United KingdomCSA payments from the US
Hi folks,

I have a CSA deduction from earnings order in place (Voluntary). Does anybody know how things work woth child support once I move to the US. My boy's mother agreed to lift the order when I am ready.

Is it just down to me make the payments at the agreed rate? if so what the best way.. Uk Forex or something like that?


Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-06-22 12:45:00
United KingdomPound continues to nosedive against the dollar
QUOTE (illumine @ Oct 22 2008, 10:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Stinky Monkey @ Oct 22 2008, 10:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It was so much easier when it was $2 to the £, when I was in the states I would just halve everything and know how much it was, now when I go shopping I will have to take a calculator whistling.gif

Thank god I did not changeback the $'s I had left and bought at the good exchange rate

But remember whatever comes down has to go up, well I hope it does before I move over there or I will lose a fortune to what I thought I would take

The pound has been inflated since 2004-5. It was bound to go down.

I was reading a forecast site earlier today and it "forecasts" the dollar to go back up around dec/jan and then keep going till March/April. They also forecasted the current dip but not quite as bad. The dollar dipped 10cents to the pound in the last 24 hrs.!!

Hopefully they will be right and we will see a rise again.. I am seriously considering keeping my cash here for a little longer... I guess it's gamble!!

**Note** I am in a no way a financial Adviser..and am not regulated by the FSA... I am just the worlds biggest freaking optimist!! LOL whistling.gif
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-22 17:02:00
United KingdomUK visa
QUOTE (sanderscn @ Oct 27 2008, 11:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
what does mbc mean?


I think Charles means you should contact the "Embassy"

Right Charles? good.gif

Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-27 06:42:00
United KingdomGareth received his visa already today!
Congrats guys !! kicking.gif
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-28 20:38:00
United KingdomGareth arrived safely!
Enjoy.!! I am made up for you both!! and very green good.gif
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-29 16:18:00
United KingdomDenial of Entry at Airport
QUOTE (Donna-marie @ Oct 26 2008, 08:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There is someone in the K1 thread that got turned away a couple of days ago from the UK, maybe worth you taking a look.
Good luck

Keep it coming guys.. if anything your making me feel whistling.gif

Yeah I saw Liams post.. I feel for him and his SO.. that really bites.... The disappointment doesn't even bear thinking about!!

So was that Gareth stuffed in terms of VWP aswell?
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-26 06:54:00
United KingdomDenial of Entry at Airport
This is all good stuff.. Any experiences are gratefully recieved. I just wanna be as prepared as humanly possible.

Damian - You never fail to amuse!!! I am laughing so hard right now!!

Thanks guys , keep em coming good.gif
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-25 07:09:00
United KingdomDenial of Entry at Airport
Hi Folks,

I was wondering if anybody here in the UK has ever made a trip to the US and been denied entry? if so for what reasons?

I am sure we have all been here in a our own minds at some point.. I am just trying to learn from other people's experiences. I am heading over
for thanksgiving and hopefully staying through till mid January and of course I am a little nervous but will be prepared with the suggested paperwork wacko.gif

Any thoughts?

Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-24 17:35:00
United KingdomHas everyone been enjoying the shortened time diff this week?
It's been great.. an extra hour..yay!!

I have to say though i cheat!! my watch is still on US time from my visit back in febuary,that way I always know what time it is on the other side yes.gif
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-30 20:56:00
United KingdomBlue slipped! Problems with medical records.
Hi there,

Dont know if this helps? but I managed to get hold of my medical records last week. There was a bit of chasing around as my GP referred me to the NHS local health board who apparently "own" your medical records.. which i think is a little starange as they are "my" medical records.. anyway.. after a bit of running around turns out the Local health board only deal with the deceased's medical records so off I went back to the GP. After some more buck passing i finally managed to get a nice brown envelope stuffed with printouts and photocopys. I paid five whole british pounds for the

Keep persisting with your GP and if your not getting anywhere ask to speak to the practice manager.

