K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Does anyone know howto get to talk to a person when we call USCIS? It's always the computer for us. What numbers do we press?

Thanks :)

Sorry, I don't know! I'm replying to this to put it on the next page though!
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-05-01 10:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
@Coconuts - thanks for letting us know about the D160 for Montreal!
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-29 17:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Here is a true Southern recipe from the US. :) I took this recipe from the internet and completely skewed and twisted it to my own tastes, so it's truly mine! I made this for Byron the first time he visited me, and now it's a requirement that I make it every single time he visits (he can't get enough, and honestly neither can I)! Super Yummy!

Ferin's Brunswick Stew

Ferin its like you read my mind, just yesterday Blake was asking me to learn how to make Brunswick Stew! This is perfect!
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-28 12:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

This is fantastic!! Were you with Blake when you got the happy news?
I wonder how many of us will be in Montreal at the same time?
Have an awesome day!

Thank you! Yes, I arrived here late monday night and I got the email about our approval last night as we were having a night in on the couch. I'm so happy we get to celebrate this together!

Sandl2011 - RFEs suck, but on the bright side it means they are looking at your case, and once you get your RFE returned to them, your approval is right around the corner!

Edited by Christine + Blake, 28 April 2011 - 10:44 AM.

Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-28 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
WE GOT APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-27 22:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Shawn, congratulations to you and Sonoko!! It looks like you guys will be our first 'success story'! That's wonderful news :)

I am leaving this afternoon to head to Atlanta to wait out the rest of the time for my NOA2 with my sweetie :)
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-25 10:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Happy Easter Decemberite family!!

I was looking for an easter-y little emoticon for you all (there are so many halloween ones and multiple pumpkins, but no other holidays!) and look what I found! I think this might be my second favourite, after our much beloved dancing man :jest: :jest: :jest: :jest: :jest: :jest: :jest: :jest:
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-23 20:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Congratulations on your approval Bec!!!!!!
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-22 10:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
wow, VSC approvals!! SO EXCITING to see the pink on the VSC chart. Congratulations to everyone who has gotten their NOA2s in the last little bit!!

@Lise - I was thinking things would be closed down there too, we will have to get used to some different holidays soon (no May 24 weekend? I don't know how I'll survive!! hehe)

@Mari - How about 'Red Velvet'?
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-21 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Mari, you are a hoot!! Ha. Between fondling, spanking people, sending them to the naughty chair, and all your emoticons... If you're ever on the East coast, let me know and I (and hopefully my lovely fiance) will have you over for dinner and Moroccan tea.

Well... ANY of you December filers are welcome. :)

East coast eh? I may see what I can do about that some day! :)

Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-20 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

All -

I strongly urge you to prepare yourself mentally for the "Days to NOA2" countdown on our timeline. It's easy to get caught up in checking Igors list and focusing on the recent NOA2s, but remember that the days the service centers have left based on recent approvals IS REFLECTED in the Decemberite timeline. For example, I have a little less than 70 days until my NOA2. Preparing myself mentally for 2 months and 10 days will allow me a less stressful journey. If it comes early? Great! If it doesn't, I know how much time I have left before I can call in the big guns.

Stay positive, and set yourself up for excitement! Not let down xo

Oh don't worry Becs, the pessimistic side of me is VERY aware that I still have a wait ahead of me for my approval, and then even more after that at my slow service center! I'm just happy to see SOMETHING happening, even if its not for me yet.
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-19 18:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Even more approvals! The chart is getting SO PINK WOOHOOO! Perhaps I should bring my pink hair back (thats how it was when Blake and I met!) to get in the approval spirit, hehe!

Everything is getting so exciting! All these approvals are making my wait feel shorter, since I sort of forget all that time before the approvals started rolling in, and now I just have to wait a month and a bit! Its like we are in 'approval season', this is really lifting my own mood even though I know I still have a little wait ahead for my NOA2.

over 100 pages, wow! Go Decemberites!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-19 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
WOW, so many NOA2's today!! This is so awesome!!!
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-18 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
MARI AND KADIR!!! I am so so so happy and excited for you, I think this is one of our first, if not THE first approval where I have felt nothing but happiness (no jealousy!). I hope you've gotten a hold of K by now to share the good news!

I figured out all my end of semester stuff, so next week I am going to go to Atlanta to stay with Blake until the beginning of june (my estimated time for NOA2 according to my timeline). woohoo! :dance: Its been very cold here recently so I am happy to be going to somewhere warm!! I am concerned about being questioned at the border, since I was there so recently, but I will bring our NOA1 and have my return ticket so hopefully all will go well.

much love to all of you :)
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-18 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers


You know you might just make that Sept 11th wedding date if VSC keeps it on like this. Any chance you of you changing it back if all goes well and you're here by summer for POE? :whistle:

Just a thought....

