Middle East and North AfricaIntroduction
QUOTE (100% Al Ahly Fan @ Jun 3 2009, 04:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Salaam ya Melissa. Sounds like you are loving Egypt. MashaAllah, that is great! Honestly, I go back and forth about living there. It's hard being away from my Ahmed (there are WAY to many Ahmed's in this world! tongue.gif ) I am still debating, although now that I started this visa process, I might as well stick it out here. Plus it's probably better for my son in the end. Sigh...anyhow, a baker huh? So what's your specialty? Oh and happy soon 40 birthday!!!

There are two desserts that always get rave reviews, but I can't claim either as my own. One is Moosewood Fudge Brownies, with the addition of cinnamon and chocolate chips, and the other is from a Betty Crocker recipe (if I'm not mistaken), called Caramel Apple Bars.
I'm addicted to Smitten Kitchen and have tried several of her recipes with great success mashAllah.
I love making quick breads and have an old family recipe for banana bread that is awesome, and also a recipe for applesauce cinnamon raisin bread that I add chocolate chips to and is just wonderful for breakfast. Yum!!!! Man I'm dying to finally be able to bake here in Egypt. crying.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-06-04 11:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaIntroduction
Salam Sharifah star_smile.gif

Nice thread and wonderful to see everyone posting.

My name is Melissa (everyone calls me Melly) and I have been off and on VJ for a few years.
I will very shortly be 40!! ohmy.gif Born and raised in the bay area of California. luv.gif
My husband, Ahmed, is just a couple years younger than me and was born in Cairo but raised for some years in Kuwait.
He is currently running an IT business and we hope to make a branch of the business in Kuwait and live there for some time.

Hubby and I have known each other for about five years, and married for 2 come October insha'Allah. We had originally planned to file for the visa, but for a few reasons (which makes a long boring story), we decided it would be easier for me to move to Egypt instead.

I have a wonderful son who will be 15 this year. I lubs him so much luv.gif and am missing him ALOT!!
Insha'Allah we hope to get back to the States later this year to visit. Hubby has never been to the States so that should be a fun trip!

Same as you, I love reading and cooking (baking) and also photography and sewing (quilting).

Insha'Allah the rest of your journey will go smoothly. The women on this board are super supportive and are here for you if you need anything. yes.gif

QUOTE (100% Al Ahly Fan @ Jun 1 2009, 09:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello and Salaam everyone. I didn't find a thread that was like this, so I thought I would start my own.

I just joined April 17, 2009 but didn't really become active until the begining of May. I so far LOVE VJ. It's been so helpful, even when I have stupid question (usually someone has already asked laughing.gif ).

Everyone here is so kind and informative. I see that many of of you know each other by name. I would love to as well. I will tell ya little more about me and hope that you are willing to do the same.

My name is Sharifah. I'm 33 years old. I have an eight year old son named Tariq. I've been married for a little over two months to the man of my dreams, (well sometimes, depends on if he annoys me that day or not luv.gif ) Ahmed. I love reading, cats, and cooking. This waiting for my husband to get here is driving me nuts, but thankfully many of you have already experienced that or are currently going through it.

I look forward to hearing more about you. Thanks and Shookran!

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-06-02 01:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaTips to help your SO adjust
Found this link as well.
I guess we can't edit posts after a certain amount of time has passed?
Anyways, this is from uscis site, resources for new immigrants:
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-01-18 22:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaTips to help your SO adjust
I know there is a current thread similar, but maybe this would have some additional ideas for those who are expecting their spouses.
I had this bookmarked for when we were still planning on my hubby coming here, and just ran across the link.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-01-18 22:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaIf you had known then what you know now??
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-09-15 10:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan 2008
Assalamu alaykum sisters! (and any brothers around)

Hope everyone is doing well.

I got this in an email a few days ago from AlMaghrib Institute. I'm sure some of you are aware of them and may have gotten this but maybe some of you aren't.
Anyways I thought this was very nice and an easy thing to try for those who would be interested.

