United KingdomDo you absolutely need packet 4 to get in for your scheduled interview?
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ May 26 2009, 03:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Moria just went without her P4 (it arrived days after her interview!). I think they have a list, and you should be on it.

Great, that sets my mind at rest! I thought that would probably be the case. When I was down in London for my medical I went by the Embassy and remember seeing the queues and the officials had what looked like lists that they were reffering to when talking to the waiting people. So Passport should suffice if P4 doesn't get here in time!
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-26 16:12:00
United KingdomDo you absolutely need packet 4 to get in for your scheduled interview?
QUOTE (imaisha @ May 26 2009, 12:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i wouldn't freak out just yet- because of the bank holiday and all the mail might have been delayed and you'll probably get it soon. you should however get the code and email the embassy and they can email you something confirming the interview to show just in case.

Yeah, I figured that the bank holiday yesterday would probably interfere with the post. I tried calling the Embassy line this evening to get the email code(I really wish they wouldn't change it every week!) but it was backed up on hold, so I figured I'd try later!

krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-26 13:53:00
United KingdomDo you absolutely need packet 4 to get in for your scheduled interview?
We have our interview scheduled for the 1st June, this coming Monday. We have been told that the Embassy posted it this last Thursday the 20th by the DOS, but still haven't received it. What we want to know is do we need to stress, or is it ok if we don't have it for our interview? Will they let us in? I mean we both will have our passports, surely that should be sufficient! If not what steps do we need to take in order to get one before Monday?

krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-26 13:32:00
United KingdomPacket 4 Please HELP!!!!
QUOTE (Talyss @ May 27 2009, 04:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They have a list with the names and details of all those interviewing that day at the check-in outside the embassy. When I was there there where an elderly couple who hadn't brought their letter in front of me in the queue. The security guard went inside and spoke to someone and then came back out and they were let in.

That makes me feel a whole load better thanks!
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-27 18:38:00
United KingdomPacket 4 Please HELP!!!!
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ May 27 2009, 12:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Check out Mrs_SDP's posts. She did not receive her paper packet 4 until 10 days AFTER she successfully interviewed.

(MARM's man too?)

You can try emailing and hope that they email something back that you can print out if it will help your peace of mind.

But didn't she have a print off from the Embassy? You see I afraid they won't respond to the email in time. What I want to know is, if I have neither of those things, will I still be admitted? They know I'm coming so logic says I should be fine....but then again this is Government we're dealing with!

krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-27 12:24:00
United KingdomPacket 4 Please HELP!!!!
Hi Guys.

Right I just need some reassurance that everything is going to be fine on Monday, I still haven't received my packet 4. I have phoned the Embassy and they have given me the email code, though the operator said they probably wouldn't respond on time, and that without my Packet 4 letter I would NOT be permitted to enter the Embassy for my interview. Is this true? Please I need to hear from someone who has had experience with this, I'm really getting very worried that nearly a whole years wait is going to be totally in vain! Surely they have my name on a list and corresponding it to a passport is sufficient?
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-27 11:46:00
United KingdomPacket 3 LDN
QUOTE (sammills89 @ May 27 2009, 04:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Must be something to do with British males then huh! Well good luck with your flight, how far is it on the plane from Iowa? I really would love to see Samantha but time and money just aren't permitting it right now! I don't want to risk being turned away this far in either... Hope it all goes well for you both at the embassy, will be interesting to find out if you get in okay without packet 4, here's to hoping that 1. it comes on time, and 2. if not you get in okay!

Thanks for the good wishes! Jon received packet 4 today (he had to chase down the postman, who for some reason only delivers to Jon's flat when he feels like it!)

Best of luck to you too!
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-28 09:37:00
United KingdomPacket 3 LDN
QUOTE (sammills89 @ May 27 2009, 02:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So sorry to hear that! But it's all going okay for you now right? I'm starting to panic maybe I ticket a few boxes or gave some answers wrong! On voice/web with msn to Samantha, she's told me to chill out or she's going! Haha. I really can't wait to get out there. When is your/your fiance's interview date? Sorry I wasn't sure which way round it was...

