerns.
As others have said, because of his age you have no legal obligations to him. As to health care there is an option for you that may ease your mind. If his job does not offer insurance, you can add him to your insurance until he turns 26. This is one of the few good things about Obamacare. This way he is still legally obligated to pay his bills and has insurance coverage.

Real concerns and I will be facing these now too as my wife's daughter arrives tomorrow. We are giving a lot of thought about having her join the military. Don't see a lot of good job opportunities for her locally. She is highly educated but we now need to see how her degrees rate here.

Not sure that I can add my step daughter to our insurance although she is technically in "law school" in Russia. Some kind of program where she just shows up for exams once per semester.

As long as she is under 26 she can be included to your insurance no matter if she is in school or not.

Edited by Dave-n-Oksana, 11 November 2011 - 02:16 PM.

Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-11-11 14:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFedEx Rates - WOW!

We've sent tons of packages over the last few years USPS and never had any problems...usually takes about 2-3 weeks to get there and prices are relatively cheap. For sending things the other direction (big things), we use Meest. Maybe it depends on the city or we are just lucky.

We actually use Meest to ship items that are not time critical, but otherwise we have used USPS and never had a problem.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-05-09 15:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow about this?!!!

Nothing says welcome to my house now get the hell out quite like the sound of a 12 gauge pump shotgun.

:thumbs: Loaded or not, the sound of cycling a round in the dark will strike fear into the heart of most intruders (or husbands for that matter)
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-10-04 13:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some Assistance

Good for you

Google "Heller" and "McDonald". There is plenty of debunking in those two decisions. Particularly as it relates to the anti's constant attempts to rewrite the constitution, and even after these decisions, antis will try to tell you what the Supreme Court REALLY meant. Read it, is is pretty clear what they mean

If you hit on any myths in particular and need help, post here. There are too many to even begin to list. Again try the NRA website as they are excellent at debunking these myths.

Try to use the info you find on the NRA site by referencing the source of their report, Antis want to always "discredit" the NRA because they are biased :wacko: So don't. Just reference the studies and results they cite

Thanks for tips. As for the NRA, I do plan on hitting the references that they cite.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-01-08 19:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some Assistance
Well the paper has taken a different turn than what I had planned. It has turned into a paper to discredit the falsehoods and myths that the Gun Control Lobby has been spewing for years. There is one thing in this world I cannot stand and that is a liar, and that is all I am seeing from the gun control lobby.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-01-08 15:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some Assistance
Again I want to thank everybody for their replies.

I'll be honest that I have never been one to concern myself with gun control issues before, but after reading the numbers from both sides of the issues, the anti-gun experts are really starting to scare me. I guess that is their entire purpose.

Instead of factual representation on the statistics, they provide results off of incomplete or innacurate data. They also behave as if every gun owner has no impulse control and would gladly shoot up the town if the laws were not there to prevent us. And lets not forget the biggest lie....That Gun Control Laws have reduced violent crime in the United States.

I like to believe that I am a fair person and will listen to both sides of an argument, but when you take credit that have no right to, or spout incomplete information as facts, I have a big issue. So I guess I am off the fence.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-01-04 15:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some Assistance

Take the numbers from the DOJ themselves. The government doesn't lie!

Number of NICS background checks goes up every year, meaning there are more guns on the streets -
Number of Checks

Yet crime keeps going down -
That's impossible!

The numbers don't lie. In the absence of gun control, crime goes down. There's a book out there called "More guns, less crime" that may be a good source as well.

A question on the NICS data. Are these numbers the checks performed or the number of approved checks?
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2012-01-03 17:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some Assistance

Chicago,and Washington DC both have/had super tight gun control laws and both have a crime rate off the hook along with gun related crimes. California comes to mind also....super tight gun control laws with a very high crime rate. I don't have the will work, but I'm guessing Gary has a few links to those statistics and a few more.

Thanks for the replies. I have been so focused on the 20 year statistics that I lost focus to other sources and statistics to use.

Take the numbers from the DOJ themselves. The government doesn't lie!

Number of NICS background checks goes up every year, meaning there are more guns on the streets -
Number of Checks

Yet crime keeps going down -
That's impossible!

The numbers don't lie. In the absence of gun control, crime goes down. There's a book out there called "More guns, less crime" that may be a good source as well.

Thanks for the link Slim. I will be checking it out. Also I have run across references to that book many times, but have been having difficulty locating it.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-12-30 09:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some Assistance
I am writing a paper for college class about how gun control does not reduce violent crimes and I am needing some statistic to back up my arguments. So considering how all the topics in the RUB turns to guns (or pie) I thought I would ask our panel of experts for assistance to point me in the right directions.

I am looking for statistics of gun ownership from 1991 until 2010. Plus any other points of reference that may be handy (i.e. Gun Owners preventing crime).

Thanks in Advance,

P.S. As for the anti-gun crowd, any condemnation to the topic will not be welcome as this is for a grade and not a forum debate. If you wish to debate this topic, take it somewhere else.
Dave-n-OksanaMaleUkraine2011-12-29 23:58:00