ChinaWhy no posts on consulate reviews?

Why have there been no consulate reviews under China since Dec 5? I have been anxious to hear how the interviews are going since they changed to the new system on Dec 6. Has nobody been interviewed since then? or just nobody bothered to tell us about their interview? I go over the posted interview questions with my Fiancee everyday, but the posted interviews are getting old and stagnent. We need to hear about some new interviews, Please. Thanks

Hi Speedytax,

Here is another link from the same web site and give a good example of one person's account of the interview after the new process on Dec.

Now I'm don't read Chinese and speak very very very little of it. My wife and I speak English so I'm grateful for you bilingual expertise.

What I did is used the google toolbar on the website and have it automatically translate the chinese into english. It comes out ok. sentence structure is interesting to read and follow sometimes. It was helpful information.

Anyways, get the googletoolbar setup on the google web site to translate this for you.

Another way is just go to this link

This link will do the translation on the google site of the bbs link I gave you. You can put any chinese link in the google translate URL text field on the page and click Translate to do another one.

I link I gave you is for a CR-1 (I saw your profile listed as K-1). At least you get the idea hopefully on the process with the translation.


Edited by esd2004, 06 January 2011 - 11:04 PM.

esd2004MaleChina2011-01-06 23:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

Wow!! So much has happened while I was in China. It seems like we had 3 members getting their approval notice! I am still in a battle with my lawyer to finish up the NVC process. I totally regret hiring them because not only they SLOWED this whole process, they are also not familier with the electronic process which frustrates me even more. I wanted to send some picture to the NVC but they are forbidding me to do so as well... I totally regret hiring them.


Hi Anna,

It's 8:12am in Zhuhai now and my wife and I will be going to a hot springs today.

Anna, I really fill for you on this one. A lawyer is nice when there are difficulties in the case. I really feel the pictures I sent of my wife and I on some of our trips together (sent electronically during NVC really helped us).

esd2004MaleChina2011-02-03 19:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

Edited by esd2004, 30 January 2011 - 06:46 AM.

esd2004MaleChina2011-01-30 06:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010
Well my wife recieved her PINK on January 28th in Guangzhou. Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

I will be doing a detailed forum write-up when I am feeling better.

My wife Posted Image took me to one of the hostipals in Guangzhou because I was not feeling well. After a chest xray and blood wit showed I had a mild case of bacterial infection and that expained my drop of energy level in my body and coughing.

Anyways I'm getting better and both my wife Xing and I are happy that this part is over. We are now (Jan 30th) in Shenzhen. I current request to mother nature is for the weather to be warmer. Posted Image

I will say that with electonic filing and being able to upload key photos and Evolution statements and also supportive documentation of the marriage and relationship, they didn't ask to see any of that paperwork as physical documents.

All they asked for was the required documents on document day.

Her document day had more questions related to her time in Norway as a teenager.

On her interview day a few more question about Norway but once she showed them my passport, said I visted with her counting now as 5 times, and said I was in the cafeteria waited for her the VO processed her approval quickly.

esd2004MaleChina2011-01-30 06:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

Hey Eric - just following up -
so - that day - that was the 'notice of case complete' from NVC. Cool - some people get it, some don't -
but when I reviewed yer timeline moments ago - wei ! yer set for the 27th of January Interview - YAY !!!

Don't forget - this is a 2 day process now for Immigrant Visa Interviewees - relax, don't stress out, la .

Thank you Darnell!!!!

I'll help you with the emails and PDF's they sent me when I get to China. I'm leaving at 11:20 AM PST on 1/22. I still have to finish the packing and get some sleep.

esd2004MaleChina2011-01-22 03:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

guys, my husband's visa was approved yesterday at GUZHANGZHOU. :dance:
AlSO, Darnell, can you tell me where i need to write all the process just in case some people need more information about electical processing program in China? i will it's really helpful and fast.
Just tell me where to write and i will do that.
thank you .

Yeah....Chinese New Year vacation next week.......wonderful! :whistle:

wopu..i must too happy and press the POST bottom 3 times...haha~ :rofl:

golden101 That is very good news for the two of you!!!! :dance: :star: :yes: :D :)

My wife is having her document day on Jan 27th and Interview on Jan 28th. in Guangzhou.

So any information you can provide us is just how do I say this, B-) , pun intended, Golden.

esd2004MaleChina2011-01-13 22:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

Hey Guys - sorry I've not been around much - new farm, new city, new everything...

I'll try to catch up with week - but -
if you have specific need for THIS week - today -
please - post a comment on my profile - I'll review tonight.


Congratulations on the new area Darnell!

Personally I don't have any questions right now. Just getting my Trip to Nanjing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and maybe Hangzhou during my Wife's Interview on Jan 27 and 28 in Guangzhou.

esd2004MaleChina2011-01-03 17:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

Hi, Eric, Congratulations! good luck for your interview. Our interview date is exactly a week ahead of you. I will be in GUZ that week, but can not stay longer because of my work. Happy new year! Zwuu

Thank you zwuu!

I saw that there were four of us on the China's Portal section here at VJ for January.

Take good care with the preparation in having everything in order for a much successful PINK! :star: so the two of you can be together in the U.S.

