USCIS Service Centersnew processing times update
I wouldn dwell to much on the dates. Our case was hardly touched and the next thing I know I got an email stating they approved us. I agree with the PP, try not to focus on it too much, could happen at anytime. Seems to be no rhyme or reason how they do things. I am sorry its taking a bit longer then expected.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-06-17 19:46:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Getting NVC notice
You can call NVC, (don't know the number but somewhere on noa2 or on VJ) and ask them if they have recieved the NOA2. They can tell you if they have approved it and moved it onto the embassy. But it can take a few weeks to get approved then to the Embassy. Then the Embassy can take another couple of weeks to send the Packet 3 along. Goodluck.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-02-07 13:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionvaccination record?????????????HELP
If you still have a copy off All your immunizations then yes they want it at the medical so they can see what needles you have, mainly they look for measels, mumps, Rubella, Diphera, you should be able to find the list somewhere here on VJ. IF you don't have them, then I know there have been some people who have been able to get a Titre test, which is a simple blood test to see which anitbodies you have from past immunizations. Just helps avoid getting shots that you don't need. Sorry I couldn't give you more details...Good Luck...
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-01-17 16:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionis there a website to check status?
I am afraid not for the packet 3. It seems to take about 3 weeks to get to you..but you can always email the US consulate and they will sometimes email you back with your interview date. Good luck
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-01-23 20:21:00
CanadaMontreal vs. Vancouver

Another quick question!

I noticed a lot of people processed in Montreal. Is that the consulate of choice in Canada?


Unfortunatly you do not get to choose which consulate you will end up is dependent upon where in Canda you are residing. If you are more eastern then you will end up in Montreal..if you are more western then you end up in Vancouver. :)

Another quick question!

I noticed a lot of people processed in Montreal. Is that the consulate of choice in Canada?


Unfortunatly you do not get to choose which consulate you will end up is dependent upon where in Canda you are residing. If you are more eastern then you will end up in Montreal..if you are more western then you end up in Vancouver. :)

:blush: OOOPS! didnt mean to post that twice..sorry...
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-07-18 19:39:00
CanadaMontreal vs. Vancouver

Another quick question!

I noticed a lot of people processed in Montreal. Is that the consulate of choice in Canada?


The consulate you are processed through is dependent upon where in Canada you are residing. If you are more Eastern then you would likely end up in Montreal...more western then you will end up in dont get a choice unfortunatly. :)
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-07-18 19:36:00

I've posted this link before but there have been newcomers since then so it seemed appropriate to repost it:

This is a special website published by the Canadian Embassy in Washington DC to help keep Canadians living in the US in touch with what is going on back home. They send out news messages and a summary of items of interests to Canadian expatriates, as well as co-ordinting activities with the various Canadian Consulates such as local Canada Day celebrations, etc. There is no charge to join and they don't innundate you with emails - you get about one a week summarizing activities. Please feel free to sign up and to share this information with any others who you feel might be interested.

Very Cool! Thank you for passing that along! You are a wealth of useful information Kathryn thanks! (F)
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-09-01 11:18:00
CanadaTaking pets with you when you move..

Hey nice topic. Im actually involved in this kind of situation, but with a little more complicated pet...Dogs and cats are fairly easy, but when it comes to birds and reptiles, you may need an exportation paper.

I own a female Ball python, one of the most breeded specie of snake in North America. I had her as a baby and shes now 4 years-old. My futur hubby is into reptiles as well and he owns one too. So its out of the question that I'm gonna leave her behind. Some pythons are on the list of endangered species of the CITES. Because of that I have to send a filled form to Environment Canada saying when I plan to move, how I'm gonna move her, etc as well as her birth papers with the parents up to 2 generations. Then I will have an exportation permit and I will need to go through a POE (I'm going by car) when an Environment officer ( or whatever you call it) is gonna be present to inspect her, mainly to assure that Im not trying to pass another kind of more rare python instead is this really comon one. We called the customs already, and since its a pet from Canada that is going to be moved once, I only need the canadian exportation paper, and its a free one to obtain. If for any reason you would need a US importation paper, that is about the same process, but it cost 50$ US.

All this because she's a python...but shes so pretty and so sweet :) Its gonna take about 8 weeks to receive the papers that I will need. We just sent our petition so I got a little time ahead.


