Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDoes my fiancee need an apostille and is it Kyiv or Kiev?
(1)Irina is asking me whether or not she needs an Apostille on her documents such as her birth certificate and her divorce decree? I haven't seen that word even mentioned in the forums, so I wouldn't think so but her friend works for the government and suggests she gets them put onto her documents.

"Apostille - a stamp that is affixed in accordance with the Regulations of the certificate on the official documents for use in other states "on the documents issued by state authorities for assurances of the authenticity of print, signature and position of the person who marked on the document. This provides recognition of the document as an official in other states."

(2) On the official documents should she put her address city as "Kyiv" or "Kiev". She tells me she is Ukrainian and it should be Kyiv as the official translation, however, Kyiv doesn't show up in any dictionary, so I would have her put Kiev. Whats the official word?

David and Irina
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-03-28 08:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTourst visa from Ukraine to USA -- with regard to vaccines
Actually she talked to a few people in some travel agencies over there and they say the best thing to do is to use a Guest Visa. So I'll write them a letter explaining our situation and why I'd like her to visit, and we'll try for that. Worse case, we'll just wait for the K-1 to go through... which sadly is going to take EVEN LONGER NOW with the damn government shutdown...
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-06 22:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTourst visa from Ukraine to USA -- with regard to vaccines

i know its an off-top, but im just curious about these few words,
i probably misunderstood smth :)

She is married to her second cousin. There are lots of things that Ukrainian women cannot do as a single women. For example, getting visas to other countries are extremely hard because the foreign country assumes that any single woman is going to try to marry a citizen, or getting a mortgage (often they are required to have a husband, as was her case for her current mortgage). So she asked him to marry her and he said yes, but they haven't seen or really talked in over two years. The marriage even had an expiration date of when she was going to get divorced, and she divorced exactly when she said she would. A marriage of convenience not love.
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-05 07:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTourst visa from Ukraine to USA -- with regard to vaccines
No I was going to go with her to the interview for the tourist visa. I've been there to see her a bunch of times already, but we'd like to have her visit her new home here with me in the USA. I guess we'll do a backup plan of going to Mexico. Guess if she can't be in our home together, then we might as well lay on a beach in the mexican sun ;-)
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-04 09:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTourst visa from Ukraine to USA -- with regard to vaccines

No vaccinations required for a tourist visa that I am aware of.

This government site seems to indicate that someone who hasn't had their vaccines is eligible... Although I could be reading it wrong...

Although this FAQ which I found buried on this site doesn't mention medical at all.

Would be cool if it was not required!!

DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-03 13:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTourst visa from Ukraine to USA -- with regard to vaccines
My Ukrainian fiancee has been trying to get a record of her vaccines and has been unsuccessful. She would like to visit the USA. What vaccines are absolutely necessary? She is 1 month pregnant, so she cant really just take them all. She IS planning to return to Ukraine again because we are working on the Fiancee Visa but have not applied yet. She is still "married" to her cousin, so I think there is a chance it could work out but the only thing is the vaccine requirements.
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-03 11:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusG325 - what if the name of the town doesn't fit?
I'm a few days away from sending in my I-129F. The question we have tho is about the name of the town where my beloved fiancee comes from. She comes from Dniprodzerzhynsk, from the Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine. However, when typing that into the G325 form, not all of that fits, you only get "Dniprodzerz" I believe. Is this acceptable or do I need to hand write in the full name using itty bitty handwriting?


Edited by DavidandIrina, 19 April 2011 - 04:29 PM.

DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-19 16:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?

Re: CdG airport.. it is hands-down one of the worst airports of all time. It has been under construction every year I have been there since 1996, and there is zero to do in the MENA wing. They stick up out, way out, on the tarmac and you have to get a bus (which is open and delightful in the winter) to your plane. There are only so many times a non-drinker and look at whisky in the only store available in that area...

Both times that I went to Kiev, I used British Airways. I must say that it was an extremely good choice on my part. I fly from Boston to London, London to Kiev, and so far its been great. Planes take off on time, 3 to 4 hour layover at most in London, then off to Kiev. Even though it does cost like 300 dollars more, I think it is well worth it. :-) PLUS you get full meals (and tea) on every flight even if it is only 3 hours (from london to kiev). Can't beat it :-D
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-04 09:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?

