United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Aaaaaaaghhhh I HAVE AN INTERVIEW DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Words cannot describe my happiness!!! Just checked and had a status update on the ceac website so I phoned the dos and my interview is scheduled for October 28th!!!!!!



jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-23 09:54:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

jola, thanks for the reply!! You're always super helpful. smile.png

You're welcome :-)

Well guys tommorow finally the big interview day for me ,arrived in London this morning to spend time with a friend.we just got back from checking out where exactly the embassy is .

Can't believe the day is almost here after all the waiting

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-21 10:26:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

For those of you also calling DoS, what do they say? They never use the term "logged" with me, just that they've been submitted and they have all of the paperwork. But.. different people say different things. One person said we were in AP, later said we were just waiting for an interview date.. then the last call was AP. Does AP *mean* waiting for an interview date? She also said they don't update it between received and when they put it in, so she said submitted probably means logged by what folks here say.  I'd love to know what terms they're using. I don't mind waiting for an interview if I at least know what day I'm waiting for!   Also, small confession, it really hurts to see people get NOA2s in 20-40 days now.. and know that not too long ago people got interviews just a week or two after their medicals were received. Somehow we've managed to apply at the worst time and get in many many urgh type of situations - bed bugs, transfers to texas, slooooow transfer to NVC, etc. 

Logged is just a word people use on here dos and the embassy have never used the term with me .if dos tell u your forms have been received that means they have been logged.AP means administrative process.I was told my file was in Ap/administrative process/waiting for a interview date once my forms were logged by both dos and the embassy .I think it just depends on who you speak to ,others will word it differently than another one.

So basically they have everything they need from you and your now just waiting for them to assign you a interview seems pretty common to wait around 5 weeks from the date your forms were logged to when you will get assigned a  interview date .although some seem to be waiting longer than that .your on the home stretch though ,hope u get your date soon :-)

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-19 04:00:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Wow I really thought you guys who had been waiting the same time as me would of heard around the same time as I did .it seems it's taking forever to get interviews just lately  .your time will come I know how stressful the wait is .keep your heads up

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-18 13:39:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?


I got an update on the 16th, and found out that it was them asking for the DS-2001 (which i had already submitted), and in the email it said to wait 4 weeks if I had sent it. Its now Oct 17th, and still nothing from them. They signed for our papers in August (27th), and logged them all except our DS 2001.

Have you thought about re sending ds 2001?

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-17 22:55:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Finally got an interview date!!! wooohoooo! October a week from this Friday!!!! Words can't even express my happiness right now! Yesterday was Ryans birthday so what a lovely late bday present to finally get a date! 7 weeks from tomorrow is when we sent our forms so a nice little wait!


jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-16 14:52:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

It's not been officially a month since the Embassy has received the medical results and they've done exactly ###### all.

Do you know if your ds forms have been logged or when they were logged?I had my medical 8th August and didn't receive my interview date til October 11th .it took them five weeks from receiving my forms to log them and then another five weeks after the logging before I received my interview date

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-16 01:10:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

I am super happy for you Jola83! Congrats. Your approval gives me hope that they are working on our case possibly, and lets me know for sure that they aren't at a complete stand still and are still working and processing visas.


My fiance and I are still waiting for an interview, the last update to our case was Sep 16th. They received packet 3 on the 27th of August, but still haven't logged our DS-2001 so we are waiting. Our wedding was supposed to be in 6 days, but since I didn't hear anything I moved it to December 10th just to be safe. I hope we hear something from them next week, and that all of you do as well.


Its been such an emotionally draining experience for us. I found myself arguing and blaming my fiance for little things that weren't his fault out of my own powerlessness, pain, and frustration. We've hung in there, and I've apologized, but this situation waiting for our interview after applying back in January really has brought us to the breaking point many times.


I think when you're far apart its easy to hyper focus on everything wrong in the relationship in situations where you feel helpless and powerless. I've apologized to my fiance, he's forgiven me and we're working to make this remaining time apart go smoothly as possible.


But I love him, I miss him, and this is a very tough process emotionally when other things like illness of family members, work issues etc are also in our lives crying for attention. Just a note to let you all know that I get it, and we'll get through this.


You're not alone everyone, this process is painful and frustrating. I can especially understand the go-getters like I am, people that pride themselves in having earned success and worked hard for it, to find yourself "waiting" for an interview without having a direct effect on it is hard. To know your loved one needs you physically for a hug (or you needing them for one) and not being able to do anything about it is hard. To realize that you may be blaming, acting jealous, acting hurtful, acting naggy or other negative things to someone you love based on the stresses of this processes is hard, and takes a lot of soul searching and self honesty. 


