National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (Oscar&Martina @ Sep 28 2009, 06:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dhc @ Sep 28 2009, 05:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ladonna @ Sep 28 2009, 01:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The fact is, we've been lied to, in writing even. I called them this morning and insisted on talking to a supervisor. I asked her politely, but firmly and repeatedly, "Why do you put something in writing that is not true? Why don't you change that letter if indeed it's a form letter?" Who else in this country can get away with putting false information in writing? They would be held accountable in a court of law. It's the basic premise of our legal system. Why put that in writing if it's not true? and not only to do it once, but to repeat the same indiscretion over and over and over? It makes no sense. The supervisor told me to put my complaint in a written letter. I said I would, but she shouldn't think doing so would be an exercise in letting off steam, because I was not just angry but incensed by the incompetence and insensitivity of this practice. They told me to call back in 15 business days. I replied I would write a letter and send it by registered mail, and call back in 2 days, and I would continue calling back every day until I got an acceptable answer. They should not be allowed to perpetuate such behavior with impunity. If I don't have some resolution to this matter, I'll contact my congressional representatives. None of you should accept this situation. They should stop sending us misleading and blatantly false letters, and they should either process our petitions efficiently or give us a reasonable explanation as to why they are being held.

Totally agree. I've sent an e-mail 4x now and have yet to get a reply. On one of the e-mails I expressed my concern regarding the misleading notification letter. Which is an outright lie for those of us in AP.

It took them 12 days to respond to my email. I only sent one. It gives pause for thought to the expression "Snail Mail".

By the way Im from Texas too. whistling.gif

What a great list that is! Wonderful job, thank you. Everyone stuck in NVC should check out Thantita's list... It won't help you get out of NVC, but at least you can see the company you're in... I notice we're the only K-1 filers from Italy stuck in NVC ... blink.gif
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-28 18:26:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
The fact is, we've been lied to, in writing even. I called them this morning and insisted on talking to a supervisor. I asked her politely, but firmly and repeatedly, "Why do you put something in writing that is not true? Why don't you change that letter if indeed it's a form letter?" Who else in this country can get away with putting false information in writing? They would be held accountable in a court of law. It's the basic premise of our legal system. Why put that in writing if it's not true? and not only to do it once, but to repeat the same indiscretion over and over and over? It makes no sense. The supervisor told me to put my complaint in a written letter. I said I would, but she shouldn't think doing so would be an exercise in letting off steam, because I was not just angry but incensed by the incompetence and insensitivity of this practice. They told me to call back in 15 business days. I replied I would write a letter and send it by registered mail, and call back in 2 days, and I would continue calling back every day until I got an acceptable answer. They should not be allowed to perpetuate such behavior with impunity. If I don't have some resolution to this matter, I'll contact my congressional representatives. None of you should accept this situation. They should stop sending us misleading and blatantly false letters, and they should either process our petitions efficiently or give us a reasonable explanation as to why they are being held.
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-28 15:03:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
I encourage all those who have received the Form I-797 and/or a letter from NVC stating definitively that your petition has been approved and forwarded to the consulate, you should call NVC and complain frequently and vociferously about this situation. Not only is it misleading and disconcerting, it starts the expiration time for your visa processing, giving it a deadline which you may have to extend, adding even more to a burdensome and cumbersome process. This is inhuman treatment. What other entity might, with impunity, provide a person with false and misleading information? This is not a soviet state or a fascist regime. We are entitled to respect and accountability from those who represent us.


And those of you who actually contact your congressional representatives, tell them about this situation. This should not be allowed to continue. At least half of us here are American citizens, and the other half are trying to become American citizens.
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-27 12:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
ok, I'm confused ... Weeks ago we received a Form I-797, saying our petition is approved and being forwarded to the consulate. But some time after we received that notice, the consulate still doesn't have our petition, so I called to NVC and they said our petition is in AP status at NVC.

Here is my question: Have all of you (or any of you) also received the Form I-797? It makes no sense.
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-27 10:57:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (JAPrincess @ Sep 25 2009, 11:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mari joe @ Sep 25 2009, 08:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
After a long voyage of 5 ½ months……………………
It was a bright and sunny day; I was on a short trip along the coast and I could see the beach enjoyed the sights and sounds as it would be just a few days to get home (USEM). Suddenly I was swept out to sea by a powerful force (NVC) that ripped my sail (my momentum) and flipped my boat (my petition) with no way to navigate. I had to climb onto the hull and hold on. As the days go by I see many other boats passing me by, going in all directions to their destination; most are fast and a few are slow, but they cannot help me. My body is burned (anger) and I am dehydrated (sapped of strength), thirsting for water when there is water all around. Day turns to night and night into day with no end or direction of where I am. Sometimes I wake up and see land and call out for help but it is only an illusion, the force is keeping me at sea. How I pray every day it will send me to my destination; my love waits for me there. It is day 21 now and I know I am delirious, fearing I will lose my grip and slip into the abyss.