Good Luck!!!
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-02 10:39:00
United KingdomVisa receieved and ready to go!
Yay!!! Nice one and good luck!! kicking.gif

Great account of your interview.
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-02 10:43:00
United KingdomInterview Date
Nice one Guys !!!
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-29 16:14:00
United KingdomNVC - London Packet 3
QUOTE (KAT&Allie @ Oct 30 2008, 07:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK, I'm certain I've read something about this somewhere on this site some time ago but can I find it now? Of course not. Now I'm not sure whether I've imagined it or not. So I'm sorry to be a pain but it would be much appreciated if somebody could clarify this for me.

I’m months off from getting my NOA2 so all this a bit theoretical for me. We'd like to get married in February (seems to be an unlikely prospect but still we hope...) so I was wondering number of things related to NVC number and the packet 3 issued from London Embassy.

Am I assuming correctly that once you get the NVC number, it is the same for the rest of the process, e.g. London Embassy won't change it again? If that assumption is correct, what is stopping any of us to download required forms and pre-empt the Packet 3 therefore speeding the whole process by maybe 2-3 weeks? Has anybody tried to do that? Or am I just clutching at the straws here? cool.gif

I don't know but to me, it just seems like a nice shortcut to me... smile.gif It would be nice to be able to “beat the system” for a change. Right? smile.gif

I believe it can be done... As far as I know and maybe wrong as I have not had mine yet (still waiting for NOA2) you should be able to download all the most recent forms from the USCIS website. I am planning on doing the same.. I have all the required documents assembled but obviously they dont get sent back, you take them with you on the big day. Can somebody please confirm if the said forms need to go in with the checklist you send back or do you take them with you to the interview?

Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-30 21:01:00
United KingdomPacket 3
Hi Guys...

I need some a little help. I am planning on going away for a bit wink.gif and am mindful of the fact that packet 3 may well turn up at my parents while I a away.. I have all the bits and bobs that are on the checklist however I dont know what I need to send back in packet 3.

Can Somebody please advise me what forms I need to send back and where I can download them. Do they need to be typed or is printed and written okay?

I also guess that there will be a case number allocated by the Embassy which will need to entered. I just want to get ahead of it.. basically if I want to leave an envelope as complete as possible so that when P3 arrives my folks can write the case number on it and send it back on my behalf. basically keeping things moving.

Has anybody else done this? any adivce would be appreciated.

Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-05 11:05:00
United Kingdominterview details at London embassy
QUOTE (jaibi @ Nov 9 2008, 03:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dear VJ members @ LOndon..n rest of the world..
First of all I thank God for helping us out in this trying times to hold on to hope till the end and We have got through the interview with flying colours!!!
I had my medical at Knights bridge doctors on the 17th of October after we received the packet 4 with the interview date scheduled on the 6th of Nov.So I received the package on the 11th and I just rang the docs for an appointment.They ask your case number and the DOB and your passport number for their records.There are two clinics for the Knightsbridge docs so you have to carefully listen to which location they have scheduled your appointment.
Mine was in the one in Bentick mansions where you get down at Bond street tube station from London victoria and get down at green park to get the district line and alight at the 3rd stop i think(Bond strt).Then you look for the nearest bus station where they display where you are standing on the street...keep looking for the Debenhams and take the alleyway close to it and a few yards walk will dirct you to a dry cleaning place..I think the name is Snow white..Bentick mansions is the building on the right turn when u face the dry cleaners and u go n buzz the door and there u are!!!
From then on its self wish you luck on that!!!
As about the interview at LOndon Embassy...I had the slot for 8:30 a.m so I joined the queue at about 8 a.m just to be on the safer side.Remeber not to take any electronic devices..pagers,mobiles,chips,card readers,camera...well whatever electronic u can ever imagine..In case if u have no options to store them the security might ask u to get them stored in a locker facility in the nearby shop...for a deposit of 10 Quid.Well its ur choice and I think its non refundable!!.
If you tend to carry liquid items they will stress u to taste them b4 u plan to take them in!!.Once u are clear you walk through a screening test and the gates shudnt say u are all clear!..then u turn right and to a majestic glass gates where you have to show ur appointment letter and the passport.They scan it and hand it back to you.You will be given a token number which you have to stick on to till the 1st satge of interview.MIne was counter 14 as i guess all Immigrants are done only from counter 12-25.
He handed over to me the X-ray which I was aked to keep it safe till the Port of Entry clearance.Then he asks you about your petition and explains that I will be on a CR-1(Conditional Resident Permit) and a sheet explaining what that visa stands for.They then ask you to fill in a pink slip that is supposed to be the delivery address for your Visa and they keep your passport with them.They will ask you whether its okay to hold our passport for a week or so.Its just a formality.Then they ask you to hold on to that pink slip and wait again for another good 1 hour. (in my case)
I had seen that there were 4 other Immigrant in front of me and each of them took roughly about..30 minutes on an average.So I curiously noticed that all Immigrant interviews are only held on a specific counter that is number 16.I dont know whether its true always..but a simple observation.
Then I was called at about 10:15 to the fore said counter where I was asked to put my left palm to make sure that the finger print holder is the same as the one from stage 1.(sorry earlier at stage one they had taken my Left and right palm impressions and the thumbs).Then this American guy asked me to swear an oath that I make only true statements!! raising the right arm.
He took my file and asked a few questions..
1.How did we meet?
2.When did my Spouse move to the US?
3.Who is her best friend?
4.What her profession was?
5.Does she have any next of kins?
6.Where do I plan to move when I am in the US?
7.How do we communicate each other?
8.what her job title is?
9.What her educational background is?
10.Whether I plan to stay with her in the current address or plan to move out?
11.Where in US am I moving to?
12.What my Job is now..and what Job I would be looking for while in the US?
after this friendly enquiry he said he approves my petition and directed me to take the pink slip to the SMS(Secure Mail Service )Desk in the front entrance of the waiting area.There I was asked whether I was approved..and asked what service do I look for get the visa delivered.I took the b4 12 p.m service and paid 20.25 for that.....
And that was it I took that breath of fresh air and I was sure to be on the Top of the World...guys the moral of the story is stay cool and confident...your patience and your temperament will definitely bring you the best in the end!!!
Good Luck and God bless Us all and God Bless America!!!

Congrats & I hope your move goes smoothly kicking.gif
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-08 22:31:00
United KingdomAll married up to my Englishman
QUOTE (*julez* @ Nov 25 2008, 06:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats, guys!! Glad its all going well for you!

yay!!! congrats guys :-)
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-25 14:18:00
United KingdomHome For Christmas!!
Hi Guys,

I just thought I would follow up on my previous post regarding visiting the US during "the process" and experiences at immigration etc.

I have been stressing over this trip for the last couple of months as it is quite a long one and is the first time I have attempted to enter the US since we got engaged. I have also sold my house and been made redundant from my job.. so solid ties are a little scarce.

Anyway.. so I flew into Newark last Thursday. Thankfully the lines were not to long and I got to my BCO in about 5 mins. He looked like he was tired and having a bad day and to be honest I thought he was gonna give me a hard time as he seemed to be asking lots of questions to the middle aged couple in front of me who looked quite respectable etc etc...

So my turn came and it went something like this:

Me : Hi!! how are you today?
BCO: Good Thanks. Where did you fly from?
Me: London, Heathrow
...Thumbing through my passport..
BCO: Have you been here before ?
Me: Yes a couple of times
BCO: What are you here for?
Me: I am visiting my sweetheart, family and friends for thanksgiving and the holidays.
BCO: Sweetheart ?????
Me: Yes my girl :-)
BCO: How long are you here for?
Me: I am here for thanksgiving and the holidays, heading "home" in January.
BCO: What do you do?
Me: I work in property maintainence.
BCO: They gave you a lot of time off??
Me: Yeah.. I work maintainence for a guesthouse and this is a quiet time of the year for them.
BCO: What does your girlfriend do?
Me: She works for a health insurance company...
BCO: I hate those guys!! .. not your girlfriend :-)...
....We spoke a little about Jess and how proud I was of her and her recent promotion etc. ...... yadda yadda!!
BCO: So when are you leaving?
Me: In january after the holidays.
.....Finger prints....Smile.!!! Stamp Stamp!!!
BCO: Have a good trip!!
Me: Thanks have a great Christmas :-)
BCO: You Too :-)!!!

