Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied, Reaffirmed, AP 4 months, Interview 221g sent to US to Revoke


I am so sorry that this happened to you.  You (and anyone else going through similar things, for that matter) deserve better.

I commend you for turning your pain around and focusing your energy on helping others.

I believe that because of this, a big blessing will be coming your way.

Thanks for all you've done and continue to do.


I agree Sofia. I've always been impressed by the advice coming from our experts like dwheels. One thing though...I somehow got the impression dwheels was male.  :) Not difference in my observation though..I'm sorry that you had to experience that heart-rending event, but I will always appreciate the advice you give to the rest of us who need it.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-04-23 12:41:00
United KingdomWaaaaaaaiting for interview to be done!

I understand the nerves...and you can do nothing but wait. But while you wait, don't just "wait". Talk to God, to yourself, read a book, listen to your favourite song (or a song you both like) anything that will calm your nerves. It will be ok.



Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-11-14 08:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFirst Thanksgiving

Nice of you to mention this John. I'm sure at least a few persons will enjoy the "light" moment to take their minds off the visa stress. My stress hasn't started but I appreciate this anyway.


Just like you took the time to write this, I'm taking the time to wish you and your family Happy Thanksgiving. My husband will be celebrating Thanksgiving without me, but by the grace of God, hopefully that will change for next year. smile.png

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-11-27 13:08:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi-129F and K-3

Its just so sad to see Ops making errors that are detrimental to their cases, that I'm sure ALL the relevant Immigration forms on the USCIS site provide instructions before you actually complete and submit them. Having submitted an application for a Fiance' visa (I-129F) when you are married (I-130), will definitely be a problem for the Op. smh.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-03-24 11:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Tax transcripts from prior year due to college

I hope there are no further hiccups with your case. All the best.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-12-13 13:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHooray!

Congrats to you and your loved one, and good luck on your life together.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-01-15 20:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionvisa in hand

Congrats to all those who have gotten their VISA. Good luck on your future endeavors.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-03-04 12:51:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionThanks visa journey !!! the end of..

Congratulations Jokalu! dancin5hr.gif

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-11-15 16:12:00
CanadaSeparation - Moving Back to Canada

So sorry to hear about your impending separation and divorce from your husband. I never like to hear about the breaking up of families but do what you must. I hope you will be able to get the advice here to help you with your moving, and wish you all the best. 

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-01-25 21:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHelp!

"Part 1" and "first line" of what? For you to get the help required, you need to provide an introduction to your case (category of visa applying for, etc) so that you can receive expert advice.


Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-12-09 13:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoving Conditions on 2 Yr Green Card + Travel

Hi Kaussie,


As it relates to Question 1, from what I've read here, you are about into the 90 window before the expiration date of your Green Card, and as such should be looking to file for removal now. You can check out this guide. http://www.visajourn...ontent/751guide.


Have no info on Question 2.

That should be *90-day* window

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-03-01 16:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa Approved !!

Yaaayyy! We are happy for you. I haven't started my journey yet, but I'm happy for you.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-11-14 08:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Petitioners: Be heard!


Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-11-20 16:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEmail from USCIS!!

Good job BOS_LHR. I hope the system improves as they stated. We will watch to see.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-11-20 16:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCR1 Approved Today!! Cautiously Elated...

Congrats to you and your hubby! Wow, what a Christmas and New year gift you got. dancin5hr.gif

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-11-27 14:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this normal? Question about post-interview approval

look at things this way the hardest part is over...your husband was approved and that will not are at the point where you are positive that he will be with you the greatest thing you had the opportunity of spending some quality time with him.....I can understand your frustration...look at me my fiance received his visa prior to thanksgiving as I had hoped but unfortunately I am still in the waiting process....Unfortunately someone had crashed my fiances' car and he has been dealing with this insurance issue since July...He can't  leave before this matter has been resolved because he has to take care of some things regarding the car before he leaves....KMT...SMH... I am some what OK though because I know that when this is all over he will be coming.


