K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
I'm hanging in there with you all on the December Visa's. That would make a spectacular Christmas present. Who knows, a few of us may run into each other in New York picking up our fiancee's lol.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-08-14 21:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
I'm adding my case to this list. My fiance had his interview on Jan 28. The embassy received his packet 4 on November 12 but didn't schedule his interview until after the NOA-2 expired on Jan 22. I emailed them and requested an earlier interview but they said no. At the interview my fiance was yelled at, publicly humiliated, and the CO denied him when he refused to change his answer to the question "What did your parents say when you told them she was divorced with three children?" At one point in the interview another CO came over (the female) and the two of them proceeded to question and laugh at my fiance. I'm now doing anything and everything I can to get a second interview. It's going to pose a serious hardship for me to get there due to family circumstances here but I'm going to do everything in my power to get there this time. I've emailed 4 senators, DOS, the New Delhi embassy, and am in the process of emailing Hillary Clinton, the Ambassador, possibly the president, and anyone else that I feel may make some small difference. The denial letter said that the NOA-2 expired and we did not have enough proof of our relationship. The standard BS just to torture people.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2010-01-29 23:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAutomatic conversion to IR1?
Thanks so much! I knew there was some difference but wasn't sure how it worked. I'll go check out that thread now as well.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2012-04-04 12:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAutomatic conversion to IR1?
The USCIS just assigned me a case number for my CR-1 visa. If my calculations are right, by the time I get an interview around next January or later I will have been married 2 years. Does the CR-1 automatically convert to an IR-1? Or is that not important at all because the visas are pretty much the same?

I'm quite confident my chances are good because I've lived in India (by then for 2 years) and someone with almost identical circumstances (meeting, dating, her background and her husbands background match ours) just went through the same embassy and got their visa. I know that may seem over confident but after 2 years of living with this family I'm certain they can't say this is a fake relationship. No one is this desperate for money lol.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2012-04-03 00:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCo-Sponsor
Then that's where I got confused. I sent all of his paperwork with mine. Thanks so much for your help.

Any thoughts on them sending back my birth certificate and divorce papers? USCIS specifically said I had to have those in my package. Should I have him send them back to USCIS?
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2012-04-08 14:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCo-Sponsor
I'm confused. I just prepared my CR-1 package last month and sent it in and included all the same documents, etc. from my co-sponsor. USCIS rejected my co-sponsor and sent him my birth certificate and divorce papers back yet they approved my petition. They rejected it because they said the check wasn't in the envelope to pay for it. That leads me to ask if the co-sponsor has to pay the fee as well? So that means our immigration process would cost double?

Also, is it going to cause me further trouble when they don't have my documents (the ones they sent back to him)? I can pay the fee if I have to but, searching here and at USCIS I don't see anywhere that says the co-sponsor has to pay a separate fee. Which makes me also wonder if I even needed to include him at this time. Does the co-sponsor need to be included in the I-130 filing or only for the affidavit of support?
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2012-04-08 10:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFillling out the I-130 Alien Relative Petition Form
The birth certification from the embassy is sufficient to prove he's a citizen. They only require one form of proof but I agree with the others, it will look a lot better and remove any potential doubts or suspicions if he gets his US passport replaced before the interview.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2012-04-08 14:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused
Thank you both so much! I'm already reading over it all and it's so much easier to understand than the immigration websites.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2008-10-31 20:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused
I have known my SO since February 2008. I intend to fly to India to see him in February 2009 and I would like to start the filing process as soon as I get back. I've been gathering information for the past few weeks but to be quite honest I find some of this very confusing. I'm clear on the basics of what has to happen, but then I signed up here and all of these acronyms are frying my brain lol. As a newbie, do you have any helpful advice you can offer me as I start my journey to being with the love of my life? Any information is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2008-10-31 19:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresComplicated
Okay, I seperated from my US husband in July 2006. He wouldn't give me a divorce then and it took a while, he had to find a new girlfriend first. So my divorce was just finalized October 24. I live in a state that requires a one year separation period first, so that's another thing that made it take so long. Because we were still married we filed tax returns together, I just got tired of arguing with him about why we didn't have to. It's too long of a story for these boards. He had it written into our agreement that we have to file our 2008 taxes together too and this will be the last year. I know he's just using me to get the extra tax break, I'm one more dependent. But I had to allow some compromise to get him to give me the divorce. So my question is this, is having to file with him for this tax year going to be a problem when I try to bring my fiance over here next summer?

