IMBRA Special TopicsApproved IMBRA Waivers
Hi guys, glad to see couples are getting approved with waivers.
I'm still waiting though 191 days today!! I wrote a letter and requested if necessary, but I only have 1 misdemeanor DV that's not even on my record anymore. It was bogus to begin with but would have cost $1000's to fight it. And the only other K-1 I've filed was in 1992 for my first wife(divorced 2005)

SO why it's taking so long is driving me nuts!!

It's just like the supermarket!! I always pick the slow line, no luck at all.

Well I used up my lifetime supply when I found Lea. (L)
HornetMalePhilippines2006-09-14 21:12:00
IMBRA Special Topicsdeferred prosecution for class 4 misdeameanor DV
Technically it is a conviction. But if all you have is one, don't worry. Just get the court records and write a letter with it explaining it.
I had a DV against my ex father-in-law who lived with us. It's off my record now but not according to the Govt. I still had to report it. The courts in this country are so full of shiiit.
My ex actually had one against her for throwing a DVD case at me. That's all it takes in Michigan. It's ridiculous! It's all about $$$ and them keeping busy enough to justify their jobs.

You don't even need a waiver if all you had is one Misdemenor DV.
And a restraining order is easy to get. I had a PPO against my ex becoz of her extreme shiit even after she moved out.

It may slow it down a bit, who knows. They took 3 months to finally approve mine after they got my RFE. They gave no reason other then an officer is reviewing it.
HornetMalePhilippines2007-01-11 08:46:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA O.K. Under U.S. Constitution
Screw the Govt!!!! They take our freedoms away left and right!! and people do NOTHING!


That's what the Declaration of Independence states!

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." --Declaration of Independence as originally written by Thomas Jefferson

"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson)

I'm a Marine and we swear to protect the Constitution! NOT the Government
HornetMalePhilippines2007-03-30 17:32:00
IMBRA Special TopicsToo Depressed
I'd laugh if I wasn't so disgusted at the immigration process!!!

I know it's not any ones fault here, so don't take it that way. I just feel like ranting and I hope couples who get their visa in 3 or 4 or 6 months realize how fortunate their are. And how long of a wait it could be!!!!
Just look at my timeline and a few others. My buddy and his fiancee has the same NOA1 as me and they've been in AR since January. We talk everyday at work and still can't believe how bad USCIS and the embassy has screwed us over...

It's unbelievable how UNFAIR USCIS and certain Embassies can make it for some???

I really hate em!!!!!
HornetMalePhilippines2007-06-07 20:41:00
USCIS Service CentersHelp How to get live person at USCIS
thanks Eric, i finally punched the right numbers to get a real person. I just remember a post that had the order to punch numbers lol.

I'm on hold right now.

I did call my Rep's office this morning again, they did an inquiry 3 weeks ago for me but says she can't do anything else until 30 days have gone by again!! She's a friggin #######! I've been as nice as can be but she still treats me like 'how dare I question her and the govt'. She talks down to you like you're an idiot, even though I know she's said incorrect things about fiancee visas. She doesn't want to hear anything about other people's petition's and just blew off the data I gave her from VJ.

I wish I could talk to my congressman face to face, he's actually pretty decent. He needs to shiit can her azz though.

I called my Senator's office this morning again. See if they are any more help. Get something going with them also.

Well just got off the phone and they'll contact me within 30 days LOL wait for them to pull their head out of their #######!!

I didn't get anything in the mail today either. I'm in Michigan. Where are you? How long did it take CSC to get it in the mail stream?

HornetMalePhilippines2006-10-19 13:58:00
USCIS Service CentersHelp How to get live person at USCIS
I've looked all over this site. I know I've seen it before somewhere but I can't find it.

I want to talk to a live person to check if I was approved last week but not updated on the site or e-mail.
The automated system doesn't work.

