IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhich address will USCIS be mailing things to for me?
I started a new thread that basically stems from this one at:

It was a better fit as a new topic
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-23 01:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhich address will USCIS be mailing things to for me?

Yeah! and I assume your 'present address' from form G325 matches the one you put on your 'info about you' right??. Good Luck!

Yea, that's also something I'm trying to work out. Better I start a new thread because it is more of a topic of it's own.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-23 00:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhich address will USCIS be mailing things to for me?

Seriously? :whistle:

They obviously are going to mail stuff to your CURRENT ADDRESS, the one you should have listed in the info about you.


So from your response I am guessing you are saying that I-130 Section B: Information about you, is the correct answer.

Yea I know it sounds stupid but nothing on I-130 actual says "Current Address" or "Mailing Address". Just "Info about you & Where do you intend to live". Even when I buy a song for 99 cents online or a ringtone it asks me for an address for my account and a address specifically for shipping & contact.

The only thing that does specifically say current address is on the G-325A where it says "List your addresses for the last 5 years, listing your Present Address first".
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-22 22:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhich address will USCIS be mailing things to for me?
I'm sure somebody has a concrete answer to this one.

Exactly which address will USCIS be using as my mailing address? There are several places where I have listed addresses on I-130 and G-325A and they are pretty much all different, and for good and logical reason:


Section B: Information About You

Line 18: Address in the U.S. where you intend to live


Top of the list of Addresses for the last 5 years.

Applicant's last address outside the U.S. of more than 1 year (if it says to present)
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-22 21:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat Address to write where

Cali/Maryland isn't a big deal. Since you folks are a bit undecided about where you will live, it's not something to stress over. Your legal and business address seems to be Cali. In an interview, your spouse should just tell the truth. Been based in Cali to this point. More room in MD for the two of you. Work can be done from any location. Thinking of moving out to Cali at some point in the future.

Ok then so which address do you think I should list on I130 the first section about what is my address? Cali or Bali? In your opinion.

And then on the G325A how should I list my addresses for the past 5 years.

My Address at my friends place started in October of 2010 to Present and my address in Bali in June 2010 to present so they are both at the same time. Can I have two addresses at the same time or is that a sure fire rfe. My main concern right now is how to properly fill out the form. If I get that right then the rest will work itself out on it's own.

Edited by furble, 23 December 2011 - 03:48 AM.

furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-23 03:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat Address to write where

You've been residing in Bali for the past xx months. Your US domicile is Cali.

Sounds great but where do I write which address where on 130 & 325?

Also should I expect a problem if my Domicile is in California but we intend to reside in Maryland?
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-23 02:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat Address to write where
What the heck addresses do I write where on the I-130 and G-325A. Anybody have a similar situation to this in any way?

  • I have a residence in California where I stay at my friend's place. That is where my Cars are registered too, bank accounts, and where my cars are kept and some of my possessions. My Drivers license is also to that address, as well as my Corporation's offical address. Car insurance is also to this address and My Wife's name is even on that Car Insurance which gives me a discount for being married! My taxes are all filed from that addres, and my W-2s are sent to that address. Also all of my mail goes to this address. Our daughter who was born in Indonesia actually has that California address listed on her Indonesian birth certificate. When I file my 2011 taxes I will be doing so again from the California address but this time Jointly with my wife using her ITIN number.
  • I have not been to California now since May. I've been with my wife and baby in Bali continuosly since then. Before May I have been in Bali the majority of the time as well. In fact in total, in the last 2 years I have been in Bali at our address with my wife for a total of 436 days and counting. Like I mentioned somewhere else the entirety of my job can be done online remotely so it's fortunately no problem for me. I am however always in Bali on a tourist visa and not as a bonafide resident.
  • Our place in Bali is/was my wife's place before we met. I just sorta moved into it, well as a perpetual tourist.
  • I am technically a bona fide resident of California although I am literally almost never there, especially since May.
  • When my wife immigrates (which we plan to go together) we will actually be moving in to my parent's house in Maryland rather than to my friend's house in California as my parent's house is more appropriate. From there we can take our time to look for our own place in California to move to later on.
  • I own my parent's house.
  • Clearly I don't have to pay any rent to my parents to stay in their house that I own. I also do not have to pay any rent to my friend in California. what are friends for right? Years ago I gave him a place to stay when he needed one too.