I saw your postings (I think they were in the CFV web site also) regarding the tax return. Do what's best that you feel is required.

esd2004MaleChina2010-12-31 15:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

Happy Time :dance:

My wife and I received our (STD P4 APP) email from NVCINQUIRY in the afternoon on 12/30 with our interview date in the enclosed 5 page PDF attachment.

The enclosed information pertains to XING XXXX's interest in immigrating to the United States of
America. The National Visa Center (NVC) has completed its processing of XING XXXX 's petition, case
number GZO2010XXXXXX; and forwarded it to the American Embassy/Consulate in GUANGZHOU

An immigrant visa interview has been scheduled for the applicant at the U.S. Embassy/Consulate in
GUANGZHOU ELECTRONIC on January 27, 2011 at 12:30 pm.

This is very good news. Now it's time to price out the flight to China and get my vacation scheduled when I go back to the office next week.

esd2004MaleChina2010-12-30 20:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

Hi, Eric:
Congradulations! I am very happy for you! Never know may be you will have interview in January!!!!

Quick question, Did you file your tax return with single/household status or you filed joint return for 2009?

I did it with single/household status because I didn't know we can file joint return despite my wife does not have social security number. They say it is a red flag not to file joint return. I can file an addendum for 2009 tax return
,however my wife has to obtain a TIN number first, This process takes longer than two weeks. I don't know what to do.
I just hope red flag is not equal to automatically white slip. I hope they can pay more attention to what I have not wI don't have. Again, Congrat! ZWUU

Hi zwuu,

Thank your for the Congrat! I to hope that my wife and I can squeak into the January Interview time period.

Regarding the taxes. I personally think you will be ok. I looked at your profile and you mentioned Dec 7th of 2009. Taking that into consideration I can see having your filling still be single being a few months from the time of the marriage.

Have you changed your witholding now on the W4 to married? I did this in Sept and then made an adjustment of the number of allowances this week.

I'm betting if you sift though all the posting on VJ you will most likely not find this one year of filing right after your marriage to be an issue.


Edited by esd2004, 23 December 2010 - 08:15 PM.

esd2004MaleChina2010-12-23 20:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010
Well this morning when I woke up I checked my email on my phone and I got this as part of the message:

Dear Sir/Madam:
All documentation necessary to complete the National Visa Center's processing of your case has been received. As soon as an interview date has been scheduled, the applicant, petitioner and attorney (if applicable) will be notified.
The applicant should NOT make any travel arrangements, sell property, or give up employment until the US Embassy or Consulate General has issued a visa.
The US Embassy or Consulate General may require additional documentation at the time of the interview.

I also went to the portal to check and I received a SIF. I am very very happy everything is moving forward in the right direction! :star: :dance: :D :yes:


esd2004MaleChina2010-12-23 19:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

Hi, Eric:

Cheer up! Have you talked to anybody of NVC? I mean "real person". I would confirm with them you really got a RFE. And more specifically what need to be submitted. May be you did receive an email from them regarding this RFE. As far as they told you they have not received your resubmission, I think that might have something to do with the efficiency of their work. It is possible they are already in your case file, just they have not touched your file yet.
Or they touched but they have not complete reviewing process. Also it is possible they finished reviewing but they have not send you another Email yet. Take my interviewing date as example, most people they will receive email of
interviw date within a week after CC. But up to today I have not received anything yet. I got my interview date from
talking to the NVC operator. I guess electronic filing does have its drawback, it is difficult for people to check
the progress. Supposedly I think should be easier, but electronic filing still need real people to review those stuff
And real people make decisions and send you email. I tend to believe there are quite a few petitioners using
electronic filing to save some Visa journey time, and the NVC staff they are not too efficient for this new pilot
program. So my friend hang in there. Like you said talk to a real person may be supervisor, ask for the facts and
recommendation. Good luck! Zwuu

Thank you Zwuu for your encouragement.

I have been talking with the Operator's though out the process. In the beginning they would tell me the AOS information was missing so I would a listen and send it again. First I sent it on the 11/19. Then I sent the DS230 docs on 11/27. Later in conversations they would tell me show a date of 12/2 and not sure what that means. Then later they said the Norway Police record was missing. I sent that in one package but at least knew they were processing the DS230. So I talk with them and state it is missing. So I send it again and check with them and they have a date down and don't know what it means. then I get a Checklist letter. What's interesting is the checklist letter is coming from NVCINQUIRY and not NVCElectronic. Actually, does NVCElectronic every send emails? I know now because I have never received an email from NVCElectronic in all this time.

Any emails I have gotten were from NVCINQUIRY even though I have a GZO case number. Anyways, just this morning, 12/18 I received another Checklist letter from NVCINQUIRY for the same information I sent them already. If I sent it a 4th time it becomes crazy.

I have been talking to humans for awhile now and getting answers and doing what they are telling me to do and this is still happening. I will talk with them again on Monday and hopefully we can get to an end to all this and the processing can be completed.

What would be helpful for all of us is if they were upfront and provided more helpful information to people about the electronic process on their web site so that way they can help to calm the emotions of people going through this process. I would rather have more information. Oh Well!

esd2004MaleChina2010-12-18 13:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

Good luck at ur interview! Let us know how it goes!

