USCIS Service CentersAre you pissed off at USCIS?
ah, yes...just a little over a year ago, we were so jealous of the folks in california...second only, of course to those going through vermont. at that time, the place you did not want to be stuck was the nebraska service center...otherwise known as the seventh level of hell.

i do sympathize, and i remember the heartbreak of being separated from my then fiance only seemed to make the time drag even slower.

i would advise you guys to broaden your perspective a bit, though...take a look at what is happening on the 'other' side of the K-1...there are some people who are stuck in FBI name-check while their AOS is pending...some as long as 2 or 3 years! in order to be most effective, it may be worth addressing the legal immigration issue as a whole, and not just fiance visas.

then again, that's just my 2 cents.
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-31 16:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)FBI Finger print check result
you will see it says in the second line: Agency USINS

that's united states immigration and naturalization services, so they're aware you were not arrested by a police officer but by an immigration officer.
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-07 09:43:00
United KingdomTaxes???
we're getting our stuff together for tax season, and i have a question, if any of you know the answer.

anthony arrived may 12 on his K-1 visa, and has not worked since that time. when i file our taxes this year, do we report the income he earned in the UK prior to moving here? does that count as "foreign earned income" since he did not live here at the time he earned it?

is there a way to apply to inland revenue to get a refund of the taxes he paid on his income to the UK? or will he be double taxed on those earnings...paying taxes both to the UK and the US? that just doesn't seem like it's the right answer.

what have you done with foreign earned income?

thanks for your help!
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-08 22:03:00
United KingdomReactions to you accent!

An english friend who married an american got stopped for speeding on their 1st anniversary. The cop let him off cos of his accent and the fact it was their anniversary, my friend then said "thanks, you're a real #######" and explained this was a term of affection like mate and buddy.

Somewhere in Tennessee there's a cop using this english slang!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Anthony once ordered a coney dog with no cheese at Sonic, and instead got a coney dog and an iced tea. :blink:

the funniest thing to me is that i have to interpret for folks when he introduces himself. he'll say to someone, "hi, i'm anthony" (ahn-thony), and then i have to interpret that as we americans say "aaanthony". heh.

i just can't bring myself to call him "ahn-thony" sounds awfully pretentious to my midwestern ears. :lol:
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-01 08:28:00
United Kingdomvisa interview dress up or casual?
i wore a skirt and blouse, and anthony wore khaki pants and a nice jumper.
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-31 16:54:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you from?
Anthony is from County Armagh, Northern Ireland. :yes:

we'll be flying there three weeks from today!!! :dance: :dance:
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-01 08:24:00
United Kingdomchicken pox jab
anthony never had the varicella vaccine, either. his doctor just wrote "not age appropriate" or something of the sort on his vaccination record, and it was fine for AOS. he didn't have any questions with it along the way.

interesting, the topic of a positive reaction to a TB test. anthony is starting nursing school in january, and just went last week for his physical. whaddya know? he tested positive for TB. he had a chest x-ray to prove there was no active disease, and the doc signed off because he, too, was immunized as a child. :)

he did end up getting the varicella vaccination at his physical last week, though, since it's required for the nursing program.
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-25 20:43:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

i used to get that question, too. "are you sure he doesn't just want a green card?"

my reply got increasingly sharp as i heard that question over and over and over again.

sometimes i would point out that if we wanted to live off the government, we'd certainly choose to live THERE rather than HERE, because the benefits were so much better. ;)

then other times, i'd reply with something like, "you know, it's kind of offensive that you think that the idea of marrying me is so totally repulsive that the ONLY reason someone would marry me was to illegally immigrate."

either way, it usually shut people up. :whistle:

Oh, Dani, didn't anybody ever ask you if he was the member of any certain covert political groups who prefer to remain underground...and that he might be running from the crown?

yeah, rebecca :lol: i heard that one a lot, too. of course, if i were to answer that question, i'd have to kill them. :lol:
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-04 15:28:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
i used to get that question, too. "are you sure he doesn't just want a green card?"

my reply got increasingly sharp as i heard that question over and over and over again.

sometimes i would point out that if we wanted to live off the government, we'd certainly choose to live THERE rather than HERE, because the benefits were so much better. ;)

then other times, i'd reply with something like, "you know, it's kind of offensive that you think that the idea of marrying me is so totally repulsive that the ONLY reason someone would marry me was to illegally immigrate."

either way, it usually shut people up. :whistle:
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-01-31 09:30:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
hooray for wes and rebecca!! :dance: :dance:

that's really excellent news!! Congratulations!
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-01-29 17:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
hey, wow...i'd forgotten about this thread!

we're preparing for a trip to Ireland August 22nd-September 9th...and i can't wait!
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-13 22:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US
hi...i'm late to this thread, but i'm going to add us to the list! :) *waves to the folks here she already knows!*

Name..............County ............ Name........State..........................VJ Amanda...........Limerick.............Rob............Ohio.......................
David...............Cork...................Erin............NY (current: FL).............David&Erin Owens
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-03 21:59:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpediating Case
sorry to say, but i highly doubt that his grandmother's impending elective surgery will in any way allow you to cut in line in front of others.
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-29 11:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarry in few days then K3-What if she gets pregnant ? PLEASE HELP!!!
USCIS does not care about moral issues such as whether you & your fiance have slept together prior to the wedding. besides, you're getting married in a few days....i doubt anyone is going to be counting on their fingers to figure out dates of conception.

good luck with your visa process, and congratulations!
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-06 06:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIntimate Examinations at Medical??
interesting topic...