Well, I just returned home at 2am this morning. Sorry, I haven't been paying much attention to my laptop since I arrived in Kiev! :thumbs:

First thing I want to say is Paris De Gualle suck! :bonk:

Now on with the report. Kiev is a very interesting city. I liked it a lot but it seems a bit expensive and people there either have LOTS of money or not much at all. I swear I seen more luxury cars than in LA. Kiev must have more Porsche Cayenne's per capita than anywhere else in the world. And ANY day in front of my flat I would see Bently's, Ashton Martins, Rolls Royce's...etc. Not just a few but every few minutes one would go by!! Amazing for a poor country! My flat was right across the street from Kiev Cinema, at the end of Kreschatick.

Getting through KBP Airport was a breeze. They didn't have us do entry forms or anything. Just your passport, the cute little red head immigration officer looked at me and said youuuurr puurrrpose heeerrrre (they role their R's ..very sexy). I said for pleasure to meet friends, she asked if I'm here to meet girlfriend, I said yes, she asked for my flat address, I gave it and she said welcome to Ukraine. 5 min I was through. Bags took a while to come out but that happens almost anywhere in the world. I walked out the security and heard a loud scream...Jooooohnnnyyyy!! It's my girl...she couldn't wait and went to the airport. She was absolutely stunning in my mind and she walked up with those knee high boots and black jean type pants. Very very sexy I think! I put some photos in the gallery here Photos

First night was pretty cool. We went to my flat and I got a shower and she had some bread and "lard" and beer waiting for me when I got out. Yes..Lard! I noticed they seem to have a taste for lard. I liked most everything I ate there but of course I like my girl's cooking best. One night she did some shrimp in soy sauce and we sat around drinking beer and peeling and eating shrimp. She seems to be always wanting me to eat! Sushi bars seem to be babe magnets!

The buildings in Kiev are pretty old. You can definitely feel the age of a 1,500 year old city when walking around. My flat's elevator was a 1-2 person, small cubible elevator. It was always fun squeezing with my girl and her roommate into the elevator. We did the museum circuit, seen some parks and of course we walked on Lover's bridge. At some point we ditched the roommate, I think Antonia was getting jealous of her, and I even think she fussed her a few times for coming over teasing me with a long kind of sexy hug for a shirt I gave her. The next day, we had no more roommate, which was OK just we have language problems. I am going to learn Russian in next few months if it kills me.

My daughter wanted me to bring her back a Russian Doll (Russian egg that has smaller and smaller ones inside). We found some in an open market near the museum. Antonia told me to "keep wallet in pocket until I say so." She then argued with this vender for 10 minutes going back and forth with him and pointing at other vendors and she eventually broke him down from $400 Hryvna to $235!! I was amazed and then she fussed him because he didn't pack it good! I felt sorry for sales guy.. :rofl:

I think the trip was pretty smooth. No big issues came up. The sites around Kiev particularly with the women are amazing! I have never seen so many beautiful women and so many knee high boots clicking in my life. In the pictures I posted, my girl has them on and with a 5" metal shaft heel. It was pretty funny watching her bobble along on those cobblestone roads near the Lover's Bridge area. Of course she was hanging on to me for dear life, but that was fun too. :lol:

I'm trying to schedule a trip back soon. I told her August was my next best window to travel and she almost started crying because she said that's too long. I may try in May but I told her it would be better because for money in August. When I said money, she understood and said she'd wait for me. She's a pretty smart girl. I think it's just common nature there that girls become well educated. Seems like it's their duty.

Well, that's pretty much round 1 in Kiev in a nut sack... I won't get into the beyond closed door things because that's personal stuff. But I can end by saying OMG!!! :yes:

BTW if you want to learn Russian well, I'd highly suggest the Pimsleur Russian method. I'm almost done with the second set of CDs (Russian 2) and am about to go onto Russian 3. I received many compliments in Kiev for not having any accent at all and Iryna is always complimenting my "R" for rolling right and for not having an accent. :-D Its expensive, but it works, and works well. I lent my CDs to a friend and now we communicate in basic russian whenever we see each other :-D LOL
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-04 09:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?