My husband has a criminal in China as well. It was from when he was 19... for a fighting incident... Hopefully, its not a huge deal...

Hi diamondeve21,

I hope it all goes well for you and your husband.

All my wife's police documents show no criminal history so she is good there and everything seems to be in it's proper place of submition.

It is just strange that I would send my AOS documentation two times and get an RFE for it still being missing and then send it again???? Go Figure!

And then the same thing goes for my wife's Norway Police certificate??? This time I send the certificate along with the scanning of the envelope and her email conversation with the Norway Police to show proof? For NVC to say it's missing just baffles the mind of both my wife and myself??????

I don't know anymore. All day yesturday I lost energy about this. What can a person do at this point when documents get emailed to NVCElectronic and I receive auto replays through the course of time and these documents would show missing. Oh Well. I just trying to deal with my own internal depression about this now.

esd2004MaleChina2010-12-18 09:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

Hi, Eric,
How are things come along? I hope you are able to make some progress toward your CC. I got my CC on 12-9-10, but I have not heard a word from NVC since then. I made a phone call tonight and the operator gave me my interview date, which is 1-20-2011. And he also told me they will send Email in a few days. Another thing is about packet 4 which will be sent to us also via Email. Tonight I really had mixed feeling toward knowing our interview date, excited and a little bit nervous. I guess I read too many denial cases on the net. I hope every one of us will get a pink the first try. Good luck to all of us, I will keep you posted about our interview experience. Zwuu.

Hi Zwuu,

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :star:

I would be grateful if I was having as much success that you were having.

I wife has a Norway Police document showing now criminal history but for some reason they are stating this document is missing?????

I received a email for NVC for the first time in a very long time with a cover letter PDF. So I will be sending them the Norway document again for the third time????? ####### is going on with them and also after sending my AOS package already two times they still don't have it.

What to do? It's time to talk with a supervisor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

esd2004MaleChina2010-12-16 20:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

Oh okay Thanks! And also, everything need to be in PDF format right?

Thanks Again!

That is correct! :thumbs:
esd2004MaleChina2010-12-14 03:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

I have a question for those who emailed everything. I know it is not required but you guys email any pictures or proof or relationship docs along with the DS 230?

Hi diamondeve21,

Along with the email that had the DS230 PDF package I also sent our Proof of Married Relationship PDF with a few photos from each visit I had with my wife from the beginning until the present time to show a history. This was to bring support to the evolution of the relationship documentation that both my wife and I created and included in the PDF document.

esd2004MaleChina2010-12-14 02:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010


I think everything will be OK, all you need is time and patience. My understanding you mailed out your AOS packet and DS-230 packet in different time. NVC has to receive everything before they can give you CC. So you mailed out DS-230 on late November, you should get your CC next week sometime, I think. Mine took about 17 days after I mailed out those two packet. So count 17 days from the day you mailed out your last DS-230 and upfront loading documents, I am sure you will get response next week. I did too send those upfrount loading material on NOV 29, I guess those extra documents did not affect their speed to handle this matter. As a matter of fact this is the only mail I send out with NEW GZO number. I sent both DS-230 and AOS packet by using old case number on NOV 23 after the operator of NVC told me I have new number generated but not available at that time. The new case number arrived a week later through Email. The bottom line I think they have received your stuff but they didn't do anything until both DS-230 and AOS arrived. Good luck! Zwuu

Thank you zwuu for the encouragment. :)

I contacted NVC AVR system on Saturday morning and go the "THE NVC HAS REVIEWED YOUR DOCUMENTS AND FOUND MISSING ..." and said it sent a checklist on 12/10/2011.

So I will be making a call into the operator on Monday 12/13 to see if this is true or a false RFE. I was pretty good in the assembly of all the AOS and IV PDF packages (emails). I good thing is at least there was a response of some kind for the AVR system right after I submitted the AOS I-864 PDF documentation again on 12/09 with an updated GZO cover and receipt. If the message is for the AOS email then at least I know they not have this in their posession as well as the IV packet with the 12/2/2010 received date.

My guess is maybe the first time I sent the AOS PDF docs on 11/19 as a GUZ email could of got lost in the process because it was a second OPTIN and since they gave me an email of OPTIN accept based on my wife's earlier OPTIN maybe they got ride of the my OPTIN and AOS PDF attachment. Who knows. At least the AVR system give's me some additional assurance that they have both AOS and IV pieces now.

I'll get this cleared up and see there it goes on Monday.

Thank you again zwuu for the information about the email dates and of for your case!


esd2004MaleChina2010-12-12 18:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

Hi, I am Zwuu. Just want to update my schedule here, since I think we are in similar situation. I did too send in my AOS bill and IV bill while I was waiting for my GZO number on NOV 23,2010. The operator told me I could if I wanted to upload now and they will convert my old number to GZO number.
I just received Email today 12/10/10 my case closed ,and i am waiting for the interview date Email notification. I guess my point is as soon as you know you have a GZO number generated despite you don't have the "number" yet, you still can send in your AOS and IV package via Email. Zwuu.