when my hubby (then fiance) had his medical in UK, he was seen by a "Dr. Bagdhadi"...who was an egyptian gynecologist. he said the exam was the most thorough exam he's ever had. :lol: apparently, there was quite a bit of close inspection of his "bits".

in the end, it was sooo worth it, though...because it meant we could be together. <3
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-01 07:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI 134 question
i had a similar situation, actually. when we filed our K-1 petition, i had only been in my job for a short time, and i hadn't made that much money yet. i had been off work, caring for my terminally ill father, and so i included a letter with the application packet explaining that fact. i also included my current pay stubs, and a letter from my employer stating my salary and hire date.

i did take information along with me to the embassy for the interview from my mom, just in case they asked for a co-sponsor, but we were approved without them asking.

good luck!
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-06 06:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTax returns. Do I get em back?
the london consulate will accept a photocopy of the tax returns. just take the original along at the interview in case they wish to compare the two.
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-06 06:44:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 December 2013 Filers

Hi there!  Long time, no visit this site!  My husband came here on a F1 waaaaaay back in May, 2005...and we're just now finally getting the cash together to file for his Citizenship. :)


We just received our NOA today, stating that the application was received December 9, 2013. 


Our local office continues to be Kansas City, MO.


And now we wait...

dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-17 19:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJust got my 10 year PR after 5 months
Posted Image
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-11 08:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNever received our "Welcome" letter
awww....sorry rebecca! Posted Image
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-18 11:39:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNever received our "Welcome" letter
Hi, kids. I'm *way* early to be over here on this board, as my husband's just recently become a LPR. The thing is, we never did receive the Welcome to America letter or any other notice in the mail that his greencard had been approved. We did, however, receive the greencard. :dance:

My question is, does this matter in any way? Will USCIS ask to see a copy of this letter when we file to remove conditions, or will the actual greencard serve as evidence that he was approved?

The last thing I feel like doing right now is trying to chase down paperwork from feels REALLY good to be finished with them for a while! :thumbs:
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-18 10:22:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionhusband is very sick,do they still approve my app?

my prayers are going up for your husband and your family. i ask that God will bring healing and peace during this season.

God Bless.
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-11 07:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan fiance visit during process?

Can anyone tell me if he might have trouble getting in? I'm hoping it will be ok since we are so early in the process.

to answer your question...yes. he might have trouble getting in. it's hard to say exactly when it will show in the computer that you've applied for a fiance visa, but it *will* show. at that point, it is up to the discretion of the officer at the border.

when my husband and i were in the process, we found it much more logical for me to travel to the UK to visit him, rather than the other way around. we didn't want to risk losing the money spent on airfare in case he were to be turned away at the border. it may be worth it for your fiance to consider getting a refund or credit for his air fare, and instead flying you over to visit him.

of course, that's just my opinion.

i know there are many here on VJ who visited during the K-1 process with no problems. however, i also know there are many who were turned away at the border. it depends on if you are willing to take the risk.
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-16 09:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage before K1 Interview
i agree with the others here who say email the london consulate.

take a peek at my k-1 timeline...they were VERY accomodating for us in scheduling the interview. by the way, i don't know if it helped or not, but I (the USC) was the one who handled all contact and correspondence with the consulate. we figured that it might help if the USC contacted them. *shrug*

september 9 is still quite a way may still make it!

like others have said, maybe an engagement party would be the best bet? you two could maybe stand in front of your friends and families, hold hands, gaze into each other's eyes and say your public vows to one another...but have no officiant at all. it would definitely be the safest and most legal option, i think.

good luck!
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-31 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFor Interview DS-156 Form
i believe when we answered those questions, we wrote "permanently" and "only with USCIS approval".

good luck!
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-06 06:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen to file
i think it's all dependent upon how much you're willing to risk. when anthony and i were going through the k-1 process, we decided that it wasn't worth the risk of being held back at the POE, and so i traveled to ireland twice during the application process instead.

at his last visit prior to filiing for his k-1, he was held at the POE and questioned, as to why he had been in the US so many times recently, it made us a little gun shy.

that said, if you do decide to travel to the states while your application is pending, bring proof of your intent to return. you also may wish to consider traveling through Dublin. they have a US port of entry in the Dublin airport. that way, if you were to be turned back, you would still be close to home. :lol:

good luck!
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-06 06:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting USA
when we were going through the K-1 process, we elected to not risk it...and instead, i visited him in Ireland during the time we were waiting. I know that there are tons of people who have successfully visited their US fiances during the application process...but Anthony had already been called in for secondary screening on his last visit prior to our filing the petition..they were intent on knowing why he had been in the US for so many visits during such a short time frame. :rolleyes:

anyway, if you're worried about the POE, you could always book your flight to depart from Dublin...they have a POE in the airport. that way, if you were turned away, you'd be a lot closer to home.

good luck!
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-31 03:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresgoing in and out of the US to renew a tourist visa??? help!
i believe, if i'm not mistaken, that the 90 day stay you're talking about is the visa waiver program. the US also issues actual "tourist visas", known as a B-2. i'm not that familliar with the B-2, except from my quick googling, it looks like it's good for 6 months, and maybe sometimes renewable up to 12 months.

one word of caution...if your girlfriend gets a B-2 visa and comes to visit the US, the understanding is that she is not coming to the US with the intent to work or stay permanently. if you plan to get married while she is here, then this visa is not for you.
dani_christineFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-29 07:24:00