US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDominican Republic Update


chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-13 18:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsultorios de Visa Website
There have been a few people who have paid $320 but haven't heard of anything more than that.
chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-06-30 16:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsmailed I-130, now how long until i hear from USCIS?
I mailed mine on 9/16/13, it was delivered 9/19/13. I received my NOA on 9/30/13. I mailed to Il lockbox.
chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2013-10-03 06:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny september filers

Chrissyb I filled 9/19 n just received my noa1 yesterday

Darnell thanks for the info

Congratulations. Where is your i130? Which service center? Mine is Overland Park, KS
chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2013-10-06 20:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny september filers
I'm a September filer. Mailed 9/16. Received 9/20. Received noa 9/30 hard copy
Now we wait........

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2013-10-03 20:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA1

I just received my NOA1. I know this us just the beginning but I needed to share this excitement.


Congratulations.  dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gifdancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif  

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2013-10-05 14:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsgot my interview date :D
chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2013-10-07 17:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa interview

Best of luck and positive thinking.  Please update us when they say that magical word APPROVED!dancin5hr.gif

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2013-11-10 13:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsinterview
Congratulations. That is so awesome
chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-06 11:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsjuly filter today my case was transfer to my local ofice
Just curious where are you being transferred from? Oakland Park, KS or NBC MS
chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-08 14:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEmails *DO* have impact
Just curious who did you email at uscis
chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-09 14:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJust want to vent a little... I am so sad... this hurts so much.

Tonight is the last night I will be spending here with my husband before returning to the US. I really, really hope it is the last time we will ever say goodbye to each other. I hope that the next time we reunite will be with the IR-1 in hand..... :clock: :cry: 
Please USCIS, at least touch my application... anything at this point to let me know that it actually made it to someone's desk...!

I completely understand you. Holiday shoppers were the worst. I would see couples disagree in the toy store thinking wish it was me. But stay positive, hold your head high. Pray and be specific what you pray for. You will be approved soon I can feel it!

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-08 15:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInfo pass

This isi true. All you can do is wait. 4 months isn't even the normal processing time. Hang on. An Infoopass will do nothing for you and they probab;y wouldn't see you anyway.


chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-15 17:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInfo pass
I tried to set an info pass appt for Philadelphia, Pa. I was told no service adopts we're being taken check back later!
I realized that it has only been 4 months, but it don't want to be forgotten. I also called USCIS and was told that my case is in Missouri and to expect an additional 7 months. I am so frustrated right now.

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-15 17:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS monthly update: January 12014

My pd is feb 22 2013.. case was transferred to nbc. Now date is 20 March but no noa2 yet... what to say..I m speech less...

Mine is at NBC in MO as well. I feel like NBC is the big black hole! Petitions get received there but never come out.

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-21 17:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot my I-130 approved within 5 monsths :) :)

What is the difference between a C1 and a F2A visa?  if you don't mind my ignorance--   I do SEE faster processing times for the F class---
you would think that Fathers separated from their wife and children would be the 1st priority--
2 years ago I had NEVER even "thought" about the immigration laws of the USA-
I was so naïve....
as I wait and learn- I still get confused sometimes- sometimes I understand and sometimes I think it absolutely makes NO sense.
but it is what it is

I COMPLETELY agree with you. I never thought about the immigration laws 2 years ago either.

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-15 20:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNoa2 - I130 approved
Congratulations. I hope the rest of your journey is much quicker!
chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-23 19:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNew USCIS Processing Times are off Their Meds

I've been very persistent with calling and asking where my case is. I filled my husbands I 130
On October 15, 2013 and I 129f on October 24, 2013. They were tendered to California service center on March 7th. I looked online this morning and both were approved yesterday


congratulations.  You are very lucky!

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-19 17:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNew USCIS Processing Times are off Their Meds

Congressional inquiries for people outside the processing time is another option. Contact your Senators/Representatives too.



I am trying to understand this, my PD is 2013.  I was transferred to TSC on 02/26/2014.  Its been 3 weeks and nothing.  So after 3/23/2014 I can try and put in a service request?



I am trying to understand this, my PD is 2013.  I was transferred to TSC on 02/26/2014.  Its been 3 weeks and nothing.  So after 3/23/2014 I can try and put in a service request?


sorry.  PD is 9/23/2013

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-19 16:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDont Give Up Hope

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to give words of encouragement to couples out there who are struggling through this process. 

