Canadaemail address for Montreal
Thank you to everyone who responded to my question*S*.
lilsheNot TellingCanada2006-02-02 13:46:00
Canadaemail address for Montreal
Does anyone have the email address for Montreal . I would like to see if they have scheduled my sons K2 interview yet. I would rather email them than call. thanks
lilsheNot TellingCanada2006-02-01 15:41:00
CanadaMoving from Canada to the US
QUOTE (Yomtl @ Mar 13 2008, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I have 2 questions for the Canadians on the forum who have already moved to the US:

1- Did some of you build some kind of checklist of things to do before leaving Canada (bank accounts, Canada Revenu Agency, etc....)

2- How did you proceeded with the actual move? Did you hire a moving company or did you rent a truck and did the move by yourself? (Did you have any problem crossing the border with all your belongings?)

3- Did some of you have experience with what documents are required to move with a dog? I guess I need to have vaccination papers up to date? Is there anything else?

Thank you in advance for your help!


I had a checklist and a moving list i listed all items brought in each box and numbered the boxes. they never looked in my truck and just scanned over my list. I made sure i left all plants in Canada.
I contacted all govenment agencies baby bonus, GST,Income tax and IE as well as Health card let them know i was moving to the US and that i would no longer be a resident.
I rented a U-haul and packed myself it went very well.
As for my dog i brought her with me she had to be vaccinated and the vet gave me a sheet with all her vaccines including heart worm and i was also issued a Internationl Health certificate which had to be done within 10 days of moving to the US. I had no problem bringing her with me.

Good luck on your move
lilsheNot TellingCanada2008-03-27 01:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivorce before Removal of conditions
Thank you for your answers. What is the timeframe on getting a I-751 approved? We are both very anxious to be married as i have been seperated for almost a year from ex husband. divorce took a longtime to complete as it was just finshed last week.I will have the drecree in my hot hands tomorrow and am getting help with my paperwork from an Immigration office in our city. I was wondering if once the I-751 is filed would it still look suspicious to be married then. The way i look at this is i entered into my marriage to the USC in good faith, but after a year and a half of being emotionally neglected I left. I came to the states from Canada, i left a excellent job, i sold my home, and my children were not allowed by the father to move with me. It took alot for me to move here, and i lost alot doing so. I feel i have met that man now, that can make my world right, and that loves me so much he would go to the ends of the earth for me, I love him also the same way and don't want to live without him.I want to be his wife, but of course don't want to erk anyone at immigration either.

QUOTE (Scapel @ Feb 5 2008, 05:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First of all, no one (not even immigration!) can tell you when to or when not to marry. And you don't have to have your 10-year card either. However, I'd say put off the actual knot-tieing until your I-751 is approved. You don't want to draw any more attention to yourself. As it stands right now, they'd be suspicious and they'd need you to provide sufficient evidence that you didn't enter into your previous marriage just to obtain immigration benefits. And it might heighten that suspicion a little further if they see on your application that you're already married again (esp. to another USC). In that case, they'd definitely want to take a much closer look at you to make sure you're not 'shopping' around for USC citizen spouses with the aim of circumventing immigration laws. It's definitely not a bad idea to seek professional advice from an attorney before taking the next couple of steps. Good luck.

QUOTE (lilshe @ Jan 2 2008, 08:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I married a USC Aug of 2005. The marriage ended June 2007, I have been living with a friend since then. Our divorce is in the works. When i got my two year card i was told to send in my I-751 90 days prior to my 2 year expiry date (which would be Jan 20,2008). My divorce may not be finalized until the 30th of January. Will this be a problem?? Or can I apply for the removal of conditions anytime during the 90 day timeframe. I want to be able to apply on my own and not have to file jointly.

Also another question while being seperated i have met a wonderful man that has asked me to marry him, I have said yes. I am wondering if i have to have my 10 year card before we can get married or can we be married while my petition is being looked at.


lilsheNot TellingCanada2008-02-07 11:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivorce before Removal of conditions
okay will do. My divorce fiannly went thru last wednesday. Now just waiting on my decree so i can file.
lilsheNot TellingCanada2008-02-05 12:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivorce before Removal of conditions
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Jan 2 2008, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In order to file with waiver to joint filing requirement you need to include a copy of divorce decree.

If you are filing to waive the joint filing requirement because your marriage has been terminated, also submit a copy of the divorce decree or other document terminating or annulling the marriage with your petition.