Hi Zwuu. Congratulations in you getting your CC (case closed)!!!! :D

I checked the AVR again last night and still had the same message pertaining to the DS230 being received and them waiting for the AOS even though I sent it on 11/19? I called NVC that evening and the person I talked to didn't know much about Electronic Processing and could only offer the the 12/2/2010 date and after being put on hold (requesting a supervisor or someone knowledgeable about EP) they said there wasn't anyone available. (the person was still nice on phone but not I presumed wasn't knowledgeable about these cases and they themselves recommended me to call back later. Anyways, I took matters into my own hands and forwarded a reply to NVCElectronic with my previous 11/19 email at the bottom and referencing the title of the previous PDF attachment name with a new email and AOS I864 PDF (with new GZO coversheet and payment receipt) and explaining in the email that this is a duplicate with the exception of the new GZO cover and payment sheets in the documents and if there was any confusion please contact me.

I would be grateful this is now cleared up so I can get to your CC step.

Thank you again Zwuu for your update and Congratulations Again!!!!!

esd2004MaleChina2010-12-10 08:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010
Well, I haven't heard word about our email fillings from NVC as an email and I told myself I would call them to get at least a date in which our I-864 and DS230 case information was received.

I called and NVC operator and (he may of not know much) told me there was a date of Dec 2 in which the information was received. Ok? I don't think he when about EP cases because he said I should wait 20 business days for the processing to be completed. He didn't know if this was for the I-864 package or DS230. That sounded like a standard answer to me so I let it go and said thank you (for a date at least).

I called the AVR system this afternoon (Sat) and it said that the biometric info was received on 12/2 and they didn't have the AOS fee bill payment or the AOS information. So my assumption is maybe the AOS PDF package (I-864) is somewhere sitting in their system (I did get a autoreply for this) when I sent it to NVCelectronic. I sent the I-864 info on 11/19??? of course it was sent as a second attempt of a OPTIN at the time with only GUZ number. So I don't know now.

I will be grateful to get a supervisor on the phone early next week to at least get some more detail information and also see if I should send the I-864 information again.

If there is anyone else doing EP process in their case in china or elsewhere let me know how the document email processing is going with you also.

Thank you! :)

esd2004MaleChina2010-12-04 18:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

Hey Eric -

May be a dumb question, (might as well get them all out of the way now while there's still time to learn), but how did you get all your documents into one pdf? Did you scan all at once, or use something like CutePDF, or are you just that awesome? ;)


Hi CanadaLove, I was using CutePDF Pro for the merging of all the PDF converstions. I bought one copy of the program for my laptop and have the CutePDF Printer Driver on all my systems and my wife's. In her case she just does the scans to JPG and send them to me and I do the processing for assembly.

I was playing different PDF Print drivers that were free.

I have been playing with

CutePDF Writer
Bullzip PDF Printer

Each one has it's one settings so I would get different results in order to get the PDF files readable and down to size.

I viewing all the listed PDF Creators for Windows from this wiki,


I was reviewing a few of the free ones. I still use CutePDF Pro for my final product.

esd2004MaleChina2010-11-27 21:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

I finally finished the PDF assemblies for my Wife’s electronic filing of her DS230 package and the Front Loading of supporting evidence to NVC through NVCElectronic. This is how I setup the PDF documents for my wife:

DS-230 PDF Filing (32 pages, 6.5MB)
This DS-230 Cover Letter (PDF Page 1)
IV DS-230 Coversheet (with barcode) (PDF Page 2)
IV Payment Receipt (PDF Page 3)
DS-230 Part 1 completed and signed by Beneficiary (PDF Pages 4-5)
DS-230 Part 2 completed by Beneficiary – unsigned, as of yet, per instructions (PDF Pages 6-7)
DS-230 Attachment completed and signed by Beneficiary (PDF Page 8)
U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou, China Packet 3 Supplemental (PDF Page 9)
Two (2) Passport Size Photographs of Beneficiary (PDF Pages 10-11)
Photocopy of the Biographic Data Page of Beneficiary’s Passport (PDF Page 12)
Original/Certified Birth Certificate of Beneficiary (with translation provided) (PDF Pages 13-18)
Original/Certified Marriage Certificate (PDF Pages 19-21)
Original/Certified Marriage Certificate (with translation provided) (PDF Pages 22-26)
Original/Certified China Police Clearance Certificate for Beneficiary (with translation) (PDF Pages 27-31)
Original/Certified Norway Police Clearance Certificate for Beneficiary (PDF Page 32)