All that being said what on earth should I put on the forms.

  • The only answer that is crystal clear to me is on I-130 line 18 "Where does your relative intend to live" and that is clearly in Maryland at my parent's house.
  • But what about I-130 Section B, "Information about Me". I think this one will end up being my mailing address for USCIS and NVC.
  • And then on G-325A "Last 5 years residences". Does our address in Bali make that list?
  • And if yes to the last question, how about "Addresses outside of the U.S. Of more than 1 year". Does our address in Bali make that list? That address is where I have hung my hat 90% of the time since June of 2010, however my name isn't on anything in Bali, nor do I get any mail in Bali.

The things to think about that make this difficult are two fold

1. Clearly it is better for showing we have a bonafaide marriage and relationship if we both have the same address in Bali, even though we have a mountain of other evidence.

2. The other side of the coin is later regarding showing domicile in the U.S. I wish there was a check box on the I-130 and G-325A stating that I have 2 residences. Plenty of people have vacation homes in other countries (although I wouldn't call this my vacation home). I can't be the only one with a situation like this.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-23 01:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTax Transcript Question

You can open the envelopes, not a problem. In fact, I highlighted the top section of the first page where it shows the name, SSN and year of the transcript.

Not to worry much about the detail, all they are looking for are the filing status, dependents listed and income figures.
If you filed jointly at some point and there are more recent filings with you only, then it should not be a problem, The I-864 only requires last tax year figures, prior to that is optional. If you feel nervous about it, then have some paychecks on the ready which can support what you stated as your income. Assuming of course, that you have filed or have ready (with your petition) the divorce decree. The decree date will "match" with the tax returns dates when filed jointly and then single.

Unfortunately it was the later of the 3 tax returns which were filed jointly (Marriage didnt' last long). Even last year was filed jointly, was actually agreed upon as part of our divorce that we would file jointly as we were married and living together for 2 weeks of 2010 which qualified us (and divorce wasn't finalized till 2011 anyway). Was my idea to file the last one jointly because she was unemployed and mixing her 0 income with my income made for a substantial tax savings which was mine to pay anyway. I read about it somewhere on the US Govmnt's website that in the case such as mine I would just be able to prove whih portion of the income was from me, and unfortunately it looks like the transcripts don't effectively do that without the original W-2s. I have them, just in a storage locker burried away. I had just never really seen inside the transcripts yet so I wasn't 100% sure that it wasn't itemized.

Good news is my 2011 return will be filed Jointly with my Indonesian wife and an ITIN, which would also serve as some nice evidence of joint proprety if I actually wanted to wait next month to send in the taxes and actually complete my taxes that early on.

Edited by furble, 22 December 2011 - 11:22 AM.

furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-22 11:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTax Transcript Question
I'm hoping some of my questions are also helping other people.

Ok, so here is an interesting tax transcript question(s)

1) I have them in hand already, but I haven't opened the envelope. Can I Open the envlopes and look at them or does that make them not official anymore. I know it works that way for a school transcript.

2) So here is the the big question. I have looked online at some other people's sample tax transcripts so I do have an idea of what they look like. And it looks like unfortunately it doesn't break down into too much detail the section about W-2s. Unfortunately I have an ex-wife that is on some of these transcripts as when we were married we filed jointly. That being said I am assuming it is a problem that the transcript doesn't seem to specify who's who with W-2s other than just a grand total of all W-2s. Sooooo.... does this mean I need to find my old W-2s so it is clear which income is from me in particular on the old transcripts? And yes my portion of the W-2s is more than enough for the guidelines.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-22 08:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMultiple present addresses
Ah, an attachment. Brilliant. How'd that work out for ya btw? You know yet?
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-25 13:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMultiple present addresses
Has anybody listed more than 1 address to present on G325A? I've toiled with this whole address mess for long enough and come to the conclusion that best answer is the most accurate answer and the answer I would give to someone if asked at a cocktail party (the cocktail party test of sorts). That being said, I have lived in our address in Bali from June 2010-Present and my current address in California from October 2010 - Present. It just is what it is and thats the truth. I hope the computer can deal with it.