I got married in February 2011 and started the CR1 process in March 2011. Now, 3 years later, almost to the day, Visa has been issued!!!!!!!

Our case went through with normal timing but visa was denied at interview in Jan 2012, got put in AP for 4 months, then sent back to USCIS for almost a year.  It got reaffirmed and I attended the second interview with my husband on March 11, 2014.  Out case status was AP with the date changing daily after that and on Tuesday my husband got called back to the Embassy but we didnt know why.  Turns out they had some technical difficulties with their fingerprint machine the day he got biometrics done.  They took his fingerprints again and he was given a yellow paper that said "Congratulations, your visa has been issued" and he was told that he could probably pick it up on Monday or Tuesday of next week.  Today status on CEAC website changed to 'Issued'

I believe that everything happens for a reason and I know that if he would have been issued a visa the first time around, I would have never had a good relationship with my in-laws because they did not approve of our marriage.  Now I have not only met them but stay in their home when I come to India and have a good relationship with them. 

Me and my honey will be traveling to the US together very soon.

Thank you very much to everyone on visa journey and especially to Deep2009 who helped me put my packet together when I got my NOIR.


"Everything will be alright in the end. If everything is not alright, it is not yet the end"

Quote from the movie "The best exotic marigold hotel"



chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-28 16:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember and October Filers in Texas Service Center

This is the CR-1/IR-1 forum :P we're waiting a long time for NOA2 unfortunately.

I'm waiting for TSC. I was transferred there 2/26/14. My pd date is 9/23/13. I filed a service request on 3/28/14. I also emailed TSC.

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-31 18:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUpdated processing times as of Feb 28, 2014

You're a bit ahead of me in line (we're 10/10 at TSC), but I feel what you're saying when you say they're holding our I130s hostage.  There's just no excuse for the way they're handling this.

none what so ever!

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-04 14:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUpdated processing times as of Feb 28, 2014

On the 3rd of the month! That's so unusual! Looks like someone is under the gun....

Good than maybe TSC will stop holding my I130 hostage.

That's why it's been kind of quiet yesterday n today...

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-03 17:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUpdated processing times as of Feb 28, 2014

TSC - Aug 21/2013

CSC - Sept 4, 2013

NSC - 5 months

VSC - 5 months

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-03 15:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSummary of my Journey (POE 10/23/13)

