Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

The one thing I don't remember seeing on the site was your last name. Perhaps I just missed it, or perhaps you intentionally left it off. But I even went to the about me to see what your last name is (I'd forgot) and it wasn't there. The other suggestion (and this is because I'm nosy inquisitive) is to include even MORE about yourself. The "About Me" was my second favorite part of the site (after the pictures themselves).

I used my maiden name a lot, and now it's kind of around, I keep my MARRIED name TOTALLY clean, don't use it ANYWHERE online, especially seeing the stuff my boss digs up on interviewees!

Lol, thought my about me was long enough ROFL!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-25 11:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

I don't have to go back... one thing that stuck out in my mind was one of your FAQ the one about choosing the photos when you take 10 shots and you choose the one. I think your answer sounded a bit aggressive. I would reword the answer to that question. :)

LOL!! I think it does....I get SO pissed when people argue with about this....Hmmm...wondering how to word it more 'delicately'!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-25 10:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Congrats again on the job JG! Hope it allows for some VJ time.

JaEng- The site came out great! I like the name you chose too. I didn't vote on your FB, but I think this one sounds more professional.

So I think the car buying idea is dead. Vaughn's father said insurance would cost about $90 a month. If that is the case then it's cheaper for us to just rent. Does anyone know if there are any cheaper options?

Thanks!! I felt kinda bad because like 20 out of 22 people like the OTHER name, but I just saw 'cheap' when I said the name.....

That insurance is FAR too high, have him check out if they will cover the car being 'off-road', that might work!

As for other options, I would ask your FIL to ask around and see if anyone he knows has a car willing to rent long-term...well not sure how long you're staying!

Love your website absolutely professional!

Now, go back and find a negative, or some thing I can improve on lol!

Hi girls. I'm still around, whomever asked. Just a whole lot less internet time. I was spending all the time looking for a job. Now that I finally have one, I should be able to spend my limited internet time having some fun on here.

Hope all is well with everyone.

Congrats on the job! Which one was it?
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-25 07:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

The website is EXCELLENT! I spent forever just watching the pictures scroll by on the first page before looking at the rest. I like that you included a section about yourself.

Thank you!!

Is there anything that irritated you even slightly or you'd change??

Trying to ask everyone for at least ONE negative!!

Looks good - I like the wood tone background

LOL, I got top billing!

As I said, your photos are still my all time favorite couple photos!! LOVE THEM! And JaLove's baby is my favorite baby pic of ALL time, even compared to my own kid's lol!

Very very beautiful'
Congrats hun and God Bless your prosperous business!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:


Not prosperous enough yet though ROFL!!

Sent my son back to school completely two years running though which I am SO proud of!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-25 07:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

love the website jaenglish

Thank you!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-24 15:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

It is amazing! I want my picture on there. LOL!'ll have to invite me there, come here or meet me in Jamaica lol!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-24 15:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

So the first day at my new position went great..Learned a lot of stuff today ..and tomorrow I'm going to be on my own.

damn they dion't mess around!!

Good luck, hope you continue loving it!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-24 14:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
So finally launched my REAL website, check it out!!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-24 13:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Aww thanks DW (F)

I'm still thinking it all out about buying a car there. It just seems like rentals are going to add up to so much over the years. We are lucky in that his father is trust worthy and will keep up with the car.

I would agree with buying a car since you have someone trustworthy to keep it up....As long as it isn't mishandled, I can see it saving you WHOLE lot of money....Would pay for itself in 3 -4 trips....
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-23 07:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Hey all....replied earlier, but IE ate it...

Been really bust with work, had two weeks training in our head office which is 90 mins drive in the office I was hired to work in which is 16 minutes drive!!

Photography has thankfully been incredibly busy lately, so thankful since my son's dad has decided he can't afford to help me with any of his back to school stuff....

Was in NY over the weekend, damn it's CHEAP!

Got a pair of Timberlands for my son plus two pairs of sneakers for $100!

