Asia: East and PacificForeign hotel rates in Philippines
yeah they do have 2 different rates. I know when we checked into Cebu beach club they were giving us the "foreigner" rate.. I am half filo and half aussie and my aunt stepped in and said my mother was filo and she deserves the local rate! thankgawd for that cos we could stay a week with the peso rate compared to the USD one and that was only going to be a 1 night stay!!! its worth to try anything hahaha I agree on getting an apartment, ask the locals, again we got a apartment for dirt cheap.
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2007-01-16 16:25:00
Asia: East and PacificParties and the Filipino Culture

The inevitable culture shock to my new asawa has been on my mind lately, especially since within 3 months she'll finally be here in the USA!! Yippee!! We've discussed her adjustment on several occasions, and I've told her that southwestern Ohio is much different that Leyte, so be prepared for many changes. She says that she's ready to come here, but she really has no idea what to expect. She thinks she does, but I tell her that even though much of the year is just like there, green, warm and humid, for six months of the year our houses are closed during the cooler months and we hear hardly a peep from outside - no chickens, no loud music, no motorcycles, no surprises from a neighbor quietly walking by during the morning bath at the clan's well beside the house, and no typhoons. (She doesn't know what a tornado is.) There's constant activity in her tiny community - kids everywhere, such happiness and joy, singing and games, the entire family working together, day after day. She tells me to drive slowly, as maybe 40 kpm is moving very fast down a good road. She's asked me if we can cook with wood, on a fire built outside with three big rocks, she says, so a big pot will stay in place. She's asked me if we can hang the clothes in the sun. The family home has electricity, but she pitches water from the well for washing clothes and dishes, by hand of course, and for a bath, and uses the CR beside the house, with nothing more than a bamboo fence about waist high surrounding it. The first time she'd ever seen a hotel was in Manila during my visit last April. She'd never ever taken a bubble bath with warm water in a bathtub. She's seen American magazines with pictures of lovely contemporary homes - kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms and all of the furnishings. No plush upholstered furniture in her world. She's seen pictures of our house here in Ohio. They are small two-dimensional images. She has no idea how large and spacious everything is here. Our homes are much futher spaced apart. I might think, and hope, that she'll be so very happy when she arrives here, but I am as prepared as I can be for the bitter homesickness she will feel.

What have I done in advance of her arrival? Well, everyone I know knows when she will be arriving here. There will be introductions, but she is very shy, so this will be a slow process. I am alone here in Ohio, my grown kids live in North Carolina and Georgia, quite far away to have much interaction with her. My family is based in Illinois, so she won't have them to adopt. It will be just us here. I knew she was Catholic, so I had been preparing a change from my Lutheran background to Catholic if need be. I had been holding off joining a congregation here (I moved here about 6 years ago) because I didn't know what she'd like when she arrives here, but I knew that her faith is at the center of her life and that was very important to me. During my visit I learned that although she was baptised Catholic, she attends the local Christian Church just a few steps away from her home. She is very active with Christian education, kids especially, and she loves to sing and play guitar. (I'm an ex-bass player...hehehe.) So, she had no problems being protestant, so I joined the Lutheran church here in my town with her permission. She has a church family now ready to welcome her. The month following my return here, I attended a local cultural festival and just so happened to meet many members of the local Philippine-American Society. I joined right away. It's a big group, dating back to the early 1970s, very well established. They are very active with native food preparation and sales and dance exhibits, many talented singers and performers, and many heath care and technical professionals, too. I was welcomed almost immediately and have been assisting with serving food at summer fairs and exhibits, even learned much about lumpia rolling, pancit and manok adobo. So, she is ready to be received by many from her native land. I've found all of the Asian food stores in the area. I have a nice rice cooker. I have a big tall imitation coconut palm tree with a cloth bamboo lantern on her side of the bed. And, we have a big Philippine flag flying next to Old Glory on our front porch, on nice days. She is so impressed by that, and so is her family and friends. She asks me if I am proud of her. I am so very proud of her and the sacrifice she is making for me, but I also am fully aware of her responsibilities to those who remain behind, and I support that.