Also, I've been reading and I've noticed that you have to show proof of steady income and most of the proof comes from tax returns. I was sick from May of 2007 until March of 2008 so I did not have income and I have no idea how the child support and alimony I received during that time will factor into all of this. I know I can't prove steady income based on tax returns. Should I go ahead and get a co-sponsor so this whole thing isn't a big headache or is there another way I can show steady income. And since I have a limited time frame to work with, how long do they expect that income to have been steady for? I'm working now and when I finish my degree in February I will have an even better job making more money so I know I can surpass the 125%. I just don't know if it will be good enough because I won't have been in the job that long. (And I will have the job, I already have it actually I just can't work till I have my name on a diploma.)

And my final question is how do they view self-employment. I work a regular job and I supplement my income (to save up for all these overseas trips wink.gif via self-employment. I have invoices and I contract through reputable, well established companies but to make things more complicated some of them are based internationally also. Lol...I think I'm the poster child for complications in the K-1 department tonight.

Last question. My fiance was already actively pursuing jobs in the US before we both realized we were in love with each other. He is still pursuing them as his dreams still matter and I'm not asking him to give those up. How much is it going to complicate things if he gets a job here after we apply (the job fair for his field is in April 09 and I plan to apply in Feb 09)? He is actively applying for jobs now even before the job fair.

Thank you in advance.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2008-11-02 22:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslawyer or not?
Thank you all so much for all of your help. I really appreciate it!
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2008-12-06 21:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslawyer or not?
Thank you all so much!! We don't have any special circumstances other than I have been previously divorce, but I don't think that's a problem as I have plenty of paperwork related to that and it was a simple, quick divorce with no mess. I'm about $3000 short on the financial requirements for this year but I own a house worth $90,000 and I don't owe but about half that so I'm not worried that. You guys are awesome.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2008-12-04 12:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslawyer or not?
I'm just curious how many of you had lawyers and how your processing of the K-1 went whether you had one or not? And by that I mean if you didn't use a lawyer do you feel like it was stressful, difficult, not that bad, etc. And if you had a lawyer did you feel comfortable during the filing process? And would you recommend getting a lawyer and why?
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2008-12-04 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshardship
Thank you pushbrk, that information was helpful too.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2008-12-29 19:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshardship
QUOTE (dagnytaggart @ Dec 28 2008, 06:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As of right now things are not too bad over there. I am leaving for India on Tuesday to go see my sweet man and visit his family. I have talked to fiancée about the situation over there and he says as long as we stay out of certain areas things will be fine. Security has been heightened and I am not planning to go to any tourist spots so for the most part it should be safe to travel. No matter where you go these days there is always a risk of something happening. Also the meeting of his family is very important not just so that he can come here with their permission but also so you can start building a relationship with them. Indian families are very close knit and there is usually some form of family close by even if it cousins or aunts and uncles. They are just concerned about their son.

When I had talked to several lawyers before we filed for the K-1 and they had said that it is very difficult to prove a relationship and intent to marry if you have not met in person. So in July I got my visa and got my butt over there. Even in this day and age of the internet you can document all your phone conversations and chat sessions but it still probably not be enough to prove the relationship. I would say to plan a trip over there and watch the advisories. Get a plane ticket that can be changed or you can get a refund on if you need to cancel. Talk to him about the situation over there and ask his and his families opinion if it is safe or not for you to visit. Worse case scenario is you have to change or cancel your trip and if you get a plane ticket that can be changed or canceled then you have not lost any money.

Good Luck smile.gif

Thanks for the idea. The problem with us is that he lives in a hot zone. He's right in the middle of a tourist destination and right along the border with Pakistan. Maybe I'm just fighting a losing battle. I'm going to check into the plan ticket options. I've never flown but I've purchased plane tickets for others before and they all said non-refundable. I didn't know you could get tickets that were anything different than that. Thank you.