Front Loaded PDF Filing of supporting evidence of marriage (65 pages, 4.6MB)
Cover Letter
(Petitioner) – Affirmation of Relationship Document, March 2009 – May 2010 (Page 2-4)
(Petitioner) – Evolution of Relationship Document May 2010 – November 2010 (Page 5-6)
(Beneficiary) – Affirmation of Relationship Document, March 2009 – May 2010 (Page 7-14)
(Beneficiary) -- – Evolution of Relationship Document, May 2010 – November 2010 (Page 15)
Email Logs March 2009 – November 2010 (Page 16-46)
Skype Logs November 2009 – March 2010 (Page 47-48)
Skype Logs April 2010 – November 2010 (Page 49-52)
Pictures from Trips in Oct 2009, Feb 2010, May 2010 and October 2010 (Page 53-57)
Money Wire Transfer Receipt for China Mobile SIM (Page 58)
Money Wire Transfer Receipt for Notary Document Fees (Page 59)
Money Wire Transfer Receipt for Notary Document Fees (Page 60)
Money Wire Transfer Receipt for Bali Honeymoon Trip (Page 61)
(Beneficiary) added to (Petitioner) Health Insurance effective 1/1/2011 (Page 62)
October 2010 Trip Receipts (Beijing, Wuxi, Shanghai) (Page 63)
October 2010 Trip Receipts (Jakarta, Indonesia and Bali, Indonesia) (Page 64)
October 2010 Trip Receipts (Shanghai, Nanjing, Beijing) (Page 65)

I know you can always place more into the front loading or should I say “Middle Loading” since it’s being sent to NVCElectronic.

I know, it's front load in terms of being sent prior to attending the Interview.

Anyways, I felt this would help in getting the point across with our Bonafide Marriage. :)


esd2004MaleChina2010-11-27 13:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

Thanks for the response, Eric :) I think I'll keep with the 600 dpi for anything with a seal/stamp/signature, and will scan at lower resolution for black/white. Appreciate your input! :star:

Your Welcome! Give your case much success with the Electronic filing! :D

esd2004MaleChina2010-11-27 13:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

My wife and I have talked almost everyday for over 2 years, on Yahoo Messenger. I have condensed the logs and chat samples of the Yahoo call history/emails to 30 pages. The chat/call logs show that we talk everyday, and the samples of about 1 or 2 for each month, show that we can communicate easy. All our photos, I put on 8 1/2 X 11, with 2, 4, or 6 photos with text on each sheet, about 10 sheets with 45 photos, using Microsoft Works. I have read many times that the Visa Officer may have their decision made prior to the interview. I have read many times that the Visa Officer may reject to look at "any" evidence brought to the Interview. I have read that USCIS does not always send all documents/evidence to NVC, but NVC does send all submitted documents/evidence to the Embassy. By sending evidence to the NVC, at least the Embassy Interview Officer has the opportunity to look at anything prior to the Interview. :yes:

Hi Bob g,

You are definitely doing the right thing in my opinion.

I'm actually almost done with may assembly of the Evidence Portion (2nd PDF that will go along with my DS230 documentation email to NVCElectronic. I'll be done by today. I'm keeping my evidence done to the following not knowing what is being sent electronically to the Consulate.
1. Affirmation of Relationship letters from Mar 2009 to May 2010 (Marriage) (Both mine and my Wife's) (were included in the I-130 packet
2. Updates to the Marriage Relationship letters from May 2010 to Nov 2010 (Both mine and my Wife's)
3. Outlook Email Logs from Mar 2009 to Nov 2010
4. Skype logs covering Nov 2009 to Nov 2010
5. The Best of the sample photos from Oct 2009, Feb 2010, May 2010, Oct 2010
6. Evidence of Wire Transfers to my wife for China SIM chip, document Fees and Honeymoon trip to Bali
7. Evidence of placing my wife on my Health Insurance effective January 2011.

It is a balance of how much for file sizing and to give the consulate enough to say OK this looks good (of course this is a matter of judgment for each applicants electronic filling for those doing this).

esd2004MaleChina2010-11-26 17:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

Quick question - what dpi should I be scanning at? I don't want the documents to be rejected, but I also want to fit them in two emails; one for the husband's application, one for my supporting documents. I've scanned at 600dpi, but can go higher (1500 I think is the highest on the scanner I have access to) if necessary.

Hi CanadaLove,

For the packaging of the PDFs for my I-864 and my Wife's DS230 I was bring them down to an acceptable size that was also readable for someone who brought up the PDFs on the screen for review. If they look readable and viewing them and the text, signatures and any stamps are clear I would think you would be in good shape. Most of my wife and my scans were either 150dpi or 300dpi with a mixture of color scans (for the supporting documents that would have stampings such as police records, wife's bio page, her 2 photos) and the blank and white documents (the I-864, DS230, tax returns, tax transcripts, etc).

Other's may respond and give you there option as well.

esd2004MaleChina2010-11-25 22:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010


Cheers up!

One question about what you mentioned in your message - " I read somewhere on this site about doing another Frontloading this way so that the Consulate get's it electronically and makes a better case for us for my Wife's Interview." : what Frontloading thing you talked about? Is there an email which I can send documents to GuangZhou Consulate?

I do appreciate if you could provide more detailed info.

Thank you niceBill. I want the same success with EP for us all that are doing this. About maybe 2 or 3 months ago I was looking at the question of Frontloading with NVC as a last part. I hope the link from the VJ site come out on this message.

I'm taking Dan's review of the consulate when going to China for his wife's CR-1


The part that caught my EYE:


"Oh, before I finish this part. I DID front load our petition and I also sent a lot more documents to the NVC when I emailed in the wife’s DS-230. All documents are forwarded to the US Consulate, ALL documents even those not needed by the NVC."