I can tolerate to wait for any other reason other than the interview process because hearing the words approved/denied is the most critical stage of the process/journey and you are past that so breathe...drink a glass of wine and just relax...I am hopeful he will get it before thursday....Did I say welcome back? did you bring me some of the beautiful sunshine or a little sand? lol




I hope he gets through with the insurance company within the time frame he needs to use his visa. The insurance companies here can sometimes be very tardy and cause the process to drag out longer than it should. July to December is a long period to wait for an insurance issue to be resolved. I pray he doesn't have to wait into the new year, or he may have to leave and come back to Jamaica. Can't have the insurance company mess up your future because of their tardiness.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-12-09 13:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this normal? Question about post-interview approval

Hi Guys,


Sorry that I keep posting but I am kind of freaking out at this point.  Hubby's CR1 visa was approved in Kingston Jamaica on November 26th.  DOS says everything looks really good and there are  no problems with our case.  CO said we would have the visa in about a week.  I now know not to listen to the CO.  But status on CEAC still says ready.  Its updated every day but status is not moving and its going on two weeks.  I left Jamaica yesterday without my husband it was so hard. I'm feeling a little depressed at this point. Should I be concerned? I feel so helpless.  I call DOS everyday and they tell me it is just going through normal processing.


Sorry but I just need to vent.  I thought this was over and here we are with no visa.  Can someone just make me feel better please? I am praying that something will change this week and hubby will be able to come on Saturday.  Is this a pipe dream?


Thanks for listening.






Hi BethAnn,


I'm so excited for you...having gotten to this point in your journey. Your hubby has gone through the interview and that is the penultimate end.


My husband and I got married in October 2013, and we only spent one week together (including a 3-day honeymoon). He left me to return to the US to start the process in January, and I miss him more with every passing day, our journey has not even started yet. I understand what it feels like to leave your (or watch your spouse leave) when there's nothing you can do. Take comfort in the fact that you have crossed the major hurdles and the only hiccup is waiting on your hubby to get his Passport with that visa in it. 


I pass the time by reading the stories of other VJers here and empathize with the pain (even while I brace myself for the ride). He will soon be there.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-12-09 13:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG CEAC Status Just Changed

My sincere wishes for you BethAnn and your husband..


I dream about the day when all the process will be behind me and I walk off the plane into the arms of my husband to live our lives together. Its frustrating missing him and we haven't put in the papers yet, much more to put in the papers and have to put up with the stress that will come with it. But like all the other VJers who have travelled the road, I must await my share of it. ClockWatch2.gif

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-12-12 16:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved!

Daddy? I thought it was your husband who,petitioned for you? Congratulations!


Lol! I wondered about that too..probably it was her Dad that took her to the interview. 


Congratulations to you and all the very best on your new life with your husband.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-12-10 14:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 APPLICATION APPROVED IN 13 DAYS!!! ^___^




Are you kidding me?  The "reason" some people get expedited is because they deserve it.  Marie comes from a place in the Philippines that has been devastated by a super typhoon.  Thousands are dead and tens of thousands are homeless.  I think Marie deserves a little compassion in her case.  It doesn't bother me that she is getting expedited.  I hope she gets to be with her husband very soon.



Marie and Curt,


Don't let anyone that is posting this jealous talk upset you.  You deserve a break. 


God Bless you Marie and Curt.  I wish you only the best.


Merry Christmas!!



Wow David&Zoila, did you read my post in the spirit it was sent?? I guess not.


I am in no way jealous of her and her husband because I don't yet have a jealousy is not. By all means, they (and every one else who experienced any form of disaster) deserve to be expedited. You would have noticed that I did say I wasn't singling her case out. My argument is that USCIS and NVC can really do better overall without having to be prodded and shoved by expedition requests.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-12-13 08:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 APPLICATION APPROVED IN 13 DAYS!!! ^___^

Congrats to you. That is very mixed news for a lot of VJers..especially those who have been waiting for months. My husband will be filing in January so we haven't joined the pool yet. But I have to wonder; why can't USCIS and NVC just process the applications as they come in? Why is it that someone who ask for an expedition of the case, (not singling out you Marie) gets propelled over the backlog. What if all applicants were to get expedited? wouldn't that be great...but then that would again cause a bottle-neck at the expedition que. 


It pains my heart when I read the sad stories of families that are separated for months - even years - only to know that those responsible for handling the applications CAN do better.sleep.png

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-12-12 17:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa Issued

Congrats to you and yours.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-12-18 14:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHubby arrived on Monday!!