I'm not the first person in the world to have dual residences. Some people call it a vacation home, we call it having a spouse and baby in another country and living there.

So looks like on I130 its my address in Bali, and on G325A it's both.

I conclude that the best way to fill all this out is by answering the 10 or 11 simple questions that are on these forms with how you would answer them the same way you would if anyone else asked, and attach an explanation if that is what you would do if somebody else asked. Am I nuts here or what?
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-25 12:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat did you put for No Last name?

OP, I would also suggest putting dashes (------) in that section.

Thanks for all the advice, and lol the movie idiocracy springs to mind if any of you have ever seen it where the guy's name gets permanently barcoded onto his arm as the name "Not Sure"
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-24 10:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat did you put for No Last name?

My husband is from a small village in Egypt and as you may know Egyptian males are given the names of the last preceding males. The first name is given, the second name is the first name of the father, the third name is the first name of the grandfather and the last name is the first name of the great grandfather. Coincidentally, there is NO family name. My attorney friend advised me to "Americanize" his name. I listed his first name as his given name, his 2nd and 3rd names as his middle names and his last name as his family name. On the G-325 and the DS-230 the family names are not the same for his mother and father. I didn't have any problems or RFEs.

Well I guess we could do that if she had extra names. Nope just one name, 4 letters long. I do find it strange how the computers have taken over our lives so much as that essentially people in America have to have a first and last name simply because the computer requires it. Why is the computer dictating what we name our childeren? Sorry I digress.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-23 23:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat did you put for No Last name?
My wife doesn't have a Surname. It' pretty normal here (and in other countries too) depending what villiage you come from. She is originally from a very small villiage that qualifies as something you might see on nationl geographic, although you'd never know by looking at her today :)

We also did not and are not going to bother legally changing her name to have my last name in Indonesia. Not worth the effort. Can do later in the U.S. some day after naturalization much easier.

Question is, how do you record this in the fields that refer to her surname on the I-130 and G-325A? Just put "N/A", or "Unknown", or "No Surname". These seem like the best possibilities. What did you do on your forms if this situation applied to you?
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-23 23:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBug In Latest PDF Form G-325A
Might be a good idea to make this sticky

I just went and printed off our brick of a petition with everything and found that the latest G-325A which I downloaded has a pretty serious bug (at least on my computer with my printer).

At the bottom of the form where you sign it and date it, you are able to use Acrobat to put in the date, it even provides a drop down date selector, however when printed it cuts off the last digit of the date, so for me the form printed with the date signed as 12/27/201

This seems like a pretty serious problem given that it could cause the form to not be accepted for not being signed correctly.

My solution was to re-print and hand write in the date.

I think it's also a good idea to check over every field of all the pdf forms after printing to make sure everything prints out the way you expect it to from inputting it into the computer.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-26 22:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFile before new years?
It's about the end of the year, and getting ready to mail everything. Is there any difference between getting it to them by December 30th vs January 3rd (after new year)?

How about later regarding Tax years on the affidavit of support? Will this have an affect on that regarding which tax years are requested? Should I be rushing to file my 2011 taxes long before the April 15th deadline if I NOA1 on January 3rd vs December 30th?
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-27 22:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCertified Translator
Thanks for everyones answers. I'd like to note that I had spoken a while back when just starting this process regarding translations with the Immigrant visa section in Jakarta regarding translations and they said their list of U.S. authorized translators only includes translators on the Island of Java and that since I am on Bali that I can just use anyone that is "competent" local to me.