How is everyone?
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-17 12:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South America***Dominican Republic - Fianceé Pregnant***
QUOTE (Haole @ Nov 18 2007, 12:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do I have to let the US embassy in the Dominican Republic know that she IS pregnant?
No. They will know after she takes her medical tho.
I've also heard that if the child is born overseas we will have to do a DNA test to proove the child is mine... Is that true?
Not always. Some embassies require the father to be present when the baby is registered at The US embassy.
If there is doubt they "may" require a DNA test. NO idea what the cost is. Cheaper than having to go thru the immigration process and get the child USC later tho.

If so, how much?

Do you guys think she will be able to get here before the due date... June 2008?

I can't see how it would take that long. Another thing is most airlines won't let pregnant women fly past 7 months or so.

I would advise you to write a letter to the embassy stating that she's pregnant and the child is yours.
I had my fiance include it in the letter of intent that we sent in with packet 3.
Was just a safeguard so they could be in no doubt that he knew of the pregnancy and accepted that he was the father.
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-11-19 14:32:00
Asia: East and PacificPesos to Dollars

I have a little over P500,000 sitting in my fiancee's savings account. I wired the money over to the Philippines from my credit union savings account. When the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) received the wire, they converted the money into pesos and deposited it into her savings account. Now I am getting ready to bring my fiancee back to the states with me and I would like to change the pesos back into dollars to bring back with me. BPI says they can't change the pesos back into dollars. I would like to know from someone who has faced this problem, how can I change the pesos back into dollars. I was told to do it through Western Union, but Western Union says they have to transfer the money to a Western Union Office near my home in the US. That means I would have to leave the money over here and hopefully when I get back to the states the money will be waiting for me at a Western Union ofice at my home. I don't trust people here in the Philippines, so how can I be assured my money will be there in the states when I get there? If it isn't there, I will be in one country trying to get my money from another country.
Does anyone know how I can exchange the pesos here in the Philippines and have the dollar cash in my hands when I leave here to go back to the states? I know some banks have dollar accounts, but I need to change my pesos into dollars before I can open a dollar account. Western Union can't change the pesos for me and give me the dollar cash value.
I woild appreciate any help anyone can give me concerning this matter.

Why not send the money to someone in the USA while you are in the Phillipines via Western Union??
Maybe you trust people here......
Otherwise, take the money out in cash and change it at the bureau de change at the Phillipino airport.
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 02:13:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHusband and family think I am RICH! Hellllpppp
QUOTE (Leedah @ Jan 20 2008, 11:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey everyone.

Well, here is an update.

I will start from the beginning. This is

I met my SO in 2004 because I was there looking for my 2 kidnapped boys (ages 5 & 6 at the time).

My previous husband (who is also Gambian but a different tribe) had gotten himself deported (he was already out of status) and had taken the kids by way of asking could they "visit" since he couldn't come back. I had never known him to lie before so I let them go for 30 days to see family then come back. During that time I kept in touch by phone and everything was going well. After two weeks the phone was cut. This happened after I informed my then husband that I wasn't going to live in Gambia because the u.s is my home. (He had asked me to come also though we had been separated since 1999 & legally since 2000). (due to my not knowing the african culture and his particular tribe at that time and how they work 24/7. I am african-american by the way and I met him here in the U.S.).

Anyway, when I realized that my kids weren't coming back (after the phone was cut), I cashed in an annuity I had and hopped the plane to Gambia. (Didn't know ANYONE there).

Where I had gotten a room (in a nice compound owned by a british couple) is where I met my present husband. He lived next door with his extended family.

Everyone knew why I was there and did there best to comfort me. Also my present husband was very accommodating and the perfect gentleman (still is except for his occasional lapse in the mouth department, haha).

Anyway, I located my kids (got to see them for 10 minutes out of the whole 2 week trip) at the compound that my ex grew up in (couldn't take them back due to being surrounded by the whole village and them explaining that my kids couldn't go because they are the only boy children of my ex and he is the oldest male child to support the family. Like I cared! Gimme my kids. lol).

When I went back to the U.S. , I enlisted the FBI's help and NCMEC, also the police. I got them registered as kidnapped children, got their passports flagged and god knows what else. (I was in a rush to call everyone under the sun and notify any agency who would listen).

Then, I decided to go back in Dec.2006 to Gambia. I saw my present hubby again and fell in love. It wasn't the kind of love I could conceive of. You see, I came their with not much money, so when we realized that we still had feelings for each other from 2 years before, we married right away to avoid premarital relations (we are both muslims and I was muslim before I met him and my ex husband anyway).

