United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Sara and Alex/Alex :) Interview May7th 2010, Approved.
(pending a police certificate being sent with my passport to the embassy so they can attach my visa due to poor advice from Grampian police regarding their certificate being enough and not having to have the one from the apco /grr -BUT APPROVED! lol)
Alex :)MaleScotland2010-05-08 19:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 4
Hi, I recieved Packet 4 today in the mail and am pretty overjoyed at getting my interview in a timely manner, however I do have a question regarding the actual letter, this is the part thats got me bothered...If this has been asked or an issue before sorry for making a new post couldnt find any info on it.
__________________________________________________ ____________
Visa Appointment
Date Time
07-May-2010 10:00

Case Number: LND2010XXXXXX
Name: (p) : my name
Preference Category: K1 - GRBR

Travelling Applicants:

© My daughter's name - date of birth

Encl : Packet 4
__________________________________________________ ____________
Shouldnt my name be under traveling applicants rather than my daughter from a past relationship that went about as bad as they can go will not be travelling with me. (she was of course listed as wont be coming with me on forms I'd filled.) or do they just do that, dont want there to be an error on the paperwork should i contact them or is this normal?


thanks for your time.
Alex :)MaleScotland2010-04-16 06:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 for London Embassy-May 2010 /K1 Visa
You can get the form needed for the police certificate here.

Edited by Alex :), 22 May 2010 - 07:03 PM.

Alex :)MaleScotland2010-05-22 19:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionvaccination Influenzae type b (Hib)
I had the same concern prior to my medical, so i can set your mind at ease. The HIB shot is only given to children and chances are didnt exist when you were growing up, its not something to stress about, you wont need the injection at all if you never had it as a child.

most important are the 2nd MMR shot, and an up to date Tetanus (MMR is only given ONCE typically in Europe, but at least twice in the USA)

Edited by Alex :), 23 June 2010 - 07:04 AM.

Alex :)MaleScotland2010-06-23 07:03:00