VietnamProving domicile/ CR-1 to get B2
OP's situation is very much like mine.

My wife and I have been together for over 6 years, married for the last 2. Originally met and resided in China and married there (she's chinese). I took a job in VN where we have lived for the last 18 months or so. I am legally working here and we both have residence cards.

My wife was denied a B1 visa twice by the Beijing embassy, both times were humiliating experiences and my wife swore never to do it again. Denied for not proving strong enough ties to China. We don't own property, etc..... Now we're married and, of course, intent to immigrate is immediately assumed. So literally no chance for a B1 visa.

6 years together and my wife has never been able to visit my home country, a fact she cannot reconcile with the ease in which I was able to work and reside legally in her home country. She just wants to visit....we don't intend to immigrate at this moment. We'd gladly accept a limited duration one time visitor visa then go the IV route when it is time to repatriate. It's mostly me that wants to go back....I have children from a previous marriage and have been away from them too long....would like to be nearer if I can. but in my profession the jobs are here in Asia.

I consulted with an experienced immigrations lawyer who deals with BKK and HCMC cases. He recommended we go CR1, take our visit, let the Green Card expire (or return it) then reapply for B1 visa. The logic, as another poster mentioned, is that not immigrating demonstrates intention to not immigrate and that she'd likely get a B1 visa after that. that's been his experience...

So anyway, we've gone through the process....all of our documents (including affadavit of support) have been confirmed/accepted by the NVC in August and we are just waiting for the interview. Now this issue of domicile has come up. I have no domicile in the US (unless you count the home my ex-wife and children are living in) so I used my mother's address. I am also clearly not employed in the US though I am actually seeking and interviewing for employment. I asked the lawyer and he said "to prove domicile you simply need a US address where you can receive mail and an intent to go back, but it does not have to be immediate intent to go back". The international company I work for has a big office in the States so I could easily state that I expect to be transferred back in the near future.

So I guess I'm wondering what might happen at the interview in HCMC. Are we going to get refused because of the domicile issue? As my spouse she's eligible to get an IV and even if the specific circumstances for immigration don't exist at the time of issuance they could well exist by the time of expiration. I am worried about being denied again. It would be devastating to my wife (and me). She just wants to visit....has no motivation to live there (though she would happily do so if I repatriated. Just wants to visit and simply can't understand why it's so difficult to do so when she's my wife....and it's so easy for me to go to China.

what a messed up system we have. the honest ones get penalized....sorry for the longwinded message.....just need a place to vent.

walbersMaleChina2012-10-02 23:45:00
VietnamPreparing for our CR-1 interview
Hi folks! We have our interview date scheduled for CR-1 IV....November 5th at HCMC.

I would like to find out if anyone has compiled a list of questions likely to be asked by the CO for a CR-1 applicant and for me, the petitioner.

My wife likes to she wants to bone up on the potential questions. I've looked on some of the resource posts but haven't found anything resembling the types of questions that might get asked.

We'll both be at the interview....will I be allowed to stand at the window with her? will there be questions directed to me?

any tips on the HCMC consulate office in general would be helpful too....

thanks for your help!

walbersMaleChina2012-10-14 21:54:00
Vietnamhealth check nightmare...
for anyone interested...we went back to the vaccination place where they quickly handed over the missing yellow vaccination record. then on to Cho Ray to the Visa Med Center where the doctor took the yellow card immediately, completed the health record and they very kindly processed the health report this morning rather than making us return in the afternoon. So....all's well that end's well....

walbersMaleChina2012-10-23 23:28:00
Vietnamhealth check nightmare...