Thanks i do appreciate you writing.
lilsheNot TellingCanada2008-01-02 20:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivorce before Removal of conditions
I married a USC Aug of 2005. The marriage ended June 2007, I have been living with a friend since then. Our divorce is in the works. When i got my two year card i was told to send in my I-751 90 days prior to my 2 year expiry date (which would be Jan 20,2008). My divorce may not be finalized until the 30th of January. Will this be a problem?? Or can I apply for the removal of conditions anytime during the 90 day timeframe. I want to be able to apply on my own and not have to file jointly.

Also another question while being seperated i have met a wonderful man that has asked me to marry him, I have said yes. I am wondering if i have to have my 10 year card before we can get married or can we be married while my petition is being looked at.

lilsheNot TellingCanada2008-01-02 20:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTime frame for I-751 to be completed????
What is the timeframe on getting a I-751 approved? We are both very anxious to be married as i have been seperated for almost a year from ex husband. divorce took a longtime to complete as it was just finshed last week.I will have the drecree in my hot hands soon and am getting help with my paperwork from an Immigration office in our city. I was wondering if once the I-751 is filed would it still look suspicious to be married then. The way i look at this is i entered into my marriage to the USC in good faith, but after a year and a half of being emotionally neglected I left. I came to the states from Canada, i left a excellent job, i sold my home, and my children were not allowed by the father to move with me. It took alot for me to move here, and i lost alot doing so. I feel i have met that man now, that can make my world right, and that loves me so much he would go to the ends of the earth for me, I love him also the same way and don't want to live without him.I want to be his wife, but of course don't want to erk anyone at immigration either.
lilsheNot TellingCanada2008-02-08 22:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionBiometrics appt. was yesterday
QUOTE (joelunchbox @ Mar 27 2008, 12:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The best thing I can say about this is:
at least you weren't threatened with having to have S*X with anyone.
I will never understand why one person decides that they must personally uphold their version of the constitution in these situations.
The world would be much nicer if everyone would JUST DO THEIR JOB.
Sorry to hear about this.

Thanks Joe and yes i totally agree. If ya can't do a name change say no we don't do this here and leave it at that. Don't start passing judgment and making issues out of things she didn't know about. I am sure she is very knowledgable in her area of I-90 but not 751 with waiver.
lilsheNot TellingCanada2008-03-28 07:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionBiometrics appt. was yesterday
QUOTE (Staashi @ Mar 27 2008, 09:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ihateemo @ Mar 27 2008, 08:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Peter @ Mar 27 2008, 11:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
so let me get this straight

you filled for i751 with your now ex husband, and gotten married within the time of filing AND biometrics?


Heh, my thoughts exactly.

Yes, I am truly amazed. I would have just kept my mouth shut until I needed to change it. Also, I understand that you can have a bad marriage with your previous husband and couldn't take it anymore, but you do have to admit that to them it would seem very shady to get remarried within the timeframe you did. I'm sure that the IO looks at you as if you are a serial marriage case - like you're trying to do anything you can to stay here. They might look at your case from the perspective that you got your K-1 Visa with your husband originally, but you didn't intend to stay with him and that is why you filed the waiver, which ultimately would signify a fraudulent marriage. I think they had to give you the CIS runaround to see how you would defend yourself. One can say all they want that we don't know the case, blah, blah, blah, but you always have to look at this from the IO point of view - if something doesn't smell kosher, it probably isn't. (Maybe it could be, but 9 times out of 10 it isn't.)

Well, congratulations on not being deported and good luck on your new marriage - may this be the one that stands the test of time. good.gif

I thought about not saying anything but again i didn't want to lie or omit it is most times easier to tell the truth at all cost. In this event i wish i never said anything and i will let the woman who suggested i ask for name change at the appt. know that it is not a good idea for others. I just found that this one woman was upset with the fact that i new somthing about the process . She was saying that i couldn't even apply for my 751 because i didn't stay maarried for the 2 years of conditional residency and that i was in deportation mode. But i was able to show her online that i could apply legally and i just think it pissed her off. I don't claim to know everything but i like to read and learn and i have done all my own paper work up until this last application on my own with the help of Visa Journey and people that have done this ahead of me. Thank goodness for all the people here going thru the same of similar.
lilsheNot TellingCanada2008-03-28 07:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionBiometrics appt. was yesterday
QUOTE (Peter @ Mar 27 2008, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
so let me get this straight

you filled for i751 with your now ex husband, and gotten married within the time of filing AND biometrics?