She will struggle, but patience and faith will give her strength, even as now she prays for strength as she waits for her interview to be scheduled soon. She knows that she has an amazing adventure ahead of her. She says her dreams have come true, as have mine. It's not going to be easy for us, or for anyone who comes to the USA. We would like to think that everyone will love it here, but think about what it would be like to leave your home, your family, your friends far behind, everything you've known. I'd be scared to death, too. In fact, I am scared to death, and I'm also praying for patience and strength. We'll both need it!!!

Good luck to everyone!!! My journey is just beginning and what a journey it has been so far!!

Michael in Ohio

what a beaut post Michael, sounds like you have really had deep thoughts on how she may/maynot handle it. When my mother came to Oz( australia) in the 70's she was the oonly asian in the town and surroundings in sydney!!! who to think now!!!. she said it was a very weird thing... so much filo food she missed etc but she knew she came for the right reasons (my parents are happily married for 33 years). She didnt even speak any filo until a year later when her sister immigrated to oz...however my mum said that it was very quiet and was hard to adjust to at first but there has been no looking back.... it actually took my mum 17 years to actually go back to phils! i am pretty sure there be some filos near by!!! they are everywhere! hehe, anyhow good luck!! it will be all good.
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2007-01-17 20:44:00
Asia: East and PacificParties and the Filipino Culture
i know this topic is directly at the filipinos however i am half filo and aussie. I just wanted to give feedback on growing up with the filo culture... its normal to be invited to all these parties, its such the culture. Filos love entertaining! my mother is 57 and she is a president of so many associations and always going to parties and functions... its a part of the filo life! we love eating, singing and dancing!!!
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2007-01-16 16:37:00
Asia: East and PacificHave u got any plans for Australia day Celebrations?

Awesome Caroline, I didn't know you could get Coopers at Outback either, I will let my fiance know to try it.

Hey Jolibee, my fiance is in the Army so we will be based in Colorado. I think he will be deploying to Iraq again later this year. Is your hubby with you or deployed?

I have been teaching my man the slang also...he doesn't get the saying 'flat out like a lizard drinking' and when he says G'day and it sounds so funny. I told him I had a bingle in the boot of my car and he said 'what ?' so I had to explain that it's a dent in the trunk! We have some very funny conversations about the differences in our language. :D

Hey Girlfrmoz,
aaack on deployments. Well we are lucky for 1.5 - 2 years as we got hooked up on him teaching in the ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps)program( the amry has one also) so he is based at the University of South Florida. he is prior Drill instructor so hence he was qualified to get this job. We wanted to be together where he was safe for the first years of marriage and we have been blessed!( he has 2 deployments to iraq since we have been together- ouch) however his promotion should hit probably in 1.5years time and its likely a deployment would hit but until then he is safe and we will enjoy every minute sorry your boy might be going at the end of the year. The army go for 1 year yeah? will u go home for that? During the summer here i will head home for 3-4 mths while my boy will be training the marines in bootcamp! so i cant wait to be home!!
Thats so funny you using thos saying to him, i actually forget slang sayings. its just words i am soo use too. But i know when i am home i just slip back into the normal routine of slang pharses! everyday there is always a new word i come out and we have the language barrier for like 5 secs and then we laugh.

happpy aussie day guys!!!
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2007-01-25 15:49:00
Asia: East and PacificHave u got any plans for Australia day Celebrations?
wow, i didnt know you could get coopers here- at the outback? i must have a look around. My husband is also converted aussie in some ways. he gets the slang and uses it on me, which is heaps good. I am happy that he is supportive on special days like this. hey Girlfromoz- what branch of service your boy in? Mine is a marine.
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2007-01-19 14:57:00
Asia: East and PacificHave u got any plans for Australia day Celebrations?
my first aussie day away from home!! lucky i am invited to a party hosted by another aussie. i miss VB and all the little things of oz...i wish they import more aussie beer here other than fosters!
aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi :dance:
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2007-01-17 22:03:00
Asia: East and Pacificany aussie from Camden NSW way?
QUOTE (jodee @ Aug 18 2007, 07:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I did live in Campbelltown, NSW, for about hmmmmm, 4 years I guess... Well it was St. Andrews really, but only 5 minutes from Campbelltown,..Camden, is a nice spot,..