You need the yellow paper (vaccination paper) from vaccination center on 40 Nguyen Van Troi street, Dist. Phu Nhuan

well yeah....i just found that out. Nobody told us.....neither of us are Vietnamese nor can we speak the language. my wife is Chinese and everyone here seems to think she's Vietnamese so it's very possible someone said something to her in Vietnamese about getting the yellow paper and she didn't know it. It would have been nice if we had known about this beforehand. rgds, will
walbersMaleChina2012-10-23 04:18:00
Vietnamhealth check nightmare...
you know...if it's not one's another. had my office call Cho Ray this afternoon to find out the status of the health check and they say...oh, we're waiting for the vaccination result. what vaccination result? nobody said anything to us about a vaccination result. we went there...the Dr said you need these wife got them and we left. nobody told us we were apparently supposed to hang around and get some sort of official paper that said no reaction to the shots and then take that back to Cho Ray! so now I find this out and we have to drive back down to the vaccination place tomorrow morning...get this paper....then go back to the Visa unit and drop it off...then wait for the final report.

sheesh! I tell you....if we get a blue slip on Nov 5 my wife will jump off a high building! LOL

walbersMaleChina2012-10-23 02:36:00
Vietnamhealth check nightmare...
Whew....what a circus that was, getting our health check done. I'm a white USC living here in wife is Chinese living here with me. Never been to Cho Ray hospital. Apparently neither has my driver as he dropped us off at the wrong place......which looked to be just one of maybe 7 or 8 hospitals in that block? Went to a window and managed to get someone to point us around the corner. Went to a modern looking building (silly me, I thought Cho Ray might look nice and modern like FV) but I think that was a dental hospital so they said go down the block more.....finally found it but couldn't find the visa place....someone pointed us down the hall and we ended up at an international clinic that looked promising. The first English I'd seen all day announced foreign passports/permits so I think this is it. Show our appointment letter...get a blank face. We're supposed to have an 8am appointment for which we are now 15 minutes late and my wife is freaking out. Did I mention the crowd of thousands? Many looking deathly ill? A nurse comes by and gives us some forms to fill out. They keep talking to my wife in Vietnamese as I try to explain she's Chinese and can't speak Vietnamese. I get the forms filled out and notice that the nurse keeps saying something about work permit. Uh oh! In exasperation I call my office and get one of my employees on the phone who finally tells me we're in the wrong place. Now that the nurse knows we're not there for a work permit she leads us outside the clinic and says go down there (straight into the crowd of thousands) and turn left. We try to do this and are immediately lost in a dark maze of corridors and sick people on gurneys. I see a doctor and ask him if he speaks English...and thank's good English. He's puzzled for a moment about the visa unit but finally takes me to a door and points and says it's a couple buildings over. Go down this way, turn left and go 2 blocks. OK, sounds simple enough....we do this and end up outside the hospital complex and I walk down a block and realize this can't be this time my wife has broken down into hysterical crying through sheer frustration (this whole process including the two rejections in Beijing has completely soured her on dealing with American bureauacracy) but finally I find a narrow path through the motorbike parking area and we go down that, turn the corner and there it is! So....we finally get started.....everything is going fairly smoothly except that my wife has been holding her pee all morning thinking she needs to give a she's pretty uncomfortable (by the way, no sample needed so you can pee if you need to). She's getting annoyed that it seems that people are jumping the queue. Finally she gets in....they ask her has she ever had any female problems and she mentions she had a cervical lesion removed about 6 years ago. Well, now they want to see the records on this! Records? We didn't bring any records with us. I thought this was a health check and that they'd do whatever checks were needed. So my wife completely freaks out.....wishing she had just not said anything. I head back to home, a 45 minute slog through a million scooters back to Phu My Hung and then 45 minutes back....getting there right at noon when the doctors break for lunch. So one doctor looks at the records and, not good enough....I want to see one that says you are problems. Arghhh, that's the one from SOS we did a few months ago where the results were emailed to i don't have a hard copy. Now it's across town to SOS where they print off a copy of the report. In the meantime my wife has broken down sobbing uncontrollably and the female doctor wants to know what's wrong...and my wife, who is so frustrated, says it's just not fair that she's honest and now has to go through all this trouble when probably everyone else comes in and just says no to all the questions and they sail through no problem....she's just too hard on herself. I finally get back at 1pm and it seems this report is OK so they tell her they will call tomorrow and if everything is normal we can pick up the report today. whew...