"In the End, I would recommend to “Front Load” give a lot up front, but not too much. DO Electronic processing and email a lot more, even another EOR, they will forward all documents to the Consulate. DO Go, if you can. DO Go to the ACS and ACH before your wifes interview if you can. It does help. My wife has her visa and passport in hand and will arrive in a short few weeks.. Finally.. All Is great.. !!!"


So I will be frontloading both my wife's and my original EOS that we sent with the I-130 and both did a one page (no notorized) update from the time we submitted the I-130 until now. I will be providing our E-mail logs from beginning to now, skype logs from start until now, sample photos of all the trips together (10 or 12 of the best pictures of the two of us together in China) and some supporting documents of adding her to my health insurance for next year (open enrollement period at the office now) and any other documents that lists both of us together at the US. I am just sending enough but not too much as the update and not know what from our original I-130 filing really goes to the consulate (scanned and sent??) with the EP case. I was reading in the review above and maybe else about senting the documents with the email for the DS230. One email. Two attachments.

This I came up with by searching the VJ using search terms like "DS230 Front loading" "Front Loading NVC" and other things like this.

I hope this helps. Maybe could could send another email with the attachment anyways even though you have sent your documents in (I-864,DS230).

I read in another place this may (no positive proof) that the extra docs could delay the completion part a little bit becuase they have to review everything. I would rather have these sent now becuase how is to say if they would see the updated info at the time my wife goes to the interview. I would be greatful that when the electronic case gets to they they see all the info at the consulate and then say, "Ok this looks good" and then have to ask as few questions to my wife considering of the evidence that was submitted prior to going to Guangzhou.

Thank's my Opinion.

Wanting the Best for you and everyone one else filing.


esd2004MaleChina2010-11-25 06:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

As an update both my wife and I received am email today 11/22 in response to my wife's OPTIN on 11/9: If this is an Acceptance Email then it has been basically 8 1/2 Business Days (not counting Nov 11th Holiday) for a response to my wife's first OPTIN request. :)

Well I called NVC on 11/23 and was told my case was in the process for case coversion. That was good to hear. Today, 11/24, I checked the Payment Portal and saw that I received a "Database Error" when trying to access the system with my GUZ number. Taking what niceBill said on his, I went ahead and called NVC and the nice gentleman on the phone told me I have a new case number and gave me my GZO. I told him I sent my I-864 in last week with the old case number as an email and asked to check if it showed received yet. He said there are many emails and that nothing shows yet. I asked him if I should send it in again with a new AOS cover sheet and payment receipt with the new number and he said I shouldn't becuase it my delay the case.

So now I will be assembling all the documents in a PDF for the IV Package and also assembling an Updated Evidence of Marriage Package and sending them in one email the NVCElectronic. I read somewhere on this site about doing another Frontloading this way so that the Consulate get's it electronically and makes a better case for us for my Wife's Interview.

esd2004MaleChina2010-11-24 21:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

zwuu: cheers!

Eric: yes, I am able to log in by using GZO# & Invoice#

Cool! thank's niceBill for the info. :D

esd2004MaleChina2010-11-24 20:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

Update on my case: yesterday I tried logging into NVC Payment System but kept receiving "Database Error" back, so I called NVC last night and surprisingly an Operator was available to answer the phone call and told me that NVC already generated the GZO# for our case, wohoo! So from the date of my wife sending in the OPTIN email till NVC generated the GZO#, it takes almost three weeks. Still very confusing, even till now, I didn't receive any Electronic Processing Acceptance Email from NVC yet, wondering if I would ever get one.

The operator also told that we can sending in I-864 and DS-230 now. I told her that I already sent by using the old GUZ case#, and she said that we don't need to re-send any documents as NVC knows how to link and handle the two case numbers with the same case.

Hope my information will help all of you a bit.

Hi niceBill,

Just out of curiosity, did you try logging into the NVC Payment System with the GZO number and the IIN number when you were making payments and getting the coversheets?

Just wanting to know if you were able to get through.

esd2004MaleChina2010-11-23 22:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

I put in something like: Submitting Affidavit Support Document I-864 for NVC Case# GUZ-xx-xxx-xx-xxx

Thank you for sharing your example.

esd2004MaleChina2010-11-23 21:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

Good to hear you have the gzo number and they were ok in taking your documents sending to NVCElectronic with the GUZ number.

NiceBILL, how did you specify the subject line in the emails for your I864 and DS230 when you sent them to NVCElectronic???

esd2004MaleChina2010-11-23 15:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010

Well, today my rear was itching to know if my wife's OPTIN was recorded somewhere on the NVC computer system. This week we had the electronic version of the DS3032 Accepted, the I-864 was paid the previous week and the IV Bill was paid at on the middle of the week.

I send an email to NVCINQUIRY to about a correction with my wife's email account. Apparently the email address I was guessing was mistyped the first time we gave the information. instead of Because my wife didn't receive any emails for the DS3032 but I received both the DS3032 kit and the I-864 Bill as an email.

So I called up and the first operator I got wasn't much help. I asked if there was anything showing on the system regarding the electronic process being registered from my wife's OPTIN email. He said no and that we would have to wait. I asked him to confirm my wife's last part of the mail. He said it was so I believe the change was made to the email address. So really didn't get the OPTIN help I was looking for.

