CanadaI'm Still Here
Hey everyone...

I hope all is well with everyone. I'm still here but have started working and don't have much time anymore. It's crazy some days. Work until 5 pm, go home and make dinner for hubby who works till 6 pm and gets home at 7 pm, then it's time to eat, call my daughter, catch up on the day with hubby and then by 9:30 pm it's lights out for both of us. Sometimes I'd like to go back to not working and have the day to do whatever I wanted, but I kind of like bringing in a little income so we can plan other things.

We've moved into a 1 bedroom apartment and are on our own now. No other bodies living with us :yes: . It's quieter and we are enjoying it immensely.

We've just returned from a trip to Canada where my family had its first reunion. We had 98 people for supper one night and then 9 more showed up after dinner and there were 5 not far that didn't make it out to my sisters at all but we did see them on Saturday at my nephew's wedding. What a busy week! but a great week :) .

I think that brings everyone up to date with what's happening with us.
BH45FemaleCanada2010-08-26 09:42:00
Canadacanadian credit score in us ??
I have a Citi Financial Master Card....if I'm not mistaken, I believe I saw those in Palatine when I was there last March. I must ask Larry if there are Citi Financial's there.

laughing.gif He just answered me and said yes....So if you have a Citi Financial MC, you may be in luck.
BH45FemaleCanada2007-11-11 17:28:00
CanadaHas anyone had any trouble getting a compliance letter from Chrysler?
QUOTE (LindaB @ Aug 13 2008, 08:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BH45 @ Aug 13 2008, 08:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had no trouble getting my letter. I faxed it in and had my written letter via the mail within 10 days.

headbonk.gif Was just so sad about leaving my daughter behind, I forgot to import it when I crossed the border. So I need to call CBP and see where I can go to get that done. Hopefully at Chicago O'Hare.

Probably just bad timing for me then....I am sure it will come soon!

I am sure you will be able to do it at the Chicago airport, one of my former co-workers moved to Seattle and "imported" her vehicle at the Seattle airport

I hope so. I would hate to have to drive back up to Sault St Marie, MI to fill out the forms.
BH45FemaleCanada2008-08-13 20:32:00
CanadaHas anyone had any trouble getting a compliance letter from Chrysler?
I had no trouble getting my letter. I faxed it in and had my written letter via the mail within 10 days.

headbonk.gif Was just so sad about leaving my daughter behind, I forgot to import it when I crossed the border. So I need to call CBP and see where I can go to get that done. Hopefully at Chicago O'Hare.
BH45FemaleCanada2008-08-13 20:27:00
CanadaGoing Back to Canada to Visit...
I think the 2nd or 3rd time I went home the Canadian Border Guard asked for my GC and informed me that from this point on when I went to Canada I should be giving them my passport and GC. It just seems to make things simpler, so I do.
BH45FemaleCanada2011-03-05 21:45:00
CanadaNext Part of the Journey

Doing good here, we got our approval not too long ago the wait wasn't too bad really. The drive to Memphis was a pain wish they had a office here in AR, at least they didn't ask us to come back for an interview. Hope your wait is not too bad either.

Why did you have to drive to Memphis? You should post a picture of you now. I'd like to see the belly growing.... :D

Doing well madame! Just applied for citizenship and hoping to have that all wrapped up by end of May (if not earlier). The lovely daughter is considerign a 2 mon stint in Canada with her grandparents starting in April so with any luck we'll have an extended, belated honeymoon :D

We'll be going on our honeymoon this year too. Just a short trip to the southern part of IL but at least we'll finally have one :lol:
BH45FemaleCanada2011-03-07 08:51:00
CanadaNext Part of the Journey
Hi Everyone...just thought I'd drop in to see how everyone is doing. I'm no longer working :dance: , so I've more time to spend doing other things, like checking in here. I've just filed my I-751 and am playing the waiting game again.

How is everyone? I hope all is well and you are all as happy and content as I am with my new life.
BH45FemaleCanada2011-03-05 19:24:00

Hmm - will you be close to US citizenship then? You may be able to finish that up (looks like it's taking 4-5 months on average depending on where you're going through) and then you, yourself can petition for her as well.

She's just in grade 11 this yr? So she had another year before she finishes highschool, right? I cannot remember how much younger then my daughter she was :)

I've just applied for my 10 year GC. I checked out the I-130 and I should be able to petition for her as I'm a permanent resident, she's my daughter and under 21.

Yes, she has one more year of high school. She just turned 17 in January. Her other question to me is "Mom, what if I come for university?" So I'm trying to find out what that will entail cause I'll bet the course selection is different.
BH45FemaleCanada2011-03-22 08:11:00
Hey Everyone

How are you all doing? I have a question to ask - my daughter may want to join me. She thinks she'll complete her senior year of high school before making the move. At that time, she'll be 18. How do we go about doing this?