Charles: Thanks for the advice, but thankfully he doesn't snore. He's fallen asleep on the phone enough for me to know that lol. And as for bad breath, there are always breath mints. I'm not trying to shortcut the system, I'm merely concerned that my chance to be with him will be delayed indefinitely and there is nothing I can do about it. We've both put a lot of effort and time into this meeting in February and now there is a possibility I won't be allowed to go.

Shaggy: I really don't know how his family situation is going to impact our marriage. I know his mom and dad are accepting of me and I talk to them on the phone as well. There are members of his family he doesn't tell because he says they will start trouble to try to keep him from going. I know this isn't going to be easy at all. The relatives that are most important to him all approve of me and one is even learning English just for me. His parents are really over protective though.

For those of you who left me rude comments, I really don't appreciate it. His culture dictates the kind of close family relations that don't leave someone alone to fend for themselves. His family is concerned for his welfare at all times. I would never ask him to just ditch his family and go running off with me because they are over protective, that would destroy my marriage before it started and I am not a controlling, psychopathic narcissist like that either. And I'm sure no one comes to this website looking for snotty remarks just because you don't agree with something or because it's not what you are used to.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2008-12-29 06:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshardship
I'm filing for the K-1. What I meant was his parents won't let him get on a plane to come here and marry me if they don't meet me in person first. They know we are serious, but they want to make sure I'm the kind of person who would take good care of him. They don't let him travel anywhere alone, not even to visit his family only 40 KM away. I'm not trying to get out of meeting him in person, I'm just worried now since things are getting a little messy over there that we won't get to meet. I do have options for my kids, but as a mom I've gotten used to planning for the worst, sorry if I seemed like I was trying to get out of this. We have an engagement ceremony planned, I have no intention of missing if there is any way I can get there.

Thank you for the meeting in UK suggestion Old Dominion. He does have a brother in Australia and while I know they won't let him go to the UK, maybe they will let him visit his brother and I can meet him there. Then maybe they would even go with him and that could solve this whole problem. You gave me a great idea, again thank you!
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2008-12-27 21:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshardship
My income is not a problem and I have the money to go see my fiancee. However, I can't get time off from my job until February and in addition to that I have to find someone who can stay with my 3 kids and keep them in school as usual. I'm really worried about all of this. If travel advisories come out and it's no longer safe for me to travel over there, would that be eligible to count as a hardship for not meeting in person? I really don't want to wait however long it takes for the mess to be done with to go see the love of my life. I would love to go ahead and file if something happens and I can't go.

I'm only asking this as a worst case scenario. If something happens and I can't make arrangements for my kids to be taken care of while I'm gone, would that qualify as a hardship for not being able to visit? I really don't anticipate this happening, but I want to know just in case. I would love to say I have family around that can help, but to be honest I only have my dad here and he's disabled (I live with him to help take care of him). I'm just not so sure he can deal with them for too long (and I'm more than willing to shorten my trip to India should that be necessary). Just FYI, my kids are 14, 13, and 6 so it's not like he would be changing diapers and in addition my oldest 2 love to cook and often take the stove away from me lol. The kids are fairly self-sustaining except when it comes to getting up for school and cleaning up their messes. My Fiancee's family would not allow him to travel here as he has no relatives in the states to take care of him. They are extremely over protective of him and do not believe in leaving any family member alone at any time for any reason. So I'm certain they would never put him on a plane to America to marry me, no matter what kind of papers I fill out stating I'm going to marry and support him. Any thoughts or ideas on if this would qualify for hardship are appreciated.

Thank you!
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2008-12-27 20:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust curious
I was reading the other topic related to this and I know each circumstance is somewhat unique, though somewhat the same. Reading the other topic just got me curious. I know no one on here will have a definitive answer, but I am seeking opinions on this. I will be starting our K-1 process in a few months and I like to have as much information as I can before I start anything major, and this is by far the most major thing I've ever been involved in. So I do really appreciate and value insight and opinions on this matter, especially from those of you who have been through this part already. I'm concerned about how much evidence to send in. Currently, this is what I have:

4-9 hours of phone calls each and every day for 8 months all logged and traced by a third party service
Consistent emails between us dating back over a year
Online instant messaging archives and recorded sound files to accompany them
Snail mail letters from me to him and some to his family members as well as mail from him to me and some of my family members
Gifts from me to him and family members as well as from him to me
Proof of involvement with my family members including a business he is starting with my brother before he gets here (not enough to qual. for that kind of visa though).