after that it was on to the vaccinations which went very smoothly....maybe only 10 minutes. I do have a question......what sort of evidence do we show regarding the vaccinations? The only thing they gave us was a schedule of the shots (there are two more) and a receipt.

thanks for reading if you made it this far. If you're planning on trying to find the visa health check office drop me a note and I'll explain it's's not easy to find. Our interview is Nov god, if we don't get a pink.....

walbersMaleChina2012-10-22 18:23:00
Vietnamquestion regarding CR-1 interview
Well...I've never seen these documents as being listed as requirements and our list of past residences is already on our application forms. At any rate, I am out of town on business this week and have no chance of preparing notarized statements in time for our interview on Monday morning so I guess we'll just have to take our chances. rgds will
walbersMaleChina2012-10-31 04:24:00
Vietnamquestion regarding CR-1 interview

It looks like you are missing two things. Ten year residency for you and your wife, and a list of her over seas relatives. They did not ask us for these forms specifically but we turned them in so they had them. I remember reading someone here received blue because they were missing these two forms. They are very easy to type up and sign. There's an example somewhere on this forum.

what 10 year residency? have no idea what this is? why do they need a list of overseas relatives? I've never seen a request for this type of info.

walbersMaleChina2012-10-30 17:20:00
Vietnamquestion regarding CR-1 interview
and so.....looking over our docs for the umpteenth time I start to notice a few typos in the forms G-325A, I-130 and DS-230. a couple misspellings....I sent all these things in many months ago and i know that i edited the docs before sending to correct some of these mistakes. unfortunately my saved copies were lost in a disc drive disaster so I'm looking at the originals with uncorrected mistakes. I can't remember if I fixed these!

and....unbelievably....i am now worried that I have our marriage date wrong....listing 11-02-2011 instead of 11-02-2010! how stupid can I possibly be? Of course, the original marriage certificate and notarized translation have the correct date (11-02-2010) and we didn't get any notice or comment from NVC so what might happen if this gets picked up by the CO at the interview next Monday? This is actually a big deal to me as we actually now qualify for the IR-1 visa as the interview is now coming right after our 2 year anniversary.

Are they gonna blue slip us? I am bringing a corrected copy of all docs just in case I failed to fix it before sending it....

walbersMaleChina2012-10-29 04:46:00
Vietnamquestion regarding CR-1 interview
Our CR-1 interview is coming up on Nov 5th. My question is what, specifically do we need to bring to the interview?

According to the interview appointment letter there were no documents indicated as being needed. Everything we have was pretty much submitted to USCIS and then the NVC, all in originals. The letter reminder is to bring any originals that weren't sent to the NVC but we don't have anything...they have it. I'll bring the health check results which we got today. I'll bring the passport photos.

I submitted the Affadavit of Support with tax returns to NVC. I will bring a copy of my most recent return anyway but I read here recently that someone got a blue slip because they didn't submit a tax transcript. The consulate office instruction says they prefer the transcript but it appears the NVC has accepted what I've sent so I am wondering if this is OK.

In the list of Documents requested by the NVC we have the following notations:

1. Immigrant Visa Application Part 1 & 2: "Y" required document has been received
2. Passport: "Y" (obviously we'll bring her original w/ VN residence card)
3. Birth Certificate: "O" The original document has been received and accepted as meeting post requirements
4. Marriage Certificate (ours): "O"
5. Marriage Termination (both parties previous marriages): "O"
6. Court Records: "F" This form not necessary for this application
7. Financial evidence: "Y" Required document has been received
8. Vietnam Police Record: "O" original document has been received and accepted.....
9. Fee payment: "$" payment received
10. Petitioner marriage certificate: "F"
11. Petitioner birth certificate: "F"

So it seems they have everything they asked for.....will they be expecting anything else? This is not a K visa situation.....we've lived together for 6 years, married for 2 so bona fide relationship doesn't seem to be an issue. I can certainly bring photographs, etc. we don't have skype/emails as we obviously live together and talk face to face and by phone. My wife is Chinese and a resident of VN due to my employment here, not Vietnamese.