Haha. I know where she's coming from. Just two hours ago Jon and I had that same conversation....he's more of a worrier and has his interview on Monday (which I'm attending, leaving Friday!) but we still haven't received packet 4. Apparently some folks say its imperative that you have it to get into the embassy. We'll see how all that shakes out!

krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-27 14:50:00
United KingdomPacket 3 LDN
QUOTE (sammills89 @ May 27 2009, 01:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you for being so helpful! Yeah I'll wait until 8 weeks are up and as you said, if I still haven't heard anything I will get Samantha to e-mail her senator and go from there. I know I put down September for the wedding date on one of the forms, no doubt that will have a big effect on the whole thing! I was just worrying that they hadn't received everything they need too in order for them to proceed in sending me packet 4, if that all made sense...

That makes perfect sense. My fiance and I went through the same needless worrying smile.gif
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-27 13:57:00
United KingdomPacket 3 LDN
QUOTE (sammills89 @ May 27 2009, 01:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Okay so my fiancé called again today and another guy at DOS told her that as far as they know everything is there, and that they have no access to it or something but they have received packet 3 and everything was in order (as far as he knew). So they HAVE received our packet 3 back, and everything appears to be in order... I'm still not sure! What can we ask the senator exactly? Does anybody know the extent of the information they can give us? I'm almost 100% sure that everything was in order, I did checks about 50 times also! Hopefully it will all be okay! Thank you for your help guys.

Well, if you're sure they have everything you have two options.

1. Wait for them to assign an interview date (give them another two weeks. It looks like the ones they don't assign right away take about 8 weeks)
2. If you're really getting down to crunch time and need something soon, get a hold of the senator and ask him/her to send an email explaining why you need an interview date soon and asking confirmation that they have everything they need. They definitely respond to senator inquiries more often than inquiries from the general public.

I know it's frustrating; we were in your shoes at this time last week. Good luck!
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-27 13:44:00
United KingdomPacket 3 LDN
If it's any consolation, every once in a while DOS would say we hadn't sent all of our documents either. We sent them all in the same packet and I'm sure Jon checked it 37 times, so we were quite sure they were all together when they arrived at the embassy. I just think sometimes DOS says what they think may have happened. And if you take what they say as the gospel truth, you're bound to get tense (not that you're not already, I'm sure!). They deal with all the embassies and all the different visa options and I think because of that, they don't really know how long each embassy should take and what documents are required by that embassy in order for it to be a complete packet 3.

I'd try the senator. Best of luck!
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-26 16:02:00
United KingdomPacket 3 LDN
Your fiance will have 2 senators from her state. Just pick one and they'll probably have a website where you can email them about issues you're having with federal agencies. Send an email and, depending on the office, you could get a reply that day with further things you might have to do in order for them to look into your case (they might have you sign a waiver).

With DOS, press 1 and then 0 to talk to an operator.

Edited by krystiandjon, 26 May 2009 - 02:16 PM.

krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-26 14:15:00
United KingdomPacket 3 LDN
The embassy never answered any questions we sent them over email either. On their reply they say they don't respond to emails about status updates. Eventually we just started looking at it as because they don't reply, they must believe they have everything they need. And, like everyone else said, call DOS, they're quite helpful!

Oh, and if you start to get really nervous, have your senator send them an email. We'd waited 7 weeks, then had my senator's aide send an email and got the interview date 2 days after email was sent (the senator's aide called us with it).

Best of luck! I think that waiting for the interview date was the hardest part of the whole process! (and we waited 7 months for NOA2!)

krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-23 10:45:00
United Kingdomphoning DOS for interview date
QUOTE (WHITE COW @ Jun 3 2009, 03:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hiya fellow UK K1 Visa filers-

For those who phoned the DOS and got the interview date- how long after you sent in packet 3/checklist before they were able to give you the intreview date?