I am visiting next month and I will be spending time with his immediate and extended family. We will be staying at several relatives houses throughout the visit and we will be visiting several destinations. We will also have our ring ceremony (he's Hindu). That visit will add the following to the proof I send in:

pictures of us
pictures of me and his family
receipt for the ring

Is there anything else I could get as proof now or while on the trip? And are those kinds of proof from before my trip even valuable to the filing process? I talk to his parents also (in their native language) but I have no real way of proving that because I've either talked to them on his phone, or when I call their phones the conversations are brief. I do have records of the calls though. Does the exchange of gifts now between myself and his family members bear any weight? Another question is whether or not video files we share now (sending over email) are worth anything? I have video and sound files of him professing his love to me in his native language and though they are very personal, I would gladly send them if I thought they would help. And my last question, do personal references as proof of the relationship matter? What I mean is can we obtain letters from friends and/or family who have been aware of our relationship and know about us and send that to or would it be a waste of time?

Thank you all so much in advance!
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-01-01 17:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespoverty guidelines
Thank you!! I did calculate the 125% I just forgot to mention that. I make way more than that now thankfully lol cause I must have read the 2008 numbers wrong. It works out good for me now and takes a huge weight off my mind with worrying I don't make enough.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-04-15 00:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespoverty guidelines
I was just checking to see what they were for 2009 because I'm about to file my initial K-1 paperwork. I could have sworn that last time I checked for a family size of 5 was $36K+ but this says it's only $25K+ and I just want to make sure I'm looking at the right website. Can anyone tell me if this is the correct poverty guidelines? I don't want to start my paperwork if I don't make enough money, and to be honest I had taken on a second job to make up for the $2000 I was going to be short on the $36K, but now it looks like that wasn't necessary. If this website is not the one I should be checking, please let me know, thank you for your help.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-04-14 23:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFear of Failure
We are working with the Delhi consulate. If the no visit thing is going to be a problem do you think I stand a chance at filing a hardship based on the job situation and the kids as a reason why I can't just keep going over there? They are the only thing that keeps me from going. My mom does foster care and can't keep them, my dad has mental health issues and my husbands family isn't an option either. I don't have any other relatives that can keep them. If I can get time off of work it won't be for long enough to spend 4 days flying and have time to visit. I only get 5.5 days every 2 weeks, right now I have 2 days on the books and 1 I have to take off for my daughter to have outpatient surgery. So in one month I will have enough time to complete the flight only and that's if I didn't actually stay. In 6 weeks I could stay for 1 day. Then it would take me another 10 weeks just to complete one more 1 day visit. So at the absolute best I could squeeze in 2 very short and more than exhausting visits if I could find childcare. If I save all my time and nothing comes up that I have to take off for, in 4 months I could go over there for 5-6 days. However if I do that I won't have the time off to fly back over there for the interview. So I was thinking if I can save my time and go for the interview I can be there for that (if I can line up some childcare over the holidays which is about when all this will go down for us), then I can be there for the interview and picking up his visa and fly back with him to the states. Any advice on how bad only being able to go for the interview could be will be greatly appreciated.

I talk to him about 3-4 hours each day and we email and send letters and packages back and forth. I have witnesses that hear me talking to him and he talks to my kids all the time and my dad just loves him. They could all vouch for our relationship and on his side his parents and quite a few other relatives could vouch for us as well.

Thank you all for responding so far, and thanks in advance for any more advice that is posted.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-05-11 22:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFear of Failure
I know I may sound a little crazy but I filed my I-129F not too long ago and since I filed it I've had this fear that it won't get approved. I have no idea why, I sent everything from the list I got here off the site. I make enough money for the 125% but I'm just nervous something could go wrong. Is this kind of craziness normal after filing? And does it last the whole time lol?