Johnny, are you getting used to "shoes off" and "slippers on" when entering the apartment? How about street clothes off and put on "clothes for the home"? Best of luck in Kyiv!

Another tip for you: Go to Kontraktova square. Look there through the different vendors and find the flower shop that is across the railroad tracks in with the other little buildings. I bought my lady a bunch of different roses there when I was there and she really liked it :-) You know you are in the right spot since there is a Domino Pizza there in the center of the square :-)
Good luck!
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-03-28 08:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?

Well I've never been to a club in Kyiv where people were literally "hooking up" on the dance floor right then and there. I've been to clubs where you typically had to know somebody or pay enormous sums of money to go into a back room, and I'm sure all kinds of interesting things happened back there. Maybe that's what you're talking about, but I never saw anything like that open to the general public. The militsia will turn a blind eye on whatever happens in the exclusive area, but not up front. Groping, sure. Maybe even a ####### flash here and there. But not down and dirty right there.

BTW what was the name of this club?
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-03-27 22:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

Alla is a clothes fiend, no doubt, but she also is a bargain hunter and really does not spend that much. See if she can do some modeling gigs. they get to keep the clothes. Alla is one of the "best dressed women" when we go skiing because she did a live modeling gig, serving Stolichnaya Vodka in a walk in freezer at some sort of convention and got $300 PLUS the best ski outfit you ever want to see, probably worth $1000 in itself. They wanted a "real Russian woman" (OK a hot Ukrainian will do though) to serve the Vodka. :lol: Heck, one good photo shoot will FILL the average sedan with clothes.

Hook a brother up with details... if Alla can be in modeling after having 2 kids (if I'm remember correctly) so can Irina after she has our first. :-D Where can I get my beloved model into gigs on this side of the ocean??
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-12 19:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...


Nix the wife/husband cutesy nonsense. You are petitioning a fiancee.

If you exceed the overty guidelines you do not need any money in the bank or anything else to qualify for the visa. What you need for life is between you and her. Basically figure ALL your money. :P

I heard the white house neighborhood is in decline.

Hey, sometimes that cutesy stuff pays off well in the end ;-) Builds traditions and memories which are important too. But yes, I know where you guys are coming from :-P

Definitely got my question answered. Thank you ladies and gentlemen! I am a semi-retired old man without children looking for a good time with my 18 year old WIFE... er.. fiancee. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-12 19:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

Your private love rituals are your business...but you might want to consider that the present bliss could all disappear once she hits the states. Don't get the cart before the horse. There is a percentage of women who can't handle life in the USA...and what city or area you live might be a factor. My wife's friend married a guy in Portland Oregon and she hates it there. Spends much of her time in Russia, apart from her unhappy husband. We live 10 minutes from the White House and my life loves it here (No. VA).

I will say're a glutton for marriage ceremonies. :) I guess I'm more of a heathen. I got married in the Palace of Marriage in Siberia and that was that. Now how can you top that act? When I left I felt more like a king than a husband...I mean "a palace!"

Best of luck.

I'm not new to the long distance thing... my first (and only wife so far) was from the other side of the USA and she came here and we had about 3 months of arguing and adjusting before things turned back into bliss (at least for a little while). So I expect at least that if not worse. I hear that often the more patience *I* have with her, often the adjusting will go much better. We shall see..... Although I like what Gary wrote in another topic "Regardless which country she is from, be a good husband and your wife will never leave you". Its my new motto. ))))
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-12 19:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

Wow, really? :lol: I guess it depends on what needs to be done, but I can't imagine most people would spend more than $6k-$7k. $10k on the outside.

"But Kohana, if you love me, won't you buy me this new fur coat and leather boots? Only 500 dollars thats nothing to you right?" LOL!!

We are marrying women that NEED to dress in style, so my clothing bill for the year just went up about 8 times what it was :-D
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-12 19:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

Yeah, I just figured for a family of two, since he's semi-retired and didn't mention children. The guidelines should be easy enough if he thinks that might be a problem.

Gosh I wish semi-retired and without kids.... 34 with 3 kids already she doesn't have any. Its like 35k I need, I make more than that :-P

She's 32 with a double PHD and no kids. A smart cookie for sure ;-D

I am confused Wife, and I-129F? Are your married and talking about filing an I-129F after first filing an I-130 for spouse visa for a K-3 option?