Just want to make sure I'm not blindsided by something unexpected and would appreciate any and all advice. I had been working with a lawyer who was great with helping in the process and preparing documents etc. but now, when I need some last minute coaching, he's left for the US due to a family tragedy.

any interview tips for my wife would be great also. she's been denied B2 twice.....if this doesn't come through we'll be devestated.


walbersMaleChina2012-10-24 02:21:00
VietnamBlue today

IR1/CR1 requires an I-864 affidavit of support, where the requirements are spelled out in the law, and the affidavit is submitted to NVC. K1 can't use the I-864 because it's technically a non-immigrant visa, so most consulates use the I-134 affidavit of support. There are no rules in the law regarding the I-134, so consulates can ask for whatever they want. The consulate in HCMC strongly prefers the transcript. It's more reliable because it confirms that a tax return was actually filed with the figures printed on the transcript, and each page contains a 2D barcode which makes it more difficult to alter or forge. On the other hand, anyone can download a blank 1040 and blank W2 from the IRS website and print virtually anything they want on them. Fraud isn't unheard of at the consulate in HCMC.

So Jim, what you are suggesting is that for me (IR-1/CR-1) the transcripts are not required as I did the I-864 and already accepted by the NVC with no further evidence requested? that would certainly be a relief....

walbersMaleChina2012-10-29 04:37:00
VietnamBlue today
you know, this whole thing is strange.....the NVC instructions on this state clearly the supporting evidence required is complete tax returns and W2s OR the tax transcript. This is what I submitted to the NVC and it was apparently approved as it indictes such on my interview letter. I didn't find out that the HCMC Consulate office apparently PREFERS the tax transcripts until I saw OP's post. If the NVC has already accepted my documents as valid wouldn't the consulate office accept the same? Why does the consulate office give instructions that are actually contrary to the process we're told to follow with the NVC?

Luckily I saw this and I'm playing it safe by having my transcripts mailed to a family memmber and then faxed to me here where I'll hopefully get it in time for the interview.

walbersMaleChina2012-10-25 04:55:00
Vietnamdisappointed, frustrated, angry and unhappy
everything went fine....thanks for all the support and advice. we got to the consulate office around 12:50. i had been told we could go right in and straight to window #2 but we had to wait in the line outside before going in and then in the immigration section there were 3 lines in the queues set aside for the morning appointment times. no one at the window until just after 1pm. i noticed a bunch of blue slips. the front of the 3 lines started going to the window one by one, alternating, but patience eludes everyone and it was quickly a mad press for the window. being the tallest (and only white guy) I could reach over a few and get my blue slip in there. then it's getting a number and waiting. finally after about 45 minutes called for document intake....handed over the police certificate and told to wait. another 45 minute or so wait....called to the window, handed our EMS label and the white instruction sheet and told to go pay for our delivery. and that was it....

finally....Sarah relieved that a 5+ year ordeal is how to figure out how to hang on to the GC.

walbersMaleChina2012-11-16 09:25:00
Vietnamdisappointed, frustrated, angry and unhappy
finally got the police certificate yesterday afternoon.....will be in to the Consulate office today at 1pm and hopefully we'll be good to go with a couple weeks to spare! rgds, will
walbersMaleChina2012-11-15 21:05:00
Vietnamdisappointed, frustrated, angry and unhappy

guanxi rocks. Don't forget about the Chinese to English Translation step, though - usually done at another office, not the PSB.