Everytime I call the embassy and ask them anything they are always very sort of non-chalant about the answers like it's all sort-of no big deal and I should just do what makes makes sense to me. I appreciate that and all but the thing is I'm not a resident of Indonesia, just a perpetual tourist and therefore I am not filing DCF so it's kind of up to what the folks at USCIS think and whenever I call them they just verbatim read back exactly what is on the instructions (as if I haven't already read them) as that is all they are permitted to do. They can't give any sort of opinion and anything other than what is part of the official instructions is automatically considered an opionion.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-27 23:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCertified Translator
I feel like this topic has been mulled over a million times on this forum but here we go again because I didn't find anything on the forum conclusive to my situation.

I got some documents translated in Bali by a sworn authorized translater. (Wife's birth Certificate and ID Card).

The translator did a very professional job and clearly a lot of procedure was followed in the way they did it. A lot of little things like they folded over the top corner of the translation stapled to the original and had an offical stamp from the Indonesian goverment stamping across the folded over part so the stamp is half on the front and half on the back of the documents. And then there is another big offical stamp on the front which is also signed by them and the stamp states they are sworn certified translators by the governer of Bali, and when their certification expires.

Now in the I-130 Instructions, it is pretty vague stating that:
"Translations. Any foreign language document must be accompanied by a full english translation that the translator has certified as complete and correct, and by the translator's certification that he or she is competent to translate the foreign language into English"

But from my prior readings through this forum it seems like there is a very specific statement that has to be written exactly like:
"I [typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________."

So which is it? Anyone know if what I have already had done is acceptable with any level of certainty. I can honestly say that if all I had ever seen were the official instrutions to the I-130 then I would be certain that what I already have is fine. Frankly I think it is kind of silly to expect folks all over the world to talk to their offical professional translator and tell them that just for you they have to write this specific special thing, meanwhile they have gone to school, are professionally certified, have special stamps and such and translate stuff all day long the same official way for every other government in the world.

And yes, I'm aware I don't even need to include my wife's birth cert or ID Card with the I-130 but just trying to include a little extra documentation on her since she has no last or middle name.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-27 00:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow important is the copy of the entire package
What if I just reprint the thing and resign and date all the pages when the time comes? Prolly better because then it has real signatures again and not copies of signatures. This is why we have computers so we don't have to keep 2 spare 1kg stacks of paper laying around for a year when it takes no real space on the computer. And yes the files are backed up in multiple locations, in fact one of which is an underground bunker in a server farm in Arizona, and then the server farms keeps a separate backup of my server there.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-28 20:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow important is the copy of the entire package

If by "my entire package" you mean you scanned the whole package to a single PDF file, that's as good as a copy for now. Save it in at least two places. If you mean you have a collection of PDF files, not so good. If you don't have an actual copy of the package, in order, you're likely to be sorry later.

It's a collection of PDFs to be printed in order making up the various components, but I could merge them all into 1 PDF one PDF. Of course none of these PDFs are scans, they are the originals that produce the original signed document. I don't see why to scan the original signed one anyway vs just have an unsigned reprint which I could sign again if they want when they won't accept a copy of a signature anyway.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-28 20:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow important is the copy of the entire package
If it gets lost I can make another one no prob. Regarding if they are looking for something They can't find in the interview I'll be sure to have a reprint with me. My biggest concern is later when we must send original marriage certs. In Indonesia you only get one buku nikah ever from what I'm told so If they lose it that would be a huge problem. I may hand deliver those to the embassy.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-28 08:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow important is the copy of the entire package
I should add part of my reasoning is the whole thing is already printed, photos on special photo paper, everything is already bound together with a massive staple I had to go somewhere special to get done and so on. I don't want to reopen it. And I live with my wife in Bali. So if she needs one I'll print it, and we go everywhere together anyway.

Also the printer/all in one I use is at the Internet cafe across from our place and I'm pretty sure printing the first round already killed it. It's had enough for a little while.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-28 06:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow important is the copy of the entire package
Everyone says to make 2 copies of the package. My entire package (photos and all) is printable from a PDF file I made, therefore it is quite easy to reproduce. It is a brick of an application at over 150 pages (my passport is massive and we included 140 photos, and so on).