And that was it..!! i strolled through and now I am here until I get my p3 and go home for my interview - I have until end of Feb according to my passport and NOA2 should be here any day now.. so the plan is to chill here and enjoy our first xmas as a family and then shoot back to the UK to finish up for a week or maybe a forthnight once the embassy are ready for me :-)

I was worried and had a bundle of documentation with me luckily i didnt need it though.

I am just so happy to be home with my baby for the holidays.. this is gonna be the best xmas ever.

I hope it goes just smoothly for anybody else coming this way.

Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-01 08:39:00
United KingdomYippee!!
Thanks Guys!!!
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-12 10:15:00
United KingdomYippee!!
Hey Folks..

Today was a good day the mail man delivered our NOA2 kicking.gif

It was dated 4th Dec and for anyone interested we filed end of July and recieved NOA1 1st Aug.
I am so glad that bit is done and dusted .... just waiting for P3 now.. I used to be a really patient

Will update the timeline shortly :-)


Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-11 14:56:00
United Kingdomnoa2
Yay.!! Congrats!!!
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-19 09:17:00
United Kingdompacket 3 delays
Thanks guys.

I called them and they said they still had my old address on record. DOS had the new one and my lawyers have an email from London on 2nd jan saying the new address had been noted. The day it was supposed to have gone out. Called the guy who lives at my old house and he has seen nothing. I confirmed the address change by e-mail and asked them to re-issue to my new address anyway..hopefully one should turn up about frustrating ..especially as everything was going so smoothly. Hopefully i wont have to wait FOREVER for an interview date... did anyone get a date yet in the last few weeks..if so what kind of wait time are we looking at right now?

Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-14 15:20:00
United Kingdompacket 3 delays
Hi guys.. still chilling in NY with Jess :-).. Hope everyone is well?

i have a question.. called the DOS today and they tell me my P3 was sent out Jan 2nd.. obviusly today is the 14th and still nothing has turned up at my folks house back home...

Has anybody else experienced this kind of delay and did it turn up in the end. Basically if it was going by royal mail it should be there by now.. Not sure if i should ask them to re-issue it or not????
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-14 09:09:00
United KingdomThe Geico Gecko
I thought mas was offed by Tanya.... maybe he was reincarnated as a gecko!!! :-)
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-21 11:55:00
United KingdomInterview Date.
Thanks to you all guys..!!!

Sadly i am now begining to prepare myself for leaving Jess and coming back to the UK on 22nd.. I have no idea where the last three months have gone and find myself actually dreading coming back to England and being without my baby... grrhhh at least the end is in sight.

Thanks again for all your wishes and may the force be with you...... failing that Good Luck!!! :-)
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-11 18:35:00
United KingdomInterview Date.
Hey Folks..

Just thought i would let you know.. i called DOS today and got some good news. My interview is booked for 10th march kicking.gif


Just for info they logged my packet 3 as returned on 29th Jan.. apparently packet 4 was just sent out.. so about 10 days to make the appointment. i am so excited!!!

Yabba dabba doooo!!

For all you folks still waiting... patience is your best friend!!! I however nearlly fell out with him..!! lol
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-09 14:32:00
United KingdomWill they let me reschedule my interview
Hi guys i need to push my interview date back due to a few personal issues.

I am booked for 10th march .. do you think they will allow me to push it back 3 weeks or so or will they get grumpy with me. I know it say on the letter urgert only.

I dont want to but i am thinking i have to.. and will they want to know why??

