K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 FINALLY!! YAY now I really need VJ help!!

Ryan and I could not be more excited right now!!! After what feels like forever we finally see... POST DECISION ACTIVITY!!!!!!!! Sooo soooo soo great!! Ok now that I am done my little happy dance... I need all the help I can get...

I'm from Canada.. and I know that the visa will go to the Montreal Embassy... I need to know what I need to do, what forms I need, and what I should be doing right now. What do I need to get together, who should I be calling ect.

Dumb this part down for me because I am soooo overwhelmed with emotions!!!!

Thank you soooooooooooooooo much for all of the help in advance! Gotta love this website eh?

<3 Natalie

This website definitely has been a lifesaver to us. Thanks to those who are the keepers of the site, it's awesome, don't know what we would have done without it.
I recommend everyone who comes to this site to dig, you will find a treasure trove of info you didn't even know you should know.

Good luck!
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-05-17 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa in hand! :D

I just got back from picking up my passport at DHL! :D My fiance is on his way and we're going to drive over tonight for POE! It's a little shocking to finally have this stage of things done, I couldn't have done it without the help and support of VJ! Thank you everyone!!

Have a happy life!!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-08-12 16:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInfo Taken From USCIS Vermont Stats

Thanks for doing this, good info!rose.gif

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-05-03 09:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNo NOA2 Hard Copy and Wrong Embassy?

Just a FYI all CR1 Visas (Spousal)... interview in Montreal. No choice there.


I had to fly from Calgary and survived. Just made it part of a holiday. Whatever it takes to be with your loved one, you will do.


Wishing you all the best!


canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-08-25 16:45:00
Middle East and North Africaafter NOA2, 5 passport-size photos needed still?

Hi all, my fiance's interview is coming up in Casablanca. I think he needs only 5 more passport-size photos - 3 for the medical exam (?) and 2 for form DS-156 (because they require 2 of that form - so 1 photo per form). Is this right? THANKS!

That's the requirement in Montreal...... so probably. :-)
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-07-01 16:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence Docs of a Bonifide Marriage for CR-1

Do I have to send these items with the Initial I-130 form or they will ask me for this information Later?

We sent them everything they asked for (photocopies not originals), plus a letter detailing what was in the package, plus we put our names and birthdate on the back of pictures and put the pictures in a plastic sandwich bag to avoid them getting lost.
We made two extra copies one for me and one for my husband.
They received it Oct 26th and we were approved March 31 on the I30, no RFE's.

This is all detailed on this site and thank goodness for this site. It's very helpful.
Thank you everyone! :dance:
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-05-04 14:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures130 in december

okay so my priority date is dec.6.2010 and still no noa2...sent mine to csc..on firday i will be hitting the 5month mark and still nothing..its soo frustrating .has any december filer been approved latley? i hope i get my approval notice soon and before i hit my 5month mark..

We sent our I130 in Oct 12th, they rec'd it the 26th and we got the NOA March 31st. SO yours should be coming up very soon. Did you sign up for email notice??
I got the mailed notice yesterday May 4th.
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-05-05 14:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE Question

^Agree.Posted Image That's what I understand as well. You cannot file as single if you are married, you can however, file as married filing single, married filing joint or I believe in some cases as head of household.

Thanks. Last year he was able to file "married filing single" due to me not living there and saved money this way.
I mis-spoke when I said he filed single, wrong terminology.
We thought we might try to get a tax break again this year if we could, why give it to the tax-man if you can legally keep it?:bonk:
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-05-13 19:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE Question

Be warned! it is down to the entry officer to admit you, to what status is down to them on the day, they may see the visa and may want to process you there and then,if you request they may honor, but no assurances!

Thanks, good advice. We shall see how it works out then.
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-05-12 17:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE Question

On the the other hand, as a Canadian, you could simply try entering as normal and see if they want the envelope or not...


I may want to delay my official entry to have a official date on record. If I am living in a different country my husband can file single and not have to claim my Canadian income on his US tax return if I lived a major portion of the year in Canada and since it looks like we may be at August by the time we get approved we were wondering about would save him a lot of $$, but if it doesn't work out, we really don't care... just thinking that's all.
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-05-12 15:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE Question
Hi, I have a question; when I get my approval for my IR1/CR1 Visa and I get the "sealed evelope" to hand in to immigration when I officially enter the USA as a permanent resident; can I hold on to the envelope, and still crossover the boarder for reasons other then the offical move??