My finace sent the checklist May 18th (he sent the rest of packet 3 back in early April), and I have phoned the DOS every other day starting last week praying for good news.

Also- had anyone had an issue with a woman at the DOS that doesn't even look up the case. There were a couple of times that I gave the case number and the DOS lady said right away there was there are no updates and she hangs up. Doesn't seem like she had time to look at the case. But I usually phone back and ask again and get someone else who takes the time to look at my case and tells me its still pending and no interview date yet.

Seem like the same chick everytime.

Thanks for any inputs!

White Cow

I've gotten that woman at DOS! I think I must have talked to her a dozen times at least. At first, I don't think I noticed. But she's terrible! So it's not just me she would do that to....

Our interview date took forever and Jon and I were so eager we had one of my Senator's staffers send them an email asking what was up. He sent the email at 7 weeks of waiting and we had our interview date the next day.

Best of luck!
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-06-03 15:50:00
United KingdomWatching the Lions tour of SA.
Hi There all!

Well I'm finally in Iowa. It's been a long haul but I'm home, safe and sound! I was wandering if anyone knows a good website to stream Lions matches of their South African tour? I was really hoping to catch some of the Spingboks games. Plus it would be really cool to catch the last game of the tour as my Dad will be over here. He's a big fan of the Boks!


Oh yeah any sites to stream the twenty 20 games would be very appreciated!!! Or if anyone knows any US channels that would show the games- Both Rugby or Cricket.
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-06-11 12:31:00
United KingdomFed up!
QUOTE (sammills89 @ Jun 21 2009, 05:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We've been waiting well over 8 weeks for an interview date and my fiance has called the DOS every day for the last few weeks and we're getting the same 'it's fine, just keep waiting' #######! Should we be worried at all that it's still not here? I know I put down the wedding date as September 24th so that's probably not helping things. Getting quite worried about all the little problems which could arise at the interview, I really can't wait until it's all over and done with and we haven't got to worry about this phase any more. Fed up of my job and general life here in England, and I obviously miss Samantha like crazy! Really is getting too much for me I have to be honest sad.gif Oh well, rant over. Thanks for reading smile.gif

The Sams'.


Well your story sounds a lot like mine! We waited a ridiculous amount of time for nearly every part of this process! In total nearly 11 months!!! So when it hit the 7 week period of waiting for the interview, we lost our patience and contacted our local senator to request an explanation. Well that did the trick, because 3 or so days after he emailed them, he notified us that we had an interview a week and a half later.......I have little faith in the Embassy, I pretty much reackon that our application was just lying around and had been forgotten! So get your Senators involved, give them a kick up the backside!!! I'm real glad we did, Now I'm here and the nightmare is over!

Take care.

krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-06-21 19:58:00
United Kingdomworst case scenario - help!
QUOTE (*Len* @ Aug 12 2009, 01:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TayRivers @ Aug 12 2009, 10:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Contacting a congressman will do you no good, London will just tell you and the congressman that you shound NOT have made any plans until the visa was issued. To organize and book your wedding that can not be changed is very fool hardy.

Lets all hope that everything gets sorted out in time. I would not wait until the interview date to have the medical as this will delay the issue of the visa. Spend the extra it will cost for the trip south for the medical at least a week before the interview date.

True. In the interview letter they usually state precisely that. Do not make plans until your visa has been approved.

In our case, at about the same point you were at (8 weeks, no response, wedding getting CLOSE!), we did contact a senator we had worked with before because our case took more than 6 months at USCIS. His staffer was very understanding, sent an email to the embassy and in 3 days the embassy responded to his email with an interview date.

They're more reasonable than you think if you can actually get ahold of them.