Very poetic, brava! I wonder if you met your fiance online... I have this theory that people who meet online often have better communication skills, and tend toward a certain sexy nerdiness or nerdy sexuality, and are strongly expressive

this is off-topic, but someone please tell me how to insert a photo so it shows on your messages. Thanks smile.gif

ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-25 12:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (crazymazy @ Sep 25 2009, 03:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You think they might have like office pool ? like end of week they tally how many hang ups, ask for supervisors, go to H***, I am going to sue, you will be hearing from my congressman and the one with the most everyone has to buy the beer for on friday night ?? rofl.gif

Maybe they provide the food there for the call center workers - and maybe is like back in the old days - where they put the saltpeter in it so they are all mellow out are something ..

I have never dealt with agency that was so non human in dealing with customers - I have never gotten angry with any of the operators there and have been pretty nice and have always said yes sir/mam no sir/mam etc.

I wonder if would get any response if just broke down crying over phone ?? cray5ol.gif


I think they would win the lottery that week if they made you cry audibly. Probably record it and play it back at their awards ceremony!
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-25 08:00:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (Matt & Bing @ Sep 25 2009, 06:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Maverick64 @ Sep 24 2009, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Day 38...still AP Hell...I am beyond furious. I am now beginning to believe that something is wrong. called my Congresswoman's office yesterday and they informed me that she faxed a request on Friday 18th requesting a status on the case. They told me give it a week and it usually makes the case go to the top of the pile. From what I can tell, I think I am now the longest currently in AP here on VJ. Really, I feel like giving up.

Why would you believe "something is wrong"? Like everyone else in this thread, you are in AP. It just delays your case being sent on. I know how frustrating it is but you are most likely 2 weeks at the most from being released. Why on earth would you "give up"?!? (I don't even know what "giving up" would mean at this point.)

Hopefully you are already at the top of the pile, Maverick ... what a torture! 38 days ... I'm sorry for you. I fear the same fate. There is not much to do, just wait and wait. I really believe it's random at NVC, unless you made some glaring error. It seems a dice roll ... some move through quickly, others get stuck without rhyme or reason... hang in there and try to calm yourself.
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-25 07:57:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
And sometimes, in the midst of all this angst, I catch myself becoming a tad paranoid, and I begin to wonder if there is some clerk at NVC whose job it is to monitor this website for those who are critical of the system, and then they place those petitions in a special file in a very dark corner of some back room, where they will mold and rot.
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-25 07:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (crazymazy @ Sep 25 2009, 03:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You think they might have like office pool ? like end of week they tally how many hang ups, ask for supervisors, go to H***, I am going to sue, you will be hearing from my congressman and the one with the most everyone has to buy the beer for on friday night ?? rofl.gif

Maybe they provide the food there for the call center workers - and maybe is like back in the old days - where they put the saltpeter in it so they are all mellow out are something ..

I have never dealt with agency that was so non human in dealing with customers - I have never gotten angry with any of the operators there and have been pretty nice and have always said yes sir/mam no sir/mam etc.

I wonder if would get any response if just broke down crying over phone ?? cray5ol.gif


OMG CRAZY! every time I read your words, I laugh so hard. My fiance is listening to me with the microphone through MSN Messenger and he keeps asking me to explain what you said, but I can't explain it, I just laugh more and more.
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-25 07:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (crazymazy @ Sep 24 2009, 04:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There seem to be alot of Texans stuck in AP dry.gif

Here is too another day and another chance to get out of AP - I swear this is what my life has become

After I get him here ( if this is ever a reality ) and probably after we are married and might even for the safety sake have green card and rest of process done - lol - I am going to form small grassroot movement to overhaul this mess

Well is not really mess - they do handle alot of applications and you know can not be easy trying to work w different presidents and different political movements

Maybe this whole sector of the government should be taken over by a private identity or something - who knows - but if anything - would like to see some sweeping changes in the NVC - they seem a bit more like the KGB then some United States Government Dept

You know if you look at the basic purpose of a k-1 - it is so simple in theory with such sweet intentions - Yes you can bring your sweetie here to spend some time w him/her and marry them - if does not work out is ok - they can go back - no harm done - things happen in a relationship - is ok - we understand this

But is like that have taken this and have like everything else in the government added to and decided on their own to add to and decide to make more then is.

I read in another thread on here - someone posted that this is like a "privilege " to be able to do this - it is not our "right" to be able to have our sweeties or spouses come here - when did this happen ? What is happening to the United States ? When did it not become the average citizens country ? Why is this is "privilege " - I am a free person - I can do as I wish with my life and this is my right - this is what the US is based on - we as citizens should be demanding answers from NVC - not saying oh Thank you for nothing - I mean ####### is wrong with this picture ??

