CanadaStamps for passport- driving?
Hey guys,

Needing somehelp here, the RFE that was sent only stated they wanted a copy of my passport and all the stamps from the times I have come down, but I have never gotten my passport stamped from the Ambassador... Do they scan the passports, and will there be a record of my visits still? HELP! I don't know what else I can do.....
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-14 14:27:00
CanadaPacket 3 Time
Another question is with my daughter. She is not moving with me, and it will be her decision when she gets older to follow. Will i need a long form birth certificate for her as well? Or what will I need? I am still unsure as to why they would want that unless she was joining me, or if applying for her own....
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-05-09 13:57:00
CanadaPacket 3 Time
Hey guys, just a minor freak out here..... I am waiting on MTL to send my packet 3 to me, but so far nothing. The NOA 2 was received March 14th, and said it would take a week, but we all know that is to get to MTL. My freakout concerns the expiry date of the petition, it is set to expire June 26th, and I still have to get the rest of the checklist together. So far I have ordered my BC and criminal check, but dont want to fill out the forms until they send me the packet.... But why would they want another copy of my fiancees tax return? I am confused and my wits are startingto frey... any help would be appreciated.... thx guys
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-05-09 09:14:00
CanadaPacket 3, what to send in?
I have been doing a lot of research, and while I am still waiting on packet 3, I would like to know what forms they require you to send in. I have ordered my BC and I think I have to get a long form BC for my daughter, even though she is not accompanying me, but do I have to send those with the packet or are they just to be brought to the interview?

I need some help before I go insane here... oh wait, I already am not being with my wifey LOL but any help would be appreciated... thx.
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-05-24 13:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow is your NOA2 waiting time?
He saw the National Visa Center average... Not Cali or Vermont... Scared me when I saw 11 months... :S
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-01-14 11:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow is your NOA2 waiting time?
Well I am still under the 5 month estimate given, but man is it stressful. Just not truly knowing what is going on with it really frustrates me.

It's just too bad that they can't tell you more about it on the USCIS homepage, like times last worked on, possible issues upcoming, you know, the stuff we really want to know so we don't get messed up? But the time itself has gone by slowly, but I am lucky enough to have a woman I can see every month, and talk to her as long as I want, when I can.

It just takes faith, and the ability to get lost in other activities.... I want to be with my fiancee right now, I can't think of much else really... LOL
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-01-13 15:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC Comatose Once More
I can to an extent relate to your frustration and anger towards the system, but in most cases it is just to be thorough. But to everyone that is getting on his case and being a bit insulting, this is not the way we should really act, we are all in the same boat, yes, but we are also a community in ourselves, be it for AOS K1 or whatever visas we are trying to obtain... we should be supportive and not flaming. We all understand your anger, we have all felt it at times, but this is not the proper place to attack the process, or judge people that do. Don't worry man, it will all come in due time... and you are right... too much time.

I wish you all the best, and hope to hear good things coming from your journey in the near future....
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-01-14 15:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFINNALY NOA2
Congratulations my man.... hopefully my story will be like this soon, but enjoy the little reprieve from stress while you can, the rest of the steps will be much the same... LOL But you have a great group of people here to help how they can man... take a few moments to relax and enjoy man... congrats!
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-01-19 08:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 16 days!
Definately congratulations on the speed of the NOA 2, but as I am in my 4th month, I am not jealous or envious of you. I am happy for you, but afraid that with the expeditied NOA2 date, it has cut off that much more time from you preparing for your big day. I am glad I have had this much time so far to try and better prepare for the hardships to come.

But I hope the best for you and your loved one... Just dont let the trolls get to you..... We are all in the same boat, and we are all a family in some regards... it's just a shame that we must bicker from time to time... But as for everyone disturbed by the news, your day will come, in due time... and we will be just as happy for you as we are them.

Congrats again, may the rest of your journey be enjoyable....
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-04 14:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPersonal Problems
Both my Fiancee and I have had some breakdowns, and we are lucky that only 5 hours separates us.... It gets to everyone, not knowing the status, or even just waiting... but it will be fine once more gets known... I think it is just mainly the time between NOA1 and 2 that gets most of us, because of the unknown.... We all like to be in control of our fates, and right now, it is solely in someone elses hands... But it will get better.... You will see..
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-07 10:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1's at VSC are at a stand still

Do you mean zero movement like the one that we will probably see today?

Who ever said stop bitching...... NO, you didnt have to open the thread and read it thanks bye :)

Progress is progress I was just pointing out a downward trend and it looks like I may be right because as the days go we get less aprouvals and today we may get none.

Finally about VJ not being a valid sample, we live in the 21st century pretty much everyone in the US has a computer and uses them, pretty much everyone in zimbabwe uses one let alone in the US. We are a very good random sample thier is no bias here. and just becasue you can find similarities in the members does not mean they are relavent to the statistic being analyzied. What does filing your self have to do with anyhting? Most people do file themselves but ok.

