Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)sec 212a7A(i)(I)..............allowed to withdrawl application

OK...................i entered U.s feb 6 2006 and was allowed to stay for 1yr. i left 2 times in 9 months. the last time i left i stayed out.................i still had valid TN


You need to know the date on the I-94 in order to know if you overstayed.

do you know where i can obtain that info from?
suttonFemaleCanada2007-07-28 12:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)sec 212a7A(i)(I)..............allowed to withdrawl application

Laurel's chat is filled with questions and many are not answered. It would be a lot smart, IMO, to schedule a phone or email consult -- your case is much too complicated to not have a real consultation.

The I-94 is the form that was provided to you at the Port of Entry when you first came in on your TN visa. It provided you with the exact duration of stay = the time you were legally allowed to be in the US. This date is the most important date -- NOT your TN Visa expiration date.

Have you read any of the TN regulations? That might help to clarify for you the issues you are facing.

OK...................i entered U.s feb 6 2006 and was allowed to stay for 1yr. i left 2 times in 9 months. the last time i left i stayed out.................i still had valid TN
suttonFemaleCanada2007-07-28 01:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)sec 212a7A(i)(I)..............allowed to withdrawl application

i quit my job in july 2006 on my TN visa. I worked for AAirlines for 2 weeks (nov1-14, 2006). SO when i quit my TN visa job i was unemployed in U.S for 4 months except for my 3 weeks with AA. my TN never expired until feb 2007. i was home in canda long before then. AA also had a copy of my TN visa and knew it was from another company and they hired me anyway.

we already have a lawyer and he is researching this more for us.

The fact that you worked for someone else without USCIS approval is a TN visa violation. The fact that AA hired you anyway doesn't provide any defense for you - it's the TN holder's responsibility to meet the regulations of the visa.

In regard to overstay, it doesn't matter when your TN expired. It matters when your I-94 expired. If you overstayed your I-94, you had an overstay.

Since your lawyer "assured you that you will be fine" and it's 100% clear that you will not be fine, it might not hurt for you to consult a different lawyer - one who has experience with TN visa violations, overstays, denials at the POE and waivers in Canada. Doesn't sound like your lawyer is too clued in on these issues.

i am going to talk to that lawyer scott in the interview on wed. I am not even exactly sure what I 94 is. AND now to top it all off, i got offered job in vancouver and may add more fuel to fire and ask for for file to be transferrd. Oh and another thing, if i visit chris in 2 weeks, if i had a ban then i guess i would quickly find out once i tried to cross.......right?
suttonFemaleCanada2007-07-27 22:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)sec 212a7A(i)(I)..............allowed to withdrawl application

ok I did exactly that. Chris, my fiance contacted immigration officer in the u.S. he checked my file and on his screen it stated what had happened that day when i was refused access. it never stated anything about a ban and told chris and i that there is no reason to be alarmed.
hopefully this is good news.
mary lou

Again, relying on information from the IO at the POE is not the best way to go about this. Luvinmb's story makes that clear -- "They also told him that he had (1) no ban on his record because of this denial (2) he was free to apply again for a visa in one year....." and they DID require a waiver meaning the POE information provided was NOT correct.

Did you overstay the date on your I-94 as well? This would be a second reason for needing a waiver in addition to the TN status violation.

If you are denied at the interview and need a waiver, and the waiver is also denied, you can certainly start all over again by getting married and going through the spousal visa petition process. You will still face the same ineligibility issues at the spousal visa consular interview and you will still require a waiver. It would probably make a lot more sense to appeal than to start over -- but you are getting way ahead of yourself.