yeah, we know all about this having had to do it for her Notarial Birth Certificate. The irony being that they asked her family did she need the police certificate and we said no...thinking the VN one was all that was needed! argh!

so the good news is 300RMB (and some shoes from me) did the trick....her brother has the certificate. getting notarized and translated today and I should have it in my hands sometime next week so we should be good to go with no delay to our plans.

after the initial frustration things have calmed down a good bit.....sorry for being so hysterical but needed to vent a bit of pressure....

thanks folks!

walbersMaleChina2012-11-06 21:14:00
Vietnamdisappointed, frustrated, angry and unhappy

I understand your frustration, however, if you read the requirements for the visa it says more than once on the DOS website that you MUST obtain police certificates from each and every country you have lived in for longer than 6 months from the age of 16. And I question how good of an immigration attorney you used if he/she didn;t know this.

yeah, I accept full responsibility....I missed that fine print and concentrated on a police report from our current country of residence. and yes, I am not happy with our immigration laywer who did not make a point of reminding us of this requirement. he repeatedly stated getting the report from VN though he knew full well that my wife is a PRC citizen and that we lived there prior to coming to VN. When I complained to him about it yesterday he basically called us a couple of whining crybabies! LOL

anyway, it appears all's well that end's well. my wife's family can apply a little guanxi and i'll provide a case of free shoes and we should have the police report sometime next week and we'll be on our way.

walbersMaleChina2012-11-05 23:31:00
Vietnamdisappointed, frustrated, angry and unhappy
yeah...we got blue slipped this morning.....and everything had gone so well up to then. We saw the pink slip during document review. the lady there asked for my 2011 taxes and luckily I had just received the 2011 transcript that weekend. a couple other odds and ends and we were good. We waited less than an hour to be called for the interview. The CO (a woman) was very friendly and even spoke Mandarin (my wife is a PRC citizen). Everything was great....she asked very few questions.....and THEN:

"you are all approved except I need a police report from CHINA!!" We got a police report from Vietnam as the instructions say...that's where we reside. nobody ever said anything (including my damn lawyer) about a police report from China. If we'd known that we could have got it months ago when we were jumping through hoops to get her birth certificate! So after the crushing disappointment of 2 B2 visa denials....all the frustration and hassle and delay in preparing our IR1-CR1 case....and then with uplifted hopes and relief that it looks like everything will be fine....only to get this blue slip. My wife is in tears......

No choice but to try and get one which is not easy....considering we're here and China is there. and now our trip back for Christmas is in jeopardy....

so frustrating....

walbersMaleChina2012-11-05 00:01:00
VietnamInterview Date

When did your case complete walbers? And it is fiance or marriage visa? Thanks

CR-1 case completed 8/14. our interview comes 3 days after our 2nd wedding anniversary. rgds, will
walbersMaleChina2012-10-13 00:14:00
VietnamInterview Date

Congrat MaiL and walbers. But walbers, Nov 11 is Sunday. When did your case complete and which category is it walbers? And i just call NVC today. Still no interview date.

hah...5:30 in the I can be forgiven for mistyping....November 5th....which is earlier than I had expected and, of course, messes up some business travel i had planned. rgds, will
walbersMaleChina2012-10-12 23:24:00
VietnamInterview Date
We too woke up this morning to find we had received our interview date of November 11, 2012!

rgds, will
walbersMaleChina2012-10-12 17:50:00
VietnamInterview Date
I just got off the phone with NVC this morning and they say they are still scheduling for HCMC. He said there was a bit of a burst last week with a bunch of interviews scheduled but that he expected they would schedule more. According to him they used to stop scheduling at a certain point in the month but he said they have been asked by various consulate offices to schedule all month as interview dates/times keep coming up through cancellations, reschedules, etc.

so we had a complete date of 8/14 and I am cautiously optimistic that we'll hear something soon.