So the entire thing can be reproduced by pressing print, it just won't have a photocopy of the original signatures. Why would that matter?
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-28 06:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespresenting pictures

I do not recall ever submitting a single picture. Including at the interview(s) and certainly not with either I130 package or I129F package.

Too many people on this site are advising to send in too much unnecessary ####### that is not required.

For your case here are my two cents:

1. Get the name change on the 3rd or 4th passport page (can be done at the immigration office in Jakarta - they handwrite it/stamp it then the embassy issues the visa and green card in her married name). 2. Get her on your medical insurance - they will allow you to add your spouse without SS number for a short time. 3. Get her as beneficiary on your life insurance. 4. Get her a bankcard access to your account (or set up a second account for her to use and send her a card with PIN number) and keep up with the use of it.

This is all you can do from the US.

Send THAT in rather than pictures and your case will be a hell of a lot stronger.

Good luck either way!

Thanks for the advice, but no way are we changing the passport. We already asked with the Embasssy and would then later have to change KK, KTP, and AKTA to all match. That is like years worth of tasks and traveling to RTs, RW, and Lurahs and countless up-to-them fees.

Don't have health insurance, for what? Doesn't work in Bali and a Dr. Visit at a good Dr is like $1 here.

Don't have life insurance. Not a big believer in that until you own a nice big home for your family to live in. Otherwise you just make it harder to get that home.

Her name is on my Car Insurance in the US.

I have multiple bank accounts. I'll see if any can add her but I'm guessing they will want me to come in and sign something that's a long flight just for some BS.

I am starting to realize there is no perfect solution an there never will be. Just fill everything out, be honest and roll with it.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-23 19:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespresenting pictures
It's probably a regional thing but your age difference if you were in Indonesia is not that bad.

My wife and I are only 4 years apart but if I had a nickel for every Grandpop I see here married and with kids to a girl who may be 21 if we are lucky, well than I'd have a lot of nickels.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-23 08:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespresenting pictures
This is a good question I think.

Here is what were are about to do (filing very soon)

1. I already have all the pictures developed from a local photo place onto normal 4x6 prints
2. Each picture has the timestamp from the camera on the bottom right corner of the print (timestamp is part of the photo). The timestamps are all accurate in in UTC
3. On the back of each photo we were just going to write a quick description about what the photo is about
4. We were then going to take all the photos, put them back in the envelope they came in from the Fujifilm store that printed them and staple that envelope to a piece of paper which will get included in the packet.
5. We have about 150 photos (actually split into 4 envelopes to make the packet not so fat)

This is what we are "planning" on doing. Is this helpful and does anyone else think this is an appropriate solution?
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-22 22:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhere do I File this thing?
Cool thanks. Not too worried about the income. I work online remotely. Living here has 0 effect on my work, just cost of living is way lower.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-29 20:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhere do I File this thing?
So I'm a bit concerned about filing location. I live in Indonesia but not on a resident visa, just on a tourist visa I always extend or get new. Because of this I'm not eligible for DCF as I'm not a resident of Indonesia.

I put my address in Indonesia on the I-130 as my address, because that's where I am.

So when I mail it to Chicago what if they route it to Indonesia for processing because my address is in Indonesia, then the embassy in Indonesia that gets it may say "this guy isn't a resident here so it shouldn't be here, send it back to him". Seems like a nightmare. Should I expect USCIS to work this out properly? Again I can't be the only person staying in a foreign country as a non-resident filing I-130.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-28 23:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Certificate Indonesia
We still a ways off of needing it but, my wife and I just got back from lunch and beach time with another mixed couple (American + Indonesian) that we recently met here. The wife of course already has her green card so I was asking questions about all the stuff they had to do for the process. Specifically, regarding the police certificate she said she didn't even need one from Indonesia as she was told by the Embassy in Jakarta that the Indonesian Police certificate isn't even accepted by the US Embassy as aparently it's faily well known that the Indonesian goverment is a bit corrupt and the police reports have a reputation for being unreliable at that.

She said she only needed a police cert from Australia as she lived and worked there for a while previously.

