K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorcing to apply for K-1 instead

umm, from what I understand, regardless if this is the OP's situation or the OP's friend's, someone gave them this advice...

we got our share of bad advice when we were going through this process too ...

Amen to that Marilyn. I was told that we absolutely positively needed an immigration lawyer, and was referred to one. They wanted to charge us 5,000 and at first said that that is all it would cost. They insisted that the paperwork alone would cost more than that if we did it on our own and that they would get our case approved quicker. What a load of BOLLOX!!! When I called the lawyer again, I spoke to someone else and they told me that no it wouldn't cost us 5,000 dollars but rather 10,000 dollars!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF SWEET JESUS!!! One bit of sage advice someone from here once told me.....RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH...don't listen to just one person, but read the immigration standards and what have you. I don't think that the USCIS would ever recommend someone to get a divorce then start all over again going for the K-1. Not only are you wasting your own time....the USCIS time, but you are also wasting OUR TIME...and others that are waiting in line to be approved and what have you............BTW...where is the OP now????

LJ :whistle:
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-19 06:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHas there been any K3 approvals??!!
Hey guys cheer up!!! :P Things will get moving for you and once they do, you will say it wasn't so bad afterall! Ian sent back his packet 3 to the London Embassy and they seem to have lost it. Ian went to resend it...this time through DHL...still no such luck. We have proof from both the Royal Mail and DHL that the cases were successfully delivered but they are still saying that they haven't recieved it. Meanwhile, others have sent theirs back the same time we did or shortly after and are getting their interview dates!!! It really sucks being so close......yet so kin far....Chins up guys.....we will all get there in the end..;)~

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-10-04 02:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWe have our interview date WOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!
After much anticipation, Ian has his interview set for October 30th, at 10 am in London. We can hardly contain our excitement right now. Thank you to everyone for your support. We will let you know the results as soon as we are back.

LJ and Ian
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-10-05 14:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 what?

Hello everyone,
I am hoping that someone can guide me in the right direction. I am still totally lost when it comes to understanding the whole visa process. I filed our I130 in January. I have been procrastinating about filing the 129F. I had planned on filing it next week when I return from visiting my husband in Morocco. We printed the forms yesterday and completed them. I checked my email this morning and found that our I130 has been approved. Does this mean that I can forego filing the 129F?
And if not; what will be the next step for us? The email stated that a letter has been mailed to me explaining everything, but I am here in Morocco and we are anxious to know what exactly does the approval mean.
We would greatly appreciate any advice :help:

I believe that you still have time to file the I129f, but it has to be done before the I130 reaches the consulate in your husbands country. Basically what is going to happen now is, your I130 is going to be sent to NBC where it will sit for a bit while they send both you and your hubby some forms that will have to be sent back asap. Once they get everything back from both ends, it will be then sent to the consulate. IMO, I think you should just wait for the I130. Chances are, it will be done before you are even thought of for an interview for the I129f. But then again, these things have a mind of their own. Good luck with your journey!!

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02007-04-11 10:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA month and no touch.. Is this normal?
Ahhhhhhhh...the memories of waiting to be be or not to be that is thy question....Don't worry so much about the touches. Sometimes not being touched is a good thing lol. (Ever hear of no news is good news??). When Ian and I started his whole process for the K-3, we were touched all the time. I felt a little dirty...but then at the end...i felt all used because the touching stopped. Next thing we know we got an approval. Patience is a virtue my friend. Waiting to wait is the American Government motto. Learn it, live it, LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTT!!!!

Things will happen. Thats a promise.

Good luck!

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02007-04-17 07:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of support
Am I correct in thinking that the UK consulate will require the I-134 for the Affidavit of support or is it the I-864? And if it is the I-134, is it true that they only require proof of one years worth of wages??? I need some clearification on this one please. If anyone has this info. or a link for me to look at explaining it all, that would be wonderful.

Thank you again.

Ian and Laura Mitchell :dance:
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-04 01:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionthe support
Ok so I have read or tried to read the link in regards to Evidence which may be presented to meet the public charge provisions of the law. I am still a bit confused. Does the K-3 visa require the I-134 form? And if I am correct in that, am I reading it right when it says that my husband will only have to show the last 12 months of income? We are using his finances due to me not working, which we have been told is ok and I have read it on the site that it is ok, but he is really concerned and wants to make sure that he doesn't start transfering money to America leaving him short here for his interview...please HELP lol..thank you so much.