Hey Jodee, indeed you are the closet to moi. I caught the train daily from leameah!! I miss the Square and malls of the same type ( the square has changed if you havnt been back in awhile) I have been holidaying since june and will fly back to USA sept 11, startting to feel so sad! oh hum!!!
Thanks guys
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2007-08-29 09:14:00
Asia: East and Pacificany aussie from Camden NSW way?
G'day All

Just curious if anyone from the Camden NSW area? just want to have some internet mates from home living :dance: in the US... so any mates from downunder would be nice.

Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2007-08-16 07:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAussie wanting info on dual citizenship
Hi All,

I got approved my 10 yr greencard last July.. so how soon can i apply for dual citizenship?
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-02-12 04:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMilitary Spouse needs some clarification
Thank Milimelo for your speedy response. We are looking at TAD ( temporary assigned duty) in California so i am hoping i will have a physical address for all this to take place as well cos this would be a hugge issue. This is really crazy timing for all this happen but thats military for ya.

I am defintely having my baby here and it will be about 3-4mths old by the time i travel to oz
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-03-15 15:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMilitary Spouse needs some clarification
Hi All,

I need some clarification on some things. I tried to do a search but had no luck.

-I've been told that you may start applying for citizenship 2 years and 9mths from when your 1st greencard was issued. Mine was issued 7/27/07 so does this mean i can apply this coming april 27?( i now have my 10 year greencard as of July 09)

- hubby is deploying to Afghanstain this late sept and i was wanting to go home to Australia with my baby( i am due this june) is this possible to do this while applying for citizenship..? or must i stay in the US for this process?

-how long does this citizenship process take in total?

-do you have to hand in your greencard when applying for citizenship? If so, when do you hand this in? Do u get it back if the unforseeable failing happens( the questions part! i've looked at the practice questions and gee wiz!)

- how many questions do you have to answer in order to pass?

The reason why i am applying for citizenship is my hubby is looking at embassy duty in germany after he comes back from deployment and i need to be a US citizen for this process to happen... it wouldnt be an issue if he wasnt deploying to afghan cos he would be here while i do all this.. but i dont want to be by myself with a newborn, waitng for this citizenship and him being at war.

i really appreciate you taking the time to read this and help out. I dont know where i would be without this website.

Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-03-15 15:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuestion on the naturalisation test
G'day all,

Just looking at the 100 questions they ask during the interview. I know some questions make a point and say name 'one' but others just dont point that out. Does this mean you have to answer all the answers?

Carolyn :wacko:
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-03-17 17:04:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUnderstanding the Reading & Writing section of the test
Thanks Guys for clearing that up! I get it now :thumbs:
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-04-13 22:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUnderstanding the Reading & Writing section of the test
No doubt this question has been asked before.

I've been studying the 100 questions part & I'm doing well at that section but came across this writing & reading section. At the beginning, these documents have a list of words. What are we supposed to do with those words, put them in a useful sentence? i'm abit puzzled on what to do with them, if any?


Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-04-12 23:09:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDo I need to bring my passport to the interview
That's brillant Say what... i am going to use that line in any situation where they want to taken anything aussie away since Australia is a part of the commonwealth hahah
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-04-30 15:16:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDo I need to bring my passport to the interview
Thankyou V333K!
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-04-29 12:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDo I need to bring my passport to the interview
Hi All,

I am curious about whether i need to bring my passport to the interview? I am wanting to keep my aussie passport and scared they will take it away at the interview if i do bring it?

I tried to find post on this but had no such luck.

Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-04-28 15:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionFrom San Francisco With Smiles!
Congrats!!! Thanks for sharing :thumbs:
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-06-03 09:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionI passed my Interview today.
Congrats! thanks for sharing
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-06-03 09:16:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSob story that was avoidable
Your timeline is exactly the same as mine.. When was your 1st GC issued? if it was 07 then its 3 years off that...which hence means this year you would have to apply.. mine was april 27th and my interview for citizenship is also next month. Good luck!!
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-07-18 10:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPassport book waiting time
i applied for my newborn for expedited service and it only took 12 days :)
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-07-23 22:48:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWoohoo My journey is complete!! Phoenix :)

Congratulations! Did you apply for US citizenship 4 months before your 3rd year? Correct me if I'm wrong I'm also from Phoenix.

it was 3mths :) Good luck.. the people in Phoenix are so nice! Good luck and all the best :)
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-10-28 17:45:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWoohoo My journey is complete!! Phoenix :)
G'day All!!!

