K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this good for my K-1 package?
Yes, I have my receipts from when we went on a trip to Copan. And I included ALL my credit card statements showing that I used my CC in Honduras since February. Do you think that's good? I don't know if I could mark on the CC statements because somewhere I read that you shouldn't highlight things because they photocopy it all. I have a lot of proof that we live together (apartment contract, payment receipts from apartment, internet receipts) but I don't know if that proves much. I don't know, I'm a big worrier and I've been working on this for what feels like forever.. so now that I'm ready to send it all out, I'm worrying even more! Haha! So any and all advice is sooo helpful. Thank you for your suggestions! :-)
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2011-12-22 19:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this good for my K-1 package?
We live in the same country now, the only things like email/Skype that I could provide would be from the time that we were apart and would talk on Skype in October - December 2010.. but I figured since we live together in the same place that it would be better to provide that kind of evidence. Do you think that having Skype from that short amount of time would be useful?
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2011-12-22 19:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this good for my K-1 package?
Yes, the check of course! Haha I didn't forget that ;-)
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2011-12-22 18:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this good for my K-1 package?
I've used this forum multiple times for any questions/doubts while we were putting together the K-1 petition and I am ready to send off the entire package but I would grateful if I could get some feedback about whether my package is sufficient or if I need enough material/evidence. A little background: my fiance and I met online, I went to Honduras to meet him and ended up staying, got a job there and I only return to the USA for holidays.

Here is what I have in my package (in this order):

1. G-1145 Notification form
2. Cover letter
3. I-129F form
4. Supplement to Question 18
5. G-325A Form for me with picture attached
6. G-325A form for my fiance with picture attached
7. Copy of my birth certificate
8. Intent of marriage from me
9. Intent of marriage from my fiance
10. Copy of my passport page with the stamps of entrance into Honduras (they do not stamp on exits)
11. Airline itineraries or tickets from my three trips (February, April and December) - I don't have the tickets for one trip and I don't have the itinerary for another trip [they are not in my email] so I figured that one or the other could suffice - I hope that will be ok.
12. Copy of my visitor visa from when I entered in April (don't have mine from February because they ripped it off when I left the country in April)
13. Copy of my work visa from Honduras
14. Photographs of us (12-15)
15. Copies of bus tickets and hotel receipt from a trip to Copan, Honduras
16. Apartment contract - both in English and in Spanish, with translator certification - with both of our names on the contract
17. Copies of apartment payment receipts
18. Copies of internet payment receipts
19. Credit card statements that I used my CC in Honduras - from February, March, April, May, June, July, October, November, December (I did not use my CC in August or September, so should I include the statement from those months?)
20. Copy of engagement ring receipt

I have a receipt from when I sent my father money from Honduras to the USA but I don't know if I should add that and if so, where? It only proves that I was in Honduras.

Am I missing anything? Do I need to add or take out anything? I was trying to prove my relationship AND that I have been living in Honduras with my fiance since April 2011.

I would greatly appreciate ANY feedback!!

kate&javiFemaleHonduras2011-12-22 18:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWorking/Living Overseas Concern
Thanks for your reply.

Anyone have any advice or has gone through this themselves? :help:
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-03-19 11:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWorking/Living Overseas Concern
Hi all,

I have just a quick question!

My fiance and I applied for the Fiance visa in January 2012 (I am the USC). I am concerned about one little thing. I currently live in his country (Honduras) because I work here. After we met and I came here to see him, I started working here and I have received a work visa through the school that I teach at. I have been working here since February 2011 because I got a job teaching here a few weeks after I arrived. I originally bought a round-trip ticket but I changed the date of my return because I was working and didn't return to the USA until Easter Break. I have been back to the USA two times since I've been working and living here with my fiance.

My concern is that the US Embassy will think that I don't have ties to the US because I don't have a job there and I have a visa here which doesn't expire for two years. I don't own a house in the US, but I DO have bank accounts (with a balance) and credit cards that are active and updated. I will be quitting my job when the school year is over so we can move back to the USA (hoping to have it secured by the end of the summer!) but I don't currently have a job in the USA. I have been applying for jobs but so far, so bites.