Since I didn't have much money, he paid for me to get a driver and car to try and go to see my kids again at their compound (which is in the rural area -upcountry- of Gambia). It cost him 6000 Dalasis to get the car and driver and another 2000 for incidentals. So 8000 dalasis. Mind you, he had worked for 3 years to save that money, is poor and his rent at his home where he now lives is only 700 dalasis for a month and he basically needs about 1500 dalasis to live comfortably each month. (the exchange rate is $21 for our $1).

Anyway, we didn't even get to see my kids that time and I was totally distraught and crying my head off in the car on the way back to town (a 6 hour ride). The whole time he held my head in his lap and told me to sleep to avoid the pain. He kept smiling and showing me the road as we drove back. (I knew it was a ruse to keep my mind off of what had just happened. He explained that tribes are different and that my ex's tribe is uneducated, only keep to themselves and believe in male children going abroad when older to start the cycle of providing for the ones left behind. He thought that if I didn't get them now, that my kids would eventually come looking for me when they were old enough to think for themselves.

Anyway, he became SUPER attentive to the point of cooking for me, back rubs, carrying me over mudpuddles, even scratching me in my sleep when the mosquito's were trying to carry me away in their "band of brothers". I couldn't sleep from having to wake up every 30 seconds to scratch a mosquito bite. hahaha.

Anyway, we shared more than the average couple would share in a lifetime because of the fiasco surrounding the kidnapping. I assume we are no longer in the just married, non personal mine is mine-yours is yours-stage.

So now, he has become sort of different in the sense that he is more aggressive and not as low-key as before. Whereas before he was playful and would say "I am a poor bush boy. help me out". (in a joking way). Now he get's upset because I can't send anything. Though he doesn't verbalize his anger directly at me,..he says "you have lived here and know exactly the situation, why not share?". Since I don't have it, it comes off to him as if I don't want to give. I know for a fact that he would provide for me when he is here in the U.S., however, I can't do for him right now and this is upsetting for him since he thinks I'm just being selfish and that I am keeping up my guard due to the situation. Not true.

So, in a nutshell, I know that he is not simply seeking a green card or money frivolously.

Has anyone here ever found a happy medium in this department? And yes, I have spoken with him about the money difference several times but I know in the back of his mind, he really believes I am rich.

As for leaving him,...nah, that isn't an option. I was thinking about stopping the petition because if we had issues about money now, they would get enhanced living in "Money Pit USA".

Bring on the comments. Lol.

The fact he used his money on you means NOTHING....he could very well have made an 'investment', which he's now slightly disgruntled isn't paying the dividends he expected.....
I find it quite odd that he feels he has the right to EXPECT money, for me it stinks of indignation - ie 'I s[ent my money on you, how dare you not help me'....
Quite frankly, I think you're making a HUGE mistake, but at the end of the day, only you can decide.
I notice you have asked for advice, yet seem to defend your decision at every turn.
I feel you are looking for us to soothe the niggling voice that's telling you not to do it.
Seems that you want us to tell you to go ahead, to marry him.
Unfortunately, I just don't think that's a good idea.

My heart truly aches for you at the loss of your kids. I cannot imagine where you got the strength to go on, you have been through every mother's worst nightmare sad.gif
I hope one day you get them back and I hope your ex rots in hell mad.gif
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-22 06:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInternet Love
QUOTE (Boaz @ Feb 18 2008, 01:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Your comments were funny. IMO ... history has proven itself once again ..... if you are not sharing a fairy tale story, others tend to jump all over you. Sometimes you are even told "where" to post your comments. While I can understand why you've mentioned that reading Idocare's post may have put you in an emotional shock, let me be the first to say that after continously being told to keep your mouth shut unless it's a positive story ....... I guess she (Idocare) got fed up. As mentioned by someone else before ........ tired of watered down VJ.

In a nut shell - all is glorious here as long as your agree with the majority. But if you dare step out and express anything different ..... it won't be nice. As long as we all agree - things are fine. When an opinion is expressed .... be careful ....... you better hope that it's sensitive in topic, whether it's the truth or not.