I seperated from my husband June 07. I was divorced finally beginning of February. Applied for my I-751 with a waiver Feb 21 and went for Biometices Mar. 26th. I was married on March 22 so when i went for my biometrics on the 26th i asked if i should use old married name or new one, i am trying to stay legal and above board. Not tryig to fool or be fraudlent with anything.
lilsheNot TellingCanada2008-03-28 07:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionBiometrics appt. was yesterday
I am divorced and am filing for my I-751 with a waiver. As of last weekend i was remarried(just a little background info) When i submitted my I-751 it was in my ex husbands name. My case worker who helped me file my papers said to take my marriage certificate with me to my appt. and see if they would do the name change when i had my biometrics done.
I arrived at my appointment early there were only 2 people ahead of me and noone behind me. I asked if they could do a name change when they do my fingerprints and picture? One person said they didn't think so another one said lets find out from the Immigration officer after we did the prints and such. So off we went did all that and i asked if i should be signing in my new married name or in my ex husbands name. They told me my ex husbands name.

They took all my paperwork in to talk with the boss. She came out and said that she was a little uncomfortable about doing this i said okay, but that i didn't understand why since it was just a name change. She then looked at my card again and said well because i have too many last names listed.
She then said that i am in deporting stage and i said i didn't think i was as i just received my letter of extension for 1 year until my paperwork had been gone over at the service centre and i haven't had my interview. She said becasue i didn't stay married for the full 2 years of my conditional green card that i was going to be deported. I of course was getting more upset and i said that i have read in many places that i could apply for my I-751 with a waiver to stay in the US. I said that i had help with my I-751 and AR-11 application from a government group in home town. She asked did i pay them for this service, I said yes she said that they would say what i wanted to hear just to get my money. She said that i had a bad attitude and that i was acting like the US gov owed me to stay here. Which i said i didn't have a bad attitude at all

She then asked me to step into her office where she pulled up a screen on the I-751 and read it. I then asked her to pull up a screen on Removing Conditions after divorce. She did this read the first part about people that didn't have their divorce papers yet and were not able to file. I said read the next paragraph. Where it exppalined that i could apply on my own with my divorce papers. she said that i was not gauranteed to stay in the country anyways which i replied to i agree that i will have an interview. She said yes that i will be in front of a judge and he will see that i have been married 4 times (which is incorrect) as she was counting my maiden name as a marriage. I explained that i would explain as to why to him or her. and that my first marriage i was very young and that i left that marriage as i was beaten up. I explained that i had a bonifide marriage to the USC and that i did send all my proof in with my package, she said well counldn't you have stayed married for the 2 years I explained NO that is why i was divorced and that i was in a loveless marriage with emotional abuse that i left that marriage last June and didn't remarry until this past Saturday.

She said that i had a bad attitude and that i was acting like the US gov owed me to stay here. Which i said i didn't have a bad attitude at all and that i could not believe that i was being told by her that i was going to be deported for being married 3 times. I said that i have to follow the same rules as anyone else to stay in the country and that i have done everything possible in every way to be legal. she then said well there are so many illegals in this country.

There was more but this is the jist of my Biometrics Journey, the woman did say that she did not handle I-751 applications that she did I-90 applications. I asked for her name and she gave me a remark that blew me away, that she is one of the best Immigration officers around i wouldn't find a better one, she handed me her card and i said thanks and left.

I am still so upset about this and not sure what to do at this time. I just can't believe that i went in to have my printing done and walked out in tears being told i was going to be deported.
lilsheNot TellingCanada2008-03-27 01:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhat to bring to biometrics
QUOTE (malego77 @ Mar 27 2008, 10:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ks71905 @ Mar 27 2008, 08:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I thought i read somewhere that i will need two passport style photos ....can anyone confirm this?? also....what else besides the letter should i bring with us...Appt is tomorrow at 3pm...

In the appoitnment letter comes the things that you must bring to the interview. No photos are needed. You only need your passport, your appointment letter and your marriage certificate as a proof of name change (if you're woman). Good luck.

You need the letter that you recieved regarding the biometrics appt. your passport, and green card. You do not need any pictures they will take your picture at the appt and do your fingerprints.

###### Luck
lilsheNot TellingCanada2008-03-28 08:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow do I get an extention?
QUOTE (jinxlar @ Mar 28 2008, 09:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lilshe @ Mar 28 2008, 08:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't believe that you can have an extension for the I-751. If you and your spouse are still on good terms you could file together if you are still married. Or you will be put into deportation status after your card expires. I was told that if the divorce proceedings were not clomplete but started that you could explain this to the judge and at that time they might give you an extension. Good luck

Thank you for your answer. We can't file joint because I am moving out on Sunday and I'm sure that would look very suspicious to the USCIS. We will have filed by the time I have to appear before a judge so I will have the proof. I can't believe there is no other way that is unbelievable. I don't know what I am going to do if I get kicked out my whole life is here now I even signed a 1 year lease. Thanks again.