I just wanted to let you all know that I get, and we'll get through this! Anyone that need to talk please PM me, it'd do me good to help others as I learn how to handle helping myself through this process. goofy.gif

Thank you so much I'm guessing you didn't send your Ds-2001 form the same time as the other forms? How long ago did you send it ?

I definitely know what you mean through frustration there have been times I've taking things out on my fiance but he understands ,I think we both felt as helpless at each other.when we started this journey I couldn't wait for our file to reach London as I thought this was going to be the quicker/easier part ,but I've actually found it the most emotionally draining but I did when I changed my attitude this week and came to terms with the fact that the embassy will assign me a date whenever they feel good and ready that's when things started to change and I got my date!!

It's so so hard but when your waiting it's really best to try and put it to the back of your mind ,the more you think about it the  longer it seems to take  .

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-12 00:21:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

i dont understand why for some of you and others it takes so long for them to process forms, i had my medical tuesday 8th and the embassy had received the reports and mailed me my interview date for the 29th october all in the same day, the have a very weird way of organizing and doing things fairly!!

That's a question I often ask myself,I don't think we will ever know the answer

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-11 15:39:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Jola I'm going absolutely mental waiting on this interview! 6 weeks since we sent packet 3 forms off now and nothing! Was so hoping to head into the weekend with a date on the calendar sad.png



:-(  I had high hopes that you would off heard around the same time as me.I know how it feels to be left behind as its happened to me time and time again on here .since its now gone six weeks have u tried emailing the embassy again? I mean they do tell u to inform them after six weeks.I really hope you hear soon as I know that feeling of dread when another weekend creeps up and you still don't know.

I was frantically worrying for weeks and this week I've put it as far back in my mind as possible and things took a turn for the better .you'll get there :) it wouldn't hurt to email them though

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-11 15:27:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Looking out for CEAC update isn't always the best thing to do.I received no update regarding the logging of my forms or my interview being assigned .

Forms sent /medical 8th August

Medical logged 13th August

Forms logged 9th September

 4th Oct Embassy told me to wait approximately five weeks after my forms being logged to receive a interview date

Just going off gut feeling I call dos they confirm I have a interview date Oct 22nd

11th Oct packet 4 arrives dated 9,th October

So all In all I'm just a few days short of the five weeks wait after my forms being logged to receiving a interview date

Those of you still waiting ,hang in there your time is comming!

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-11 14:14:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

I received a email from the embassy this morning stating I can expect to receive a interview approx five weeks from the forms being logged before receiving a interview date, so taking into consideration it's taking the embassy around six weeks to log forms right now and then add the other five onto that,it could be possible to wait around 11weeks to receive a interview date!!

So me having my forms logged Sept 9th can expect to receive a interview date 5 weeks from that date,so looms like I could be waiting another two weeks to receive a interview date

Edited by jola83, 04 October 2013 - 01:26 PM.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-04 13:23:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Joining the waiting room!


Packet 3 forms sent August 29

Packet 3 forms logged September 6


I received an reply email from the embassy and a CEAC update on September 27 stating we needed to wait 4 weeks from the log this Friday! But nothing yet.


We filed our petition back in December so it's been a long long wait! Hopefully good news on Friday smile.png

Has anyone else heard of four weeks from logging of forms? From the most part it seems  people wait a week if  that for their interview date to be assigned once their forms are logged 

But two people are almost at four weeks since logging and I'm at 3 weeks since logging today ,when will this nightmare end *sigh*

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-03 14:08:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Yay!! Congratulations :-)

Visa approved biggrin.png


jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-01 13:47:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Best of luck to you,can't wait to hear how it went

Ps tell them to hurry up with my interview date ;) lol

It took them 5 working days from logging my forms to getting a date over the phone, so fingers crossed this week all be your week smile.png

On the tube into Central London now for my interview. Excited and nervous as expected. Zero sleep last night, wasn't a nice 2 hour drive at 5am to Hillingdon, but here now and should be in the queue at 8:30am.

Wish me luck guys!!


jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-01 02:16:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?


Any news on your packet 4? You guys have to be sooo close if not :/

Nope nothing :-( dos tell me all my forms are logged but no interview date .I've emailed the embassy to get no response ,I don't know what else I can do really other than wait it out

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-30 23:55:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Just  for everyones information when going to the visa information contact form on the embassy website,they  have changed it from stating it takes approximately four weeks from receiving all your documents to receiving your interview date,they now state it takes approximately six weeks!!