walbersMaleChina2012-10-10 22:56:00
VietnamInterview Date
Our complete date was August 14 and we are also waiting for an interview date. I contact NVC and they say the are waiting for interview dates....I contact HCMC and they say they haven't received our case (CR1) from the NVC! Like a closed loop.....but from the sound of things on these boards it looks like we might hear something next week.

walbersMaleChina2012-10-02 08:14:00
Chinaanyone here ever surrendered their GC and then applied for tourist visa in China? in particular in Guangzhou

Hi Randy

yes.....I'm aware that we should surrender the card via I-407 and then file for the visitor visa.   I have been advised that this bodes well for granting a visitor visa as surrendering the card shows non-intent to immigrate.  Just wanted to know if anyone else had actually done it and whether anyone could advise how successful it is to be granted the visitor visa after giving up residency.




best regards


walbersMaleChina2014-10-12 20:48:00
Chinaanyone here ever surrendered their GC and then applied for tourist visa in China? in particular in Guangzhou

I am an AC, my wife is a Chinese national.  She received a green card almost 2 years ago, unfortunately my job situation changed and we didn't repatriate as expected and it looks like we'll be staying in China for at least a couple more years.


She went to the States on the GC 2 years ago this Christmas holiday and hasn't been back since then.  I understand that it's considered she's abandoned the residency and that's OK.   Our plan is to visit family again this Christmas so we plan to surrender the GC and then reapply for a tourist visa and hope that giving up the residency is proof enough that she'll return to China and they'll grant the visa.


My question is whether anyone on the forums has had a similar situation and what was the result in getting the tourist visa?   My wife was denied two tourist visas prior to our marriage.   It would crush her if she were to be denied again.    I have no problems with going back through the immigration process when it comes time to move back but for the next few years we'd just like the freedom to visit the States freely for a week or two at a time.


thanks for any comments.




walbersMaleChina2014-10-10 01:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion on my case and case progress

Hi Will,

You've got a lot going on here. I'm not an expert on spousal visas but some one will be along shortly to straighten us out on all the particulars.

I'll start by saying I'm not a fan of the advice your lawyer gave you. How long have been out of the US? I believe you are going to have residency issues that will affect your affidavit of support come interview time.

The idea of spending the time and money for a IR-1 visa just to get a B visa seems flawed to me.

thanks for the comments.....I've been out of the US for 6 years now. I am employed here in VN. Looking for opportunities to repatriate so on one hand applying for the IV is preparation should the right opportunity come along.

the problem of course is that we just want to visit at this time. We can't get a B visa. We are married now and the expectation on the part of a CO is that she will immigrate at some point. it's nearly impossible for her to convince a CO that she doesn't intend to at this time. I've done enough research online and through immigration lawyers to understand that her likelihood of rejection is very, very high. the process is so humiliating that I don't think my wife could endure another rejection. it causes alot of marital tension and frustration. So really, the only option left is to apply for the CR1. 6 years together and I lived legally in her country for 4.5 years of those....and she's never once been able to visit my home country. it's a shame and travesty to be frank about it. We are honest people, just want to visit, willing to follow all the laws and procedures but yet finding a CO willing to believe you is like winning the lottery. So the logic is that getting an IV and not immigrating proves your intent to not immigrate. FYI, I'm not a newbie to the process.....have been through it before about 15 years ago. Though a corporate assigned Immigration lawyer handled everything at that time (including expedited US citizenship while overseas).

would like to hear more from other couples who have been in a similar situation....can't get a tourist visa, just want to visit at this point in time....etc,et

to the poster above commenting on my pinyin....i've been over in Asia long enough to still mix up the old Wade-Giles style with the more modern accepted PRC version. For example I first learned of the Guangdong city Zhongshan as Chungshan. so i still mix those types of spelling .... I'm not at all a student of the language.

best regards
walbersMaleChina2012-10-02 21:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion on my case and case progress
Hi Folks....geez....wish I had found you a year ago. I hope I can gain some benefit from all of your experiences.