Reminds me (sorry to get off topic) - a while back someone expressed why they were chosing not read a book, and guess what ..... the same thing happened again.

Idocare ...... TELL YOUR STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I second that.....It's as if some posters take it personally that people talk of when it all went wrong....One must wonder if perhaps they are scared to see that it isn't always rosy.....If people don't agree with what is being said, that's what the BACK button on the browser is for.....I must admit I chuckled at the poster who accused the OP of sneaking her story in under an innocuous topic laughing.gif
No-one FORCED anyone to read it.
I actually think it makes good reading and should be mandatory for newbies....At least of they do end up with one of the many scammers they know they were warned...
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-18 07:49:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhat would u do ?
I would not rest until I had him deported. There are no levels I wouldn't stoop to to ensure he went straight back to whence he came from.....For me, that would be part of my healing process....
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-18 08:36:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanImmigration Fraud ****Share Your Stories****
Once in a land some know as the land of opportunity, there lived a woman.
Despite the fact she thought she was attractive and had much to offer, she was unable to find someone there.
So when she found a man across the seas, she thought all her Christmases had come at once.
He professed to be Christian, as she herself did, and claimed to adore her as none had ever been adored before.
People saw through him, but this man had wooed many foreign women before, and also had the experience of his fellows to fill her head with the illusion of his undying love....
She rode on such a high she proclaimed herself Queen....
Then one day, she found a website filled with other women also with their heads high up in the clouds and she rejoiced.
One day, she saw someone post a story that cast possible doubts on her fairytale and despite proclaiming herself a positive, intelligent woman, she immediately unleashed a stream of vitriol on the poster for daring to post.
She indignantly complained to her 'prince' who nervously jumped on the bandwagon in case his house of cards should come tumbling down....'Outrageous' he shouted loudly, 'This woman merely wants to stir up trouble'.
She breathed a sigh of relief and concentrated harder to silence this poster who was forcing questions to pop up in her mind...'Funny how he managed to live to his age without wanting to marry someone else, then within a few months he was consumed with an all-compassing desire to marry'...'How did he manage to eat BEFORE I came along?....'Does his family REALLY like me, or are they overjoyed at the new life for their son?'....'I'm not pretty or slim, he has the body of Adonis, what REALLY attracts him?'
To silence those nagging doubts, she spent more and more of her time proclaiming the poster bitter, mentally ill and twisted...
An ocean away, her love interested breathed a sigh of relief as he rubbed his hands together at the thought of the shiny new green card that would soon be in it, and chuckled at the irony...

Any resemblance to real life characters on a message board is amazingly co-incidental and of course completely unintentional
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-23 09:54:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanyuo wan to hear something that angered me so much
If I was interviewing a couple and she was MUCH older etc, I'd probably have my doubts too.....Your lawyer was just being honest.
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-03-14 20:13:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAnyone do a prenuptial?
I have no money, he has no money = no pre-nup.....

However, had he had money, I would have suggested he got one, just so he would have no doubts whatsoever that I loved him and not his money....
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-04-27 07:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPOLICE REPORT QUESTION...
I believe a police report is valid one year from date of issue, however the consulate might want one more recent I would imagine.

I sincerely hope I'm not expected to get a police report from Jamaica where I lived until I was 19!!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 03:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPassport

Hi to everyone. I hope you are all keeping well throughout your fiance(e) visa process.

I am a little confused about what happens to my passport at the interview when the fiance(e) visa application is successful. Please could anyone tell me if the Embassy keeps your passport to send later with your visa?

This may sound like a silly question but I will be taking a plane from Scotland to London for my interview and my passport is the only form of identification I have.

Thanks in advance!

