Australia and New ZealandQuestion about I-130 - No citizenship?

I tried but I couldn't remember. But I need to know this from Australia though, thanks Ryan.

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2014-05-19 23:54:00
Australia and New ZealandQuestion about I-130 - No citizenship?

Yes I am...:( sorry

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2014-05-19 22:56:00
Australia and New ZealandQuestion about I-130 - No citizenship?

I came across a post before about someone that lives in a country for 10-15 years but never had a permanent resident card, not sure where he was but I couldn't find it anymore or following the post. I know someone said that he never had an Australian citizenship and could not sponsor his spouse, is there a way for this even though i thought if you stay in a country for so long, you can file a petition for naturalization? I know this is in a wrong forum and probably get it moved but hopefully I can get an answer in either way. thanks in advance.

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2014-05-19 22:37:00
VietnamTold of missing document (split topic)
They said its a new document. My fiancé has to travel to Saigon to obtain it...I don't understand why cong han doc than isn't enough? Does anyone have this problem?
sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-10 22:27:00
VietnamTold of missing document (split topic)

Meaning "verification of marriage eligibility". Have you submitted your Certificate of being single verification (Cong Ham Doc Than)?

Yes. I have everything, they must want extra cash under the table or something. The embassy approved everything for me already. My fiancé said she'll go there again and show them the paperwork again and see what they want.

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-11-21 11:22:00
VietnamTold of missing document (split topic)

I've had my paperwork done here in the US (paid), sent over there and they said I'm missing "xac nhan du dieu kien de ket hon"....what is that?

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-11-20 02:30:00
VietnamAppartment in Vung Tau

Does anyone know an appartment in Vung Tau that's decent? I'm looking for 2 months rent, around $200. I've found some places but I was wondering if there's any recommendations. Thanks in advance.

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-11 17:52:00
Vietnamstatement in-lieu of certificate of non-impediment to marriage - NEW document required in VN
You should be fine. This is only if you were getting married in VN. It's a stupid piece if paper that has no meanings other than making money and wasting your time in VN. The fking ###### states that you are single and even though they cannot prove that you aren't, you have to tell the truth.
sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2014-01-09 10:55:00
Vietnamstatement in-lieu of certificate of non-impediment to marriage - NEW document required in VN
Ya it is best to do it in VN. I prepared in the US and paid 600 for the fees and paperwork fees. Found out I had to do the one more in VN to complete the package. If I had done this in Vn, not only it's quick, but also costs less. But now I know that when you complete the package though the correct chain of command, you need this paperwork. A notary stamp isn't enough.
sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2014-01-07 17:32:00
Vietnamstatement in-lieu of certificate of non-impediment to marriage - NEW document required in VN
Where can I get it notorized in the us? Any public notary? I asked them and they said I have to follow chain of command or do it here in VN?
sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2014-01-01 13:33:00
Vietnamstatement in-lieu of certificate of non-impediment to marriage - NEW document required in VN

I emailed the embassy in VN and they sent me the form. Now I just have to have it notorized here or over there. If anyone planning on getting married and did their paperwork here, you will most likely to be missing this, just PM me and I'll send it to you.

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-13 15:40:00
Vietnamstatement in-lieu of certificate of non-impediment to marriage - NEW document required in VN

The Country of Vietnam requires this paperwork for foreigners to be married to a Vietnamese citizen and it has to be done by a U.S citizen. As far as I know, since the paperwork is new, I cannot find any info about this online for the U.S citizen but other Canada has this. In Canada, they said the embassy has to stamp them. So for the U.S you can have the U.S Embassy in Vietnam stamp it for you. But in the U.S there's no such thing...unless it's new and not a lot of people know about it. AFter it's done, you submit it with your marriage packet like usual

Edited by sparth, 12 December 2013 - 12:31 PM.

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-12 12:30:00
Vietnamstatement in-lieu of certificate of non-impediment to marriage - NEW document required in VN

im getting married in VN and i'm from the States.

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-11 23:25:00
Vietnamstatement in-lieu of certificate of non-impediment to marriage - NEW document required in VN

"statement in-lieu of certificate of non-impediment to marriage" is the title of the paperwork. Basically it is reworded from the affidavid of single status...saying that I can marry freely to anyone overbroad. Strange but you have to be in VN to do such things. I'm stressed out already

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-11 22:42:00
Vietnamstatement in-lieu of certificate of non-impediment to marriage - NEW document required in VN

My fiance is scrambling to get this document. She finally got it but cannot have it notorized even though she has my power of attorney. In U.S there's no such thing, as far as research online goes. They said the paperwork is implemented in May 2013 and a lot of people are missing this. She also met a couple and he had to book an earlier flight to complete this over in VN in person. Does anyone know where I could obtain this letter? I can try to complete it and send it over or will I need to book a new flight for this? Please let me know. Thanks.