Where's everybody been all day?

Love ya,

Mari, unfortunately there is no going back now in regards to our wedding date. It's okay, I'm happy with our new date and I've accepted how things are going to go.
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-17 09:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
congratulations on your NOA2s!!!!!
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-17 08:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Wow, that's such great news about Vermont speeding up like that! Keep up the good work, Vermont workers!! Although with Vermont speeding up, I'm second guessing going on my trip to Atlanta - what if my approval gets here before I get back! hahah.

I need to see about going to get my police check, maybe I will do that this week.

Oh I am so mixed up lately, what to do what to do! My head is just a mess! Thank goodness I have all you to keep me at least partially sane :)
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-16 17:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
@Mari I'm so happy to see you happy with that good news! :) You are much much stronger than me, I can tell you that!

@Bec haha great idea! I know that would definitely work on me :P

I am trying to plan a trip for very soon to go spend a month with Blake - I've been getting some disappointing news on other fronts so I have nothing to do here in Canada until early June when its estimated I'll get my NOA2. I hope I get a good officer at the border, since I was there pretty recently. Oh well. I know I am very lucky to get to do this, I'm very excited that I may get to go 'home' soon for awhile, although saying goodbye to Blake again will be hard.

OH! I just saw that someone from November was just approved from VSC! Their NOA1 date is Nov 4. How exciting

Edited by Christine + Blake, 15 April 2011 - 09:08 AM.

Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-15 09:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Neko thats great, congratulations!! That's so exciting!
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-14 11:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

How do I get into all of these conversations!!! HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY everyone!!! Just saw a Canadian got their NOA2!! Congrats!! Hi people!! Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday!!!

Its definitely great to see a Canadian with an NOA2, even though we're stuck in Vermont and not speedy California. Can't wait to hear how their journey through the Canadian half goes.

I think everyone should watch America's Next Top Model next week, the remaining girls are going to MOROCCO! I don't know much about that area so I'll be interested to see more about how one of our own Decemberite couples lives!
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-13 20:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Congratulations Dublin-SF !!!!!!

Mari the henna sounds awesome, I'd love to do something like that! It sounds like the wedding is going to be SO much fun! Blake and I desperately need things like toasters, so I'm glad we'll have a traditional registry, hahah.
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-13 15:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Congratulations to all these NOA2s!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: (I love that little guy!!)

Hey y'all!

So... after we all get our NOA2s... can we still try to come back here and post wedding pics and go through AOS together? :) I might not be super-active, but I love having this group, and would love to see pictures of all the fantastic weddings that we'll be having in the next... well... 6-8 months? Or less, for some of us?

Also, is anyone else planning on eloping at the courthouse or with a justice of the peace, then having a big ceremony later? How American are your wedding plans? How much of the immigrant spouse's culture are you bringing into the wedding? Have you registered yet?

Well as you know Kristen, I won't be having my wedding until next may! :( booo. With things how they are I know it was the best choice for us but I am still bummed not to be having our wedding this year. I hope you'll all stick around in the thread to see my wedding photos!

We'll be going to the courthouse to satisfy visa requirements, but we are not going to make a big deal out of that. We're going to have our May wedding as if we did not do the courthouse ceremony. I don't know if I'll even feel really married until the wedding, and I will not be wearing my wedding band until after our wedding. Perhaps I'm being stubborn, but our wedding day is the day we are married and thats that as far as anyone is concerned! hahah.

Our wedding is very American, there's not a lot of significant or particularly Canadian culture things when it comes to weddings.
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-13 12:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers


Posted Image

reposting this because its the best congratulations gif ever! hahah. I love it!! Congratulations you guys!!!!!!!

Turano Family I will be living in Georgia, which is close!

Hahah Mari am I Hamm because of my lack of fitness challenge participation? ;) just kidding!

Edited by Christine + Blake, 09 April 2011 - 08:10 AM.

Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-09 08:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
I really hope this shutdown doesn't hurt us all too much, praying that things move along (as quickly as possible, please!).

A HUGE thank you to Dizzy for updating our timeline like she does, and to Mari for providing so much helpful info to us, and to Lise for helping us with our recipes... and another thank you to everyone here who actively participates and makes this thread what it is - NOT just a place for information, but a place for distraction, friendship, and support. I love our thread and everything about it, and if someone can't appreciate that then its a major loss for them.