Just wanted to update here & provide my experience in the event that it helps someone. I got naturalized today and am so cheering that my journey is over!

My interview was scheduled for 1pm in Phoenix on 19th of Jul. I arrived at 12.30pm. There was no line getting through security. My interview letter & greencard was checked. Purse and documents into the x-ray tray. Went up to the second floor. Approched the window for interview. Handed my info to the nice lady at the window. Waited for my name to be called out.

My IO was polite and pleasant. When I got to his office he asked me to remain standing and raise my right hand. He swore me in and then we sat down. He pulled out my file - complete with I-751 & N400 documents. He took up my conditional Green Card and my 10 year Green Card. He asked if I wanted to change my name. He asked if I was still married, my date of birth, address, SS #, telephone number, place of work, anniversary date, confirmed my husband's name, checked the copy I sent of my husband's birth certificate. Then he went through the list of questions on the N400 application form such as: have you ever been arrested, involved in a terrorist group, are you willing to bear arms if required, etc. He did not ask to look at any of the documents I had brought with me. he also asked when was my last trip outside of USA and how long for?

After that, we moved on to the English portion of the test. I had to read:

What country is north of the US?( i cant remember if i had to answer Canada)

I had to write: Delaware was the first state. (This sentence is provided and you are not expected to know the answer HOWEVER he told me to write it next to 3.. i guess making sure i can understand english and read numbers???).

The 6 civics questions I was asked were:

1. Where is the Statue of liberty?
2. Who is the governor of Arizona?
3. Name 2 national holidays?
4. what is one thing you promise when you become a U.S. citizen
5. What ocean is on the East coast of the USA?
6. Who was the first president?

He said congratulations, I had passed the tests.

He then made me sign some paper work and said i would get a oath letter in 4-5 weeks. I then mentioned my circumstances of me moving to California in a week's time cos my hubby is deploying and it will take me 6 hours to come back to phoenix just for the oath ceremony with a newborn. He then went and spoke to supervisor and she came back and and told me if i could come back the friday that week.. i was like no worries!!

Ceremony day- get there half an hour early... my hubby and newborn was with me so we got thru security no sweat.. we walked to the courtroom and poked our head thru the door. A nice lady officer who saw my baby was all clucky and said we could wait inside the courtromm.. she was holding and asking all these questions on bubs!! I got first seat at the front!! half an goes by and then the rest of the people came in to be seated.. then followed by friends & family. Before ceremony starts a representative from social security tells us to open our envelopes and pull out the social security form out and fill out ( this is for everyone who has a SSN card or not) once completed a representative from voting comes out and tells us about how to filll out the voting form. Now an officer comes out and starts the ceremony. she tells us that there are 187 applicants from 45 countries present. She congratulates us and ask if anyone wants to share there journey.. so i do and one other lady! after this, we sing the Star Spangled Banner.. and i remember singing "god bless america" somewhere in this too! We take the Oath of Allegiance. We all say the Pledge of Allegiance. End of ceremony. We are told that we MAY make black & white copies of our Naturalization Certificates for our records. We start filing out and collect our Certificates of you walk out you shake the judges hand and can get fotos after the ceremony.

I would love to thank everyone in this life saving forum for all the help and dedication!! you guys are so wonderful.. good luck to everyone out there!!!


Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-07-23 22:40:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400: May 2010 Applicants
N-400 May 2010 Applicants

USCIS Missouri================================
Jolibee76.........4-28-10.. 5-7-10 ..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/-Missori
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-05-31 21:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAn Original IRS 1722 letter for interview?
I took my tax for the past 3 years.. even though i sent it to them! I didnt want to travel 3 hours for nothing! I didnt need it as my file was in front of the IO and he just went thru it.. didnt request anything

good luckj!
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-10-26 03:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAn Original IRS 1722 letter for interview?
Hello all,

Just preparing for my interview. Looking at the standard document checklist they sent out with the appointment letter. I notice they ask "an original IRS 1722 letter if you are applying on the basis of marriage which i am (3yrs). I already sent copies of my 1040 forms for the past 3 years already in my application..I will also bring copies with me to the interview.. however whats is this 1722 letter about? PLus they sent me a a yellow letter months ago requesting documents they only needed was a state or govt issued ID.. nothing else.. i am issuming this is standard checklist brochure they like to send out just to make sure you have everything & to give us applicants are last minute panic!?? Anything else i should be concerned about to bring?