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-29 10:47:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

good luck to all who have your interviews this week xx

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-23 01:13:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

I've heard many people say the hold up is due to student visas but you would think the sensible thing to do at this time of year would be to run the interviews in the afternoon also or employ more people to stop the back log but I guess that would be too easy :-/

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-21 09:40:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Thank you AZ and Tracey, they told me they have my forms and are processing them last Thursday and I should expect to receive a interview date "shortly" so I was assuming I'd hear something this week but maybe my shortly is shorter than their shortly lol .I guess I should know something by next week as it really can't be "shortly" after two weeks

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-21 03:26:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

A few weeks back I would of been horrified at the thought of this but right now I'd be ecstatic if this was the case ,I think I'll be going past that date with the way things are going right now though

Comparison of consulates here http://www.visajourn...e-k1-historical
Using that, London is taking 81 days (based on VJ members with timelines) and trending up.

You don't have a timeline, but nobbie's does so using VJ averages, he will finish Oct 15.
Jola on Oct 20
Master Semaj Oct 28
Make a timeline and contribute to the stats.

May you all beat the averages.


jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-20 14:06:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Seriously how long does it take to log forms?!?  I received an email a week ago today informing me my forms were currently being processed and a week later they are still not seems like this nightmare will never end.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-19 13:32:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

I'm sure what you wrote is just fine :-) it took them the five days that the website states for them to reply to me ,but once they email you it's a little easier to contact them as they say to give 3 days for a response ,which it normally is  apart from the time they emailed me within a hour

I was the same constantly checking for updates but I think I started to drive myself nuts so I had actually stopped checking untill they sent the email saying my forms are currently being processed and now I'm back to checking limited myself to once a day lol but I'm actually going to stop checking again for a few days.

I know it's really hard and I'm in the same boat as me and my fiance can't think of anything else either and I know having a wedding date makes it more stressful but  just try to limit yourself from checking and keep busy.I've started to sort out things that I'm going to pack to take to try and keep positive /excited about leaving as I found the more I check for updates the more stressed I become

Thank you for this, seeing others in the same/similar position really helps. Appreciate it! Trying so hard to keep positive, but neither of us can focus on anything else. I must be checking my case status update 20 times a day sad.png lol.

Here's hoping we here back soon, how long did it take for the embassy to reply to your email?

Here's what I sent this morning, hope it sounds okay in the small comment section:

Good morning,

Case number:LND2013XXXXXX

All my completed DS forms and DS-2001 readiness forms were submitted four weeks ago and signed for special delivery (signed by X XXXX tracking XXXXXGB) but upon contacting the DOS every few days, the forms have not yet been logged.
Me and my fiancée have marriage arrangements for October 12th, can you please please advise & help with the arrangement of an interview date ASAP? I am available 24/7 with just a days notice for an interview for cancellations/gaps available.

I hope to hear from you ASAP and greatly appreciate your help.

Many thanks,
Matthew Nickless


Edited by jola83, 17 September 2013 - 01:35 PM.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-17 13:28:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

This is what I don't understand, how some cases can be processed and forms logged straight away, and others left waiting? Not directed at you Kejalladwa, just using your situation as an example, as my forms were signed for by the embassy on Aug 21st, medical on Aug 31st (and that's been logged) but our forms haven't been logged, so I'm worrying everyday thinking the worst, forms may be lost at embassy etc. I sent a revised cover letter on Friday, with additional text in bold stating original documents were signed for on Aug 21st, and can they please advise when they will be processed and an interview date assigned as I'm available 24/7 hoping for our Oct 14th wedding

If it helps at all as soon as I reached the four week Mark they responded to my email asking what date did I send my forms ,I told them and I received a email a hour later saying "please be assured as soon as your forms are logged you will receive a interview date,we understand you plan to marry in November". So I knew they must of looked at my forms to know my wedding it seems they were able to dig out my forms from me telling them the date I sent them.

I then sent another email to get them to confirm they received my forms to which they responded to to say my forms are currently being processed etc 

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-17 13:17:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Yea I used the contact form via the website,it's crazy but it seems that's the only way to contact them,they just seem to be behind schedule right now .here's hoping neither of us have to wait much longer

Hope your process moves along v soon. We're in a similar position to you, forms signed for Aug 21st (4 weeks tomo) and they haven't been logged, sent an email last Tuesday with no reply. As it's under the 4 week mark, I wasn't sure to expect a reply or not, but sent another today. Can I ask, what way did you contact the Embassy? Through the London Embassy website, then selecting 'check fiancé visa status', or did you email to a direct email address?