Laura and Ian Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-04 12:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Approved !
CONGRATS!!! :dance: Now enjoy your life together. (L)

Ian and Laura Mitchell
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-05-18 06:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOK MEDICAL FORM QUESTION

I would include it Laura, I think it means any overnight stay or more!
Your sat doing forms too huh, I feel COMPLEATLY overwhelmed right now.

LOL yes I am. I hate this bit lol....
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-13 14:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOK MEDICAL FORM QUESTION
RIght, Ian is filling out the medical question form for his exam tomorrow. It asks if he has been hospitalised. He had to have surgery done on his nose but was in over night only. What would be considered hospitalised???

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-13 14:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-156K
I have the list of forms that the Embassy says Ian has to fill out and return. On the list, the DS-156K is crossed out. Does Ian not have to fill that out???? I appreciate all responses. Thank you in advance.


I have the list of forms that the Embassy says Ian has to fill out and return. On the list, the DS-156K is crossed out. Does Ian not have to fill that out???? I appreciate all responses. Thank you in advance.


Also, is he suppose to send in copies of birth certificates and marriage certificates? The instructions on what to send in to them are a bit confusing. On the checklist it doesnt say to send it in, but on some says it does. What do we need to send back????? PLEASE HELP!!!
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-13 18:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionk-3 medical and interview

I got mine too! :dance:
I am sat right now filling in all the forms and my head is swimming! We just have to fill in the forms right to get the interview date? The checklist we can send in later once my police record is here?!?

Thats a good hubby can't provide anything from the bank in regards to the US funds yet as he has been told he has to wait 20 days from his appointment which was last Thursday, to even get the information that he needs to open his off shore accnt through HSBC who will do it because he already has an accnt with them and has had for the past million years lol. ( I know it is all confusing) . Right now we could use a good AUSSIEWENCH to help us out...wonder if she is about?! :whistle: I will try to contain my excitement lol . Gemma...let me know when your interview date is. I know Linababe got hers and it is the 12th of October. It would be great if all of us got our dates on the same day eh??? But I think that may be wishful thinking lol...

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-13 13:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionk-3 medical and interview
Right, so we got pack 3 in the post today...WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Ian even has his medical tomorrow on the 13th of Sept. He wants to know, if we fill out the paperwork needed now that we have to send back to get the interview...can he just drop it off at the embassy himself when he goes for his medical??? Or does he have to mail it??? An answer would be much appreciated....

THanks in advance...

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-13 12:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat else should we get ready for the interview in london???

Yes you should have copies of everything sent with the I-129F petition, and perhaps new info from since the package was sent, such as emails, phone logs, and chat logs.

Hmmm...slight is kind of hard to do since I have been living here in the UK with him for the past year lol...
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-17 13:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat else should we get ready for the interview in london???
Right so we sent off the checklist, but is there anything else that isn't on there that we should take with us? Like wedding photos? Proof of our ongoing relationship prior to marriage??? There was nothing in the checklist that said we need that but jsut want to be on the safe side. If anyone could please help, let us know what we should have...Thanks in advance...

LJ and Ian Mitchell x
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-17 12:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmbassy has lost packet 3
I have emailed the embassy to see where Ian's packet 3 is and if they have an interview date yet. I have been informed by email this morning that they have NO record of recieving packet 3 back. We have rung Royal Mail and they have sent via email the record of deliveries made the day of the 18th and our reciept number is on the list as being delivered. THe Embassy is now telling us to resend the packet. Has this happened to anyone???

Please help...this is very frustrating.

THanks in advance...

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-27 12:16:00

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-27 16:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionbarcode on ds-156
Ok that is great guys, but my question you need the barcode??????
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-28 01:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionbarcode on ds-156
Now Ian is worried about the barcode not being on the Non Immigrant Visa application. Form DS-156. Is there suppose to be one on there or no? There wasn't one on there when the Embassy sent us the original packet 3. What do we do???

Thanks again guys...