There is nothing worse then a person who goes on to a forum opens a thread and then feels the need to voice that the thread is pointless, the hypocracy of that situation is comical. It was so pointless but you just felt the need to add to its pointless ness and spend your valuable time reading through 4 pages of posts of a useless thread. :bonk: :bonk:

They are just trying to make a point man, no need to be a troll and bash them. I agree it makes people stress more, but I do agree there is no need to say it's pointless... it is poeple trying to releive stress and get supposrt in some way... we all feel it....
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-07 15:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStill no NOA2!!!!

Al do you know how Igors list works? Im wondering since Our names arent on the list :blink:

You guys are # 228 on the Vermont Service Centres list.... it is there now.... what that means, I havent a clue....
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-10 20:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStill no NOA2!!!!

Did you see the output today on Igor's List/


That's right: Z-E-R-O !!!!!!!!!

Now how the hell am I ever supposed to get my NOA2 if the output is ZERO??????????????????

After what they did to us last October, they owe us a bare minimum of 30 to 40 a day, each and every day, without exception and without fail.

Ummm.. to be quite honest, I have no clue how to use Igors list... But you have to think that not everyone immigrating knows about this site... I only just found out this year after 3 months of not knowing anything..... It will get better Al, but they do need a kick in the ####### sometimes to get moving.... we all do....
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-10 14:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStill no NOA2!!!!

Yes, you are lucky. I know it's not easy for you either, but imagine if you has been over 6 months since the two of you touched. It's maddening.

I wouldn't want to imagine that.... and I can agree, but it will make it that much more satisfying once it does happen.

I wasn't trying to say it was hard on me, in no way is it, and that is why I truly have a lot of respect for everyone on here, I am just impatient like us all... All I think of is the usual ####### line, 'good things come to those who wait' and it has to be enough to get me through. But taslking to the people on here, and trying to make the time pass easier helps.... and I cant thank the people on here enough for it..... We all need the escape sometimes of thinking about our others away from us..... at least we can build off each other for now, right?
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-10 14:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStill no NOA2!!!!

Furious is not a strong enough word to express the way I feel at this obscene outrage.

I hope that Obamination and that other piece of vile trash Napolitano burn in hell for what they did.

Calm down Al, I know the situation of waiting to be with your loved one sucks, but I don't think having those two burn in hell will solve any of it. I am sure that you and your russian bride will be happy once everything clears, but we are both still inside our estimate of acceptance time. True it may be 15 minutes of work, and true it is outrageous not knowing anything aout our status aside from "Initial review" but in time, it will change, and we all will be with our significant others.....

But I can relate with your feelings of anger, I find it a bit outrageous that living on the same rock of land, I have to go through these procedures, but I know deep down that doing this legally and making sure its done right will make sure I don't get a quick deportation back to the frozen north. Eventually I cant wait to hear about your approval notice, but it will take time, and unfortunately every government has probably put other immigrants on the back shelf because of the 'humanitarian effort'.... must be a UN thing, not just a Presidential thing.....
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-10 14:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStill no NOA2!!!!

me too! my noa1 is dated sept 14 and itl be 5th month on valentines day!i hope that noa2 will be our valentines gift but i dont know!im so stress about waiting and waiting and checking the uscis website about our receipt number and its still initial review! why there are people that filed theirs dated sept 17 or 20 that i know and they got aprove?how about me?i guess the people who got touched last oct 3,2010 i hope that they didnt put our papers in the trashcan?!!!!!!!!im so pissed off!

Agreed, that would be an amazing Valentines gift.... I am in the same boat. But don't stress yourself out too much, it will happen with time.

I have had one touch, and that was 3 days after they received our petition. There is a lot that they do there that we do not know about, and a lot of delays happen... all we can do is wait and try to prepare the best we can. Some people on here are furious over the expedited petitions of the Haitians, some are just pissed, but I am glad I Have a bit more time to try and better prepare myself for things to come.

True, I am luckier than most, and can just drive 6 hours to be with my wifey, but I am just as impatient as everyone else.... I just want to be with her. But the poeple here have helped me better prepare myself for the rest of the journey, and given me a bunch of laughs to boot, so I just try to enjoy the calm before the storm so to speak.
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-10 13:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPerfect end to a not so perfect start....

Ahhh! Congrats! Hopefully our journey is as successful as yours :)

Hopefully you dont split your pants and have about a half shift to work with duct tape on the groin...LOL
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-03-01 07:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPerfect end to a not so perfect start....
Hey guys,

Just thought I would share my joyus update so far.....