I'm wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation like mine. I also had written my address on the petition as my one here in Honduras, but later wrote the address that my fiance will be living at as my parent's house in the USA (and as stated on my driver's license) because I read somewhere on the forums that someone else did the same, but now I am kind of worried! It's been on my mind lately and I want to clear any doubts I have right now!

I appreciate any advice that anyone has.

kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-03-18 22:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo proof of ongoing relationship
Can you print out evidence of talking through the online phone? I don't know what service you use but Skype keeps a record. Do you have cards or gifts that you have sent each other? Pictures from when you met each other?
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-03-19 11:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Co-Sponsor Form
Hi VJers,

Since I live and work overseas in my fiance's country and don't make enough money to hit the poverty level by US guidelines, my mom is going to be our co-sponsor. When my dad sent my petition to USCIS, my mom put her I-134 form and supporting documents INSIDE my petition folder (even though I asked her to please not do that). I'm afraid that they will throw it away because they do not need it at USCIS (read that somewhere on the forum). She seems to think that they will send it with the petition package to the Embassy here when it's time for our interview. She talked with an immigration lawyer who told her that she was ok to send it in the petition package. Well, I only want to know if they will throw it away. I know it's impossible to know for sure, but I'm worried that IF they throw it away, we won't have it when we go to the interview. She tells me not to worry, but I tried to explain to her that I won't know 100% sure that it will be included in the petition package sent here and it's better to send me another form, just in case. She is worried to send it to me here because she's super paranoid.

Anyone have an idea if they will throw it away?
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-03-21 18:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDeclaration of how you met. Question 18 of 129F
Mine was only 2 paragraphs long. I only put the important facts and the date!
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-03-19 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAddress, co-sponsor, email
I also live overseas (work in the home country of my fiance) and I put my address here in Honduras as my address, but then later listed the address that we will be living at in the US as my parent's permanent address. I also explained that I was living and working overseas with a work visa. I did search that all over the forums before I sent in our petition but only saw that someone listed their foreign address so I just followed what they did. Sent the petition in January, and no word yet so I'm unsure of what the "correct" answer is.
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-03-23 19:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOfficial Resident

Try going to the DMV, your fiancee will most likely get a driver's license valid until the i-94 expires. She might have to have SSN before, I know my state(Indiana) required that - the rest of the documents were provided by my then fiance through signing an affidavit.

I'm from Indiana too and I looked at the Indiana DMV website but it was so confusing to me on what they require. My fiance wants to get his driver's license when we get to the US, so does he only need the SSN or something else as well? He currently doesn't have a driver's license in his home country (parents never paid for it and we don't want to waste the money now).
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-03-30 20:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHi everybody!!!! advice..
Keep everything that is a record of the things that you did together while your fiance was with you! Even if you think it won't matter, it might be useful. And don't throw away the plane tickets (I made that mistake once).
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-07 12:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence to submit with petition - originals/copies?
I sent in a copy of my boarding passes with their respective passport stamps, labeling them "Trip 1," "Trip 2," etc. I tried to organize things by trips, putting all things from one together and all things from another together. I even put my flight itineraries because for my first flight I didn't keep my boarding passes (I didn't know I was going to be filing the K1), as well as copies of my credit card statements, etc.
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-11 15:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUnique Situation - Proof of Relationship
Yup, send the rental contract. I live with my fiancé too, so I sent our rental contract + payment receipts that have our names on it. :) good luck, we are in kinda similar situations.
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-11 06:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpediting Petition

You can actually get his passport in the SAME EXACT DAY that you apply for it. I think you have to pay a little bit more (I can't remember how much exactly, you can check on the Banco Atlantica website) BUT we just read in the newspaper that they are going to change how people apply for passports. Apparently you will be able to do it online now, so I don't know. My fiance got his passport a really long time ago so I don't remember that well, but I know for sure that he was gone all day -- he went to the bank and then to the Embassy in SPS on the same day and received his passport.

I will let you know if we get the expedite - so far we have heard absolutely nothing from them after I sent in the supporting documents. :(
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-13 14:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpediting Petition

hey did anyone here also write a letter explaining everything or just newspaper articles and such?