I know I have 1 year to make the move; but can I hold off giving them the envelope until I am ready to move? I may want to delay my official entry but still go back and forth for other reasons.....

Anyone know the answer?

canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-05-12 15:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiled in late January, no touch since March 4

Oh, believe me! I have no false hope that I'll see an interview anytime soon! I have small hope I'll be living with my husband within a year from now.

Have you heard anything since March 31st?

Best of luck.

Since March 31st, we have:

1)Chosen the Agent (my husband who is the USC)

2)Filed the Affidavit of Support

3)Electronically filed the DS230

After we paid for both of them, all done online.

You can see my timeline, it's all accurate.
So far no bumps along the way, we are being very proactive and taking care to do everything right.
We hope for an interview day sometime this summer in Montreal.

Getting all your documents originals or certified copies is your top priority right now. Read everything you can on this forum it is very helpful, come here everyday until you have everything memorized. There is a wealth of info here, we all started as newbies just like you.

Good luck! :)

Edited by MBK, 12 May 2011 - 10:29 PM.

canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-05-12 22:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiled in late January, no touch since March 4

I'm just curious if any one who filed in late January is in the same boat as us or if anyone has been lucky enough to have an appointment date in view?

I hope that no touch and no news means good and not bad?

Have any of you started on your immunization proof or criminal check? I'm wondering if I should start those soon?

Wish the rest of you luck :)

Unfortunately, you are long way off from an appointment date. We filed in late October, got our NOA March 31st. They first touched the file Feb 23rd.
It can take 5 months to get your NOA. Then you need to follow instructions from the NVC. Work on getting your documents now. All of them as some take along time to get.

Good Luck!
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-05-12 15:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMissing documents at Interview, now I resent the nesscary doc

Hi, I was missing a document during the interview, it was the Police Certificate, so the interviewer at the Montreal embassy gave me a worksheet, told me as soon as I send it in, it would take a minimum 2 months to get the visa.

So I went back to my local police station and got the correct police certificate in March, sent it in with my passport (Canadian) via DHL which I registered pre the WorkSheet instruction.

I have checked the DHL tracking, someone has signed the package a week after I sent the documents.

Problem is, it has been over nearly 3 months, I'm yet to hear a word from the embassy, I am getting a little worried, is there a number that I can call ? Any way to check my status ? Because i sent my passport with it I can't even travel anywhere, this waiting is killing us.

There is a number for the U S Montreal Consulate on their website. Also an email address. Call or email them today!
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-05-24 14:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMassive Headache at NVC

Long story short for the first part. I need to know if anyone has had any success in bringing their spouse in before the NVC has completed their processing. She is going to loose her place at the end of June as her room mate's brother is moving in with no notice.

The back story on this is that I submitted all of my documentation to the NVC on 3/23/2011, have usps proof. They claim to have not recieved it. I sent a second copy, nothing thinking about it being a copy, so they rejected. After speaking with numerous supervisors one did tell me that she did not see it but to send a third copy attention to a department and request expedited processing. I'm now told they rejected the expedited processing because they claim to have never recieved the original.

I have proof and have sent this proof to the NVC numerous times. They can not find it but refuse to say they lost it. I need major help, we are going to pass our one year anniversary and not even be together.

If anyone has any suggestions on who to call please let me know. If I try USCIS they tell me NVC, NVC tells me USCIS. I have a number for the State Department that I will try tomorrow.

Thank you in advance.

We have had good luck by emailing them. We don't complain or whine, we just state the facts firmly. Usually within 48 hours they have corrected themselves and we go to the next step. THis has happened twice in one week. So going forward we will continue to emal them with the facts. No emotion, no begging. It works for us so give it a try. Good Luck!
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-05-24 20:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Complete!

Congrats! I hope you get your interview scheduled soon.
We got a case complete on May 12th and final review done the 13th.
We got our interview letter the 16th of May and our interview is going to happen on June 14th, so we actually heard back quite quick even less than a month before our interview. I hope the same happens to you!

Thanks so much, I understand that Montreal takes a bit longer due to the backlog so we are hoping for July at the earliest, but we're okay with this.

Congratulations and good luck in Montreal!