Start by a consult with a qualified attorney. I cannot emphasize that enough.

i quit my job in july 2006 on my TN visa. I worked for AAirlines for 2 weeks (nov1-14, 2006). SO when i quit my TN visa job i was unemployed in U.S for 4 months except for my 3 weeks with AA. my TN never expired until feb 2007. i was home in canda long before then. AA also had a copy of my TN visa and knew it was from another company and they hired me anyway.

we already have a lawyer and he is researching this more for us.
suttonFemaleCanada2007-07-27 16:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)sec 212a7A(i)(I)..............allowed to withdrawl application

KitKat, what you write is very accurate. However in my case it was our lawyer contacted the POE to find out what actually happened. It was determined that I was out of status because I switched jobs but not visa. During the course of our application we came to find out that I actually received a ban. I received very little information after I was denied entry. The POE handed me a piece of paper, told me to fill it out, pay the fee and I would be allowed in. Not true. It wasn't until the lawyer got involved that we started finding things out. True the POE is not an accurate source of info but after my lawyer talked with some supervisor at the POE where I was denied entry, only than did we get info. I know that each case is different.

My understanding is that being present in the US out of status-by not changing one's work visa when changing jobs does result in a ban. However that information was given to me by my lawyer ( AND I stress my lawyer who is suppose to be an immigration lawyer, but they suck) and you can't always trust what they say. But I got banned and had to file a waiver. so my case is similar to Sutton but different and she might have not received a ban like I did for being out of status.

New Orleans Bound, basd on what you've added here, it sounds like contacting the POE and attempting to get some additional information may be worth it. I agree that being present in the US out of status by not changing the work visa to the new employer does result in a ban. That's why I stated that what happened at the POE may not be the biggest issue because being out of status will likely result in a ban. So either way, a waiver appears to be necessary and depending on the consular findings, it will need to address each and every visa ineligibility. That may include the POE situation, TN visa violation and overstay, depending on the details.

ok I did exactly that. Chris, my fiance contacted immigration officer in the u.S. he checked my file and on his screen it stated what had happened that day when i was refused access. it never stated anything about a ban and told chris and i that there is no reason to be alarmed.
hopefully this is good news.
mary lou
suttonFemaleCanada2007-07-27 14:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)sec 212a7A(i)(I)..............allowed to withdrawl application

1) Once again, you cannot rely on a POE agent to advise you on immigration law. Since they process thousands of people daily, I highly doubt they will be able to find your specific information. But a qualified immigration lawyer should be able to explain it to you. In any event, as I stated, what happened at the POE does not appear to be the most important issue. The issue is the apparent violation of the regulations of the TN visa. As it was explained to you, American Airlines was not allowed to hire you without going through the proper process. When you worked for them, you were in violation of the regulations of your visa.

2) Nothing is brought up during processing of the visa petition. The only requirements of a I-129F visa petition are that the petitioner proves s/he is a USC and therefore qualified to file the petition, and that the petitioner proves the two people have met in person in the previously two years. Even visa petitions filed for illegal immigrant beneificiaries are approved. An approved petition is only approval for you to have the privilege of a consular interview.
The problem is not with petition processing -- it will be at the consular interview. Your lawyer is wrong. Being honest about the situation does not mean you won't have a problem - it only means you won't be charged with misrepresentation.

3) TN visas do not allow even ONE day of overstay beyond what is on your I-94 -- did you leave before your I-94 expired?

See TN Visa regulations: http://travel.state....pes_1274.html#3

For nonimmigrants in the U.S. who have an Arrival-Departure Record, Form I-94 with the CBP admitting officer endorsement of Duration of Status or D/S, but who are no longer performing the same function in the U.S. that they were originally admitted to perform (e.g. you are no longer working for the same employer or you are no longer attending the same school), a DHS or an immigration judge makes a finding of status violation, resulting in the termination of the period of authorized stay.

What I am trying to make clear to you is that even if you had no overstay, and even if the situation at the POE does not require a waiver, it seems you have a TN visa violation -- failure to maintain status.

4) If you require a waiver, it cannot be filed in advance -- you must wait until the denial at the interview because they first need to determine that you are eligible for a waiver. Your fiance would have to submit the hardship letter proving, with evidence and documentation, extreme hardship to him if the visa is ultimately denied and he had to relocate to Canada. Then you wait out waiver adjudication.