Thanks for any and all assistance
BH45FemaleCanada2011-03-20 19:45:00
CanadaHeading back home for a week of vacation
Enjoy your visit with family and friends. We'll be headed into Ontario for the Canadian long weekend and back home on Memorial Day weekend. I was just there in Feb but I do miss my daughter terribly when we are apart so I can't wait. :dance:
BH45FemaleCanada2011-04-04 13:41:00
CanadaPeace Bridge Crossing during ROC with extension letter
I'll be heading home to Northern Ontario May long weekend (Canadian one :)) and crossing at Port Huron / Sarnia. I hope they are up to date with the expired green card and extension letter. At least now, I'm semi prepared for questions.
BH45FemaleCanada2011-04-26 14:39:00
CanadaWe Got a Job!!!
Congrats! I hope he had a great 1st day :thumbs:
BH45FemaleCanada2011-05-02 21:26:00
Canada2010 Tax thread - For Canada and the U.S.

You may be able to get a portion of the 25% back by filing a Section 217 return (basically the income is less than the 25% tax bracket). Don't let the CRA keep money that they have no right in keeping.

Example, please.... :wacko:
BH45FemaleCanada2010-02-21 17:26:00
Canada2010 Tax thread - For Canada and the U.S.
I'm guessing that with my income being all from Canada, and they did deduct the 25% NR tax, that I really don't need to file a return with them even though it was earned in 2009 and I've lived here since July 2008?

:wacko: :help: :blink:
BH45FemaleCanada2010-02-17 16:54:00
Canada2010 Tax thread - For Canada and the U.S.

Looks like 25%. There is a link to a calculator, also, on pg. 6.


Thanks ValerieA. I happened to get through to the International Tax Office just as I opened VJ. They confirmed it is 25% still.
BH45FemaleCanada2010-02-09 14:02:00
Canada2010 Tax thread - For Canada and the U.S.
Does anyone know what the Non-Resident Withholding Tax Rate is for 2009? Trying to call the International line is crazy!!
BH45FemaleCanada2010-02-09 11:50:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...
You are definitely not alone. June 29 will begin my 4th year of living here in the burbs of Chicago. When I moved, I left my daughter behind - not because I wanted to - because of legalites with my custody order. I moved into my hubby's apartment with his 2 sons - who at the time were 17 and 25. Salem, my daughter's cat, was and is my comfort. For 20 months, I basically lived in a 10 x 12 room. His one son lived in our living room so I had no other place to go. I spent most of that 1st week crying and wondering what I had done. In the last year, we have moved into a new apartment without his sons. :)

I went to church and found friendly people there. My hubby had told them our story and they were very kind. During the week was tough, but come Sunday I knew I had something to look forward too. The folks there got me involved with helping one of the elderly ladies with her moving sale. I got to know some of the women even more and have formed some wonderful friendships with them. I am so involved with the church now, I don't know how I worked and did all the things I help with at the church. :bonk: If it hadn't been for my church family here, I'm pretty sure I would have slipped into another depression.

After getting the ok to work here, I registered with Robert Half International Accounting agency. Last March, I received a call asking if I would be interested in working for a short time. I thought it would be great to get my feet wet and truthfully, I was ready to work again. It was only to be a 3 month job that wound up lasting for 11 months. So maybe that is something that you could do - register with an agency. See where it takes you.

This will never be "home" persay, but it is home. My heart will always belong to Canada. I miss Canada, my daughter and family but am working daily at my life here. I'm happy and content in the knowledge that one day I will move home to Canada with my husband.

Things will get better. (F)
BH45FemaleCanada2011-04-15 17:10:00
CanadaJust for fun...when is the next time you're going "home" to Canada?
I was there in early February (missed the blizzard that hit Chicago) and we'll be going back up May 20 to the 30; back in October for another 10 or 12 days. In between, my baby girl and a friend will visit us :D
BH45FemaleCanada2011-04-07 15:13:00
CanadaCanadians and different ways of thinking in the US

I"ve been in Chicago for over a year now..and to this day i keep annoying my husband at times with "its not like that in Canada, or we dont do that in Canada, and I like the way Canada does it better".

He's learned that i'm still adjusting to alot of differnet things. And hes also learned ther are some things i wont compromise on espeically when it comes to shopping. As for the mentality, i live in an area where there are alot of different ethnic groups, and ironically i'm the minority ( tiny white english girl). Trying to adjust to living in a complex with this many mid easterners mexicans and asians is hard for me. I get constant annoying looks, i've bene yelled at for many things, I've seen people sneer at me and say stuff in other languages. It has brought me to tears many times. To be honest, i'd have to say and my husband commented on it as well, there is so much rudeness here that i have been angry alot, and in some cases i'd say i've become racist in a way. Although he tells me the rudeness is a chicago thing. Also the drivers here are all nutbergers. lol. But the way women seem to be treated here annoys the ** out of me. Like the old adage stay home barefoot and pregnant? yeah that gets thrown at me in many ways...and on more than one occasion my husband has had to stop me from almost punching ppl. So much for being the nice Canadian eh? LOL.