Thank you!!!!

congrats it's nice to hear that it all worked out for you guys :) i'm hoping our case works out soon too so my son can live with his daddy finally

You can do it too, just make sure you do everything they ask and read everything here you can from other couples who have gone before you... :-)

Edited by Margie&Doug, 31 May 2011 - 09:23 PM.

canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-05-31 21:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Complete!
We are so happy! Our case at NVC is complete on May 20th, sign-in failed today for the first time...!!
Now just have to wait for a date in Montreal.
I cannot believe how smooth this is going for us... although I have to add; we have been so diligent in making sure we did everything which suggested to us by this group and it works.!!

So please people; before you send your stuff in, before you ask simple questions, my advise to you is to read and reread until you understand the process.
It can be overwhelming and tedious but it goes work if only you will take the time to make sure everything is in perfect order before you send your paperwork in.

Thank you Visa Journey, this site is most helpful and I appreciate all the time and effort by everyone....

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :wow:

Edited by Margie&Doug, 31 May 2011 - 04:30 PM.

canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-05-31 16:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMontreal Interview dates

Thankfully Montreal has gotten rid of some of their backlog and interviews aren't so far apart from case completion as it was in previous years.

Thanks guys! It's wonderful news to hear. We're patient but there's still that niggling little "want it over" feeling no matter what else is happening. The process has been smooth but only because of this forum... and I appreciate the input and support from all of you.
Good luck to all of us!:thumbs:

^ Listen to her...she know's he stuff!


I agree!:star:
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-06-03 22:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMontreal Interview dates

We were just wondering if there has been any recent experience with Vj'ers on how long it took to get an interview date after their case was completed at NVC?
We understand interview dates are given out the second week of the month until the dates are full and then you have to wait for the next month. We were wondering approx. how long this process could take???? :-):whistle:

Thanks for your help!
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-06-02 20:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhy does it take 20 business days for NVC to process anything ?

you need to give us up to 20 bus days for this to process . after 20 bus days , you can give us a call and then we'll look into it .

Nice , huh !
If I didn't get the help the 1st time after 20 days, my case probably wouldn't have been processed .

One thing, I didn't include the bar code page the 1st time I sent DS230 and I 864 . That might have caused the delay. then, this time , when they told me about the RFE , I printed the bar code and sent it along in the email .

Looks like nothing I can do now other than to wait for another 10 bus days before they can put a processing request into their system.

We had a case complete 15 days after we sent it in....
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-06-08 13:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmedical exam

Ho all,

So I have been reading alot about the medical exam and I have two questions...first is How far are they wanting you to bring for medical history? and second do i have to hunt down all the different doctors I have ever been to and get my history from them? (sorta the same question) The doctor that I have now i have only been seeing for just over two years now and before that it was a series of clinic doctors.

You need:
Vaccine history- can get bloodwork to determine what you are missing
Interview Letter from NVC
3 pictures passport size does not matter whether US size or Canadian size (there is a diffeence)
List of meds and what they are for, signed by your Doctor if possible.

That's all. and it costs $215 at Medisys.
Medical results take 3 working days to get so you need 5 days altogether if you do it just before your interview, ( 1 exam day, three days for results, 1 consulate interview day.)
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-06-15 16:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Case Compeleted

Hello Experts:
i Just wanted to ask, how long i have to wait after my case completed at NVC. i call them today and the operater told me that my case has been compeleted on June 17th of this year and waiting for interview call due to high volume interviews in Islamabad. Can Someone please Help me. Thank You

In Canada: Case complete May 20th - Interview Scheduled: July 19th, notified June 14th of interview date.
Is different for other countries....
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-06-22 20:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresskype records issue?

Are you sure you're not able to get your main.db from Skype directory? This is the file that stores all your chat-logs and your profile.
If you can, copy that file into another PC with Skype installed and log-in with your username. But make sure you have a copy of that person's main.db saved to another location, because yours will overwrite it.

Get someone who can connect your old HDD to desktop computer. If this is an IDE interface - I don't see any problems. All older (and newer as well) motherboards support that interface and have extra IDE cable(s).

Of course, in case with laptops it would be harder to transmit data, but still problem could be resolved. Try to get USB enclosure for IDE HDD.