So I was looking at kandl133, Kevin & Li Timeline Profile and thought, let me call them again. This time I talked with a nicer person and took this time with me. I asked him if there was an "OPTIN ACCEPTANCE". He paused for a second and said for electronic processing. I said yes and he asked me how long ago was the OPTIN email and confirmed with me what email address it was to be sent to. I told that the OPTIN email was sent 15 days ago. He put me on hold and after getting back with me he suggested that I have another OPTIN sent because there isn't any record showing. (Think he knew more because I was on hold for about a couple of minutes during the checking). I asked him if I could send it with my email address and he said either one. (I'm guessing because my wife has already selected me as the agent and we have paid both bills already) So I thanked him for all his help.

I was looking at kand133 timeline and comments below recording the OPTIN saga that happened with them.

So I was think my wife already has me on the system as the agent so I used my email address and sent another OPTIN and attached my I-864 PDF (all completed and paid for) to NVCElectronic@state. I'm guessing the first two times it was ignored because my I-864 invoice didn't show online until the day after her second OPTIN email. Any way's I will be grateful when we have an acceptance and GZO number to finish this up to the next step.


As an update both my wife and I received am email today 11/22 in response to my wife's OPTIN on 11/9: If this is an Acceptance Email then it has been basically 8 1/2 Business Days (not counting Nov 11th Holiday) for a response to my wife's first OPTIN request. :)

Dear Sir/Madam:

Thank you for your interest in processing your case electronically with the National Visa Center (NVC).

Your case has been updated with the email address you have provided to us.

All further communication with NVC will now be done through this email address

All documents and forms that we request and require from you should be scanned copies of the originals. The applicant must present all original forms and documents to the Consular officer at the visa interview. Failure to present the required originals at the visa interview will result in a denial or delay in obtaining a visa for the sponsored applicant.

Any questions regarding your petition should now be directed to

NVC Document Review Team
National Visa Center
"Follow criteria as outlined on http://travel.state..../visa_4409.html" <BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">

Edited by esd2004, 22 November 2010 - 11:15 PM.

esd2004MaleChina2010-11-22 23:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010


We are in the same situation: my wife and myself received the same kind of email from, but no EP acceptance email from

Even though it is very confusing, my wife and I will go ahead to email out I-864 & DS-230 packages to NVCElectronic. I am guessing that our GZO# could only be generated after NVC receives all required documents. WIll update you guys if we could get any luck.


It will be interesting to see what come through as far as the time in which the date of acceptance and GZO numbers are generated for you, zwuu and myself and any of the others in a similar situation right now.

esd2004MaleChina2010-11-22 01:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010
Well, today my rear was itching to know if my wife’s OPTIN was recorded somewhere on the NVC computer system. This week we had the electronic version of the DS3032 Accepted, the I-864 was paid the previous week and the IV Bill was paid at on the middle of the week.

I send an email to NVCINQUIRY to about a correction with my wife’s email account. Apparently the email address I was guessing was mistyped the first time we gave the information. instead of Because my wife didn’t receive any emails for the DS3032 but I received both the DS3032 kit and the I-864 Bill as an email.

So I called up and the first operator I got wasn’t much help. I asked if there was anything showing on the system regarding the electronic process being registered from my wife’s OPTIN email. He said no and that we would have to wait. I asked him to confirm my wife’s last part of the mail. He said it was so I believe the change was made to the email address. So really didn’t get the OPTIN help I was looking for.

So I was looking at kandl133, Kevin & Li Timeline Profile and thought, let me call them again. This time I talked with a nicer person and took this time with me. I asked him if there was an “OPTIN ACCEPTANCE”. He paused for a second and said for electronic processing. I said yes and he asked me how long ago was the OPTIN email and confirmed with me what email address it was to be sent to. I told that the OPTIN email was sent 15 days ago. He put me on hold and after getting back with me he suggested that I have another OPTIN sent because there isn’t any record showing. (Think he knew more because I was on hold for about a couple of minutes during the checking). I asked him if I could send it with my email address and he said either one. (I’m guessing because my wife has already selected me as the agent and we have paid both bills already) So I thanked him for all his help.

I was looking at kand133 timeline and comments below recording the OPTIN saga that happened with them.

So I was think my wife already has me on the system as the agent so I used my email address and sent another OPTIN and attached my I-864 PDF (all completed and paid for) to NVCElectronic@state. I’m guessing the first two times it was ignored because my I-864 invoice didn’t show online until the day after her second OPTIN email. Any way’s I will be grateful when we have an acceptance and GZO number to finish this up to the next step.


esd2004MaleChina2010-11-19 22:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMAY & JUNE 2010 FILERS - UPDATED YOUR CASE HERE

If you filed in May & June 2010, please update your case here, it's in the interest of everyone and especially for those who would follow us to get a picture of how things move with the USCIS and NVC.

Thanks and Happy outcome to all of You!!!!

Skynaut - Groom

Thank you Skynaut for posting this for the May and June filers! :D
This is my first posting to the forum. I met my wife Xing in China last year visiting Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou. I proposed to her at a trip in Hong Kong that we took together in February this year. We were married on May 4th, 2010 in China and attended two informal wedding dinners during my trip and saw the Shanghai China Expo 2010. I mailed in our packet for her CR-1 on May 25th. The USCIS mailed out our NOA1 on June 2nd of 2010.