Anyone else had any experience with Indonesian Police Certificates and whether the US accepts them?
furbleMaleIndonesia2012-01-05 05:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLatest on Laminated Docs

I dont know if any one has had their laminated documents accepted but the general concensus is that they should not be. I had some of my diplomas laminated also cos it was fashionable to do it at the time and we were made to believe the documents are being protected but most western nations do not like that ...cos I think it hampers their attempts to verify the originilaity of what people are submitting( and I am guessing feeling the actual paper is part of the process :wacko: ).
I wonder if there is a way one can UNlaminate a document.

Well yea, of course it's better if they aren't laminated but too late now. Frankly it's so common place here I don't know anyone that hasn't laminated their documents in Indonesia. They are so important here as you need to provide a photocopy of them to do just about anything and they are a nightmare to replace. Running a photocopy-mart is a great business here BTW if anyone is looking for a new career.

Kinda sucks not being able to laminate some stuff. On our baby's birth certificate the baby's first foot prints and the baby's face is watermarked into the paper and it's just really cute, but just on kind of a green cardboard construction paper. I so badly want to laminate it to protect it and keep it safe forever, but I will have to wait so as not to cause a problem. People here think we are absolutely crazy for not having laminated it yet, along with a few other things.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-22 08:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLatest on Laminated Docs

Yes, someone mentioned on VJ, their laminated doc didnt have problem with NVC, but it is kind of risk. Why dont you arrange someone in that 3rd world to get her birth certificate? I mean, call someone or some friend or anyone who can take care of this task.

Better to get multiple copies of birth certificate ( Just in case ).

Wish it were that simple. A little about how Indonesia works (if anyone is interested)....

Indonesia has a complex local government system. It's actually sort of clever, but cumbersome and behind a few centuries, although I can see actually see it's merrits as it is actually quite well organized. Basically the country is divided into villiages in districts within cities. Each level has it's own Manager/Boss/Mayor and if you want to do anything you have to go through the heirarchy within the Village you are registered too (which is the one you are born in unless you apply to change it). You basically have to first see the villiage boss (The RT) and have them sign off, then go to the the District manager (The RW) and have him sign off, then go to the City Mayor (The Lurah) and have them sign off, then take all that signed stuff to the correct goverment office and submit it then wait a while to get your document. This all has to be done in person as per the rules or if you pay someone a lot of money they will do it for you, but that isn't legal and we make sure to do everything legitimiately becasue we don't need any problems. Of course the next level up on the heirarchy won't sign of until the one below them has signed, and each one may require a waiting period because they are busy signing stuff all day amongst their other duties.

Of course she would have to do all of this with our little one in-tow. Seems like something my America wouldn't want to put one of it's newest citizens through.

Then you wonder, why not just have her change her registered villiage? Same process everyone in the old village has to sign off on it, and then everyone in the new village you are moving too has to sign off. Worse yet though, each of the 3 bosses in the old village want a "fee" or "release tax" to lose one of their constituants, which is entirely up to whatever they want, and then the new village wants a "fee" to get in as well which is also left up to their imagination.

So she is from a really small village in Java that only recently got electricity and sort-of running water. Now of course we stay in Bali which is much nicer :) Also interesting, to stay in Bali she has to get a "Temporary Stay Permit" kind of like a local Visa every 3 months to continue to stay here lawfully. It also takes a few weeks to process that every time, but at least once you have one you just keep renewing it.

This is all because of the old Deutch system put in place as a means of population control for the various Islands from what I understand.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-22 08:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLatest on Laminated Docs
Just thinking ahead here. Although they won't be needed for a while, my wife's Birth Certificate is Laminated. If you actually had a laminated doument if you could please chime in if that was a problem or not and when it was reviewed?

I am hoping to not have to get a new birth certificate for her. It would be a) expensive due to local shenanigans, and b) require my wife and our baby to travel back to her home village which is very 3rd world (if even that clean) and stay there about a month. This would not be safe for our baby that is 4 months now and a US citizen btw.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-22 03:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 Proof of bonafide marriage, how much evidence is enough?