Even though u are seperated u are still classified as being married you just have to put different addresses. Consult with a Immigration attourney to see if this would be correct though.
I know exactly what you mean about you life now being here. I moved here on a K-1 from Canada also my family and children are still there and i do travel to see them one weekend a month. But when I left i left a career of 18 years, sold my home etc. It would be very hard to go back and start all over again, I know i wouldn't have a job like i did and would not be able to support myself or children there on a minimum wage job. I consider Ohio home now.

Good Luck and keep in touch
lilsheNot TellingCanada2008-03-28 08:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow do I get an extention?
I don't believe that you can have an extension for the I-751. If you and your spouse are still on good terms you could file together if you are still married. Or you will be put into deportation status after your card expires. I was told that if the divorce proceedings were not clomplete but started that you could explain this to the judge and at that time they might give you an extension. Good luck
lilsheNot TellingCanada2008-03-28 07:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivore and Conditional Permanent Residency
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Mar 26 2008, 08:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jamaicagyaldat @ Mar 26 2008, 01:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Really? Okay. So when he should file his waiver and the divorce papers at the court house together or do you mean file it with immigration together?

1 year extension. So what happens in 1 year? They decide you can stay or they go??

Simply put, he has two options. Either he files a joint petition with his wife, if they are still married and she is willing, 90 days before his current green card expires. That expiry date is December 2009, so he would jointly-file with his USC petitioner spouse sometime between October 2009 and December 2009. IF still married, and IF she will cooperate.

If the divorce process goes through and his divorce is final before October 2009, as soon as he has a divorce decree he would file a "waiver" which is really nothing more than filing the I-751 as a self-petitioner on the grounds that his marriage to the USC spouse was bonafide but has since terminated in divorce. He would have to show that he is divorced (ergo a copy of the decree is attached to the self-petition) and that the marriage was genuine. There is no requirement for him to wait until October 2009 to file a self-petition if he has a divorce decree before that time, since the rationale is that in order to self-petition, the alien must have a decree and qualify for one of the grounds. Since he can't acquire any more bonafides of a marriage that no longer exists, USCIS permits the alien to file as soon as the divorce is final.

If he has not finalised the divorce, by October 2009, then he would have to wait until a decree is available.


That was written very clearly.
lilsheNot TellingCanada2008-03-27 01:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivore and Conditional Permanent Residency
QUOTE (Jamaicagyaldat @ Mar 25 2008, 08:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey everyone I need your help. I have a friend who has his Permanent Residency, but it is still conditional. Immigrated on fiance visa, adjusted status, received his green card. Now I know you have to wait 2 years after that for the conditions to be removed. His green card was delayed due to name check so it was received in December 2007. So his wife wants a divorce now. If he divorces her prior to the 2 years does he have to go back to his country immediately OR can he divorce and stay until his green card expires in 2 years?

Any help????

Your friend can get his divorce and then apply for his I-751 on his own with a waiver(as long as he has his divorce is finalized and he submits the divorce papers along with his I-751 within the 90 day window).
I just went thru this. My conditional 2 year g/c expires In April. I fianlly got my divorce Feb 16th, applied for I-751 on my own with a waiver. Recieved my notice saying that i now have a 1 year extension. Go for biometrics today.