Anybody done this before..

Thanks guys...

*A very unhappy Dave*
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-26 07:30:00
United KingdomAnyone else in UK waiting for Packet 3?
QUOTE (pothergavel @ Feb 27 2009, 07:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dave and Jess @ Feb 27 2009, 07:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ahlpo @ Feb 10 2009, 12:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We received our NOA2 a couple of weeks ago which was dated 23 January 2009. That was directly from USCIS as we went via DCF.

Although the weather was awful last week, it does seem like it's taking a while to move along with the Immigrant Visa Unit at the US Embassy in London.

Just curious if anyone's in the same situation and waiting on the paperwork.

Hey folks...

I received my NOA2 dec 4th.. still havent had P3!!! in the end I put the info together myself and just sent it in. Once you have your London Case number.. you are all set.

My Interview is March 10th. it took them about 10 days from receiving packet three to log it on the system and schedule a date.. the wait time from scheduling was approx 4 weeks.

Hope this helps...

That's really helpful, thanks smile.gif

My P3 still hasn't arrived, but I got the forms together and sent them off myself. I think they've had the forms about 10 days now, so hopefully sometime next week i'll get a date if you are anything to go by.

Fingers crossed!

Do yourself a favour and call the dept of state in the US. you can get the number by searching the forums here. give them your london case number and they will give you a status update and it is the price of a regular call in the US. They will give you the date long before london send you a letter :-)
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-27 15:36:00
United KingdomAnyone else in UK waiting for Packet 3?
QUOTE (ahlpo @ Feb 10 2009, 12:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We received our NOA2 a couple of weeks ago which was dated 23 January 2009. That was directly from USCIS as we went via DCF.

Although the weather was awful last week, it does seem like it's taking a while to move along with the Immigrant Visa Unit at the US Embassy in London.

Just curious if anyone's in the same situation and waiting on the paperwork.

Hey folks...

I received my NOA2 dec 4th.. still havent had P3!!! in the end I put the info together myself and just sent it in. Once you have your London Case number.. you are all set.

My Interview is March 10th. it took them about 10 days from receiving packet three to log it on the system and schedule a date.. the wait time from scheduling was approx 4 weeks.

Hope this helps...
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-27 14:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFrench & German Police Cert Translation
QUOTE (SunDrop @ Nov 16 2008, 01:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi there

I work in a school and the headmaster is fluent in both French and German, teaches both and has a degree in these subjects. Would he qualify as having an acceptable level of fluency. Or would any of the language teachers who are French or German nationals be acceptable translators. And if so, how could I statement their status as reliable translators, in a manner that would be acceptable to the London Embassy?

Also, does anyone know how close to the interview date police certificates from other countries need to be? I was resident in both France and Germany between the ages of 18 and 20 but lived in the UK (and am a British Citizen) since then. This means that my French and German police certificates would cover a time period that happened 12 years ago. I would get my UK police certificate much closer to the interview date, as obviously they'll want to see that there haven't been any recent offenses.

TIA for any information/ guidance you may have!


Hi there..

I had a similar situation.. I lived in Germany with my folks as my dad was in the airforce and this was a good 15 years ago but I was over the age of 16 so had to get a cert. It is easy to get the German cert.. it is called a certificate of good conduct and will cost you about 13 euro. you can send a GBP cheque but it is best to check the exchange rate with the German embassy in London before writing it :-) here is a link which gives you the details..copy and paste into your web browser. Mine took about 2 weeks to come back and I belive they are valid for a year.

With regards to translation and format....I had a freind of mine do it for me who is a an ex german teacher/ fluent and has a degree in the German language. I basically scanned the cert... translated it in the same format and then had my freind sign a statement on the back of it saying who she is where she lives and all that good stuff.

If you want to PM me your e-mail address I will send you the file and you can just pass it on to your friend after you change your name and adress etc. it is in word format. Should save you some time. The info will be the same unless you have any entries :-) so really all your freind needs to do is sign the back of it.