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-11 22:14:00
VietnamI could be freaking myself out...

Anybody else curious about how it went???

Now I am :)

Anybody else curious about how it went???

Now I am :)

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2014-02-17 08:04:00
VietnamI could be freaking myself out...

You have a good friend. That's a lot of money just for the plane ticket, especially during the holiday.

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-14 00:46:00
VietnamI could be freaking myself out...

That's why he's tagging along :)

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-14 00:38:00
VietnamI could be freaking myself out...

Women can change men :) It's some sort of...sorcery.

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-14 00:33:00
VietnamI could be freaking myself out...
I hope your friend doesn't ####### block you :). Gl and have fun.
sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-13 23:45:00
VietnamI could be freaking myself out...

I was only asking him why he's going for only 1 week and I, in my opinion said it's not worth it. I didn't ask YOU to respond for him. He didn't say anything about the K1 Visa, not sure why you brought it up. If you think he's planning for a K1 visa and that's the reason he's meeting her for only 1 week then it is jumping the gun in to marriage.

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-13 16:07:00
VietnamI could be freaking myself out...

I know filling the K1 visa is faster than the CR1 but is it worth it to meet someone and then 6 months later she comes here and then have 3 months to marry? That's about 9 months total to know someone, isnt' that jumping the gun? If you spend 1500-1800 on a ticket itself to go for one week, i don't think it's worth it for various reasons.

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-13 15:47:00
VietnamI could be freaking myself out...
Anyways back to the OP. Why did you plan on staying only for a week? It's a waste of time and money fir only a week. I'd rebook the ticket and pay the fees and stay as long as you can. One week is not enough if you ask me. Think of it as a long vacation. Don't worry about too much. You will start to share and be comfortable after the first maybe 2 weeks.
sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-13 15:25:00
VietnamI could be freaking myself out...
Also all I did was emailed the us embassy in Saigon and request the pdf and they sent it to me. So if anyone needs it let me know and I'll forward it to you. But if you're getting married there, just pay someone, about $500 which is less than you pay over in the states and you get your interview the same day without having to wait 10 days and then another 33 days for the result. I had to pay 600 over here and now I have to pay extra to get it ASAP. That's not including fedex shipping. Lucky enough, my smart fiancé met people during her trip to Saigon to get the paperwork and the couple ahead of her has family that does it so he's helping her out. This is another example why you always help out others and you get yours in time of needs. Unlike someone always ###### and moan and bring people down with them
sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-13 14:47:00
VietnamI could be freaking myself out...
I agreed. He must have a terrible relationship and was naive and now someone cleaned out his pocket. You don't need to marry abroad to do that. Bad stories happens but give the kid hope and maybe one day someone will actually marry you for who you are. Don't be so bitter about it and drag everyone down with you. They deserve better
sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-13 14:36:00
VietnamI could be freaking myself out...
You act like after divorce in the states you don't pay child support if you have kids or the mom trying to squeeze money out of you. And by marrying someone in Vietnam, even after divorce you are still entitled to support her family. Seriously? People marry aboard hundred of thousands every year. Of course not all marriage go through but the number is far less than the divorce rate in the states. If you marry a nice educated girl or guy then you have a better chance of having a family. If you can find someone better than do it. You can't find love, they come to you. Keep it or leave it is your responsibility. You have to straighten it out to her and let her know. You're not putting her family above yours. So get that OG mentality out if your head and stop with the vietnamese bad rep.
sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-13 14:30:00
VietnamI could be freaking myself out...
You're comparing the worse case scenario. You have the mentality of an ignorant vietnamese OG. If you're marrying someone that had 10 family members who has nothing then yeah, they will be more likely to use you. But who does that? Why would you marry someone that has no job, no education? This isn't the 90s. Family first, if you are educated you would know and she would know this. You're not marrying the whole family. Plus it's not bad to send a couple bucks here and there to her family, after all you did marry someone's daughter. But if you're poor and can't afford it, then you just can't. You act like if she's a USC she's going back to live in VN. You kidding me? Grow up.
sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-13 14:17:00
VietnamI could be freaking myself out...

I understand how you feel. People think going to vietnam to marry is because you can't find an american, it's easy and you don't have to deal with the fact that the vietnamese girl wants to get with you to come to the U.S and then leave you. But let's face it, it's not much different than marrying someone here and get divorced. My mom was the same way until she had a talk with my fiance then everything was a lot better. I didn't even tell my mom about when I went to see her in Vietnam. You're an adult, you can make your own decision. Soon or later, they will have to accept the fact about who you want to marry. It's fun and frustrating at the same time so good luck on your trip. BTW, where are you staying in vietnam? How did you 2 meet? If you met her random on the internet then it's a red flag so keep your guard up. Don't bring too much money back, bring around $2,000 only if you going for about a month. That's more than enough to travel to different places. If it's not enough, tell her to pay. If she is using you for the money and doesn't want to pay then it's another red flag. How is her education, religious belief...etc. Make sure she's on the same track as you.