I would imagine any other part of the usa is different in ways too, just like montreal quebec is differnet than Hawekesbury ontario, and i've lived in both places. I grew up in Montreal, but i hated the people and politics there, and being english i hated the french naturally :P. When i moved to Hawkesbury Ontario, (halfway between montreal and ottawa) it was a whole new world. i absolutely adored the area, the peple and hte places. Friendliness and smiling people were everywhere even if you had no idea who they were. In montreal if i said hello to a random person they would give me alook like i was crazy. lol.

By the sounds of things, I've been lucky living here. I'm almost next door to you in Palatine. I went from living in a town of 5,000 to 65,000. I owned my own home in Canada and now live in a complex of about 18 buildings. Our building has 40 units but I have never experienced anything like you have gone through. My neighbours are diverse but friendly. I've been here 3 years tomorrow and am still doing some adjusting. Hope things begin to look up for you Kim....
BH45FemaleCanada2011-06-29 19:56:00
CanadaOh Canada!
(L) Happy Canada Day! (L) A lot of my friends here remember to wish me Happy Canada Day which means a lot to me.
BH45FemaleCanada2011-07-01 14:06:00
CanadaGreencard holder with expired foreign passport. Can I travel to Canada by land?

I have tried to search for this topic but I'm afraid that there have been new rules since 2009. I just wanted to know if I can enter Canada and go back to the US with only a Greencard. I have friends who told me that a Greencard is all I need since they were able to travel by land ok. However that was in 2007 and 2009. I don't know if I have enough time to renew my passport. Does anyone have any experience with crossing the Canadian/US border with just a Greencard and no passport? Thanks!

I would suggest you call the Canadian Border and US Border Protection Agencies directly to get an answer. They will tell you exactly what is what! Just a suggestion, though :)
BH45FemaleCanada2011-06-23 16:52:00
CanadaCrossed into Canada by land
We cross at Port Huron / Sarnia as it is closer to my family living in Southern Ontario. The first time we crossed I just gave them my passport. The next time, they asked to see my GC. So since then, I've always just handed them my passport with the GC tucked into it.
BH45FemaleCanada2011-07-02 15:45:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
Palatine had about an 1 of snow overnight. It's overcast and the roads are wet. It's 27* and I have my window open.... yes.gif
BH45FemaleCanada2009-01-07 11:59:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

- especially when the 'something else' regularly illustrates what you have given up more than what you have gained.

Love this part. Every time I go home, I see what I have given up. I love my husband and am as happy as I can be without my daughter close by but Canada will always be home.
BH45FemaleCanada2011-06-01 07:41:00
CanadaExtremely home sick
Laura - I hear you. I know the exact place on Hwy 11 where I'll see the sign "Cochrane District". My heart soars and the tears come cause I know I'm home. It's so nice to walk into a store and have people stop and chat. That doesn't happen here.

I've made friends here but they are not family. I miss my family and especially my daughter. She is turning into a beautiful young woman and I've missed some of that growing up. It's tough. We will be moving back to Canada at some point but probably not until he retires, unless we can get a transfer between his company here and the one located in Ontario.

Somehow, I don't think you'll ever be alone in being home sick. ((((( hugs )))))
BH45FemaleCanada2011-05-31 21:52:00
CanadaQuestion for Canadians
Lipton Chicken Noodle Soup and if she likes Schneiders products, get some of those for her. You are a sweet man to be doing this for her and I'm sure she will appreciate it. :thumbs:
BH45FemaleCanada2011-07-19 14:25:00
Congrats . On to the next phase of the journey!
BH45FemaleCanada2012-05-07 17:54:00
CanadaJob Possibility
Just in case someone out there in the Chicago area missed this post about a job, I'll add a some more information. It's in Itasca and has great benefits. The starting yearly wage is $46,000. If you are interested, please let me know.

Good Morning VJ :)
BH45FemaleCanada2012-05-14 08:43:00
CanadaJob Possibility
Hey everyone, how are you all doing? Things are well with us. My loving cat of 10 years died in March of a heart attack. I miss him and will be taking him home to Cochrane for burial at his first home.

I've been asked to see if any Canadians living in the Chicago area are looking for work. The job is in Itasca. The company is looking for someone with experience in Canadian retail and collections. If that is you or someone you know, please let me know and I'll put you in touch with the person you need to talk with about the job.