Thanks if you can help.

day 226 :wacko:
HornetMalePhilippines2006-10-19 10:29:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CSC/NSC/TSC/VSC & NVC are closed today!!
removed for TOS violation.
HornetMalePhilippines2006-10-09 08:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)choice of agent ds-3032
Read these

You need the cover sheet just like the AOS. So pay it and wait a day or two to get that, then send everything in.
Congrats, but don't rush it too much and forget something.
HornetMalePhilippines2013-04-13 05:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)choice of agent ds-3032
Don't worry, a few more days and you should get the email. I mailed my wife's in and it took 12 days, but I emailed my step-son's in and it only took 2 days to get his IV bill email. I mailed his in also just in case, I didn't know if they would accept an email from me for his 3032 but they did. Sending in the final packet next week as soon as I get his passport copy from my wife, by DHL express.

I bet you get it Tuesday the 16th.
HornetMalePhilippines2013-04-12 21:27:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Checklist from NVC (or package 3?)

Just go to the guides section here on VJ.   It's all in there, and explains better then trying to tell you in a post.

HornetMalePhilippines2013-05-17 17:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)People waiting for case complete

I'm only waiting on NVC to review my step sons AOS. and it's been 3 weeks.  I called last night again and the woman operator put me on hold to check something.  She asked if I used the new AOS forms, because they are working on the procedure for that NEW form!!  I asked how much longer could that take and of course she doesn't know...


Such typical Government!!! THEY put the 'new' form on their website for us to download and use. Yet their staff aren't ready to review those forms!!!

Almost as bad as when the IMBRA Law was implemented. USCIS wasn't ready for that law either and wasted months of peoples lives. 


So if anyone is sending in their AOS, I'd use the older forms that still work and won't slow it down.  Who knows how long this will take them. So pissed off right now!!!


HornetMalePhilippines2013-05-17 17:20:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NEW AOS I-864 FORM?!

They've had mine since April 29 and nothing.  I sent in my step-son's AOS again with the old form. 

What a waste of an entire month!!  Frikkin idiots! They put the new form on the site for us to use and they don't even know how to review it??


Typical incompetent Govt.!!



HornetMalePhilippines2013-05-29 22:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 Visa Received
Congrats!!!! I can imagine how happy you are! I know I will be!!
HornetMalePhilippines2006-09-17 22:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRAgh! Ragh!
You're less then 40 days since NOA1 !!!!!!!!! Sorry NO ranting allowed!! not from you. not yet

You're paperwork's there, probably just hasn't been processed into their system at the embassy yet.

You want to feel good?? Look at my timeline!! and others from Spring of 2006!!

My fiancee has her interview Tuesday but her medical won't be done until Wed. So that could add another one to two months.

There goes our wedding plans out the window!

Problems? Stress? You don't have a clue about STRESS!!

Be grateful. Ours took 8 months just to get to the embassy!
HornetMalePhilippines2007-03-18 21:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 returned to us. Anyone else have this?

The last time I heard of this happening (thankfully it's not that common) I seem to recall the child filed later - included all necessary supporting evidence along with an explanation as to why they ended up filing separately (I believe they also included the parent's NOA1 from their I-751) and were not required to pay the additional fee (the biometrics they did have to pay of course). I can't seem to find the thread - it may have been a while back but that is my recollection of the outcome.

Thanks, That's what I'm doing. Filing them separately but together and ask for a waiver of fee for the child's petition. What a pain they've caused me again. The Govt is consistent though! Consistently incompetent!!!!

Anyone who wants this Govt Health Care to pass should have to experience USCIS!! They can't do immigration paperwork how could they handle 1/6 of our economy??? Jeeez
HornetMalePhilippines2010-01-07 06:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 returned to us. Anyone else have this?
My wife and daughters I-751 was returned to us today coz, get this. My step daughter's resident date is over 90 days after my wife's. My wife's date is Jan 9 and my daughter's is April 30. The reason is becoz the moron's in our Govt' LOST my daughter's medical file at the interview so we had to send them another one a week or so later which is why her card was issued after my wife's. So now they want us to file seperate I-751's and of course PAY the filing fee twice also!!!! How nice of them!! I HATE this Govt. This is pathetic... they have cost me thousands $$ extra since the start and EVERYTIME it's THEIR FAULT not mine.

I'm gonna talk to my congressman on Wed. and see our options. I'm hoping I can get a waiver since it was their #### up to begin with but who knows.