I actually called the Embassy and the nice lady said that there are no strict guidelines to the translations and who does it.. just needs to be a suitably qaulified individual.

Hope this helps..
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-16 10:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsnow we are really worried about noa1
QUOTE (cdneh @ Aug 8 2008, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ours took 25 days to come. Very slow mad.gif

We filed on the july 11th and got NOA1 dated August 1st.
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-13 08:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsnow we are really worried about noa1
QUOTE (LINGIWE @ Aug 8 2008, 08:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi everyone, my fiance still hasnt recieved the noa1, the check hasnt been cashed yet, the petition was delieved on the 11th of july at VCS its almost nearing a month now, we really are very worried and miserable, because we dont know whether the petition is lost or what, has any of you people who filed around this time gotten your noa1? how do we go
about finding out if our petition is lost so that we can resubmit another one?

thanks alot sad.gif sad.gif


We filed on the 11th also at VSC and no NOA1 as yet..Grrhhhhh..

Stay in touch.. I'll let you know if we recieve ours :-)

Good luck.
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-08 09:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportspetition approved
QUOTE (kiwiana @ Oct 26 2008, 09:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
good.gif good.gif Congratulations! hope you found out the information you needed on the regional section.

papajeff: welcome to vj! star_smile.gif if you have a question you may find it helpful to click onto new topic and then the question won't get lost amongst a different topic you have posted on.

The USCIS send out a NOA1 letter (1-797,notice of action) to the petioner and on the top left side of the letter is a receipt number. That is the one that you use to check status at USCIS.
If you sign up with USCIS, it will state what date your case was last updated. that is what we call a 'touch'.
I'm not sure what happens when you hire an attorney as to whether you receive the NOA1 directly or if it goes to your lawyer. Maybe someone who has an attorney can tell you if you receive the NOA1 or they do.
Good luck on your journey! good.gif

Our NOA1 went directly to our attorneys :-)
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-26 16:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I travel to and from the US during Visa Application Process
QUOTE (GauraD @ Jun 20 2008, 11:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Im unclear on this myself and was JUST going to post this question when I saw you'd done it already smile.gif
What confuses me- if you are from the UK and have one of the new passports with a chip, you should be able to travel to the USA without a visa for 3 months as a tourist....can you still do this.....or do you need approval from an embassy and do they make the time of ur visitation smaller?? I just want to pop over for 10 days for my mans B-day! unsure.gif

Exactley !! My Finace turns 30 in july and I really want to be there to celebrate with her.. I have had two different answers from two lawyers in the same office.. One said " No problem" the other was not quite so positive. He indicated trvalling to the US and the filing my petition the day after i arrive. This would delay my application by a month we would really like to be married and living together before Christmas!!
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-06-20 05:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I travel to and from the US during Visa Application Process

My fiance and I are just begning our Journey and I was wondering if I will still be able to go and visit her in the US at will or will my access be blocked during the process.

Scary.. months without being able to visit.

Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-06-20 05:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA couple of NOA questions...
Hi Folks,

Our K1 petition was mailed off by our lawyers on 10th July. They have informed us it takes 20-30 days for a case number. Is this case number part of NOA1? If so this seems like a long time for NOA1 based on other peoples timelines. Could this just be our lawyers covering themselves? or am I mixing myself up?

Also can somebody please tell me if the the NOA1 and NOA2 will go to the lawyers or to us if they are handling the case for us? I dont want to be negative about the lawyers but they are known to drag their heels frmo time to time and I want to ensure that we ar ejust as much int he looop as they are..

I know we have a good few months ahead of us but this is so exciting!!! does anybody know if there is a July filers thread.


Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-15 05:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExtended Visit to the US whilst K1 is being processed
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Oct 4 2008, 04:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
While it will be up to the border authorities to decide if you will be allowed to enter the US and who will determine the length of time for the visit if you are allowed in, you actually have a more practical concern to consider. After the NOA2 is approved, the 2nd stage of the K-1 process happens in your home country. You will be sent a list of items you will need to obtain from the Consulate in your home country, along with the application forms you need to submit. There are documents you need to obtain and actions you need to do in the UK - security checks and medical exams are the most obvious ones. Once you are ready you then notify the US Consulate and they schedule an interview. If you are in the US during this time you won't be able to get the things done that need doing and may actually be delaying the time it will take to approve your K-1. With that consideration, you might want to check with others who applied from the UK and see how long the process takes after the NOA2 to the granting of the K-1. That will give you an idea of how much time you will have available between the two and if you really can afford to spend 2 of those months in the US. Longer trips are reasonable while you are still waiting for the NOA2 to be approved, but once you receive the NOA2 you may find it more expedient to be at home than in the US.

An entry denial because of failure to prove non-immigrant intent would have no impact on your K-1 interview so you don't need to worry about that. Just be sure that you admit to it on the necessary paperwork and during the interview - it won't count against you unless you lie about it.

Thanks Kathryn.. It would be my intention to have all of those things taken care of. I have the check list and am going through them all now.. gettting all the relevant paper work together. fortunatley (given the current UK housing market) I have just sold my house and moved home with my parents so would leave all the completed paper work with them ready to be sent at the right time thus returning home for a couple of weeks for medical/ interview... we can cope with a couple of weeks delay at the end of the process if need be but its the 3 months we have ahead of us now and christmas etc... which is the hard bit...we all know how that works though right.?

I am confident we can work with the process whilst being in the US.. it's the admission side of things that reall concerns me and the effects of a thanks for your answer on that one star_smile.gif

Thanks again.. all help and input is appreciated. good.gif
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-04 02:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExtended Visit to the US whilst K1 is being processed
Hi Folks...

I just wanted to run something past you all.. We are currently awaiting NOA2 and according to the current trends it should be with us sometime between end Oct and end of Nov.

I would like to head out to the US end of Nov and come back end of Jan ish depending on interview date and then return with the K1 in my hand. I was wondering if this is common practice i.e people spending extended periods of time in the US leading up to their interview and then coming home for it? and then go back when everything is taken care of. I know I can't work and would essentially be a tourist for those 2 months.

Do you think I would have issues with entry into the US for 2 mths. I have monies in the back to support myself and can provide proof. I would also be armed with my K1 application (why would I over stay and mess everything up after going through the K1 process?) and my return ticket home. I know it's a gamble but do you all think? am I setting myself to be denied entry and if I am denied, will it have a negative effect on our application..

Any thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Dave. blink.gif
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-03 20:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBad News
QUOTE (Wis-Can @ Nov 12 2008, 02:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cham @ Nov 11 2008, 11:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree with the last poster!
i am SO sorry and I pray he will be okay!

ME TOO! good.gif

Ouch I had a hernia two years ago..luckily they fixed me up before it went bad.. still no fun though.. I hop eit all goes well for you both..definetley go for the expedite. good.gif
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-11 22:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting foreign fiance during the K-1 process
QUOTE (roi_aggie @ Nov 22 2008, 09:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Luke and Deanna @ Nov 22 2008, 04:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am just very worried about being young and being a student and not having a job. I just don't know if it will look bad with me not working in the beginning and just having a co sponsor.

Sorry if my words are confusing you ha.

Anyway, thank you for your advice.

Deanna and Luke

Deanna, it's the job of the CO to ensure that Luke will not become a financial burden to the US, not to judge you for your age or being a student. You are certainly not the first unemployed student to get married!

It is your job to prove you have an ongoing relationship, which will not be a problem, and that Luke will not become a finacial burden, which he will not since you have a co-sponser.

Your age and occupation are not key to this process.

Continental fly into Manchester too :-) for some reason though flights into manchester from the US seem way more expensive that London.. maybe manchester airport taxes charges etc are higher.. i dont

Anyway i just got a cracker on a virgin flight from from london to NY £288 GBP and those prices are continuing into the new year.
Dave and JessMaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-22 17:18:00