United KingdomUK regional forum
I don't have an issue with anyone posting here, wherever they or their partner/mother/dog may be from. I like this forum: I visit often and post rarely. Perhaps I have a gripe with people who have a feral urge to reply to every thread just to argue or contradict someone else, and I do get pissed off when people slag off something that I hold dear, but at the end of the day this is a place anyone can come along and voice their opinion, and who am I to say who can or can't come here? And for that matter, who are we to even know who here is a Brit/American/adult in 'real life'? Take as you find is a good motto to live by. If people on this board are annoying, I don't care where they're from. They're still annoying.

Just since it was mentioned, I knew nothing about any argument in the Russian Forum until it was mentioned here. But I haven't been to that forum or searched for that thread, I couldn't care less to read another gazillion pages of one-upmanship tyvm.
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-05-23 13:33:00
United KingdomPlaying video tapes from England in USA
I second what Lansbury said. I have an NTSC television and converter box, but also had to get a DVD and video player that played PAL formats as the converter converts the PAL signal from the player in order to play it on the TV (if that makes sense...)

In any case, it's spaghetti junction back there.

Good luck :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2006-06-26 02:21:00
United KingdomHas anyone got a police report in less than 40 days?

well I applied for mine about 2 week ago and got a letter in a few dyas back from the police saying there were no records held of me.. i.e i have no police record ( good little lass :innocent: )
.. is that my police report??

Yep, sounds like you got yours super-quick :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2006-07-20 02:31:00
United KingdomHas anyone got a police report in less than 40 days?
I'd make enquirues; my forty days passed without receiving my letter, I contacted Hampshire Constabulary (where I'd first applied) and they ordered me a duplicate which arrived two days later.
CandaceFemaleEngland2006-07-18 04:49:00
United KingdomPolice Certificate

Yes you only need one if you have been in the country for 12 months, see below


It's not applicable to your situation but it was a useful piece of information for mine, and may be for others, so I'll share: it's a year for any country you've lived in since the age of 16, and six months for your current country of residence and your country of nationality (e.g. if you're British but had only lived in the UK for >6 months but <12 months since the age of 16, you still need the ceritificate from the UK. If you're like me and live in a country other than your own currently, you need a certificate once you have lived there for more than six months, not a year.)

Sorry it's jumbled, I know what I wanted to say, it just didn't come out so smoothly!

Best wishes.
CandaceFemaleEngland2006-08-09 06:22:00
United KingdomTransferring funds
I'm not sure if you mean just get his sterling into a dollar account, or make regular payments? He would be better off transferring it in one or two 'lumps' rather than regular little amounts in any case; I imagine most places will charge per transaction.

I can pay UK cheques into my US bank account with Bank of America with no charges except $1.50 foreign transaction fee.

..and congrats on the visa! :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2006-08-17 02:04:00
United KingdomWife is almost here, what about me going to the UK?

However in determining whether your status has been abandoned any length of absence from the US may be considered, even if it is less than one year.

The key bit.

That's what I was trying to say but only managed with a lot more waffle - thanks Boiler! :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2006-09-12 06:54:00
United KingdomWife is almost here, what about me going to the UK?

Maggie, thanks for your sympathy. The other people who responded to my post DID NOT answer my question.
Seems like the only thing to threaten her Residency status is if we stay outside of the US for more than a year. SO, it seems perfectly fine to me that once we get our advance parole we can travel again outsisde of the US, just as long as we dont stay away for longer than 1 year. Would you agree?


Hello David,

I am not an expert but you might want to read up because I read somewhere on the USCIS site that it does not have to be 12 months out of the country, if they feel she is not 'permanent resident' in the US they are within their rights to take away the residency. This is why the first reply to your post said about being a citizen; once your wife has citizenship you can become 'travellers' again. I am in the same situation in that in time we will want to spend time in other countries but from the time of being granted permanent residency to becoming a citizen, sporadic and long travels have had to be shelved and we will make our home in the US. The first responses to your post did answer your question, even if it wasn't the answer you wanted, sorry!

Please anyone feel free to correct me if I am wrong, as I tried to look for the information I came across about 'even if you don't leave for 12 months you can still be at risk' but I couldn't find it.

Best wishes
CandaceFemaleEngland2006-09-11 05:34:00
United KingdomBirth Certificate
Although we are doing DCF Frankfurt and not London, we required EITHER a copy of the Birth Certificate OR the passport to prove the USC's nationality (at the point of lodging the I-130.)

The Alien however does need the original of the full version (and a copy for them to keep) of their birth certificate when it comes to the interview.
CandaceFemaleEngland2006-09-16 16:29:00
United KingdomVaccination at my NHS Doctors?

