K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill this process ever end?

My journey through the nightmare of US immigration began in September of 2011 when my fiancee in US filed our petition. At this point our baby daughter was 6 months old. I was thinking Christmas, or February 2012 at the latest after reviewing timescales issued by USCIS. The timescales indicated 5 months. What we did not realise was that it would be 5 months before anyone at USCIS even touched our file! Thereafter a RFI followed where we had to provide photos and statements. USCIS eventual approval granted 27 March 2012. How long do we now wait to hear anything from NVC??? The notice indicated between 2 and 4 weeks, and its now almost 6 weeks. My fiancee is about to contact and I hope that this is worthwhile and encouraging, not a waste of time and depressing. I find the whole process for a developed country a complete communication nightmare from the lack of comms, to the bad indication of timeframes and the apparent poor connections between USCIS and NVC. Trying to keep positive and I will keep you updated on the journey folks! My daughter is now 13 months old, thank heavens for Skype!

Update, uddate update!!! I emailed NVC last time I posted, only to get a reply nearly 2 weeks later saying they couldn't help me. Kim (my US fiancee) emailed this week and got a reply within 48 hours! Bonus is that the reply says that my application is now with the US Embassy in London and there is even the LDN reference quoted in the email - major bonus!!! whoooooop whooooop....!!!! Got to say though that the level of communication (particularly NVC) is appaling. Really feels like you are left in limbo once USCIS done there bit. No communication at all from NVC unless you chase them is clearly not acceptable. Waiting now for communication from US Embassy - watch this space, but keeping faith....
Steve-fMaleEngland2012-05-19 03:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill this process ever end?

I'm sorry you're missing your daughter for so long. But you didn't search well enough how long the process would take. The USCIS step is only a part of it (their goal is 5 months, but it usually takes between 4-6 months). Then comes the NVC step (usually few weeks) and finally, the consulate step. I believe for London, it takes 1-2 months...

Have your fiancee received a letter from NVC with your case number? If not, just call them at (603) 334-0700 , press 1 for english, and then 5 to talk to an operator. Ask if they received your case and if yes, what is the case number (should be starting by LND). Also ask when it was sent to London. Have your receipt number ready (on your NOA1), they will also verify what is the beneficiary/petitioner names, etc. Your NOA2 date is more than a month old, so your case should have left NVC by now! I would even bet it's in London already. But it will still be good to know your case has done the NVC step and that you got your case number.

If your case is at your embassy, I can't help you much, but UK members can. If you know your case has left NVC, you may call the Department of State to know the last update on your case. Have your case number ready (the one starting by LND from NVC). Call 202-663-1225, press 1 and then 0 to talk to an operator. Just ask what is the last update on your case. :)

Thanks Didopage that is useful information. My fiancee has received nothing yet from NVC despite the USCIS saying between 2 and 4 weeks. When she called NVC, the lady she spoke to gave her an email address, saying that it was a web-page with questions to answer which clearly it is not! I will e-mail if other memmbers think this is worthwhile. I have all forms completed now, just need photo's taking and police report.
Steve-fMaleEngland2012-05-05 07:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill this process ever end?

The worst part is definitely over. I don't know much about the K1 process for London but have you checked this thread posted by Nich-Nick, the resident London K1 expert on here: :)


Good luck, I am sure things will start to move much more quickly from this point.

Thanks Cathy, that link was very useful thank you. Does anyone know what the daily opening hours are for contacting the NVC?
Steve-fMaleEngland2012-05-05 07:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill this process ever end?
My journey through the nightmare of US immigration began in September of 2011 when my fiancee in US filed our petition. At this point our baby daughter was 6 months old. I was thinking Christmas, or February 2012 at the latest after reviewing timescales issued by USCIS. The timescales indicated 5 months. What we did not realise was that it would be 5 months before anyone at USCIS even touched our file! Thereafter a RFI followed where we had to provide photos and statements. USCIS eventual approval granted 27 March 2012. How long do we now wait to hear anything from NVC??? The notice indicated between 2 and 4 weeks, and its now almost 6 weeks. My fiancee is about to contact and I hope that this is worthwhile and encouraging, not a waste of time and depressing. I find the whole process for a developed country a complete communication nightmare from the lack of comms, to the bad indication of timeframes and the apparent poor connections between USCIS and NVC. Trying to keep positive and I will keep you updated on the journey folks! My daughter is now 13 months old, thank heavens for Skype!
Steve-fMaleEngland2012-05-04 19:15:00