Good Luck
lilsheNot TellingCanada2008-03-26 06:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 (Services Centers applications status)
UserName............Serv. Ctr.....Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Approved
tumbin..............TSC...........04/22/06..........05/04/06........--/--/--........12/20/07 (intvw/sec. chk.)
onur ...............NSC.......... 06/26/06..........03/15/07........04/13/07........--/--/--
drawbridgep.........NSC...........01/11/07..........02/02/07........02/15/07........--/--/-- I-551 stamp (1yr)
Peter T.............NSC...........01/27/07..........02/01/07........03/09/07........--/--/-- I-551 stamp (1yr)
shahkr..............VSC...........01/29/07..........02/--/07........03/01/07........--/--/-- (RFE)
Dr. ZoSo............TSC...........02/09/07..........--/--/07........03/15/07........--/--/--
A_C.................TSC > VSC.....02/18/07..........02/21/07........03/19/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
Illinois............NSC...........02/19/07..........02/23/07........04/18/07........--/--/-- I-551 stamp (1yr)
lovedolphins........TSC...........02/21/07..........02/28/07........01/23/08........--/--/-- (RFE 01/23/08)
moben...............TSC > VSC.....02/26/07..........03/20/07........03/28/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
kn687...............TSC > VSC.....02/27/07..........03/21/07........03/29/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
tweety..............TSC > VSC.....03/06/07..........03/09/07........04/06/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
westy77.............TSC > VSC.....03/10/07..........03/14/07........04/06/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
burs................TSC > VSC.....03/15/07..........03/19/07........04/12/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
us1415..............TSC > VSC.....04/09/07..........04/18/07........05/12/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
James...............TSC > VSC.....04/18/07..........04/20/07........05/31/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
Angel7422...........TSC > VSC.....04/20/07..........04/25/07........05/24/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
gatorlink...........TSC > VSC.....04/2?/07..........04/26/07........05/29/07........03/25/08 (>VSC 01/31/08)
charlie & yeng......NSC...........04/27/07..........05/01/07........06/02/07........--/--/--
Big Papi............VSC...........04/30/07..........06/08/07........07/03/07........11/28/07
aussie girl.........VSC...........05/02/07..........06/14/07........06/27/07........12/14/07
smartie.............TSC > VSC.....05/03/07..........06/09/07........06/01/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
Cassie..............TSC > VSC.....05/08/07..........05/09/07........06/04/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
baunzerbrudi........TSC > VSC.....05/11/07..........05/19/07........06/14/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
rhenryv.............TSC > VSC.....05/17/07..........05/30/07........06/18/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
imailin.............TSC > VSC.....06/01/07..........06/07/07........08/01/07........--/--/-- (>VSC 01/31/08)
Mr. Bigdog..........TSC...........06/06/07..........06/19/07........08/30/07........--/--/--
Silvanski...........TSC > CSC.....06/27/07..........07/12/07........08/17/07........10/02/07 (RFE 08/29/07)
Proud Mommy.........NSC...........06/18/07..........07/02/07........07/19/07........--/--/--
Sweet Melissa.......TSC > CSC.....06/28/07..........07/10/07........10/10/07........11/10/07
wifiman.............NSC > CSC.....06/29/07..........08/05/07........08/15/07........08/25/07
aussie girl (son)...VSC...........07/16/07..........07/30/07........09/07/07........--/--/--
Stefanie............NSC > CSC.....07/16/07..........07/25/07........military........--/--/--
ForYou..............VSC...........07/20/07..........08/06/07....... 09/08/07........03/05/08
Sami................NSC > CSC.....07/20/07..........08/04/07........08/15/07........09/15/07
stina&suj...........TSC > CSC.....07/23/07..........07/26/07........11/01/07........01/09/08 (RFE 12/18/07)
Bree................TSC > CSC.....07/24/07..........07/27/07........09/13/07........09/25/07
6901................TSC > CSC.....07/24/07..........08/04/07........09/12/07........09/20/07
gadgetfreak.........VSC...........07/25/07..........08/07/07....... 09/30/07........02/10/08
smushtaq............NSC > CSC.....07/26/07..........08/09/07........09/07/07........10/29/07
mahal...............TSC > CSC.....07/27/07..........07/27/07........09/28/07........11/22/07
Jo1973..............TSC > CSC.....07/27/07..........08/20/07........09/21/07........11/01/07
Widge...............NSC > CSC.....07/27/07..........08/22/07........09/12/07........09/24/07
Smoothsailing.......NSC > CSC.....07/28/07..........08/17/07........09/10/07........09/15/07
dcl766..............NSC > CSC.....07/28/07..........08/24/07........09/13/07........09/19/07
Lugn ...............NSC > CSC.....07/28/07..........08/24/07........09/11/07........09/13/07
Gene&Maria..........NSC > CSC.....07/28/07..........08/20/07........09/10/07........09/18/07
bsokny12............NSC > CSC.....07/30/07..........08/20/07........09/08/07........09/12/07
metta...............TSC > CSC.....08/04/07..........08/30/07........09/28/07........11/28/07