5) Again, I strongly recommend you find yourself a qualified, experienced attorney who can address both the POE issue and the TN violation issue, as well as explain to you what will happen at the interview and the chances of needing a waiver. You have a complicated case - you need competent counsel.

thanks again for info, i actaully ermailed my lawyer exact thing you stated to me. I have been on him since day 1 about my concerns with this matter and he reassured me that it would be fine but now i wonder. Another question i have was if i do need to file for waiver etc, this could take another yr, is that right? just curious, if me and chris married here in canada if we got denied............what process then will we have to go through?

thanks mary lou
suttonFemaleCanada2007-07-27 13:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)sec 212a7A(i)(I)..............allowed to withdrawl application

no i am not ban, they explained to me to prove strong ties to canada and i could enter the U.S, but that was before i applied for k1 visa.


A few things you need to understand.

1) You cannot rely on a customs agent to advise you on immigration law (even though it sure seems they would know). Many agents make mistakes and allow people into the country when they should not be allowed in or deny entry to people when they don't believe their proof of non-immigrant intent, etc.

2) Does your lawyer have specific experience working with people who came into the country with a TN visa and switched companies? This is a crucial detail. You do not want to be a guinea pig.

3) Whether or not the officer at the POE told you that you had a ban or did not tell you if you had a ban does not matter. When you get to the consular interview, if they determine that you have a ban, you have one.

4) A simple search on the regulations of TN Visas states:

Q. Can I change employers with a TN?

A. Yes, but your new employer must get the TN approved by the USCIS before you begin your employment. Canadian citizens may also submit a new TN application package showing the new employer at the border, as described above.

Q. Can I start work with a new employer once the TN petition is filed with the USCIS?

A. No, "portability" does not apply to people in TN visa status. An actual approval notice or new Form I-94 (for Canadians) must be issued by the USCIS.

This makes it rather clear that your three weeks of employment with an employer who did not sponsor your TN was not legal and the border agent at the POE gave you accurate and correct legal information.

5) INA §212(a)(7)(A)(i) says:

any immigrant who, at the time of application for admission:

who is not in possession of a valid unexpired immigrant visa, reentry permit, border crossing identification card, or other valid entry document required by the Immigration and Nationality Act, and a valid unexpired passport, or other suitable travel document, or document of identity and nationality if such document is required under the INS regulations whose visa has been issued without compliance with the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act, is excludable.

Separately from whether or not being allowed to withdraw your application results in a bar, your situation seems to indicate that by working for someone other than the sponsoring employer you will have two violations; failure to maintain status and employment without authorization. The employment without authorization may not be a big issue, but the failure to maintain will be and most likely will require a waiver. Waivers in Canada typically take a long time - around 10-12 months.

I suggest you consult with a qualified, experienced immigration attorney -- someone who knows the rules of TN visas and has experience in waivers. Highly recommended are Laurel Scott and Heather Poole. Laurel Scott's site ( has a very detailed memo on 601 waivers and she holds a free chat weekly on Wednesdays at 11:00.

i would
at the POE i still had my TN visa. i told them truth and that is when they took it. while i was sitting with officer he called American airlines there and then and informed them that they were not allowed to hire me. He stated that i would be allowed to travel to u.s again as long as i prove strong ties to canada. I quit my job in july and was home in Nov so if they do consider it an overstay it was only 4 months.
Do you know if i can contacft POE in Toronto and ask them if i have been banned. I thought all that would have been bought up while the case was being processed, but everything to date was approved. My immigration lawyer said that there should not be a problem due to us being honest about entire situation.
so what you are saying is that i can apply for a waiver even before interview if i need one? thanks for your reply.
mary lou
suttonFemaleCanada2007-07-26 22:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)sec 212a7A(i)(I)..............allowed to withdrawl application

Mary Lou can you contact the POE where you were denied to find out if you did receive a ban or anything. I would strongly suggest on getting informed before you go to your interview.

no i am not ban, they explained to me to prove strong ties to canada and i could enter the U.S, but that was before i applied for k1 visa. so did they ban you? you said your situation was similar to my TN visa.............what is your situation/ did your TN expire?

sorry i never saw you last post...................

so when exactly did you get married? and where? we already have an immigration lawyer and he said i would not have a problem with it because my TN was still valid for feb6 2007. I changed jobs in nov. I only worked for the other company for 3 weeks when i came home on vacation. I explained at bordrr entry that i no longer worked for the company who hired me. The immigration officer wrote a file saying i was misinformed and that i am allowed to wirthdrawl my application.....................nothing about a ban.......etc.