As I previous posted, this is my full review of our journey to America. I like to first thank to those of you who post tremendous amount of knowledge post on immigration and especially, thank you, Darnell.  Also thanks for the kindly service from Eunice ( Marc Elliss assistance).
I am going to divide this into two sections, first will be overview bullet point for those just want a quick   view. And second a detail summary Feel free to pm me or post if you have question this, I think its fair to give and take. Something back to community.
Part A: Quick overview
Me:  Born in Fujian China (fluent in Chinese) Male, Age-29, And Occupation: Global Technology Consultant (income high above federal poverty level)      Marriage history: Previously Married and Divorced, no children. My prior (first) was arranged marriage from parent. Ex-wife from Fujian (Red Flag), , China.  I petition her in 2005 through K1. Divorced in 2010.
My Current wife: Female, Age 29 Occupation: in house accountant. Marriage history: No previous marriage or children.  From Fujian (Red Flag),, China.
Meet my wife after my divorced, dated for a year and flew back at least 6 times before our marriage in 2011. Son was born in Dec 2012.
Filed CR1/Spousal Visa in Oct 2012, applied my sons passport in March 2013. POE Chicago on Oct 23. (go my timeline for details)
China Visit: total 13 trips to China (I got many mileages from work travel). SAVED ALL BOARDING PASS
Part B: Detail Summary
I first met wife online in August, 2010 through Tencent QQ -- an online messenger. She lives in Fujian China.  As mentioned, my ex also is from Fujian Province. Anyway, my first marriage was arranged and was a disaster. Also we were both too young but then (ages of 22 and 21) to sustain a marriage. So the divorce was finalized in July 2010. She remarried in 2011.
As I have mentioned above, I was trying to start a new life after the divorce and my wife was introduced to me by my cousin at the time. We started our first web chat in August, 2010. We talked about our lives, our past experiences, childhood, music, etc So our daily webcat and skype continue every day at lest 2-3 hours for 4-5 months (KEPT all the chat log and screenshot of the webcat). We met in person in Feb 2011 for Chinese Year. We pretty much decided the moment we saw each other.
However, we both know that my first marriage failed from rushing into marriage. So we both agreed to take some time to continue building our relationship before marriage. We continue dating for a year and was planning to get marry in February of 2012.  (took a lot of pictures on my wedding)
As I mentioned I travel a lot, so got enough mileages to fly back almost every other or 3rd month. And since I usually can work from home, each trip I usually stayed in China for 2 weeks. At one point, I actually did try find client or work in China so I can be with my wife. But that didnt go well, I was getting offer for a fourth of my current salary in China. So I gave up that plan and glad I did.
So I was told many times that petition Fujian twice is A MAJOR red flag. I hired Mar Ellis and his assistance Eunice. After reviewing my case, I was told that since my wife was pregnant, we may have a good shoot with the babys US passport during the interview. So as planned, I started my petition process during my wifes 6 months into pregnancy. Anyway took me almost to get everything ready and send it ( SO I would advise to start prepping early and use VJs knowledge post as advantage.)
During the process of waiting for NOA2 approval, I called the office (number from your NOA1 letter) daily. I also went to Chicago Lockbox, asking for status. Anyway somehow after my visit to local office, my case was approved forward to NVC. Then I was calling NVC every other day or every week at least. I signed up electronic process as help from Darnells post and VJ wiki page. My case got hold up during the last step when my PDF file got corrupt (according to NVC), which I had to re send 3 times (same file) and finally it was done and got forward to GUZ. Now come to think, my last PDF file sent to NVC was a printed copy and then scanned back as email attachment.
Waited 2 months, then comes interview in GUZ which went very smooth. My wife was asked 3 questions and passed! (see below my timeline for details)
Also one more thing to mention is that the current visa shipping process kinda sucks. I was calling and checking status every day and things are not always updated. Basically my wifes visa was issued the day after she passed, but we didnt have status update for two weeks. So wife ended up just showing up at CTIC bank 2 weeks after she passed and the package was there. They said they were trying to call us but we have not receive any calls.even though we thought web status should be updated.anyway we are happy now. Feels so good to have family here this year during holidays!!! J

Congratulations and know you are blessed ??
chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2013-11-04 13:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSubmitting RFE back to TSC.

Hello Honestkings. :) .If you have additional evidence then send it.
However, If you do not want to send in additional evidence now with the RFE; As a CR1, you have the golden opportunity to send in additional evidence during the IV stage as well,were you planning on doing so then?  My suggestion is either send in additional evidence now (If you have it)  with RFE or with IV packet . It will not hurt your case.
I am sure our more experienced members will give their input soon, but adjudicators and CO's often make decisions on your case before the interview based on what you have provided.
Best of luck!!!!

Good to know I can send my additional documentation in at the I've stages I have 2 big envelopes full of evidence. I wish I would have sent it in with my RFE.

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-27 22:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSubmitting RFE back to TSC.

Hello everyone,... I hope and Pray we will all finally get to our finally destination on this long VISA JOURNEY we re into......

We are finally about to submit our RFE back to TSC office hopefully on Monday. But the problem now is that we are a little bit confuse if we are to send any additional documents or just what was requested by TSC office on their RFE letter. Thanks and God bless you for ur input.


I was told to only send them what they ask for.  If they needed other things they would have requested them in your RFE.  I thought the same thing myself.  I also got an RFE because I did not send my Spanish marriage certificate.  I sent them the translated English version.  Apparently they understand Spanish.

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-26 17:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsResponse time from TSC

August 2014? o.o


sorry I meant 04/16/2014.  We got approved on May 1,2014

How did you receive an RFE in the future?

sorry it was 04/16/2014.  We got approved 05/01/2014

How did you receive an RFE in the future?

sorry it was 04/16/2014.  We got approved 05/01/2014

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-02 23:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsResponse time from TSC

I had received an RFE on 08/16/2014.  They received my response to them on 08/24/2014.  Any idea the time frame until my APPROVAL? 


Thank you in advance for your responses.

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-30 14:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUpdated Processing times

I noticed CSC, NSC and VSC are all at 5 months.  USCIS is updating very early this month.  Gosh at this rate they may actually become current soon...

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-02 20:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers

Finally,today after 9 agonizing long months of wait, my case was approved!! Bring it on NVC !!. Good luck everyone !!

Congratulations.  So happy for you.