And I don't think you're being unreasonable to think that a wedding 5 months after your NOA2 date should be attainable. Granted, things happen and if this process is anything it's unpredictable.

krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-08-12 16:31:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (laura819 @ May 1 2009, 09:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MARM @ May 1 2009, 10:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone know whether DOS gives updates on whether the medical results were received at the embassy and the date they were received? I was just thinking to verify that the embassy received my fiance's medical results. But I remember once I called them to ask whether P3 was in there system and they had said yes and when I inquired about the date, they would not give me a date, there reply was "we do not give dates". Is this the same case with the medical? Anyone call DOS to confirm when medical results were put in the embassy's system???

They did give me a date regarding Packet 3, but would not tell me anything about the medical. It would be worth trying though! If they do tell you, I may try calling again...

They've told me that they received our medical results...I think it was about 4-5 days after Jon's medical. But I don't recall them giving a date. Maybe they don't have the dates because I just called and the woman on the line asked what date Jon sent in his packet 3.
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-01 10:07:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (PB&JAM @ Apr 10 2009, 12:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (laura819 @ Apr 9 2009, 08:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just a quick question...on the checklist included with Packet 3, it says "notarized statement"....what is this referring to? And also, when we have to check the boxes for the documents, I am assuming we only check what applied to us?

Hi there, my fiance and i wondered the same thing, if you look above the actual checklist it says: "a notarized statement of your intent to marry". So that is the letter of intent. Not sure what they mean by notarized? Its just new letters of intent with updated dates and signed.
If anyone else knows if we have to get them notarized, please comment...but i never heard that before, think its just our letters signed with current dates.
Yes, only need to check the boxes that pertain to u! Best wishes!

Laura + Tom, sorry for whatever u are going through! rose.gif

I remember reading on the embassy website that a notarized statement is required if the NOA2 is more than 4 months old at the time of the interview. I don't know if they stick by their requirement that the statement actually be notarized or not though. Regardless, hopefully your interview will be before your NOA2 expires.
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-04-10 10:07:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
QUOTE (MonkeyJuice @ Apr 6 2009, 11:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bob and Patricia @ Apr 6 2009, 05:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KnightAndMagpie @ Apr 5 2009, 10:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mr and mrs @ Apr 5 2009, 07:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
im still exactly 50-50! dammit!

im worried that the ticket prices are going to jump DRASTICALLY in the next month. (omg, i might be married exactly one month from today! ahhh!)

but, really, the money isnt the most important thing, and if it cost $2000 to get him here, (poor magpie), thats what we would do.

another exercise in patience. im horrible at being patient. EXCEPT, that i have been able to wait 5 years to be with jamie. almost done!!

sad.gif I know. I'm on a student budget too, so I have to really skimp depending on what prices are. I'll just have to see how things go.


While reading this thread yesterday, and just for grins, Pat and I started pricing airfare for her trip to the states. We're hoping for a late May interview and she has to give a month's notice at work, so we're looking for travel near the beginning of July.

At first we priced a one-way from Manchester to Chicago on American Airlines. They have one non-stop each day. In our travels back and forth we found them to be the most reasonably priced for that route. This came out to be £745. Next we ran the same departure with a return in October.. (a return we will probably just throw away). This time the fare came to £454.

It pays to hunt around for airfare and try a round trip even if you are only planning one-way. Note, that one-way tickets might also subject you to additional security screening procedures.