this entire process is driving me crazy, chris comes back and forth and now that is becoming problem due to no holidays left. That is why i am planning to go there in 2 weeks, i guess i will know then if i will have problem or not. So I can actaully call toronto and see if I can cross over? thanks for info
suttonFemaleCanada2007-07-26 19:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)sec 212a7A(i)(I)..............allowed to withdrawl application

Mary Lou can you contact the POE where you were denied to find out if you did receive a ban or anything. I would strongly suggest on getting informed before you go to your interview.

no i am not ban, they explained to me to prove strong ties to canada and i could enter the U.S, but that was before i applied for k1 visa. so did they ban you? you said your situation was similar to my TN visa.............what is your situation/ did your TN expire?

sorry i never saw you last post...................
suttonFemaleCanada2007-07-26 18:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)sec 212a7A(i)(I)..............allowed to withdrawl application

Mary Lou can you contact the POE where you were denied to find out if you did receive a ban or anything. I would strongly suggest on getting informed before you go to your interview.

no i am not ban, they explained to me to prove strong ties to canada and i could enter the U.S, but that was before i applied for k1 visa. so did they ban you? you said your situation was similar to my TN visa.............what is your situation/ did your TN expire?
suttonFemaleCanada2007-07-26 18:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)sec 212a7A(i)(I)..............allowed to withdrawl application

Hi again

Ok At least you have time to prepare something for the interview.
I am very sorry for your situation and hope so much that Kitkat will come by and can maybe answer your question.
I am not sure if you really need a waiver or not.
But if you do, then it is a very good thing to be prepared before the interview.

I was denied at the interview and should start from there to submit this waiver and the reason it took me such a long time.
As I can see there is some misunderstandness between companies and I hope you can prove this. As also you are really misinformed.

Anette (F)

why did you need waiver. KIT KAT? who is that.
suttonFemaleCanada2007-07-26 09:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)sec 212a7A(i)(I)..............allowed to withdrawl application

Hey everyone. I have a question. We are waiting on our ininterview in montreal for our K1 fiance visa. Before we applied for our visa I had a situation at border crossing in Toronto. This is what happened: i was working in U.S on a TN visa, i quit the job and went working for another company( american airlines) with the same visa. American airlines said my tn was not expired so it was ok for me to work for them, my fiance also checked with a friend of his who is a custom agent and again they said as long as my tn was not expired i could work for another company. I worked for 3 weeks and my fiance and i came to canada for a holiday. When we returned to the U.S, the immigration officer looked at my visa and asked was I still working for the same company. I told him NO, i now work for A airlines. He told me i was not allowed to do this. He sent me into questioning. I expalined to them that my Boyfriend and i checked into this and also that american airlines told me it was OK. He told me i was misinformed and he also called american airlines on the spot and told them that it was illigeal for them to hire me on another companies visa.
He then explained to me that I would not be able to enter U.s that day. I came back home to newfoundland and we were devastated. We were planning on getting engaged when we went back and the purpose of our trip was to meet my family before we got engaged. a month later, chris returned to candaa and we got engaged and started our K1 process.

The immigration slip states that i was allowed to withdrawl application per sec 212a7AiI....................I need to know will this affect me at my interview and also I am planning on visiting chris in 2 weeks. I havent tried to visit since this happened in NOV. I have waitied 8 months. Will I have a problem crossing again now. i have bill slips, letter from my employer, as well as scheduled appointment i need to return for to remove stitches as I just had surgery.

i am sorry all this was so long but could someone answer it for me especially about sec 212a.
thanks so much
mary lou

Hi Mary Lou

I have not been in same situation as you, but I know that while I was waiting for my I-601 waiver to be approved I couldn't cross the border. It affected my interview for a K-1 visa and was denied until the waiver was approved which lasted me 8 month. When is your interview?