And also, there is no way I can go see him again during the filing process. I can't get enough time off work to go back in the next few months. I might be able to squeeze in a short trip for his interview depending on when he gets it but I have kids and they create issues with finding someone to keep them while I'm gone. How much notice do you get before the interview? I have to put in my time off request at work 6-8 weeks early to get any blocks of time (more than 2 days in a row) off. Is this going to cause problems because I'm not going back over there between now and then?
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-05-10 23:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinvalid receipt number
QUOTE (NigeriaorBust @ Aug 2 2009, 11:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did you include the first letters as part of your number ? You number includes EAC (322 on you phone)

At first no, and the automated system promptly told me I didn't enter enough numbers lol. The second time I did enter that.

QUOTE (Otto und Karin @ Aug 2 2009, 11:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It isn't uncommon for the online tracking/progress to not register your case/receipt number - it can sometimes take a while before it 'shows' up there - however, it seems it's been quite some time since you received your NOA1 so it should be there by now. Assuming you're entering the correct information of course.

It might help, or at least set your nerves at ease for you to call and just make sure your case is indeed active and pending (I'm pretty sure the answer will be yes). You're still a ways out from a potential adjudication date but it would probably help to know they do in fact have your case and are 'processing' it. good.gif

Thank you. I wasn't worried when the online thing said it was invalid because I checked here and saw that was common. I had been watching peoples timelines to get an idea of when I should start checking on it more often and I know it's getting close (I'm like 60-75% of the way to hearing something else) and so I called. I did panic just a little when that system said it could not be found and rushed to the file cabinet to get my NOA1. Unfortunately I work during the hours they work so I think I'm going to have to find a way to get some time to make that call during work hours. Anyone know about how long that phone call could take?
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-08-02 22:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinvalid receipt number
I searched and could not find any other topics like this, so I'm sorry in advance if it's already been asked and answered. I submitted my I129F on May 1 and got a NOA1 back with my eac# on it. When I check online it says it could not be found. I decided to be good and not dial the 800 number just yet and wait for it to have time to process. However now I'm thinking it should be getting close to NOA2 time and I have some letters to type up to finish preparing so I called. It told me my receipt number was invalid. What should I do? Does this kind of thing happen sometimes?

Thanks in advance for any information!
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-08-02 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI 134 Question 7 Personal Property
QUOTE (OKIE2 @ Aug 4 2009, 11:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The personal assets is not acceptable to the embassy your house or anything you own.
they will only accept stocks & bonds as assets. And only 5 times as much value as what you are short on income.
I know just had interview July 30th got a white slip because of this same thing

thank you all so much! This kind of scares me though. I do own a house that I don't live in. I owe $30,000 less than it's worth and I am only short on my income for the year by $262 so I know that will cover it, but not if it doesn't matter.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-08-07 22:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI 134 Question 7 Personal Property
I am trying to fill out information on the form and I am not certain if I should list my vehicle in section 7 as personal property. I do not own it, there is a lean on it. Should I include it? If I include it will I also need statements from the lienholder about it's value and how much I owe, etc?

Thank you!
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-08-04 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan it really take that long?
I submitted my case and it was accepted on May 8, 2009. It's not showing in the systems yet and I have to get my calls escalated to find out anything. Today I called to follow up and they said I had another 5-6 months before I would hear anything from them. That's a really long long time since it's already been in the system for 3 months. Does it sometimes take that long? How hopeful should I be that it could take less time than that?

Thanks in advance!
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-08-11 09:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVerifying bank records
Thank you for your responses. The reason I am bringing in statements is so I don't have to pay them $5 each to print them. The instructions on the AOS said total of all deposits. She is going to add them up. I feel like I do need this because a significant portion of my income comes from child support. I make almost double what I need to make for the AOS after including child support but without child support I make about $200 less a year than I need to make to satisfy the minimum. I do have assets worth over $30K however I am a chronic worrier and I am going to err on the side of caution. I am claiming assets and income. I know I don't need to be rich, but I don't want there to be any chance they think I don't have enough income. I know I'm a little crazy, but I always aim for success and I don't see any reason to leave out something as significant as my child support income.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-09-22 16:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVerifying bank records
Okay, I went to my bank and they didn't know about these kinds of letters that are required for the affidavit of support. This is a nationally recognized chain, just fyi. Anyway, the bank officer told me to print out my statements, highlight all of my deposits and bring them back. She would then type up the letter on business letterhead and notarize it for me. Is that going to be acceptable (it will have the other required information too) for the filing process? Not sure if it matters, but our consulate is New Delhi, our service center is VSC. Thanks in advance! Any input is appreciated.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-09-22 15:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCompletely random question
So what if you wanted to sponsor your fiancee and you had no income, hadn't filed taxes or anything like that. The only thing you did have was a fat lottery check in the bank. Wonder if they would still let you sponsor or think you could waste all that and not have financial stability and deny the petition?