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-27 16:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas anyone postponed an interview?
Lina, I was truly sorry to hear of everything that you are going through when you rang me the other night. I wish that I could be there for you more, but you know our circumstances right now. Just remember all that I said. Things do have a way of working out the way they are meant to be, even if that means not the way WE want them to be. Just be strong and give David some space. He could just be scared right now, but without hearing his side of things, its kind of hard to know what it is that he is going through exactly. I pray that he is only scared but will get over it. I strongly suggest that you follow through with the interviews "just incase". If David does change his mind, you will only be kicking yourself later for not having it done and over with and ready to just go over if you know what I mean. But DONT let this get you down Lina. You have too much to live for and too much going for you. Let David see a different side of you. A side that will make him stop and think..."Hey...did I really let her go?". Let him eat his heart out. GO onto the games site that you play on and interact with others that you normally wouldnt. Laugh...don't flirt...just have a good time. If he calls you or im's you, and askes how you are doing, say that you are loving life and having a good time. You tell him that life is too short to sit at home and cry. Go out...treat yourself Lina. You have to make an effort. GOod luck hun and do have friends close by...Ian and I are here for you...we are only a phone call away...after this week, we should have some more time to spare...sorry we have been so busy but that is just life isnt it?? LOL.

Lots of love....

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-26 02:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Interview APPROVED
CONGRATS on your approval. Now enjoy the rest of your lives together and good luck on the rest of your journey.

LJ (L) :dance:
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-09-28 13:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes anyone else have an interview in London on Oct.30th?

Would have loved to but ours is the 18th, good luck for the day :thumbs:

AWWWWWWW good luck with yours as well. I believe that CapeG also has her interview on the 18th. Ian and I wish all of you goodluck. Hopefully someone will have the same day as us...would be nice to meet more ppl from the forum. ;)~

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-10-10 14:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes anyone else have an interview in London on Oct.30th?
Ian has his interview on the 30th of October, and we were just wondering if there was anyone else who has the same day interview in London as him?! It would be nice to meet up if possible. We are coming to London on the 28th and staying a few nights. Let us know if anyone is interested in meeting up.

LJ and Ian
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-10-10 07:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAny new london interviews?
[quote name='onuche' date='Oct 12 2006, 11:25 AM' post='502487']
Anyone got a date for an interview in london lately?
My hubby has one set for the 30th of October.

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-10-14 11:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWe Are Approved!!!!
CONGRATS HUN!!! Ian and I are on pins and needles here waiting for our interview in 2 weeks time. Good luck on the rest of your journey!!

Laura and Ian (F)
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-10-18 14:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHELP Packet 3 lost in the mail!!!!! (K3, London)

:help: !!HELP!! :help: (you can skip down if you dont want all the diaglogue)

Called the 'expensive number' today after getting no replies to our emails regarding not receiving Packet 3 (London). [Was told by NVC that our K3 petition was sent to London on 9/22.]

They told us that they were mailed out on 9/28 !!!! OMG

The first person we talked to said "Its been 3 weeks - it must be lost, you should download the forms from the consulates website and send them in" then got off the phone as quickly as she could!!

So, we called back [me in the US, my wife in the UK - hooked up via BT landline + Skype :) ]

The next person was a bit more helpfull.
They told us to download the forms (actually providing a specific URL this time):
http://london.usemba.../visaforms.html (We knew this one from VJ already)
Then advised the following forms:
DS156 x2
DS156K (they did say that it was needed, even for the K3)

"Send off the forms immediately, and the checklist once complete" - I asked which initiated the interview and was told " the COMPLETED checklist" - so we'll obviously get them sent at the same time.

BUT - we explained that IV-15 (on the site) links to a list in webpage format, not an official form - but they didnt seem to understand - "thats the one you need, send it back" ... ??

>>So I believe we'll have to print it out as a webpage and tick it off in pen !! Is that right ? (unless anyone has a scanned copy, please, please :) )

They then told us that the medical would be set after the first forms are received.
Lastly - they gave us another option which was to email (:() the consulate and request the Packet be sent again !!!!

OMG - This puts us back 3 weeks !! So we dont want to go the route of requesting the packet again - we can just imagine that would take even more time.

With pointers from other kind member we've already assembled the DS230 and DS156's.

So our main q's are:

1) Do we print out the IV-15 webpage and tick it off?

2) DS230 on the London Consular site (above) expires 2004 - is this what is in London Packet 3 ? I know a 2007 version exists on the NVC site - whick one to use?

Thanks so much for any help!
(I'm going to go and have a cry with my wife (on Skype) )


Hiya hun...right...calm down. We were told the same thing...that they hadnt received our pack 3 back either. We sent out another pack from the forms online. Well, three days later after sending out the second pack...we got our pack 4. Send out the second set of forms just in case, but i am sure its just a matter of it not showing up in the system yet. Its an american government thing lol get use to it...hehe...Good luck tho and let us know when you get pack 4

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-10-18 14:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPictures for interview

They are the biggest and sure shot evidence that you both are married to eachother.