we are waiting on interview and it probably will not be until Nov with the damn back up in montreal. i was reading about waivers and was just curious if i would need one or not. I was never charged with anything, just misinformed about switching positions. Ironically, my finace chris is a police officer and his friend was the custom officer who told me it would not be a problem to change is so confusing.
suttonFemaleCanada2007-07-26 09:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)sec 212a7A(i)(I)..............allowed to withdrawl application
Hey everyone. I have a question. We are waiting on our ininterview in montreal for our K1 fiance visa. Before we applied for our visa I had a situation at border crossing in Toronto. This is what happened: i was working in U.S on a TN visa, i quit the job and went working for another company( american airlines) with the same visa. American airlines said my tn was not expired so it was ok for me to work for them, my fiance also checked with a friend of his who is a custom agent and again they said as long as my tn was not expired i could work for another company. I worked for 3 weeks and my fiance and i came to canada for a holiday. When we returned to the U.S, the immigration officer looked at my visa and asked was I still working for the same company. I told him NO, i now work for A airlines. He told me i was not allowed to do this. He sent me into questioning. I expalined to them that my Boyfriend and i checked into this and also that american airlines told me it was OK. He told me i was misinformed and he also called american airlines on the spot and told them that it was illigeal for them to hire me on another companies visa.
He then explained to me that I would not be able to enter U.s that day. I came back home to newfoundland and we were devastated. We were planning on getting engaged when we went back and the purpose of our trip was to meet my family before we got engaged. a month later, chris returned to candaa and we got engaged and started our K1 process.

The immigration slip states that i was allowed to withdrawl application per sec 212a7AiI....................I need to know will this affect me at my interview and also I am planning on visiting chris in 2 weeks. I havent tried to visit since this happened in NOV. I have waitied 8 months. Will I have a problem crossing again now. i have bill slips, letter from my employer, as well as scheduled appointment i need to return for to remove stitches as I just had surgery.

i am sorry all this was so long but could someone answer it for me especially about sec 212a.
thanks so much
mary lou
suttonFemaleCanada2007-07-25 18:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionjust joined visa journey and looking for some info on K1
thanks for your quick reply. how long does it usually take to get interview once all forms are in. 1 concern of mine is at 1 point before i met my fiance i was working in U.S on a TN visa. I changed companies and appaerntly i was not allowed to do this. I was home on vacation and returned to U.S in Nov. while going through customs in toronto the officer asked me was i still working with same company and i told him NO. he informed me i was not allowed to work for another comapny in U.S and therefore i would have to go back to Canada.
on all of our k1 fiance process we have documented this and havent had a problem through california, NVC. I am just a little worried that during the interview it may come up, do anyone know if this will cause a problem?

i am sooo stressed out maybe I am worrying too much!!!! lol.........thanks
suttonFemaleCanada2007-06-13 10:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionjust joined visa journey and looking for some info on K1
hey everyone................this k1 process is sooooo stressful. i am from newfoundland, canada. My fiance is from mississippi. we received our receipt date on jan 23 and everything has been approved to date. all we are waiting on now is the last form to be sent back to immigration in montreal. My question is on form ds156, i will be getting new passport this week so do i resend form 156 to montreal with new passport number?
Another ????????/ i had was when montreal receives the form 156, 230 part 1 and checklist, how long will i recieve notice of interview?
as well as form 230...........when does immigration want part 2 of this form? hopefully someone can answer these questions
suttonFemaleCanada2007-06-13 09:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPassport validation
Hi everyone,
just wondering i have sent back my checklist, forms 156 and 230 part 1 to montreal. How long does it take to get interview because my concern is my passport expires feb 16th. i know that immigration want the PP valid for 6 months from time of interview.

does anyone know what my chances are in getting interview this quick. my receipt notice was jan 23. all i am waiting on now is package 4 with interview date.......................AND hoping it is in july.

please someone give me info on this.......................thanks.....................marylou
suttonFemaleCanada2007-06-14 13:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioninterview ???????????,,,,,,,,,,,HELP

hi ,

i spoke to Montreal today and they told me that they have received all pack 3 forms back as well as checklist. i asked when they mail out Pack 4 for interview date................................THEY SAID 6 MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE THEY JUST GIVING ME WORST CASE SENARIO. Anyone with info on time they waited for interview please please respond and give me some positive info.