This morning, started out pretty poorly.... Woke up late, coffe filter exploded and I had a nice steaming hot cup of grinds, too bad the 3 drips of water that actually made it to the cup ruined the experience......

Decided to say nuts to it, and hit a Tim Hortons before work.... Line up out the parking lot, and out both doors.... Guess I didn't really need a coffee anyways.....

Got to work, and my assigned keycard wouldnt work.... Guess I didn't really have to worry about waking up late....

Day was the usual day of fixing the overpaid art departments errors and make sure we look good, as does our product, and lo and behold I bend down to pick up a roll of vinyl and the musical sound of tearing denim fills my ears.....

Go to write to my baby at lunch, to send her a I love you note in text, and lo and behold, it wont send... have to restart the phone 5 times before it will let me do just about anything.... Isn't technology grand? Definately a FML day

Get home and start to relax.... about 6 pm, my phone chimes, I have an e-mail.....


Guess it wasnt that bad a day after all! After all the time patiently waiting, I now am one step closer to finally being with my baby for the days to come....

Thank you to everyone on here for the advice and support. Dogspot, NotYourPsycho, Kamson, Utha, thank you for the words and support.... M&Dj, as for your side, I wouldn't worry about it too much, I have a good feeling that it will all work out... TY again everyone... hope to tell you more good news in the coming months for sure.....

CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-28 20:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 finally!
Congrats guys... may the rest of your journey go quickly.... :thumbs:

Edited by CaBOoSE, 28 February 2011 - 08:36 PM.

CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-28 20:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshow do you guys stay in contact with your significant other?

Personally, I prefer to use my home phone. I get unlimited international calling for $35.00 ontop of my local calls of $19.00 with AT&T. If I AM using my cell phone to say a "Hey, I'll be home late tonight- I'll call you at such and such time", I use SPRINT and have their International Plan that is an additional $5.00 a month and charges $10 a minute instead of the $45 a minute I'd get without it.

Other options is this little device called the magic jack! You buy it for $19 and it allows you to use your phone through the internet FOR FREE. Basically, it's a free land line phone you can use to call ppl international. My Step-Mother uses it to call her daughters in Brazil.

Another option is Skype! At the time I used it, it was FREE for international calls. It worked okay.

My Husband and I are both video game nerds, so we use the internet to communicate and spend time together A LOT by playing multi-player games online and use our web cams every so often with Skype.

With us, we are gaming nerds as well, and play a lot on Live to stay in touch.... it does cost me 300 a month in cell charges, but I use way too many daytime minutes... it is an add on that saves me from 1000 dollar bills again.... unlimited north america that uses your minutes instead of LD charges, and I Have an unlimited evenings and weekends, so after 6 it's free to me... saved A TON per month compared to before.... Thank you Rogers.... LOL
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-03-01 11:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?

We received our RFE today...they want more proof we met in person.
I already sent with our first application in sept 2010:
-plane tickets
-one picture of us together (might be our mistake, I sent just one without writting where and when it was)
-passport stamps (we didn't scan the front page of it with ours names and stuff :bonk: )

We will send them more plane tickets, plenty plenty pictures with family and all with little notes, copies of our passports with the front page this time.
I assume emails and msn discussion logs would be useless since it just prove on going relationship but not that we met.
Also, none of our pictures have the dates on them, my fiancé will have to write it by hand on each... is it ok?

Unfortunately I think it was the front page omission that got you the RFE.... I think that was what happened with me... I do land crossings, and there are no stamps so we were beside ourselves as well, but all they needed was my front passport page, with all my information, it could just be as simple as that.... no worries, relax and keep enjoying eachother.... all you need really. It will come together in time. :D
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-03-01 11:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?

It's great to hear that all of you got those RFEs turned around so fast. I'm sure you'll be seeing your approvals soon.

Well just seeing you write that makes me excited again... maybe should buy a lotto ticket now... figuring last time you said something about mine, we got the RFE that night.. Congrats man... Should go quick from here on in.. :D
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-25 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?

I faxed the authorization form and letter over to my congressman today and his aid called me within an hour of me sending it. She wanted to ask me a couple questions about my case and said she already sent to inquiry off to USCIS. Now THAT'S service!


:thumbs: Awesome man... next week should be your week my friend.... Keep us posted on how its going and before long we will be celebrating the home stretch of your journey man.... :thumbs:
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-19 10:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?
Quick question, is there any rhyme or reason to the way they process apps? You would think that they would want to chronologically process things, but I am guessing that is not the case... I am starting to worry that they are towards the end of the month, yet seemed to have skipped over mine... :S
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-10 09:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?
I am hoping the 14th gets done today.... If the 20th are already getting approved what is with the guys doing the 14th? I am confused.... :S
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-09 09:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?
So the update to Igors list looks like they are starting in on the 14th apps, how many of us on here with the 14th have been touched? anyone? (I know Kiwi got accepted on the 2nd Congrats again) But now I am really starting to wonder....
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-09 08:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?