Well..... she is TECHNICALLY my fiancee, but we had this little private ceremony between us that was deeply intimate where we exchanged vows and rings but it wasn't "official". So I'm bringing her over here on a K-1, but we both wear rings and to each other we are husband and wife (to the rest of the world two crazy people from different cultures doing crazy things that most people frown upon hah!). Confusing isn't it? :-D Gives us an excuse to get married two more times actually (one for the state marriage once she gets here and then again in the Catholic church once our annulments are finished)

Edited by DavidandIrina, 12 April 2011 - 01:12 PM.

DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-12 13:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...
So I really don't know how much money I need in order to sponsor my wife when I file for the I-129F and later have to fill out that sponsorship form. I read in another post someone said you need 15,000 dollars of cash in the bank. I don't have that much, maybe 6000 or so available to me right now, but ####-loads of assets from being a hoarder (5 vehicles, silver, computer, BIG model airplanes, retirement PENSION fund (its my "asset" but the state won't let me touch it), etc). I make plenty of money, 3 times the required minimum for sponsorship between my two jobs both of which I've had over 11 years now. So what matters the most? Cash in the bank or the W-2 at the end of the year?
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-12 11:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSending a laptop to my Fiancee in Ukraine

It will probably cost you an $100.00 to just send the $300.00 laptop.

It only weighs 2.5 pounds, so I doubt that much, but yes, I know, I've sent plenty of package to Ukraine. Probably 400 dollars in shipping costs alone so far for various packages....
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-28 14:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSending a laptop to my Fiancee in Ukraine
My Ukrainian fiancee (soon wife I hope) has a busted laptop, so I just bought her a new Acer Mini laptop and was going to ship it off tomorrow express mail via USPS. However, I got to thinking that maybe it isn't the most efficient way to send it. What do you all recommend? Think it is safe to send through USPS? Would hate for a 300 dollar laptop to vanish... I think the USPS only insures up to 100 dollars anyways, so I'd take a 200 dollar hit which would suck.

Any safer ways to send it? Think it is ok? Its going to Kiev.

DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-28 14:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChild support for a Ukrainian baby?????
Actually, can we end this topic or lock it? I think I have the information I came for. The arguing is kind of depressing.
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2012-01-18 13:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChild support for a Ukrainian baby?????
Wow, some intense people here.

I thank everyone who has been putting in a good word for me. No I'm not some disgusting man running for the hills. I wouldn't be going back to see them in a week and a half if that was the case. I've paid for the birth ($1000.00), and paid for a lot of other things as well as sent plenty of things for the baby including toys, clothes, diaper creams and lotions, and other things she would need. I just don't want to walk into another legal nightmare having had a divorce 3 years ago and lost half of my net worth despite still being a half time parent of 3 kids under the age of 7. I think I have reasons to be worried and I'd like to know what my options are, hence why I started this thread. I thank everyone who has been suggesting things along the way.

God bless
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2012-01-18 13:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChild support for a Ukrainian baby?????

Maybe it's just me but this is an odd set of circumstances to believe. You say you "dated for a year." What does that mean? You lived over there and dated her continually? You made a number of visits over there to see her? And when did you file for a K-1? Those take awhile to you dated for a year and filed for the K-1 which she now has in hand? When did the baby arrive during this timeline? If she got pregnant, and you went along with that plan, why didn't you just marry her?

Something just doesn't add up here. And what did you mean you got her "a full visa?" Not sure what that means.

Anyway, if you're for real, I'd do the DNA and then search your conscience. I will say...between your craziness to go along with this scheme and your Ukraine woman and her weirdness and dubious behavior, the baby girl has my sympathy and concern.