I sent a letter explaining how I felt and our current situation in our neighborhood, how we can't move because of the high rent, etc., etc. and then I attached five newspaper articles as well as the excerpt about Honduras's crime off the State Department website. It ended up being 28 pages!
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-07 16:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpediting Petition

goodluck :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Good luck to both of you!
Sent my supporting documents today! :)
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-07 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpediting Petition

I just went through the expedite myself like 1 hour ago. You press the option about your case status like (status of your case). Than it gives the options to report problems/issues. Press that and a live person comes on. I said I need to speak to a tier 2 operator for an expedite request. She said "I can help you". She read all the reasons for an expedite and I said for humanitarian reasons. She than said tell me whats going on and she typed it up read it back. Gave me a referral number thats now assigned to expedite told me it should take 5 days and i will get either an email or mail letter to me. If it takes more than 5 days its that more processing is needed. I immediately got the standard more evidence is needed please fax. So my husband is getting that together along with what I have.

So please do pursue it don't give up. Keep us posted okay. God bless your journey.

Thank you for your reply. About 30 mins ago, I got through and the guy sent the service request. Finally! :) good luck with your request!!
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-06 16:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpediting Petition
Yes! Thank you! I got through and he sent the service request!
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-06 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpediting Petition

i just did mine yesterday and today nvc send me an email to send them a supporting fiance country recently put on travel alert...anyhow i wish us a goodluck esp for those who's trying to expedite K1 visa due to our fiance safety...

check yours if they did too.

Can you tell me the menu sequence you took to get to talk to a live person? I've called numerous times and can't seem to get through a live person no matter what sequence I try. Very frustrating, and I don't want to waste my money that I have put on my phone if I'm only pushing numbers.
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-06 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpediting Petition
Nope, I couldn't get through the menus. Now my phone won't even connect to the number, so I'm going to try again later. Thank you for your reply. :
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-06 12:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpediting Petition
That's the number that I called.
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-06 12:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpediting Petition
Ok, I called USCIS today with the number that they provide on their website and in the menu, it didn't give me any option for "Expedite Request" or something similar. I listened to the menu three times through, then went through all of the sub-menus. Do they have an email address that I can use? I am calling from my phone here in Honduras and I put 100 Lps ($5) on my credits but I don't want to drain all of those credits only to call to listen to the menus!
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-06 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpediting Petition
Eep.. I just looked at the most violent countries in the world and Honduras is #1, according to UNODC. That just made my 99% sure decision a 100% one!
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-05 20:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpediting Petition

I was able to expedite my husband's i-130 based on similar circumstances. I called uscis and told them the situation. I was told to fax them a letter explaining why I felt it necessary to expedite (which they determined to be humanitarian reasons)and to fax any evidence (I faxed a news report regarding the violence) My husband's petition was approved in 30 days and about 3 weeks after I requested the expedite.

Hope this helps! Good luck to you!

Awesome! Thank you! I think that I will be calling them on Monday, after the Easter holiday. I just need to find the newspaper report that I read. I'll have to translate it though, it's in Spanish!
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-05 20:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpediting Petition

You can try to get an expedite but its not likely. People live in those conditions daily all over the world and thats their life.

Thanks for your reply -- I know :( I was just hoping that it would be possible. When I first arrived here (over a year ago), things were not AS bad but it's just getting increasingly worse. Guess we just gotta keep going and hoping for the best. :(
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-05 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpediting Petition
I've been reading a lot of information on the criteria to expedite K1 petitions and don't know if it possible for us to expedite our petition based on the following: I live in Honduras with my fiance and over the past few months, the violence in the city we live in is becoming an increasing problem. Even in the newspaper, they did a report on the increase in violence and how it is WAY above "normal" crime rates - like 70+ people killed daily. (And it's only a country of 7 million). I'll admit that it was never the safest place in the world but the violence is simply hitting too close to home which scares me on a DAILY basis. For example, a few months back, my fiance's father and brother got kidnapped in our neighborhood by some men wanting their car, but they kidnapped them with guns and everything, dropped them in a different neighborhood and took the car.

Today, my fiance came back from paying our rent and told me that someone was just killed at the corner of our neighborhood. I know that people get killed in the US every day but the reason for violence here is unbelievable. Our pregnant neighbor was robbed coming off of the bus a few weeks ago.

