Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Proving Extreme Hardship!!??
So giving I have very good arguements and better proof of them and also getting an attorney to help me through the process would it be far fetched to say there is a possibility of her somehow being able to come back for spring time or summer?? This is just a give or take a little question obviously no one knows for sure. I am asking these questions while getting everything ready and doing other research so I dont want anyone to think im just sitting around asking stupid questions but it helps me get a outlook on everything because all of you have great feedback. Just was wondering because I want my son to be raised here and want them both back as soon as possible and dont want to get to the point or even think about having to take the baby away from her if he is getting older because eventually he will live his entire life here and I just want him here as soon as possible... Thanks everyone
Altiman14MaleUkraine2010-11-03 22:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Proving Extreme Hardship!!??
I realize it's congress who makes the rules and understand completely its not the choice of the people who work there but I was saying that out of a bit of anger.. and as far as the "beat the system" comment that was also out of a little anger, just upset with it all. There will be no lieing what so ever and we are going to use accurate and very good arguements to try and "prevail" and hopefully we do. As far as an attorney goes it seems like there are no immigration attorneys around and very hard to come by exspecially one with knowledge and experiance in waiver situations, also some people have told me not to use an attorney and some have even said if immigration finds out an attorney was used its an automatic denial. Any thoughts? Also personally I think we have such good arguments for the waiver that it isnt going to be to difficult or time consuming its just a matter of laying the information out properly and with great information and proof.. Not saying its going to be easy and nothing will be difficult along the way just dont see a reason for an attorney at this point. That might change later on but we'll see. Thoughts? I have also read some other couples in this position and there timelines for all packets,visa's or petition forms and some have been so lucky to have theres approved in a few weeks to a couple months, others a few months and closer to a year, so it really just depends on information and arguements? It just seems like such a dramatic wait period fluctuation in all different cases and I dont understand that really.. what is the biggest factor in moving this process along quickly and smoothly? Thanks to you all for always responding to me too. I appreciate it

Edited by Altiman14, 01 November 2010 - 09:56 PM.

Altiman14MaleUkraine2010-11-01 21:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Proving Extreme Hardship!!??
ok thanks so basically we have 2 options of a waiver after the K-1 is denied? And yes the child will be one point of topic in any waiver because I want it to be raised in the US and I think our family as a whole is better of in the US then Ukraine which is obvious. I dont think she would have any problem getting a very good job lined up so we dont know what waiver we are going to prepare. The waiver is what we are doing to try and eliminate the 3 year ban and have several very good arguments ready to try and prove but nothing seems easy and nothing will be easy with immigration. Its a sad sad thing and the rules a guidelines are all wrong in some situations and its awful the people who work for immigration and the people who make these laws dont realize it. Its almost like its a robot and no human being is working for them or makes the decisions. When talking about guarenteed denial in any situation just shows there is no heart and nothing matters to anyone who makes the calls with immigration and I think a lot of people would agree with me. Hopefully the waiver and even us as individuals for that matter will beat the system and have all good things to say shortly! haha I will love and only say positive things about it when they say APPROVED
Altiman14MaleUkraine2010-10-31 22:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Proving Extreme Hardship!!??
First of all I never told her to lie and she never would lie about something this serious so I dont know where that came from.. That would never happen. She has only been gone for a little over 2 months and I know I have asked the same question twice but I just like to ask and ask because in some wierd way it makes it easier to talk to people who have gone through similar situations so if your getting annoyed BROKENFAMILY I apolagize. I am working on the waiver already and the K-1 is going to be sent out. I find it ridiculous and unreal that immigration is this hard for a situation where a kid is involved and she came here legally twice on appropriate visas for her master degree and to work at a special needs camp and a few months overstay will trigger such a dramatic result. I know its the law and the law is the law. I guess in 3 years I will get to see my kid and periodically spend hundreds of dollars to just visit a week at a time. Thanks anyway for all your help people and I appreciate the info.
Altiman14MaleUkraine2010-10-30 01:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Proving Extreme Hardship!!??
No she was here on a Education/work visa and she overstayed but we filled out the K-1 Visa and are hoping to get that approved and I understand the overstay and what that brings to the table so I was wondering how to prove extreme hardship.. Is there anyway she could slip through the cracks or maybe sneek by with the K-1 because she is giving birth to my kid and if not is the waiver going to be easier if she is the mother of my kid? Its all so confusing and myself and family will do what needs to be done to get her back I am just hoping there is a slim chance at best they might understand our situation and not require the waiver!! I dont know I just want her and my little boy back here as soon as possible.. She has her Masters degree and never got into trouble with the law or used anything or took anything for grantid while she was here and "overstayed"... What do you guys think? I appreciate all the help even if its just a short sentence, anything helps me out right now so thank you
Altiman14MaleUkraine2010-10-25 20:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Proving Extreme Hardship!!??
My Fiancee and I just did all the paperwork for the K-1 Visa and she overstayed about 9 months past her Visa date and we both know she will get denied and have to fill the Waiver out but I was reading about it and some people say its easy and you dont need a bunch of information and some say its really tough and a pain but I was just wondering what the best arguements are?? She is from Ukraine and is pregnant with my kid which will be born mid December so I was hoping someone on here has had a very similar situation with good news and better advice!!?? I want to start preparing it now so I can get her back here with the kid for spring.. (hopefully) Thanks
Altiman14MaleUkraine2010-10-21 19:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Fiance Visa
Ok so the baby will be able to come to the US with little to no problems correct? and yes we are just filing a normal K-1 and should have that done shortly and in the meantime I am going to have the waiver started and ready to send out. How long do you think it will actually take? I am a US citenzen and have been my entire life so I dont see why it would be complicated.. The hard part should be getting her here

Edited by Altiman14, 30 September 2010 - 12:03 PM.