I met her online randomly through her friend March 2010. We talked daily through skype and sometimes on the phone until October 2010 when I went to see her. We kept talking daily and then I went back to see her in February 2011 this time with an engagement ring and plans to marry her. I later applied for the fiancee visa in April 2011 and received the NOA2 in October 2011. She did the final interview and received the visa in November 2011. She gave birth to Mary Catherine on November 22nd 2011. We've been in a holding pattern since. In May 2011 she and I had a huge fight over having a prenuptual agreement, to be honest. She kept telling me the different reasons she'd divorce me -- if she was bored, if she was unhappy, if she didn't love me anymore. I've already went through the cleaners once and I'm pretty well off despite it so going to the cleaners again didn't sound like a good idea. Anyways I asked her for a prenupt and she totally went psycho on me saying that a Ukraine man would never say that to a woman, that she hated the USA and never wanted to be here, etc. So we've kind of been in a holding pattern since. I think our fundamental trust is severely damaged. I don't honestly know her intentions, yet, in my heart I still love her and the baby.

BTW I have 3 children already and I love my children dearly. I fought hard to get 50/50 custody and have them every thursday/friday/saturday/sunday. I am very happy raising them on my own and enjoy every second of it. I just feel sad I'm missing the opportunity to raise my daughter in Ukraine. I don't know if she is mine, but in my heart she is mine.
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2012-01-18 09:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChild support for a Ukrainian baby?????
This saga has taken an interesting turn. Maybe I'm worried about nothing.

She has claimed that she has found that she can apply for some guardianship and she can sign the ex husband as the legal father. She is saying that I'll have no rights and she can't leave the country without his approval. But as many of you have mentioned, maybe he IS the father. :-P So I'll let her do as she wishes.
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2012-01-18 09:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChild support for a Ukrainian baby?????
Thanks a lot this is just the information I was looking for. I didn't realize that the USA had child support agreements with other countries. Doh. I found the official web site. I guess I really should think twice before signing anything and definitely get the DNA test. Anyone know how to do a DNA test in Ukraine? I guess I could buy a test here, take it there and take a swab and bring it back here to know for sure, I just don't know how long the DNA sample is good for and I have a 17 hour flight back.

And like I said, she's been married twice before (no kids though). Supposedly the reason that she needs me to sign the paperwork is that she finished up the divorce process from her previous husband (she supposedly married him to get some fancy mortgage for a downtown kiev apartment because she is a scientist and it was a special married scientist loan). So anyways, if the birth of the child is within 1 year of a divorce, the previous husband is assumed to be the father by this law. However, the previous husband obviously wouldn't sign the paperwork and when she went to get the birth certificate herself she was told she couldn't because of the date of her final divorce, etc.

The baby is a spitting image of me, but you guys are right, a DNA test is in order.

Some countries (not Ukraine) have a child support agreement with the US. Here is a link: http://www.angelfire...uscitizens.html As you can see from the link though, any country could be added to the list any any time. I'm not sure how child support would work right now, so I don't think she wants that, I think she wants USC for the child. Are you sure the child is yours? Unfortunately unless you were there all the time it's likely she was sleeping with other people at the same time as you (especially if she's trying to scam you). I suggest you undertake a DNA test before you even THINK of signing anything. She could be trustworthy but women are the ONLY one who know for 100% sure they are the parent of a child so its your right, and it's common sense, to check first.

I think she's lying about the birth certificate, I've never heard of needing to know the father to get a birth certificate but someone from Ukraine will tell you for sure if this is true. I would say she wants you to sign the CRBA (citizenship) documents.

I personally wouldn't go there at all. Why can't she mail you the required documents so you can look at what she wants? Someone will come along and tell you more of the legalities but I wouldn't risk going there. No way, no how.

DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2012-01-17 23:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChild support for a Ukrainian baby?????
So I have a very odd topic, but seeking some knowledge.

I met a Ukrainian and we dated for well over a year. We planned to get married and I managed to actually secure a full Fiancee visa for her. She hasn't used it yet. Anyways, she begged me to make her pregnant because she wanted to have a baby as fast as she could. She got pregnant and had a baby girl who lives with her and her parents in Ukraine. Since then she and I don't talk much and we have fought a lot since she decided she hates the USA and wants to stay.

Anyways, she wants me to go there to sign a paper that says that I'm the father. She says that she can't get a birth certificate without my signature. However, I was wondering if this makes me financially responsible in any way or if she'll have me arrested there or in the States if I don't cough up money? I would obviously understand that if I was in Ukraine in the future I could be arrested and forced to give her child support, but living in the States, I don't know if they can "get" me. However, I feel responsible for my daughter to sign the papers that would get her health care and other necessary things.