I'm 38. So which ones should I ask for?

I do seem to recall at some point about 3 -4 years ago somebody giving me a card with vacaccinations on. Tetanus most likely.

I have a Doctors appointment booked for next week so I could get them then if I need them.

There's a nifty little table for who-needs-what vaccinations somewhere, though damned if I can find it right now :angry: The three that you'll need are: Td (Tetanus and Diptheria,) MMR and Varicella (Chickenpox.) However, I don't think the UK vaccinates against Varicella so I'm not sure that's a requirement if you're going through London? Someone else who's had a medical there will tell you I'm sure :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2006-09-26 01:48:00
United KingdomVaccination Record?

I would hope that the UK has changed its slapdash approach to vaccination records...if anything else to avoid the expense of having to re-vaccinate already-immune children and adults because someone forgot to write down what shots little Ian and little Emma have already had.

Heh. The US paid for my re-vaccinations, I'm not complaining :whistle:

It's not a case of forgetting to write down what shots each child has. In fact, if they did forget they'd be in a huge amount of trouble. They actually document it very well. Each child also is given a record to take home with them. The problem is that people of a certain generation had their records computerised at some point and such records were not deemed essential information anymore. It makes sense as once you've had your childhood shots, when you get to adulthood, they are rarely needed to be documented apart from cases like ours.

QFT - nobody (apart from Homesick, who doesn't seem to miss an opportunity to point out the failings of the UK ;)) said the UK's approach was 'slapdash', just the fact that those of us with 'pre-computerised' childhoods do not have easy access to our records. I also no longer live in the UK which made it particularly difficult to obtain my records from my GP.
CandaceFemaleEngland2006-09-26 01:42:00
United KingdomVaccination Record?

God knows what happened to my vaccinations....I tried to get a print out and was told there was no record of any :wacko:

Exactly the same thing happened to me. I had to have them all again - the painful Tetanus knot is still there almost three weeks later!
CandaceFemaleEngland2006-09-25 08:49:00
United KingdomWill this show up in his police record??

My husband has been pulled over at least three times for things like having a hole in his exhaust, a headlight not working, or the tires being under the legal limit. They charged him, with the pink slip etc, but he got it fixed up right away every time and they didn't ever take things further.

Will this show up on the police record? And should we mention it in the Ds-230 II where it asks if you've been charged. I don't know if this is officially considered being charged, since he wasn't prosecuted or anything.

Should this affect our application?

Goodness, I should hope not (I'd never get in if it came down to producers! :)) I'm sure it's criminal convictions they're interested in.

Good luck :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2006-10-08 04:56:00
United KingdomYEY Packet 4 is here!
18th October Interviews

Congrats and Good Luck! :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2006-10-04 04:44:00
United KingdomPOE

What about flying in at Toronto??? Would that be suffice???The toronto airport is only an hour and half from where I live and it is the cheapest way for us to fly.

Toronto...the one in Canada? You can't enter the US if you don't *actually* enter the US :)

You could fly into Toronto and cross the border into the US by road, this is an acceptable way to enter.

Good luck! :)

It's obvious you've never even travelled to Canada anytime.

I was raised in Calgary.

Toronto has a PFI--so, contrary to your post, one CAN go through Toronto to enter the US (land, clear Canuck customs/immigration, then proceed to PFI and clear US customs/immigration).

CherryXS - The only thing that is 'obvious' is that I didn't know that information about Toronto having a PFI - I apologise for my misinformation Laura_and_IanM!
..I guess they left out manners and taught assumption at your school *in Calgary*.

Contrary to CherryXS's belief, I have flown into Canada and entered the US by road many times, so I was quoting on experience.

Apologies Laura_and_IanM if you thought I was being patronising - wishing you a safe and smooth POE however you do it! :)

Edited by Candace, 28 October 2006 - 04:51 AM.

CandaceFemaleEngland2006-10-28 04:46:00
United KingdomPOE

What about flying in at Toronto??? Would that be suffice???The toronto airport is only an hour and half from where I live and it is the cheapest way for us to fly.

Toronto...the one in Canada? You can't enter the US if you don't *actually* enter the US :)

You could fly into Toronto and cross the border into the US by road, this is an acceptable way to enter.

Good luck! :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2006-10-27 09:22:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you from?
I grew up in Southampton.
CandaceFemaleEngland2006-08-09 06:32:00
United KingdomI levaving on aturday!
Congratulations! :dance:

It must be a nightmare with the packing - I can't fit all my things for our month-long vacation into two cases so I don't envy you!! Wishing you a smooth journey and POE and a very happy Wedding!!!