We are hoping that Blake can come visit me for two weeks in early June, hopefully I will have my NOA2 or will be very close to it by then and we can celebrate together (and then get to work on mailing off the next documents!)

Edited by Christine + Blake, 08 April 2011 - 08:43 AM.

Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-08 08:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Great news for JoAnne & James!!!
Looking forward to the recipe from China.
I received great news today too....not a NOA2 but my beautiful little Sophie joined our family today at 5:40 am weighing 7lbs 15 and baby are doing great! Her little brother says she is staying at the hospital lol...big sister thinks she is soooooooooo cute! Gotta love grandchildren!!!
Proud Nana, Lise

Congratulations Nana Lise! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: That's fantastic news, Sophie is a beautiful name.
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-07 17:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Congratulations to our new approvals!! I am insanely jealous (and cursing being stuck at VSC!) but I am also so happy for y'all!!! Keep us updated on the process.

Our venue issues have been resolved, so we officially have our new (and final, I hope!) wedding date of May 4th 2012. Definitely a relief, and now this means I'm REALLY far ahead in the wedding planning so thats off my radar for a long time now, phew.

Gotta get moving with the fitness challenge, now I have to maintain my current weight for over a year more! D: hahaha
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-07 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

I love the positive attitude! well done! :yes:

I too noticed Vermont seeming to make an effort, although I'm sure everyone will still say they are slow, blah blah. I'm just excite to see some folks moving onto the next phase of their journey.

Definitely, its really good to see any action at all!
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-05 12:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Christine, I know you are anxious about Montreal so I copied a post I read this morning from LuvIllinois: "I just got my packet 4 and I am officially scheduled for July 12! There were a lot of openings in April but that is just too soon for us. Then there was nothing between that and July so here I am! Excited :-D" I can say that if I got my notice today I would book in April!!! I so want to get this show on the road!!!!
Have a great day everyone! (I am still waiting for granddaughter #4 to be born...due date was yesterday!)

Oh thank you Lise! I do feel much better seeing that! I hope your granddaughter has arrived, or is at least well on her way, by now.

Having a fun night with our neighbours and two of my bridesmaids/my bffs tonight to take my mind off things. party! :dance:
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-04-01 14:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Ok did you get notified (i replied to your post).

Christine, good job on the encouragements!

love ya,

nope! I mean I'm here almost every day so it doesn't matter for me, I just didn't know if it notified others (because if not maybe we should be commenting on profiles or something)
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-03-30 22:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

hey dec filer too! my noa1 is dec. 21,2010! hoping for the noa2 goodluck everyone!

Hey, you are getting so close to 5 months now! Have you checked out our thread information about the next steps so you guys are prepared when you get your exciting NOA2?
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-03-30 15:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

I sent the I129F packet on 12/10.
Check cashed on 12/15
Nothing yet (no e mail, no NOA1)

Mow it's time for the waiting game....

Have you guys heard anything yet? We'd love an update, and a recipe to add to our December Filers International Cookbook!
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-03-30 15:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
congratulations militarygf!!! Even though you are a special case (expedited), its nice to see that VSC is capable of doing something at least!

Do you guys get notifications when someone replies to one of your posts? I don't think I do!
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-03-30 15:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Lise is right Christine, don't give up hope yet. Sometimes I check the next available interview date in Montreal and it's in 2 weeks, and other times I check and it's 4 months (I just checked again and currently the next available time is 2 days from today!). It's so all over the board, I wouldn't stress about it just yet....let's get those NOA2s from VSC first!

Yeah, I know you guys are right. Thank goodness I have all my decemberites to help keep me sane, I have a habit of letting my worries all pile up. I'll just stick to worrying about VSC right now, haha.

Mari, I was hoping for something a bit better for you! Its like they fondled you and then wouldn't stay the night! hahaha

As for the fitness challenge, I need to get on that! We have an elliptical so I will try and use that a bit more. I can only lose like 5-10 pounds because of how well my dress fit at my last fitting (I don't want to have to do alterations, haha) but I need to do that (and then maintain!)

Also why in the world does this ticker say 3 months 4 weeks? Isn't that 4 months! :P

Edited by Christine + Blake, 30 March 2011 - 09:36 AM.

Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-03-30 09:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Congratulations Kiwibird!

Dizzy, I think the more realistic countdown (however depressing!) is better in the long run. I will still have Blake on the phone on the regular once we hit 5 months though :P

Does anyone else feel like they still have a long wait even after NOA2? I notice everyone acting more like oh NOA2 and then we'll be together so soon! But it might be up to 5 months more for me (and anyone else filing in Montreal - Lise?) after that! (Although I hear there are lots of cancellations for interviews so I could always get an earlier date if I watch the list like a hawk, which I definitely will be!!)