The last ten nights of Ramadan are almost upon us, and I
wanted to take this moment to remind you about a cool Dua
technique that I do during the last ten nights.

When I was 12 years old, I used this technique, and 2 years
later I had memorized the ENTIRE Quran!

Here's what you do:

Step 1: Ask yourself: If Allah said he would give me
ANYTHING, what would I ask for? Brainstorm at least for one

Step 2: Choose 6 of the most precious things on your list.

Step 3: Make dua for these 6 specifically every night for
the entire last ten nights of Ramadan.

ONE of those nights HAS to be Laylatul Qadr, so your dua
will correspond to LaylatulQadr if you make the same dua
every night. How cool is that?

With best wishes to see you succeed at the highest level!
- Muhammad Alshareef

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2008-09-18 13:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan 2008
Assalamu alaykum and hello smile.gif

I have not been around in some time but I just wanted to drop in and say Ramadan Kareem to everyone. May Allah grant you every success and make the month easy for you, ameen.

Oh, it's Melly btw. Couldn't think of anything better for a name so I just picked Melly 2. tongue.gif

I hope everyone is in the best of health and spirits.

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2008-09-02 15:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaVonage or Magic Jack Part 2
There is a difference between legality of sending it in the mail, and legality of it being in a country. I never said it was illegal to mail it, only that the Egyptian postal workers said the device was illegal to use in Egypt.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-02-01 11:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaVonage or Magic Jack Part 2
QUOTE (Angel7422 @ Jan 31 2009, 11:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So you are saying basically that it is illegal? But if thats true then why do the compay(ies) say to use it when you travel to call the USA? Does Egypt open DHL packages?

I don't know for 100% certain that it is illegal, but to the best of my knowledge, in Egypt, it is illegal.
Magic Jack wants you to buy their product, I'm pretty sure they didn't search the rules for every country to see which you could legally use it from and which you couldn't. And there are many countries I'm sure it's fine to use it from.
I'm not saying don't buy it or use it, just that you are taking a risk that it will be confiscated if you ship it over.
I don't know about DHL I've never used them, but I would think that customs opens every package that comes in, regardless of what method you use to ship it.

Maybe someone else can come along and offer some advice.

Also, someone told me recently that using Skype internationally was free, though I know several people who use it internationally who say they pay for it. Maybe you should check that out as an alternative.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-02-01 02:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaVonage or Magic Jack Part 2
As far as I know, and including what my husband has said, every package that goes to Egypt gets opened by the post office. I have sent numerous goodie boxes with stuff and they *always* get opened and he has to pay some sort of import tax on stuff.
I have always sent through regular mail. Too expensive to send otherwise. The last package I sent was 8 pounds and it cost me 55 bucks to mail through the post office.

** eta - the poster who said it was legal - sure if you get someone willing to take a bribe to let you bring it in. If someone wants to pay 60 dollars as a bribe, good for them. Either that or it just depends on the knowledge of the person at the post office. Maybe some of the workers think it's okay and some don't.

Edited by Melly 2, 31 January 2009 - 07:56 PM.

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-01-31 19:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaVonage or Magic Jack Part 2
Some have sent it through the mail just fine. I sent one and even though I sent it in a package with a bunch of other stuff, they wouldn't let my husband have it. They said it was not allowed in Egypt. They were supposed to ship it back to me but I never got it. Hubby did not get in trouble, but it was a waste of 40 bucks for me to send it.
Anyways, mine didn't make it through, but others have sent them fine.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-01-31 16:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
They sure do have a different attitude here in Egypt about ants at least.
My in-laws are not bothered by them at all. Gross. They will kill roaches, but still don't seem bothered by them. Double gross.

I always feel bad when killing bugs, but it doesn't stop me, and I just ask God to forgive me. tongue.gif

What really upsets me is the way I see horses and donkeys get treated here.
I was being driven one time by the family driver and we were held up by a horse pulling a cart. The horse was obviously past its limits and it was hotter than hades out and these guys were whipping that horse til I thought it was going to keel over. The sounds it was making and jumping up in the air just brought me to tears. I was so upset about this. And it wasn't the only time I've seen animals whipped and crying out. crying.gif
I hope the people doing that rot in the lowest depths of hell.