I have learned a great deal from all the other people who have provided there insights in this process.

I will be going back to China on October 2nd to attend our formal wedding ceremony in Beijing and Wuxi and we are talking about going outside of China for our official Honeymoon either in the Bali, Philippines, Thailand or someplace else. The family gave us 2 tickets to see the Expo 2010 Shanghai China again so we will spend 2 days in Shanghai to visit the Expo for one more time before they shut the event down at the end of October.

esd2004MaleChina2010-08-15 19:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNo Updates
Both Me and my wife are in the panda express line. Hopefully I can get my orange flavored chicken soon from the uscis because it is coming up to 5 months on November 2nd.
esd2004MaleChina2010-10-19 19:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalling the NVC

All the dates quoted by NVC operators are their corporate message. They will say 4-6 weeks even if realistically your case takes only 1 day. The best way to gaze the actualy time is to look at our timelines in our signature. Look at mine. Look at Loto's. And many others.

Thank you. This is helpful to keep aware in my mind when contacting them. I will call again today.

esd2004MaleChina2010-11-03 08:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalling the NVC

Use my trick to get connected with NVC anytime. You gottta have a touch tone phone that has a end call and redial button. Call the NVC number. As soon as you hear the busy signal, end the call using end call button. Then hit redial right away. Do this until you get connected. I always get connected with 10 tries. Usually, it's more like 2 or 3 tries. This working during morning, night, evening, noon, etc. Maximum holding time I had to endure is 26 minutes. On average, expect to hold for 'bout 25 minutes.

Thank you IndigoSkies for the info.

I got through both on Monday and today (Wed morning)

Both times the operators were nice ( I was the same on the phone )

My NOA 2 was on Oct 26th and I have my mailing of the NOA 2 also.

Each time when I called the answer was they are allowed 15 business days before they will have a case number.

On the second call I asked if there was a received date of the case at NVC. I was told that there isn't anything in the system yet for the case.

So, here I am I know there are people you have gotten there case numbers within three to 7 or 8 days so I wondering if there was a particual approach in how the converstation with the operator went that allowed had them give the information to the person (if in general they are waiting 15 days before give out info)

The AVR system message last weekend and on Tuesday gave response that the case hasn't been received also.

Oh Well I call again this Wed Evening.


esd2004MaleChina2010-11-03 07:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is the expected wait time for a NOA1?
From reading your signature it says the "Check was cleared" which is good news!

I would think you should have the physical NOA1 soon.

How long does it take to get a hard copy of the NOA1 paper from them.

Is there anyway I can check if I will be receiving one with a phone call or something to the USCIS?

I have been hearing about people receiving their NOA1 paper 2 weeks after they sent their I-130 off.

I am in CA and sent it to IL lockbox

esd2004MaleChina2010-10-29 23:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is the expected wait time for a NOA1?
From reading your signature it says the "Check was cleared" which is good news!

I would think you should have the physical NOA1 soon.

How long does it take to get a hard copy of the NOA1 paper from them.

Is there anyway I can check if I will be receiving one with a phone call or something to the USCIS?

I have been hearing about people receiving their NOA1 paper 2 weeks after they sent their I-130 off.

I am in CA and sent it to IL lockbox

esd2004MaleChina2010-10-29 23:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV Fee Invoice

Hi, All:

I'm try to follow the Electronic Processing guide on VJ. So far I've done the followings:
1. Called NVC, got case number, and updated both email addresss.
2. Sent OPTIN email with DS-3032. Auto-repl email received
3. AOS invoice received, paid online, status is 'PAID' now.

But I have been waiting to pay the IV fee, the invoice still hasn't been generated. I called NVC, they said they're waiting for the DS-3032. It has been 10 days since I sent the DS-3032 with the OPTIN email. Is this normal? I saw a lot of people in this Forums, didn't wait long to get the IV invoice generated.

Should I sent another DS-3032 to NVC (not to the OPTIN email), so they can generated the IV invoice?



David, I'm at the same place you are right now.

I had my wife send the OPTIN from china (attachment wasn't sent) on 11/9 and my wife's email address received an auto reply.
I had my wife send the OPTIN from china (with DS-3032 attachment) on 11/10 and my wife's email address received an auto reply.
Was able to pay AOS on 11/10 and portal showed paid on 11/12.

We can't send anything until we have the new case number and you said the OPTIN was done already. One idea is that next week get ahold of operator and say you had some questions about the electronic processing pilot program and if a supervisor could help answer them relating to your case.

I myself was hesitant to have my wife send the second OPTIN in message but becuase the DS-3032 wasn't on the first email she said she could send another one and I said yes. I'm not sure if too many OPTIN messages would create problems. The auto reply for us said not to send additonal OPTIN messages.

During the middle of next week I'm am going to see if they have a new number on record and if they have on record of receiving our DS-3032 on their computer screens. If the first level operator doesn't know maybe a supervisor would.

esd2004MaleChina2010-11-12 21:02:00