Congrats to you both. I agree with you and the "living as a married couple should". I miss my husband so much and we havent started the process yet...will be doing so in January when I travel to the US.


But I'm happy that he made it to you with limited hassle. 


Good luck...and don't be a stranger here now smile.png

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-12-26 17:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJust want to vent a little... I am so sad... this hurts so much.

This is so difficult.  I have no idea how I've handled everything thus far. It really seems like this will never end and that I am condemned to spend the rest of my life at immigration's mercy (or lack thereof.)

My husband came to the US for graduate school in 2005 (J-1 visa, subject to INS 212(e) - two year home residency rule requirement). We met in Feb 2008 and got married in April 2011. He graduated in Dec 2011 and we couldn't adjust status due to the J-1 visa... and applying for the waiver would mean paying back over $200K to the scholarships given to him by his country. So, we began a long distance relationship flying back and forth visiting each other every 4 months.  Finally, we sent off the I-130 application July 2013.  Dec 2013, the two year residency rule expired (yay!!!) but we're still waiting and waiting for that elusive NOA2.  Our application is at the NBC. I check visa journey and the USCIS site several times a day with the hopes of seeing some kind of "approval". At this point, I'd be happy with a transfer or even an RFE!

I suffer from nightmares. I have dreams that my application has been either lost or in some cases, denied completely.  In one dream, I was at the NBC trying to find out why I was denied and I was being told to take a seat and wait... and wait and wait....

I'm in his country now visiting. This separation has been tortorous for me.. for the both of us, really.  I've been suffering from depression and anxiety.  Now it is my turn to be in graduate school (I'm a 3rd year student) and it has been so difficult going through this without him by my side.  It is so difficult to go out to places and see couples together. I die of envy. I wish that was me. I'd give anything to have my husband by my side. sad.png  I've become a recluse. I don't want to go out because seeing couples together hurts me so badly.  I have some friends who have gone through the green card process but they're all status adjusters and they don't understand.  They got to wait in the US for 2-3 months for their green cards without having to endure being separated for over 2 years because of a stupid two year rule plus immigration dragging their feet on I-130 processes.

This is so difficult. I don't know how to be strong anymore. I've come close to quitting school and everything and just flying down to my husband's country (unemployed) to be with him.  Job prospects are not good for me there and going to graduate school has been a dream of mine. I really thought that this would be easier.

Sorry, I'm crying as I write this. I just want a shoulder to lean on.  You all here understand me - especially the I-130 filers.   This is so painful and difficult. I don't know how to endure this anymore.

2013 was a $#!tty year as was 2012.  I hope that 2014 brings us all many blessings and reunites us with our loved ones.  I just want my husband back.  Why should we need a country's permission.. a damned piece of paper telling us that we can live with our spouse under the same roof?  I hate how they refer to the beneficiaries as "alien relatives". We are all human beings regardless of where in the world we come from. Why should we need bureacracy and papers granting us "permission" to live with our spouses????

This is so unbearable. I don't know how to be strong anymore sad.png  I honestly feel that my I-130 packet went to a black hole and it will never, ever be adjudicated - just like in my nightmares.



Hang in there my dear. I can empathize with your pain, although I'm just almost 3 months in my marriage. One good thing is that I'll be seeing my husband for our three month anniversary. Try to pull all the inner strength you can muster and be positive for both you and your husband..that will keep him positive too. I know my husband gets very depressed when I'm not happy, and we haven't started the journey yet. We will be submitting our application next week (January 14, 2014)


So, try practicing turning the negative talk in to positive "USCIS and NVC, you may delay my application but you will not steal my joy"..etc. We try to find ways to keep our connection as personal as we can...whatsapp, yahoo IM and video, skpye, watching movies together while we do video chats, playing Word with Friends on FB, etc...all that we can possibly do to pass the time away, but still being in touch daily. 


It will soon be've gone over 2 years already so the end of the tunnel in right around the corner. Hang in there. You can do it. dancin5hr.gif goofy.gif smile.png

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-01-09 16:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGoing to visit my husband tomorrow & to file I-130 this week

Thanks all.