We cannot move to a "safer" neighborhood because we don't make enough money to pay the rent prices there. Right now we pay a reasonable price (we are also saving to move to the US - working on Honduran salary is tough!) and all the other apartments in other areas are 4-5 times more than what we are paying now.

I cannot leave the country until my work contract is up on June 8th but didn't know if we could possibly get the petition expedited so we could leave ASAP when my work contract ends.

I know that USCIS judges it on a case-by-case basis but I live in absolute fear that one day my fiance will walk out of the door in the morning for work and never return.


Edited by kate&javi, 05 April 2012 - 08:06 PM.

kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-05 19:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed clarification on times
You will have time to plan the wedding :) we are having ours "traditional" too (not court house) but I have a pretty good grasp of what our wedding wil be like so all I have to do is call to reserve once we have the visa. :)
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-20 16:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS account
Of course! We created the account together and we are doing the process together, so yes, my fiancé has access to everything immigration-related!

Edited by kate&javi, 20 April 2012 - 04:36 PM.

kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-20 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat's next?
Only to wait.... (im)patiently :P
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-21 21:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStudent Petitioner never file tax return
Should be no problem. Both the petitioner and the co-sponsor need to fill out the I-134 though, even if he doesn't make any income and didn't file a tax return.
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-21 21:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Petitioners for CSC/Update Your Timelines Please
Well, we are all waiting rather impatiently, but unfortunately we cannot force people to update their timelines. A lot of people aren't active users so maybe they make an account to ask one or two questions and then never log in again... or simply they stop logging on here to avoid the whole process making them go crazy over the NOA2 dates... who knows.

Yes, CSC is moving quite slowly but we just need to be patient because they will get to your case soon. As you said it's close to 5 months, so don't worry. You will get the approval when you least expect it! All emails that I have received from USCIS were when I was least expecting it, just checking my email randomly and seeing something from them.

As someone else said, they process them in the order that they receive the cases but sometimes different adjudicators work faster than others so if our petition is stuck in a box with a slow adjudicator, then we just need to bide our time until he or she gets to it.

I know it's frustrating to see others who had their NOA1 date after yours get approved, but just keep plugging along and yours will be approved soon.

kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-28 08:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Petition - Delays

Just a question, what is senator? ppl keep saying to look for him, who is he? is he gonna do much?

Thank YOu

A senator is an elected official from your state. They have liasons in Immigration that could help you (some can help, but not ALL of them have connections, I believe). They might be able to help you if you are past the projected 5 months for your NOA2. You'd have to contact their office to find out though.
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-28 18:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis there a way to expedite K1 visa?
I filed an expedite request based on humanitarian reasons (danger in home country; based on countless worldwide news and government agencies reporting on the fact that the city we live in is #1 in the world most dangerous for violent crimes; sent in various news reports and evidence of imminent danger). Was denied on the basis of "not meeting expedite request criteria guidelines."
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-05-01 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis there a way to expedite K1 visa?
Tried but they didn't approve our expedite request... But it doesn't hurt to try. :)
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-05-01 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWife did not make it past homeland and got k-1 cancelled
Been following this thread since it started to see how it all panned out but it seems the OP has not been back to answer the barrage of questions about his case. I hope he shows up so we can all know what happened!
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-04-28 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT
What a sad story. I agree with everyone else, protect yourself first. It's obvious she was only using you to get to the States. Sorry. :(
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-05-02 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUS Citizen living abroad
I'm in the same situation as you, we will be using a co-sponsor. :)
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-05-05 10:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIS IT REALLY NECESSARY?
I made three copies of our ENTIRE petition. I placed two copies in a tabbed binder (2 copies of each paper) that we will take to the interview, and one copy I left with my parents in the US. I wanted to be complete 100% sure that if something got lost, I had various copies of everything.
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-05-05 12:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting married on B-2 while waiting for K-1
K-1 is for fiance(e) only. If you get married, file for CR-1. She'll have to return to her country, but it's your choice: file for K-1 and wait while you are engaged and apart ; file for CR-1 and wait while you are married and apart. Or move to her country to wait it out with her. :)
kate&javiFemaleHonduras2012-05-15 17:02:00