Yes they DO keep your passport....If that's your only form of ID, you'll have to get the train....
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-07 12:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed your opinions please... ... ...
I understood that the Consulate could delay issuing the visa, I think it would be best to go ahead and submit the forms, on the day of the interview, if she is approved, then show them some evidence of the situation and then ask them to delay issuing the visa for as long as possible. When that period is up, she then has a further six months from then to come to the USA.
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-19 03:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTax Returns for I-134
Just a question on what my fiance needs to provide.
He filed his federal tax returns online. Is the electronic confirmation enough for the embassy or does he need to request an IRS transcript???
Do they want just this years or three years worth?
He also has W2s for 2006 and 2007, does he need 2005 too??
Seem to see a lot of conflicting advice :(
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-29 03:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDo We Have To Inform the Embassy

I was pregnant when I went for the medical and I was not allowed to have the x-ray taken and a couple of the vaccinations. Your fiance writing to the embassy will not speed up the process, just make sure that you take proof

Was not thinking in terms of speeding up the process, but the post I read was inferring the USCIS needed to be sure my fiance knew of the pregnancy...Will be taking my hospital scan and notes to the medical :)
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-10 00:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDo We Have To Inform the Embassy
that I'm pregnant?

Was reading another thread and it said that the fiance had to write to them confirming his knowledge I was pregnant.
Has anyone been through anything similar?????
I'll be about 5 months my interview, have ticked 'yes' on the medical forms....

Oh, when he wrote a cover letter for our I-129, he wrote as part 'I would do anything in my power to have (AlienUK)and (son's name) here by September when our child is born so I can be there for the birth of my first child.'

Would this be enough?

Edited by AlienUKGirl, 07 April 2007 - 04:32 AM.

JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-07 04:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCondescending Effers

As for the medical, glad I read this AFTER mine!!
I didn't have to take my clothes off, just lifted my top and the doctor had a quick glance in my underwear, that was it!!!
Of course she listened to my heart and lungs (and my stomach lol) but wasn't particularly thorough and definitely not invasive.....
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-12 23:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Embassy - Process Tmes - Need help

Hi there,

OK - thank you for this information. This does help.

I have been dithering over the birth certificate part - I was getting my fiance to email a colour copy of her birth cert - but for my sanity - I'm going to get her to send the original. I take it that Americans can request copies of a birth certificate, same as here in the UK?

I've double checked the IV15 form they sent me - it definitely has no word enclosures there - in fact, your form and mine are identical, apart from that one word. That's weird.

Is it worth phoning the embassy number tomorrow and quoting my case id - will they be able to tell me my interview date do you reckon?

Also, today, I've been compiling a complete list of all that I'm going to take with me to the interview, I've listed it below - take a look and tell me if it looks about right...

q Original I-129F package
q Further proof of ongoing relationship (more recent photos, ring receipts, booking for the wedding, etc).
q All material the embassy has sent to me
q My Original passport and 1 copies of every page
q US Fiance passport – copies of every page
q My original Birth-certificate and 1 copies of it
q US Fiance original birth certicate and 1 copies of it
q Police Certificate
q Two US Size colour photographs of me
q Fiance (Primary Sponsor) – I-134 form filled in and signed
q Fiance's Dad (Co-Sponsor) – I-134 form filled in and signed
q Evidence for each of the above
q Affidavit Of Support from above
q Medical Examination results - being sent from Knightsbridge.
q Another letter of Intent from US Fiance (signed)

Do you think I need to add anything to this? Do I need to take 2 colour passport photos of my fiance? Does this look much like what you're taking?

Also - tell me - what was your trip to the medical exam like? I was in an dout in about an hour - couldn't believe how quick the Doctor did the assessment! Felt like they extracted a pint of blood too for the blood test... :thumbs:

Slightly confused at the I-134 AND affadavit of support?
I thought the I-134 WAS the affadavit of support??
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-29 04:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice certificate from other countries of past residence

So I have read the police certificate requirements on the immigration website and am sure this is answered somewhere in the threads but...

my fiancé was in Australia on a travel/work visa for a year about 10 years ago. Do we need to get a police certificate from Australia for him as well as the UK where he currently resides. He thinks that since he kept his address in the UK, he shouldn't need the certificate from Australia. Also, does anyone have any idea how long it would take to get a police certificate from Australia for him if that is what we need to do?


Yes, he does need a certificate.
The packet 3 forms asks the person to list everywhere they have lived over the age of 16 for more than six months.
No idea how long it takes, but would get a move on!!
Taken me 2 months to get my Jamaican one...
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-07 04:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPhoto problems at the last minute!!

snappy snaps are horrendpusly expensive - £30 quid

Gould---these guys are just near the embassy in london and you get 2 photos for 5 quid

50 dollars diff ! I can almost get drunk on that !