VSC is giving me major anxiety, but certainly it can't get much slower? I think its time they realize that they need to figure something out and get a little extra help!
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-03-29 17:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

I was wondering why you changed the date also. So if you reschedule then you will have a civil ceremony to satisfy the visa requirements and then have the larger ceremony in May? My wedding date is scheduled for 11-12-11. I haven't even thought about rescheduling the date yet. I'm just crossing my fingers as well because now my fiance will apply for his visa in his home country (Guyana) and not Barbados. I have no idea how long the wait is for the interview. I figure if he has an interview no later than August or Sept, we should be good to go. Let's just all hope that happens :blink:

Good luck to you!

Yes, we will have a civil ceremony to satisfy the visa requirements and then we will have our big ceremony in May. Things are sort of up in the air right now because I am also waiting on some other (unrelated to visa) information that is going to make a difference in when and how we do things. Life is chaos right now! I just didn't want to take a chance on the wedding since my consulate is so slow and I don't know how things are going to go with my petition at USCIS. I have terrible luck, so I just know something would have gone wrong!

Good luck to you and I really hope you get everything taken care of in time so you can have your wedding as planned.

Right now we are trying to change the date, but our venue wants to keep our (LARGE) deposit and not let us use it on the new date. I'm very frustrated since she knows the situation, and it will be very hard for us to afford to lose that money. My step-dad is giving the venue a call today to try and sort it out so cross your fingers for us!
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-03-28 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

:whistle: Once Again...

How are the ladies bringing their fiances over doing the I-134? Its been a rough ride for us trying to figure out our financial situation... I just graduated from college and the job hunt is as slow as this process. Lots of stress put on both of us right now. Wondering how everyone else is doing...


Luckily my fiance is the American one and I am the beneficiary (I don't work currently), and he makes enough in a year in his job as a waiter that we won't need a co-sponsor - a big relief, even though his dad would have signed for us. Its like the one thing we don't have to worry about right now, thank goodness. Personally I'm still saving up all the money I can though, even though my parents will still be helping me financially while I'm still in school and all (luckily the cost of living down there is lower than it is up here!)
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-03-25 20:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Why would 11-11-11 be too close? mines 2 days after that = and in AUSTRALIA!!! your timeline suggests that you should have your NOA2 around end of may start of june....which means you have quite a fair bit of time after this and before keeping my fingers crossed for you....but stay positive...

I think we should all book a flight to vermont and start a protest lol!!!! :rofl:

fingers crossed- and SMILE...coz you know your fiance and you will get to be together for the REST OF YOUR LIVES.... (as soon as this stupid visa gets approved!!) hehehehe

I'm just worried that things will be held up even further, and my consulate is known for being a slow dark abyss where information goes to die. It'll probably be quite a wait after my NOA2 and I just don't want to take a chance on our wedding. The stress was just too overwhelming and I didn't have enough faith in USCIS and my consulate to get me there in time.

Definitely trying to stay positive, I just left my fiance after what will probably be my last visit until the move, on monday, so I'm having a hard few days at the moment.
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-03-25 20:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

I know how you feel, we are planning a July 9th wedding but I have been doing the math, even if the NOA #2 arrives in early May, it will be difficult to pull off. My work no longer allows vacation in August and September, so I am really hoping for the best here..

For July of this year? Thats quite close, I really really wish you luck.
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-03-25 15:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
We have (or now, had) our venue, caterer, dj, and photographer booked for 11-11-11. Since I can't afford to lose our money with a last second cancellation, and the way things are going at VSC, we have had to move the wedding :( I contacted all our vendors today about a May 4th wedding, so hopefully all will be understanding and let us change our reservation. I mean, its not like 11-11-11 will be a hard day to re-book!

I'm very disappointed that we had to do this, and I'm STILL stressed out that things will get even worse and May 4th won't be late enough either. This is all really getting to me, honestly. I won't likely be back to Atlanta until I have my visa, so I'm feeling very homesick (as it is my home) and beaten down. I know we'll still end up together no matter what, its just so frustrating and so UNFAIR.
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-03-25 11:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Kiria and Derek and Callie - 300 days sounds reasonable, but for my service center + consulate, it wouldn't work out for me unless things REALLY speed up. I hope both of you have everything work out in time.

Shawn - congratulations!!! I admit I'm extremely jealous, but I'm also very happy for you guys :)
Christine + BlakeFemaleCanada2011-03-22 21:00:00