Lol, sorry...I got approved today and now I'm thinking I'm lucky and I'm happy....I should play the lottery!
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-09-22 15:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo More Gardasil!!
I'm the USC, however I'm glad they aren't requiring this shot anymore. It's ridiculous. I really think this vaccine got too popular too fast and I'm worried that we will see some very bad results down the line. I never trust anything that is less than 10 years old lol. It's just wrong to force this kind of vaccine on immigrants. I really feel like this shot was required because everyone was jumping on the bandwagon. They started requiring it for too many people too soon. This kind of vaccine should be left up to the recipient, not the government.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-11-16 21:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCivil Judgement against me...
This has nothing to do with a K-1 but now that you know he's done this and could do it again, you can put a freeze on your credit. I know in the state of NC this is free to do with all 3 credit agencies. You should check into it. There is nothing like knowing you are protected. A freeze will keep anyone from doing anything with your credit until you remove it.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-11-16 07:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAny one had there I-129f packet lost
I remember feeling that way! Look at it this way. This is America, no one in the government really works on least the majority that can get away with it don't and USCIS is in that majority. Your petition was received on Friday Nov 6 - most likely in the afternoon. Then Sat & Sun sat untouched in an empty office. They probably opened it on Monday Nov 9. It has been 7 business days since then. If you haven't heard something by this Friday, you should call them just to check on things. Some people never get their NOA-1. It happens. Just be forewarned, it's a long long process and your next step is likely to leave you thinking like this for several months. Whenever you feel this way, take a deep breath and just relax, then call them to calm your fears. But be prepared, by the time they have anything to tell you, your petition will be long gone from their offices. It's annoying...but what can you do? So save the stress, no one needs grey hair early.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-11-17 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarrying a US citizen with goals to work and go to school
I currently work 2 jobs and go to school full time. It can be done. I intend to quit one job when I marry my fiancee. I don't need the job, I'm working it to save up money faster for the wedding, the trips to India, filing fees during the course of this process etc. You two can both work and go to school. Try to schedule your classes at roughly the same times so you don't miss each other so much. You can also take a limited schedule instead of full time college. Consider online courses. There are many options available that will still allow you to work.

You can also consider waiting a little while. True love doesn't expire or go away. I don't mean wait until you are done with school, but consider working towards saving up money to start your life so you can start your marriage off without so many complications.

Edited by ms_jinga_lala, 18 November 2009 - 11:04 PM.

ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-11-18 23:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUrgent again! Need another reply fast!
I have to agree with everyone else. No one besides you is going to look at this and say "it was only 3 days." They are going to see you had 180 days to make plans and you knew when the date was coming. It's not worth the trouble you are causing yourself later on down the road to overstay even 1 day. And since they have ultimate control, if someone isn't having a good day, they can deny, slow, or cause any kind of dilemma for you they want...all over "just 3 days."
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-11-18 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWithdrawal of support for I-129F (K-1) petition
QUOTE (Waitinggent @ Nov 24 2009, 12:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't think that we, who are unfamiliar with their relationship, can say that it was a scam. Waiting 3 years to pull off a scam does not seem reasonable to me. A scammer would have given up long ago and looked for another man. We don't know how well they knew each other and how much time they spent together and whether she was receiving financial support from him prior to this. And we don't know if his ex-fiancee is currently the sole supporter of these people, which would make her request not so unreasonable and not at all unexpected. Certainly this should have been discussed before filing the I-129f. My fiancee is a widow and has a son about to enter the university and a daughter currently in the university. We discussed this and have a complete understanding of what support I will provide. In fact, and this may not be very romantic, but I had us each make a list of what we expect from each other and what questions we had for each other regarding our living situation, and my questions included whether she planned or wanted to work in the USA, financial support for her children, whether her son would want to get a green card, how often she wanted to travel back to Russia after we marry, and how much time she expected to spend in Russia each year, etc . . . .. . It was very useful and we are clear on everything.