I'm having a good time so far...meeting family members and having some quality time with the hubby. Leaving him next week is going to be hard, but I'm making use of the time together.dancin5hr.gif

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-01-15 20:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGoing to visit my husband tomorrow & to file I-130 this week

No Ashydad, I'm not in the US yet..however that is something my husband and I was researching both on VJ and USCIS. What I got from what I read is that the beneficiary would have to already be in the US, and I take that to mean either living there already or going to school. I'm not sure that me staying would work though because I will be travelling on a tourist visa and it could be viewed as me intending to commit visa fraud - which I do not intend to do. I could be mistaken or may be missing some information on this subject, and would need some clarity or any more information anyone else my have on the suggestion you put forward.


However, although I would have loved to be staying with my husband while he file the relevant paper work, not returning home from this trip would not be ideal for me at this time either because I have ties at home that I couldn't just leave hanging at the drop of a hat.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-01-12 19:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGoing to visit my husband tomorrow & to file I-130 this week

Hi VJers,


Today is our 3-month wedding anniversary (yipee) and I will be travelling to the US tomorrow to spend two weeks with my husband...and yes, to finally get our I-130 application out. I've been on VJ since November 2013 and I must say that I have learnt a whole lot from reading posts in this forum


So, by the end of this week our Timeline will finally take on life (yeah) and I will begin to have first hand knowledge of the system and what to expect. I know that although I've been in the shadows and have gathered as much information on the starting process, I will be checking in with my VJers just to make sure that we have all that is required, before hubby actually sends off the package. We will be ensuring that our time together with friends and family are well documented for out case file.


Thank you guys for all the information you have provided on this site, to help make the process seamless for fellow members.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-01-12 18:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - November 2013

Hello all,


I am soo enjoying this forum. I haven't filed yet so not yet apart of either USCIS or NVC...but I'm arming myself with a lot of information from just reading the posts in the many forums. I've even got to love a few people just by seeing their names and appreciating the information they are disseminating. Thank you Salin and your team of VJers for the wealth of information you possess. 

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-11-16 20:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioner's Committee--Organization and Agenda Moving Forward

I must say that I am heartened by the efforts of TheDude and others, to get the plight of CR-1/I-130 applicants addressed by those with the power to do so. I'm not in a position to do much since we have not yet sent in our application, and also the fact that I'm the beneficiary. I do however stand to support in any way I can, from where I can, in order to see the system changed to not only benefit those already in the pool now, but for those who will come in the future. I like the suggestions put made.


As it relates to supporting the cause, I'm not sure how it would work, but one suggestion is that if there are moderators for each Portal, these persons could spearhead the members from the respective countries, who would write letters/ petitions etc. to the local US Embassies in collaboration with any action that is being undertaken by the wider VJ community at any particular time.  Just a suggestion, but I think it could work if organized properly.


The journey of 1,000 miles begin with the first step - and then step after step, it will be completed. Change doesn't come by sitting down and doing nothing (I commend you TheDude). No point in cursing the dark when you can get up and go light a candle. 

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-01-28 13:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInhumane

It is a very hard process.  I remember crying a lot and being sad because I could only visit my husband for a week at a time every 3 months.  In that regard I still felt fortunate because I know others cannot visit at all.   The USC spouse cannot take a bunch of time off work and the beneficiary isn't able to visit due to tourist visa regulations.  (Which has a fix IMHO.)  My husband and I lived on Skype and fighting ended up with one of us hanging up and being frustrated that we couldn't just hug and make up.  But in the end it's better than someone who has only letters or the occasional email.  In the end I try to concentrate on the good and control the things I could control like what ended up going to the NVC. (As Canadians we get electronic processing so I spent a great deal of time making the IV and AOS packages.)  


Winter I think is an even worse time to go through this as we spend more time inside, see less sun, tend to be vitamin D deficient, and already have seasonal depression of a type.   The best thing really is to start vitamin D supplements, and try to get outside as much as possible.  Spend time with friends you likely will not see again for some time (if at all.)  Start a class.  Exercise.  Figure out how to get around where you're going to live (something I should have done more of.)  And all in all, be grateful that it's not forever and one day you will be reunited with your loved ones.  Be happy you have someone to do this process with and know they, and you, are worth this effort.   After all, this is not a process for the faint of heart and not one I would personally have undertaken if I did not, wholeheartedly, believe that this man was my soul-mate; the one person in this world I was supposed to be with; and that he felt exactly the same way.  


