IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP

Hi Jorge,


I have removed your's and your wife's full names and addresses for your privacy concerns.  Many of us just use our first names and a general location on the forums as this site is accessible to everyone whether they are a member of not, and we don't need to have that much personal information available for anyone to look at in order to help


-VJ Moderation Team


Thanks, I would like to ask for your advise, we have our marriage certificate from honduras from the vital records office, I understand it needs to be translated and certified, which i did already, my concern is, its there something we need to do with the marriage certificate , like for example have it aunthenticated or apostille by a US authority i ask for legal advise just want to be sure but now here people just want to make money out of you and im afraid i might get rip off cause the lawyer told me i needed to authenticated but not by american authorities but by Honduran authorities and apostilled in order to work in the US ive read a bit and find nothing about it just sounds off so i would appreciate if u could help and if u cant do you think the USCIS would answer my interrogative? so my wife gives them a call thank you GOD bless you all keep on the work you guys are amazing

George87Not TellingHonduras2013-08-12 02:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP

Good morning to all the beutiful and  helpful people on this website, First of all i want to thank you all for the information and expereinces posted on this website and may God bless you all. My name is Jorge  I live in Honduras, Im married to a US citizen, her name is Bonney  she love in New hampshire. we been dating since june 11 2009, as u can see its been a while , we got married in Honduras this past march 2013, we been both in finnacial trouble, things have been hard especially for her, we are starting to gather up the paperwork for the CR1 visa application, this things dont come easy to her, and we need all the help we can get, we cant afford a lawyer and we come to this website for some helpful advises, till now we have our marriage liscense here in honduras, I was wondering if i can fax the marriage liscense? or she needs the original document? also translation? can i translate it or it as to be done by some profesional? what other documents does she need mailed from here so she can file the petition, things are really hard on us, she needs me home so i can take care of her, we would really apreciatte any of your help and advises, God bless you all and thank you so much.

Edited by Kathryn41, 16 July 2013 - 09:20 AM.
to remove full names and addresses for security reasons

George87Not TellingHonduras2013-07-15 04:04:00