However, having said that, I'm not sure what makes me all that different, as I'm willing to take an ants life.... meh.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-31 14:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
Since this isn't specifically related to Ramadan, I figured I would post it in the general thread instead.

This is a cam that shows the kabah, and you can see the people walking around it. The cam is a bit slow for me at the moment but usually it's moving really good.
I just find it so awesome to watch and think about one day being able to go there myself insha'Allah.

Kabah cam
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-25 08:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
Salam ya Bajih biggrin.gif

I have a friend who is always sharing great links for audio/video and text resources regarding Islam.
She just sent me an email with some links - maybe you will find what you are looking for in there somewhere!

Preparing for Ramadan with Halaltube- tons of lectures from various speakers: http://www.halaltube...with-halal-tube

- Heart Wheel Journal-

- General Info-

- Daily Reminders-
Ramadan Hadith-a-day http://www.jannah.or..._hadithaday.pdf
Benefit of the Day magazine http://benefitofthed...dan-issue-1429/

QUOTE (Bajih @ Aug 16 2009, 12:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
One more week until the start of Ramadan.

In the past week, I was at the bookstore and local library. I am trying to find an "inspirational" book to read that is written specifically for Muslims. (ok, besides the Quran!) I find many inspirational/spiritual books under Eastern thought and Christianity, but the only thing I can find under "Islam" is either books for non-Muslims written about Islam, books that defame Islam or books written about history or the "do's/don'ts"... not what I am looking for! So...if anyone has anything, please let me know! I am currently reading some spiritual Eastern thought books... I really need to work on my "inner" self and thought Ramadan would be a great time to do it.


Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-16 04:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
Assalamu alaykum to all the sisters and brothers here.

I wanted to address what sister Sofiyya said. I don't want to argue or fight, but only to make a few points to what she said, and also a few general points.
I already know that Sofiyya has a better way with words, and can write the pants off me, but that doesn't mean what I have to say is any less important. tongue.gif

The hijab debate has raged on for many years, and there are a few sides to it. Two of those sides are: those who don't wear hijab and seem to always be defending their choice fiercely, and those who do wear hijab and who may or may not be blaming/judging those who don't wear it.

For myself, I would never tell a sister who wasn't covering that she should cover, but you can bet I will encourage her if it is something she is interested in.

No one here (that I can see) is saying that hijab is the most important thing in Islam, but if Allah mentioned it, then it must have some merit or weight. I will agree it shouldn't be the top priority for any Muslimah, but I don't think it's something to be ignored just because there are more important things either.

Of course there are always the Muslimahs around who will swear up and down that you are in grave sin and danger by not wearing hijab. In fact, when I said shahadah some years ago, I had a sister, who I'm sure had good intentions, tell me that the first thing I had to do was cover my hair, and that it wasn't an option not to, that it was obligatory and needed to be done ASAP!! She was so insistent on this and harping on and on about it so much that it totally turned me off.

Like I mentioned previously, it took me a year after saying shahadah to start wearing hijab, but when I did, I felt happy and proud that I could manage this thing that had seemed like such a hurdle. Because I felt that I was doing at least one thing that would please Allah, whether it was the most important thing or not.

I was also, during this time, attending weekly halaqas, and our main subject of study at the time was tawheed, among other subjects.
I didn't fret about hijab night and day, it wasn't always on my mind, but I didn't ignore it either, and felt/knew that when the time was right, it would happen insha'Allah.

If a sister is new to Islam, or even if she has been Muslim for some or many years, insha'Allah she will be learning for the rest of her life, what is most pleasing to Allah.
If she feels that hijab is pleasing to Allah, then why discourage it? It is not a humiliation or degradation to wear it!
If she feels, having grown up in the West where hijab is not the norm, that it will help her along in her studies, because it makes her feel more Muslim, than what is wrong with that? Maybe once a sister starts wearing hijab, it will help her to go further on the path of studies to what is best in this life, According to Allah, so that she can attain what is best in the next life!