Anyone done there interview in phoenix? If so, how did ya go?
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-07-16 12:22:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWonderful email this morning!!!
Congrats kicking.gif
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2009-07-23 22:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGot approved without interview for 10 yr GC submitted may 09
QUOTE (dudeinneed @ Jul 24 2009, 02:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
congratulations. what evidence did u provide? I'm about to file my i-751 in a few days. I'm not sure if I have sufficient evidence. Thank u

Hi there, I just read your reply cos i have been away.. I provided so much evidence, mainly fotos with other people, joint taxes, any insurance in our names, bank accounts.. anything that proves we have joint accounts and insurance.. i reckon this was the real winner really. it all about your finances in there eyes.
Good luck and all the best
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2009-08-06 19:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGot approved without interview for 10 yr GC submitted may 09
Cheers Guys.. it such a overwheling feeling! I love this website for all the support it gives. I wish everyone a greater success also! good.gif
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2009-07-23 21:36:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGot approved without interview for 10 yr GC submitted may 09
Hi guys,

i am very excited to receive a congratulations mail of removal of the conditional basis of permanent resident status has been approved. I am really astounded that i got approved this fast as i only got my biometrics done less than a mth ago and my 2 year GC was expiring end of this month.. am i just blessed or has others been approved this fast? I am very excited and hope others can get approved this fast. I wish i could go and celebrate but hubby is on temporary duty in DC ( marine corp) and i just moved to Yuma AZ so all alone with excitement!!

does anyone know what the "new classicication symbol: IF1 is? i got that on my letter.

Cheers everyone "aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi" kicking.gif

Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2009-07-23 16:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAddress Changes
I have moved since my 1st 2year GC was sent.. once you send in you I751 package you just put your new address.. thats what i did and all correspondence came to that new address. Good luck
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2009-08-06 19:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJuly 2009 Approval - card ordered
Thats awesome!! I am thinking of doing citzenship also.. just going to rest on more paperwork and filing for abit!
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2009-08-06 20:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMy approval letter
Congrats!!! kicking.gif
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2009-08-06 19:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionROC????
Did mine in 24 June 09 and got my GC in 17 July 09! less than a month.. i see you are in California Office which same as mine.. all fingers cross yours should be soon after your biometrics. Good luck
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2009-08-07 15:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussion10 Yr GC approved
Hey Geek,

Congrats!!! I also submitted in May and got my letter in July!! my card came a few days after that!! I love Cali office!! Good luck to all!

Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2009-08-07 15:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionBIOMETRICS WALK IN QUESTION
QUOTE (pooja @ Aug 8 2009, 06:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But what is the advantage of going early? Will it result in to making things fast?

If you want to go in earlier to get it out of the way go ahead.. it wont hurt. They just put a time on there so they have some kind of system... good luck
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2009-08-07 15:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionBIOMETRICS WALK IN QUESTION
I walked up as i was going away on the date they set for me.. they took me there and then! It wont hurt you to give it a go..good luck
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2009-08-06 19:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSome questions about my rights with the 10 year card...
I've been defintely filing my taxes since 2006 when i moved here. I am looking into citizenship as i am allowed to apply this May.. this is the only better option not to be always worried how long i got to be away for.. inwhich depends on how many times my hubby has to go to afghanstain/deployment.

Thanks for all your help and insight into the matter guys. Greatly appreciated

Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-03-20 10:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSome questions about my rights with the 10 year card...
Arent you allowed to stay more than 6mths away from USA on your 10 greencard? I was told up to 1 year... i am planning to go back to australia while my hubby is on deployment for 6mths.. so i be away for about 7mths in total
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2010-03-18 18:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVWP - Proving ties to Australia

It sounds like you have it covered. What you're brining with you shows you have very strong ties to your country. Good luck!

yeah i agree with Chan Chan, just dont say you are visiting your fiancee. When i saw my fiance i didnt mention it cos it does raise red flags. They only asked abt why i am staying 3mths, and i said to spend time with my b/f and then they reminded me that i count marry while i was there and i said yes. There was no hassled
Jolibee76FemaleAustralia2007-08-16 08:02:00