Is it me ?? Even poor Stephen is afraid of posting an elected official fax number for fear of repercussions until he has his sweetie here - I found myself even writing apology letter to US embassy in Romania as before we started this journey He has applied for visitor visa and was denied and I sent a "#######" email to them - so sent a apology one just in case this is why we are in AP

I for one am so tired of kissing government's behinds - I need like mouthwash w lysol or something

lol crazy! I read your words with interest and amusement! I feel so much the same sentiments... frustration with this process and annoyance with stupidity and inefficiency and lack of empathy I feel when I contact the agencies. I know they have to discover whether we are terrorists or criminals or lepers or indigents, but is it really so hard to discover these things? And here is the basic issue: Let's say my petition (or yours) is the only one they have to process ... then it wouldn't take very long, just a few days. But they are behind because there are so many to process. Then they obviously need to improve efficiency or hire more workers, because if they are 4 months behind due to volume, then they will surely only become more and more behind as time goes on. If I can only pick 20 apples each day, but I need to pick 40 apples to keep current, then what? each day that goes by, I'm 20 apples more away from my objective. Of course I'll never catch up, but only become angry and inefficient and tired.

ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-25 07:43:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (crazymazy @ Sep 24 2009, 04:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There seem to be alot of Texans stuck in AP dry.gif

Here is too another day and another chance to get out of AP - I swear this is what my life has become

After I get him here ( if this is ever a reality ) and probably after we are married and might even for the safety sake have green card and rest of process done - lol - I am going to form small grassroot movement to overhaul this mess

Well is not really mess - they do handle alot of applications and you know can not be easy trying to work w different presidents and different political movements

Maybe this whole sector of the government should be taken over by a private identity or something - who knows - but if anything - would like to see some sweeping changes in the NVC - they seem a bit more like the KGB then some United States Government Dept

You know if you look at the basic purpose of a k-1 - it is so simple in theory with such sweet intentions - Yes you can bring your sweetie here to spend some time w him/her and marry them - if does not work out is ok - they can go back - no harm done - things happen in a relationship - is ok - we understand this

But is like that have taken this and have like everything else in the government added to and decided on their own to add to and decide to make more then is.

I read in another thread on here - someone posted that this is like a "privilege " to be able to do this - it is not our "right" to be able to have our sweeties or spouses come here - when did this happen ? What is happening to the United States ? When did it not become the average citizens country ? Why is this is "privilege " - I am a free person - I can do as I wish with my life and this is my right - this is what the US is based on - we as citizens should be demanding answers from NVC - not saying oh Thank you for nothing - I mean ####### is wrong with this picture ??

Is it me ?? Even poor Stephen is afraid of posting an elected official fax number for fear of repercussions until he has his sweetie here - I found myself even writing apology letter to US embassy in Romania as before we started this journey He has applied for visitor visa and was denied and I sent a "#######" email to them - so sent a apology one just in case this is why we are in AP

I for one am so tired of kissing government's behinds - I need like mouthwash w lysol or something

I was beginning to think the same thing ... lots of Texas people in this thread! hmmm ... maybe they don't like Texas at NVC. Wonder would it help if I call and tell them I'm a transplanted Yankee (might make it worse!) lol

ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-24 12:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (Sweetjuly @ Dec 5 2008, 11:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
From what I've learned from other people here on VJ, it is quite the norm for NVC to do additional backround checks on the petitioner/beneficiary, in most cases the petitioner. It's very frustrating as they will not volunteer to tell you you are in AP unless you specifically ask them that question. We called just about everyday to ask if our case had been sent to Manila and the only answer we got was "No, not yet". We later called a second time on the same day and asked if we were in AP, and they said "Yes." Why couldnt they just disclose that from the beginning.
We were even sent 3 letters stating that our approved petition was recd by their office and that they would forward the petition to Manila within a week...... well it never left and now the waiting begins until they are done doing their checks... I have done a lot of research in VJ's timeline and the maximum for a K1 petition under AP at NVC was 4 weeks that I could see. I just hope we dont go longer than that.

Good Luck to us all, and lets pray this ends soon...

I saw one for 50 days

ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-23 15:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (Oscar&Martina @ Sep 17 2009, 09:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Stephen + Elisha @ Sep 17 2009, 12:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Day 17, still in AP. Was feeling ornery when I called so I asked to speak to a supervisor. Didn't have any additional info, but offered to send a note to "the unit that has your case" (she didn't tell me which unit that is) asking them to see if they can speed it up or at least give us some idea how much longer it's going to take. She gave me her name (Leila) and told me to call back Monday or Tuesday and ask for her.

I called today at 9:30pm. Remained calm and collected. Some guy Caleb answered. I asked for additional info and he transferred me to a Supervisor named Sophia (probably his coworker in the next cube).

I asked "Why am I in AP, was it a random pick?" She says she dose not know.
Then I ask if they have my petition there in NVC, she says yes they do.
I then asked if she has any additional information on the case that she could tell me. She just gives me the pat answer.