I am an American citizen living and working in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. My wife is a Chinese (PRC) national. We've been married for almost 2 years but have lived together (mostly in China) for 6. Before marriage she applied twice for a visitor visa to the US so I could bring her to meet my family. She was denied both times...presumably for failing to demonstrate strong ties to China (no property ownership, not a strong career background, etc, etc). Her interviews in Beijing were humiliating and insulting and she swore never to go through the process again. I know enough about the visa process to understand that getting a visitor visa is even more difficult once we got married as INS determines implied intent to immigrate once we are married and we have no intention at the moment. Just want her to visit. so....

Question #1 - I asked an immigrations lawyer about getting my wife a visitor visa and he said likely impossible. He recommended going the IV route....then getting the IV and not actually immigrating. We would use the IV to visit then come back to HCMC and let it expire. The rationale he gave was that letting it expire would clearly demonstate no intention to immigrate and then she would be given a B1 visa when we applied for a visitor visa (and then you can apply for visa status change once we finally do move stupid is that?). So......we filed for the IV visa. Was this a mistake? Are we going to have a problem when we go to the interview and can't actually prove intention to domicile at this moment? (though I am looking/interviewing and it's quite possible I could find a job in the US I'm not holding my breath) If my wife is denied again (after being told it's a slam dunk) it would be devestating to us both. She doesn't care about living there...she just wants to visit.

Question #2 - so we applied for the IV and it's all gone fine. Our case was approved at the NVC on August 14. Now waiting for the interview but can't seem to find out when we might get this interview. I contact the NVC and they say waiting for interview date from HCMC. I contact HCMC and they say they don't have the case from NVC and to contact them. How long should this take? Seems about 2 months based on what i read on the consulate website and heard from the lawyer. But in the meantime life plans and travel schedules are on hold until i know when this interview is going to take place. any thoughts on how long this might take and whether there is anyone I can contact at NVC that would actually know this info? e-mail responses tend to be standardized and the phone operators know even less it seems...though they've been uniformly polite to me.

would appreciate all your insight and advice and support. I want nothing more than to bring my wife to MeiGwo (Beautiful Country in Chinese) and show her a good time and introduce her to my family. But it seems impossible at times. I've been through it before a long time ago and I don't remember it being so difficult.

Best Regards
Will & Sarah
walbersMaleChina2012-10-02 04:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPhotos
all the photos we have are digital. do they expect these to be printed out on photo paper like the good old days or can I insert images into something like a power point presentation (done chronologically and labelled) and then print out on regular A4 and assembled into a booklet?


walbersMaleChina2012-10-24 04:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespreparing for our interview
I am a USC living/working in VN, my wife is a PRC citizen living her with me. We have our interview for IR-1/CR-1 IV scheduled for Nov 5. Our appointment letter indicates that all the documents requested by USCIS and NVC have been received and are good but it's unclear to me exactly what else is needed to bring to the interview other than evidence of bonafide relationship.

Instructions off the website in HCMC say that we should complete a form DS-230 Part 1 and a DS-2001. Is this correct? Do we bring these to the interview? What is confusing me is that the instructions say the appointment will be scheduled 1-3 months after they get these forms. But we already have our interview scheduled by the NVC so this doesn't make a lot of sense to me. If we are supposed to fill out Part 1....what about Part 2?

The rest of the instruction sheet says to bring documents like the Affidavit of Support which we've already submitted to the NVC.

It seems to me that there are several processes in place and that perhaps the instruction sheet I am referring to relates to applying directly to the consulate rather than going through USCIS and NVC?

Would appreciate a little more clarity on this, thanks. Just want to make sure we show up with all that we need.....


EDIT: OK....never mind.....i just realized that we sent the DS-230 along with the NVC packet (affidavit, police records and the like). I just get many instruction sheets laying around)

Edited by walbers, 24 October 2012 - 11:44 PM.

walbersMaleChina2012-10-24 23:37:00