I will never put a sister down for not wearing hijab, and again, I agree it is not the most important thing, but because anyone is sick of the hijab discussion or feels that it isn't important, well, then that's their point of view, and it is not shared by everyone.
Isn't it wonderful that we all have the capacity to think and learn and decide what is best for ourselves?

I applaud sister Sofiyya for stating what she feels is right, even though over the years I have seen her get attacked for her views. She has taken some points that seem to go against what others believe, and I'm sure it can be a struggle and annoying at times to boot, dealing with others in these matters. biggrin.gif
I fully respect this sisters point of view, I just don't want any Muslimah to be discouraged from hijab because of it, or feel that hijab has no weight at all.
And likewise, I don't want any sister to feel bad or guilty by anything that I wrote if she isn't wearing hijab.

I love all of my sisters and it is one of my fondest wishes to see each and every one of you in Jannah!! rose.gif

With respect to all the sisters here
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-07-24 05:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
Hey sisters star_smile.gif

I really feel for those who would like to wear hijab but have fears about it. I had the same fears before I started wearing it but alhamdulillah that I was able to finally get past them and start wearing hijab. It took a year after saying shahada to start, and I felt so guilty that whole year for not wearing it, but I also realized that although I felt it was important, there were other things that were more important, like tawheed.

Sooooo, for all the sisters struggling with this issue, I will make dua for you. Insha'Allah you will find the strength and the way to wear hijab if it is your desire to do so. And though personally I think it's important, please remember we all go at our own pace and some women never do wear hijab. May Allah accept all of our deeds and recognize our intentions, ameen.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-07-22 18:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
lol, I know, you and your hijabs laughing.gif
I'm still waiting to go hijab shopping here, though I've been here for four months now. whistling.gif
Hubby has great intentions... lol
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-07-21 08:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
A sister friend of mine sent me a link to an online article that I thought was great and really well written. star_smile.gif

Shed crazy from your life

Worth the 5 or 10 minutes it will take to read.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-07-21 07:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
I took his single weekend Love Notes class, not the two weekend Fiqh of Love class, but I really loved it. I'd highly recommend it to anyone who has a chance to attend. Thanks for the link, I will try to have a listen this evening.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-06-02 08:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Nawal @ Dec 29 2008, 06:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey ladies rose.gif

I'm just asking that you keep my Dad in your prayers. We had some bad news today about his health (large mass/tumor on his liver) and its a total shock for us. Losing my mom to cancer (kidney) years ago has had my father in a deep depression and this just was such a shock.


I will make dua for your father. rose.gif

My dad has survived both prostate cancer and cancer on one of his kidneys (which they had to remove) alhamdulillah.
Insha'Allah your father will come through just fine, whatever the condition he has.
Let us know when you have any news.

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2008-12-29 23:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
These are a few recipes, the ones that I mentioned that always get "rave" reviews.
Just thought I would share.
The banana bread recipe is from my mom's family that came over from Germany. Not sure how old the recipe is but I love it.

Moosewood Fudge Brownies


* 5 oz Unsweetened chocolate
* 1/2 lb Butter or margerine, soft
* 1 3/4 c Light brown sugar (white ok)
* 5 Eggs
* 1 1/2 ts Vanilla extract
* 1 c Flour(3/4c for fudgier ones)

Optional Additions

* 1 c Chopped walnuts/pecans
* 1 ts Freshly grated orange rind
* 1/2 ts Cinnamon
* 1 sm Ripe banana, mashed
* 2 tb To 4T strong black coffee
* 1 c Semisweet choc chips


1. Butter 9x13 pan. Preheat oven to 350.
2. Gently melt the chocolate. Let it cool for about 10 mins.
3. Cream the butter and sugar in a medium sized bowl until light and fluffy.
4. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each. Stir in the vanilla.
5. Stir constantly as you drizzle in the melted chocolate. After all the chocolate is in, beat well for a minute or two.
6. Stir in the flour and possible embellishments. Mix just enough to blend thoroughly.
7. Spread the batter into the prepared pan. Bake 20-25 mins, or until knife inserted in the center comes out clean.
Cut into squares while still hot, then allow to cool for at least 10 mins, if you can wait that long.