I thought the marriage certificate would be the best form of evidence.

It may vary by consulate, but they didn't list photos or any other extra evidence on the checklist of things to bring to the K-3 interview in packet 3, and I wasn't asked to show anything like that.

I agree, but it would be wise to take anything when in doubt. My question is why doesnt he have pics of his wedding?? Seems kind of odd that he wouldnt have any.

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-10-27 05:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPLEASE HELP!!!






You only submit the forms that are on the list. If it only says to hand in the DS 156 and the DS 230, then only send those. Never send more than what you are asked of. The police report , and other things you take with you to the interview itself. As for the medical, you have the medical before the interview and the Doctor forwards the medical form to the consulate (at least that is how it was in England).

Good luck

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02007-04-17 09:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview was a success

Hi friends,

just wanted you all to know that we got our visa approved today.
i am so excited they asked me to pick it up tomorrow
will give all info about interview soon.

best regards

bombay. :dance:

CONGRATS HUN!!!! Ian got his approval yesterday in London. Now we just have to wait for it to be delivered!!! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO :dance:

LJ and Ian
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-10-31 06:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1/fees and what not
Hello all...well..a week from today I will be in NYC. On 7th of March at 10 am, I have my appointment at the British Embassy in NYC to get my visitor for marriage visa. I don't know why, but for some strange reason I am extremely nervous about this. Perhaps it's because it is so official? Or perhaps it's because I can't shake this awful feeling that I will be denied??? lol. I just can't believe that it is finally here and it is one more step closer to our wedding day (which btw I think we have settled for May 6th), and then the official start of immigration. Who knew that this was going to be such an emotional roller coaster. And it hasnt even started yet!!!! For those of you who are like me and this is your second marriage, you get to a point where you think that you are never going to find true happiness...and when you do..(like I have lol), the last thing you ever expected was to find your true love who just so happens to live in ANOTHER COUNTRY!!! pmsl. There are days when I just want to cry but not tears of sadness but of joy. I am so not looking forward to the separation aspect of it, but I know in the end it will all be worth it. Thank you everyone and look forward to being back here in the UK so I can tell you that I got my visa without any hitches and we are about to get married. THEN BACK TO THE US OF A.....WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-02-27 09:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1/fees and what not
lol thanks for that...i almost had a heart attack there...i was like wait..i thought i had it all understood then saw that and i started Thank god u have patience. lol.

Laura and Ian xx
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-02-21 11:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1/fees and what not
I thought that because we are filing only for the I-130, we didn't file the I-129? Am I mistaken?
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-02-21 11:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1/fees and what not
Ok, so my fiance and I have decided that we are going to apply for his immigration via CR-1 versus K-3. I have a few questions and I can't seem to find the answers. What is the approximate fee for going this route with all of the forms and that. Also, I know that I will not be able to sponsor my soon to be husband, but also know that we can use his assets. He will have to show that he can turn any asset into cash within a years time. NP there. He will have approximately 180,000 usd. From my understanding, he will have to show 5 times the poverty level for two which is 16,300. Am I correct that the amount he will have to show then is 81,500? That shouldn't be a problem then. Also, if I am still in the UK for his interview, would it be frowned upon if I go with him, or will it be more beneficial? Thanks again for your time.

Laura and Ian xx
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-02-21 10:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat are the reasons why you can be refused immigration is me again! Right, we are now about to get married (the 29th of April), and now my british fiance is wondering what are the main reasons why he could be refused a greencard??? I know that I am probably doing your head in with all of my questions, but he is trying to be very cautious and wants to be prepared in both case scenarios. I would appreciate any feedback that you may be willing to give.

thanks a bunch

Lots of love,
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-03-24 09:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresname change
Right, you lot are probably going to be so sick of me. I know I said that my fiance and I have chosen to go down the CR-1 route, but now because of the time frame of being apart, we may be looking at the K-3. My question is this though, because I am here in the UK, I am not able to legally change my name on my passport and social security card until I get back to the states, what about the paperwork for Ian's application? What name do I use, my old name or my new married name? I have already started filling them out, and got to thinking that nothing will match my married name except for the marriage certificate. Can I get away with using my married name even though I can't legally change it until I get back to the states? Any advice will be helpful. BTW...we are getting married on the 29th of April. I have never been so excited about getting married...even with my first marriage, it was more like going to my death lol.