moe_lisa............NSC > CSC.....08/09/07..........09/06/07........09/28/07........11/16/07
Alie................TSC > CSC.....08/11/07..........09/12/07........10/12/07........11/16/07
beggartl............NSC > CSC.....08/11/07..........08/13/07........10/09/07........--/--/--
pj1959us(K1)........NSC > CSC.....08/13/07..........08/15/07........09/29/07........11/17/07
pj1959us(K2)........NSC > CSC.....08/13/07..........08/15/07........09/29/07........--/--/-- (RFE recd 3-3-08)
guapitoyguapita77...TSC > CSC.....08/14/07..........08/30/07........10/12/07........--/--/--
annelizabeth........NSC > CSC.....08/15/07..........08/17/07........09/28/07........01/26/08
eau_xplain..........TSC > CSC.....08/18/07..........08/21/07........10/11/07........11/14/07
nutmarg.............TSC > CSC.....08/20/07..........08/20/07........11/20/07........12/08/07
maguilart...........NSC > CSC.....08/29/07..........08/30/07........10/26/07........11/30/07
kitty0657...........NSC > CSC.....08/31/07..........09/04/07........10/26/07........12/01/07
Inlove_tx...........TSC > CSC.....09/01/07..........09/05/07........10/25/07........12/05/07
hopeful_laura.......NSC > CSC.....09/07/07..........09/10/07........11/01/07........--/--/--
FVA.................NSC > CSC.....09/10/07..........10/02/07........11/01/07........12/03/07
pedroh..............TSC > CSC.....09/10/07..........10/04/07........11/14/07........12/27/07
Nina C..............VSC...........09/13/07..........10/04/07........11/01/07........--/--/--
Canuck 78...........TSC > CSC.....09/13/07..........10/18/07........03/12/08........--/--/--
Moldovandish........TSC > CSC.....09/14/07..........09/18/07........12/15/07........01/25/08
KTAN................NSC > CSC.....09/14/07..........09/17/07........11/21/07........12/18/07
statman78...........NSC > CSC.....09/17/07..........10/15/07........11/08/07........12/27/07
BigPhil65...........TSC > CSC.....09/17/07..........11/09/07........01/22/08........03/20/08
Spiderette..........NSC > CSC.....09/18/07..........09/18/07........11/08/07........03/07/08
steve_n_carolyn.....NSC > CSC.....09/19/07..........09/19/07........11/02/07........12/19/07
Wild Wind...........CSC...........09/20/07..........09/24/07........11/15/07........12/11/07
Zephod..............TSC > CSC.....09/20/07..........09/20/07........12/19/07........01/15/08
Germerican..........NSC > CSC.....09/22/07..........09/24/07........11/17/07........12/07/07
Serenity............NSC > CSC.....09/25/07..........09/25/07........11/23/07........12/07/07
Buckeye6976.........NSC > CSC.....09/27/07..........10/01/07........11/23/07........12/13/07
AfricanQueen........TSC > CSC.....10/05/07..........10/10/07........12/18/07........--/--/--
wife_of_mahmoud.....TSC > CSC.....10/15/07..........10/17/07........01/24/08........03/20/08
Christephanie.......NSC > CSC.....10/16/07..........10/18/07........12/22/07........01/07/08
dmaddox74...........TSC > CSC.....10/17/07..........10/20/07........12/20/07........--/--/--
michaelp............NSC > CSC.....10/09/07..........10/11/07........--/--/--........12/11/07
Sheryll.............NSC > CSC.....10/31/07..........11/19/07........12/12/07........12/18/07
RichardS............TSC > CSC.....11/05/07..........11/08/07........01/08/08........--/--/--
jsnearline..........NSC > CSC.....11/03/07..........11/05/07........12/14/07........01/15/08
Debra&John..........NSC > CSC.....11/05/07..........11/07/07........12/20/07........01/10/08
myfellah............NSC > CSC.....11/05/07..........11/07/07........12/21/07........--/--/--
bristolsweetie......NSC > CSC.....11/06/07..........11/08/07........12/19/07........01/04/08
Ephesia............ NSC > CSC.....11/12/07..........11/13/07........01/15/08........03/18/08
MichelleandCraig....NSC > CSC.....11/--/07..........11/23/07........01/07/08........--/--/--
haiti...............TSC > CSC.....11/28/07..........11/29/07........01/25/08........02/08/08
Angel?Anmar.........NSC > CSC.....12/04/07..........12/05/07........01/09/08........--/--/--
luv2teach77.........NSC > CSC.....12/06/07..........12/21/07........01/09/08........03/27/08
tnh9479.............TSC > VSC.....12/10/07..........12/26/07........02/14/08........--/--/--
minha_raposa........TSC > VSC.....12/13/07..........01/03/08........02/13/08........--/--/--
Bootylicious........TSC > VSC.....12/14/07..........12/27/07........02/08/08........--/--/--
lzxx4x..............NSC > CSC.....12/21/07..........01/07/08........01/29/08........--/--/--
Modano..............NSC > CSC.....01/04/08..........01/15/08........02/12/08........03/13/08
chankanaku..........NSC > CSC.....01/06/08..........01/11/08........02/14/08........03/19/08
CarolineM...........TSC > VSC.....01/08/08..........01/31/08........02/22/08........--/--/--
Babsi...............NSC > CSC.....01/10/08..........01/18/08........02/12/08........03/07/08
ianletz.............TSC > VSC.....01/25/08..........02/06/08........--/--/--........--/--/--
radacos.............NSC > CSC ....01/28/08..........01/28/08........02/25/08........--/--/--
Ashish..............NSC > CSC.....02/25/08..........02/27/08........--/--/--........--/--/--
faith...............NSC > CSC.....03/01/08..........03/10/08........03/28/08........--/--/--
Perfect (K2)........CSC...........03/14/08..........03/17/08........--/--/--........--/--/--