thanks, mary lou

Unfortunately that is about correct, as they're support line even mentions 5-7 months for an interview. I'm very sorry and I wish you good luck!

how do i get in canada forum??
suttonFemaleCanada2007-06-21 15:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioninterview ???????????,,,,,,,,,,,HELP
hi ,

i spoke to Montreal today and they told me that they have received all pack 3 forms back as well as checklist. i asked when they mail out Pack 4 for interview date................................THEY SAID 6 MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE THEY JUST GIVING ME WORST CASE SENARIO. Anyone with info on time they waited for interview please please respond and give me some positive info.

thanks, mary lou
suttonFemaleCanada2007-06-21 15:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiontransfer to vancouver denied
did anyone have a problem recently with transferring their file to vancouver from montreal? what were the reasons for not transferring?

mary lou
suttonFemaleCanada2007-07-30 16:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiontransfer to vancouver question
do you actaully have to work in western canada as well or do you just need the new address?
suttonFemaleCanada2007-07-30 15:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionmedical fees for K1

I have to pick up my results today from doctor for xray and the HIV And Syphissi. Does anyone know the cost of these tests.

thanks.....................mary lou
suttonFemaleCanada2007-08-07 09:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionview issued in vancouver question
Hey guys,

Does anyone know if the visa is approved in vancouver, do you getit same day? If not, can you ask them if it is possible to pick it up when it is ready?

My reason being is because chris is coming up from Mississippi to be at interview with me and when i leave fort Mcmurry I am taking all i need to travel with me to the U.s with chris as soon as we get our visa. It will save us hasel of buying plane tickets back to alberta just to wait on visa. It would be cheaper to stay at hotel in vancouver and go back to pick it up. Or even if they could send it to hotel.

mary lou
suttonFemaleCanada2007-08-10 17:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionvancouver ques
Hey guys,

Does anyone know if the visa is approved in vancouver, do you getit same day? If not, can you ask them if it is possible to pick it up when it is ready?

My reason being is because chris is coming up from Mississippi to be at interview with me and when i leave fort Mcmurry I am taking all i need to travel with me to the U.s with chris as soon as we get our visa. It will save us hasel of buying plane tickets back to alberta just to wait on visa. It would be cheaper to stay at hotel in vancouver and go back to pick it up. Or even if they could send it to hotel.

mary lou
suttonFemaleCanada2007-08-11 14:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionk1 marriage certificate ????/

Just wanted to know if we actaully need marriage certificate from previous marrage. We both have our divorsecertsand it states when previous marriage took place and was ended. Is this good or do we need the marriage cert as well.

suttonFemaleCanada2007-08-08 13:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionreceived pack 3 from vacouver
i received my checklist from vancouver.................YES they transfeered my file from Monreatl. Do i fill out form 167 to send back with checklist or do i bring to interview, as well as do i deposit miney in bank or take cash. Please anyone answer.

thanks..............mary lou
suttonFemaleCanada2007-08-13 20:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionevidence of relationship, please reply
Hi Everyone,

Myself and chris just received interview date in 2 weeks for sept 5. I have just copied over our conversations from messenger for the past 10 months and it turns out to be 723 pages long.

Should i print these on paper or do you think the consulate will accept the conversations on disc. i guess this will be a good form of evidence, dont you think?

thanks , mary lou
suttonFemaleCanada2007-08-18 13:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionINTERVIEW LETTER
Hey everyone,

I received a email from Vancouver saying my interview is at 1pm on sept 5. they said they mailed out my appointment letter on the 15th of august but i havent received it yet in the mail. Do anyone know if they send it regular post or do you have to be home to sign for it?

mary lou
suttonFemaleCanada2007-08-22 08:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionstill no interview letter, 10 days to interview!!
hey guys,

i still never recieved the interview letter in mail from vancouver and my interview is 5th of sept...........10 days!! It has been 6 working days so i emailed them ysterday and they said they would resend me another one. my problem is i am flying to vancouver next thursday. If i dont recieve it by the ndo you know if vancouver can fax me the letter or email it ....etc. My freind will be at my address and i can also get her to fax it to me in vancouver. Will any of this work in case i dont recieve the letter OR do they require the actual letter..........

please respond if you know,
thanks...........mary lou
suttonFemaleCanada2007-08-24 21:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 4
QUOTE (karmasxocean @ Aug 27 2007, 06:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wasn't actually meaning the time it says on the timelines, but the times that people were getting as of now. About how many days is it taking to receive the Packet 4 from Montreal from anyone who is using that consulate?