Edited to add: Bless you, you were so excited you really cocked up the title!! :)

Edited by Candace, 15 November 2006 - 07:46 AM.

CandaceFemaleEngland2006-11-15 07:45:00
United Kingdomchicken pox jab
They don't have the vaccination in England, so I guess that's why London applicants don't get it. I don't know why they didn't tell you you'd need it for AOS but I guess as is often the way, they're only concerned with 'their bit'.

Glad you managed to get it done though :) And good on your for arguing with the cheeky woman about the price for the form!!
CandaceFemaleEngland2006-11-16 09:12:00
United KingdomFinally - done and dusted
Awesome! :dance:

Congratulations and very best wishes for a safe journey and a happy start to your new life in the US :)

CandaceFemaleEngland2007-01-28 06:16:00
United KingdomMail order brides GRRRRR

Ok, I didn't know where to put this, but I'm guessing you all might not yell at me ;) I am really irked that all these men who want wives and go on dating sites and find women from Russia and Phillipines etc are clogging the visa process up and those of us who ACTUALLY love the person we are with have to wait even longer!!! I looked on one of those stupid sites and here's a paragraph I found on the first page:

The Russian woman's attitude about herself is feminine. She expects to be treated as a lady, she is the weaker gender and knows it. The Russian woman has not been exposed to the world of rampant feminism that asserts its rights in America.

#######!!! If you believe that then move to Russia, dont bring her here! No offense to those who have met a SO from one of those countries and have a relationship. I just wish there was a seperate process for those who went out looking for a wife so we could get our fiance's here faster. Granted we have it easier than some other countries since our fiance speaks english and the flight is a lot cheaper so I shouldnt complain too much, but :-P Ok, thanks for letting me rant :) Hope we all get our visa's SUPER FAST!

Who are you to suggest that people with partners from non-western countries are not in love with them?

You think there should be a 'separate process' for people who didn't 'go looking' for a wife?? Did your partner fall into your lap from the heavens? Looking down the pub as opposed to on the Internet doesn't make you a better person, you know.

Edited by Candace, 30 January 2007 - 08:54 AM.

CandaceFemaleEngland2007-01-30 08:53:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!!
I don't think I ever heard of anyone actually being asked for the x-ray, and it is definitely okay to pack in in checked luggage, USCIS sent me a letter with my visa saying just that. No problem whatsoever about the x-ray not being sealed, mine was given to me in an unsealed envelope to begin with.

The sealed envelope will come with your passport and visa. This one *does* need to be kept sealed!

Oh, also: Congratulations! :dance:
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-02-12 07:16:00
United KingdomAnyone know where to buy PG Tips?
I bought PG Tips in World Market in WA, they tasted the same as the ones from the UK (i.e. awesome.)

You can see if there's one near you here.

Good luck! :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-02-14 04:02:00
United KingdomWhere can I get a passport notarized in London
I don't know about for this purpose so this info may be right off with regards to the ITIN, but I needed my passport notarized for the court in Nevada for the annulment of my first marriage.

I asked the court about the notary being in the UK and was told it was okay to use any notary. I called a few solicitors' offices close to where I was living, found one with a notary on staff and took my passport along. I did have to pay (I think about 30 pounds?) he took the photocopies, stamped and notarized and gave them to me (he did three copies for the same price, in case I needed more.)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-02-22 07:00:00
United Kingdomour road trip begins
Have a safe and fun trip! :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-02-20 15:50:00
United KingdomPancake Day
There *is* a bonus to not living in the UK... at 6pm tonight, there were still Jif Lemons in the supermarket! :dance:
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-02-20 15:48:00
United KingdomUK Judgement for non payment of debt

Threads dealing with this particular topic bug me. Figure out a way to pay what you owe, IMHO.

The thing is, you don't know the situation of the OP. There are lots of reasons for having an unpaid debt, not necessarily due to frivolous spending on sex, drugs and rock n' roll. The OP has asked for help in what to do, she already posted she was going to contact the company to try to work something out. So aside from making you feel holier-than-thou and the OP feel like #######, what use was your comment?
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-03-04 05:26:00
United KingdomBrit Stuff
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-03-04 05:30:00
United KingdomHow are you getting around the mothers day issue?
I sent my Mum a blank card this week for UK Mother's Day and some plants from M&S online; the US cards are not too much use in any case as she's my Mum, not my Mother nor my Mom. I have a fantastic sister who remembers to tell me when Mother's Day is in good time!
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-03-15 06:20:00
United KingdomSooo.. to be approved at interview..