This is worse that waiting five months at the Vermont Center! Why? Because i see all these petitions fly out of NVC like a hot potatos while others sit and ferment in some desk drawer for some mysterious reason.

I agree this is worse than the wait at USCIS, because most cases seem to pass so quickly through NVC, then you have to wonder if they found out your second cousin twice removed got a ticket one time for jaywalking in some town in Idaho 20years ago, and they suspect you of being a criminal.

ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-23 15:19:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (Maverick64 @ Sep 23 2009, 02:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ladonna @ Sep 23 2009, 03:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I can't believe what has happened ... wondering if anyone else had a similar experience ... Sept 7 NVC sends us a letter saying our petition (K-1)is approved and is being forwarded to the consulate within 7 days. This letter contains our "A" number and our consulate case number (the one that begins with the 3 letter code of your consulate). 14 days later, I call the consulate and they haven't received it. I call back to NVC and they tell me our case was never sent to the consulate, and it's being held in AP status. They wouldn't tell me anything else. This is like going backward. The letter was not ambiguous... it was clear and definite, then they sent us backward. I feel so angry and frustrated.

I think everybody gets that letter. I got it too after they received our case from CSC..that was 37 days ago. Sorry

amazing! then they should make it clear that's a form letter and they should take out the phrase "your petition has been approved" ... No, Wait! That would be logical, kind and efficient! I don't think they know these concepts.

ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-23 14:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (Stephen + Elisha @ Sep 22 2009, 03:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Stephen + Elisha @ Sep 21 2009, 02:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just got off the phone with the supervisor at NVC (Leila) with whom I spoke last Thursday. She told me at that time that she would put in a request to find out the status of our case. She said today that they had responded to her request: they have completed their reviews and are preparing to send it out to Seoul, and that it'll definitely be leaving NVC this week.

Mind you, I'm not getting excited yet... when I find out for sure that it's been shipped, I'll breathe a little easier... and I'll wait 'til we hear from the consulate to start dancing... but I'm cautiously optimistic. This may, finally, be progress.

The operator at NVC just said our file was sent to Seoul today! I can't see the DHL tracking info yet, but I'll keep checking.

QUOTE (Paris Heart @ Sep 21 2009, 02:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats! Just watch the DHL tracking, Im doing the same thing waiting to see packet to Paris.

You can also call the State Department (202-663-1225) to see whether the file's been received and logged into the system at the embassy yet.

I'm not trying to burst your bubble, but I actually had a letter from NVC saying our case was approved and was being forwarded to the consulate, but after 2 weeks and the consulate didn't have it, I called back to NVC and they told me our case was in AP status. I had a clear letter in writing, even with our NPL (Naples Consulate code) and his Alien registration number. Good luck. Just don't believe anything until it happens. They tell you one thing and do another.

ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-23 14:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (Maverick64 @ Sep 23 2009, 02:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sweetgurl @ Sep 23 2009, 02:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
did you call to nvc and talk to a supervisor?

Yup, Yesterday...supervisor (if really she was one) said the only thing that her computer can tell her is I am still in AP.

QUOTE (lenaandbilly @ Sep 23 2009, 02:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I guess I'll never know for sure whether it made a difference, but...

I faxed my letter to the Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs on Friday afternoon;

Can you please at least point me in the direction of how you came about this information?

Thanks in advance unless it's a secret.

I would like to have that also...can PM it to me?

Me too, pleeeeeeeeeease!

QUOTE (Maverick64 @ Sep 23 2009, 01:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I thought today was day 31 for me in in AP ...but I was wrong. When I called today (still in AP) they said your case was received on August 18th....I originally thought it was received on August 24th. So this makes me actually day 37 in AP!!!!! &*3@&**!!!!!!!! No word back from my Congresswoman who supposedled called them last Thursday. I have grown very weary of this process. First the CSC loses my file after it is approved, so NVC doesn't receive it till after one month, now I am in AP for almost 1 & 1/2 months. 2 & 1/2 months lost...for nothing!

Are you referring to your Senator or your Representative in the Congress?

ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-23 14:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
I can't believe what has happened ... wondering if anyone else had a similar experience ... Sept 7 NVC sends us a letter saying our petition (K-1)is approved and is being forwarded to the consulate within 7 days. This letter contains our "A" number and our consulate case number (the one that begins with the 3 letter code of your consulate). 14 days later, I call the consulate and they haven't received it. I call back to NVC and they tell me our case was never sent to the consulate, and it's being held in AP status. They wouldn't tell me anything else. This is like going backward. The letter was not ambiguous... it was clear and definite, then they sent us backward. I feel so angry and frustrated.
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-23 14:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
QUOTE (grinchus @ Aug 24 2009, 10:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (strega @ Aug 18 2009, 09:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello everyone,,,,,,,,,,,,,got my noa2 finally and it has left NVC in route to napoli!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif i was wondering, does the consulate when receiving it , email my SO the packet or snail mail it?? im looking at the 129F petition and dont see anywhere a place for his email...just mine..does he have to call first before they send it or do they automatic send it out?? i need them to email it because he will be coming to visit me here in the US friday for 2 weeks.........helpppppppp

I got my NOA2 last week as well, though I haven't heard anything about it being on route to the NVC or Napoli. How did you find that part out? And what other paperwork have you prepared in the meantime? The I-134? I'm not sure what else to do before the packed arrives at my fiance's.

oh well, I'll never figure out how to navigate this site. I think I responded to your question in the wrong place. Just scroll, I think you'll find it. Buona fortuna! ciao
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-08 18:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaples Consulate
once you receive your hard copy of NOA2 you can call the NVC (but it's not toll free) the number is 603-334-0700. They'll tell you the status. Today they told me our case is at the NVC and it is being "held for further processing" They wouldn't tell me anything else... I hope that just means they're so spellbound reading our beautiful letters, they haven't found the presence of mind to forward it to Napoli. I can dream, can't I? anyway, they'll also give you the NVC case number, but I can't tell you what that's good for. Buona fortuna a tutti! Ciao
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-08 18:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsnvc sent approved k1 back to uscis without going to consulate
I'm fearing a similiar situation ... our K1 passed quickly from NOA1 to NOA2 then on to NVC, but now I can find out nothing... no toll free number to call NVC, no online case status check, my e-mails are returned continuously saying "I didnt furnish my case number" (but I did) ... It's been 11 days since it was sent to the NVC, and I can't find out anything. Sometimes it feels they're amusing themselves by toying with our lives.

and our approval also expires December 31 ... heavy sigh

Edited by ladonna, 11 September 2009 - 01:09 PM.

ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-11 13:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2009 CSC K-1 Filers
good luck to all !
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-18 11:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
QUOTE (sweetgurl @ Oct 1 2009, 11:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello may filers..just called nvc and finally we are out of ap at nvc. they will send the package today at manila embassy. kicking.gif

Me too Sweetgurl! Just found out one hour ago, we are out of NVC purgatory! Moving on to consulate in Napoli! Good luck to all! kicking.gif

Sweetgurl, I hope everyone you know in Phillipines are ok with the storms! What a horrible thing 2 bad storms so close together ! Everyone pray for the Phillipines!
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-10-01 12:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
QUOTE (Tina&Roland @ Sep 29 2009, 07:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I called DoS again and they were able to confirm the date it was sent out. It might take about a week after it gets to the consulate for the consulate to record your case in their system. It took mine about 5 business days to get it into the Montreal system. After about a week, you can call DoS again to ask if your case is in the consulate system.

Hope this helps!


congratulations you two ... Best of luck with interview!

ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-30 16:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
QUOTE (DND2009 @ Sep 30 2009, 04:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I Called NVC and they sent the case to the Embassy today!!!! And on DHL's website it says a packaged was picked up at 4:06pm headed to Mumbai! Hope that is mine!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations! I hope you move quickly now good.gif

ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-30 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
QUOTE (Tina&Roland @ Sep 28 2009, 01:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DND2009 @ Sep 28 2009, 02:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys - I see that you guys are posting in your signature 'NVC letter received' - what is that?

Hi DND2009,

It's just the hard copy of the NVC letter saying they have forwarded to the consulate.


And don't believe it ... it's not worth anything. They send that letter to everyone, and then half of them get stuck in AP anyway, with no end in sight. Good luck.

ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-28 16:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
QUOTE (licia @ Sep 27 2009, 08:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ladonna @ Sep 27 2009, 07:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ladonna @ Sep 27 2009, 06:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (eltemp @ Sep 26 2009, 07:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (licia @ Sep 26 2009, 07:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Salut a tous,
I received letter from NVC today regarding my approved I29F. they have forwarded it to paris and I saw that it was delivered. kicking.gif

Ladonna, how are you? how is your case progressing?
Good lock to everyone.

Tres bien Licia!!!

What date is the letter from?? I hope I get mine on Monday, so that I can find out my case number.... and the embassy in CCS has not responded.... so we'll wait on that too tongue.gif... not like I can do something else... rofl.gif

Licia! Ciao cara! Well, we're stuck in NVC now, and I've pretty much abandoned this thread for the time being and moved to the "stuck in NVC" thread. mad.gif Now my Love is planning another trip here to the States to stay with me a few weeks, given we're in I-129f Purgatory. crying.gif

I'm so happy for all those who are making progress, but then it also makes me sad each time I see someone else's case progressing and ours is stalled. Last year I endured 5 weeks without electricity after Hurricane Ike came here where I live. Then the media would say, "85% of houses have electricity restored" ... then "90% ..." then "95% have electricity restored... that only made me feel worse, knowing I was in the last 5% to have electricity restored, although of course I was happy for those who had it already! This is a similar feeling. sad.gif

