K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance

Are you joking? This is one of the oldest scams in the book.
First, pay no bills unless you actually SEE a bill. Do not send the money to him or his family directly.
Secondly, call the hospital he is at and confirm he is there.
Lastly, call the police where the accident occurred and ask about it to verify whether it really occurred.
While accidents DO happen, if you weren't there how would he/his family pay the bill? They'd find a way. Do NOT send the money.

The family is putting their little house as collateral to get a loan to help pay, his friends are getting money together and I have talked to the doc n hqisoital but anyway I see I find no comfort here forget it!!!

Edited by Ryan H, 16 September 2013 - 07:57 PM.

gjrunnerFemaleNigeria2013-09-16 19:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance

please please pray for my finance...he has been in an accident and is in serious condition in Nigeria..i am so upset and troubled..he is laying in the hospital bed and I am here in usa...I have to send all my money to him to get the operation he needs...please pray he survives so we can be together forever.the driver of the motorcycle died in the accident....please tell me everything is gonna be ok

gjrunnerFemaleNigeria2013-09-16 18:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance

Im not  saying it will be easy by any means but i have seen it happen here


I am 20 years older than my fiancee - age has never been an issue - we have our interview on the 12th

its a folow up interview to the one we had on June 20th - we had a missing document

i was there with him and have visited 5 times in two years -

we have the proof in the world -


as long as the relationship is real/ solid and you have proof - you have a chance

i was told the same things early on that it would be next to impossible to be approved

my best advice to to visit him - take lots of photos - get his families approval

and pray.


good luck






Im not  saying it will be easy by any means but i have seen it happen here
I am 20 years older than my fiancee - age has never been an issue - we have our interview on the 12th
its a folow up interview to the one we had on June 20th - we had a missing document
i was there with him and have visited 5 times in two years -
we have the proof in the world -
as long as the relationship is real/ solid and you have proof - you have a chance
i was told the same things early on that it would be next to impossible to be approved
my best advice to to visit him - take lots of photos - get his families approval
and pray.
good luck

gjrunnerFemaleNigeria2013-09-08 14:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance

hello, well I appreciate all the positive comments and advice..i am well aware of all the risks involved with this situation and am more than willing to take the risk. I have been to Nigeria enough to see the oppression there and I want my fiancé to come to usa..its me that wants him out of nigiera. so please understand that I understand everything that has been said...however I really just care about advice on the visa issue not about our relationship. I am secure in our relationship but not in the visa issue. Thank you.

gjrunnerFemaleNigeria2013-09-04 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance


My fiance and I are 35 years apart and age is NOT an issue. Go brave and confident and all will be okay.

thank you

gjrunnerFemaleNigeria2013-09-04 18:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance

@Nigerian Queen, that's just mean of you.If you've got nothing solid to contribute then hush it. Follow the trail of replies so far, they all point towards finding a solution . Learn to be sensitive over the cases of others who aren't as fortunate as you are. How do you know the brother is desperate and hungry? ( Lol) --- --*not funny at all.

thank you sister

gjrunnerFemaleNigeria2013-09-03 18:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance


how do u know that we are here to give advice and give hope to other CO.. but from what u wrote and a nigerian for that sake u go judging there and thats not good.

thank you....judging ppl is not the answer to the question I was asking...please be helpful not judgmental.

gjrunnerFemaleNigeria2013-09-03 17:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance

Wow. This is a difficult dilemma you face. And each and every input you have received from people here is to be taken in to consideration. While I feel you are at a cross road right now and really don't know what to do I feel you do need to consider the possibility of a denial. If by chance you are approved you also need to consider the possibility that this guy will only stay as long as his green card has not been issued because once that happens it is possible he will leave you and find someone his own age. He is young has no children he probably will want some one day in the future. Not to be disrespectful to his parents but their acceptance of you maybe based on the fact that you can get him a green card. I doubt they would want their child to never produce children in the future. Nigerian culture is different. There have been some instances when a man Marry's a woman his own age and for many years try's to produce and has not been successful . Instantly in the eyes of the family she is barren even before they work out if the problem may be from the mans side as to why they aren't producing. Some parents have been known to go to the house pack the girls cloths and dash her out. Then find him another wife that can produce or find him a second wife. If your man is Muslim this may likely be their intentions in the future. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but you do have to think carefully before you go ahead with this. Take this advice from a female nigerian who knows what nigerian culture is like. I suggest you take the advice someone gave you earlier and tell him you will move to Nigeria instead and see if he try's to convince you not to do that or her runs away a short while after you insist your moving. This will give you the answer you seek. I truely hope it works out for you and I hope he is genuine.

he is not muslim and he will not leave when he gets a green card...but thanks for the advice

gjrunnerFemaleNigeria2013-09-03 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance

First let me say that I (female Petitioner ) am 21 years older than my husband. Having gone through the process in Lagos and being approved I can try and give you some advice.  I thought our age difference was going to be a major red flag but during my husbands interview it was NEVER mentioned. Here is what we did and what I recommend for you. 1. you stated you have been there multiple times and I believe you said for 6 days each time, but when were the visits and when was the last? I would instead of going for 6 days at a time, condense that to1 visit for 18 days. I know you said due to work u had to come home but the consulate doesn't care about that! I went 3 times in 13 months , stays ranging from 3-6 weeks each time. THEY WANT FACE TIME and a lot of it. Also the way of thinking is if you cant afford to travel there frequently then how can you support the beneficiary. 2. Next trip over get married!!!!! Make sure its not a couple days after you arrive and you don't leave within a few days after the marriage. 3. Have a civil ceremony @ the registry, which prohibits polygamy, make sure all of his family is there and get tons of pics. 4.GET TONS of evidence, I mean TONS!!!!! I had submitted so much evidence the consulate called us the day after my husbands interview and had us pick it all up. Some might have said over kill but it worked right????? 5. Have all his family and friends sign affidavits of bona fide marriage as we did. My mother and father in law wrote beautiful statements to submit. Lagos is the hardest consulate to deal with, but if you have all your ducks in a row and are prepared it will help. DO A LOT OF RESEARCH!  Much of your answers can be answered here, each case is individual but I can assure you that they will definitely be suspicious of the significant age difference and the validity of your relationship. All you can do is prepare. Remember in Lagos or Abuja the burden of proof is no longer on the consulate but on YOU!!!!. Good luck on your journey!!!!!!!

thank you so much for the advice. I appreciate it!!!  yes we are going to get married there in Laogs.


I don't understand the attraction here either, but I'm not going to judge the couple and trash their relationship with derogatory comments an insensitive humor here. Anyone can do the same with yours no doubt.

Thank you!!! exactly  this forum is for helpful suggestions not judgmental opinions.

gjrunnerFemaleNigeria2013-09-03 17:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance

Go back there and get married then file for cr1. That's your best and only chance. Two red flags on your shoulders
- The country from wich the beneficiary is from!
-The HUGE gap of age between you.
File for cr1 and frontload your package with tonnes of evidence and hopefully that might work out for both of you.
Good luck

Thank you

gjrunnerFemaleNigeria2013-09-03 17:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance


It really isn't about your age difference but you showing a bonafide relationship.


  1. You said you visited 3 times. Over how long a period?
  2. You meet how long ago?
  3. Your 3 visits were how long in duration?
  4. You meet his family and friends and have their support and Blessing?

Honestly your chances are so much greater for a possible approval if you marry like  mentioned above. No not a guarantee but it shows you are committed towards each other. Sometimes with much older younger a K1 couple shows the CO that they aren't sure (may not be the case but heck why not marry).


Great you love each other and all that but the CO at embassy doesn't know you. If I was a CO and a 40 years older woman's profile showed up on my desk with engaged I would wonder why the hold up why not just get married. Especially if you have known each other over sometime.

known him 4 years, yes  have family blessings, and visited for 6 days each time I visited cos I work and have to be back on my job.

gjrunnerFemaleNigeria2013-09-03 05:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance

Go back there and get married then file for cr1. That's your best and only chance. Two red flags on your shoulders
- The country from wich the beneficiary is from!
-The HUGE gap of age between you.
File for cr1 and frontload your package with tonnes of evidence and hopefully that might work out for both of you.
Good luck

Thank you for the advice.... I was thinking that too....get married there in nigeria

gjrunnerFemaleNigeria2013-09-03 04:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance

 By the letter of the law no.  But in Nigerian culture it is very important that a man produce children and you are beyond child bearing age.  Have you met his parents and siblings during your trips or have you just stayed in hotels.  

yes I have done his family and stayed on hotel but went to the parents house many times..and would it be easier if I married him in Nigeria and then get the k-3 visa?

Edited by gjrunner, 03 September 2013 - 04:52 AM.

gjrunnerFemaleNigeria2013-09-03 04:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance

I am 40 years older than my finance...he is from nigiera..will this stop him from getting a k-1 visa?  I have been to visit him in Nigeria 3 times. WE are so much in love.


gjrunnerFemaleNigeria2013-09-02 18:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

Hey everyone! I am new around here and I am a little confused about some stuff for the NVC process. I am preparing the documents needed for the NVC process, and I am a bit confused with the i864 stuff. my brother in law (who I live with currently) is going to be a co sponsor. 

questions 1: Does he need to file the i864 as joint sponsor number one? or does he do the i864a because I live with him? We wont be living with him for long once my husband gets here so what is better?

question 2: can I enter my expected annual income because i have only been working at this job for 6 months. Should i include a letter from work stating my expected annual income? 


This stuff is so confusing! 

JamieyDicsonFemaleGuatemala2014-02-24 21:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

If it is written in what appears to be greek letters, then it's an error on their end. Something about it being a new system so that happens (you would think it would be fixed by now). If this is your first checklist, then I would call to make sure it is not anything specific they need. If you have received a checklist before, then this is most likely the follow up reminding you to respond to it. Either way, call them. They need to know people keep getting them like this. Not cool!


Here is what it all says after I copied it into Word: I just dont understand what it is asking for!