I did the same thing, listing expectations. I'm kind of stubborn and my man is kinda spoiled lol. We had to have a clear understanding of a lot. I have needs, he has needs. Everyone has needs. They are the most important things to be discussed because if you don't meet each others true needs, your marriage can't survive.

I do however disagree that a scammer can wait 3 years. There have been scams that have been revealed that were years in the making. It takes a lot of work, but people do it. Things get into peoples minds and they convince themselves to believe it then they start living it and it makes it easy to keep up charades for a long time. Research narcissist and see how long they can keep up their charades and the lengths they will go through to get what they perceive as a need. I'm not saying this Russian woman was a narcissist at all, it's just those are the type people I have experience with.

It's entirely possible in this case that the Russian woman truly believed that it is the mans responsibility to support the entire family (some cultures and religions believe this and since we don't know her, we don't know). If that is the case, the OP may have known this. And of course finances can kill any marriage, if one or both of them were starting to worry about financial issues after she got here that could have easily set a wall between them which neither of them knew how to tear down. Then from stress they could have started making demands or pushing for all kinds of things. Who knows, one or the other could have been just as stubborn as I am and gotten hot headed about some things that were said and then couldn't let go of it all and started pushing harder.

None of us know, the only thing any of us can do is offer our support for a love that has been lost and continue to warn people of the potential for scams. Everyone should do their research, not ignore signs they see, and approach all things that are this important in life with caution. Love is not the only thing it takes to make a marriage successful.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-11-24 13:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWithdrawal of support for I-129F (K-1) petition
This is really screwed up, however I feel like you can be thankful she wasn't better at what she was doing. She must have known she couldn't fool you in person each day. Just think if she had come here and married you and then started guilting you into sending money, innocently at first but ever increasing. There are manipulative people like that out there. She could have destroyed your personality and self esteem as well as your bank account. All on the pretense of "I love you, it hurts me to see my family suffer when I have it so good, can't we help a little more...." and that would have went on and on.

Thank you for posting though, some people may need to see your story to avoid this for themselves as well. Don't be sick, and don't have regrets. You did what anyone in love would do. She is the stupid one, she is the one who will never know what a good hearted husband she could have had. If all she cares about is money, she will never know true happiness, but now without her you have a real chance to find it. The hurting will pass, and you will be better for having gotten through this without spending a lifetime suffering.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2009-11-24 13:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiled twice..
Be 100% honest about this when filing your petition this time. It would also be wise to write a letter explaining how you used your 90 days of the visa your first beneficiary received in order to be certain that the two of you were compatible and would be happy together and you learned that it was not going to work out and she returned to her country promptly. As far as how that will affect your new petition I can't really answer because I have not been through it. However if you search the forums using the search link I know you will find others who have already shared their story because I remember running across a few in my own quest.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2010-01-31 23:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI have a K1 paperwork question, but also need advice - My fiance is giving up hope that we will ever be together :'(
This kind of stuff is important for many reasons. You know he needs them, but most importantly he needs to feel you are worth it to make that trip to get the ones he can't get online or however else. If he's not willing to help you through the process then there is no need to file. It's not like he's rushed to do this. He can take his time, take a little vacation here and there, see old friends and pick up the clearances. It might be helpful if you tell him to get them "just in case" and that way it won't be any trouble later when you are both really stressing out over this process. He also needs to truly understand this is a hard process and requires both parties to work hard and do things they may feel are difficult for many reasons. You both have to feel the other is worth it. If he's backing down now, it's more than likely he's stressed and scared and it might be a good idea to just put the topic on a shelf for a little while. Wait for him to bring it up. He needs time to breathe and think about things. This whole process is enough to fry even the most intelligent mind and then some.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2010-02-01 20:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReaffirmation
thank you!
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia2010-06-26 10:14:00