Just my $.02
Bob (and Pat)

oooh where did you look for flights to Chicago? I booked mine on
I got it for 250 pounds (sorry no pound sign on my lap top as its a US one!) I bet you can get cheaper than 454. star_smile.gif

If you're going to Chicago, Aer Lingus does one way tickets for CHEAP from Dublin...I know its extra work, but its normally only 20 pounds to fly to Dublin. I looked the other day and they were about 200 euro for June...
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-04-06 11:44:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
Hi! So Jon and I are getting ready for his interview and we're working on the I134

I've been in school/traveling and last year did not make above the poverty line (my 2008 taxes reflect that!). But I've had a job since October that is pays well above the poverty line and have pay stubs/employer letter as evidence. Has anyone had experience with London and know if they will accept this?

krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-03-31 17:35:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (John & Mary @ Jun 23 2009, 05:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Hot dog! Give us a red star! We are just in from the interview and we are APPROVED! The experience was exactly like everyone says it is... nerve-wracking, tedious, and anti-climactic. However, the first free breaths on the OTHER SIDE of this visa journey were incredible. We are so thankful to everyone here for your advice and wisdom!


Congratulations! Did you two just float out of the embassy or what? Excellent!
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-06-23 08:48:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Congrats on finally arriving, mrs sdp! Funnily enough, Jon and I are taking his parents out to Rapid City after the wedding....(some honeymoon, We're excited!

Sammills, congrats on the medical and your patience waiting for packet 4 astounds me! Best of luck!

krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-06-02 09:56:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Approved!!! Interview was great, in @ 9 am out at 11:30. Now, dazed and confused from whirlwind weekend travel, I'm off to work!

I think that deserves at least one dancer smile.gif kicking.gif

Edited by krystiandjon, 02 June 2009 - 07:09 AM.

krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-06-02 07:08:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (John & Mary @ May 21 2009, 09:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all! I haven't posted in this thread before, but John and I are awaiting an interview date from the embassy, and I found this while poking around on the embassy site tonight:

Looks like that might explain why there have been a few long waits for Packet 4 as of late.

Well that's really interesting! Jon was refused entry last June and we sent the papers CBP gave him with packet 3, so they had everything they needed for this extra screening...maybe that's what took so long! If we had known that we might not have had our Senator give the embassy a little nudge and might not have an interview yet...hmmmm.

Good find, John and Mary!
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-21 22:57:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!


Congratulations!! Wishing you all the luck in the world .... kicking.gif

You know, mrs sdp, you are coming to Iowa in the most pleasant time of the year...and you'll get 6 months to fall in love with it before winter knocks some sense into you! Jon's getting the same good deal when it comes to time of year!

I've got a plane ticket all picked out, London here I come!

krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-20 16:09:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (laura819 @ May 20 2009, 11:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (krystiandjon @ May 20 2009, 12:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Another interview date to add to the list...June 1!!!! We're so excited!

I'm planning on going out for the interview but would really like to only take 1 day off work (Need the rest for the honeymoon!). What do you think my chances are for catching a 2:30 flight at Heathrow if the interview is in the morning (I don't know the time yet, but lets assume its for 8 am)?

Congrats! I think you can find out the time by calling DOS?

Yeah, it was just that I was getting a message that they were closed. But we got through and its actually at 10 am so I'm thinking that 2:30 flight will def not work! We'll keep looking though! kicking.gif
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-20 11:38:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Another interview date to add to the list...June 1!!!! We're so excited!

I'm planning on going out for the interview but would really like to only take 1 day off work (Need the rest for the honeymoon!). What do you think my chances are for catching a 2:30 flight at Heathrow if the interview is in the morning (I don't know the time yet, but lets assume its for 8 am)?
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-20 11:04:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Alixhilary @ May 18 2009, 10:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey All!

Just want to say that my visa coming 2mos..... Finally biggrin.gif

Hope everyone doesnt have to wait as long as I did!


Congrats! Did you set that wedding date after you received the visa or did the embassy cut it pretty close? If so, that must have been incredibly frustrating and stressful!

Regardless, best of luck to you both!
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-18 10:59:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (krystiandjon @ May 15 2009, 09:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
At £12 this has got to be the biggest rip off of all time!!! I was on the phone for no more than a few minutes and received no new information at all! I was told that the DS-230 part 1 form has been entered into their systems(I already knew this!) but nothing else.....Which leaves me thinking up all sorts of scenarios. Clearly they have started to process our case but seem to have abandoned it after only entering part1 information....Why? Is there something wrong? Should we be concerned? Have you nitwits misplaced it? Or are you just incompetent?(hold on those 2 go together!) ......It takes a few weeks Sir, sorry you just have to wait.....Thanks! That's what we enjoy doing.