The next few months are busy for me as I'll be making a couple of trips to Ontario. In two weeks, my niece is getting married in Hamilton. I get to come home for three weeks before I go back for my brother's wedding in Woodstock then home to Cochrane for my nephews wedding and my daughter's, Kelsie, graduation. I'm tired just thinking of all the traveling.

I'm also considering becoming a citizen. I haven't fully come to a solid decision but am tossing the idea around in my head.

I know, I'm all over the place but that just seems to be the way of things for me lately.
BH45FemaleCanada2012-05-05 17:36:00
CanadaThe Way We Were
Well maybe they'll hear that some have returned and they will too just for the "Canadian" connection. I didn't realize how much I missed it. So glad that you are all still here :yes:
BH45FemaleCanada2012-05-07 17:52:00
CanadaThe Way We Were
Hey all....I, too, am guilty of not visiting VJ much after I received my 10 yr GC. Life has been busy. I've got a part time job working 4 hours a day. It works for me!

Larry has just returned to work after five months off due to a strep infection in his foot. It was a wild roller coaster ride but I had my church family for support.

Reading this post brought back great memories of chats and forums. I think the first year I was here we did a secret Santa exchange. I should have stayed in touch better. Now I've been here, I'm sure I'll be checking in daily to see what is happening with everyone.
BH45FemaleCanada2012-05-06 19:39:00
CanadaWhen You Eat Your Smarties
I, too, brought back Smarties to show the folks here the difference. US smarties are actually Rockets that normally come available at Halloween at home.

The ladies that I go to Retreat on have taken a liking to Willow-crips. So everytime I go home, I bring back a bag from the Bulk Barn. I might be bringing back Smarties now too. :lol:

This July 4th, I'm taking Schneiders Hot Dogs to the get together. See what they think of Canadian Hot Dogs : :whistle:lol: .

I miss Crunchie's and Crispy Crunch. I haven't seen any Sponge Toffee around here - another thing I may stock up on when I go to Canada in August.... :yes:

Edited by BH45, 11 June 2011 - 06:38 PM.

BH45FemaleCanada2011-06-11 18:36:00
CanadaWhat Are You Reading?
Currently Reading - "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett.

Enjoyed reading "90 Minutes in Heaven" - Don Piper with Cecil Murphey; "The Shack" - Wm Paul Young

Favorite - "Five Little Peppers" Margaret Sidney
BH45FemaleCanada2011-07-19 14:20:00
CanadaDon't you love it when...
...go for a job interview and that person indicates that you should be getting a call for a 2nd interview with a district manager good.gif know your daughter will be here for a 2 week visit in 12 days kicking.gif
BH45FemaleCanada2009-07-17 18:28:00
CanadaDon't you love it when...
QUOTE (Udella&Wiz @ Jun 11 2009, 11:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BH45 @ Jun 10 2009, 08:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've had a wonderful visit with my daughter, family and friends, but was so happy to return home to hubby......

how is your daughter doing?

She is doing well. At this point, she is dealing with her illness -mono- but is also on a high from winning the MVP for grade 9 girls badminton.
BH45FemaleCanada2009-06-13 09:58:00
CanadaDon't you love it when...
I've had a wonderful visit with my daughter, family and friends, but was so happy to return home to hubby......
BH45FemaleCanada2009-06-10 19:53:00
CanadaDon't you love it when...
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ May 20 2009, 10:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You haven't seen your son in person in over a year, and you see him and his gf at her grad and your heart just melts.

I know the feeling, Carla. It's only been 5 months but man, do I miss her when we are apart. It's also a good feeling knowing that I will be heading home to hubby in a few days......
BH45FemaleCanada2009-06-05 13:37:00
CanadaDon't you love it when...
kicking.gif knowing that in 9 days, I'll be headed north to see my baby girl for 9 days and stopping to visit with family on the way there and on the way home again. good.gif
BH45FemaleCanada2009-05-11 12:47:00
CanadaDon't you love it when...
....there are such wonderful, great people here in the Canadian VJ Forum to take this journey with you.

God Bless you all! Thank you.
BH45FemaleCanada2009-04-17 10:34:00
CanadaDon't you love it when...
QUOTE (July09Bride @ Apr 16 2009, 11:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You stress out about your fiance's interview... you prepare and prepare and prepare... and then he gets approved with you standing there! Even if I did embarass him and turn to give him a hug & a kiss as soon as she said the magic words, "You're approved!" smile.gif

How sweet it is!! Congrats.

You check the mail and that elusive GC is there. kicking.gif No more USCIS until Jan 2011. kicking.gif
BH45FemaleCanada2009-04-16 12:13:00