CSC needs a K1 enema a la VCS...Come on CSC! Get it out!

Hmmm.... Awkward anyone? Id much rather not associate my NOA 2, or anything with the K1 Visa for that matter to that 'event' LOL But hey, maybe if they just tried rocking back and forth it would go faster? Sry, had to.....

Edited by CaBOoSE, 08 February 2011 - 11:32 AM.

CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-08 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?
No clue how to do the smileys, but the post above me says it all... congrats man, and hope the rest of your lives start soon.... :D
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-07 20:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?
Any updates as of yet to see how many more september filers have their NOA2s?
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-07 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?
Wow... seems like on Friday they were still at the 9th, but now they are processing the 12th? Damn they must be hopped up on caffiene something fierce! Go CSC.... only 2 more days till the 14th... LOL
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-07 07:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?

And sniffing glue....

Oh my god.... you don't know how hard I laughed at that clip..... I know his pain... but thank you for posting that... at first I had no idea what you were talking about, but after seeing that I am still rolling....

That was by far a well needed laugh.... thank you again... I will stop the amphetemines and huffing glue asap... I don't want to work at an airport the rest of my life.... lol
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-05 17:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?
I am guessing that this is a bad time to quit smoking, and coffee... I am noticing more and more september 14ths being approved, and nothing on mine yet... LOL Talk about more stresses... DEFINATELY a bad time to quit... LOL
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-04 12:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?
Congrats again to everyone with their approvals.... Now if we can just light a fire under the ####### of the person doing mine and RokNRich's, it would be all good...LOL

Edited by CaBOoSE, 04 February 2011 - 08:05 AM.

CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-04 08:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?
Wow... they already have some September 14ths processed? Man, I am starting to get really antsy now... Congratulations to all the approved Sept. filers, lets hear some more good news soon... :D
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-03 15:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?

I am really worried my NOA1 dated 9/8/2010, is still pending not even touched after 9/13/2010. Plz help somebody what i need to do

I wouldn't worry too much about not being 'touched' after you had... as someone once explained to me, it probably got put on the shelf waiting to be filed. It really doesnt matter if it is touched once or one hundred times, as long as it passes..... Hope your wait ends soon man... we are here if you have any questions.....
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-02 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember CSC filers?
September 14th CSC Filer here... Congrats to all who have gotten their approvals so far.... hope to get mine soon, but I have a question, How do you find out how many times your file has been touched? On the USCIS Website it says the same thing it always has..... Initial Review, but never says any updates... It kind of freaks me out seeing others with at least one touch.... meanwhile I patiently wait and trust in the system.

I just want to know how you would find out about touches be it the USCIS website or elsewhere, and how often a case just doesnt get touched at all, yet still goes through.... Thx
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-01-31 10:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2010 K1 Filers
I Guess since the NOA1 states that our petition was received September 14th, I guess that would make me a part of the September 2010 Filers then? We got notification on the 22nd that on the 14th our case was started, but how can I find out if our file was touched on the USCIS website?
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-01-13 14:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLooking for some hope...
Better to be safe than sorry I say. Once the K1 comes in, it will be a test for sure. But it will also help me to save more, so it can't be that bad, right?

Is it a bad thing that I am already talking with such confidence that it will come in? LOL I am just in awe at how many extra costs there are... it is a real wallet breaker..... Oh well, worth it all in the long run, and I know it will be.... I just want to start it as soon as I can... LOL Patients are best left to doctors offices.... both my wifey and I are not the most patient for sure.....
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-01-13 15:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLooking for some hope...
Stressful is more like it... I don't think I like the fact I can't even go to her after the K1 comes in.... But she has told me it just means she will have to make more trips up here....

But I seriously can't wait to find out more about our petition. I think it isn't the waiting so much as the not knowing a single thing going on with our case. We know it's there, and that's it. but we both have faith, and this time next week I am on my way back to her, so it's all good for now... LOL
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-01-13 15:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLooking for some hope...
So basically I will have to be apart from my Fiancee for a few months after the K1 arrives. After reading some of the trials that others have gone through, I know I am a lucky one then to be able to see my fiancee so much....

I have a lot of respect for everyone who has to face this ordeal, and I know with my wifey to be, it only makes me that much more sure what we share is Something that will last. It will be difficult for the first little while afterwards, not being able to work, then finding a job once the EAD clears, but I think after that all the stress of things to come will all be worth it and we can truly be happy. I wish everyone on these forums the same. Right now I just want to know as much as I can before the time comes, because knowledge is the best weapon to have when it comes to anything really... thank you again for the help so far... LOL
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-01-13 13:46:00