Montreal told me that they usually mail out package 3 weeks before the interview. If you are dealing with montreal it usually takes 5 months to get your interview from the time they receive your checklist.
suttonFemaleCanada2007-08-27 19:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioninterview sept 5 in vancouver
Hi everyone,

I received my notice today from Vancouver that my interview is SEPT 5...................thank god!!!!! Does anyone know the best hotel to stay close to vancouver consulate. Is the consulate easy to find? i am soooo excited and still a little nervous regarding my denial per sec 212a7A back in Nov 2006................please pray for us that we will not be denied.

thanks, mary lou
suttonFemaleCanada2007-08-15 16:03:00
CanadaWhat to Expect

Hi all no ExpressPost envelope yet :(
What I would like info on is. Is there anything else besides my passport and Visa in that envelope
What do I give at the POE, and just what am I suppose to make sure I have from them when I do get processed


Ummmm....they KEEP your Visa? I must've missed that my fiancee' can't enter back into the US with me after the Interview until he gets his "ExpressPost Envelope????"

can you give me some idea on interview waiting times in montreal........did you guys hear anything yet? they are telling me 6 that worst case you think???
suttonFemaleCanada2007-06-21 15:36:00
Canadavancover and montreal

I have visited Lorry in WA. on 4 different occasions while the process was ongoing. I just came back on May 12 after being there for 2 1/2 months.
I had no problems at POE on any of the visits. Just the usual questions where you headed, for how long, ever been to the US prior and where.
I brought all my paper work with me along in case they had problems with anything regarding the Visa Petition. Just be honest don't tell em more than they ask info on

Good Luck

what is best i said Toronto is unbearable!!!!!!!!!!!!!
suttonFemaleCanada2007-06-22 10:21:00
Canadavancover and montreal

Even though my fiancee lives only four hours away I haven't went to visit her since last summer. I didn't want to get turned away and even if they let you in, I have heard that it causes an extended FBI check. I wanted to avoid that so just didn't bother going.

My fiance lives 4 1/2 hours away and I go there every one to two weeks for the weekend and I've gone for vacations ect .. I've always been totally honest about where I'm going, who I'm going to see and what stage my application is at.

I carry all of my files for proof and also a letter from my employer, my pay stubs and my phone/cable bill. I have only been pulled over once (just after I received my NOA 2) and I didn't have all of my paperwork with me .. they just told me what to carry and sent me on my way.

Not once have I been denied entry ... POE is the Peace Bridge

how long am i allowed to stay for? and where is that POE...............i refuse to go through toroanto ever again///LOL
suttonFemaleCanada2007-06-22 10:14:00
Canadavancover and montreal

Even though my fiancee lives only four hours away I haven't went to visit her since last summer. I didn't want to get turned away and even if they let you in, I have heard that it causes an extended FBI check. I wanted to avoid that so just didn't bother going.

Huh. I wonder how true this is... several people from VJ seem to have gone to visit in the USA while their visas were processing without a problem. Some have been denied but that was because they didn't have sufficient evidence of ties to Canada...

did you visit withouit hassel? exactly what do i need to prove ties
suttonFemaleCanada2007-06-22 10:02:00
Canadavancover and montreal

don't know about switching your interview. but you can visit your fiance, just make sure that you can show plenty of ties to Canada-lease/home, job, etc.