OOO Ladonna, this is so sad and i feel really bad and sorry for you. Give it this week before planning anything else. because what if your love comes and then NVC sends your package? then he'll have to return before his expected date of return, and that's gonna be a wait for you two. so please be strong and keep praying, i'm praying for you too. when you call NVC what do they tell you? have they given you a case number yet? if yes, then they've probably sent it to the embassy. you cann call they embassy and see if they've gotten it.
don't be sad, it'll be fine.

yes, i've called them several times and they tell you nothing ... this in spite they sent me a definitive letter on Sep 7 saying our petition was approved and would be forwarded to the consulate by September 14. Then I found out this letter means nothing, even though it had our case number, our alien number, everything...Everyone gets this letter, but it means nothing. Now in the NVC thread, they talk about horror stories of being stuck in NVC for up to 50 days, for no reason... it's like a lottery. Thank you for your sweet words, and I wish the best luck to all. ANyway, if he comes here and we get the notice from the consulate, we still don't have to answer them immediately. He might stay here 3 or 4 weeks, anyway, it's better than nothing. We miss each other terribly. We haven't been together since March 30, when he was forced to leave because of the 90 day limit on visa waiver. Then we decided we wanted to live together forever, so we started the petition process.
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-27 09:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
QUOTE (ladonna @ Sep 27 2009, 06:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (eltemp @ Sep 26 2009, 07:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (licia @ Sep 26 2009, 07:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Salut a tous,
I received letter from NVC today regarding my approved I29F. they have forwarded it to paris and I saw that it was delivered. kicking.gif

Ladonna, how are you? how is your case progressing?
Good lock to everyone.

Tres bien Licia!!!

What date is the letter from?? I hope I get mine on Monday, so that I can find out my case number.... and the embassy in CCS has not responded.... so we'll wait on that too tongue.gif... not like I can do something else... rofl.gif

Licia! Ciao cara! Well, we're stuck in NVC now, and I've pretty much abandoned this thread for the time being and moved to the "stuck in NVC" thread. mad.gif Now my Love is planning another trip here to the States to stay with me a few weeks, given we're in I-129f Purgatory. crying.gif

I'm so happy for all those who are making progress, but then it also makes me sad each time I see someone else's case progressing and ours is stalled. Last year I endured 5 weeks without electricity after Hurricane Ike came here where I live. Then the media would say, "85% of houses have electricity restored" ... then "90% ..." then "95% have electricity restored... that only made me feel worse, knowing I was in the last 5% to have electricity restored, although of course I was happy for those who had it already! This is a similar feeling. sad.gif
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-27 06:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
QUOTE (eltemp @ Sep 26 2009, 07:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (licia @ Sep 26 2009, 07:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Salut a tous,
I received letter from NVC today regarding my approved I29F. they have forwarded it to paris and I saw that it was delivered. kicking.gif

Ladonna, how are you? how is your case progressing?
Good lock to everyone.

Tres bien Licia!!!

What date is the letter from?? I hope I get mine on Monday, so that I can find out my case number.... and the embassy in CCS has not responded.... so we'll wait on that too tongue.gif... not like I can do something else... rofl.gif

Licia! Ciao cara! Well, we're stuck in NVC now, and I've pretty much abandoned this thread for the time being and moved to the "stuck in NVC" thread. mad.gif Now my Love is planning another trip here to the States to stay with me a few weeks, given we're in I-129f Purgatory. crying.gif
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-27 06:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
QUOTE (Leo&Farah @ Sep 24 2009, 11:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (popthecork @ Sep 24 2009, 09:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello All May VSC filers:
Just wanted to let everyone know that our visa was received yesterday and he is on a plane tonight! Thank you all so much for the information and support and I will continue to follow along with your progresses!!!
kicking.gif whistling.gif kicking.gif good.gif

Congrats! Good luck at POE and boy you must be besides yourself with excitement!

Oh! Congratulations! How wonderful for you two! I know you must be feeling like you're walking on a cloud now! I'm very happy for you, best wishes and don't forget the rest of us miserable souls who are here in limbo still waiting and wondering! Very very very best wishes!

QUOTE (Tina&Roland @ Sep 24 2009, 11:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey everyone,

So the good news is that Montreal has finally logged our packet into the system. I'm not sure how long after that they will send out packet 3, but at least I know it's not lost...whew! Hopefully packet 3 can be sent out today or tomorrow and I can get it next week.

Good luck to everyone! good.gif


That's so wonderful! I know you'll make fast progress now (I hope, anyway) Congratulations on this latest step, and Godspeed to you!

ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-24 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
QUOTE (DND2009 @ Sep 24 2009, 11:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just checked on DHL's website and saw something was sent to Mumbai today so called NVC but they said they still don't have any record of my case.