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lilsheNot TellingCanada2008-03-28 16:24:00
United KingdomMail order brides GRRRRR
Ok sorry all, I was just really irked last night after reading one of those posts that was questionable. I most definitly think everyone should have the chance for love regardless of where your from! Doesnt matter where you find it everyone should be happy. I just irked about people doing it for a visa and lost my cool, sorry all!!! I really need to think before I write stuff...
ariana623Female02007-01-30 11:31:00
United KingdomMail order brides GRRRRR
Ok, I didn't know where to put this, but I'm guessing you all might not yell at me ;) I am really irked that all these men who want wives and go on dating sites and find women from Russia and Phillipines etc are clogging the visa process up and those of us who ACTUALLY love the person we are with have to wait even longer!!! I looked on one of those stupid sites and here's a paragraph I found on the first page:

The Russian woman's attitude about herself is feminine. She expects to be treated as a lady, she is the weaker gender and knows it. The Russian woman has not been exposed to the world of rampant feminism that asserts its rights in America.

#######!!! If you believe that then move to Russia, dont bring her here! No offense to those who have met a SO from one of those countries and have a relationship. I just wish there was a seperate process for those who went out looking for a wife so we could get our fiance's here faster. Granted we have it easier than some other countries since our fiance speaks english and the flight is a lot cheaper so I shouldnt complain too much, but :-P Ok, thanks for letting me rant :) Hope we all get our visa's SUPER FAST!
ariana623Female02007-01-30 01:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 co-sponser
Hi all, I am submitting for a K-1. I am a student, and have been well, forever! My mother has agreed to co-sponsor my fiance, but she doesnt want to supply her income because she doesnt think it's any of his business. SHe owns 2 homes and we share bonds that are worth quite a lot. If we put that and other similar assets, can we leave off her income? By the way she is retired, so she has her pention and her salary since she hates sitting around! Thanks so much!!!

Also, how much does a life insurance policy matter towards assests, since I noticed there's a spot for it. Thanks!
ariana623Female02007-01-23 22:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 retired co-sponors
Great, that's my parents situation too. Thanks!!!
ariana623Female02007-01-27 00:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 retired co-sponors
Hey all, I am a student living off student loans, so I'm using my parents as my co-sponsors. They are both retired however and therefore living off pensions/savings. Does anyone know if this will effect my petition? Thanks!
ariana623Female02007-01-26 22:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers
Just sent in petition today!!! WOO HOO!!! No RFE'S!!!!
ariana623Female02007-01-26 18:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance letter of intent
What exactly are we supposed to include in the letter of intent and are the different for the party in the US and the party outside? thanks!!!
ariana623Female02007-01-15 00:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG325-A original copy
Hey there, I just got these 2 weeks ago and the revised date on the bottom is July 06 and the top is 5/31/09. I called the automated voice system and got them within 10 days. Good service for me!

Are those carbon copies still good? I remember they sent me those but I downloaded the forms because I thought those were expired... Just checkin'

ariana623Female02007-01-15 23:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG325-A original copy
Hi all, I requested a copy of the G325-a form from the government and it comes with carbon between the pages, not the multiple single pages that you would download. For the carbon form, do you have to hand sign each page or will the top signature pressing through be ok? thanks!!!
ariana623Female02007-01-15 22:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAddress in the US where your fiancee intends to live?
I would use his parents address. He will get mail there for years to come, but once he graduates, its iffy if he will get forwarded mail.

Thanks everyone!!! :)

ariana623Female02007-01-16 14:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespassport pic
Hi all, my fiance is from the UK. Can he go and get a normal passport pic there (he thinks they are more rectangular than the US but the head size is the same) or does he need a specialy sized one? Thanks!!!
ariana623Female02007-01-17 17:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSetting the date!
My fiance want the same thing and we decided to do it on a Thursday. The reception cite and ceremony cite arent' booked most weekdays (2-3 months notice is fine) and most florists, caterers etc give discounts then too! Something to think about. Or do justice of the peace and plan the wedding after that.
ariana623Female02007-01-17 18:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Addresses and jobs
Same situation. I listed my permanent address and then put my college address and one of my abroad addresses, but I dont have one for my other study abroad program, so I didnt put that down. For work I just have a ALOT of different positions and a LOT of unemployed/students :-D

I am in the almost exact same position so I'd also benefit from a nice answer :)

ariana623Female02007-01-18 22:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 129F Form- Expried 12/31/06??
Thanks for this message!!! I didnt notice that date! I just checked, and they added a yes/no box to part C. Q. 2 that says have you ever been convicted for any of the following crimes...