Before you all feel sorry for her, understand that I would have been her third husband, and she was going to use me as a skipping pad to an American job here. The word "manipulative" comes to mind.

Advice? (besides talk to an attorney)
Actually if your advice is to talk to an attorney, can you recommend a good one?

DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2012-01-17 16:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFiancee Visa Expired - Options to extend/reapply?

Call the consulate and ask for an extension. If they cannot do that then you will file a new I-129f with explanation and request for waiver of the "two year rule". It will be granted. In the meantime do a CRBA for the child with the consulate and get the child a US passport

My daughter has a passport already, I got that done back in March of this year. So she can come whenever she chooses when she is old enough to choose :-P

As to the visa, I wrote to the embassy and this is what they wrote back (useful for anyone else in a similar situation):

"Thank you for your inquiry. We cannot extend expired visas. Your fiancée should schedule an appointment through the Call Center and apply for the visa reissuance procedure.


Public Liaison Unit
Consular Section
U.S. Embassy
Kyiv, Ukraine
fax (38) 044 521 - 5425"

So Irina will have to go and have a meeting with them to get a reissuance. I don't know how long that process takes, but at least it doesn't necessarily mean starting again from the beginning with sending in the I-129F.

DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2012-05-16 12:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFiancee Visa Expired - Options to extend/reapply?

What has the Embassy said to these questions?

I haven't asked the embassy yet. I've been in polling mode to see what the general consensus says first :-P But you are right I should just call them and ask which would be the most simple and direct route :-P

They are closed now but maybe I'll give them a call tomorrow.
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2012-05-15 11:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFiancee Visa Expired - Options to extend/reapply?
So long story short, my Ukrainian Fiancee and myself have had a wild roller coaster of a relationship over two years. Anyways, I got her a fiancee visa, she got it, but during that time she had our baby so she didn't immediately come here. We've had good times and problem times, but regardless, the visa expired April 20th and she didn't board the airplane so she's still there and I'm still here but we have rediscovered that we still have strong feelings for each other.

So I'm not really throwing out the relationship details specifically because I need to know my options at this point. The Fiancee Visa expired April 20th, but I've heard that you can get extensions, however I didn't apply for an extension earlier, so I don't know if they would grant one now without (almost a month later) some just cause and then I don't know how long the grace period would be if they did offer an extension. Does anyone know?

Also if it has expired and they don't offer me a grace period extension, do you know how long it will be until I can reapply for another one for her? Would it be faster at this point to go there and marry her and get a wife visa instead?

Such drama!!! :)

DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2012-05-15 09:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

You're bragging about leaving your fiancee in squalor?

Don't be silly. Would I have filed my I-129F to leave her there? I'm on the government's timeline now. Plus as she has told me once she doesn't mind it because (goes something like this) "you must leave your comfort zone to achieve personal growth". So she lived in a hostel but it allowed her to focus on her research to get her super PHD. I'm proud she has achieved it. I was bragging about how strong Ukrainian women are.
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-13 13:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

I completely agree!!! :thumbs: At least I haven't met one yet.

Actually these women are stronger than most men give them credit for. They don't NEED us especially those raised during Soviet era when there were massive purges of the men. Some may play that game on the dating sites that they want a man to rescue her, but in the end, these women are STRONGER than the average American woman. My fiancee is living on her own in Kiev in a one room hostel with no one to help her, pregnant, working two jobs, and doing just fine on her own. She is the strongest woman I've ever met. :thumbs:
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-13 08:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

I have heard it said..if you dont have $15,000 cash available in the first year...dont even start....I spend far more than that in a year..

Where do you read that you need that much cash?? I don't have that much cash anymore.. converted it all to silver (which I must say I am glad I did it has done EXTREMELY well)
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-12 10:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Get a job assignment there making a hefty US salary, 40% overseas bonus, monthly living expenses, private driver, ALL tax free. Ukrainian women were everywhere and they PAID ME to be there and meet them. I highly recommend it.