For the additions on these, I add both cinnamon and chocolate chips. These brownies are just out of this world!! So good. luv.gif

Caramel Apple Bars (from Betty Crocker?)

These take a little effort, but aren't hard to make.


Base and Topping:
2 cups flour
2 cups quick cooking rolled oats
1 1/2 cups firmly packed brown sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1 1/4 cups margarine or butter, melted

1 1/2 cups caramel ice cream topping
1/2 cup flour
2 cups coarsely chopped apples
1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans

1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 15 x 10 x 1 inch baking pan. In large bowl, combine all base ingredients; mix at low speed until crumbly. Press half of mixture (about 2 1/2 cups) in bottom of greased pan to form base. Reserve remaining mixture for topping. Bake at 350 degrees for 8 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, in small saucepan over medium heat, combine caramel topping and 1/2 cup flour. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil 3 to 5 minutes or until mixture thickens slightly, stirring constantly. Sprinkle apples and nuts over warm base. Pour caramel mixture evenly over top. Sprinkle with reserved topping mixture.

3. Bake for an additional 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. Cool 30 minutes. Refrigerate 30 minutes or until set. Cut into bars. Store in a tightly covered container.

48 bars

Banana Bread


1 cup sugar
2 eggs
2 bananas ( I like to use ones that are VERY ripe)
3 tsp milk
1/2 cup butter
2 cups flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt

Cream shortening and sugar; add eggs and beat thoroughly.
Stir in bananas and milk.
Sift dry ingredients together; add to creamed mixture.
Bake in loaf pan at 350 degrees for one hour or til toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

Applesauce Bread
The original recipe did not call for chocolate chips, but I think the bread is soooo much better with them.


1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened
1/4 cup dark brown sugar
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup applesauce
2 large eggs
1 cup raisins
1/2 cup chocolate chips (or a little more perhaps? biggrin.gif )

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour an 8 by 4 by 3-inch loaf pan.

Cream the butter and brown sugar. Add the remaining ingredients except the raisins and chips. Mix well until blended. Stir in the raisins and chips. Pour into the loaf pan. Bake for 60 to 65 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-06-08 10:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
Maybe you could replace some of the oil with applesauce?
I've been eager to make carrot cake, remembering how good my mom's was when she used to make it, but all the recipes that I've found call for so much oil it's just disgusting. lol
I guess my hips don't need it anyways. biggrin.gif

Edited by Melly 2, 02 February 2009 - 12:09 AM.

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-02-02 00:09:00
Middle East and North Africahusband had interview in Cairo Egypt today
Has anyone had an interview in Cairo Egypt and the CO never asked to see any prove of relationship no pictures, emails or anything? Also has anyone been approved for their visa but the CO gave them back their passport and was told the Embassy will call them in 1 week for them to send passport back to them?
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2009-12-22 13:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproved but didnt keep passport

well, i honestly dont know what goes on in their head and I'd like to think they are doing the best they can for the good of all people. However, I dont think its about relgion, I would think they tend to be harder more often on younger guys with much older fiances. Me and Adam are 2 yrs apart, so no we didnt have to experience what you are dealing with. Maybe they are looking into your relationship with her bcz of the large age gap. Thats just my opinion.

I never really thought of that either in my case I am 12 years older then my husband maybe that is why they didnt keep his passport and i feel we are in for a long AP. But to me age shouldn't matter. We truly love each other and we will have a baby next month. I know having a baby doesnt matter to the embassy but me personally would never have a baby with a man that i didnt truly love.
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2010-01-05 23:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproved but didnt keep passport

hey hope every thing s ok with u , we dont know yet what was n te dhl package , we so worried about u

Hi we are also worried because he still hasnt received the package. So I really dont know what is going on. Does anyone think my husband's name would have anything to do with them not keeping his passport? His full name is Marwan Ahmed Elsayed Mohammed Elkholy. I just wonder if having the name Mohammed in there might for some reason cause him to have a long AP. But why wouldnt the CO say he is in AP she told him he was approved and no problems or no worries and my husband would hear from them in 1 week. Why dont they just tell the truth.
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2010-01-03 23:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproved but didnt keep passport
QUOTE (Hot Guy @ Dec 30 2009, 04:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmmm thats kinda strange !
If they want him to send in his passport they would call him or sent him an Email .
Did he call DHL to find out whats going on ?
What did the DHL site say ?!