They said that until it comes to NVC it will come up as no record again, anyone else experience this?

yes, I had something similar, then found out I was stuck at NVC in AP status. I sincerely hope you have better luck, and go with those who pass quickly through the NVC phase. Godspeed!
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-24 11:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
QUOTE (licia @ Sep 23 2009, 07:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ladonna @ Sep 23 2009, 02:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Tina&Roland @ Sep 23 2009, 10:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ladonna @ Sep 23 2009, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm very happy for all you whose cases are proceeding, but a word of caution ... I received a letter in the mail from NVC saying my case was approved and was being forwarded to the consulate within 7 days. This letter had our consulate number assigned, our A number, everything... 2 weeks later the consulate still had not received it. I called NVC and they said our case was still there at NVC in AP status. They were not nice and not helpful in any way, telling me nothing but to wait and wait some more. This after they said (in writing) our case was approved and moving on. It seems we moved backward.


Did they tell you the specific date the package left? For us, NVC told us that our package was sent on September 16.


No, but the letter was dated Sept 7 and it said "your case has been approved by this office and within 7 days will be forwarded to the consulate where your fiance lives" (paraphrasing) They even assigned it the consulate number... the one that begins with the 3 letter code of your consulate ... ours is NPL. There was nothing ambiguous about that letter. It was clear and definite. But it was a lie. I'm feeling very angry and frustrated. And when I called asking for an explanation, they wouldn't tell me anything, just to wait for further notification. It's torture. It seems they enjoy playing with people's fate.

Hi Ladonna,
I fell bad for you and I have you in my prayer

awww, thank you, Licia, you're so sweet ... I hope your progress is better than mine. I'll pray for you, too. Now I found a forum for the poor souls who are stuck at NVC in AP status. It feels something like a leper colony. Good luck to all other my fellow May filers, and Godspeed to you all! I hope not to see you in that awful purgatory of the NVC forum. sad.gif

ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-24 11:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
QUOTE (Tina&Roland @ Sep 23 2009, 10:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ladonna @ Sep 23 2009, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm very happy for all you whose cases are proceeding, but a word of caution ... I received a letter in the mail from NVC saying my case was approved and was being forwarded to the consulate within 7 days. This letter had our consulate number assigned, our A number, everything... 2 weeks later the consulate still had not received it. I called NVC and they said our case was still there at NVC in AP status. They were not nice and not helpful in any way, telling me nothing but to wait and wait some more. This after they said (in writing) our case was approved and moving on. It seems we moved backward.


Did they tell you the specific date the package left? For us, NVC told us that our package was sent on September 16.


No, but the letter was dated Sept 7 and it said "your case has been approved by this office and within 7 days will be forwarded to the consulate where your fiance lives" (paraphrasing) They even assigned it the consulate number... the one that begins with the 3 letter code of your consulate ... ours is NPL. There was nothing ambiguous about that letter. It was clear and definite. But it was a lie. I'm feeling very angry and frustrated. And when I called asking for an explanation, they wouldn't tell me anything, just to wait for further notification. It's torture. It seems they enjoy playing with people's fate.

ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-23 13:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
I'm very happy for all you whose cases are proceeding, but a word of caution ... I received a letter in the mail from NVC saying my case was approved and was being forwarded to the consulate within 7 days. This letter had our consulate number assigned, our A number, everything... 2 weeks later the consulate still had not received it. I called NVC and they said our case was still there at NVC in AP status. They were not nice and not helpful in any way, telling me nothing but to wait and wait some more. This after they said (in writing) our case was approved and moving on. It seems we moved backward.
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-23 10:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
QUOTE (eltemp @ Sep 21 2009, 10:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (2big @ Sep 21 2009, 10:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Hey 2big,

I hope you are right... I really want to set the interview ASAP.... I'll call tonight... see if they got it... bc on USCIS shows as they sent the case I guess on the 17th because I had a touch that day.... so today is two days hopefully tonight It will be there...good luck on your process as well!!!

mine took 3 days from USCIS to NVC, then 10 days from NVC to consulate, now consulate appears sitting on their hands ... happy for you they allow you to call the consulate and set an appointment. Those bureaucrats in Naples don't even give you a number to call, except one where you have to pay 15 euro, and the call ends up in Germany at a processing center where they know nothing. I hate bureaucracy... they should contract these services out to a private enterprise, then they'd get something done quicker.
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-21 11:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
QUOTE (Jasmin&Travis @ Sep 21 2009, 06:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: EAC*********

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On September 20, 2009, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at 1-800-375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Check My Case Status and Check Processing Times.
*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

TODAY IS THE DAY!!! I KNEW IT!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Come on Jeshel, you are next!!

Thanks for all the support everyone.