A very balanced response NLR. The wait is long indeed and we will continue to wonder why the USCIS and NVC can't seem to make it shorter. But while we (both beneficiary and petitioner) wait, lets not just "wait". As we wait, lets try to pass the time positively so that when we finally get to be with our loved ones, they get us in a very healthy state. Its hard being without them, but getting to them in a healthy state of body and mind will be the reward.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-01-06 10:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecrease wait time for I-130 Petition for Alien Relative

Check this out. USCIS replied to the Petition (BOS_LHR)





Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-11-20 16:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecrease wait time for I-130 Petition for Alien Relative

Petition signed.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2013-11-20 12:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHubby about to send I-130. Need a upated link with package contents


K hun, I see I basically did the same thing. My passport is still in my maiden name and I actually filed the application in my maiden name but I will definitely have to change over my documents and send a letter to the NVC to have my name changed over before my interview. Bear in mind that when you are at the interview stage in Jamaica whatever name your passport is in that is the name both your visa and green card will be in. Therefore if your want your documents in your married name you will mostly have to change over your passport to your married name at the NVC stage.


Thanks Patra. That's my plan. I didn't see the rush to do it before now because I had planned to travel in between, but I will be changing it out within the next 3-4 months. I will be changing my Driver's Licence this weekend, plus my bank accounts and other documents.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-04-02 08:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHubby about to send I-130. Need a upated link with package contents

Thanks so much Nanana, the second link is what I had been searching for.



Hi Virtuous,


This doesn't pertain to your question however I remember you asking about changing your name to your married name a couple months ago. Did you already get the chance to change over your passport to your married name and will your be using your married name in the I130 Petition?




I had it in my mind at that outset, but thought that I would still continue with my maiden name in my passport until later on down the line. I could be wrong in doing this, but as for now I haven't changed it...and furthermore, I still have lots more years on it so why change it now. I have been using my married name and so my husband will be filing the I-130 with it. l have not changed over any of my official IDs yet so I use my maiden name if I have to sign anything. I will be changing out my Driver's Licence to my married name soon. 

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-04-01 15:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHubby about to send I-130. Need a upated link with package contents

Good day Vjers,


Having been on VJ since November 2013, my hubby is now finally ready to send our I-130 petition. We have been checking and double checking all the documents we need. I know there is an up-to-date link detailing what we need in enclose in the I-130 package, but I some how cannot find it any more. Can someone post that for link for me. 


Thanks much.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-04-01 12:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVISA APPROVED!!! Here's my Interview Experience. ^_^

Congrats to you and your spouse. Many blessings for the future.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-04-07 10:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproval of I-130 for K3

Wow! Congrats in deed. Now that is the approval time I am believing God for.


My husband sent our I-130 on April 2, to the Chicago Lock box, and he received NOA 1 on April 8. It would a wonderful feeling to have our petition approved in less than the stated "5-month" processing time. 

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-04-12 14:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Approved after 162 days - So happy!!!!!

Thanks surely is a liberating feeling to jump over. Ingrid, you will soon be out of there, just a little more wait (I hope)


@ mstee81, In my excitement,  went there last night and was reading Saylin's introduction about filling out her entry form to get on to the list. I started filling it out and realized that I need to have my case # in order to get on, so I'm waiting until after the weekend for it, then try again on Monday. 

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-09-19 17:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Approved after 162 days - So happy!!!!!

Hi VJ Family, just wanted to send an update.


YEAH!! I'm so happy. Our I-130 was approved on September 17th after 5 months and 7 days (162 days) at USCIS. Our file is now on Its way to NVC. I can't wait to get our case number to get on Saylin's NVC September Filers list. Hubby and I had been reading and re-reading the NVC checklist, and is ready to face the next step.



Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-09-19 14:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports5 Months to the date our I-130 was approved!!

Congrats to you.


We received NOA 2 on September 17...5 months and 10 days after we filled. Now we are waiting until about the first week in October to start storming the gates of NVC for our case #.

Virtuous45FemaleJamaica2014-09-29 12:08:00