Good luck


Yes he checked the DHL site and it says the embassy has a package for my husband and they are sending it DHL. He didnt get the package today so hopefully he will get it tomorrow. We are very curious what this package is. I heard the embassy is going to start doing visa's differently first of January so I dont know if all this is something new or what is going on. I cant wait until he gets the package from them so we can finally know what it is.

JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2009-12-30 16:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproved but didnt keep passport
Hi everyone as you all know my husband had his interview on December 22 but they didnt keep his passport. The CO said she would call him in 1 week to send back his passport for his visa. It has been one week and my husband checked DHL and he has a package coming from the embassy through DHL does anyone know what this could be? They didnt say they would send him anything. Could it be a letter telling him to send back his passport? Im starting to get excited anyone know what this package could be?
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2009-12-29 16:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproved but didnt keep passport
QUOTE (ann and assem @ Dec 29 2009, 07:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hey jeni
i may b will b n ur station soon cuse we still wait 4 our noa2
so can i ask some quiz f u plz ?
after how many days u get ur noa2 since u get noa1 ?
waht the noa2 ask u 2 praper ( i mean paper and doucments ) ?
f u plz tell me every prove u show 2 them plz , and what every thing they ask him n unterview ?

we filed everything DCF and we filed petition then we got packet 3 papers 8 days later then he got his interview letter about 2 weeks after we sent back all packet 3 papers. When my husband went for his interview they asked him questions about me how he knows me, what I do for a living in the states things like that they did not ask for any proof of anything about our relationship. I dont know if the age difference matters or not because I am 12 years older than my husband and they didnt keep his passport so I really dont know much about what is going on with his visa. Hope all is good for you and your visa.
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2009-12-29 16:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproved but didnt keep passport
Thank you all so much for your help. Great post Mohamed. I hope we all will be with our loved ones very soon for those of us who are not. Im trying to stay postive, I guess thats the only thing I can do. Thanks again

JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2009-12-26 11:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproved but didnt keep passport
QUOTE (~PalmTreeGurl~ @ Dec 25 2009, 01:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When my husband was interviewed in Cairo in May 2007, he was approved and they didnt keep his passport. After the AP and another issue, December he was called by the Embassy to send his passport to them. Jan 1st 2008 he had his visa in hand. Each situation is completely different with Cairo though.

When your husband had his interview in Cairo do you know how long they told him it would take until they contacted him to send his passport back? The CO that interviewed him was so nice to him and he answered all her questions correctly and in the end she said he was approved but he was in AP but she told him not to worry because this is very normal and they will contact my husband in 1 week to send back his passport. I just dont understand why they say you are approved but then they put you through AP anyway. I hope and pray the embassy will contact him with in a week like she said but I am starting to have my doubts.

JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2009-12-25 21:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproved but didnt keep passport
QUOTE (illnevergetthis @ Dec 24 2009, 11:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am pretty sure your husband has been put on AP.
Call DOS Monday and ask for your status. Have them clarify if your administrative processing is name checks or if the embassy doing their own verifications.
There is no time limit to AP. I hope the embassy calls you in a week, but there is no way to know the tome it'll take. A week is tough. Thursday and Friday are holidays and Saturday is part of the weekend...that's three days being closed in one week.
Try to keep yourself busy, so that you don't go crazy.