I mean honestly how long? I suppose it's one of those, How long is a piece of string? I honestly thought all our waiting issues with the USCIS were long behind us. Guess I was wrong.

Hopefully Senator Harkins may be able to kick them up the ####.

WOW! This site actually has a censor.....####. I meant it in the donkey way, not the backside. Honest innocent.gif
Well at least that made me smile!
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-15 09:54:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
At £12 this has got to be the biggest rip off of all time!!! I was on the phone for no more than a few minutes and received no new information at all! I was told that the DS-230 part 1 form has been entered into their systems(I already knew this!) but nothing else.....Which leaves me thinking up all sorts of scenarios. Clearly they have started to process our case but seem to have abandoned it after only entering part1 information....Why? Is there something wrong? Should we be concerned? Have you nitwits misplaced it? Or are you just incompetent?(hold on those 2 go together!) ......It takes a few weeks Sir, sorry you just have to wait.....Thanks! That's what we enjoy doing.

I mean honestly how long? I suppose it's one of those, How long is a piece of string? I honestly thought all our waiting issues with the USCIS were long behind us. Guess I was wrong.

Hopefully Senator Harkins may be able to kick them up the ####.
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-15 09:49:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (KnightAndMagpie @ May 15 2009, 05:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (prima and jay @ May 15 2009, 03:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i think you should play hopscotch!

better yet "It" just run around tagging people, saying " your'e IT" and run off............. its all fun and games till you get your visa, this process makes you mad so hopefully they will understand.

crying.gif Ironically, most of my friends are either in exams, or have gone home because they've finished exams, or are on the main campus (where I'm at is a separate set of halls completely). I'm thinking that I'll see how long it'll take me to pick out all the fluff in my chair.

And Jon, I can imagine how frustrated you are the moment...they do seem to take forever with assigning an interview date. Just sit tight, I'm sure that you'll hear something soon.


This process really does make you a little loopy wacko.gif I find myself constantly refreshing my email(OK that is only in the last week!) But I'm constantly cruising the VJ site in hope of some illuminating words of wisdom....which we have found on occasion! My whole being is totally consumed with this visa nonsense and I'm starting to wonder what a normal life will be that's sad! Stupid laws and regulations!

Maybe we'll get that email reply with some awesome news today, or maybe I'll just go buy myself some ice cream good.gif

krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-15 07:01:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ May 14 2009, 11:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Actually, I think you should call the extortion line and find out what's going on. The (friendly) DOS people can only tell you what's in the system, but getting the email code maybe someone can get you some answers. Or, as someone did, try sending an email requesting a specific range of dates.

I feel a bit guilty that we sent ours in later than you (w/travel date of September) and got our date already, so I think you just need to figure out how to tickle your file into the interview line. Sorry you are having this trouble! sad.gif

Yeah, going to call the Embassy today...though not sure what use it'll be! I called them last week and was given the email code to ask about what was going on. As you can guess still no answer, this is super frustrating!!!! We call the DOS everyday and they can't tell us anything, we have got our local Senator to give them a kick up the backside. He said he'd email them a request, so not sure if that will be helpful either? I just wish there was someone we could talk directly to who could say exactly what the deal is! Anybody else had difficulties like this? Please share I'm starting to loose the plot!

Thanks Jon.
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-15 06:30:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ May 14 2009, 03:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KnightAndMagpie @ May 14 2009, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (krystiandjon @ May 14 2009, 11:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys,

So, I've got to know: are we right in thinking that after sending off packet 3 and them inputting it into their system on April 1, its about time to start worrying that we haven't received an interview date yet?