Jaz good.gif

Congratulations! I hope the next steps move faster for you ... my NOA2 came quicker than the predicted 5 months, but now it seems our petition is lost somewhere. DHL site says it was delivered to Naples last Thursday, but Naples doesn't have it in their system yet... I think they're having coffee and a nice little tete-a-tete while our fate hangs in the balance. Gotta love the bureaucracy!
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-21 11:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
QUOTE (ladonna @ Sep 18 2009, 06:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (2big @ Sep 18 2009, 05:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (eltemp @ Sep 18 2009, 06:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (2big @ Sep 18 2009, 06:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Awesome!!! congrats 2big!!! good luck the rest of your journey!!
Great news guys...i just called NVC today and they got my package today and case number has been assigned to me according to my location of embassy to issue visa....LGS 2009*****. Man this is really moving fast and i love it. I hope to see my woman by December and coming to the state with me in January. I got my NOA 2 on Sept 15 and it took just two days for NVC to receive my package....sweettttttt

Awesome!!! congrats 2big!!! good luck the rest of your journey!!

using you as a template.... I hope mine will be there on Monday...

Please how do you track your package with DHL from NVC to your local US Embassy where your fiancee will receive VISA. I mean the LSG 2009 **** assigned to your case from NVC center? Does anyone know pls??

I have to look it up, I'll pm you ... look for it in a few minutes on your pm's

better i put it here, in case someone else needs it ... you can go to DHL website, then "track by reference" then put in EXP XX XXX 2009A ... but the X's are the day and month it was shipped, for example 14 SEP ... just play around with the date a bit, then you'll see a list and you scroll to look for your consulate city in the destination column

ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-18 18:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
QUOTE (2big @ Sep 18 2009, 05:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (2big @ Sep 18 2009, 06:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Tina&Roland @ Sep 18 2009, 05:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (toronto nonie @ Sep 18 2009, 04:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DND2009 @ Sep 18 2009, 04:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Are you guys able to see your status online today? I thought I read that someone saw theirs today, but when I go to it says

"Case Status, Processing Times, Office Locator, and Change of Address Online Unavailable

Case Status, Processing Times, Office Locator, and Change of Address Online will be unavailable starting on 9/18/09 5PM EST until 9/19/09 12PM"

But I've been trying since morning (note above says after 5pm) and can't get to a page where I can enter it in...

Hi DND...i was able to see my case on line this morning at 9:30 am (Toronto time), that's how i found out about my NOA2.

Site might be down because they are updating and rolling out the new website? That's my guess.

Great news guys...i just called NVC today and they got my package today and case number has been assigned to me according to my location of embassy to issue visa....LGS 2009*****. Man this is really moving fast and i love it. I hope to see my woman by December and coming to the state with me in January. I got my NOA 2 on Sept 15 and it took just two days for NVC to receive my package....sweettttttt

you can go to DHL website, then "track by reference" then put in EXP XX XXX 2009A ... but the X's are the day and month it was shipped, for example 14 SEP ... just play around with the date a bit, then you'll see a list and you scroll to look for your consulate city in the destination column

ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-18 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
QUOTE (2big @ Sep 18 2009, 05:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (eltemp @ Sep 18 2009, 06:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (2big @ Sep 18 2009, 06:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Awesome!!! congrats 2big!!! good luck the rest of your journey!!
Great news guys...i just called NVC today and they got my package today and case number has been assigned to me according to my location of embassy to issue visa....LGS 2009*****. Man this is really moving fast and i love it. I hope to see my woman by December and coming to the state with me in January. I got my NOA 2 on Sept 15 and it took just two days for NVC to receive my package....sweettttttt

Awesome!!! congrats 2big!!! good luck the rest of your journey!!

using you as a template.... I hope mine will be there on Monday...

Please how do you track your package with DHL from NVC to your local US Embassy where your fiancee will receive VISA. I mean the LSG 2009 **** assigned to your case from NVC center? Does anyone know pls??

I have to look it up, I'll pm you ... look for it in a few minutes on your pm's

ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-18 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
QUOTE (Miss Natalie @ Sep 18 2009, 06:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just called the NVC too. They have our case but we have an AP too. Can anyone tell me what this means? I thought the waiting was over. My nerves are shot as it is wacko.gif


I can tell you what it meant for me ... almost nothing! Just a couple of days delay and more angst... but look on the bright side ... these trials build character wink.gif Anyway, I was almost screaming when I heard "AP" but I never heard anything else about it, and after just a few days, they sent our petition on to the consulate. Good luck!
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-18 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
Am I the only one to just realize there are 2 different forums for May 2009 filers??? and they both have about 54 pages ... I kept wondering why sometimes the May filer forum didn't look the same as it did the last time I looked at it ... LOL ... Anyway, if there is someone else out there as slow to notice such things as I was, be aware there is a May 2009 filers forum and a May 2009 k-1 filers forum
ladonnaFemaleItaly2009-09-18 17:13:00