Just curious; why so much emphasis on the Skype records? We don't Skype very much but have phone calls, emails, visits, pictures, cards, plus more to document our journey together.... just wondering.....?
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-06-25 16:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 230 Question

You didn't do the DS-230 online, you did the DS-260.

You can bring the copy with you to the interview, but they're going to make you fill out a DS-230 when you're there. I'd suggest printing out a DS-230 and fill it out and only sign part 1. At the interview, you'll then sign part 2.

Thanks! That's what I needed to hear!
Hope all is well on your end!

canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-06-25 22:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 230 Question
I have a quick question, I filed the DS 230 online and printed a copy for my records. Can I bring this copy to the interview or do I do the PDF version which is online, print it and bring it to the interview. I know I have to sign a copy in front of the agent.

Interview July 19th !!:dance:
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-06-25 16:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSTARTING I-130 PROCESS

soo i contact USCIS customer service...they tell me i have to wait another 45 days??? why is that...june 30 will be officialy 5 months..

They have to say something; the person yhou are talking to is giving you a best estimate. They do not process the applications themselves. Keep calling, it seems silly to do this but you will find out quicker if you call to ask what the status is. I have never officially been told that my case is complete by way of a letter or an email but it is complete and I know this because I started calling them. Now I am calling them every day for my interview date which should be comong up in July.

Our I130 was sent in Oct 13 2010 and was approved Mar 30th 2011. It slow but eventaully you will get there just like the rest of us.
Good Luck.:dance:

Edited by Margie&Doug, 08 June 2011 - 07:50 PM.

canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-06-08 19:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!
Thanks everyone. We could not have done it so easily without Visa Journey, this site is invaluable, I highly recommend it to everyone. Read everything on this site and you will do just fine.

Good luck to all those still working towards their Visa's :dance:

Thanks again!
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-07-20 12:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!
Just a quick note to say we got approved today. Will write a review ASAP.
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-07-19 22:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresfiled 130 and 129f

just a quick question we got married april 12, 2011 in nigara falls canada, i am us citizen and wife is canadian, we have been togerther 3 1/2 yrs now ,,,,,,,cbp finally let her cross and said she could have 2 mths here which is almost up. Question is does she have to go back or can she legally stay here without problems?????????????? I have talked to immigration and the person told me no she could stay here if she was let across legally by cbp. We dont want her to be banned i have been told this could happen for up to 5 yrs. We are trying to do everything by the book and man is the book thick lol any help would be appreciated

She has to go back, if she gets sent back she cannot apply to move to the the USA for 10 years. Do not try to find a fast route, there is none, file the I130 right away and wade through the process, it takes 9-12 months if all goes well and cost a few $.

Good luck!
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-08-05 23:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCase Closed

Thanks guys!

So, if my wife gets approved at the interview, how long after will she be able to travel to the US?

Are you registered with DHL?

I got my Visa 72 hr after the interview. You can travel as soon as you get the Visa in hand. Some arrive very fast like mine did but I have heard three weeks sometimes too. Just make sure you are registered with the courier DHL.

Good luck!
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-08-08 20:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust received my VISA, what now ?

Hello everybody, I am a Canadian and she's American. After two years of waiting, I finally received my passport with the visa !! Hooray !!

The passport came with a sealed package which has a note on top says"DO NOT OPEN !", it came with a few pages of instruction sheet, I went through it and am still clear as mud

Here's a few questions / confusions that I will need help with:

1. The instruction sheet says I will have to hand over the package to the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) at POE (Port of entry), and it says that process may take up to a few hours.

My question is, what is this process at the DHS gonna be ? and since I am flying down there, and I know for sure the airlines only begin their check-in 1.5 hrs prior to boarding, does that mean if the DHS takes more than a few hrs, I will be missing my flight ?

``You hand in your package and an officer will process it. They take your fingerprints. My processìng took place in 45 minute. I've read that the normal course is an hour. So make sure you have that hour to do the processing.``

2. I live in a small Canadian town that's very close to the US boarder, quite often I just drove down there to buy gas and cheap groceries, now, with this CR1 stamp on my passport, can I still drive across the boarder without activating the visa ?

``No, the first time you cross, you hand over your package and get processed, however you can go back to Canada to finish up your job or prepare for the move. I stayed a weekend and am now back in Canada until the end of September.