Has anyone else had this or something similar happen. I really don't feel like paying $425 more just becoz they screwed up.
HornetMalePhilippines2010-01-04 21:24:00
PhilippinesFlights from US to Philippines

I flew Asiana Airlines in Feb and March of this year for the first time and I liked it.  Stop in Incheon and then direct to Cebu. Even if it's a little more it saves you the cost of going through Manila, the flight and terminal fees and taxis add up. 

I went out of Chicago.

HornetMalePhilippines2013-05-15 20:17:00
Philippinesbest way to send documents to and from Philippines

I've used DHL here which partners with LBC in Cebu.  It only takes a few days and is a lot cheaper then FedEx.



HornetMalePhilippines2013-07-17 21:57:00
PhilippinesCFO Blues


What was the one more document? Good luck to you guys, it is a very exciting time. My lady has her interview in just a few hours so the excitement level is skyrocketing for me as well. dancin5hr.gifdancin5hr.gifdancin5hr.gif

Well, CFO wanted my divorce decrees.  The Embassy wanted the CEMAR  which isn't listed anywhere on the required documents list, so we didn't know that was needed since we already had the Marriage Cert..  When we left for Hong Kong on our Honeymoon, even though I was with her they still wanted to see one more, one more, luckily we had everything for that.


Hope your's goes smooth.  My friend waited a year and a half total for his K-1.  Cuz his fiancé's Birth Cert  had a small typo on it and they had to investigate it for months.


All this while Illegals are walking across our southern border, and WE THE PEOPLE put them up in hotels!!!! 


Our Government is a TOTAL failure.

HornetMalePhilippines2013-09-02 13:17:00
PhilippinesCFO Blues

My wife just got her sticker today at the Cebu CFO.  She had already taken the class. 

We've had a lot of headaches in Cebu though, at NSO, at the airport flying to HongKong, seems even if you have everything there, Cebu wants one more document.

That must be the way they are trained there, by whoever is in charge.


Goodluck,  I'm ordering tickets for my wife in a few minutes, finally done!  :)


HornetMalePhilippines2013-09-02 08:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDoes It Really Take This Long??

OK, am I being impatient?? We sent in our K1 application on April 26th, and we have heard NOTHING!! Is this normal? I thought it was only supposed to take ten days...

LOL ROTMFFL!!!! Normal?? nothing is normal with USCIS!!! You aren't even to one month!!!!! You want to feel good? Look at our ridiculous timeline. We just wasted 2 months becoz of incompetent Doctors! If you want a class in frustration, I can teach you all you need to

Don't worry, you'll have your approval in another month or two almost for sure!! almost haha
HornetMalePhilippines2007-05-16 21:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat if we DON'T get approved?
I know how you feel. It's almost 8 months for me too. I'm not in security checks though, at least they say I'm not. Just "reviewing the merits of the case" What BS!!

What to do if they deny it??

Get to Mexico and pick them up at the border!!!
HornetMalePhilippines2006-10-18 19:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsfiance visa, why is it taking so long?
Hey You want stress? My fiance in 2006-2007 took 476 days to approval. That's how messed up USCIS was then becuz of IMBRA law.

So don't feel bad or stress out, it's a lot quicker now. You're not even half way to how long we waited. And our friend's took way over 500+ days!!
No joking! It was awful then...

Hope you hear something soon
HornetMalePhilippines2012-10-05 21:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMilitary Records
Hi All US Military members receive form DD214 when they serperate from Active duty. It's the form you use to verify service and qualify for VA benifits like loans, schooling, etc.
It will have his dates of service, Schools atttended, certifications, ribbons and Medals, places deployed to.

Is that what they sent you? Or do you just have his Certificate of Honorable Discharge?

He should have kept his when he got out, but if he didn't he'll have to request it from Kansas City I believe. That's where they keep all military records as far as I know still. You're local VFW or American Legion service officer should be able to help you more.
HornetMalePhilippines2012-10-13 20:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChanging wife's passport Philippines
Thanks for the info. I figured in some provinces that they wouldn't say that. In my experience so far, Cebu is a real pain in the butt when it comes to paperwork. The CFO person wanted all kinds of extra paperwork of mine also, after my wife had already taken and received the cert. they called her back and took the certificate back until she brouht in my Divorce decrees and our Cenomar's. I was married before and in Manila and Subic Bay was much easier. Whoever is in charge of the Cebu offices are training them to be like that..