WOW! That is a lot to go through but well worth it when it comes to your pets. Goodluck and have safe travels!

If I'm not mistaken, Illinois is one of the states that doesn't require a rabies vaccination for cats for POE, just a vet cert. We've been trying to decide if Sian should fly into CVG or O'Hare, and that's one of the considerations.

Thanks for the info. regarding Illinois! We (me and Lola Kitty) are flying into O Hare...fortunately I go through customs while I am still here in Calgary so if they need her vet for any reason to verify something he should be available. But I will be armed with all her current paper work. Thanks everyone for the great advice, and information. She is definately a part of the family. Its funny cause my fiance was not a cat person at all until it met he finds himself in pet boutiques picking out drinking fountains with space for cat she can have the best..LOL :lol: Its pretty cute...Safe travels!
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-09-01 11:09:00
CanadaTaking pets with you when you move..

Hey just a quick odd ball question I guess. I was just wondering if anyone has taken their beloved pets with them when they finally were able move to the US and what was required. Was there any qurintiene time( sorry not sure of spelling there). Over all what was your experience at the border. Thanks for the imput. :)

can you clarify what kinda pets?

Here's a list of each kind and what the requirements are.
bringing your pet

I brought my cat "the other way" (canada to us) and just had to show a recent rabies shot. The POE officer didn't even look into her carry bag. I just handed him the rabies form and he said bye bye.

On a funny note, I actually made a typo and the URL said "bringing your poet"

That is funny! :lol: Its just my Cat. I had heard that All I would likely need is just some up to date shot papers that sort of thing. But I just wanted to make sure that was still the case. Just to avoid as much trauma , for me in particular! Thanks for the info! :P
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-08-31 17:49:00
CanadaTaking pets with you when you move..
Hey just a quick odd ball question I guess. I was just wondering if anyone has taken their beloved pets with them when they finally were able move to the US and what was required. Was there any qurintiene time( sorry not sure of spelling there). Over all what was your experience at the border. Thanks for the imput. :)
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-08-31 11:11:00
CanadaMoving Van?

Are you set on driving it yourself?

My husband (then fiance) used "U-Pack" to get all his stuff here.

Basically they drop off a container, you pack it up, and they come get it and deliver it to you.

For us it was MUCH cheaper than driving, but he was going from BC to Boston.

A couple of other VJers have used them, they're great!

This sounds very interesting! I was wondering how I could get my stuff from Alberta to Chicago without loosing my shirt and life savings...will look into this..thanks!
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-09-07 00:02:00
CanadaIn need of a bank...

A joint account from a Canadian bank will work as long as you get a bank card. When you put it into an american bank machine american dollars come out :) There are some fees attached, but there is no way to get around that. Check which banks will give you the best exchange through ATM's. Paypal also works, but can get expensive.

Not sure how easy it would be to do the joint bank account thing. You usually have to have ties to Canada like SIN # or job here. I guess he could always give you the card bank card,...or you can always have him send you US money orders...where the exchange is done the fee is nominal. Or for larger some he could always wire they money. Check it out I could be wrong the bank account thing.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-09-06 13:44:00
CanadaCalgary Medical
Just curious to know the name of this doc? Was he the only option for doctors in Calgary? I live in Calgary and eventually will be getting my medical done..just wanted to know if there was more than one or do I have to see this guy? Thanks and good luck in your interview!
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-09-15 19:38:00
Canadajen & darcy?
CONGRATS! I love happy endings! Well in this case it the start of a brand new Happy Beginning! All the best!
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-09-30 21:34:00
CanadaHow to contact Vancouver Embassy
Thanks for the direction. That explains why they did not know what to do with the LIN # . Tried to contact NVC again and cant get throught systems hangs up on you saying they are busy. Will try again later..thanks again! :)
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-10-16 18:12:00
CanadaHow to contact Vancouver Embassy
Yes, NVC received it and sent it on The 28th to the Vancouver Embassy. When my fiance called they didnt give him a case number they just said we were sent on to the Consulate on the 28th of September. Sorry I must have left that out.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-10-16 17:29:00
CanadaHow to contact Vancouver Embassy
Can someone please tell me how to contact the Vancouver Embassy to find out the status of our Packet 3? I have emailed them using the email found on VJ. Got no response which is fine I heard that most of the time they will not email you back. I have tried calling and am directed to contact a 1-900 # which I did and sat on hold until the operator came around to me. Then she gave me another email address cause she didnt know what my LIN number meant. That email did not work. I am lost. VSC says they sent the Embassy our case on September 28th and I have still not received anyting. Can someone please give me some direction as to how I can find out what is going on? Thanks...