______F - FINANCIAL EVIDENCE:______________________________________

The NVC has recieved the requesed the DS-260 Online Immigrant Visa Application. Howevere, we are still waiting for the response to the checklist letter for the Affidavit of Support. Please return the requested information so that we may complete processing your case.

JamieyDicsonFemaleGuatemala2014-05-27 17:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Hey everyone! I just got a really weird email from NVC. I got a RFE on 5-8-14 and today I just got another checklist but it is very strange. It almost looks like it is written in some sort of gibberish. I would post a screen shot of it but I don't know how. Let me know if yall have any idea what it might be!

JamieyDicsonFemaleGuatemala2014-05-27 16:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers

Hey everyone! i have a question. I am preparing the documents needed for the NVC process, and I am a bit confused with the i864 stuff. my brother in law (who I live with currently) is going to be a co sponsor. 

questions 1: Does he need to file the i864 as joint sponsor number one? or does he do the i864a because I live with him? We wont be living with him for long once my husband gets here so what is better?

question 2: can I enter my expected annual income because i have only been working at this job for 6 months. Should i include a letter from work stating my expected annual income? 


This stuff is so confusing! 

JamieyDicsonFemaleGuatemala2014-02-09 12:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers

In which service center you were and when you were transfer??


JamieyDicsonFemaleGuatemala2014-02-09 12:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers

We got approved!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it finally feels real! 

JamieyDicsonFemaleGuatemala2014-02-08 00:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers


You can either get your husband a tax ID (ITIN) to do your return as Married Filing Jointly, or if you don't want to go through all that paperwork, you can file as Married Filing Separately. In that case you won't be able to file your return online -- you'll need to print it out when everything else is done, put "NRA" (non-resident alien) under the spouse's SSN field, and mail it.


O my goodness thank you so much for the information!! i greatly appreciate it!

JamieyDicsonFemaleGuatemala2014-02-04 21:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers

Hey everyone I have a question that i hope someone has an answer for! I just recently started to work on filing my taxes for this year and one of the questions (on turbotax) is did you get married. and I did so i selected yes then it asked for my husbands SSN...but he doesnt have one yet nor will he before april 1st (unless we get super lucky!)So my question is how do I navigate this issue. I know I cant select single and just do it like normal because that would be a lie, but he doesnt have any kind of number to put there. Any Ideas??? I would appreciate ANY help!

JamieyDicsonFemaleGuatemala2014-02-04 08:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers

Hi guys,

I am fairly new to this site (but been religiously following this thread).

I have just found out I got APPROVED.

My PD is 10th July 2013, I got transferred to CSC on 10th December and approved on 8th January.

Keep going and stay strong everyone your approvals are coming soon and when they do it will be such an amazing feeling!!


JamieyDicsonFemaleGuatemala2014-01-09 21:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers


Here are the latest approvals from Texas:




Just from skimming the list, it seems they are approving April and May petitions.

 Okay cool! So like in between california and nebraska! yayayay!

JamieyDicsonFemaleGuatemala2014-01-09 20:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers

I got the letter in the mail today! Our case got sent to Texas! is this good or bad? I have heard a lot about nebraska and california but not much about texas! Any ideas?? Yay! i am excited none the less!

JamieyDicsonFemaleGuatemala2014-01-09 20:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers

Hey everyone. I notice that on the USCIS website I can change my address. But for some reason that freaks me out at this point because I am afraid it will slow things down or confuse the system!. What do you think?

JamieyDicsonFemaleGuatemala2014-01-06 19:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers

I've only seen updates on USCIS website with no emails, I was transfered on the 3 and got another update today 6th saying trasfered to loocal office, anyways we are not really bothered about that but will be If we get approved and don't see our NOA2.I will check on my wifes email again to see if we eventually got something.

hey Justojai! Looks like we are in the same boat! i got transferred on the third and to local office today!

JamieyDicsonFemaleGuatemala2014-01-06 18:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers

Yes it is great that you finally got a transfer! Have you received a hard copy letter in the mail telling you where your case was transferred?


I'm rooting for you etrangais!! smile.png

I haven't gotten the letter in the mail yet but I will let yall know when I do!

JamieyDicsonFemaleGuatemala2014-01-06 12:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers

I just started following yall's thread. It is really encouraging to see that other filers from July are starting to get approved! I am so happy for you all. My papers were received on july 16. And I got a notice on January 3rd saying that our case was transferred. From what i have read from you all that is a good thing right? It has been getting hard being away from my husband but it has been encouraging just knowing that i am not alone! cheesy talk is over... Stay strong everyone!

JamieyDicsonFemaleGuatemala2014-01-06 00:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRapid Visa and other services?

Do you think that services like rapid visa or other visa help services are worth the money? I am really afraid of doing something wrong because from what i understand even something that seems like a little mistake can get your papers denied or sent back. On the other hand i have heard that if you do it right spousal visa's (with correct paperwork) are rarely denied. is this true? or should I take the safe route and have rapid visa do it for me? Thanks! -Jamie and Dicson

JamieyDicsonFemaleGuatemala2013-05-08 12:39:00