I'll have her check on a travel agent, thanks. I don't want to mess things up now with her I-130 at NVC now and hopefully to the Embassy in a month or so.
But I'd sure rather have her update it to her married name now though. Easier to do it there and not have to explain the difference everytime we go somewhere.

She also applied for a passport for her son. (even though his father is American and we're applying for CRBA)
They told her he had to have a Baptismal Cert. before they would issue him a passport. So we got him baptised while I was there a few weeks ago.
Easier to just Baptise him then argue with them. Even in the Philippines that can't be required? is it? Muslims don't get baptised. or Buddist's either.
I just think it's Cebu. About the only thing I don't like about Cebu is the beauracrats.

Thanks and good luck everyone.
HornetMalePhilippines2013-03-25 05:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChanging wife's passport Philippines
I had my wife go to renew her passport in her Married name in Cebu and the DFA told her she couldn't becuz her passport doesn't expire for a couple more years. They said she had to wait til then. That's in Cebu though, and you know how it is in the PI. If you go somewhere else they might just renew it without telling you that. I wanted to get it in her Married name, cuz we just took a trip to Hong Kong the beginning of March. I used her married name on the tickets, so I just had to make sure we brought our marriage certificate with us. Cebu asked a lot more questions then Manila did, but it was no problem since we had the MC and all our paperwork correct. She had her CFO certificate also.

I know when she renews her passport here in the USA we'll have to go all the way to Chicago. To the Philippine Consulate there.
HornetMalePhilippines2013-03-24 23:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWife's Passport biographic page DS230 IV Package
Has any spouse here at VJ used their maiden name on their passport without any problems??? all the way to POE that is...

I wanted my wife to update her passport also, but she was told she couldn't by DFA because her's wasn't near expiring yet. Still good for 2plus years.
This is in Cebu, which I've come to learn has a bug up their ####### about almost everything. DFA was a pain, CFO, the airport when we went to Hong Kong, NSO still can't get her son's father's death certificate a year after he died. She's gone back and forth so many times it's ridiculous.

I plan to send the copy of her maiden name passport with her DS-230. We still have time to get a new passport if we have to, but is it required??
She told DFA why she needed it changed but I know some people working in those offices don't know squat and give bad information.

I'll feel better if someone has used their maiden name the whole way through without any problems.
HornetMalePhilippines2013-04-07 19:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresManila CR1 Interview Approved :)
Congrats!!!! I was married twice before also, never thought I would or wanted a divorce but it happened. Hope this is the last one for you and me.
HornetMalePhilippines2013-04-19 06:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShort time between divorce finalized and re-marriage. Red flag?

I got remarried 6 months after my divorce was finalized here in the USA, and my ex-wife is a foreign national too. She wanted not me.

I talked to a lawyer and she just recommended I attach a letter explaining my situation.  I think it helps if that USCIS officer gets to know you as they read your file, you become a person to them and not just a number.  


I had no problem from NOA1 to NOA2.  No RFE's    I included about 2 dozen pics also with captions under neath the pics.


Now I'm just stuck waiting for over a month at NVC because of their I-864 AOS  screw up with the new form!  It's always something with that agency!

HornetMalePhilippines2013-06-07 05:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWelcome letter and green card delays?

Same here, my wife arrived here on Sept 5th and still nothing.  Wasn't too worried if it's just delayed and have to wait a little longer, but getting worried now that they lost her file.  Planning to call USCIS and/or my Senator's office tomorrow. 


Anyone else been waiting too long and overdue to receive their Greencards???



HornetMalePhilippines2013-11-11 15:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWriting a Wavier
I asked for a waiver if needed in the letter I wrote along with all the court paperwork and other evidence I sent.

Same thing here, one BS incident years ago and it's off my record but not according to them. I almost fought it but the costs are so much more even if you win!! So they convince people to just plea and it'll be off your record. Yeah right! I hate the Courts system almost as much as I hate CIS.

It's all about their job security here in Michigan. Keep themselves busy. My ex was charged becoz she threw a DVD case at me!!!! They charge people under the most ridiculous circumstances and will not drop the charges hardly ever. Even if the spouse is asking them too.

That's why IMBRA is such a bad written law.