Thanks for the giggle, too :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-03-29 05:47:00
United KingdomI've got my interview date!!
Congrats Tam! :dance: Awesome news.
~C x
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-04-18 10:56:00
United KingdomMore about Police Certificates

I went through Frankfurt not London but it may clear up the confusion that on the forms I was sent it asks you for Police Certificates for all countries you have lived since age 16 for over 1 year, but for your country of Nationality and your current country of residence, it is six months.

Hope that helps! :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-04-22 06:31:00
United KingdomHappy St George's Day!

Yup, St George may be the patron Saint of England, but pretty much not one person celebrates it. The only time you'll see the England flag flying everywhere is for World Cup football etc etc.

Yeah you can't swing a cat anywhere without seeing 50 zillion England Flags, and Michael Owen's face at ASDA

He was in an Asda advert and people were looking at his FACE?! :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-04-24 08:51:00
United KingdomHappy St George's Day!

It was St George's Day yesterday? I didn't see a single cross of St. George flag yesterday...bizarre! :huh:

Not really strange - we are infamous for not celebrating our Patron Saint's day in England. I think there was some survey or other that confirmed more people in England knew the date of St Patrick's Day than St George's Day. Also, until the last few years when sports have brought flags to the fore, we have not been a flag-flying nation like the US. I like to see the flags though, it would be nice to see a few more.
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-04-24 08:37:00
United KingdomWill standard UK passport photos suffice for K-1 Visa Interview?

Recommend you get US size photos for your US applications.


Agreed! I ended up getting my photos taken at the Consulate when we attended for interview, since previous Frankfurters had advised here on VJ there was one, and it happened that the photo machine there was in the German size rather than the slightly wider US size. However, would you really want an extra wait on your visa because you had photos of the wrong size? If you can get them in US size, and in the UK it doesn't seem to be too much of a problem (try a search, there are a few posts where people mention even being able to get them at their local photo store) I would certainly recommend getting them that way, to save a few grey hairs through worry if nothing else :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-04-24 12:44:00
United KingdomMonopoly

My mother-in-law is a bit working class (her kids aren't)

Hah! That made me chuckle. A 'bit' working class, how does that work? But her kids aren't? Did she give them away at bingo to be raised by someone closer to the lower middle classes?? Even if you didn't mean it to sound snobby, it really did :)

It reminds me of a friend of mine who used to have a list for potential boyfriends, and depending on the number of things she could check off about them she graded them by class and flatly refused to go out with anything from 'lower middle class' and below. I can't remember the items on the list but I think I will email her and see if she still has it! Most of it was inane blurb like if they carried a handkerchief or if they owned a barbour (sp?)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-04-27 16:45:00
United KingdomWhat not to wear

Mags, I think I caught that show once.

HA, have you seen 'The Swan'? I think there's a cruel streak here too.

Nothing along the lines of 'There's Something About Miriam' mind you, lol <----that was unreal!

Never heard of The Swan or the other one. I did catch the first series of Survivor though. :lol: I've been a while.

Oh The Swan. That was where they took a really "ugly" person away from their family for something like 3 months (?), they weren't allowed any mirrors or contact with anyone, had sh!tloads of surgery and physical training and then they had the BIG reveal at the end in front of everyone. The person was usually unrecognisable from their original face. I thought they took away the individuality from people. Made everyone look the same. Like Stepford Wives or something.

I love all that #######. But then again I'll watch pretty much anything when it comes to trashy TV :)
There's Something About Miriam was bloody hilarious too!
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-04-27 06:25:00
United KingdomTremors in Kent!

Paul Smye-Rumsby, who lives in Dover, said: "It was about 08.15 when suddenly the bed shook violently.

"I thought my wife had got cramp or something but then I saw the curtains were moving and the whole house was shaking."

LOL :lol:
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-04-28 04:31:00
United Kingdommissing London

We found a cheap, cute apt this weekend, FINALLY. Only 4.42 miles to the beach.

I HAD to buy this yesterday, it's so true. I miss Blighty sooooo much. My friends are getting married in a castle in Scotland Sept 4. We're HOPING to go over then if not, then at Xmas. I can't wait.

cool shirt :)
aww *hugs* devilette - I hope you get to go to your friends' wedding.
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-04-24 08:47:00
United KingdomP85 Question

I'm still waiting on mine too.

I mailed mine from a BFPO here in Germany in October and this thread reminded me to give my tax office in the UK a call to chase it up. I called today and they had not received it :( So luckily I have taken a photocopy, they said I could re-copy the copy, re-sign it and send it again. GRRR! But thanks for the thread reminding me :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-04-30 06:29:00