I'll be contacting them tomorrow. It's so disheartening sad.png


jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-17 13:10:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

*sighhhh* had my medical and sent my forms on August 8th and still waiting!!! As of last week my forms still hadn't been logged although I did receive a email from the embassy on Thursday in reply to a email I sent them confirming my forms had been received and currently being processed and I should expect to receive a interview date shortly however no sign of a ceac update since confirming the logging of my forms ,so not sure what to think but the point is I'm still waiting with over a month past and the depressing part is alot of people on my time line have interviews next week

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-17 12:25:00
United Kingdomhello vj friends

Hey guys ,

Just stopping by as its been awhile,hope everyone is doing seems a lifetime ago since all the stress with the k1 visa.but really it wasn't too long ago I guess.

I've been in Colorado springs a little over a month now.I've settled in really well and loving it here.I'm sure frustrations of not being able to work yet will kick in at  some point but so far I'm loving life and loving being able to spend everyday with the man I love who I can now call my husband!!

Our wedding was perfect in every way all the wait,stress and heartache was well worth it.

We are just awaiting the return of our marriage certificate so we can file for adjustment of statues and all that fun stuff lol.

Everything has been great apart from a pick up truck backing into my husband's new car whilst we were parked in the social security car park *smh* 

Wishing everyone a merry Christmas and hope everyone is doing well xxxx




jola83FemaleEngland2013-12-13 17:03:00
United KingdomLondon Interview

We're so excited!  I just called the Department of State and my fiance's interview is scheduled for November 25th in London.  So, what all do we really NEED to bring to the interview in London to show proof of our relationship?  It seems like London isn't as strict as some of the others, and I know they don't ask to see everything.  Here's what we were thinking if anyone has had their interview in London and can let us know if we're on the right track.


- The packet that was sent with the i-129f

- Pictures from every trip

- Boarding passes

- Skype chat logs

- Some Facebook conversations, about one or two a month on months that we weren't visiting each other.


Do you think this will be enough?  Anything we're leaving out?  Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

You won't need any of that,all you need is your interview letter passport ,two visa size passport photos,financial support forms that should of been sent to you by you fiance ,birth certificate plus a photocopy.police certificate plus a photocopy.

I haven't read of anyone needing additional evidence in London.I took a few  photos as a just in case but wasn't easked  for anything like that

Edited by jola83, 24 October 2013 - 12:33 PM.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-24 12:32:00
United KingdomJust on my way back from interview

Really sorry what you're going through. Really sucks that you're made to suffer from a simple mistake their end. Hope it resolves itself soon, and I'm sure it will. It's interesting how Nich Nick said that when they have chit-chat with you that they're really analysing your behaviour. I never really thought of that at the time. I was just chatting away to the Knightsbridge doctor about all sorts of stuff and thought she was just being friendly, didn't think she was analysing my mood etc.

Me too!! I never thought of it that way either I was just chatting away and just thought the doctor was friendly .kind of make sense now as she noticed I was on edge straight away and I told her I had a fear of needles so wasn't looking forward to the blood test so I was nervous .she said she normally does the blood test last but she would get it out the way .I thought she was being nice but in reality she probably wanted to see if I'd act the same way after I'd got the dreaded blood test out the way .

So sorry you are going through this Anne really hope it gets sorted soon best of luck

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-29 16:39:00
United KingdomJust on my way back from interview

Got an appointment for next friday the 11th. This is just so strange why he needs to go back for another medical. I can't find any information about this. Guess we are in uncharted territory. Wish us luck. 

How odd as you would think if they wasn't happy with everything he wouldn't of been assigned a interview date.really hope he doesn't have to pay again,but best of luck 

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-01 15:15:00
United KingdomJust on my way back from interview

Oh no :( all this AP stuff makes my heart sink are they even allowed to do it without any explanation as to why? .

Wishing u all the very best and may the next step of the journey be speedy


And AZ glad u getting sorted it states on the embassy website as long as it's a certified copy it's fine and many people on here say it's fine  so you good :-) 

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-26 15:50:00
United KingdomJust on my way back from interview

Oh gosh what a headache but things like this can be expected when we are all anxious,I'm pretty sure you have nothing what so ever to worry about ,I read your review and as the lady said the interview it self went  fine .the positive In all of it is they actually give you the chance to send back to them what they need and don't just deny it there and then,

You will be fine I just know it :) 

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-24 14:58:00
United KingdomJust on my way back from interview


Thanks Jola, any news?