Altiman14MaleUkraine2010-09-30 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Fiance Visa
Ok so going to Ukraine really wont speed up or help the situation dramatically and doesnt seem that much better of an option... I am almost done with the K-1 Fiance visa forms and almost ready to send them out. As the child goes... I shouldnt say anything about her being pregnant with my child and basically kind of hide it? I would think that would help the cause a great amount. When that child is born I can have it come to America right away correct or at least within a few months???? As far as DHS properly collecting her information on leaving the states she said they didnt stamp her deported or anything, she just gave them the ticket and simply got on the plane but she did overstay almost a year maybe even a little more. I am sure she will get denied the K-1 so I am going to start doing research on the waiver process and start getting that packet together and ready. I JUST WANT MY OLGA BACK AND THIS WHOLE PROCESS IS CONFUSING AND SO MUCH STUFF TO PREPARE AND THINK ABOUT!! I always thought you could just go to a country as a US Citizen and marry whoever and they could come back and I never and I know she never thought an overstay would be this dramatic even when she really didnt harm the country or violate any laws or abuse anything. I am so sorry if I ask the same things numerous times I am just overwhelmed and so confused. I am expecting a baby boy and I dont know if I will get to see his first year or 2 and I was expecting to marry my girlfriend of 3 and a half years next may and that just doesnt seem realistic anymore.... I am just scared of how long this will actually take and I get hope some days it will be a short smooth process and others I read something different and it seems like I wont see both of them for years, its bad enough I wont see my own baby be born. Thanks everyone I'm just venting a little to people who understand, sorry
Altiman14MaleUkraine2010-09-29 22:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Fiance Visa
Ryan H- We have kept in touch the entire time she has left and to be honest we knew she was pregnant before she left but I think both of us were not expecting it to be like this and the overstay being that much of a factor.. So now knowing she is probably going to be denied I am going to start a hardship waiver packet as soon as the K-1 is sent out.

JimVaPhuong- So its an automatic she will be banned and the K-1 visa attempt is basically going to be used just so we can file a hardship waiver? Thats what it sounds like to me and its just ridiculous all these laws and how severe the punishment is.. I mean she never got in trouble with the law, never collected welfare or did anything to use America just to be here and live easy, she went to school and worked her tail off. Is there any chance I could just go to Ukraine and marry her there? or is that not even a possibility? I will check the waiver section of the forums but what your saying about presenting the waiver packet at the interview mean I should send that out along with the K-1 at the same time so when she goes for an interview she can present it then and not have to wait another long period of time for the waiver to go through its entire process again?
Altiman14MaleUkraine2010-09-24 18:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Fiance Visa
Ukraine does not allow dual citizenship!!?? So if she gets approved the baby is just screwed and has to stay there even though it is my child?? I dont understand that rule and I know I have to go through all the steps we are pretty much done and ready to send out the k-1 packet but some people say one thing and others say another. This entire thing is so confusing and gets to me because half of it is pointless. We have proof of relationship through lease statements, bills, phone records ect.. What else can I do? Is it pretty much a given she will be denied or is there any hope what so ever? I am kind of have mixed feelings about this now and we are ready to send out the first packet. I feel like now there is no way she can get approved and if by any chance she does get granted a interview they will know about the baby once they look at her. I mean I guess I just want to understand more about this dual citizenship and undestand the meaning behind it and if the baby is mine and im a US citizen why do I even need to have anything granted? Its my child and she is my fiance!!! Where do I go after I send out the packet what do I do besides wait and start the hardship waiver packet which I was panning on doing anyway? Any information is useful and I didnt mean to throw stuff out there thats not neccesary but its the truth and I wanted to tell the whole story so you people would know what the real situation is.
Altiman14MaleUkraine2010-09-23 16:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Fiance Visa
Basically I am in America and want my Fiance Olga to come back as soon as possible and it just seems like this entire visa stuff is endless and almost impossible to complete. Olga and I have been together for 3 years now after meeting at a summer camp we both worked at for people with special needs and which she originaly came here for on a legal work visa (I dont know which one it was exactly) so since then we have lived together and been just like any other normal couple in America. Olga then attended Sacred Heart University and extended her visa once and again I dont know the exact visa she got approved for but the second time she went to renew it and the University kinda took there time and she ended up being denied so she overstayed knowingly for about a year and worked under the table at very nice pizza place. In June I asked her to marry me and she said yes. To make a long story short she went home for a reason I dont want to really put out there and then found out she was 3 months pregnant with my kid so I am wondering how exactly is the best way to get her here fast and what is going to happen about her overstaying??? We are in the process of the K1 visa and have completed all the forms and just need to get pictures and all the proof of relationship requirments done. I guess I just want to hear from someone who went through all of this because its difficult and she is getting irritated im not listening to her enough.. Any help would be great. Thanks
Altiman14MaleUkraine2010-09-21 23:09:00