If you just touch your spouse and the police come in Michigan, someone's being charged. And under IMBRA you're lumped together with Murderer's and Rapist's. Isn't that nice of them??
HornetMalePhilippines2006-09-12 00:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureschecked after Wolf just now...AND ME TOO!!!!
Congrats !!

I keep checking but nothing. I think I have you all beat. 189 days and still waiting. Anyone else as unlucky as me??
HornetMalePhilippines2006-09-12 01:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures246 days since NOA1
I'm at 190 days !! The morons at CSC should be taken out back and beat mercilessly.

You don't even have IMBRA to deal with, so what's their excuse for your case?

why are they working on any cases with April or later dates when they still have so many old ones to get done???

If they had a brain or cared at all. The manager should be walking your case through personally since they screwed up to begin with.

But that would be customer service. Something they don't comprehend at all.
HornetMalePhilippines2006-09-13 17:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSix months in... who should I call?
I understand people are just trying to be positive and helpful BUT.....

No I will not be PATIENT!!! I will not be quiet and not question the govt. that has failed us!!
Pissed? You're damn right I'm pissed. At this and everyother thing this stupid pathetic Govt of ours has and is doing.

Why isn't everyone? Becoz we're just sheep lead around by this monster we've let grow out of control. And now it's telling US the people to sit down and shut up?? Bend over and take it? Screw that!!!

It's sad people is this country don't care unless it affects their TV or their Big Macs!!! Get off your ### America and march to the White House and Piss on the lawn I say.

We need a Revolution to rid us of Big Brother. I'm a Marine and I swore to defend the US Constition, not the injust system that's been created.

Semper FI

"How many people are proud to be citizens of this beautiful country of ours?
The stripes and the stars for the rights that men have died for to protect
The women and men who have broke their necks for the freedom of speech
the United States government has sworn to uphold....or so we're told"

Posted Image
HornetMalePhilippines2006-09-13 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouched - for first time since 06/29/2006
Thanks so much Sarah!! I just never noticed the log in option. I always just went to case status page to check.

I guess it only shows your last update so I don't know how many touches I've had. ?

I feel a little better. Not much but a little. Still want my approval asap!!

Touched on 9-6-06 though!
HornetMalePhilippines2006-09-15 16:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouched - for first time since 06/29/2006
Again I'll ask.

someone please answer
what is exactly changing when you check on the site?? that shows they have touched your case??

Thank you :help:
HornetMalePhilippines2006-09-15 15:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouched - for first time since 06/29/2006
Congrats but what is exactly changing when you check on the site?? that shows they have touched your case??

Is it this?
Current Status:

On July 29, 2006, we received your response to our request for evidence or information.

Becoz they haven't updated mine since that!!!!!

192 days!!! :angry:
HornetMalePhilippines2006-09-15 13:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC Processing Times?? Are they just an estimate??
Roll a dice and see what number comes up, that's how many months you will have to wait!!

That's about how much sense USCIS makes!

In my case, I guess I needed to roll 2 dice becoz I'm over 6 months now!!!
HornetMalePhilippines2006-09-17 10:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved...NOA2
Congrats!! and I know it's not your fault but do you realize how sick to my stomach I feel(and I'm sure others) reading your post???

Everyday day gets worse I swear. Now Aug NOA1's are even being approved? They had my petition over 2 months before you even got engaged? 5 months before your NOA1!! I was hoping to have my fiance here by x-mas but that's about impossible now. I guess 10 months isn't long enough to wait? <--sarcasm

I don't want to hear how CSC is finally clearing things up and fixing their mess!!!

They're as screwed up as ever!! How can they even THINK about processing and approving your petition when they still have so many others from 6 MONTHS ago???

I can't even comprehend their stupidity anymore. It's beyond De de de!!! See Carlos Mencia for that!!!

Again I'm not mad at you, but please don't complain how it doesn't fit your schedule! Give me a friggin break
HornetMalePhilippines2006-09-16 09:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLooking for Answers
196 days and still waiting! March 8 NOA1

Pissed off is the understatement of the Year!!

Only good thing is I'm walking out the door after I log off to go to the airport.

I land in Manila Thursday morning!!!!!! At least I'm gonna see my loved one..

See ya!
HornetMalePhilippines2006-09-19 11:39:00