Edited by CanuckmeetsYank, 16 October 2006 - 05:23 PM.

CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-10-16 17:22:00
Canadaour RCMP police certificate is just a small orange paper

Mine was on white paper and it was titled "Canadian Police Certificate For Visa Applicants/Foreign Travel/Foreign Work Permits". It certified that a search based on me failed to disclose that I had a record of criminal convictions in the national repository for criminal records in Canada. I received two original copies signed & dated by an RCMP Constable. The cost was $35 Cdn.

Mine looked like this as well..and he did the seal on it...only difference he didnt charge me for it. So I didnt argue with that..but it is strange the variation on fee and look. :huh:
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-10-27 22:34:00
CanadaCool new things you have found in the US

Biscuits & gravy

I may have found a replacement for 3 a.m. poutine

MMMMM....biscuits and gravy..I never knew of this until my finace made them from scratch one the Biscuits and gravy..unfortunately they dont agree with my hips>>LOL :lol:
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-10-20 01:01:00
CanadaMy Vancouver interview is scheduled!
Great News Congrats!
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-11-03 14:16:00
CanadaHow long after approval did you move?
Taking a bit of a risk, have interview Dec 6th and got ticket for Dec 14th..figure treat it like ripping off a band aid..quick as you can,that way makes it a little less painful to say goodbye to my family and friends here... :P
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-11-12 18:25:00
CanadaRCMP check
Thanks for the information. I am still a bit aways from the packet 3 but wanted to make sure that I was on the ball..and I will definatly use the RCMP for my police check...thanks everyone! :D
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-08-23 23:21:00
CanadaRCMP check
Okay so the whole criminal record check thing I got figured out except one thing. I traveled the UK for about 2 1/2-3 months back in 2001. Do I need to get a criminal record check(finger printed) for this? I dont have and criminal record anywhere..but wanted to make sure I did everything correctly. Any advice on this please?
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-08-23 09:16:00
CanadaAnyone Else waiting on Packet 4 from Vancouver?

I'm still waiting for mine, how long did it take you from when you faxed your checklist to receiving the email notifying you about your interview date? Thanks

It took about a week or a little less than a week to get the email. But the email was sent November 8 and still not packet 4...grrr. I have no idea what is going on....
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-11-20 17:24:00
CanadaAnyone Else waiting on Packet 4 from Vancouver?
I was just wondering if anyone else was waiting on their packet 4 from Vancouver. I got an email from them saying they had booked my interview for December 6 and that the packet 4 confirming my interview was sent out that day blah blah blah..but that was over a week ago. I live in Calgary, it should not take that long for the thing to arrive..or does it? Anyone have any idea what is in this packet 4 and how important to have at the interview? Any thoughts? Thanks!

Edited by CanuckmeetsYank, 18 November 2006 - 11:33 AM.

CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-11-18 11:32:00
CanadaI cant believe this...
I ended up calling back the number again and think I got the same girl as before. I asked her if there was anyone else besides this lady who is unavailable and with whom I have left a message with already. She abruptly put me on hold and transfered me to this woman who deals with K1 visas. Who was pretty rude..and she came on the telephone and asked me if I was angry toward the firt woman. I said no not at all, I did ask to speak with someone else but I was not angry. I likely had a tone more out of frustration I will admit that. So she claims she sent out the letter and told me that I could use the email they sent out. Which is good to know. I explained to her that I have emailed and cant get a response, and our lawyer has emailed thie VancouverK email and with no response. She informed me that she will only answer your email once and the rest she does not even look at. Good to know. Just one thing after another in this process. I just thought it was funny cause it tells you in your packet 3 to contact via email or fax but dont expect more than on answer. All is well now.Thanks everyone for you help and advice. I would be lost without this forum. :thumbs:
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-11-21 13:02:00
CanadaI cant believe this...
I got an email on November 8th saying they scheduled my interview for December 6 and have yet to receive my packet 4. I call the consulate using the 235 extention cause I email with no response as well, and the woman tells me she doesnt deal with fiance visas and cant tell me anything! I know I have called this number before and got an answer when I wanted to see when Packet 3 was sent out now this! I am just freaking out cause I cant believe how difficult it is to get a straight answer! Has anyone else used this extention lately? Have you spoken to someone who deals with these cases? thanks
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-11-20 17:20:00
Congrats! All the best to you both!!!!!!! :energetic:
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-11-22 12:42:00
CanadaInterview, Vancouver, Friday!
Well by the time you read this you would already have you visa in hand. I just had my interview on are gonna be just fine...they are really nice there and I only had to wait about 10-15 minutes after my interview and they issued me the visa in my passport. All the best! Let us know how it goes....take care
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-12-07 22:30:00
CanadaVisa in Hand.
Great news! Congrats! All the best for the big move.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-12-09 13:03:00
Its a small VJ world! Great meeting you today in the Days inn Lobby..CONGRATS AGAIN! Safe travels and all the best to you both!! see you around the forums! Shannon ^_^
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-12-07 22:24:00
CanadaWE GOT THE VISA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great news congrats! What a great time of year to get the news!!! Happy Holidays!!
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-12-15 20:33:00
Canadagot visa now what
If you check out the US customs Website, they will provide a checklist of acceptable and non acceptable items. Also you can print off the 3299Form which allows you to clear items duty free.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-12-18 10:26:00
CanadaSo tomorrow morning I"ll try to fly to the US
All will be well. When I was at the interview two weeks ago she said I could enter the states without activating the K-1 I don't know how true it is that they can see it all. Regardless I think you will be fine. So many others have done it. Have a great flight. I would recomend however you bring some warm sweaters. It has been quite windy here in Chicago the last few days and that makes it seem much colder than the actual temp. Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Fantastic New Year! :)
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-12-23 14:14:00
CanadaNerves, excitement, and anxiety....OH MY!
Everything is going to go so well. Your in the home stretch! Take care! Safe Travels!
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-01-23 11:35:00
CanadaMoving companies and/or trucks?
I am not sure how stuck on driving over the border you are. But I used UPACK to move from Calgary to Chicago. Rates were quite reasonable. You load and unload your stuff. The only down fall is..that you cannot have your things shipped until you have crossed the border. I just Faxed I-194 to The Upack office and they shipped the sameday and got here in about 5 business days. Just another option.

I am not sure how stuck on driving over the border you are. But I used UPACK to move from Calgary to Chicago. Rates were quite reasonable. You load and unload your stuff. The only down fall is..that you cannot have your things shipped until you have crossed the border. I just Faxed I-194 to The Upack office and they shipped the sameday and got here in about 5 business days. Just another option.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-02-02 13:13:00
CanadaMy last year filing taxes in Canada.
I just got off the phone with Canada Rev, Tax department. The guy told me that yes you should fill out the NR-73 and mail it in. From there they will send you a letter to tell you if you are considered a Canadian Res. on non-Res when filing the taxes. According to him since I just left Canada in Mid December and still have ties ie: Bank accounts and Visa card and the US does not reconize me as a resident right now, then I should be filing as usual for my Canadian taxes. Thought this might be useful for those in a similar boat. :)
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-01-17 16:09:00
CanadaMy last year filing taxes in Canada.
This is such a great question. I was just trying to fill out the NR-73 Determination of Residency Status (leaving Canada) and feeling a bit overwhelmed by teh whole thing. I just left Canada in December and still have bank acounts and driver's licence, but of course eventually that will change. My head is spinning right now. Some of these questions are just crazy! Ah, the paper trail never ends...
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-01-16 22:39:00
CanadaThings to do to make my Canadian feel at home.
I agree with what Carrie suggested. When I got here my Finace showed me around our neighborhood, where I could find the gym, yoga, cheap gorceries, and a transit map with a transit card, so I could start to learn about my new home. It's a huge adjustment and that is just a nice way to ease into the transition.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-01-31 16:38:00
CanadaHow will I know which consulate?
Yes, K-1's are based on regional. So Alberta gets sent to Vancouver as Previous Post states...Goodluck! P:)
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-02-06 17:49:00