Hi all,

I am filing an I-130 for my wife of almost 2 years. We lived together almost a year but my name was never on the lease, however I do have passport stamps showing us entering and exiting China at the same times. I sent 4 years worth of emails, a few letters she sent me, 5 affadavits, quite a few photos, plane tickets showing us traveling together, a few western union receipts that I could find, I also put her on my bank account as POD because they wouldn't let me do anything else without a SSN.

I don't own any property that I can add her to, they won't let her on the lease without being here in person, she isn't on my taxes because I was a student and didn't file (I have a cosponsor), I don't really have anything else to give them.

Is what I listed above enough? I am worried a lot, I miss my wife :(.

I was able to add my wife to my Car Insurance. It even got me a discount on my car insurance.
furbleMaleIndonesia2011-12-23 01:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUm, where are they gonna mail my NOA1 & 2
Not yet. I called the last three days. Says they haven't recieved it yet. Prolly better I wait till next week to check again. Getting to be like watching ice melt. NOA2 was sent on 18th according to email. If they sent from Cali to DC with regular mail then it should be 5 biz days for them to even get it, and then I imagine a few more biz days for them to technically "receive it".
furbleMaleIndonesia2012-01-26 07:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUm, where are they gonna mail my NOA1 & 2
Interesting update. So even though the person I spoke with at USCIS was adamant that USIC would not send anything overseas, the Indonesian Post office just delivered to me my NOA1. Postmark said it was mailed on January 10th (same day I got the lockbox email). Today is the January 26th here (25th in the US) so that was a 15 day trip. Also interesting was that it was postmarked with only .44 cents which is 1 penny less than First Class mail, and it made it all the way here. I'll go update my timeline now.

The moral of the story is that USCIS does send stuff overseas.
furbleMaleIndonesia2012-01-26 02:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUm, where are they gonna mail my NOA1 & 2
Ah so generation means they affix a barcode to the form? So it won't matter if I download the forms online that they don't have the barcode affixed?
furbleMaleIndonesia2012-01-22 20:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUm, where are they gonna mail my NOA1 & 2

you can download all forms. You see the download links in the wiki, or no ?

Yea but there is this talk of the forms being "generated" making me feel like there is something special about what they will "generate" and send me.
furbleMaleIndonesia2012-01-22 05:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUm, where are they gonna mail my NOA1 & 2
Ok looks pretty straightforward. Already got everything together. Can I download the next forms online and pre-fill them or do I have to wait for them to be "generated".
furbleMaleIndonesia2012-01-21 00:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUm, where are they gonna mail my NOA1 & 2
Ok will look now
furbleMaleIndonesia2012-01-21 00:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUm, where are they gonna mail my NOA1 & 2
I know I've asked this before but it's still a mystery. Where will USCIS mail my stuff. We got approved pretty quick (in 8 days if you saw my other post) anyway, haven't recieved noa1 yet which is still reasonable really that we haven't recieved it becase the lockbox email said that would take 7-10 days which it has not yet been 10 days. Now we are also looking for noa2.

I called USCIS to ask and they said they will not send anything overseas (and we filed overseas as we live in Bali). The guy could only read me scripts but he said it would get sent to my US mailing address. Not sure what that is. There were 3 places for address on the forms.

1) where it said "what is your address" on I-130 which is where I listed where we live in Bali

2) where do you intend to live in the US on I-130, which is where I listed my parents address in Maryland

3) on G-325A the 5 year address history where I listed both my address in California And My address in Bali as my present address (on a Seperate attachment).

None of these things specifically said "what is your mailing address" or "this is where we will send you stuff" or "check this box to use this one as your mailing address". I assumed it would be the obvious one where I listed my address in the first part of I130 in Bali but apparently that is not correct. Other VJ members previously indicated before I sent it in that they thought it would be the Bali address. So anyone have any idea?

Good news is I'm guessing there is nothing I need to see on noa1 or 2 really. What is important is what Nvc will be sending and the guy did tell me that Nvc will be sending stuff overseas to my wife. He also said Nvc will be sending stuff to me in the US, wherever that will be.
furbleMaleIndonesia2012-01-20 19:44:00