thanks, i had asked at one point but they said it would be my risk and plus it could delay process.................and dod you know how long i can visit for? i am trying to plan a wedding in the U.S and it is hard to do from here
suttonFemaleCanada2007-06-21 21:48:00
Canadavancover and montreal
hey again everyone........................finding out today our interview maybe another 6 month wait. do we have option of sending our file to vancouver? Another ?????????, now that everything is approved and all forms are received by montreal and while we are waiting on pack 4, CAN i visit my fiance NOW or do i still have to wait.
suttonFemaleCanada2007-06-21 21:35:00
Canadaform 230, part 2 help
hey i sent in part 1 of form 230. i cant remember is part 2 of this form was sent in with I 129 or do i have to bring part 2 to the interview. On this form they want 10 yrs employment . are they strict with this on having every single job listed and exact dates?
suttonFemaleCanada2007-06-23 12:16:00
Canadamother in law planning wedding!!!!

ok..................My fiance (chris) will be here in 12 days for a visit..............thank god!!! it has been 3 months since seeing each other.
Anyway, i had mentioned about visiting chris in mississippi and now i am seriously thinking about it. i love his mom to death BUt she is planning a wedding. Besides not wanting her to have the and chris want a small wedding, nothing extra.......
when i go through POE is it a ggod idea to tell them i am going down to mississippi to make wedding arrangements. And besides it looks like it will be another 5 months or so for interview and chris has no holidays left, it would be more convienient for me to go there..

i have bills, bank statements and pay stubs for proof..........BUT i recently got laid off from work becase i am having nose surgery in july. So really i am unemployed for the moment, is that going to be problem?

I'm currently in the US visiting my wife while Iwaite for an Interview. Just answer their questions. Bring bank statements, JOb letter and pay stubs, Bring a mortgage orlease if you have one and that should be good. i've been doing this for almost three years this way. A few times i was pulled into secondary but they let me go anyway. stick to fact that you are visiting and will be returning. If you have information on you that suggest you are going there to plan for a wedding then let them know because they might search your luggage if they pull you into secondary. If not there is no need to shar that information. Good luck.

yes i have bank statements, pay stubs and i think i can get a letter saying i am still working for my empoyer.........i do not have rent statement though because i stay with my mom. Do you think they will have a problem if i stay for a month. I may need to have surgery in august so do you think a doctor note stating my appointment for surgery would be good as well.....................thanks
suttonFemaleCanada2007-06-24 19:41:00
Canadamother in law planning wedding!!!!

I was refused entry last year the first time I was hauled into secondary. They told me that if i could prove enough ties to Canada I might be let accross but its not a guarantee. So I got together all my documents and went down to the border again a couple weeks later and crossed and I had no problems the second time. The last visit was in April when I went down to join my wife and we headed off to Greece.

As long as you can show sufficient ties to Canada you should be good.

THey would ask me "business or for pleasure" I would respond "for a holiday (or pleasure) and returning on such a such date, ot u could say fiance. Always tell the truth, but dont blab away,lol Be confident, look them in their eyes! They are looking for people that are lying (very nervous) Doont travel with a lot of luggage or job resumes (in case u get searched)

Be really careful with this situation. I tried to visit my fiance (at the time) and they asked me what I did for a living. I told them I was unemployed. I got hauled into secondary, spent two hours in questioning, and ultimately got sent back to Canada because I didn't have proof that I had a reason to go back. It sucked!! Plus, they said if I tried to cross again, I would be banned for 10 years. Not fun. Scariest day of my life.

Flames is right- answer truthfully and be confident, but bring as much evidence that you can to show you're going back!! Don't mention a wedding!!

thanks for info..........................All my bills are sent to my canadian address and i may be able to get a letter from work stating i am still emplyed with them. i also have doctor appointments schedules as well. Do you think that will be enough. I plan on crossing in halifax. Do you know how long i can stay for. Would i be pushing if i say 1-2 months.
suttonFemaleCanada2007-06-23 19:41:00
Canadamother in law planning wedding!!!!

I sure wouldn't tell them about making wedding arrangements!! Only answer tehir questions!! Dont tell ur life story. Be confident with ur responses, and be brief!!! I never offered up anything unless I was asked!!

so best thing to say is "i am going to visit my fiance.
suttonFemaleCanada2007-06-23 12:55:00