I called dos today and they told me my forms are logged but no interview date yet,I guess that's something though huh??

If you don't mind me asking what was it that made them not sure about your birth certificate? Was it because it wasn't the original copy .mine isn't my original but it's a official copy which people on here seem to think will be fine

jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-24 12:08:00
United KingdomJust on my way back from interview
Aww im really sorry to hear this but im sure once they have what they need it will be fine :) just a little hurdle to cross
jola83FemaleEngland2013-09-24 08:30:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

*hops from foot to foot*


Interview tomorrow, gaaahhh! star_smile.gif

Good luck!!!I got approved today :-D got in and out the embassy within a  hour!! .


What do I look for regarding ceac now?it updated today but still says ready

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-22 09:27:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

The way see it is if they haven't stated on their website certain things we need to bring they can't really complain about people not having them,it says nothing on the website about us having to take these  New ds forms so I'm not going to .if no one who's had their interview recently has been turned away for not having them ,we should all be fine :-)

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-19 03:51:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

The embassy told us that we can expect to wait approximately 4 weeks from the log date of our papers for an appointment to be issued. This past Friday was 4 weeks so I sent them an email at the end of the day Friday and got a response with the word "approximately" bolded. I guess I need to be a little more patient with it but that's easier said than done. My fiancé rented his house out in Scotland on October 1 thinking he'd be here by then sad.png Luckily he has some great parents who he's moved in with while we wait for the appointment!


I'll keep you guys updated when we hear something and please do the same smile.png Good Luck to you all!

Same here I'm back in my mum's spare room like I'm a teenager again,it's definitely easier said than being done when it comes to begin patient at this stage,I think it's because we know how close we are yet  we are forced to wait some more.

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-07 23:51:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

So then my next question is this:

If my fiancee doesn't receive an interview date by end of November, can she fly to U.S. with me on ESTA Visa and stay for Christmas (approximately 1 month)? Then, once she's notified of interview date (via email), she can return to London for the interview?


I'll be in London at end of November to visit and would like her to return with me to U.S.. The plans were for her to return with me to U.S. under her K1 Visa, but it looks like she's not going to get an interview date in time based on what I've read on here this week.


Thanks again guys.

Yes there is nothing stopping her from traveling on  ESTA but I guess the only worry of that is the embassy notify people about interviews by having it mailed by letter not email,so there is a chance she could receive a letter whilst being in states and end up missing her interview date,so if you do that make sure  there is so one who can check her mail to see if her interview date turns up whilst she is gone

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-07 01:34:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I totally agree with you. Plenty mixed information from them. I am now to understands it's not just the 4 weeks after they recieve the forms.
You send in the forms they log it in 4 weeks later. Then 4-6 weeks after they log the forms in you get a interview letter dated another 4 weeks ahead for the interview date. So essentiall likely a 3 months wait to be interviewed. If you sent your forms on the 6th sept and had update on the CEAC four weeks later that's just your forms being logged on. There is still a additional 4-6 weeks wait to get a letter for interview. Sucks! But what can we do but wait for them to be ready in their own time. Meanwhile plans for weddings will need to be changed and delay in buying ticket too. Let us know if you hear anything else from them since we both have the same timeline. They received my forms on the 3 rd of September CEAC just updated 4th October which was only the forms being logged on so additional 4-6 weeks wait for interview. I think I am looking at a interview dat around December from what I hear.

just FYI,you and diamond do not have the same timeline from what I can make out diamonds forms were logged 6th September and you say yours were logged a few days back,when the embassy say they are in receipt of your forms or they have been received in the embassy,that's there way of saying they are logged.I think the term logged is just something people use on here .the embassy saying they have received your forms and logged are pretty much the same thing.

Look at it like this ,I sent my forms 8th August, so they made it to the embassy August 9th BUT the embassy didn't acknowledge them being received untill September 9th as they were just sitting in a envelope waiting to be opened

Even though I knew my forms were received by the embassy they didn't untill they opened up the envelope on September 9th ,

"As you have been previously advised your required forms were received in the embassy on  September 9th and are  currently being processed,you can expect to receive a date and time approximately five weeks from that date"

That's what the embassy sent me Friday 

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-06 12:50:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

When did you have it logged on. Just trying to see the difference in our timelines.

They logged my forms Sept 9th but I actually sent them August 8th so I think that makes me. About a month ahead of u as far as timelines go

jola83FemaleEngland2013-10-05 13:03:00