I hope its not going to take a long time for his visa. I just dont even know where to begin to look for status on my husband's visa case. We filed our petition DCF because I lived with him in Egypt for over 6 months would I still contact DOS for his status or would I just contact the US embassy in Cairo? I have emailed the embassy but no response yet I guess because of the holiday. But if I contact DOS even though we filed the petition through DCF does anyone have the number that I would call or the email for them. Because I really dont know what to do or who to contact about his status for his visa. Thanks

JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2009-12-24 19:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproved but didnt keep passport
Does anyone know why the CO told my husband he was approved for his visa in Cairo Egypt but they gave him his passport back and said they would call him within 1 week to send back his passport to Embassy? This confuses me very much if he was approved why wouldnt they keep his passport. Anyone know why? Thanks
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2009-12-23 22:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa interviews in Egypt

My husband is from Egypt, but works in Qatar.........we interviewed on Dec 13th, i was with him, the CO said everything looked good, just needed routine AP. They didn't keep his passport.......

then 2 weeks ago the embassy called his boss to confirm his employment, then immediately the embassy called my husband and asked interview questions again, then they called me right after him at midnight calif time and also asked me interview questions again.

They called my husband again last week to ask him his salary, how many brothers/sisters we each have and about our parents. So we're really hoping they are done with all the questions and any other AP and ISA this will be our week/month also with all of you, we just want to be together and start our life, is that too much to ask??? :star:

Good luck to everyone :star:

Where did your husband have his interview? In Cairo? I have never heard of the embassy calling the petititioner in the US. I hope we are all with our SO very soon.
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2010-02-01 23:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa interviews in Egypt
Thank you all much. I did call DOS and they just told me he was in AP for name check but really nothing more than that. I have emailed the embassy alot and get the the usual message from them "your case is pending madatory administrative processing" I dont know why the CO would tell my husband he was approved and not to worry and they would send for his passport in 1 week, when she didnt keep his passport so she really already knew it would be a lengthy AP. I hope and pray we are all out of AP soon and our SO receive their visas and we are reunited with them very soon.
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2010-01-31 21:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa interviews in Egypt
Does anyone know why when some people go to their interview the embassy keeps their passport and other people they do not keep their passport? And why did the CO tell my husband he was approved and not to worry and they will send for his visa in 1 week (that was December 22) and still nothing. I lived with him in Egypt for 7 months and we filed the petition DCF, so we thought we were doing everything right and this filing this way would be the quickest way to go so I dont understand what is going on. Any suggestions??? Thank you
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2010-01-31 00:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy un Cairo finally called my husband
Hello, I have another question I hope someone can answer it for me. After the embassy called my husband to send back his passport he sent it back that same day and the embassy has his passport now I then emailed the embassy to ask them how long until my husband receives his visa and I got an email back from them saying "Please note that the case is still pending consular officer’s review." Does anyone know what consular officer's review is? and how long it should take for his visa now that it is pending consular officer's review? Thank you
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2010-03-08 23:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy un Cairo finally called my husband
Thanks everyone Im starting to have hopes again that he will get his visa soon. Does anyone know if they just mail the visa and passport to him or will they call again for him to come to the embassy to pick it up? Thanks
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2010-03-04 22:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy un Cairo finally called my husband
Hello my husband had his interview in Cairo Egypt on December 22 and the CO said everything went well in the interview BUT they didnt keep his passport. The embassy just called my husband today March 3 and they asked him to send his passport back. We are so happy about this but still wondering if once he sends his passport back if it is still going to take a long time for his visa. Any ideas??? Thank you
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2010-03-03 22:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinally my husband got his visa
thanks everyone. we are very excited and so happy. When he comes to the US airport will they give him sort of another interview? Just wondering on what he can expect here. thanks
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2010-03-17 21:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinally my husband got his visa
Hi everyone just want to share the good news that my husband finally received his visa today. He had his interview in Cairo, Egypt on December 22 and just received his visa today we are so happy. Thank you everyone for all your help you have giving me through all this. I hope and pray that you all get your visas soon. I have a couple questions now if anyone can help me. My husband received his passport back with his visa inside and also a big yellow envelope that says dont open. Does anyone know what is inside this envelope and also what can he expect in the US airport? He is pretty nervous about it all. Any help? Thanks
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2010-03-16 22:17:00