3. I have been living with my parents this whole time, I rather leave most of my personal stuff in Canada(driver's license, tax tub, bank info, etc), and start fresh in the US, what official documents must I bring with me (passport is the only one i can think of atm) ?

Only your passport is needed. Good Luck!:)

4. I am not sure if this is the proper forum to ask this question, (if not i will re post it appropriately), but do I need to inform the Canadian government that I will be living and working in a forigen country ? And what about Canadian TAX filing ?
Not sure of the correct answer but I assume when you file your 2011 Canadian and American taxes they will know. I haven't come across any documents regarding this. I have property so there is a requirement here when selling it, but otherwise I do not think so. Someone else may correct me.
Thank you whoever's gonna take the time to read and answer them.

canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-08-07 17:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMoving my belongings before I have my visa?

Why would that be a problem? As long as you don't have a problem with your husband moving the stuff there should be no problem at all.

Southern Alberta.... they sent the Visa out Wednesday afternoon and I had it in hand by noon on Friday. Hope your goes just as fast!:dance:
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-08-10 17:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMoving my belongings before I have my visa?

Here's the deal.

We have our interview set for August 26th. With the assumption that we are approved, I return home and wait for the visa. A week after the interview my husband has a long weekend from work (Labour Day). We were thinking that this would be the best time to move my stuff since he normally works 6 day weeks (he lives 3 hours from me). Since the chance of my having my visa in hand 5 business days later is nil we have been discussing the possibility of him moving my stuff without me. Is this legal/acceptable? I don't have much moving to the US with me. About 2 medium sized boxes. We were thinking that he could show the officer our documents and explain the circumstances as this is the most convenient weekend to move. I do not have a license so I cannot move the stuff alone on a later date and his next long weekend is Thanksgiving. Has anyone else run into a similar situation?


I wouldn't try it myself because there's a chance of refusal. Also, I got my Visa 72 hours after my interview so maybe yours will arrrive on time. Good luck!
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-08-10 08:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMontreal Embassy/Consulate Question

Thanks for the tips. I'll be sure to be there early - I have to get my medical done still too (which they said to not book until you have the interview time in their guidelines).

I'm going to look at the cost of getting it done in Vancouver vs Montreal - probably in Montreal though since it will be all in one city. I am coming from Northern BC - Peace River Region - so all of it is not easily accessible / inexpensive. :)

I have all F / Y / O / R on my correspondence so I think I only need to show up with my renewed passport and my medical, according to what they put in my letter. I've sent them originals of everything along with a duplicate copy of everything.

Thanks again! Sure hope I get to go "home" next month after the interview!

I didn't use the DS230 that you get when you send it in electronically. I opened up the pdf form and typed in my information from the electronic form, they are different. That's the one I handed in and they were happy with that. Also you need three full business days to get the results for your medical. I did my medical in Montreal on Wednesday and had to wait until Monday after 2pm to pick up the results, my interview was the next morning at 8am. Medysis does open at 7am to allow you to pick it up the day of your interview but I couldn't leave it until the last minute. If you get it done in Montreal they will ask you when your interview is and then they pick the day for the medical appt.
It isn't as scary as it seems, especially for us VJ'ers, we definitely have the info we need here. :dance:

Good luck!
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-08-08 20:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMontreal Embassy/Consulate Question

When you say bring originals of everything, what if originals were submitted to the NVC? Everything on the Interview letter is a Y R O or F.

That was me too, you do not need originals, they give them back to you at the interview. You do need to have a fillled in copy of the DS230. Do it at home before you come. I stayed at the Holiday Inn too, 10 minute walk if that.
Good Luck!
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-08-07 17:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMontreal Embassy/Consulate Question

I just received notifcation that my CR-1 interview has been scheduled for Sept 2nd in Montreal.

Can anyone tell me how much time I need to plan to spend in Montreal, beyond arriving the day before so I can be on time for the 8am time slot I got? Should I be planning on staying a few days or leaving on Sept 3rd?

Thanks! :)

I agree, be in line @ 6:30am, do not take your purse, just your paperwork, security goes through everything and it slows you down. We had a 8am and were out at 9:20am. We flew home that afternoon. Good luck!!
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-08-07 15:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRe-Opening a Closed Case at Montreal

Hi everyone, I had this site highly recommended to me by my sister, who has been helped a great deal by this community and speaks highly of it. Here's my situation.