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-09 12:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Okay paid aos fee on Monday.  today it states paid.  Also filled out DS 261 and that states completed.  Yesterday I sent aos package and it should be there today at 3.  I checked this morning and IV bill states pay now when I click on it I cant get the option to select to pay that.  How long before the IV bill will allow me to pay?

Thanks in advance

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-06-18 12:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDay 23 and still no IV bill

I am 36 days 

Oh Yamil still nothing?  Me either but they received my ds261 on June16.  This is crazy!

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-10 14:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED!!!!!!

PD 2/28 started off in Nebraska, got transferred to California 7/9, Got approved today 7/22!!!!

Im soooo happy!!!! Yay!!!


chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-23 08:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe got Expedited and Approved!! My Words of Advice

This all feels surreal, but our Visa is issued and will be in our Hands this Thursday. My love will POE on 7/28 with me at JFK. My Journey took a total of 9 months, if it wasn't for VJ I wouldn't have been able to do this, thank you to all that have answered my questions and I am here to help the best that I can. I want to give a special shout out to my girls, Nat, Carmen, Yoly, Chris, Dani, Mery, Teny, Yanil, Gabby, Alba, Dee, Laurie, Lisa, Lili, Ana, Lani and Vane. We have kept each other sane and supported each other through the hardest of time without this group of ladies. I wouldn't have been able to stay emotionally connected to this. The journey is long but if you build your support system strong you can do it. I can't wait to begin OUR next chapter with my Love. Good Luck to everyone and remember persistence and patience is key!
Omg and My Queya can't wait for our hubbies to meet in the NYC!!


Awe we are all so happy for you.  You are the best and you and your love are going to have a great life...

Yahhhh Noelia!!!! I was looking for my name n almost cried when I didn't see it!!!! But it's there!!! Save the best for last ;-)!!!! Girl we made it!!! Mainly because of u! U being the leader of our group and deciding to add each one of us! We all love u and are so happy for u!


Amen Queya

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-23 08:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014


I'm sorry that happened! The same thing actually happened to me when I reviewed mine, both with my SSN and my husband's A#. The issue is there is no space for the hyphens/spaces on the online form so when I typed both numbers with hyphens and spaces the number appeared as I was typing but when you exit the field the last numbers get dropped!


Hopefully there won't be much of a delay!


Yes I figured that was the issue.  Im just mad at myself.  Now this will set me back another 30 business days.  Im gonna send it express mail, so if they do checklist at least it will be there. uggghhhh!

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-23 08:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014
I need some advice I was reviewing my 864 last night and noticed that on the line where my social security number was that the last 2 digits were missing. Aos was scanned june 24. Iv was scanned June 26. I corrected this error and reprinted the whole package. What are my chances of getting a checklist? Do I send it off to Nvc so its there just in case? If they dont check list me, tell them to disregard the 3rd package? I know its a stupid mistake and im so mad at myself.
I need some advice I was reviewing my 864 last night and noticed that on the line where my social security number was that the last 2 digits were missing. Aos was scanned june 24. Iv was scanned June 26. I corrected this error and reprinted the whole package. What are my chances of getting a checklist? Do I send it off to Nvc so its there just in case? If they dont check list me, tell them to disregard the 3rd package? I know its a stupid mistake and im so mad at myself.
chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-23 07:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2014 Interviews

 I am ready right now.
 Wife has interview after 4 hours at Mumbai India.

Best of luck. Keep us posted

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-13 20:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

U know what. Now that u mentioned it I think it is worth trying. I can show them the documents that I m already done with my steps and me losing this year of my career as the deadline for our applications is sept 15 has been a financial hardship in itself. Thankyou! I will talk to my husband about this!


Just make sure you attach documentation and do a letter to them and PLEADDDDDDDD your case.  It cant hurt.  the worse they can say is no and then your right where you are now.  You don't lose anything.

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-12 13:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Yes u cannot. But I have to give an exam and I have a deadline. And I have a letter from ecfmg go give a consideration for the visa because of that exam. It has the deadline of dec2014 so I previously thought it's of no use but now I think I will give it a shot. Worst would be they deny. But I would give it a shot before wasting 1500 dollars of that exam fee which I already paid :)


Maybe you should apply for an expedite as losing the money you paid for your exam ($1500) would be a financial hardship.  Just a thought.  Ive heard expedites get approved for some strange reasons.  It just depends on the individual embassy.

chrissybFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-12 13:29:00