We emailed them on Fri and today I even had my Senator's aide send an you think there's anything else we can do? The wedding's July 11!


There's a bit of a backlog apparently (or so they claim, rrr!)...did you specify a travel date? You might want to call DOS in the US (+12026631225 -- hit 1, then 0) and check with them whether you might have got one yet and the letter's just being slow. Best of luck! I'm sure you'll get it soon.


I agree with Magpie .... call the DOS Krysti. If I hadn't called them, I wouldn't have known about my interview date. I had my interview Tuesday of this week and I STILL haven't had the letter from the Embassy no0pb.gif

Magpie ... so glad your visa is on the way ... ((((BIG SMILES))))

H&V .. good luck for tomorrow!!! good.gif

Moira x

I call DOS practically daily smile.gif I think sometimes they recognize my voice and tell me they haven't scheduled an interview date yet! Although today I'm sure the woman at DOS actually checked. Just time to cross fingers and hope we hear something soon...
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-14 16:28:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Hey guys,

So, I've got to know: are we right in thinking that after sending off packet 3 and them inputting it into their system on April 1, its about time to start worrying that we haven't received an interview date yet?

We emailed them on Fri and today I even had my Senator's aide send an you think there's anything else we can do? The wedding's July 11!

krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-14 14:21:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
Ha! I stalked you and you called me out. Damn....I'm just jealous of you all and your happily married lives smile.gif
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-04-06 16:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview- Whats the dress code?
QUOTE (jhcruz18 @ Dec 25 2008, 01:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'd say keep it smart casual. And dress appropriately for the weather too. Good luck!

Thanks Guys!

So smart it is! Maybe a slight casual touch. I am thinking my Cordroy pants, a button up shirt, smart shoes and a smart pullover! Think that will do the trick! Still not to sure about the hair! Has any guy out there done his interview with long hair? I mean shoulder or longer length? Please respond if you have a definite answer. If I need to I will cut it. Of course, I want to get back to my Love! But if it makes no difference then I won't. She after all would prefer that!

Any feed back will be great.

I do intend to groom and tie it back for the interview. Obviously not going into the interview looking like the wild man of Borneo!
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-12-25 14:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview- Whats the dress code?
Hi all!

It's still months off.....Still waiting on a NOA2!!! But can anyone tell me what the right type of dress code to be wearing to the interview. Is it very formal, say shirt and tie, or could you get away with smart casual. Another thing. i currently am growing my hair out. Now I'm paranoid that being a guy that may be against me in my interview. My fiance really wants me to keep it, and says she thinks it will be fine, and that it would be ridiculous if it was a problem. Well I've read some hairy(heehee!) stories on here about denied visas for all sorts of stupid things. So if someone who did their interview with long hair or knows the rap!

Thanks! Jon.
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-12-24 17:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionnervous
The rule in London is if your NOA2 is more than 4 months old at the time of the interview, you must provide a notarized statement of intent to marry. Nothing to worry about. Around here you can get things notarized at small banks.
krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-03-23 15:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs I-134 mandatory?
QUOTE (HelloWorld08 @ May 17 2009, 07:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (imaisha @ May 17 2009, 05:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you can send in your petition now and use the few months it takes to process to find the co-sponsor. it's not needed until your interview which will be at the very least, 3 months, more likely 6-12 months from now

or IF possible, have your girl, find a job....

Not necessarily acceptable...they would ask for 3 years of tax returns and might not accept it if none of her tax returns show an income above the limit. Additionally, its important to finish school and I'm not aware of too many legal jobs a woman would get that would allow here to go to school full time and make over 18 grand a year, if you know what I mean....

Don't let finances be an obstacle. Find a co sponsor. The same financial requirements exist for the K3 visa.

Edited by krystiandjon, 17 May 2009 - 07:55 PM.

krystiandjonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-05-17 19:54:00