Back in 2007, my wife and I began an application process for a IR-1/CR-1 Visa. She is an American citizen, along with our children, two of whom live in the US, and three of which are with us. I am Canadian, we married almost 20 years ago and have been living in Canada the entire time. When our first grandchild was born, we began the visa process, up to the personal interview in Montreal. At that point I was told that "they were in the business of uniting families" and that our contacts with the US were not strong enough to warrant giving me permission to work. Our application was declined. It was very discouraging, and we felt at the time it was a "sign." They did say that they would keep the file open, for a year, and for a second year upon my request, and that I would not have to re-interview, but we lost hope.

Now there are three grandchildren and a grandmother with Alzheimer's, and we are trying once again. Over the past three years, I have send the Montreal office an email occasionally, requesting the status of my file, updating my address, requesting they keep my file open, etc. I never received any replies. I sent a regular letter early this year, and got no reply. I sent a second letter by registered mail four weeks ago, and have had no reply. I also sent an email about two weeks ago, and today I did receive a reply. They told me my case had been closed and that I needed to fill out a new I-130 ($420).

Looking back on our experience after reading a bit on this site, I think that what the interviewer meant was that I had not provided sufficient evidence of our intent to move our "domicile" to the US. She was not very clear about this at all, and it seemed more like her personal decision than something we could actually do something about without moving first. We had no bank account there, no property, no mailing address, etc. Over the past two years I have recommended to my wife that we get these things in order, but she was not all that interested, and still has un-filed taxes for the past three years. But, now that we have three grand kids and a sick grandmother, the desire to be back home is a lot stronger, and she has moved down to prove we are serious.

So that is the context. I have a good job here, and can't really afford to give it up without having another to take its place. I need permission to work before I can begin applying for jobs in the US. After receiving the email today, I am full of questions (and frustrations). Does this mean I need to go through the entire process again, from scratch? What are we looking at for a timeline (we are apart, this is not fun!). Does it even help for my wife to stay there, or should we start over from Canada? Is Direct Consular Filing an option, since we are in Canada, not "overseas"? Can I/would it help, to apply for an SSN separately?

There are probably answers I don't even know enough to have questions about, at this point.

Thanks everyone, in advance.

Your timeline is 9-12 months if all goes well. There is signifigant information on this site for you to read. You need to go the the link which fits your situation on the Home page of this site and read and reread everything until you have it fairly clear, if there is something you cannot follow or understand ask a specific question and you will get answers.You cannot work or get a SSN until after you immigrate. So keep your job. You wife wants to return to the USA and is allowed to bring her family with her. You don't have to prove domicile as far as I understand it. Having children and parents in the USA should be strong enough ties, it sounds like you didn't convince the person at the consulate that you were very serious about it. You even admit your wife wasn't all that excited about it, you can't be that way, only the most serious of us make it, it is a long arduous uphill costly process. You either want it or you stay put. Good luck! If you want it you can achieve it....
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-08-05 23:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview

Thanks Margie, it was very helpful hope mine is going to be same! Did you hear any bad experience from Montreal interview?

Thanks again and congratulation to you!

No bad experiences at all. Very easy if you know what you are doing. Good luck :dance:
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-08-17 23:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview

Yes, when he send me to my family doctor to check he said same thing, "nothing to worry" otherwise he would give me some medicine.

Thanks for your comment, I wished I could find someone who had interview in Montreal to share the process and interview question over there!

You can go to my content and read my Montreal Consulate and medical exam stuff if you like...
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-08-17 19:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Soon...Questions!

Do you need to bring a DAS migratory report for the petitioner? Or is it only needed for the beneficiary? I saw a couple who got denied the visa on the first interview for a K3 visa because the petitioner did not have a DAS migratory report. I and my wife tried to check this on the Bogota Embassy website and cannot open the link even though we both have new versions of Adobe acrobat. Any advice? Also, what about the "package 4" from the Embassy with the appointment letter we need to bring with us? All we have received is the letter from the NVC telling us the appointment date, time, and on page 4 it has a list of all the documents we have submitted and which were accepted.

Maybe the DAS migratory report is only needed for the beneficiary in the case of a K3 visa and not the CR1?

I did not need a DAS migratory report, never have heard of it...
canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-09-05 22:29:00