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-12 12:12:00
VietnamI could be freaking myself out...

Follow your guts. How did you 2 meet. I met mine through close friends and her family is their parents so I'm safer. Follow her actions. Reason to yourself about how she talk. If you feel like she's just want to leave VN and go to US then you might want to asset the situation. When you 2 meet, it'll be awkward at first but be yourself. Express your feelings to her and see if the chemistry is correct when she returns her feelings. The way she talks, dresses, actions...etc can very well portrait what a person she is. When you live with her you'll know. During intimate nights, will she be a pro or amature, ask her about everything...past relationships...etc. You're about to spend a lifetime with a person, make sure you get it out before it's too late so share. It's really hard for me to trust mine at first even though she said things that only a nice human being can say so it was hard to believe. But when I got to know her, I can't believe all those are true and how lucky I am to have her in my life. But I follow my guts and that's the most gifted things God gave us so use it and you won't be disappointed. You will know who's fake and who's not. You will fight, you will make up. You will say mean things, but in the end, it should end like a fairy tail story and that's what love is.


Most unsucess stories are just like Vegas stories. You go on a vacation, you meet, you get married and divorce the next day. It's typical. If you are meeting her to see how it goes, you might not want to think too far of the relationship. You're meeting her so you can meet her family, understand her lifestyle and hopefully you get to know for who she is face to face. I hope things go well with you. I'll be in VN again in Jan and I've been more excited everyday, more than the first time I saw her.

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-11 17:29:00
VietnamMarriage certificate requirement

If you don't know what you're doing, it's best to pay around $500 when you get to VN and get the certificate in 3 weeks. I spent $600 here in the US and it's just paperwork, my fiance still has to turn it in and wait for 43 days :(. You turn in the package over there, and IF you have everything then it takes 10 days for the interview, then 33 days for the result. This is in Vung Tau. We will need to pay someone over there now cause that is not within the time frame before the wedding. Certain province is different than others. GL to you

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-11 17:45:00
VietnamRequirement for Marriage Certificate

We got the new document. It's "statement in-lieu of certificate of non-impediment to marriage". There's no such form in the U.S and even though she has my power of attorney, she cannot complete this paperwork there :(

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-11 22:03:00
VietnamRequirement for Marriage Certificate



I have a question for you. I did my paperwork here in the US and everything is approved. I sent the paperwork to my fiance in Ba Ria VT and when she went to turn it in, they said I'm missing a new document that's implimented in May, 2013. The document is "Giay day du dieu kien de ket hon". She's now in Saigon trying to obtain it but unfortunately they were closed on Wedsnesday, so she had to stay there for a day and hopefully get it on Thursday. I, over here contacted my agent who did my paperwork and contacted the VN representative that works in the US Embassy and they said certain country and certain city/town required this new paperwork, but the U.S does not have this type of paperwork(other than the Affidavid of Single Status). I'm curious of what this piece of paper look like. I was wondering if you had any idea what this is. I don't understand how the U.S doesn't know such form exists yet in VN they required that form.

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2013-12-11 17:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview date got scheduled! Finally

Congrats. I can't wait when it's our turn :) - Prayers from us

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2014-06-02 02:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with CR-1 Spouse Visa Process

:( I was hoping to skip a few weeks of waiting, thanks for your response though.

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2014-04-14 19:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with CR-1 Spouse Visa Process

Oh, When I'm filing the form G-325A for my spouse, it asks my spouse to sign it...If i'm filing on behalf of my spouse, would I need to forward her the letter, have her sign it and she would have to send it back? That would take weeks :( What should I do?

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2014-04-14 19:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with CR-1 Spouse Visa Process

Thank you guys :)

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2014-04-14 19:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with CR-1 Spouse Visa Process

How come on that sept by step guide doesn't show how much I am supposed to send a check along with the i-130 packet? Do I need to send out a check at this point?

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2014-04-14 17:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with CR-1 Spouse Visa Process


sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2014-04-13 23:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with CR-1 Spouse Visa Process

One more thing...We're catholic, due to the time and the paperwork process, we didn't get our certificate until Feb but we can't wait until then to do the marriage ceremony so we did it as planned in January. Would this be a problem since the catholic marriage date is different than authority marriage date?

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2014-04-13 21:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with CR-1 Spouse Visa Process

Thanks, this might be exactly what i've been searching for

sparthMaleVietnam (no flag)2014-04-13 21:43:00