They are NOT £30, where on earth did you get that figure??

2 photos cost £7.99.
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-10 05:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPhoto problems at the last minute!!
Snappy Snaps
0141 3397879
306 Byres Road, Glasgow, G12 8AW

A & M Photographics
27 Elm Row

Clear Photography
50/5 North Bridge
Edinburgh EH1 1QN

Photo Express
7 Melville Terrace
Edinburgh EH9 1ND
Tel: 0131-667-2164

Snappy Snaps
36 Queensferry Street
Edinburgh EH2 4QS
Tel: 0131 225-5554
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-09 03:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed some help

My fiancé filed the I-129F and he put my son’s name so now that we have an interview appointment on June. Do I still need to fill up the DS-156 and DS-157 for my son? Is it okay if I bring my son to my medical appointment? My son is 2 years old now already. Should my son needs to have a medical too ? Anybody have an advice for me? It’s been really stressful...I can't wait for this to be over :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :huh: :huh: :huh:

I did both for my son....
He needs a medical, we had ours together.
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-15 04:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHELP! Do photos need to be sent back with Packet 3?
No, no photos needed.
If you look in the consulate section, I've uploaded a complete set of packet 3 forms....
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-23 11:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSend in IV-15 Checklist even tho Pol. Clearance isn't received but applied for?

Hey Fellow VJ'ers,

I've been reading the forums quite a bit, as far as i know, the Consulate only schedules an interview once they have received the IV-15 Checklist, is this correct? If it is, then i haven't seen much on it but by some VJ'ers timelines/comments and tracking their progress, i've gathered that some have sent in their IV-15 Checklist, even though they have only applied for their Police Clearance a few weeks before therefore don't have it physically, but gauging on the time that it takes to receive the Clearance and the timing that the Consulate usually schedules an interview once receiving the Checklist [VJ statistics... generally 1 month], they 'should' have the Police Clearance before the interview.

Anyone care to share their perspective/experience. [of course, this is non-binding, because none of you are immigration lawyers, and certainly not my immigration lawyer :P:P:P]

Thank you :)

Keep strong in the struggle against The Man! :D

I sent in my checklist even though I hadn't got some of the items.
I would make SURE I had applied for the police cert AT LEAST two weeks prior in case it hadn't come by the time of the interview....
But of course you might have to answer some sticky questions if you ended up interviewing without it...
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 02:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFull Contents of Packet 3
No probs :)
Trying to give back even an iota of what I've got from this site :)

Yes, I thought was more suited to the UK forum, but obviously the powers that be had a different opinion....
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-15 04:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFull Contents of Packet 3
oops forgot first page!

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JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-12 05:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFull Contents of Packet 3
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Edited by AlienUKGirl, 12 April 2007 - 05:49 AM.

JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-12 05:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFull Contents of Packet 3
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JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-12 05:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFull Contents of Packet 3
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Edited by AlienUKGirl, 12 April 2007 - 05:41 AM.

JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-12 05:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPregnant, Philippines, Interview Date Received, Scared
The doctor at the medical won't require her to have an x-ray.
Neither will she need to have the MMR until after the baby is born.
As for flying, if Continental flies to the Phillipines, they let you fly until the due date.
If she has the baby right before the interview, the only thing I guess you could do is call them.
It might be worth contacting the Embassy now to advise them she might possibly miss the interview so they have some sort of forwwarning.

Even though you have not asked for comments on her son following to join, I would DEFINITELY advise she brings him with her.
My son is 6, I can't see the problem with coping with a newborn and a five year old.
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-21 03:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPhysical Abuse and the Citizenship Dream
Obviously her desire for a green card outweighs all else...She needs to go back to where she came from.
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-10 11:38:00

Hi all! Quick immigration related question --

A friend of mine now lives in Canada but lived and married in the Philippines when she was younger. She has since filed divorce against her husband (ex-husband) in Canada, which was approved and recognized in Canada. She is not a Canadian citizen, but still a Filipino citizen.

The Philippines does not recognize her divorce, as there is no divorce in that country. So I want to know, will her divorce be recognized in other countries who recognize divorce (ie. the US or UK for example).

I apologize if I am posting this in the wrong forum, I am not sure where it will apply to...

JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-13 07:34:00