Cheers for all the help...

Laura and Ian
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-04-05 09:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurestax information
Ok..I have looked up the download forms and have found the Request for Transcript of Tax Returns good for the past 4 years. Now my new question is as follows. Is a transcript ok to have for support form, or do I have to order copies? Thanks for the help.

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-04-10 10:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurestax information
Ok, another question. Just sitting here reading some of the threads and have noticed question in regards to tax returns/w-2's. My problem is that I haven't worked in the past 2 years. So I will not have a tax return filed for this year, but I have a joint one done from when I was married. HOw do I legally get a copy of that? Do I need my ex husbands permission to get copies?


Laura and Ian
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-04-08 08:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresprocessing time guideline
Ok, now is it just me or does the timeline for Vermont seemed to have jumped back in dates? On the March 20th update, it said that December 13th were the applications that they were starting on. Now on the new April 10th update, it says December 3rd. Now I know I am not imganing things. The good news is that the K-3 visa applications are being processed much quicker. But yet it is still a bit depressing and we havent even started ours yet!!! My fiance as you all know wants to go for the CR-1, which I am trying to convince him to lets do both. Perhaps when he gets home tonight I can show him the that CR-1's are moving at a snail's pace. I can't believe that they aren't moving and now listen to me I am rambling on...sorry folks, just a bit frustrated at this already. Then to hear the news last night about the Mexicans protesting and wanting their citizenships handed to them. I am sorry, I am not trying to offend anyone here. But let me tell you, to hear mexicans on there complaining about how they are being treated because they cant go back to their own country for fear of being deported because they have been in America illegally for 15 years really makes my blood boil!!! First off, you shouldnt be there illegally, and I have no sympathy for those that don't do things the RIGHT WAY!!! You want to be treated like a citizen, and not a second class one at that, then ACT LIKE IT AND DO IT RIGHT LIKE THE REST OF US!! I feel bad for all of those one here that have children with their spouses but have been separated for months upon months..not to slight any of us that dont have children with our spouses but you know what i mean. There will always be a couple that is worse than us.

Thanks for that....

Laura and Ian
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-04-11 03:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresstarting immigration for spouse while still in his country.
Ok, now I know that I am able to file from England (or at least I have been told as much), but it says that all fees have to be paid in American funds. How do we do that when I am over here and have no access to my banking facility? (i dont have an atm card or a checking accnt) I do know that there is a western union here and I do know that they do convert money because I have sent western unions from America to Canada, but will they take western unions for the visa application???

Thanks for all input

Laura and Ian
Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-04-12 04:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApply while in the US?

yes its a new law, the USC has to have a vis to get married in the uk, maybe you can find the details some where!!, maybe you could go for a holiday get married while visiting as i did & stay for your 90days & file while your there??, but beaware that if you file the K3 if it gets fast approval you might end up returning sooner than your 90days so you have enough time to arrange medicals etc, also you will need a police certificate this can take 40 days to get, so maybe you can apply for it now, as its good for a year!!

hey thanks :) yep ive just been looking into it! this mess of ours is getting so complicated :(

ive looked in the UK visa things, she could get one in 4 working days for £50 if i read right. she had her heart set on marrying over here.

yeah i think we could consider the option of me going there and marrying, applying, staying no more than 90 days :) if i got brought home early, i would be happy, would mean it wouldnt be too long. but as ill be going through texas, i think its gonna be a long drawn out process.

yeah, i have the police forms downloaded already, i should do that, would at least tick one thing off the list ;)

Hiya...right...I am American and my fiance is British. I have been here in the UK since last May 2005. We decided to get married here in the UK and we were under the impression that we could just get married on my visitor visa as well. No you can't lol. As far as it taking 4 working days to get a visitor visa for marriage in the it doesn't take that long. What you do is you apply online, then make your appointment for the closest British Embassy office to you in America. You take all of your proof of finances, any previous divorce papers etc...and you get the visa that day! I had to fly back to NY to get mine, and the interview took aproxiamately 3 minutes then was told that I was all set and to come back in an hour to pick up my passport with my yellow visa placed in it!! Easy peasy...GOODLUCK!!!

Laura_and_IanMNot Telling02006-04-17 13:18:00