Ummmm where does one get such a job?!? Hook me up :-D
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-12 09:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Go to church. That is the best way to find a good woman, and will end up costing you less in the end. Included in the cost consider how much it will cost to bring the RUB'S parents over in about three or four years, and supporting them for the rest of their lives.

Interesting you say that, my bride-to-be has mentioned "oh if something happens to my father, do you mind if my mother lives with us". My ex's mother tried to get me thrown into jail because she hated me so much. Uh oh. My little house will get a lot smaller me-thinketh... ((((
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-08 14:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Hmmmm... if he's looking for the cheapest way, why is he looking for an RUB woman? It will cost money just to bring her there...

Ha, you know I never thought of that. I just thought about it and between the two trips, skype to cell calls, packages, presents, etc, I've got an easy 5000 invested already and its only been a year. I haven't even done the K-1 yet but that's another 1700+. RUB girls are expensive to get one, HOWEVER, well worth it I think :-D !!!!!!

But you know how most people are -- "How would I do that???" and then you tell them some easy ways to get involved, but they may go to a web site once but usually won't get involved. (I run a model airplane club, works exactly the same way) It takes a REAL man of courage with some resources to truly get involved and win the heart of a RUB girl and then to go over there and do what is necessary to bring her home :-D My boss simply said "Wow David I guess you really like challenges especially now that she's pregnant" I just said "Yes I guess so" LOL!!!!!!!!!
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-08 11:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)
I just wanted to start a general discussion about how to meet a woman from Ukraine or Russia and to try to figure out how most of you did it? Also a friend of mine was wondering how he could find a woman as beautiful as my fiancee, but I honestly don't know what to tell him. ;-) I met my fiancee through youtube actually -- i met her friend who was married and she recommended Irina to me, we started chatting every day, and the rest is history. But I know that I get spammed daily about "meet a russian woman today" but I know most of these sites are scam/phishing/etc. So its hard to know who to trust...

Are there any ukrainiain/russian dating sites that you can trust?
What are some inexpensive ones? ( is like 8 dollars per emails or something silly)
What have you all used?

David and Irina
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-04-08 09:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy Ukrainian Fiancee JUST got divorced
These documents that are getting translated into English, do they need to be notarized?

Thank you for the information, this has been very helpful. I've been worried for a while now with regards to if there was a waiting period after her divorce finalizes or not.

DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-03-21 08:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy Ukrainian Fiancee JUST got divorced
I don't know who to ask for advice, but I want to know that this is ok. In Ukraine, women don't have a lot of rights, so the woman I am applying for a K-1 Visa for WAS married to her cousin. (they lived 6 hours apart, they never saw each other in 2 years, etc) She just got her divorce from him and now I want to apply almost immediately for the K-1. Is this OK or is there typically a waiting period between when the divorce was finalized to when I should apply for my K-1 for my Fiancee.

Everything else is good. We literally talk all day every day for over a year now through Skype, I've gone there to see her twice, we've been engaged for 4 months, I've met her parents and her friends, etc.

Any advice would be appreciated!!
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-03-20 19:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDocuments from my Ukrainian Fiancee - notarize everything or not?
It is common in Ukraine that everything is notarized. I guess no one believe each other without it. So my question is -- I need to get some documents from my Fiancee to get the K-1 visa I-129F submitted, such as her divorce certificate, etc. Should they be just translated or translated AND notarized? I don't see anything in the instructions from the USA web site with regards to getting anything notarized.

I appreciate any help!!
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-03-21 09:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresContacting Congressman/woman
I've read a lot about different people contacting their Congressman/Congresswoman. However, I'm not exactly sure what level I'm supposed to contact. Do I contact the ones at the state level (since we all have representatives who serve in our state legislature) or do I go up to the national level? Do I do both?

Who has had success doing this? At what level? Any representative from Massachusetts that has been helpful?

Thank you kindly
David and Irina
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-03-24 12:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiancee is pregnant and I'm about to submit the I-129F
Thank you everyone for the warm wishes for our baby :-) Truly he/she is a blessing and God wanted him/her to be with us. :-) We'll find a way with faith, prayer, and a few good letters to a couple of Senators and a Congressman (in the near future because I'm a determined Daddy). :-)
DavidandIrinaMaleUkraine2011-03-24 15:08:00