I'm printing off the new one and sending that. The version says 11/24/06 and no versions before that.

Oh, and I downloaded the form at 10:30 PM and it expires 1/31/2010
ariana623Female02007-01-18 22:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Typing Question
You can also add a page on the back as long as you sign it.

I filled in certain areas by hand if typing didn't fit in the box. Shouldn't be a problem.

ariana623Female02007-01-18 20:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDifferent country of birth and country of citizenship
Hi all, I'm sure this is small, but I want everything to go smoothly. Almost ready to file 129F. My fiance is a citizen of the UK, lived there since he was 2 but was born in Berlin since his father was stationed there (he was in the army). Will this raise any questions/ should I include an explanation. Thanks so much!!!
ariana623Female02007-01-18 22:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2
YAYAYAYAY!!!! Congrats!

Hello everyone,
I want to say my noa2 came today, I was getting so tired of waiting and just like everyone says, when you are getting fed up with waiting, it comes. Ok well on to the next step.

ariana623Female02007-01-17 22:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow you met your fiancee question
I did a short 3-4 sentance thing to say we'd met at MSU and seen each other 6 times and then did an attachment that included a more detailed description of how we met (Paul studying abroad in the US), how many times we've seen each other (6) and the dates. It was 3 paragraphs long.
ariana623Female02007-01-21 01:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding?
I'm doing the groundwork now and have bought a dress (I'll need that no matter when the wedding is!) but we are waiting for his interview date to set the date. We are doing it on a weekday, which most people have open AND you get discounts!
ariana623Female02007-01-23 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow many emails and Photos to be attached
I am confused by your question. How many times have you met in the last 2 years? You need to prove that you've met in the last 2 years, dont' worry about things over that. I'm probably misreading your post but it sounds like you are worried about evidence for the first year of your relationship which you dont need to be! Submit the passport stamps and plane tickets etc. Gather as much as you can, but focus on the last two years, not the first year. Hope this doesnt sound stupid!

Just on the subject of photos, I've been going out with my fiancee now for 3 years in march. The only proof I have of us meeting in the over the 2 years is photos during the summer and her 21st. Our first trip away together wasn't until the following summer which would only be a year a half ago. We've been abroad numerous times but all under the 2 year mark. I take it won't be worth submitting our passports with stamps? Are the photos going to be enough. I've e-mails but thats it. Kinda frustrating as I'm unsure and worried. I know we've met over 2 years ago and I've plenty of people who could swear to it but I've to convince the people reading my application!!

Thank u in advance for ur help guys. People on here are so helpful.

I'm not intending to hijack the thread I figured I had a question about photos too so it saved starting another thread :)

You guys are amazing !!!! Lightning speed replies. Thanks for such quick reply guys :-)

Sure I do have the passport stamps with dates on them and all tickets except one. (however I do have the return which proves I did go there to come back. ) I guess I'll attach about 6 photos and another 6 phone bills from each of us is what I'll attach.

Now for the interview (assuming my petition gets approved), do we use the same submitted evidence or we still need to provide the more current emails and phone records.

As far as extra relationship evidence was concerned, I think we put in about 6 pictures, and a small selection of phone records. That's it.

We saved everything else for the interview.

What other documents do we need to keep gathering from now onwards for the interview process ? Any ideas would be helpful.

Thanks again.

To prove ongoing relationship, engagement ring receipts are quite good, new letter of intent to marry from both of you, letters, emails, phone records etc.

The stuff which may take the longest times are police reports, birth certificates, name change documents, divorce certificates etc, and all of these translated.

ariana623Female02007-01-21 22:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresthe check for the 129F
Thanks, that's what I was thinking but wanted to check!

I'm not positive, but I think I wrote K1 Visa, I-129F - or something to that effect.

ariana623Female02007-01-25 22:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresthe check for the 129F
Hi all, I am submitting my petition tomorrow :D I am writing the check and want to know if there is anything we are supposed to put in the FOR line? I didnt see anything on the USCIS website but dont know if I missed anything. Thanks!
ariana623Female02007-01-25 21:56:00